13 - Exhibit D Hydro. Test. Cross Country PL

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Page No.

1. SCOPE 1














1.1 This SPECIFICATION covers the minimum requirements for hydrostatic testing of pipelines
required for the WORK.

1.2 CONTRACTOR shall prepare a procedure for the cleaning, gauging and hydrostatic testing of
the pipeline and submit this procedure to COMPANY for approval prior to commencement of
trenching activities.


2.1 All pipelines and systems installed by CONTRACTOR shall be cleaned internally and
successfully gauged with a gauging plate mounted on a pig to demonstrate the geometry of the
pipeline internal diameter to the satisfaction of COMPANY.

2.2 All pipelines and systems installed by CONTRACTOR shall be subjected to hydrostatic test by
CONTRACTOR and witnessed by COMPANY.

The hydrostatic testing of the pipeline shall be performed at the pressures and in sections as
shown in the Hydrostatic Test Diagram.

2.3 Testing operations shall only be undertaken at times and to be agreed with COMPANY, and
CONTRACTOR shall provide COMPANY with advance notice in writing of its readiness to
undertake any particular test operation.

No test shall be commenced in the absence of COMPANY from the test site nor shall any
instrument data be read and recorded on the Test Forms in its absence. Automatic recording
instruments shall be mutually agreed in the procedure.

2.4 The General Sequence of Hydrostatic Testing shall be as follows:

2.4.1 Installation of test heads at each end of a pipe section to be tested.

2.4.2 Removal of construction debris from the test section by running construction-cleaning
pig (s) propelled by compressed air.

2.4.3 Running of gauging plate pig propelled by compressed air.

2.4.4 Filling of the test section with suitable test water as soon as section is made ready.

2.4.5 Upon completion of filling, the pipeline section will be left for sufficient time to allow
the test water temperature to stabilise but for at least a 24 hour duration.

Exhibit D/Specification for Hydrostatic 1

Testing of Cross Country Pipelines
2.4.6 Charging of the line to 80 percent of the strength test pressure, and performing air
entrapped test.

2.4.7 Cycling test.

2.4.8 Conducting the strength/tightness test.

2.4.9 Removal of test water from the section.

2.4.10 Removal of test heads and connecting the tested section.

2.5 A list of instruments, instrument ranges and instrument spares proposed for use in the hydrostatic
testing programme shall be submitted to COMPANY for approval before commencement of
hydrostatic testing.

2.6 CONTRACTOR shall provide a Test Engineer who shall be experienced in the techniques of
pipeline testing and CONTRACTOR shall satisfy COMPANY as to the competence of all
CONTRACTOR’s employees engaged in the testing operation.

2.7 All measurements and calculations shall be agreed with COMPANY and submitted to
COMPANY for assessment.

2.8 During testing operations CONTRACTOR shall ensure that adequate measures are taken to
safeguard the general public. These measures must be approved by COMPANY.


3.1 CONTRACTOR may choose to run construction-cleaning pigs through the entire test section or
segments of the test section by using compressed air at a maximum of 7 bars as a propellant. The
type of pig shall be approved by COMPANY. The pig launchers and receivers shall be as Figure
1. The first pig of each section or segment shall be provided with a pig detector approved by

3.2 Should the cleaning pig get stuck in the pipeline, CONTRACTOR shall not employ pressures
greater than 7 Bar differential to dislodge it. If a differential pressure of 7 Bar is insufficient to
dislodge the pig, the pig must be located and removed from the pipeline by cutting or other
methods to be approved by COMPANY, at CONTRACTOR’s expense.

3.3 After backfilling of the pipeline or section of pipeline is complete, any cleaning operations
completed and prior to the hydrostatic test, a 96% of minimum internal diameter gauging pig,
propelled by compressed air shall be passed through the entire length of the section to be tested
utilising such temporary pig traps as are required. The gauging plate should be constructed of

Upon completion of the gauging pig run, the pig and gauge plate shall be removed from the
pipeline in the presence of COMPANY. COMPANY will be the sole judge of whether the gauge
plate is acceptable or not.

Exhibit D/Specification for Hydrostatic 2

Testing of Cross Country Pipelines
3.4 After the acceptance of the gauging pig runs for the length of the pipeline section by COMPANY
and after completion of any tie-in welds, CONTRACTOR may proceed with the filling of the
pipeline, with water for the hydrostatic testing of the pipeline section.


