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Using the Working Classification of Landslides to Assess the Danger from a

Natural Slope

Conference Paper · September 2014

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09057-3_1


7 1,197

2 authors:

David Milne Cruden Hengxing Lan

University of Alberta Chinese Academy of Sciences


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Using the Working Classification of Landslides
to Assess the Danger from a Natural Slope 1
David Cruden and Heng-Xing Lan

A pre-requisite for any calculation of the stability of a natural slope is a hypothesis about how
the slope may move. No formal method for estimating likely kinematic modes of slopes exists.
We have suggested a working hypothesis that similar landslides in similar materials are caused
by similar processes under similar conditions. During the IDNDR (1990–2000), the IAEG
Commission on Landslides contributed to the Working Classification of Landslides which
now records an international consensus . A landslide can be typed by a term describing the
natural materials before they were displaced and a second term describing the movement.
Materials are rock, debris or earth; earth may be sand, silt or clay. Movements may be falls,
flows, slides, spreads or topples. Water conditions in the displaced material may range from
dry thru’ moist and wet to very wet. In permafrost terrain, frozen and thawed displaced
material may occur. Water conditions, material and mode of movement may govern the rate of
movement of the displacing mass. It can range from extremely slow to the extremely rapid
movements, which may have catastrophic impacts. Activity, its distribution and style may
affect anticipated modes of movement in preparatory or marginal slopes. Styles of movement
may be complex, composite, successive and multiple. Compilations of historic activity as
landslide inventories suggest hazard scenarios which can form plausible initial hypotheses for
risk assessments.

style, frequency of occurrence, extent and consequences of

1.1 A Working Hypothesis
failures that may occur in the future.
Our discussion of what constitute similar landslide types
We have put forward the working hypothesis that similar
and similar materials is here followed by a brief description
landslides in similar materials are caused by similar pro-
of the triggering causes of landslides and the conditions
cesses acting under similar conditions (Cruden and Martin
which prepare for their action. We then suggest how that
2013). This is our restatement of the first principle of the
activity can be described and what the consequences of it
IAEG Commission on Landslides and other Mass Move-
might be. Given knowledge of the natural materials forming
ments on Slopes (1984). This principle asserted that “natural
a slope and of the processes acting on it we should be able to
slope failures in the future will most likely be in geologic,
hypothesize how it might move by comparisons with the
geomorphic and hydrologic situations that have led to past
movements of similar slopes close by Dangers (Fell et al.
and present failures we have the possibility to estimate the
2005) can thus be identified.

D. Cruden (&) 1.2 Landslide Types and Materials

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
e-mail: [email protected] Enquiries about types of landslides have found answers in
classifications of landslides. The International Union of
H.-X. Lan
Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Geological Sciences Working Group on Landslides has

G. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 2, 3
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09057-3_1, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
4 D. Cruden and H.-X. Lan

developed an international consensus on landslide classifi- Table 1.1 A Glossary for forming names of landslides
cation which has been summarized in the Multilingual State of activity Distribution of Style of activity
Landslide Glossary (WP/WLI 1993b; Dikau et al. 1996, activity
Appendix 1). This classification, the Working Classification, Preparatory
has been used in the latest edition of the Transportation Marginal
Research Board’s Special Report on landslides (Turner and Active Advancing Complex
Schuster 1996) to update Varnes’ (1958, 1978) widely-used
Reactivated Retrogressing Composite
classifications of landslides. Keegan (2007) used the
Suspended Enlarging Multiple
Working Classification in the development of a ground
hazard management system for Canada’s railways. A recent Inactive :Dormant Diminishing Successive
handbook (Highland and Bobrowsky 2008) has made the :Abandoned Moving Single
Classifications widely available. :Repaired
The Working Classification is open to additions. The :Stabilized Confined
principles of nomenclature suggest that a term applied to a :Relict Widening
landslide in one sense should not be re-applied in another Rate of movement Water conditions Material Type
sense. A term might be added if it is useful, if its use echoes
Extremely rapid Dry Rock Fall
popular use of the term and the term has not already been
Very rapid Moist Soil :Debris Topple
widely used in a different sense in the landslide literature.
Rapid Wet :Earth Slide
The criteria used in the description of landslides (Cruden
and Varnes 1996) follow Varnes (1978) in emphasizing Moderate Very Wet :Sand Spread
material and movement. A landslide can be described by a Slow Frozen :Silt Flow
word describing the material and a second word describing Very slow Thawed :Clay
the type of movement. The major divisions of materials are Extremely slow
unchanged from Varnes (1978): rock, debris and earth. Terms can be used to describe subsequent movements in complex
Movements have again been divided into five types: falls, landslides and lower movements in composite landslides
flows, slides, spreads and topples.

