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1. Department/Centre Chemical Engineering

proposing the course
(< 45 characters)

3. L-T-P structure 3-1-0

4. Credits 4
5. Course number CHL110
6. Status Core for CH1 & CH7; PL ES for other programs.
(category for program)

7. Pre-requisites None
(course no./title)

8. Status vis-à-vis other courses (give course number/title)

8.1 Overlap with any UG/PG course of the Dept./Centre None
8.2 Overlap with any UG/PG course of other Dept./Centre None
8.3 Supercedes any existing course None
9. Not allowed for
(indicate program names)

10. Frequency of offering Every sem 1st sem 2nd sem Either sem
11. Faculty who will teach the course
Faculty of Chemical Engineering Department
12. Will the course require any visiting No
13. Course objective (about 50 words):
The course will deal with flow problems involving Newtonian and non-
Newtonian fluids, solid-state heat conduction, forced & free convection, binary
diffusion with or without chemical reaction. Course will highlight coupling
between three transport phenomena with applications in various disciplines in
engineering & science.
14. Course contents (about 100 words) (Include laboratory/design activities):
Vector and Tensor analysis; Euler/Lagrangian viewpoint of momentum
transport, stress tensor and Newton's law of viscosity, shell momentum
balances, derivation of equations of change for isothermal, non-isothermal,
and multicomponent systems, Solution to 1D flow problems involving
Newtonian or non-Newtonian fluids, friction factor, Mechanisms of energy
transport, energy flux for conduction, convection & viscous dissipation,
Solutions to 1D conduction and convection problems, Mechanisms of mass
transport, mass and molar diffusion fluxes, derivation and application of
Page 2

continuity equation to mass transfer in binary mixtures, dimensional analysis of

equations of change to solve higher dimensional transport problems,
unsteady-state momentum, heat, and mass transport.
Page 3

15. Lecture Outline (with topics and number of lectures)

Module Topic No. of
no. hours
1 Introduction to the subject of Transport Phenomena 1
2 Vector and Tensor Analysis 6
3 Basics of momentum transport: Euler/Lagrangian viewpoint, laminar 2
and turbulent flows, boundary layers, stress tensor
4 Shell momentum balances, equations of change, dimensional 11
analysis, applications to isothermal flow of Newtonian & non-
Newtonian fluids.
5 Basics of energy transport, conductive, convective & viscous 2
dissipation energy fluxes
6 Equations of change for non-isothermal systems, dimensional 8
analysis, and applications to steady-state conduction & convection
7 Basics of mass transport, mechanisms, and mass & molar 2
8 Derivation of equation of continuity for a binary mixture and its 7
application to convection-diffusion problems.
9 Unsteady-state momentum, heat and mass transport. 3
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘L’) 42

16. Brief description of tutorial activities

Tutorial sheets will be provided as homework assignments and will be discussed in the
tutorials. This will also provide an opportunity to discuss concepts and solution techniques
taught in the lecture. As this is a first course on transport processes for students, tutorials will
enhance learning in the course and help this course serve as a platform for advanced
concepts discussed in subsequent transport courses.

17. Brief description of laboratory activities

Module Experiment description No. of
no. hours
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘P’)

18. Suggested texts and reference materials

STYLE: Author name and initials, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year.
Text Book:
i. R. B. Bird, W. E. Stewart, and E. S. Lightfoot. Transport Phenomena, 2nd ed., Wiley India
Pvt. Ltd., 2002
Page 4

Reference Books:
ii. W. M. Deen, Analysis of Transport Phenomena, Oxford University Press, 1998.
iii. J. Welty, C. E. Wicks, R. E. Wilson, and G. L. Rorrer. Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat,
and Mass Transfer. 5th ed., Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2007.
iv. W. J. Thompson, Introduction to Transport Phenomena, Prentice Hall, 2000.

19. Resources required for the course (itemized & student access requirements, if any)
19.1 Software
19.2 Hardware
19.3 Teaching aides (videos, etc.) Microphone, projector and screen.
19.4 Laboratory
19.5 Equipment
19.6 Classroom infrastructure Air-conditioning
19.7 Site visits

20. Design content of the course (Percent of student time with examples, if possible)
20.1 Design-type problems
20.2 Open-ended problems
20.3 Project-type activity
20.4 Open-ended laboratory work
20.5 Others (please specify)

Date: (Signature of the Head of the Department)



proposing the course
(< 45 characters)

3. L-T-P structure 2-2-0

4. Credits 4
5. Course number CHL111
6. Status CORE
(category for program)

7. Pre-requisites NIL
(course no./title)

8. Status vis-à-vis other courses (give course number/title)

8.1 Overlap with any UG/PG course of the Dept./Centre NIL
8.2 Overlap with any UG/PG course of other Dept./Centre NIL
8.3 Supercedes any existing course NIL
9. Not allowed for
(indicate program names)

10. Frequency of offering Every sem X1st sem 2nd sem Either sem
11. Faculty who will teach the course: Chemical Engineering Faculty

12. Will the course require any visiting NO

13. Course objective (about 50 words):
To develop systematic problem solving skills; to learn and apply material and energy
balance on chemical process systems as material and energy balance calculations are
a prerequisite to all other calculations in the solution of both simple and complex
chemical engineering problems ; to provide information on units and measurement of
physical properties

14. Course contents (about 100 words) (Include laboratory/design activities): Mathematics
and engineering calculations, Dimensional groups and constants, Vapour Pressure;
Clausius Clapeyron equation, Cox Chart, During’s plot, Raoult’s law, Humidity and
Saturation, Humid heat, humid volume, dew point, humidity chart and its use,
Crystallization, dissolution, Ideal gas behavior, Material balance; solving material
balance problems with and without chemical reaction; recycle, bypass and purge
calculations, aid of computer in solving material balance problems; Energy balance:
closed and open systems, heat capacity, calculation of enthalpy changes, energy
balances with chemical reaction, heat of vaporization, heat of formation, heat of
combination, heat of reaction
15. Lecture Outline (with topics and number of lectures)
Module Topic No. of
no. hours
1 Dimensional groups and units, Mathematics and engineering 2
2 Vapour pressure, Clausius Clapeyron equation, Cox chart, During’s 2
3 Raoult’s law, Humidity and Saturation, humid heat, humid volume, 3
dew point, humidity chart and its use, ideal gases
4 Crystallization, Dissolution 2
5 Material Balance; solving material balance problems with and without 9
chemical reaction; recycle, bypass and purge calculations
6 Energy balance: open and closed system, heat capacity, calculation 5
of enthalpy changes; energy balances with chemical reaction
7 Heat of vaporization, heat of formation, heat of reaction, heat of 5
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘L’) 28

16. Brief description of tutorial activities

To introduce principles and calculation techniques used in chemical engineering ;
Formulate and solve material and energy balance using flowsheeting software and
spreadsheets; efficient and consistent methods to solve problems on the topics discussed
in the class

17. Brief description of laboratory activities Not Applicable

Module Experiment description No. of
no. hours
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘P’)
18. Suggested texts and reference materials
STYLE: Author name and initials, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year.

Text Book:
1. Himmelblau, David M., Riggs, James B. Basic Principles and Calculations in
Chemical Engineering, Seventh Ed., Prentice Hall of India, 2011
2. Felder, Richard M.; Rousseau, Ronald W.; Elementary Principles of Chemical
Processes, Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2000
Reference Book:
3. Bhatt, B. I., Vora, S. M.; Stoichiometry, Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd,2004
4. Hougen, O.A., Watson, K. M., Ragatz, R. A., Chemical Process Principles,
Part-I Material & Energy Balances, Second Edition, CBS Publishers &
Distributors, 2004

19. Resources required for the course (itemized & student access requirements, if any)
19.1 Software Flowsheeting Software, Spreadsheet
19.2 Hardware
19.3 Teaching aides (videos, etc.)
19.4 Laboratory
19.5 Equipment
19.6 Classroom infrastructure
19.7 Site visits

20. Design content of the course (Percent of student time with examples, if possible) NO
20.1 Design-type problems
20.2 Open-ended problems
20.3 Project-type activity
20.4 Open-ended laboratory work
20.5 Others (please specify)

Date: (Signature of the Head of the Department)


1. Department/Centre CHE
proposing the course
(< 45 characters)
3. L-T-P structure 3-1-0
4. Credits 4
5. Course number Currently CHL121
6. Status Core
(category for program)

7. Pre-requisites None
(course no./title)

8. Status vis-à-vis other courses (give course number/title)

8.1 Overlap with any UG/PG course of the Dept./Centre None
8.2 Overlap with any UG/PG course of other Dept./Centre MEL140
8.3 Supercedes any existing course CHL121

9. Not allowed for

(indicate program names)

