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In Company Pre-intermediate Resource materials


9b Making money Nicholas Sheard

Work with a partner. Check that you understand the meaning of the money verbs in bold. Then take turns to play
the role of Mr/Ms Money and give financial advice to your client.
1 Buying a property

Client Mr/Ms Money

You earn €35,000 a year. Last year your uncle died and you A bank will lend three and a half times a person’s salary to
inherited €12,000. You have made €8,000 from share help him/her buy a property. A deposit of 5% of the value
investments in the last two years. However, you owe of the property is usually required by the bank. You believe
€4,000 to a friend and recently lost €2,500 at a casino. You that property prices in London are very high at the moment
are now thinking of selling your shares and spending all and that it’s not the best time to buy. You do, however,
your money and savings on a property in London. You think that the stock market is a good place to invest money
would like to know what price of property you can afford just now.
and how much you can borrow from a bank.

2 Retirement and your pension

Client Mr/Ms Money

You are 62 years old and due to retire in three years. You Your client’s priority is obviously to get enough money to
are rather disappointed because your pension is not worth live on when he/she retires. Interest rates are very low at
as much as you had anticipated. When you retire you want the moment, so you might recommend that he/she invests
to be able to afford to go on a three-month holiday as well his/her savings in the stock market instead of putting the
as buy a retirement home in the country. Over the last few savings into a building society. Remind him/her, however,
years, you have saved €10,000 which you could that the investment could go down as well as up. You
withdraw with three months’ notice. Your mother is 94 could also (diplomatically!) suggest that when the client’s
and lives in a house which you own. mother dies, he/she could use the money from the sale of
the house to buy a retirement home.

3 Ethical investments

Client Mr/Ms Money

You are interested in the idea of ethical investments but Reassure your client that over the last few years many
you are worried that the returns on your money might be ethical investments have performed much better than
lower than if you invested in companies which were not non-ethical investments. Talk to your client about his/her
concerned about the issue of Third World exploitation, criterion for ethical investments, e.g. Is he/she happy to
oppressive regimes, animal testing, etc. invest in companies producing alcohol – what about
tobacco? What is his/her view on drugs being tested on
animals? Is there a particular area which interests him/her –
environmental, human rights, etc.? Then explain that you
will research companies which match his/her beliefs and
arrange another meeting to discuss them in more detail.

4 Setting up a business

Client Mr/Ms Money

You are 23 years old. You need to raise €30,000 to spend A bank loan is certainly a good way for your client to raise
on setting up a new business – an Internet café in the city the money he/she needs. Suggest that your client writes a
centre. You have various options. You could borrow the business plan and presents it to the bank. You’d
money from a bank, and pay it back over a period of five, recommend a ten-year repayment period.
ten or fifteen years. Alternatively, you could ask your
friends and family to lend it to you. As a last resort you
could bet or gamble some money and hope to win
enough to start the business!

In Company Pre-intermediate Teacher’s Book © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2003 Photocopiable 157

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