sequence of types of movement, fall then flow, indicates the

1.2.1 Landslide Types sequence of movements in the landslide; the addition of the
“complex” descriptor to the name distinguishes the landslide
A landslide type becomes more elaborate as more informa- from a composite rock-fall debris-flow. The full name of the
tion about movement becomes available. Adjectives can be Frank Slide as given above, implies that the debris flow was
added in front of the noun string defining the type of land- both extremely rapid and dry as those descriptors are used
slide to build up the description of the movement. It is useful for the initial rock-fall. The full name of the landslide need
to have a preferred sequence of terms in naming the only be given once. Subsequent references should then be to
movement. A sequence which indicates a progressive nar- the initial material and type of movement as in “the rock
rowing of the focus of the descriptors, first in time, then in fall” for the landslide at Frank.
space, from a view of the whole landslide to parts of the In this section, materials and types of movement are
movement and to the materials involved, would follow a reviewed. In Sects. 1.3 and 1.4, typical causes are listed,
typical landslide reconnaissance. The recommended activity considered and velocities defined.
sequence is Activity, Rate of Movement, Moisture Condi-
tions, Material. Type of Movement as shown in Table 1.1.
Often the context implies a particular value of a 1.2.2 Materials
descriptor, which may then be omitted or descriptors may be
dropped if they are not relevant. Second or subsequent Water Conditions
movements in complex or composite landslides can be Varnes (1978, p. 24) defined four terms related to water
described by repeating terms in Table 1.1. Descriptors, contents of displaced materials in landslides.
which are the same as those for the first movement, may then (1) Dry, no moisture visible.
be omitted from the name. The Frank Slide, for instance, was (2) Moist, contains some water but no free water. The
a complex, extremely rapid, dry rock-fall debris-flow. The material may behave as a plastic solid but does not flow.
type of material may be connected to its type of movement (3) Wet, contains enough water to behave in part as a
by a hyphen as in “debris-flow” or left unhyphenated when liquid, has water flowing from it, or supports significant
there is no ambiguity as in “the Frank rock fall”. The bodies of standing water.
1 Using the Working Classification of Landslides 5