4.1 COMPANY shall determine whether water proposed by CONTRACTOR for hydrostatic testing
is suitable. CONTRACTOR shall procure such inhibitors and/or oxygen scavengers as are
necessary to render the water suitable, and will submit its proposal to COMPANY prior to any
filling operations.

4.2 CONTRACTOR shall transport the water from source of supply to the filling point(s) on the line.

4.3 The water shall be filtered through 500-micron filters. If corrosion inhibitors and/or oxygen
scavengers are required CONTRACTOR shall mix these with the test water on the pump suction
side at a rate which results in a mixture conforming to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

4.4 CONTRACTOR shall strictly follow COMPANY’s directions for treatment of the water for
hydrostatic testing. Before CONTRACTOR orders any inhibitors, COMPANY shall approve
type and quantities.


5.1 The test instruments shall be of a suitable range and as a minimum requirement shall include:

5.1.1 A dead-weight tester for reading to 0.005 Bar.

5.1.2 A self recording manometer with 24 hours dial. Maximum reading 80 Bars or as
specified and mutually agreed. Dial division 0.5 Bar. Accuracy 0.5 Bar.

5.1.3 A self recording thermometer. Dial division 0.5 degrees Centigrade. Accuracy 0.5
degrees Centigrade. Maximum reading 75 degrees Centigrade.

A self-recording thermometer and barometer for the weather conditions with dial of 24
hours or more.

5.1.4 Thermocouple type self-recording thermometers to indicate the line temperature. Dial
divisions 0.5 degrees Centigrade. Accuracy 0.5 degrees Centigrade.

5.1.5 Temperature measurement indicator with digital readout to indicate line temperature at
line elevation. Resolution of readings to 0.1 degrees Centigrade and with absolute
accuracy to 0.25 degrees Centigrade. The temperature probes are to be suitable for skin
temperature measurement and complete with 30 meters of cable.

5.1.6 Bourdon pressure gauges. Maximum reading 80 Bars or as specified and mutually
agreed. Accuracy 1 Bar.

Exhibit D/Specification for Hydrostatic 3

Testing of Cross Country Pipelines
5.1.7 Water flow meter(s) of suitable capacity and range for both line filling and pressurising
operations. Alternatively, a pump stroke counter may be used during pressurising
operation provided swept volume of pump is accurately known.

5.2 Each manometer, thermometer and dead-weight tester shall have a test certificate not older than
six months. A copy of each test certificate shall be handed to COMPANY, and the original
certificates shall be shown to COMPANY. If COMPANY requires, CONTRACTOR shall verify
the calibration of any instrument to be used for the test. CONTRACTOR shall, at COMPANY’s
request, have the instruments in question recalibrated in the presence of COMPANY at no cost to

5.3 Test heads shall be installed at each end of the line sections to be tested. Refer to Figure 3.

5.4 Test heads and above ground sections shall be sheltered and insulated in order to minimise the
effects of ambient temperature variations.

5.5 Pipe temperatures shall be measured at each end of the test section and at a number of
intermediate points along the pipeline, depending on test section length, by temperature
measurement indicators (refer to Article 5.1.5) peened into a weld and covered with insulating
material. The point of measurement in each end of the test section shall be such that there be at
least 30 m of the pipeline buried to specified depth between that point and the test head. The
number of intermediate measurement points required is to be agreed with COMPANY. If the test
section is less than 10 Km in length one intermediate point of measurement is sufficient but with
sections longer than 10 km the temperature shall be measured at more places evenly distributed
along the line to be agreed by COMPANY.

A standard piping assembly with relief valves and pressure gauges, similar to that shown in
Figure 3 shall be supplied and installed by CONTRACTOR at the locations shown on the
Hydrostatic Test Diagram.

5.6 At each end of the line two temperature recorders (Article 5.1.4) shall also be installed to
measure the line temperature. The point of measurement shall be at the same elevation as the
pipe centre line and shall be within 2 meters of the point at which the pipe temperature in Article
5.5 is measured.

5.7 CONTRACTOR shall supply an enclosed test van in which the test equipment can be
comfortably and safely operated.


6.1 CONTRACTOR shall provide and make operational suitable filling pumps and test pumps, each
fitted with 50 MESH suction filters. The pumps shall be suitable for the required filling rates and
rates for pressure build-up. All equipment required for filling operations included but not limited
to pump filters, piping fittings, pigs, etc., is to be provided by CONTRACTOR.