10. Frequency of offering Every sem 1st sem 2nd sem Either sem

11. Faculty who will teach the course: All ChE faculty

12. Will the course require any visiting None


13. Course objective (about 50 words):

Analysis and estimation/description of fluid properties (for pure fluids and mixtures),
changes in fluid properties during equilibrium and with changing conditions,
thermodynamic analysis of processes. Understanding of states of a system,
equilibrium states, and equilibrium processes, of reversible and irreversible
processes. How these are applied to design of processes and of materials.
14. Course contents (about 100 words) (Include laboratory/design activities):

Review of conservation of energy, mass and introduction to work-energy

conversions, and the concept of entropy. Application to closed and open systems;
Application in analysis of energy and efficiency of equipment; state and properties of
pure fluids under different conditions and in flowing through equipment. Use of
equations of states, graphs, correlations and tables to estimate fluid properties,
understanding the relationships between fluid properties and changes in properties.
Equilibrium properties of materials pure materials and mixtures. Understanding the
phase behavior and phase transition of pure fluids. Thermodynamic analysis of fluids
in standard fixtures and equipment (piping fixtures, power plants, engines,
refrigerators). Equilibrium behavior of mixtures of fluids, the nature of interactions
between various fluids and how interactions affect their properties and phase
transitions. Introduction to separation processes based on difference in equilibrium
thermodynamic properties. Introduction to reaction equilibra
15. Lecture Outline (with topics and number of lectures)

Module Topic No. of

no. hours
1 Introduction to Thermodynamics 1
2 Introduction to state of matter, properties, degree of freedom, 1
3 Energy, conservation & First Law, Open and closed systems, 2
reversible & irreversible processes, Steady state processes, constant
P, V, T processes, Forms of energy
4 Phases, phase transitions, PVT behavior; description of materials – 3
Ideal gas description, van der Waals and cubic EOS, Virial EOS,
Reduced conditions & corresponding states theories, correlations in
description of material properties and behavior
5 Efficiency of heat engines, Carnot cycles, temperature scales, entropy 4
as a state property, reversible and irreversible processes, entropy of
an ideal gas, Second Law, Losses, Third Law
6 Thermodynamic property of fluids, Maxwell relations, 2-phase 4
systems, graphs and tables of thermodynamic properties
7 Thermodynamics of flows in ducts, pipes, piping fixtures, nozzles, 5
compressors, pumps. Thermodynamic analysis of steam power plants,
combustion engines, and refrigeration cycles.
8 Solution Thermodynamics, fundamental property relationships, free 6
energy and chemical potential, partial properties, definition of fugacity
and fugacity coefficient of pure species and species in solution, the
ideal solution and excess properties, thermodynamic properties of
typical solutions and relationship to molecular interactions
9 Liquid phase properties from VLE, Gibbs energy, heat effects and 4
property change on mixing Liquid phase properties from VLE, Gibbs
energy, heat effects and property change on mixing,
10 VLE at low to moderate pressures, equilibrium, phase rule & Duhem's 6
theorem, graphical understanding of phase behavior of mixtures,
activity coefficient and its use in VLE analysis, Raoult's and Henry's
Law approximations, Flash calculations, Bubble and Dew point
calculations, Properties of fluids from equations of state
11 Reviewing Mechanical, & Thermal Equilibra, chemical equilibra, 6
Introduction to reaction equilibra
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘L’) 42

16. Brief description of tutorial activities


17. Brief description of laboratory activities

Module Experiment description No. of

no. hours
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘P’)

18. Suggested texts and reference materials

STYLE: Author name and initials, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year.

Smith & Van Ness: Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics,

McGraw Hill, any edition from 4th – 7th.

19. Resources required for the course (itemized & student access requirements, if any)

19.1 Software C/Fortran/Matlab/some engineering programming

language, Spreadsheets, S
19.2 Hardware None
19.3 Teaching aides (videos, etc.) None
19.4 Laboratory None
19.5 Equipment None
19.6 Classroom infrastructure Projector
19.7 Site visits None

20. Design content of the course (Percent of student time with examples, if possible)

20.1 Design-type problems 15% 15%

20.2 Open-ended problems 10%: What if problems on energy efficiency,
alternatives to equations of states 10%:
What if problems on energy efficiency, alternatives to
equations of states
20.3 Project-type activity 15% : Simulating / Modeling energy and
material properties in changing conditions
15% : Simulating / Modeling energy and material
properties in changing conditions
20.4 Open-ended laboratory work
20.5 Others (please specify)

Date: (Signature of the Head of the Department)

Page 1


1. Department/Centre Chemical Engineering

proposing the course
(< 45 characters)
3. L-T-P structure 3-1-0
4. Credits 4
5. Course number XXX
6. Status DC
(category for program)

7. Pre-requisites MT-I, CRE-I

(course no./title)

8. Status vis-à-vis other courses (give course number/title)

8.1 Overlap with any UG/PG course of the Dept./Centre NIL
8.2 Overlap with any UG/PG course of other Dept./Centre NIL
8.3 Supercedes any existing course NIL
9. Not allowed for Other Departments/centres
(indicate program names)

10. Frequency of offering Every sem 1st sem 2nd sem Either sem
11. Faculty who will teach the course
12. Will the course require any visiting No
13. Course objective (about 50 words):
Introducing the Chemical Engineering undergraduates to Chemical Plant
Technologies which encompass all the unit operations of Chemical
Engineering and also safety and Hazard operability and chemical plants
including refinery, fertilizer and biochemical industries.They will be trained to
generate process flow diagrams of Chemical plants, understand the need /
way to develop new process technologies.
14. Course contents (about 100 words) (Include laboratory/design activities):
Introduction to process flow and equipment symbols and Chemical plant
sections of a Chemical plant. Generating Process flow diagrams of general
chemical plants (gas-liquid handling , liquid-solid, gas-liquid-solid handling
plants). Fertilizer Technology- Manufacture of fertilizers including Naphtha
reforming and air separation for N2,ammonia synthesis and ammonia
converter technology, sulfuric acid, Urea manufacture, Utilities, Safety and
HAZOP studies in fertilizer plants. Refining and Petrochemical Technology -
Page 2

Crude occurrence, properties, Distillation, Refinery Processes and technology,

Petrochemical Technologies, Semi conductor Chip Manufacture/ Food
technology/ Chloralkali, Introduction to Safety and HAZOP and
debottlenecking in Chemical plants, Introduction to Process Engineering
economics, Introduction to ASPEN PLUS and flow sheeting using ASPEN
Page 3

15. Lecture Outline (with topics and number of lectures)

Module Topic No. of
no. hours
1 Introduction to process flow and equipment symbols and Chemical 1
plant sections of a Chemical plant
2 Generating Process flow diagrams of general chemical plants (gas- 2
liquid handling , liquid-solid, gas-liquid-solid handling plants)
3 Introduction to ASPEN PLUS and flow sheeting using ASPEN PLUS 3
4 Refining and Petrochemical Technology - Crude occurrence, 9
properties, Distillation, Refinery Processes and technology,
Petrochemical Technologies.
5 Fertilizer Technology- Manufacture of fertilizers including Naphtha 8
reforming and air separation for N2,ammonia synthesis and ammonia
converter technology, sulfuric acid, Urea manufacture, Utilities.
6 Biochemical plant processes/ Food processing/ Semi-conductor chip 8
manufacture/ Optical fiber manufacture- Introduction, Process flow of
the manufacturing plant, Reactor technologies with a single industry
7 Process Engineering Economics - Introduction, Analysis of cost 6
estimation, Interest, Time Value of Money, Taxes and Fixed charges,
Profitabolity, Alternative Investments, and replacements
8 Safety and HAZOP- Introduction 3
9 ‡„‘––Ž‡‡…‹‰‹’”‘…‡••’Žƒ–• 2
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘L’) 42

16. Brief description of tutorial activities

Course is structured to include tutorial @ every sixth lecture hour as whole class (7 tutorials
in the semester)

17. Brief description of laboratory activities

Module Experiment description No. of
no. hours
1 N/A
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘P’)

18. Suggested texts and reference materials

STYLE: Author name and initials, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year.
1. George T. Austin,"Shreve's Chemical Process Industries" fifth edition, McGraw Hill
International Editions,1984. (SuggestedText)
Page 4

