Training & Development May 11

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Impact of Training & Development on Organizational Performance.

Case study: Addis Ababa water and sewerage Authority at a kaki district

A Thesis Proposal Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Rift Valley

University in partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the
Degree of Masters in Business Administration.


Getahun Gizaw


Birhanu Tsegaye (Dr)



May 07, 2020

Bishoftu, Ethiopia.
The Objective of the Study on the impact of training development on organization Performance
is to investigate the impact of training and development on organizational performance. Training
and development has a great contribution in increasing the performance of employees by helping
them to acquire the required skill to conduct their day to day job efficiently and effectively .This
implies that training and development improves the performance of employees directly and that
of the organization indirectly .

The data that are necessary for conducting the research will be gathered through questioner and
interview methods. The questionnaire will be distributed to the employee of the organization
selected by stratified random sampling. The interview will be made with the officials of the

At the end the researcher will try to reach in to conclusion after making analysis on each
important & essential data that will be gathered by the two methods. The researcher will also
identify problems existing in the organization that can affect training and development practice
gives solutions by forwarding possible recommendations.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Birhanu Tsegaye (Dr), for his

continuous support through all the way in developing this thesis proposal. Avery special

gratitude goes out to my friends for their encouragement and moral support.

Table of content
Title page
Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………….. I
Acknowledgment …………………………………………………………………....... ii
Table of Content……………………………………………………………………...... iii
Chapter one
1.1 Back ground of the study …………………………………………………………….... 1
1.2 Statement of the problem …………………………………………………………….... 2
1.3 Objective of the study ………………………………………………………………….. 4
1.4 Significance of the study ……………………………………………………………… 4
1.5 Scope of the study ……………………………………………………………………… 5
Organization of the study
Chapter two
2 Review of related literature …………………………………………………………… 6
2.1 Definition and concept …………………………………………………………………. 6
2.2 Development …………………………………………………………………………… 6
2.3 Step in training program ……………………………………………………………….. 7
2.4 Establishing training objectives and priorities ………………………………………… 7
2.5 Training policy ………………………………………………………………………… 8
2.6 The HR development process …………………………………………………………. 8
2.7 Problem with management development effort ………………………………………... 9
2.8 Legal aspects of Training ……………………………………………………………… 9
2.9 Why training Business is Booming …………………………………………………… 9
2.10 Training evaluation ……………………………………………………………………. 10
2.11 Evaluation of overall employee development effort …………………………………... 10
2.12 How training benefits the organ ………………………………………………………. 10
2.13 Benefits to individual which in turn benefits the organization ……………………….. 11
2.14 Benefits in personal & human relation ………………………………………………… 12
2.15 Training and development approach …………………………………………………. 13
2.16 Training and development Technique ………………………………………………… 13
Chapter three
3.1. Materials and Methodology …………………………………………………………… 14
3.1. Data type and source …………………………………………………………………… 14
3.1. Methods of data collection …………………………………………………………….. 14
3.2. Method of Sampling …………………………………………………………………… 16
3.3. Method of data analysis and Interpretation …………………………………………… 16
Ethical Consideration
Chapter four
4.1. Time Budget …………………………………………………………………………… 17
4.2. Cost Budget …………………………………………………………………………… 18
Appendix ……………………………………………………………………………… 20


1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the study

Training is effort initiated by an organization to foster learning among its workers, and
development is effort that is oriented more towards broadening an individual’s skills for the
future responsibility (George & Scott, 2012). Adeniyi (1995) observed that staff training and
development is a work activity that can make a very significant contribution to the overall
effectiveness and profitability of an organization. He therefore, provides a systematic approach
to training which encases the main elements of training. The effectiveness and success of an
organization therefore lies on the people who form and work within the organization. It
follows therefore that the employees in an organization to be able to perform ether duties and
make meaningful contribution to the success of the organizational goals need to acquire the
relevant skills and knowledge Training and development are a continuous effort designed to
improve employees’ competence and organizational performance as a goal to improve on the
employees’ capacity and performance. Training & development has great impact directly
through improving employee performance and indirectly this improves the performance of the
organization as a whole. Training is the process where people learn the skill, Knowledge,
attitude and behavior needed in order to perform their job effectively and efficiently. On the
other hand, development is a long term educational process consisting of a systematic and
organizes procedure by which managerial personnel acquires conceptual and theoretical
Knowledge for general purpose.

