Termohigrometro 2017 ULTIMO PDF

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薩ion compiies with iSOノ iEC
ヽNSi′ NCSL Z540‐ 1,and 9001

Certincalo No 1750 01
TraceableC)Certificate of Calibration for Pocket Hygrometer

lnstrument ldentification :

Model: 4392 SIN:170222676 Manufacturer: ControlCompany

Descriotion Serial Number Due Date NIST Traceable Reference
Chilled Il4irror Hygrometer 31874/H2048MCR 10/19ノ 17 14489
Digital Thermometer 221197993 10ノ 04/17 4000‐ 8017448

Certificate I nformation :

Technician: 126 Procedure: CAL-17 CalDate: 3128117 Due Date: 3128119

Test Conditions: 24.8"C 58.0 %RH 1012 mBar

Calibration Data: (New lnstrument)

Unit(S) Nominal As Found ln To! Nominal As Left ln Toi Min Max 士U TUR
Oc NA 2489 246 Y 239 259 015 >4:1

%RH NA 5156 534 Y 486 546 080 3.8:1

This lnstrument was calibrated using lnstruments Traceable to National lnstitute of Standards and Technology,

herein relate only to the item calibrated. This certifi€te shall not be reproducod except in full, without witten approval of Control Company.

Accuracy=i(Max-Min)/2; Min = As Left Nominal(Rounded) - Tolerane; Max = As Left Nominal(Rounded) + Tolerance; OaIe=MM/OO/YY

{l,a t r,,**-
Niml Rodriguoz, Quality Manager -4*2.
Aaron Judi@, Tachniel Manager

Maintaining Accuracy:
any at all, but can be affocted by eging, temperature, shock, and ontamination.

For factory mlibration and re-certification traeable to National lnstitute of Standards and Technology contact Conkol Company.

CONTROL COMPANY 12554 Galveston RD Suite B230 Webster Tx usA 77598

Phone 281 482‐ 1714 Fax 281 482‐ 9448 service@contrO:3.com .contro:3.com

Control Company is an lS0 1702512∞ 5 Calibraton Laboratory A∝ redtted by(A2LA)Am● ncan Associaton for Labo「 atory Accredla‖ on,Certincate No 1 750 01
Control Companyis lso 900■ 2008 Qual“ y Certined by(oNV)Det Norske Ve"tas,cortricate No CERT‐ 01805つ 006■ Q― HOU‐ RvA
:ntema籠 onal Laboratory Acedta‖ on Coopera‖ on o臥 C)― Mu‖ilateral Recognnion Arrangement(MRA)

Page l ofl TraceableOヽ a re3stcred rademark orControl COmpany o 2009 COntrOI Company

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