2. Gopala Rao M., Marshall Sittig "Dryden's Outline of Chemical Process Technology" third
Edition, Affliated East-West Press, India 1997. (Suggested Text)
3. Jacob A. Moulijn, Nichiel Makkee, Annelies Van Diepen, "Chemical Process Technology"
first Edition, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2008. (Suggested Text)
4. Max S. Peters, Klaus Timmerhaus, Ronald E. West, "Plant design and Economics for
Chemical Engineers", fifth edition, McGraw-Hill Higher education, 2003.
5. Wilbur Lundine Nelson "Petroleum Refinery Engineering", fourth edition McGraw Hill, NY,
1958. (Reference)
6. James G. Speight, Baki Ozum "Petroleum Refining Processes" Marcel Dekker, NY,
7. James H. Gary, Glenn E. Handwerk "Petroleum Refining (Technology and Economics)" ,
fifth edition, Marcel Dekker, NY, 2007. (Reference)
8. G. Margaret Wells "Handbook of petrochemicals and processes", second edition, Ashgate
Publishing Ltd., 1999. (Reference)
9. James E. Bailey, David F. Ollis "Biochemical Engineering fundamentals", second edition,
Mc Graw Hill International Editions, 1986. (Reference)
10. Kirk and Othmer "Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology"- 27 Volume set, fifth edition,
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2004. (Reference)

19. Resources required for the course (itemized & student access requirements, if any)
19.1 Software ASPEN PLUS
19.2 Hardware
19.3 Teaching aides (videos, etc.)
19.4 Laboratory
19.5 Equipment
19.6 Classroom infrastructure .ppt files projector, Good Audio facilities
19.7 Site visits 1 industrial visit planned

20. Design content of the course (Percent of student time with examples, if possible)
20.1 Design-type problems
20.2 Open-ended problems
20.3 Project-type activity Term project during semester break
20.4 Open-ended laboratory work
20.5 Others (please specify)

Date: (Signature of the Head of the Department)

Page 1



proposing the course
(< 45 characters)
(CRE) 1
3. L-T-P structure 3-1-0
4. Credits 4
5. Course number 122
6. Status CORE
(category for program)

7. Pre-requisites
(course no./title)

8. Status vis-à-vis other courses (give course number/title)

8.1 Overlap with any UG/PG course of the Dept./Centre CHL103 for DBEB
8.2 Overlap with any UG/PG course of other Dept./Centre no
8.3 Supercedes any existing course

9. Not allowed for

(indicate program names)

10. Frequency of offering Every sem 1st sem 2nd sem Either sem
11. Faculty who will teach the course

12. Will the course require any visiting No

13. Course objective (about 50 words):
To educate the students in basic concepts of homogeneous reactions carried
out in ideal reactors. The course involves mass and energy balances for single
and multiple reactions carried out in batch, mixed flow, plug flow and recycle
reactors. The kinetics of the reactions are studied in detail in order to
determine the optimal design of the reactors to achieve maximum selective
conversion in the lowest possible cost or time. Principles of reaction
mechanisms are discussed and a brief introduction to heterogeneous reactions
(mainly Michaelis-Menten kinetics for enzymes) is also given. In the end,
basics of non-ideal reactors and residence time distribution (RTD) theory are
14. Course contents (about 100 words) (Include laboratory/design activities):
Introduction to rate equations, calculations of extents of reactions for single
and multiple reactions, kinetics of homogeneous reactions, derivation of
reactor design equations, analysis and sizing of reactors, data collection and
Page 2

plotting to determine rate constants, reactor networks (series/parallel), reaction

mechanisms, temperature and pressure effects on reactions and reactor
design, simultaneous material and energy balances, multiple steady-states,
residence time distributions in non ideal reactors
Page 3

15. Lecture Outline (with topics and number of lectures)

Module Topic No. of
no. hours
1 Reactions and reaction rates - stoichiometry, extent of rxn, law of def. 2
proportions etc.
2 Reaction rates and some important generalizations 2
3 Ideal reactors - generalized material balance, design equations, 3
graphical interpretation
4 Sizing and analysis of ideal batch, mixed (CSTR), plug flow and 6
recycle reactors - solving design equations for constant & variable
density systems, reactors in series & parallel etc.
5 Reaction rate fundamentals - elementary reaction sequences, steady 4
state approximation and rate limiting step theory
6 Analysis and correlation of experimental kinetic data - data collection & 3
plotting, linerization of rate eqns, differential and integral method of
7 Multiple reactions - conversion, selectivity, yield, series, parallel, 4
independent and mixed series-parallel reactions
8 Use of energy balance in reactor design and analysis - macroscopic 10
energy balances, isothermal reactors, adiabatic reactos, simultaneous
material and energy balance, multiple steady-states, blow out and
9 RTD theory and analysis of non ideal reactors 8
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘L’) 42

16. Brief description of tutorial activities

Tutorials are an ingtegral part of this course. Tuotial activities mainly involve intense problem
solving around the concepts developed in class to ensure that the students can apply
fundamental principles learnt in class to real life industrial problems.

17. Brief description of laboratory activities

Module Experiment description No. of
no. hours
1 N/A
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘P’)

18. Suggested texts and reference materials

STYLE: Author name and initials, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year.
Page 4

Text books:
1. Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering by H. Scott Fogler, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall
2. Chemical Reaction Engineering by Octave Levenspiel, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons

Reference books:
3. The Engineering of Chemical Reactions by Lanny D. Schmidt, 2nd Edition, Oxford
University Press, 1998
4. Applied Mathematics and Modeling for Chemical Engineers by R. G. Rice and D. D. Do,
John Wiley & Sons, 1995

19. Resources required for the course (itemized & student access requirements, if any)
19.1 Software No
19.2 Hardware No
19.3 Teaching aides (videos, etc.) No
19.4 Laboratory No
19.5 Equipment Biometric attendance monitor
19.6 Classroom infrastructure Overhead projector
19.7 Site visits No

20. Design content of the course (Percent of student time with examples, if possible)
20.1 Design-type problems N/A
20.2 Open-ended problems N/A
20.3 Project-type activity N/A
20.4 Open-ended laboratory work N/A
20.5 Others (please specify) N/A

Date: June 2013, 2013 (Signature of the Head of the Department)

Page 1


1. Department/Centre Chemical Engineering

proposing the course
2. Course Title CRE-II
(< 45 characters)

3. L-T-P structure 3-0-0

4. Credits 3
5. Course number CHL 221
6. Status
(category for program)

7. Pre-requisites CORE
(course no./title)

8. Status vis-à-vis other courses (give course number/title)

8.1 Overlap with any UG/PG course of the Dept./Centre 10%
8.2 Overlap with any UG/PG course of other Dept./Centre no
8.3 Supercedes any existing course

9. Not allowed for

(indicate program names)

10. Frequency of offering Every sem 1st sem 2nd sem Either sem
11. Faculty who will teach the course

12. Will the course require any visiting no

13. Course objective (about 50 words):
The objective of the course is to familiarize the students with the fundamentals
of heterogeneous catalytic reactions and concept of reactor design. Course
will give understanding on catalysts preparation, heterogeneous catalytic
reaction kinetics . and provide knowledge on the design of reactors for
catalytic reactions. The effect of transport limitations on reactor performance
in Catalytic & non-catalytic heterogeneous reactions will also be discussed.
14. Course contents (about 100 words) (Include laboratory/design activities):
Introduction, Definition of catalysis, homogeneous and heterogeneous
catalysis. Adsorption on catalytic surfaces, kinetic models, catalyst
preparation, physical characterization of catalysts, supported metal catalysts.
Mass transfer and internal Diffusion effects in catalytic reactions , Thiele
Modulus and Effectiveness factor , Catalyst deactivation, Reactor design,
Page 2

15. Lecture Outline (with topics and number of lectures)

Module Topic No. of
no. hours
1 3
Introduction ,Definition of catalysis, homogeneous and heterogeneous
catalysis. classification, Preparation and characterisation of catalysts,

2 Physical and chemical adsorption, Adsorption isotherms, 4

Determination of BET surface area and pore volume of the Catalyst
3 Kinetics of solid catalyzed gas phase reaction, Reaction mechanism 5
4 Laboratory reactors for catalytic gas solid reactions. Design concepts 4
5 Mass transfer, Diffusion and Chemical reactions in catalysts. Effects of 8
external mass transfer and heat transfer, Effectiveness factors.
6 Fixed bed catalytic reactors, reactor models, concept of 4
heterogeneous models.
7 Non-catalytic gas-solid reactions, different model for gas-solid 4
8 Gas liquid reactions, film and penetration theories, enhance factor in 4
gas-liquid reactions,
9 Reactor systems for gas-liquid reactions. 2
10 Design concept for heterogeneous gas -solid catalytic reactor : 4
Reactor design Applications
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘L’) 42

16. Brief description of tutorial activities

Tutorials will be taken in the lecture hours after each module, total 8

17. Brief description of laboratory activities

Module Experiment description No. of
no. hours
1 N/A
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘P’)

18. Suggested texts and reference materials

STYLE: Author name and initials, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year.
Text Book
1. Fogler H.S, ‘Elements of chemical reaction engineering’ Prentice Hall
Reference Book:
. O. Levensipiel ' Chemical Reaction Engineering , Wiley Publisher
• Smith J.M., ‘Chemical engineering kinetics’, prentice hall, Mcgraw Hill, Gutterfield
Page 3