After a comprehensive orientation and proper job placement new employees may not able to
perform satisfactory .Often they must train in the duties they are expected to do. Even
experienced employees in new jobs needs training to improve their performance.
The benefit of training and development may extend throughout entire personal careers and
might help develop that follow for future responsibilities with less emphasis on the present job
1.2 Statement of the problem

It is a well known fact that training and development enhances worker performance and productivity in
organizations (G.A Cole, 2002). as it has seen in different firms or organizations training and
development has a great impact through directly improving employee working performance and
this indirectly improves organizational performance. The performance of the organization may
change in the area of production, productivity, input utilization, delivery of regarded services on
time, improving quality of product & so on.

Even though training and development has a great impact or contribution to the performance of
employees as well as to that of the organization, it faces different hindering problems for its
effective implementation, Therefore, this needs research study which provide / give full or partial
solution to alleviate or reduce these problems by some extent and paving the way for an effective
implementation of the program.

1.3 Research questions

1. what is the intention of management towards training and development

2. What is/are the bases for giving training & development to an employee?
And during what time it is provided?
3. What are the methods that are used to measure organizational performance before and after
4. What is the attitude of employees towards training & development? And which type of
training and development they choose or favor?

5. What will be the role of training & development on the overall performance and day to day
activities of the Authority?
1. 4. Objective of the Study

The research has both general and specific objective

1.4.1 General objective

The overall aim of this research is to assess the impact of training and development on the
overall performance of an organization with particular emphasis in Addis Ababa Water &
Sewerage Authority at a kaki district and to come up with possible solutions for the problem
connected with this issue.

1.4.2 Specific objective of the study

 To examine the extent of top management intention to training and development.

 To check on what base or during what time training & development is provide to the
 To identify methods that is used to measure organizational performance.
 To assess the attitude and intention of employee to which type of training and
development they favor or choose and identify their needs for training and development.

1.5. Significance of the study

The study has the following importance

1. The research may lead or help in identification of new problems that need further
investigation and research study.
2. The outcome of the study might help to make improvement and enrich the existing
3. The outcome of the research may lead to change the attitude of officials or the
organization towards training and development.
1.6 Background of the study area

It was since 1893 E.C (1900 G.C) that piped water services was started in Addis Ababa. In the
beginning the provision of portable water was delegated to then ministry of works. And
following the defeat of fascist Italian invaders in 1934, this responsibility was transferred to the
newly reestablished municipal office. In order to cater for the increasingly growing demand for
water and waste water disposal service there did arise a need for the establishment of
autonomous body that would primarily focus on the provision of services. Accordingly, Addis
Ababa water and sewerage services authority was set up as per proclamation no.68/1963, in
1963E.C (1971g.c). And in 1987E.c (1995 G.C) additional powers were invested on the authority,
while being reestablished with a slightly different name, Addis Ababa water & sewerage

1.7. Delimitation and Limitation of the Study

The study was limited on the data which were obtained from Addis Ababa water and sewerage
Authority at a kaki district. To assess the impact of training and development on organizational
performance. There were certain constraints of the study, the major limitation were time and
the other one was non- availability of adequate published and documented data about training
and development by organizations which were not available as requires.
1. Review of related literature
2. 1. Definition and concept

Training is extremely important for anew or present employees. Training is in a short an attempt
to improve current or future employee performance. The following specific are important to
know about:

 Training is a systematic process of altering the behavior of employees in direction to

increase organizational goal.
 A formal training program is an effort by the employer to provide opportunities for the
employee to acquire job related skill, attitude & Knowledge.
 Learning is the act by which the individual acquire skills, Knowledge and abilities that
result in relatively permanent change in his/her behavior.
 The behavior that has been learned is a skill. Therefore skills improvement is what
training accomplishes. Motor skills, cognitive skills, and interpersonal skills, are
targets of training procedure (foundation of personal and HEM PP600)

2.2 Development

Development represents efforts to improve employees’ ability to handle variety of assignment

and to activate capabilities beyond those required by the current job. It benefits both the
organization and the individuals. Employee and managers with appropriate experience & ability
may enhance organizational competitiveness & the ability to adapt to a changing environment’s
the development process, individual career also may involve and gain new or different focus
(HRM Robert L. Mathis/John Jackson, 2003, PP, 315)
2.3. Step in training programs

1. Discovering or identifying the training needs

2. Getting ready for the job
3. Preparation of the learner
4. Performance try out
5. Presentation try out
6. Following and evaluation

2.4. Establishing training objective and priorities

Once training needs have been identified using appropriate analysis then training objectives and
priorities must be established by identifying a gap analysis which indicates the distance between
where an organization is with its employee capabilities & priorities are set to close the gap.

