Efficient Feature Extraction Using Hybrid Face Recognition Method

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Efficient Feature Extraction using Hybrid Face

Recognition Method

Face recognition is one of the security methods in biometric system in world wide area. Different mathematical
calculations are used to perform face recognition. In this paper, Linear Binary pattern is applied to the different ORL
face database. Linear discriminant analysis is applied followed by linear binary pattern. In this, different component
analysis and training set data reduction is done by PCA techniques. The Feature extraction & pattern recognition is
done by LBP method. The classification rate is achieved up to 94.7

Keywords: variation in visualization. It may be analyzed that

Face Recognition, Linear Binary Pattern, Principal variation of images is always less that illumination &
Component Analysis, Recognition Rate, ORL direction of viewing of two different subjects. Main
Database. problem is occurring when there is large variation in
the person.

I. Introduction There are a lot of applications of face recognition

Biometric system is the authentication system to system. It could be used in building’s mains entrance
measure different physical characteristics. The system. It prevents from any kind of fraud in the
physical characteristics are retina recognition, palm, building. Now, a day’s banks are also adopted face
pupil , fingerprint , face and voice. In the recent recognition system instead of cards for avoiding
years, out of these authentication systems, face forgery. Face recognition system have much
recognition have lot of attention in the research field. attention in the society of networking. In web servers
Face recognition system is most challenging task in also face recognition system is to be adopted. Many
the recent years. of identic cards like Voter card, PAN cards are
adopted face recognition systems.
In the recent yeas, face recognition is the best field to
identify the person for authentication. There are The rest of paper is design as follows. The overall
various expressions of the faces like laughing, past work is describe in Section II. Section III
sadness, smiling and happiness. The other duplication describes the framework of the implementation used
of the faces is also identifying by the authentication for proposed work. Result discussion describe in
system. Face recognition is powerful tool to section IV. Finally, Section V describes the
differentiate between the thousands of faces. In conclusion of paper.
respect to this , face recognition gives a realistic
proof that have no issue without solution. It provides
Many researchers have adopted different method for
similarity & differentiation of thousands of faces.
enhancement of PSNR in lossless compression.
The main problem in the face recognition system is
Rui Min et al. in 2014 proposed an algorithm to database is used to calculate the recognition rate. The
feature extraction of the different sequence of recognition rate was 94.82 % [7].
expression of a face. The PCA & LDA technique is
Ebied, H.M et. al. in 2012 proposed a most efficient
apply. In this identification and verification rate was
kernel PCA technique for face recognition. The
achieved up to 96.97% and 87.37 % respectively [1].
performance parameter is test score rate. The test
Rujiraku et al. in 2014 designed a parallel EM PCA score rate for KPCA (Gaussian width), KPCA
architecture to calculate the accuracy of 100 dataset (polynomial degree 2) and PCA was 91 % , 90 % ,
images. A comparative analysis was analyzed 91.5 % respectively [8].
between PCA , EM-PCA , P-PCA and PEM –PCA .
Shamna, P et. al, in 2013 proposed difference
The accuracy rate of PCA , EM-PCA , P-PCA and
component analysis of the face recognition. The
PEM –PCA were 90 % , 95 % , 90.5 % and 92 %
YALE database, AT&T Database was used. The
correction rate, false recognition, false acceptance
Ravi, S et.al. in 2013 analyzed different variant of rate and false rejection rate was 73.3 % , 26.7 % , 36
PCA & LDA techniques for data base ORL , % and 0.1 % respectively [9].
UMIST , IFD ,Face 94 , Yale, Face 1999. The
Refaie et al. in 2012 proposed PCA & wavelete
performance parameter was accuracy rate, calculated
transformation algorithm . In this the image are down
by PCA & LDA technique. The accuracy rate for
from 150 × 100 to 31 ×25. The accuracy was
LDA & PCA was 95.08 %, 99.5 % respectively [3].
increased up to 20 %.[10] .