6.2 Water shall be injected behind suitable filling pigs into the section to be filled. All necessary
measures shall be taken to remove the air from the line during the filling operation. Such
measures shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to:

Exhibit D/Specification for Hydrostatic 4

Testing of Cross Country Pipelines
6.2.1 Controlling the filling rate.

The maximum allowable filling rate is such that the pig velocity does not exceed 2

The minimum allowable filling rate shall be such that pig velocity is not less than 0.3

6.2.2 Proper sizing and good conditioning of the filling pigs to preclude the possibility of air
and/or water bypassing them.

6.2.3 Limitation or elimination of fill pumps shutdowns.

6.3 Pigs selected for use during the filling operations must be capable of passing all side connections
and valves without bypassing of fill water.

The design of the filling pigs to be used shall be submitted to COMPANY for approval prior to
the filling operation.

6.4 During the line filling operation CONTRACTOR shall install and operate a water meter and
recording pressure gauge at the ill point to aid in determining the location of the filing pig.

6.5 During pressurising, tests and bleeding, globe and gate valves shall be fully opened and ball
valves shall be halfway open.

6.6 After the successful filling of the pipelines, the pipeline will be left for sufficient time to allow
the test water temperature to stabilise but for at least 24 hours’ duration.


7.1 An entrapped air test will be performed during the first pressurising cycle. See Article 8 of this


8.1 The cycling test shall commence after a temperature stabilisation period of not less than 24
hours. During the stabilisation period the following measurements shall be taken and recorded
every hour at each end of the test section:

 The pressure readings of the dead-weight tester.

 The temperature reading of the pipe.
 The temperature readings of the air.
 The barometer readings.

8.2 The test section shall be brought to 80 percent of the strength test pressure and allowed to
stabilise for two hours.

8.3 For the purpose of determining the air content in the pipeline, a pressure/volume plot will be
performed during the first pressurising cycle. The pressure/volume plot will commence from

Exhibit D/Specification for Hydrostatic 5

Testing of Cross Country Pipelines
static head conditions. If, in the opinion of COMPANY, there is too much air contained in the
pipeline, CONTRACTOR may be required to refill the pipeline. After refilling of the line
another 24 hours stabilisation period will be required. After stabilisation the section shall be
brought back to 80 percent of the strength test pressure and the entrapped air test repeated.

Readings will be taken of flow against pressure at 1 barg intervals. These readings will be used to
construct a pressure/volume plot from which will be extrapolated the additional water input to
overcome the entrapped air in the section. With this quantity the percentage air entrapment will
be worked out as follows:

% air entrapment = Additional water required to pressure line x 100

Volume of line at atmospheric pressure

An air entrapment percentage of 0.2% or less is acceptable.

8.4 When COMPANY has agreed that the volume of entrapped air is small enough to be acceptable
then the cycling test may continue.

8.5 A responsible operator is to be at the test pump controls during the entire period of the cycling
test. He must be advised by CONTRACTOR of the required pressure at the pump corresponding
to the pipeline pressures for each stage of the cycling test. Pressures shall be maintained at the
required levels by bleeding or filling as required.

8.6 The test section shall be brought carefully to the full strength test pressure and that pressure shall
be maintained for a period of one hour. The pressure at the test manifold shall then be lowered
carefully to a value of 20 Bar (ga).

8.7 For a second time the pressure shall be raised to the full strength test pressure and maintained at
that pressure for a period of one hour. Again for a second time the pressure at the test manifold
shall be lowered to 20 Bar (ga).

8.8 A relief valve of full charging pump capacity and set at the pressure indicated on the Hydrostatic
Test Diagram shall be installed on the test head piping assembly. The pressure recorder shall
record continuously the pressure at the test manifold. Dead-weight pressure readings shall be
taken and recorded at the start and finish of the high-pressure interval of each cycle and of the
low-pressure interval.

8.9 All pressure-containing components of the pipeline shall be subject to the cycling test.

8.10 If any leak is found during the cycling test then the test shall be discontinued and the necessary
repairs made.

8.11 Any repairs after the cycling test shall be made to the satisfaction of COMPANY. After any
repair the subject section shall be re-tested commencing with the entrapped air test or as agreed
by COMPANY as per the contents of this Article.