(4) Very wet, contains enough water to flow as a liquid 1) for the identification and description of soil, some further
under low gradients. observations may be useful during the reconnaissance of the
Supposing however, that the displaced materials were landslide.
fine-grained soils which could be considered to be remoul- Flow charts based on the Standard have been developed
ded. The boundaries between Varnes’ terms would corre- for the identification and description of soils (Norbury 2010,
spond to their Atterberg limits; the Shrinkage, Plastic and Figs. 4.1 and 4.3). They first distinguish made ground,
Liquid Limits would separate dry, moist, wet and very wet organic soil, and volcanic soil from natural soils by the ways
soils. The observations then describe states of the displaced in which they are formed (Fig. 3a). These materials have
materials rather than water contents. So the term, “condi- been the subjects of specialized studies by construction,
tion”, suggested by Hungr et al. (2001, p. 225) is preferred transportation, and forestry engineers and by volcanologists
here. among others (Keegan 2007; MacFarlane 1969; Francis
A fifth term, frozen, was suggested by Cruden and 1993). Specialized terminologies exist for describing par-
Couture (2010) for use in permafrost terrains. Water in the ticular types of landslides that occur in these materials. The
displaced or displacing material is present as ice. The term is merging of these terminologies with the Working Classifi-
useful for describing inactive landslides in permafrost and cation awaits further study. It is interesting however to ask
for some active movements in frozen ground. Some rock whether the grain size description of materials advocated in
glaciers are very slow, frozen rock flows (Giardino et al. the remaining part of the flow diagram might also be use-
1987), frozen rock and soil falls are produced by thermal fully applied to these materials (Fig. 3b). Keegan et al.
niche erosion along Arctic coasts (Hoque and Pollard 2009) (2007) suggested this possibility for fills constructed from
As most slope instabilities in permafrost terrain result natural materials.
from or are directly related to the phase change of water, a The International Standard (ISO 14688-1) divided soils
sixth term, thawed, frequently expresses the ground and into cohesive (fine) and cohesionless (coarse) soils. Fine soil
water conditions while landsliding is active (Couture and can be conveniently divided into silts and clays by the
Cruden 2010). In the thawed condition, or in the transition qualitative observations of plasticity, dilatancy and other
from frozen to thawed, significant amounts of water in a properties. So, when a uniform soil is displaced in an earth
liquid phase contribute to slope instability. landslide, it should be possible to readily classify the
The water conditions of the displaced masses described material as debris, sand, silt, or clay by inspection of either
by these terms may give useful guidance for assumptions the margins or main scarp of the landslide or of undeformed
about the water contents of the displacing materials while the material amid the landslide deposits. As examples of this
materials were displacing. However soil or rock masses may practice, Varnes (1978, Figs. 2:24, 2:25) and Hungr et al.
drain quickly after displacement and individual masses may (2001, Figs. 5, 6) have illustrated both sand and silt flows.
have water contents which differ considerably from the
average water content of the displacing material (Hutchinson Rock
1988, Fig. 9). The Working Classification does not divide rock. An Inter-
national Standard (ISO 14689-1, 2003) would allow classi- Soil fication by genesis, structure, grain size and mineralogy
We can follow Varnes (1978) in describing materials in among other criteria. The Standard recognizes a rock mass
landslides as either rock, a hard or firm mass that was intact as rock material separated by discontinuities and affected by
and in its natural place before the initiation of movement, or weathering (Ground Cause 3 in Table 1.1). Table 13 in the
soil, an aggregate of solid particles generally of minerals and Standard gives criteria for the recognition of this Cause.
rocks which has either been transported or formed by the Similarly ground causes 4, 5, 6 and 7, which arise from
weathering of rock in place. Gases or liquids filling the pores discontinuities within rock masses, can be described using
of the soil form part of the soil. Sect. 1.4: 3 of the Standard. The orientation of bedding in
Soil is divided into debris and earth. Debris contains a sedimentary rock with respect to a topographic slope is a
significant proportion of coarse material; 20–80 % of the useful predictor of possible movement modes on the slope
particles are larger than 2 mm, the remainders are less than (Cruden 2003a, b, c).
2 mm. Earth describes material in which 80 % or more of the
particles are smaller than 2 mm; it includes a range of
materials from non-plastic sand to highly plastic clay. 1.2.3 Types of Landslide Movement
In the absence of international standards, the Working
Party was unable to progress beyond this simple division. In this section, the five kinematically distinct types of
With the adoption of an International Standard (ISO 14688- landslides are described in a sequence, fall, topple, slide,
6 D. Cruden and H.-X. Lan