• Carberry, ‘Chemical and catalytic reaction engineering’ Mcgraw Hil

• Froment G.F & Bischoff K.B., ‘Chemical reactor analysis and design’ John Wiley
• C.G. Hill, ‘An Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Reactor Design’
. Satterfield, “Heterogeneous Catalysis in Practice” McGraw Hill,
M.M.Sharma and L.K. Doraiswami Heterogeneous Reactions Vol1 and Vol II :

19. Resources required for the course (itemized & student access requirements, if any)
19.1 Software

19.2 Hardware
19.3 Teaching aides (videos, etc.)
19.4 Laboratory
19.5 Equipment
19.6 Classroom infrastructure
19.7 Site visits

20. Design content of the course (Percent of student time with examples, if possible)
20.1 Design-type problems
20.2 Open-ended problems
20.3 Project-type activity
20.4 Open-ended laboratory work
20.5 Others (please specify)

Date: (Signature of the Head of the Department)

Page 1


1. Department/Centre Chemical Engineering

proposing the course
(< 45 characters)
3. L-T-P structure 3-1-0
4. Credits 4
5. Course number CHL231
6. Status Department Core
(category for program)

7. Pre-requisites CHL110
(course no./title)

8. Status vis-à-vis other courses (give course number/title)

8.1 Overlap with any UG/PG course of the Dept./Centre CHL203 (20%)
8.2 Overlap with any UG/PG course of other Dept./Centre AML160, AML170
8.3 Supercedes any existing course None
9. Not allowed for
(indicate program names)

10. Frequency of offering Every sem 1st sem 2nd sem Either sem
11. Faculty who will teach the course
Faculty of Chemical Engineering Department
12. Will the course require any visiting No
13. Course objective (about 50 words):
Course aims to introduce the mechanics of fluids - both statics and dynamics -
relevant to Chemical Engineering operations. Basic concepts of fluid motion
will be introduced to develop the skills enabling students to analyse the flow
problems and design the Chemical Engineering equipments. The course
analyzes forces causing the flow motion providing the estimate for the
pressure loss and energy requirement for the flow.

14. Course contents (about 100 words) (Include laboratory/design activities):

Introduction to fluids, Forces on fluids, Fluid statics, Hydrostatic force on
submerged bodies, Rigid body motion, Kinematics of flow - Eulerian and
Lagrangian descriptions, Flow visualization, Integral analysis - mass and
momentum balances, Bernoulli equation, Flow through pipes and ducts, Flow
measurement, Flow transportation - pumps, blowers and compressors,
Differential analysis of flow, Conservation of mass, linear and angular
Page 2

momentum, Navier-Stokes equation, Unidirectional flows, Viscous flows, Skin

friction and form friction, Lubrication approximation, Potential flows, Boundary
layer theory, Blasius equation for flow over a flat plate, Boundary layer
separation, Drag and lift force on immersed bodies, Similitude analysis,
Turbulent flows.
Page 3

15. Lecture Outline (with topics and number of lectures)

Module Topic No. of
no. hours
1 Introduction to fluids, Continuum hypothesis, Forces on fluids, Normal 2
and shear stresses
2 Fluid statics - pressure distribution, Manometry, Forces on submerged 5
bodies (planar and curved),Buoyancy, Rigid body motion (translation
and rotation)
3 Kinematics of fluid flow- Eulerian and Lagrangian descriptions, Flow 5
visualization, Stream function, Vorticity and Circulation, Kinematic
decomposition of flow motion
4 System and control volume approaches, Reynolds transport theorem, 6
Integral balances - mass and momentum, Euler's equation of motion,
Bernoulli equation and applications, Turbulent flow, Head loss in pipe
flow, Moody diagram
5 Flow measurement, Transportation of fluids - pumps, selection and 3
design of pumps
6 Differential analysis - mass and momentum balances, Navier-Stokes 4
equation, Unidirectional flow, Viscous flow, Stokes law, Skin drag and
pressure drag
7 Potential flow, Potential function, Solution of Laplace equation 3
8 Boundary layer theory, Blasius solution, Boundary layer separation, 5
Drag and lift force on immersed body
9 Similitude analysis, Lubrication approximation 2
10 Compressible flows, Blowers and compressors 2
11 Fluid dynamics in sports, Introduction to turbulence modelling 3
12 Applications of fluid mechanics in Chemical Engineering operations 2
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘L’) 42

16. Brief description of tutorial activities

Tutorial sheet will be provided in advance for weekly tutorial. Problem solving on concepts
covered in the lecutres. Tutorials also aim to address the doubts and encourage discussion
on difficult concepts.

17. Brief description of laboratory activities

Module Experiment description No. of
no. hours
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘P’)

18. Suggested texts and reference materials

STYLE: Author name and initials, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year.
Page 4

Text Books:
F. M. White, Fluid Mechanics, 7th Edition, Tata-McGraw Hill, 2011.
R. W. Fox, P. J. Pritchard and A. T. McDonald, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 7th Edition,
Wiley-India 2010.

Reference Books:
B. R. Munson, D. F. Young, T. H. Okiishi and W. W. Huebsch, 6th Edition, Wiley-India 2010.
V. Gupta and S. K. Gupta, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 2nd Edition, New Age
International 2011.
R. L. Panton, Incompressible Flow, 3rd Edition, Wiley-India 2005.
R. B. Bird, W. E. Stewart and E. N. Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, 2nd Edition, Wiley-India
W. L. McCabe, J. C. Smith and P. Harriot, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 7th
Edition, McGraw-Hill International Edition 2005.

19. Resources required for the course (itemized & student access requirements, if any)
19.1 Software
19.2 Hardware
19.3 Teaching aides (videos, etc.) Microphone, Projector and Screen
19.4 Laboratory
19.5 Equipment
19.6 Classroom infrastructure Air-conditioning
19.7 Site visits

20. Design content of the course (Percent of student time with examples, if possible)
20.1 Design-type problems
20.2 Open-ended problems
20.3 Project-type activity
20.4 Open-ended laboratory work
20.5 Others (please specify)

Date: (Signature of the Head of the Department)

Page 1



proposing the course
(< 45 characters)
3. L-T-P structure 3-1-0
4. Credits 4
5. Course number CHLXXX
6. Status CORE
(category for program)

7. Pre-requisites CHL110
(course no./title)

8. Status vis-à-vis other courses (give course number/title)

8.1 Overlap with any UG/PG course of the Dept./Centre CHL110 - 10%
8.2 Overlap with any UG/PG course of other Dept./Centre MEL242 - 70%
8.3 Supercedes any existing course

9. Not allowed for ME

(indicate program names)

10. Frequency of offering Every sem 1st sem 2nd sem Either sem
11. Faculty who will teach the course
All faculty in the Department.
12. Will the course require any visiting NO
13. Course objective (about 50 words):
The objective of the course is exposure to fundamentals of heat transfer,
primarily convective heat transfer. Design calculations /procedures for
important heat transfer equioment such as heat exchangers and evaporators
are to be covered.

14. Course contents (about 100 words) (Include laboratory/design activities):

Modes of heat transfer - conduction, convection, radiation; Heat transfer
coefficients in natural and forced convection; Basic conservation equations;
Heat transfer with phase change; Design of double pipe heat exchangers, shell
and tube heat exchangers and evaporators; Introduction to radiation
Page 2

15. Lecture Outline (with topics and number of lectures)

Module Topic No. of
no. hours
1 Modes of heat transfer - conduction, convection, radiation; notion of 2
thermal conductivity, thermal diffuvity and heat transfer coefficient;
relationship of thermodynamics and heat transfer
2 Differential equations of heat transfer; special forms; commonly 3
encountered boundary conditions
3 Conduction heat transfer - one dimensional problems, heat transfer 3
from extended surfaces, two and three dimensional problems
4 Convective heat transfer - natural and forced convection; Dimensional 7
analysis; Thermal boundary layer; Reynolds analogy and Colburn
5 Correlations - Importance, correlations for natural convection and 2
forced convection
6 Introduction to Radiative Heat Transfer, Furnaces 3
7 Heat transfer with phase change - Introduction to boiling, Introduction 3
to condensation
8 Design of heat transfer equipment - double pipe heat exchanger, 9
concept of LMTD, DPHE sizing; shell and tube heat exchanger -
Kern's method for design, effectiveness-NTU method, construction
aspects in brief
9 Evaporators - single stage evaporation, boiling point elevation, multiple 4
effect evaporators: forward feed and backward feed contacting;
construction aspects in brief, overall material and energy balances
10 Introduction to radiation - nature of radiation, radiation intensity, 3
Planck's law, concept of black body and gray body, radiant heat
11 Two-dimensional problems in heat transfer 3
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘L’) 42

16. Brief description of tutorial activities

Homework assignments based on principles and solution techniques covered in lectures will
be provided beforehand and will be discussed in the tutorials. Both hand calculations and
implimentantion of calculations on spreadsheet will be emphasised. A small part will be
dedicated to exposure of using flowsheeting software and heat exchange equipment design
software for simulating heat transfer equipments covered in the course

17. Brief description of laboratory activities

Module Experiment description No. of
no. hours
Page 3

COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘P’)

18. Suggested texts and reference materials

STYLE: Author name and initials, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year.
1. J. R. Welty, C. E. Wicks, R. E. Wilson, G. Rorrer, Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat and
Mass Transfer, 4th Ed.,Wiley (2007).
2. W. J. McCabe, J. Smith, P. Harriot, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, Sixth
Edition, McGRaw Hill (2005).
3. Holman, J. P., S. Bhattacharya, Heat Transfer, 10th Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill (2011).
4. D. Q. Kern, Process Heat Transfer, Tata-McGraw Hill (1997).