Three (3) types of training objectives can be set:

1. Knowledge – important cognitive information & details to the trainee

2. Skill - development behavior changes in how jobs and task requirements are
3. Attitude – create interest in & awareness of the important of training.

The success of training should be measured in terms of the objectives set .Useful objectives are
measurable. For instance, an objective for a new sales clerk might be to “demonstrate the ability
to explain the function of each product in the department within two weeks”. This objective
serves as a cheek on internalization or whether person really learned and is able to use the

Because training seldom is an unlimited budget item & because organization has multiple
training needs, prioritization is necessary.

Ideally management ranks training needs based on organization objectives. Conducting the
training needs on organization will produce visible results more quickly. HRM (Robert L. Mathis
& John H. Jackson,200,PP 28 )
2.5. Training policy

Every company of organization should have well – established training policy. Such a policy
represents the top management commitment to the training of its employee & comprises rules &
procedures governing the standard scope of training .The training policy are considered
necessary for the following reasons.

a. To indicate a company initiation to development its personnel to provide guidance in the

forming & implementation of program & to provide in concerning them to all concerned.
b. To discover critical areas where training is be given on apriority basis &
c. Provide suitable opportunities to the employees for his own betterment. (m=Manoj
Kumar ,2000,personnel management )

2.6. The human recourse development process

Development starts with the human resource plan of an organization because these plans analyze
fore cost of identify current & future organizational needs for human resources. Also human
resource (HR) anticipated the movement of people in the organization due to retirement,
promotion & transfer. Also it helps the capabilities due needed by the organization in the future
& the development necessary for people to be available to meet those needs.

Human resource plans fist identify necessary capabilities of individual. Such capabilities of
course influence planning in return .The specific abilities need also influence decision about
promotion & the leader ship succession process within the organization. These decision
influence and are influenced by an assessment of development need in the organization.

Two categories of development planning follow from this need assessment. Organization &
individual finally, the success of the development process must be evaluated & necessary made
as appropriate.
2.7. Problems with management development effort

Development efforts are subject to certain common mistakes and problems. Most of the
problems have resulted from in default human resource planning and lack of coordination of HR
(human resource) development efforts.

2.8. Legal aspects of training

Various laws apply to training programs, design & implementation. For instance, employers may
unknowingly violate EEO law by training reactively few women or minorities.

2.9. Why training Business Booming?

Employees today have to adapt to technological changes improve product, service and quality &
boost productivity to stay competitive. Trends like these help to explain why training is booming
received some types of formal training and informal training by employees different

2.10. Training Evaluation

There are various approaches to training evaluation .To get varied measure of training
effectiveness the personnel manager should accurately assess trainees job performance two or
four months after the completion of training .

Two writers have suggested that four basic categories of outcome can be measured
1. Reaction : trainer reaction
2. Learning : did the trance learn as the trainer wanted to learn
3. Behavior : change of behavior on the job due to training
4. Result: what final result has been achieved?
2.11. Evaluation of the overall employee development effort

This type of evaluation helps to guide decision concerning planning, programming & budgeting.
There (3) issues concern of this point:

1. Effectiveness
2. Efficiency
3. EEO/AA (equal employment opportunity & affirmative action)

2.12 How training benefits the organization

 Improves the job knowledge and skill at all leads of organizations.

 Improves moral of with organization raw.
 Helps people identify with organization raw
 Helps to create better corporate image.
 Fasters authancity, openness & trust
 Improves the relationship between boss & subordinates
 Aids in organizational development
 Learns from the trainee
 Helps to prepare guidelines for work
 Aids in understanding and carrying out organizational policies
 Provides information about future needs in all areas of the organization
 Organization gets more effective decision making and problem solving
 Aid in development leader ship skill motivation loyalty, better attitudes and other
aspects hold successful worker and manager display.
 Aids in increasing productivity and/ or quality of work.
 Helps to keep cost down in many areas of production personnel, and administration.
 Create appropriate climate for growth, & communication.
(William B. Werter JR & Keith Davis Human Resource & Personnel Management pp .
309 )
2.13. Benefit to the individual which in turn ultimately benefits the organization.