Exhibit D/Specification for Hydrostatic 6

Testing of Cross Country Pipelines

9.1 After successful completion of the cycling test, the section under test shall be subject to a 24
hours duration strength test at the pressure levels indicated on the Hydrostatic Test Diagram.

9.2 A responsible operator shall be at the test pump controls during the entire period of the 24 hours
strength/tightness test. He must be advised by CONTRACTOR of the required pressure at the
pump corresponding to the strength/tightness test pressures of the section. When the test section
has reached a stable condition it shall then be subject to a strength/tightness test of minimum 24
hours duration starting at the pressure level indicated in the Hydrostatic Test Diagram. No water
may be added or removed nor shall the section be vented for the duration of the test, and all
connection lines, with the exception of those to the instrument manifold, shall be disconnected.

9.3 However, if the water temperature increases, the tightness test pressure is to be maintained by
bleeding. When it is certain that the highest temperature has been reached a 24-hour chart is to
be started. If the pipeline is completely filled with water (no air pockets), any water temperature
difference will cause variations in the pressure according to the following formula:

dP = 3126 kF/(D/t +95)

dP = Pressure change, PSI
dF = Temperature change, oF
D = Pipe outside diameter, inches
t Pipe wall thickness, inches
P = Tightness test pressure

In case of a pipeline with various diameters and or wall thicknesses a weighted average may be
used for D/t in the above formula. The formula applies to restrained pipelines (constant length)
and is based on a bulk modulus for water of 335,000, a coefficient of expansion of steel (linear)
of 6.5 x 106 per oF and Possion’s ratio for steel of 0.3. If the cart does not close perfectly it must
be decided if this is due to leakage or water temperature change or air in the line. If there is
doubt, the 24-hour tightness test shall be continued for another 24 hours. With an ideal test the
chart should close at the same pressure when the starting temperature is reached approx. 24 hours

9.4 A relief valve of full charging pump capacity and set at the pressure indicated on the Hydrostatic
Test Diagram shall be installed on the test head piping assembly. The pressure recorder shall
record continuously the pressure at the test manifold. During the strength/tightness test the
following measurements shall be taken and recorded every hour at each end of the test section.;

 The pressure readings of the dead-weight tester.

 The temperature readings of the pipe.
 The temperature readings of the air.
 The barometer readings.

9.5 All pressure-containing components of the pipeline shall be subject to the strength/tightness test.
All pressure bearing materials/equipment supplied by CONTRACTOR for testing purposes
should be designed for the maximum test pressure.

Exhibit D/Specification for Hydrostatic 7

Testing of Cross Country Pipelines
9.6 If any leak is found during the strength test then the test shall be discontinued and the necessary
repairs made.

9.7 Any repairs after the strength/tightness test shall be made to the satisfaction of COMPANY.
After any repair the subject section shall be re-tested commencing with the entrapped air test or
as agreed by COMPANY as per the contents of this Article.

9.8 Where failure has occurred as a result of faulty workmanship on the part of CONTRACTOR, the
cost of the remedial measures shall be borne by CONTRACTOR, as shall the cost of any
resultant damages caused by the failure. Where failure has occurred as the result of faulty
PROJECT MATERIALS supplied by COMPANY, the cost of the remedial measures shall be
recovered by CONTRACTOR at rates set out in the CONTRACT as may be appropriate, and the
cost of any resultant damages shall be met by COMPANY.

9.9 COMPANY shall be the sole judge as to the determination of the responsibility for the cost of
the remedial measures. These costs shall be calculated from the time at which a failure occurs
until that time at which the hydrostatic pressure at which the failure occurred is once more
attained subsequent to the remedial measures being executed. All methods proposed by
CONTRACTOR to remedy a failure shall receive prior approval of COMPANY.

9.10 If, after completion of the 24 hour test period, it appears that correlation between various
pressure influencing factors shows that the line loses pressure, or if this should result in a
motivated doubt, the line shall be rejected and retesting shall be carried out, or testing shall be
prolonged for a sufficiently longer period at the discretion of, and at no charge to, COMPANY.

9.11 After all data has been collected and submitted to COMPANY, the final approval or rejection of
the hydrostatic test will be notified to CONTRACTOR within 24 hours.

9.12 As soon as possible after the completion of hydrostatic testing, CONTRACTOR is to remove all
water from the pipeline section by the use of de-watering pigs, propelled by compressed air.
CONTRACTOR will run sufficient pigs until no more water is received in the scraper trap.

