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Useful methods and

approaches in ELT:


By: Abel Gonzales


To become familiar with useful methods and approaches

Rules for the Webinar

✓ Log-in as guest with your family name.

✓ Sit in a quiet location where you will not be disturbed.
✓ Mute your microphone while other people are speaking.
✓ Do not use the chat for other topics or internal discussion.
✓ Be respectful and polite when speaking.
✓ Avoid multi-tasking.
Warm up activity

Say one thing you are grateful for. Use the chat to write your ideas.

I’m grateful for the family I have.

The communicative approach

✓It is based on the idea that learning language successfully comes through
having to communicate real meaning.

✓Practicing question forms by asking learners to find out personal

information about their classmates.

✓Classroom activities guided by the communicative approach are

characterized by trying to produce meaningful and real communication, at
all levels.

• PPP describes typical stages of a presentation of

new language.

• It means presentation, practice and production.

• The practice stage aims to provide opportunities

for learners to use the target structure.

PPP - Planning a grammar lesson
• For example, when presenting the 2nd
conditional, you can draw a picture of
yourself with thought bubbles.

• Ask your students “What I'm thinking

about? and then introduce the target
"If I had a lot of money, I would buy a
sports car and a big house."
PPP - Planning a grammar lesson
• Then, practice and drill the sentence orally before writing it on
the board.
• Next:

focus on form by asking the students focus on meaning by asking the students
questions. questions to check that they have
understood the concept.
E.g. "What do we use after 'if’?”
E.g. "Do I have lots of money?" No.
"What am I doing?" Imagining
PPP - Planning a grammar lesson
gap fill exercises
• There are numerous
activities which can be sentence
substitution drills
used for this stage. transformations

class questionnaires

• It is important that the

matching sentences
activities are fairly to pictures
split sentences
controlled at this stage as
students have only just met picture dictations
the new language.
reordering sentences
PPP - Planning a grammar lesson

• When teaching the 2nd conditional, you would use split sentences
as a controlled practice activity. Give students lots of sentence
halves and in pairs they try and match the beginnings and ends of
the sentences.
"I’d do my homework."
"I'd travel around the world."
"If I won the lottery," …
"I’d cook ceviche."
"I’d do the laundry."
PPP - Planning a grammar lesson

• Again there are numerous activities for this stage

information gaps role plays interviews

simulations spot the differences picture cues

find someone who
between two pictures

problem solving personalization board games

PPP - Planning a grammar lesson

• When teaching the 2nd conditional, you would try to personalize

the lesson at this stage by giving students a list of question prompts
to ask others in the class.

Example: do / if / win the lottery?

Example: do / if / win the lottery?

What would you do if you won the lottery?

If I won the lottery I would __________.


• TPR stands for Total Physical Response.

• Created by Dr. James J Asher.

• It is based upon the way that children

learn their mother tongue.

How can I use it in class?

You will watch a TPR sequence demonstration. Then discuss in groups

the following questions:

✓ When should we use TPR?

✓ Why should we use it in the classroom?
✓ Are there any disadvantages with using TPR?

Choose one person in your group to share your findings with the whole class.
How can I use it in class?
TPR - Advantages and Challenges

Advantages Challenges

❖ Students enjoy it and it can be a real stirrer ❖ Students who are not used to such things
in the class. It lifts the pace and the mood. might find it embarrassing.
❖ It is very memorable. It really helps students
to remember phrases or words. ❖ It is only really suitable for beginner levels.
❖ It is good for kinesthetic learners who need You need to adapt the language accordingly.
to be active in the class.
❖ It can be used in large or small classes. It ❖ You can't teach everything with it and if used
doesn't really matter how many students a lot it would become repetitive.
you have as long as you are prepared to take
the lead, the students will follow.
❖ It is very effective with teenagers and young
❖ It involves both left- and right-brained

• The Project-Based Learning approach is

a learner-centred approach.

• PBL often makes a task the focus of a

whole term or academic year.

PBL - elements

1. A central topic

2. Access to
means of

3. Opportunities
for sharing ideas

4 A final product
PBL - The role of the teacher

Monitor Facilitator
PBL - Advantages and Challenges

Advantages Challenges
Communicate ❖ It allows students to focus on real ❖ Classroom management changes
approach communication (authentic use of the radically.
❖ Fostering motivation and ❖ Students and teachers need to
engagement. undertake different roles and they
Cross Curricular
❖ Enhancing learners’ autonomy. might probably feel uncomfortable
Competency 29 with that change.
❖ Developing language learning and
❖ Developing problem-solving skills ❖ Students without experience in group
Cross Curricular ❖ Enhancing cooperative learning work may have difficulties
Competency 28 (technology use). negotiating compromise.
❖ Integrating content and language
PBL – Task

1. A central topic

2. Access to means
of investigation

Answer these questions and use the chat to write your answers.
3. Opportunities
for sharing ideas
✓ What central topics can you apply in your school?
4 A final product
✓ Will your students be able to access to means of investigation?

✓ How can you create opportunities for sharing ideas among them?

✓ When would it be the most appropriate moment for them to show the educational community their
final product?

Why is it relevant to apply different

methods and approaches to our
teaching practice?

What effect does it have on our


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