 Help the individual in marketing better decision and effective problem solving
 Aid in encouraging and achieving self development of self confidences.
 Helps a person to handle stress, tension frustration & conflicts.
 Provide information for improving leadership, knowledge communication, skill attitude
 Increases job – satisfaction and recognition.
 Moves a person towards a personal goal while improving in interaction skill.
 Satisfy the personal needs of the trainee.
 Provides trainee in avenue to growth and say in his /her future.
 Through training and development motivation variable of recognition,
achievement, growth, responsibility and advancement are internalized & operational zed.
 Develop a sense of growth in learning.
 Helps a person develop speaking & listening skills also writing skills when
exercise is required.
 Helps eliminate fear in attempting tasks.

2.1.4 .Benefits in personal & human Relation: - Inter Group Relation & policy Implementation

 Improves communication between groups & individuals

 Aids in orientation for new employees & those making new job through transfer or
 Provides information on the governmental & administrative action.
 Improves inter – personal skill.
 Makes organizational policies, rules & regulation viable
 Improves moral.
 Build cohesiveness in groups.
 Provides cohesiveness in groups.
 Makes the organization for learning, growth & coordination
 Makes the organization a better place to work & level.
(WilliamB. Werther JR & Keith Davis Human resource &Personnel Management pp309 ).
2.15. Training & Development Approach

In selecting a particular techniques to use in training or development there are several tradeoffs.
That is all techniques are not the best always. The best method depends on

- Desired program content

- Appropriateness of the facility
- Trainee preferences and capabilities.
- Learning principles

2.16. Training and Development Techniques

1. On the job techniques

- Job - instruction training
- Job – rotation
- Apprentice ships
- Coaching
2. off the job techniques
- Lecture
- Video presentation
- Vestibule training
- Role playing
- Case study
- Simulation
- Self -study
- Programmed learning
- Laboratory tracing

This chapter is based on reviewing what other writers and researchers have put forward relating
to training and performance; related ideas and their manner of activities, functions, importance
and the findings.
An important part of the Human Resource Management function of great relevance to the
effective use of human resource is training and development. Nowadays, few persons would
argue against the importance of training as the main force to a successful organization. For
performance to be sustained effectively, the contribution of employees should be optimized to
the goals of the organization. Research studies have recognized the importance of training to be a
central role of management. (Jehan-zeb & Beshir, 2013) for instance were conferring that to give
others vision and ability to perform is a contribution of an organization’s manager. The general
development towards downsizing, adaptable structures of organizations and the way of
administration moving towards the devolution of power to the workforce, gives more emphasis
to a coaching and support environment. To ensure therefore an adequate supply of staff, that are
both technically and socially competent, and capable in career development, training becomes a
2.18. Human Resource Management and Training
For any company to operate successfully, it must have materials, money, supplies, equipment,
ideas regarding the good or services to offer the individuals who may utilize it outputs and lastly
people, which is the human resource, to run the company. The proper management of individuals
at work is Human Resource Management, and it has developed to be a main activity in many
organizations and is the concentration for a wide - ranging deliberation concerning the nature of
the contemporary business relationships. One of the major components in the coordination and
management of work in an organization is the management of human resource.
(Shen, 2004) referred to Human Resource Management as including all of management
activities and decision, that influence the relationship between an organization and its employees
which are the HR. Generally, management settles on essential choices day after day that
influence this relationship (Shen, 2004).
(McDowall et al.,2010) argues that the acknowledgment of the importance of training as of late
has been intensely influenced by the intensification of rivalry and the relative achievement of
organizations, as investment in employees’ development is extensively emphasized. They further
argued that innovative improvements and hierarchical change have progressively driven a few
businesses to the Realization that achievements depend on the skills and abilities of their
workers, and this implies significant and persistent investment in training and development.
(Beardwell & Holden, 1993), viewed that Human Resource Management concept for example,
responsibility to the organization and the growth in the quality development have driven senior
management groups to understand the increased importance of training, employee development
and long - term education. A concept of these nature re-quires not only careful planning, but a
more emphasis on employee development. To Krietner (1995), no matter how carefully
employees are screened, typically, a gap remains between what the employee does know and
how they should know it. An organization therefore, desiring to gain the competitive edge in its
departments, will need extensive labor and effective training of its human resource.
2.19 Training Purpose, Process and outcomes
Cole (2002), mentioned in his book Personnel Human Resource Management, that training is
more of a learning activity to acquire better skills and knowledge needed to perform a task. The
idea of training is the need for a greater productivity and safety in the operation of specific
equipment or the need for an effective sales force, to mention a few.
To come up with the desired knowledge, skills and abilities from employees to perform well at
their job side, requires proper training programs that may likewise have an impact on employee
motivation and commitment. Employees can either build or break their company's reputation as
well as profitability. Moreover, they oversee most of the activities which can influence customer
fulfillment, the nature of the product and event.