9.13 CONTRACTOR’s proposals for disposal of test water are to be approved by COMPANY.


10.1 Scope

This Article of the SPECIFICATIONS covers the minimum requirement for cleaning and
preservation of the completed pipeline after successful hydrostatic pressure testing of all pipeline
sections as required for the WORK.

10.2 General

10.2.1 CONTRACTOR shall supply all labour, supervision, materials, CONSTRUCTIONAL

EQUIPMENT and PROJECT MATERIALS not supplied by COMPANY to accomplish
the cleaning and preservation as specified herein.

Exhibit D/Specification for Hydrostatic 8

Testing of Cross Country Pipelines
10.2.2 After completion of all inspection and hydrostatic testing, and tying-in of all pipeline
sections, CONTRACTOR shall clean and gauge the line internally to the satisfaction of

10.2.3 Together with the cleaning procedure CONTRACTOR shall preserve the line against
rusting and entrance of dust and other foreign matters, by refilling the line with inhibited

10.2.4 Complete cleaning and preservation procedure shall be discussed with and approved by

10.3 Cleaning

10.3.1 For cleaning the pipeline, the permanent pigging facilities shall be used.

10.3.2 Several pigs shall be run through the pipeline to clean the line from weld spatters, dirt,
mud and other foreign matter.

10.3.3 The pipeline is considered to be clean when the pipeline is not plugged and when no
objects with dimensions larger than three (3) mm are found in the scraper receiver after

10.4 Preservation

For preservation of the pipeline, non-corrosive water shall be used. COMPANY shall procure
such inhibitors and/or oxygen scavengers as may be required to render the water non-corrosive.
CONTRACTOR shall inject such inhibitors and/or oxygen scavengers as directed by


11.1 CONTRACTOR shall prepare and fill out complete test data sheets indicating:

Project No.
Section under pressure:
Time test pressures (barg):

During Strength/Tightness test and Stabilisation every hour:

 The pressure readings of the dead-weight tester.

 The temperature readings of the pipe.
 The temperature readings of the air.
 The barometer reading.
 The water quantities added and/or drained for tests and/or readings.

11.2 CONTRACTOR shall submit for each completed test:

11.2.1 The applicable test data sheets, together with the pressure, temperature and barometer

11.2.2 Results of entrapped air-test.

Exhibit D/Specification for Hydrostatic 9

Testing of Cross Country Pipelines
11.2.3 Pressure and temperature measurements for cycling test.

11.2.4 Measured value of the volume of water required to fill the line.

11.2.5 An evaluation of test results obtained and conclusion.

11.2.6 A copy of the test certificates for each instrument used.

11.2.7 A Test Certificate for the hydrostatic test.

11.3 Test charts and data sheets shall be signed by CONTRACTOR and COMPANY.


12.1 Scope

12.1.1 This article of the Specifications covers the minimum requirement for Hydrostatic
Testing of ABOVE GROUND PIPELINES and should be used in conjunction with all
other relevant sections of this Specification.

12.2 General

CONTRACTOR shall supply all labour supervision, materials, constructional equipment and
project materials not supplied by COMPANY to accomplish the Hydrostatic Strength/Tightness
Test of the Pipelines.

12.3 Strength/Tightness Test

12.3.1 After successfully completing all Section requirements up to and including Section 8
Cycling test CONTRACTOR shall pressurise the line to the required pressure for a
period of 24 hours.

A responsible operator shall be kept on the pump and a constant test pressure shall be
maintained by adding or removing test water. The volume added or removed shall be
measured and the time of removal or addition recorded along with temperature
measurements of the pipeline temperature and air temperature.

A periodic patrol shall be made of the pipeline to ensure that no leaks have occurred and
the time of the patrols recorded.

Upon satisfactory completion of the 24-hour test period and with no leaks apparent, the
test shall be concluded and a comparison made of the volume of water added and
removed against the recorded temperatures and the formula in Section 9, Item 9.3

COMPANY will review the comparison data and final approval or rejection notified to
CONTRACTOR within 24 hours.

12.3.2 All relevant requirements of Sections 10 and 11 shall be followed after conclusion of a
satisfactory Strength/Tightness Test.

Exhibit D/Specification for Hydrostatic 10

Testing of Cross Country Pipelines

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