Indumathi et al. in 2014 described the various

Taubman D et.al in 2000 desined a visitor
scheme followed by denoing, illumination,
management system. The technique was reduce the
normalization and the feature extraction by HMM.
dat to identify the individual to 1/1000 th of data
Then Principal component analysis is done in the
present [11].
complete face recognition. The recognition rate was
99.61 % [4] . III. Framework of the
Mallipeddi et. al.in 2012 proposed different Implementation
evolution algorithm based on PCA technique. The
In the proposed work, there is PCA technique applied
reorganization rate of database YALE, ORL, AR was
followed by LBP.
8037 %, 66.26 %, 26.7 % respectively [5].
The overall research is depend on linear binary
S. Thakur et. al. in 2014 demonstrated the radial
pattern extraction & electronic principal component
base function used in neural network . The average
training. The feature of the given image is extracted
reorganization rate for PCA technique was 93.60%
by LBP & PCA is recognized in the efficient manner.
and PCA & RBF was 94.10 % [6]
Testing & the feature matching are done with
Tomesh Verma, et al. in 2013 proposed various parameter recognition rate. . Recognition is done on
classification based on PCA- LDA. The ORL
the bases of correction rate , acceptance rate , LBP. LBP is work as an efficient texture extraction
rejection rate respectively. procedure which will label the pixels of an image by
using threshold of the neighborhood of pixels and
will consider the result as a binary number to
ORL Dataset overcome the limitations of linear transformation
(illumination and Occlusion) that cannot be handled
by PCA alone. To execute given procedure over each
image in Training Dataset (70% of the ORL
database). To Evaluate the Algorithm using Test set
Face Detection
(30% of the ORL database) with Euclidian distance

IV. Result & discussion

LBP Feature
Extraction There are different set of images taken out from the
ORL dataset. In proposed work, 10 face images are
taken out for compression. The sample image for
face recognition is given in fig 2.
ePCA Training

Testing and
Feature Matching

Fig 2 Sample Image for Face Recognition

Fig 3 represents the recognition of the each part of

Recognised Faces
the faces like eyes, noise, lips and the complete face.
The face is recognized by LBP & LDA techniques.

Fig 1 Proposed Face Recognition System

The objectives of the research work are to create a

dataset of facial Images (collection, reordering,
subject id assignment and format correction, Training
and Test Data Creation).In order to expose more
complicated structure within the data, use an efficient
mechanism that can work for both local and global
set of facial features by combining PCA (Eular) and Fig 3 Face Detection after Proposed Algorithm
Method Accuracy
Original Image + NNC 90.0
Original Image + SRC 90.5
e-PCA + NNC 85.0
e-PCA +SRC 43.5
LBP + ePCA 94.3

MOUTH SEGMENTED Table 1 represent classification rate of different
algorithm used. For NNC method accuracy is 90 % .
It is improve by SRC technique up to 90.5 %.
Furthermore enhancement in recognition is done by
LBP & e-PCA technique.

Fig 4 Segmented Facial part of Input image Overall Accuracy of Various

Fig 4 gives the segmented facial part of the input
Face Recognizers
image. The part is includes left eye right eye, noise ,
lips etc. 90 90.5 94.3
Classification rate



Original Original e-PCA + e-PCA +SRC LBP + ePCA
Image + Image + NNC


Fig 6 Overall Accuracy of Various Algorithms
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fig 6 gives the graphical representation of the
Fig 5 Classification rate for LBP and e-PCA, comparison of the various algorithms. The proposed
reaching and converging to 94.7 at around technique gives highest accuracy
V. Conclusion
The classification rate for the proposed algorithm is
representing in the fig 5. As no. of iteration increase The methodology has been developed in this paper, is
recognition rate is also increase. The graph shows based on linear binary pattern. The proposed
that recognition rate improve up to 94.7 .
techniques have high recognition rate , high accuracy
Table 1 Classification rate for LBP and e-PCA, and & false rejection rate. The LBP & PCA technique
various other Algorithms
gives 94.3 % accuracy .Future scope of research
work is to identify the person with high recognition
rate & accuracy. The matching speed & percentage is
[7] Tomesh Verma , Raj Kumar Sahu “PCA-LDA
to be high
Based Face Recognition System & Results
Comparison By Various Classification Techniques” ,
Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on
Green High Performance Computing , pp 434-440.
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