5. Bejan, A., A. D. Kraus, Heat Transfer Handbook, John Wiley (2003).

19. Resources required for the course (itemized & student access requirements, if any)
19.1 Software
19.2 Hardware
19.3 Teaching aides (videos, etc.)
19.4 Laboratory
19.5 Equipment
19.6 Classroom infrastructure LCD projector, AC
19.7 Site visits

20. Design content of the course (Percent of student time with examples, if possible)
20.1 Design-type problems
20.2 Open-ended problems
20.3 Project-type activity
20.4 Open-ended laboratory work
20.5 Others (please specify)

Date: (Signature of the Head of the Department)

Page 1

proposing the
2. Course Title MASS TRANSFER
(< 45 characters)

3. L-T-P structure 3-0-0

4. Credits 3
5. Course number CHLXXX
6. Status CORE
(category for program)

7. Pre-requisites Transport Phenomena

(course no./title)

8. Status vis-à-vis other courses (give course number/title)

8.1 Overlap with any UG/PG course of the NO
8.2 Overlap with any UG/PG course of other NO
8.3 Supercedes any existing course CHL251

9. Not allowed for   NONE   

(indicate program

10. Frequency of Every sem 1st sem 2nd sem

offering Either sem

11. Faculty who will teach the course

     Chemical Engineering Faculty
12. Will the course require any visiting NO

13. Course objective (about 50 words):

After doing the course the students should be able to apply diffusivity, mass
transfer coefficient and cascade approaches to analyze mass transfer processes.
They should be able to design differential-contact mass-transfer equipment for
gas-absorption, adsorption, drying and leaching operations.
Page 2

14. Course contents (about 100 words) (Include laboratory/design activities):

Lattice, Ficks, Stefan-Maxwell, Stokes-Einstein and Irreversible
Thermodynamic approaches to diffusivity of binary and multicomponent
systems. Film and unsteady state theories, analogy and correlation approaches to
mass transfer coefficients in interphase mass transfer. Analysis of cocurrent,
counter current and cross flow stage cascades. Design and operating conditions
of differential contact equipment such as packed towers for absorption,
adsorption, drying and leaching.

15. Lecture Outline (with topics and number of lectures)

Modul Topic No. of

e no. hours
1 Fick's and alternative approaches to diffusion, estimation of 8

2 Interphase mass transfer and introduction to mass transfer coefficient 4

3 Film, penetration, surface renewal and boundary layer theories for 6

interphase mass transfer

4 Analysis of mass transfer cascades 3

5 Gas-liquid Absorption 3

6 Adsorption 2
7 Drying 2
8 Leaching 2
9 Design and operation of packed towers 12

COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘L’) 42

16. Brief description of tutorial activities

Page 3

17. Brief description of laboratory activities

Modul Experiment description No. of

eno. hours

18. Suggested texts and reference materials

STYLE: Author name and initials, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year.

1. W. McCabe, J. Smith, P. Harriot, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, Sixth

Edition, McGRaw HIll, 2005
2. R. E. Treybal, Mass Transfer Operations, Third Edition, Tata McGRaw Hill, 2012

3. E. L. Cussler, Diffusion Mass Transfer in Fluid Systems, Third Edition, CUP, 2009

19. Resources required for the course (itemized & student access
requirements, if any)

19. Software
19. Hardware      
19. Teaching aides (videos,      
3 etc.)
19. Laboratory      
19. Equipment      
19. Classroom infrastructure LCD projector, AC
19. Site visits      

20. Design content of the course (Percent of student time with examples, if

20. Design-type problems      

20. Open-ended problems      
20. Project-type activity      
20. Open-ended laboratory      
4 work
20. Others (please specify)      

Date:       (Signature of the Head of the Department)

Page 1



proposing the course
(< 45 characters)

3. L-T-P structure 3-1-0

4. Credits 4
5. Course number CHLXXX
6. Status CORE
(category for program)

7. Pre-requisites MT-I
(course no./title)

8. Status vis-à-vis other courses (give course number/title)

8.1 Overlap with any UG/PG course of the Dept./Centre
8.2 Overlap with any UG/PG course of other Dept./Centre CHL735 - 20%
8.3 Supercedes any existing course CHL351
9. Not allowed for
(indicate program names)

10. Frequency of offering Every sem 1st sem 2nd sem Either sem
11. Faculty who will teach the course

12. Will the course require any visiting NO

13. Course objective (about 50 words):
The objective of the course is exposure to the design calculations /procedures
obtained from a combination of mass conservation and equilibrium
considerations for unit operations involving separation of mixture. The
operation covered in the course will include flash, distillation, liquid-liquid
extraction and adsorption. In addition, calculation pertaining to sizing of the
equipments and internals will also be covered.

14. Course contents (about 100 words) (Include laboratory/design activities):

Review of VLE, separation quantification: separation factor, relative volatility,
key components; flash: graphical and algebraic (Richford-Rice) method,
differential distillation, Binary distialltion: McCabe-Thiele method - minimum
reflux, minimum number of stages, open steam, multiple feeds, side streams,
packed colums - HETP, HTU method, column pressure, tray efficiency, column
sizing, sieve tray design, packed column design
Page 2

LLE - equilibrium diagram, selection of solvent; design calculations for single

stage, cascade of stages using Hunter & Nash graphical method, McCabe-
Thiele method, continuous contacting
Multicomponent system: selection of key components, approximate - FUG
method, DOF for cascade of stages, MESH formulation; Introduction to
azeotropic & extractive distillation, Adsoption equilibrium, breakthrough curve
Page 3

15. Lecture Outline (with topics and number of lectures)

Module Topic No. of
no. hours
1 VLE, Ideal Solution, Raoult's law, t-xy and x-y diagram, tie line 2
2 Separation quantification: separation factor, relative volatility, key 2
components; mass separating & energy separating agents, rate based
and equilibrium based modeling
3 Flash: graphical and algebraic (Richford-Rice) method, isothermal, 3
differential distillation - Rayleigh equation
4 Binary distialltion: McCabe-Thiele method - assumptions, operating 10
lines, q-line, stage construction, total & partial condenser, minimum
reflux, minimum number of stages, open steam, multiple feeds, side
streams, packed colums - HETP, HTU method
5 Binary distillation: Operating pressure, tray efficiency, column sizing, 9
sieve tray design, other trays; Packed column design
6 LLE-triangular diagram, rectangular coordinates, solvent free basis; 9
selection of solvent; design calculations for single stage, cascase of stages
using Hunter & Nash graphical method, McCabe-Thiele method,
continuous contacting
7 Multicomponent system: selection of key components, approximate - 4
FUG method, DOF for cascade of stages, MESH formulation;
Introduction to azeotropic & extractive distillation
8 Adsoption equilibrium, breakthrough curve 3
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘L’)

16. Brief description of tutorial activities

Homework assignments based on principles and solution techniques covered in lectures will
be provided beforehand and will be discussed in the tutorials. Both hand calculations and
implimentantion of calculations on spreadsheet will be emphasised. A small part will be
dedicated to exposure of using flowsheeting software for simulating mass transfer
equipments covered in the course

17. Brief description of laboratory activities

Module Experiment description No. of
no. hours
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘P’)
Page 4

18. Suggested texts and reference materials

STYLE: Author name and initials, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year.
1. W. McCabe, J. Smith, P. Harriot, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, Sixth Edition,
McGRaw HIll, 2005
2. R. E. Treybal, Mass Transfer Operations, Third Edition, Tata McGRaw Hill, 2012
3. J. D. Seader and E. J. Henley, Separation Process Principles, Second Edition, Wiley
India, 2010
4. R. K. Sinnot, Coulson Richardson's Chemical Engineering Volume 6, Fourth Edition, Cbs
Publ Dists, 2005
4. E. L. Cussler, Diffusion Mass Transfer in Fluid Systems, Third Edition, CUP, 2009