2.20. Why training

According to G.P. Nunvi (2006), training programs are directed towards maintaining and
improving current job performance while development seeks to improve skills for future jobs.
Considering the progress in the technology, certain jobs become redundant with the replacement
of machines in present days. Further education and competence becomes necessary for those in
current positions and those wishing to be promoted in the future.
Expressing an understanding of training, Armstrong (1996), emphasized that training should be
developed and practiced within the organization by appreciating learning of theories and
approaches, if training is to be well understood.

2.21. Training process

Training in an organization generally involves a systematic approach, followed by a sequence of
activities which to Infande, the process is based on four three to four blocks;

 Identifying training needs

This analysis is necessary to determine the training needs of the employees or a specific job.
What are the practical needs? Why an employee needs training? Every training begins with the
need analysis, and establishing a need analysis is and should always be the first step in the
training process. (Infande, 2015). There are four procedures that managers can use to determine
the training needs of employees in their organizations
1. Job requirements analysis. The skills and knowledge specified in the appropriate job
description are examined. The employees without the skills needed are candidates for training

2. Organizational analysis. The effectiveness and successes of an organization are analyzed to

determine where differences exist. For instance, members of a department with a high turnover
rate or a low performance record might require additional training.

3. Performance appraisals. Here, each employees work is measured against objectives

established for his or her job.

4. Human resource survey. Managers as well as non-managers are expected to describe what
problems they are experiencing at their workplaces and, what actions they believe can be taken
to solve the problems. Immediately the training needs are identified, the human resource
department must initiate the appropriate training effort, to close the gap between expected and
actual results. This may also depend on circumstances like; developing a training plan, designing
a training lesson, selecting trainer and preparing the trainers.
2. Learning and confidence evaluation. Here is the measurement of the increase in knowledge
-before and after training.

3. Behavioral impact. This is the degree of applied learning back at work – are the members
really doing anything diverse after the training program than before?

4. Results. It’s important to know what results were achieved, in relation to the previous training
objectives that were being set. For instance, has there being any decline in the number of
costumer’s complaints? Reactions, behavior and learning are of great importance, but if the
training program cannot produce measurable performance related results, then it has not
achieved its goals accordingly.

2.22. Requirements for learning

Since the objective is to assist the learner acquire the behavior necessary for effective work
performance, it is therefore important to come up with a clear grasp of the ways in which
learning theories are applied when designing training programs. To Leslie (1990), there are for
basic requirements for learning to take place.
The first he mentioned is motivation. Like the old saying goes, a horse can be led to the river but
cannot be forced to drink from the river. Relating this to organizational training and
development, it becomes an important lesson for the trainer. Employees tend to learn if they
accept the need for training and are more committed to it. For instance, if their motivation is
weak, and if they doubt their ability to learn, no matter how well their training is designed and
implemented, its effectiveness will be limited. Flippo (1976), also made mention on the fact that,
the more highly motivated the trainee, the faster and more efficient a new skill or knowledge is
learned. This implies that training should be related to something the employee desires. It could
be promotion, money or recognition just to name a few. Cue is the second requirement. From
training programs, the learner recognizes relevant cues and associate them with relevant

Here, training must be immediately followed by an area of the training process emphasizes on
the techniques and methods by which training is carried out. The objectives of training, budgets
and the duration are allocated. Often, this turns to be the most critical part of the training process,
focusing on the results achieved after training. The main idea is to analyze the effects of training
and determine
Whether the set goals have been achieved. Reactions such as the participant’s feedback, trainer’s
feedback, learning behavior and results of the training are being measured. To measure the
impact of training, Kirkpatrick (1959) outlined four levels of evaluation, and each of which is a
prerequisite for the next level these are measured reaction or evaluation of how the 2. Learning
and confidence evaluation. Here is the measurement of the increase in knowledge -before and
after training.
3. Behavioral impact. This is the degree of applied learning back at work – are the members
really doing anything diverse after the training program than before?