19. Resources required for the course (itemized & student access requirements, if any)
19.1 Software Spreadsheet, MATLAB, Flowsheeting software
19.2 Hardware
19.3 Teaching aides (videos, etc.)
19.4 Laboratory
19.5 Equipment
19.6 Classroom infrastructure LCD projector, AC
19.7 Site visits

20. Design content of the course (Percent of student time with examples, if possible)
20.1 Design-type problems
20.2 Open-ended problems
20.3 Project-type activity
20.4 Open-ended laboratory work
20.5 Others (please specify)

Date: (Signature of the Head of the Department)

Page 1


1. Department/Centre Department of Chemical Engineering

proposing the course
(< 45 characters)

3. L-T-P structure 3-1-0

4. Credits 4
5. Course number CHL331
6. Status Core
(category for program)

7. Pre-requisites Transport Phenomena, FM

(course no./title)

8. Status vis-à-vis other courses (give course number/title)

8.1 Overlap with any UG/PG course of the Dept./Centre N
8.2 Overlap with any UG/PG course of other Dept./Centre N
8.3 Supercedes any existing course

9. Not allowed for

(indicate program names)

10. Frequency of offering Every sem 1st sem 2nd sem Either sem
11. Faculty who will teach the course
S. K. Pattanayek, S.Basu, B. P. Mani, R.Mohan,P.Chowski, S.Roy,V.Buwa
12. Will the course require any visiting N
13. Course objective (about 50 words):
To introduce the various particles encountered in various chemical engineering
processes, their handling through various unit operation and to understand
hydrodynamic interaction with particles

14. Course contents (about 100 words) (Include laboratory/design activities):

Introduction and Industries dealing with the particles (Solid, liquid, gas, soft-
materials: Colloids, polymer); Solid particles: Particle size, shape and their
distribution; Relationship among shape factors and particle dimensions;
Specific surface area; Meauserment of surface area, sizes etc.; Drag
coefficient in various regimes; Packed bed;Fludization; Sedimentation:
Settling, Hindered settling, design of settling tank; filtration; centrifugal
separation; cyclone; mixing (solid-solid, solid-liquid and liquid-liquid);
segregation, Size reduction, Size enlargement, Flow properties of slurries,
Behavior of Colloidal particles in dispersed condition.
Page 2
Page 3

15. Lecture Outline (with topics and number of lectures)

Module Topic No. of
no. hours
1 Introduction and Industries dealing with the particles 2
2 Solid particles: Particle size, shape and their distribution; Relationship 3
among shape factors and particle dimensions; Specific surface area;
Measurement of surface area, sizes etc.;
3 Introduction particle-fluid interaction through drag 2
4 Packed bed: Void fraction, superficial velocity, channeling, Friction 4
factors for packed columns, Ergun equation, Kozney Carman eqn,
Darcy’s law, Blain apparatus
5 Fludization: Fluidized bed, minimu fluidization velocity, pressure drop 4
Geldart plot etc. Types of fluidization: Particulate fludization, Bubbling
fluidization, Application of fluidization
6 Sedimentation: Free Settling, hindered settling, design of settling tank 5
7 Filtration, centrifugal separation, cyclone 7
8 Size reduction 3
9 Segregation; Size enlargement 3
10 Agitator, Liquid-Liquid Mixing, Solid-Liquid Mixing, Solid-Solid mixing, 3
11 Colloidal particles & Flow properties of slurries 4
12 Design of cyclone, Agitator, slurry handling system 2
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘L’) 42

16. Brief description of tutorial activities


17. Brief description of laboratory activities

Module Experiment description No. of
no. hours
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘P’)

18. Suggested texts and reference materials

STYLE: Author name and initials, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year.
• Rhodes, M. J. , Introduction to particle technology, 2nd edition, John Wiley, Chichester ;
New York, 2008 .
• Coulson and Richardson’s CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, VOLUME 2, Butterworth-
Heinemann, Fifth edition 2002.
• McCabe, W., Smith, J. and Harriott, P. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 6th
edition., McGraw Hill
• Terence Allen, Powder Sampling and Particle size Determination, Elsevier, 2003
• Hiroaki Masuda, Ko Higashitani, Hideto Yoshida, Powder Technology Handbook, CRC,
Page 4

Taylor and Francis, 2006.

19. Resources required for the course (itemized & student access requirements, if any)
19.1 Software
19.2 Hardware
19.3 Teaching aides (videos, etc.)
19.4 Laboratory
19.5 Equipment
19.6 Classroom infrastructure
19.7 Site visits

20. Design content of the course (Percent of student time with examples, if possible)
20.1 Design-type problems
20.2 Open-ended problems
20.3 Project-type activity
20.4 Open-ended laboratory work
20.5 Others (please specify)

Date: (Signature of the Head of the Department)

Page 1


1. Department/Centre Chemical Engineering

proposing the course
(< 45 characters)

3. L-T-P structure 3-1-0

4. Credits 4
5. Course number CHL261
6. Status Dept core for CH1, CH7
(category for program)

7. Pre-requisites MAL 110, CHL 111

(course no./title)

8. Status vis-à-vis other courses (give course number/title)

8.1 Overlap with any UG/PG course of the Dept./Centre MEL 312, EEL301
8.2 Overlap with any UG/PG course of other Dept./Centre
8.3 Supercedes any existing course CHL202, CHL261
9. Not allowed for
(indicate program names)

10. Frequency of offering Every sem 1st sem 2nd sem Either sem
11. Faculty who will teach the course
Munawar A. Shaik, Shantanu Roy, Anurag Rathore
12. Will the course require any visiting No
13. Course objective (about 50 words):
To introduce the fundamentals of process control with applications such as
temperature, level, and flow control using classical P, PI, and PID controllers.
Development of mathematical models based on transfer function approach for
single loop systems, obtaining dynamic response of open loop and closed loop
systems, stability analysis in transient and frequency domains, and controller
tuning methods.
14. Course contents (about 100 words) (Include laboratory/design activities):
Introduction to automation, block diagrams; Revision of Laplace transform;
Modeling based on transfer function approach; Open-loop systems: dynamic
response of first order systems, first order systems in series, second order
systems, and transportation lag; Feedback control: P, PI, PID controllers,
dynamic response of closed loop systems; Linear stability analysis, Routh
stability criterion, root locus diagrams; Frequency response: Bode diagrams,
Nyquist diagrams, Bode and Nyquist stability criterion; Controller tuning:
Page 2

Zeigler-Nichols and Cohen-Coon methods; Introduction to advanced

controllers: feedforward control, cascade control, dead time compensation,
ratio control, internal model control. Use of MATLAB for control system
Page 3

15. Lecture Outline (with topics and number of lectures)

Module Topic No. of
no. hours
1 Introduction to automation, block diagrams, control structures 5
(feedback vs. feedforward), process & instrumentation diagrams
2 Revision of Laplace transforms, solution of ODEs using Laplace 4
3 Transfer function approach, response of first order systems: step, 4
impulse and sinusoidal response, first order systems in series
4 Second order systems, higher order systems, transportation lag 3
5 Linear closed loop systems, development of block diagrams, classic 3
feedback controllers
6 final control element (control valves), block diagram reduction 3
7 Closed loop response, servo & regulatory problems 2
8 Stability analysis, Routh stability criterion, Root locus diagrams (rule 3
9 Introduction to frequency response (substitution method), notion of 2
10 Bode diagrams, Nyquist plots, Bode and Nyquist stability criterion 4
11 Controller tuning: Ziegler-Nichols method, Cohen-Coon method 4
12 Introduction to advanced controllers: cascade control, feed forward 5
control, ratio control, Smith-predictor, IMC, Introduction to digital
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘L’) 42

16. Brief description of tutorial activities

Emphasis on numerical problem solving: block diagram development, use of matlab for open
loop and closed loop response, stability analysis, root locus, Bode diagrams, controller

17. Brief description of laboratory activities

Module Experiment description No. of
no. hours
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘P’)

18. Suggested texts and reference materials

STYLE: Author name and initials, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year.
Text Book:
• Coughanowr, D. R., LeBlanc, S. “Process Systems Analysis and Control”, 3rd edition,
McGrawHill, 2008.
Page 4

• Seborg, D.E., Edgar, T.F., Mellichamp, D.A. “Process Dynamics and Control”, 2nd
edition, John Wiley (2003)
• Stephanopoulos, G. “Chemical Process Control: An Introduction to Theory and Practice”,
Pearson Education (1984)

19. Resources required for the course (itemized & student access requirements, if any)
19.1 Software MATLAB
19.2 Hardware
19.3 Teaching aides (videos, etc.) LCD projector, bio-metric device for attendance
19.4 Laboratory
19.5 Equipment
19.6 Classroom infrastructure
19.7 Site visits

20. Design content of the course (Percent of student time with examples, if possible)
20.1 Design-type problems
20.2 Open-ended problems
20.3 Project-type activity
20.4 Open-ended laboratory work
20.5 Others (please specify)

Date: (Signature of the Head of the Department)

Page 1



proposing the course
(< 45 characters)
3. L-T-P structure (3-0-2)
4. Credits 4 UNITS
5. Course number CHL(1--) OR CHL(2--)
(category for program) UNDERGRADUATES

7. Pre-requisites NONE
(course no./title)

8. Status vis-à-vis other courses (give course number/title)

8.1 Overlap with any UG/PG course of the Dept./Centre CHL711/761/773
8.2 Overlap with any UG/PG course of other Dept./Centre
8.3 Supercedes any existing course

9. Not allowed for

(indicate program names)

10. Frequency of offering Every sem 1st sem 2nd sem Either sem
11. Faculty who will teach the course
12. Will the course require any visiting NO
13. Course objective (about 50 words):
To introduce students to
* numerical methods used to solve engineering problems with help of
* fundamentals of numerical methods/algorithms to solve systems of different
mathematical equations (e.g. linear/ non-linear algebraic equations, ordinary
/partial differential equations, etc)
* writing their own computer programs using C and also using commerical
softwares like MATLAB.
* hands-on experience to apply these computer programs to solve problems in
different areas of chemical engineering e.g. fluid flow, heat and mass transfer,
chemical reaction engineering etc.
14. Course contents (about 100 words) (Include laboratory/design activities):
Estimation and round of error calculations. Solution of linear algebraic
Page 2

equations via Gauss elimination, LU decomposition, matrix inversion, Gauss-

Seidel method etc. Solving non-linear algebraic equations with the help of root
finding. Numerical Integration and differentiation. Solution of ordinary
differential equations encountered in initial/boundary value problems via
implicit and explicit methods. Solution of partial differential equations by
numerical methods. Chemical engineering problems where the above
mentioned numerical schemes are involved will be illustrated in details.
Page 3

15. Lecture Outline (with topics and number of lectures)

Module Topic No. of
no. hours
1. Gauss elimination, LU decomposition and matrix inversion
2. Gauss-Seidel and special matrices
3. Chemical engineering problems involving solution of linear algebraic
3 Eigenvalues 3
1. Root finding methods: Bracketing (Bisection) and Open (Newton-
Raphson, Secant) methods
2. Solution of a system of non-linear equations
3. Chemical engineering problems involving solution of non-linear
5 Functions, interpolation, approximation, regression 6
Interpolation, Newton's polynomials and lagrange polynomials, spline
interpolation, linear regression, polynomial regression, least square
1. High-accuracy differentiation formulas, Richardson extrapolation
2. Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rule, integration with unequal
segments, Romberg integration, quadrature methods, multiple
3.Chemical engineering problems involving numerical differentiation
and integration
1. Euler method, RK methods,adaptive RK method,
2. Solution to a system of ODEs
3. Initial and boundary value problems
4. Chemical engineering problems involving a system of ODEs
1.Characterization of PDEs
2.Solution to elliptic PDEs
3.The Laplace equation, solution technique, boundary conditions
4. Solution to parabolic PDEs
5. The heat conduction/diffusion equations, explicit, implicit, C-N
methods, boundary conditions
6. 2D parabolic equations
7. Chemical engineering problems involving a PDEs

COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘L’) 42

16. Brief description of tutorial activities

Two hours of lab where students will learn to write their own codes in C to solve numerical
problems and will learn to use softwares like MATLAB

17. Brief description of laboratory activities

Page 4

Module Experiment description No. of

no. hours
1 Introduction 2
2 Solution of linear algebraic equations using Gauss elimination 2
3 Solution of linear algebraic equations using Gauss-siedel method 2
4 Solution of a non-linear equation using bracketing and Newton- 2
Raphson method
5 Solution of a system of non-linear equations using Newton-Raphson 2
6 Problem(s) involving interpolation 2
7 Problem(s) involving numerical integration 2
8 Solution to an ODE: Euler vs R-K method 2
9 Solution to a system of ODEs (IVP) 2
10 10 Solution to a system of ODEs (BVP) 2
11 Solution of 2D parabolic equations 2
12 Solution of 2D parabolic equations 2
13 ....................................................... 2
14 Practical examination 2

COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘P’) 28

18. Suggested texts and reference materials

STYLE: Author name and initials, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year.
Text books:
S.C. Chapra & R.P. Canale, "Numerical Methods for Engineers with Personal
Computer Applications", McGraw Hill Book Company, 1985.
R.L. Burden & J. D. Faires, "Numerical Analysis".

Reference books:
Atkinson, K.E., "An Introduction to Numerical Analysis", John Wiley & Sons, 1978.
Gupta, S. K., "Numerical Methods for Engineers, New Academic Science, 2012.
Press, W. H. et al., "Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing,
3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2007.

19. Resources required for the course (itemized & student access requirements, if any)
19.1 Software C Compiler/MATLAB
19.2 Hardware
19.3 Teaching aides (videos, etc.) Projectors
19.4 Laboratory Computational Lab
19.5 Equipment
19.6 Classroom infrastructure 
19.7 Site visits

20. Design content of the course (Percent of student time with examples, if possible)
20.1 Design-type problems
20.2 Open-ended problems
20.3 Project-type activity
20.4 Open-ended laboratory work
20.5 Others (please specify)
Page 5

Date: (Signature of the Head of the Department)

Page 1


1. Department/Centre Chemical Engineering

proposing the course
(< 45 characters)
3. L-T-P structure 3-1-0
4. Credits 4
5. Course number CHL XXX
6. Status Core for CH
(category for program)

7. Pre-requisites CHL110
(course no./title)

8. Status vis-à-vis other courses (give course number/title)

8.1 Overlap with any UG/PG course of the Dept./Centre
8.2 Overlap with any UG/PG course of other Dept./Centre BEN150 (5%), BEL401
(5%), BEL703 (5%)
8.3 Supercedes any existing course None
9. Not allowed for
(indicate program names)

10. Frequency of offering Every sem 1st sem 2nd sem Either sem
11. Faculty who will teach the course
Anurag S. Rathore (Chem Engg), Mohammed Ali Haider (Chem Engg), Sudip
Pattanayek (Chem Engg), Sanat Mohanty (Chem Engg), Shalini Gupta (Chem
12. Will the course require any visiting No
13. Course objective (about 50 words):
This course is intended for UG and PG students who may be interested in
pursuing a career in the biopharmecutical industry. The course will present
fundamenal concepts and practical applications related to process
development and commercialization of biotech therapeutics. Industrial case
studies that elucidate the above concepts will also be presented.
14. Course contents (about 100 words) (Include laboratory/design activities):
Introduction to biopharmaceutical industry. Monod kinetics. Michaelis Menten
kinetics. Introduction to the different bioprocessing unit operations utilized in
production of biotech drugs - upstream, harvest, and downstream. Design,
control and scale up of bioreactor. Introduction to analytical methods used for
characterization of biotech products and processes (high performance liquid
Page 2

chromatography, mass spectrophotometry, capillary electrophoresis, near

infrared spectroscopy, UV spectroscopy). Fundamentals and design of
filtration and other membrane based separation techniques. Process
chromatography - theory, practice, design and scale-up. Mixing, heat transfer
and mass transfer in bioprocessing unit operations. Scale-up of filtration and
chromatography unit operations utilized in bioprocessing: procedures, issues
that frequently occur and possible solutions. Process design, control and
optimization. Current topics in biopharmaceutical technology.
Page 3

15. Lecture Outline (with topics and number of lectures)

Module Topic No. of
no. hours
1 Introduction to biotech industry 1
2 Monod kinetics and Michaelis Mentel Kinetics 2
3 Introduction to the different bioprocessing unit operations 2
4 Design, control and scale up of bioreactor 6
5 Introduction to analytical methods 2
6 Filtration and other membrane based separation techniques 5
7 Process chromatography - theory, practice, design and scale-up 6
8 Mixing, heat transfer and mass transfer in bioprocessing unit ops 6
9 Process design, control and optimization 6
10 Quality by Design and Process Analytical Technology 2
11 Basics of GMP manufcaturing and Technology Transfer 2
12 New technologies in bioprocessing 2
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘L’) 42

16. Brief description of tutorial activities

Tutorials will involve either numerical problems to elucidate mathematical concepts
introduced in the course or extra reading material and discussion designed to clarify complex