4. Results. It’s important to know what results were achieved, in relation to the previous training
objectives that were being set. For instance, has there being any decline in the number of
costumer’s complaints? Reactions, behavior and learning are of great importance, but if the
training program cannot produce measurable performance – related results, then it has not
achieved its goals accordingly.
3.1. Materials and Methodology
The methodology part of any research proposal is a key part of the scientific research; this is
because the methodology should give full details to show how the research activities are going to
be carried out .since this section is the largest and most important part of the research proposal it
is spilt in to sub – sections.

3.1.1 Data and source

To meet the objective two types of data will be used in the study .These are primary data and
secondary data. These of data have different sources. The primary data will be collected from the
employees of the Addis Ababa water and sewerage Authority and from the management of the
Authority the sources of Secondary data different documents of the Authority.

3.1.2. Methods of data collection

In order to meet the objective of the study, different methods of data collection will be designed
and used. The data are collected from two sources: primary and secondary sources.

In primary sources questionnaire and interview will be use. The questionnaire will be prepared
for the employees of the Addis Ababa water and sewerage Authority. The interview will be
made with the management of the institution. The interview will be made with the management
of the Authority. The questionnaire consists of both open and close ended questions; whereas the
interview will be open ended type. Even though open ended questions & interview are difficult
to analyze, they are chosen because they are helpful for evaluating the attitude and opinion of the
employees and management words training and development that are related to the Addis Ababa
water and sewerage Authority.
Both questionnaire and interview are distributed & presented directly to the respondents it is
expensive and time consuming, but it is chosen for this study because:

1. It gives the employees to fill the questions freely and personally

2. It helps to get more idea (more information) from part of the employees.
3. More information in greater depth can be obtained from the interview and the interviewer
by his own skill can overcome the resistance in any of the respondent.

The other source of information will be secondary sources. For the secondary sources analysis
will be made on the documents of the Addis Ababa water and sewerage Authority, for this study,
the secondary data the records of the Authority published and unpublished documents, guiding
manuals, permanent records and other written materials.

3.2. Method of sampling

The sampling method used is the stratified random sampling .Specifically proportionate random
sampling after taking 27% of from all population (185) that is 50 individual is taken .Then the
organization is divided into four major and important departments from which specified number
of employees is taken to carry on the study in well manner ,The department are :

i. Human resource department

ii. General service department
iii. Technical department
iv. Finance & Property administration department
3.3 Method of data analysis and Interpretation

The qualitative and quantitative data that will be collected using the specified method of data
collection will be processed and analyzed in detail and through manner.

Data processing is an activity which involves editing, coding and classifying data to make it
suitable further analysis. For starting data process first, the data is edited (checked) for
completeness, legibility and consistency and then making the data ready for coding & storage.

The method of analysis employed is descriptive analysis .The reason for choosing this method of
data analysis is that it will allow describing, summarizing and presenting the quantitative data.
The presentation will be made based on the information Obtained from the primary sources and
secondary sources.

Finally the data analyzed is presented in understandable way to draw conclusions and allow

Table 4.1 Work plan


TYPE OF ACTIVITY January February March April May June July
1 Topic selection  

2 Literature survey  
3 Research design 
4 Proposal preparation  
5 Data collection 
6 Data analysis  
7 Report writing 
8 presentation 

Table 4.2Cost budget

Items description Unit measurement Qty required Unit cost/day Total cost
Paper Pack 1 pack 200 200
Pen Unit 1Pack 100 100
Memory flash 2 units 170 340
Note book 1 units 35br 35
Computer writing 100 pages 5br 500
Printing and copy 100 pages 2br 200
Subtotal 1375
Personal cost
Transportation Per person per day 8 days 200 1600
Internet and mail minute 600 minutes 0.50 300
Mobile services card 3 100 300
Sub total 2200
total 3575

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McGraw Hill Company.
- Decouza, D. A. and Robbins, S. P. 1996, Human Resource Practice, 5th edition.
New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
- Dessler, G. 2015, Human Resource Management, 14th edition.
- Driskell, J. E. 2011. Effectiveness of Different Detection Training:

Rift Valley University

School of business and Economics

Business Administration

MBA Program
Questionnaire to be completed by employees

Dear Participants

My name is Getahun Gizaw. I am a postgraduate student in the Department of

Business Administration: MBA program at Rift Valley University. Now I am
conducting a research in the area of “Impact of training & development on
organizational performance”.