17. Brief description of laboratory activities

Module Experiment description No. of
no. hours
1 Not applicable
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘P’)

18. Suggested texts and reference materials

STYLE: Author name and initials, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year.
1. P. A. Belter, E. L. Cussler, W. –S. Hu. Bioseparations: Downstream Processing in
Biotechnology, Wiley Interscience, 1988.
2. A. A. Shukla, M. R. Etzel and S. Gadam. Process Scale Bioseparations for the
Biopharmaceutical Industry, Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton,FL, 2007.
3. J. E. Bailey and D. F. Ollis, Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, McGraw Hill Book
Company, Singapore, 1986.
4. Rajni Hati-Kaul and Bo Mattiasson, Isolation and Purification of Proteins, Marcel Dekker,
Page 4

19. Resources required for the course (itemized & student access requirements, if any)
19.1 Software Microsoft office
19.2 Hardware None
19.3 Teaching aides (videos, etc.) None
19.4 Laboratory None
19.5 Equipment None
19.6 Classroom infrastructure Laptop projection system
19.7 Site visits None

20. Design content of the course (Percent of student time with examples, if possible)
20.1 Design-type problems Yes
20.2 Open-ended problems No
20.3 Project-type activity Yes
20.4 Open-ended laboratory work No
20.5 Others (please specify) None

Date: (Signature of the Head of the Department)

Page 1


1. Department/Centre Chemical Engineering

proposing the course
(< 45 characters)
3. L-T-P structure 3-0-0
4. Credits 3
5. Course number
6. Status CORE
(category for program)

7. Pre-requisites None
(course no./title)

8. Status vis-à-vis other courses (give course number/title)

8.1 Overlap with any UG/PG course of the Dept./Centre No
8.2 Overlap with any UG/PG course of other Dept./Centre AML120 (10%)
8.3 Supercedes any existing course

9. Not allowed for

(indicate program names)

10. Frequency of offering Every sem 1st sem 2nd sem Either sem
11. Faculty who will teach the course
S. K. Pattanayek, S. Mohanty, R.Khanna, Shalini Gupta
12. Will the course require any visiting No
13. Course objective (about 50 words):
The objective of the course will be to give the students a basic introduction to
the different classes of materials relevant to the Chemical Engineering
industries. The intent of the course will be to relate the underlying molecular
structure of the materials to their physical and chemical properties, and their
processing and performance characteristics.
14. Course contents (about 100 words) (Include laboratory/design activities):
Brief introduction to crystalline solids - metals and semiconductors, types of
atomic bonding and lattices; a detailed discussion on semi-crystalline materials
- ceramics, polymers, copolymers, liquid crystals and surfactants; a detailed
overview of amorphous and composite systems such as glass, fibers, granular
materials, matrices and alloys; role of materials selection in design; structure-
property-processing-performance relationships; materials characterization via
experimental techniques; special materials like biomaterials and zeolites
Page 2

15. Lecture Outline (with topics and number of lectures)

Module Topic No. of
no. hours
1 Introduction to materials as building blocks for engineers: Evolution of 2
materials with time, role of materials selection in design, structure-
property-processing-performance relationships
2 Review of Structure of materials and Strength of Materials 3
3 Semi-crystalline materials: Classification, structure and configutation of 10
ceramics, polymers, copolymers, liquid crystals and amphiphiles
4 Noncrystalline/amorphous materials: Silicates, glass transition 6
temperature, viscoelasticity
5 Polymer nano-Composite materials: Nanocomposites, role of 4
reinforcement-matrix interface strength on composite behavior
6 Corrosion, Degradation and Recyling 6
7 Experimental techniques, such as XRD, NMR, PSA, etc. for material 6
characterization highlighting links between molecular structure and
macroscopic properties
8 Biomaterials, material realted to catalyst such as zeolites, silica etc. 5
and other selected materials
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘L’) 42

16. Brief description of tutorial activities


17. Brief description of laboratory activities

Module Experiment description No. of
no. hours
1 N/A
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘P’)

18. Suggested texts and reference materials

STYLE: Author name and initials, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year.
1.RAL Jones, Soft Condensed Matter, Oxford University Press, 2002

2. W.D. Callister Jr. and D.G. Rethwisch, Fundamentals of Materials Science and
Engineering: An Integrated Approach John Wiley & Sons, 2012

3. B.S. Mitchell An Introduction to Materials Engineering and Science for Chemical and
Page 3

Materials Engineers, John Wiley & Sons, 2004

4. G.S. Upadhyaya and A. Upadhyaya, Material Science and Engineering, ANSHAN PUB,

19. Resources required for the course (itemized & student access requirements, if any)
19.1 Software No
19.2 Hardware No
19.3 Teaching aides (videos, etc.) No
19.4 Laboratory No
19.5 Equipment No
19.6 Classroom infrastructure Overhead projector
19.7 Site visits No

20. Design content of the course (Percent of student time with examples, if possible)
20.1 Design-type problems N/A
20.2 Open-ended problems N/A
20.3 Project-type activity N/A
20.4 Open-ended laboratory work N/A
20.5 Others (please specify) N/A

Date: March 21, 2013 (Signature of the Head of the Department)

Page 1


1. Department/Centre Chemical Engineering

proposing the course
(< 45 characters)
3. L-T-P structure 1-0-2
4. Credits 2
5. Course number CHLXXX
6. Status Dept core for CH1, CH7
(category for program)

7. Pre-requisites CHL261
(course no./title)

8. Status vis-à-vis other courses (give course number/title)

8.1 Overlap with any UG/PG course of the Dept./Centre
8.2 Overlap with any UG/PG course of other Dept./Centre
8.3 Supercedes any existing course CHP303 (control part)
9. Not allowed for
(indicate program names)

10. Frequency of offering Every sem 1st sem 2nd sem Either sem
11. Faculty who will teach the course
All ChE faculty
12. Will the course require any visiting No
13. Course objective (about 50 words):
To introduce the basics of instrumentation and principles of operation of
different measuring devices for temperature, level, pressure, flow, PH,
humidity, denstiy, and viscosity; to impart knowledge of transmitters,
transducers, converters, control valves, digital and analog components related
to PLC, DCS, SCADA systems with emphasis on practical hands-on training.
14. Course contents (about 100 words) (Include laboratory/design activities):
Signals and standards (pneumatic, voltage, current); Basics of control loop
components: sensors, transmitters, transducers, control valves, and
converters; Measuring devices for process variables: temperature, pressure,
level, flow, PH, humidity, density, and viscosity; Different control valves,
actuators, positioners; computer-based control systems: PLC, DCS, SCADA
Page 2

15. Lecture Outline (with topics and number of lectures)

Module Topic No. of
no. hours
1 Basics of control system components, signals and standards 1
2 Pressure measuring instruments/sensors 1
3 Level measurement 1
4 Flow measuring instruments 1
5 Temperature measuring devices 1
6 Humidity, density, viscosity and PH measuring devices 2
7 Pressure controllers: regulators, safety valves 1
8 Flow control actuators: different types of valves 1
9 Electrical and pneumatic signal conditioning and transmission 1
10 Computer process control, PLC, DCS, SCADA 4
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘L’) 14

16. Brief description of tutorial activities


17. Brief description of laboratory activities

Module Experiment description No. of
no. hours
1 Control valves 2
2 Temperature & pressure measuring devices 4
3 Level & flow measuring devices 4
4 Viscosity & PH measuring devices 4
5 Transmitters & transducers 2
6 Open loop systems: lagged thermometer, stirred-tank heater 4
7 Temperature, level, & pressure control trainers 6
8 Flow-level cascade control 2
COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘P’) 28

18. Suggested texts and reference materials

STYLE: Author name and initials, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year.
William C. Dunn, Fundamentals of Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control, Mc-
GrawHill (2005).
S.K. Singh, Industrial Instrumentation and Control, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill (2008).
Seborg, D.E., Edgar, T.F., Mellichamp, D.A. “Process Dynamics and Control”, 2nd edition,
John Wiley (2003).
Stephanopoulos, G. “Chemical Process Control: An Introduction to Theory and Practice”,
Pearson Education (1984).

19. Resources required for the course (itemized & student access requirements, if any)
19.1 Software MATLAB/Labview
19.2 Hardware
Page 3

19.3 Teaching aides (videos, etc.) LCD projector, bio-metric device for attendance
19.4 Laboratory Instrumentation and process control Lab
19.5 Equipment
19.6 Classroom infrastructure
19.7 Site visits

20. Design content of the course (Percent of student time with examples, if possible)
20.1 Design-type problems
20.2 Open-ended problems
20.3 Project-type activity
20.4 Open-ended laboratory work
20.5 Others (please specify)

Date: (Signature of the Head of the Department)

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