This study is conduct on Addis Ababa water sewerage Authority at a kaki district
aim of examining how much organizations are effective from the employee
training expenditure that they invest to improve organizational performance.
Therefore, your answers are very important and valuable for the successful
completion of the study.
Please fill out all of the questions to the best of your knowledge accordingly the
questions require. The information you provide will be kept confidential and will
be used for this research purpose only.

Thank you very much for your cooperation in advance!!!

General Instructions
 There is no need of writing your name
 In all cases where answer options are available please put “X” in the
appropriate box or bracket.
 For questions that demands your opinion, please try to honestly
describe as per the questions on the space provided
Part 1

Personal information

Sex Male Female

Age 18 – 25

26 – 33

34 – 41

42 – 49

>- 50

Department of work:

Human resource Department

Technical Department

Financial & Property administration

General Service Department

Part 2

1. Do you believe that training and development?

Yes No
2. Have you trained before?
Yes No
3. If you trained before have seen performance change in yourself?
Yes No
4. Do you agree that training and development improves workers productivity and
Yes No
5. If you trained before, have you acquired the skill from the training?
Yes No
6. IF you acquire the required skill form the training, have you get work condition to apply
the skill?
Yes No
7. Do you believe employee efficiency on their job contributes to the organization
Yes No
8. For which category of employee do training is provided in your organization?
For new employee
For previously existing employee
For both existing and new employee
No answer
9. During what time does your enterprise provide training to its employee?
When new technology comes
When the organization gets scholarship chance
At the end of the year
When the organization gets training chance from domestically
Training giving firm
When training requires to perform one task
10. Do you agree training and development provided to an employee improves the quality of
the product they produce?
Strongly agree Agree
Disagree Strongly disagree
11. Do you agree training and development chances provide by the organization are

Yes No
12. How developments can is given in your organization?
By assessing educational back ground
By assessing work experience
By other criteria including race based
13. In what way does training & development made contribution to your work
By increasing work quality
By making to produce more
By making to satisfy by your job
14. Do you agree that your organization show better performance than before?

Yes No
15. If your answer for question number 15 yes, do agree as there is contribution made by
training and development?
Strong agree
Strongly disagree
16. Is there any method used by the organization to measure employee performance and after
Yes No

17. If Your answer for number 17 is yes ,please specify

18. What type of training and development do you need?
Off – the job type
On – the job type
19. In question number 19 if you choose one specify your reason
20. Which of the following methods used to measure the performance of an organization?
Performance of an organization?

Payment paid by the organization and flexible service it provides

If competitive enough in the market

Positive balance in financial statement

21. If you have another performance management type please specify?

22. Do you believe training and development proved to employee has impact on the above
performance measurement methods.
Yes No
23. Giving Development to an employee after training makes them
More responsible
Hard worker
Highly committed to the organization
24. Generally do you agree the impact training & development has on organizational
Strongly agree Agree
Disagree Strongly disagree

25. Should the management bodies of the organization have desire for searching & providing
training and development chance?
Yes No
26. What important options can you suggest about the training and development system of the
Rift Valley University

MBA Program

Interview Questions

This is an interview designed to gather information on the Impact of training & Development on
organizational Performance at Addis Ababa water & Sewerage Authority at a kaki district. The
interview questions for human resource manager (a person who perform the human resource
management aspect of the organization). Genuine and complete responses by each interviewee
are highly helpful to make the findings of the study reliable.

Thank you

Part one: Personal information



Qualification ____________________

Year of service _____________________

Part two: The interview

1. Did your organization give training for the employees for the last 3 years?
2. Why your organization gave the training? What types of training? And
what methods the organization is used?
3. How do you express the frequency of training per year for each employee
on average and the cost of training allocate for each employee on average
per year?
4. How much the total investment/ expenditure by the organization to train
employees per year? Roughly.
5. How much the organization is spending on training in proportion to the
payroll cost of the organization per year? Roughly
6. Do you conduct evaluation of the training effectiveness
7. What are the models the organization used to measure the effectiveness
of it from the training expenditure?
8. How do you evaluate the return and level of performance outcome of the
training in terms of the?

a. Objective of the training.

b. Criteria that use by the organization to measure the effectiveness of the
organization from the training expenditures.
9. Is the organization effective from the training expenditure or not?
10. How can you explain the relationship between training expenditure in the
organization and organizational profitability / successes?
11. Which section of the training is evaluated?

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