spread and flow (WP/WLI, 1993b, Fig. 6). It begins with movements in cohesive soils overlying liquefied materials or
movements typical of rocks on steep slopes and ends with materials, which are flowing plastically. The cohesive
earth flows on shallow slopes. materials may also subside, translate, rotate, disintegrate or
A fall starts with the detachment of soil or rock from a liquefy and flow. Clearly these movements are complex but
steep slope along a surface on which little or no shear dis- they are sufficiently common in certain materials and geo-
placement takes place. The material then descends largely logical situations that a separate type of movement is worth
through the air by falling, saltation or rolling. Movement is recognizing.
very rapid to extremely rapid. Except when the displaced A flow is a spatially continuous movement in which
mass has been undercut, falling will be preceded by small surfaces of shear are short-lived, closely spaced and not
sliding or toppling movements, which separate the displac- usually preserved. The distribution of velocities in the dis-
ing material from the undisturbed mass. Under-cutting typ- placing mass resembles that in a viscous liquid. The lower
ically occurs in cohesive soils or rocks at the toe of cliffs boundary of the displaced mass may be a surface along
undergoing wave attack or in the eroding banks of rivers. which appreciable differential movement has taken place or
A topple is the forward rotation out of the slope of a mass a thick zone of distributed shear. There is then a undeformed
of soil or rock about a point or axis below the centre of material depending on the water content, mobility and
gravity of the displaced mass. Toppling is sometimes driven evolution of the movement. Debris slides may become
by gravity exerted through material upslope of the displaced extremely rapid debris flows, debris avalanches, as the dis-
mass, and sometimes through water or ice in cracks in the placed material loses cohesion, gains water or encounters
mass. Topples may lead to falls or slides of the displaced steeper slopes.
mass depending on the geometry of the moving mass, of the
surface of separation and the orientation and extent of the
kinematically active discontinuities. Topples range from 1.3 Landslide Causes
extremely slow to extremely rapid, sometimes accelerating
throughout the movement. 1.3.1 Causes and Triggers Over Time
A slide is a down slope movement of a rock mass
occurring dominantly on surfaces of rupture or relatively Diagrams have been published (Terzaghi 1950, Fig. 5b) and
thin zones of intense shear strain Movement is usually reproduced (WP/WLI 1994, Fig. 1) showing “changes in the
progressive; it does not initially occur simultaneously over factor of safety with time”. Such changes should be con-
the whole of what eventually becomes the surface of rupture, sidered as trends occurring on particular potential surfaces of
it propagates from an area of local rupture. Often the first rupture over time in “first-time” slides (Hutchinson 1988,
signs of ground movement are cracks in the original ground Table 2). Such movements take place in ground, which has
surface along which the main scarp of the slide will form. not been previously sheared by geomorphological processes
The displaced mass may slide beyond the toe of the surface or by ground conditions (Table 1.2).
of rupture covering the original ground surface of the slope The changes may be seasonal changes in rainfall and
which then becomes a surface of separation. evaporation and are reflected in seasonal changes in the
The term spread was introduced to geotechnical engi- factor of safety. If there is a longer-term trend in ground-
neering by Terzaghi and Peck (1948, p. 3) to describe sud- water levels (due perhaps, to changes in land use) or changes
den movements on water-bearing seams of sand or silt in strength due to weathering, these changes show as trends
overlain by homogeneous clays or loaded by fills. Recog- super imposed on seasonal variation. Sudden changes are
nition of the phenomenon is considerably older (Cruden usually due to changes in the forces applied to the slope. So
2003a, b, c). One of the three types of landslides distin- seldom can a landslide be attributed to a single cause. The
guished by Dana (1863, pp. 649–650) took place “when a process leading to the development of the landslide may
layer of clay or wet sand becomes wet and softened by begin with the formation of the rock itself…and include all
percolating water and then is pressed out laterally by the the subsequent events of the crustal movement, erosion and
weight of the super incumbent layers”. weathering (Varnes 1978, p. 26).
The Working Classification defined a spread as an The change from a stable state to an active, currently
extension of a cohesive soil or rock mass combined with a moving slope is usefully considered as passing through two
general subsidence of the fractured mass of cohesive mate- intermediate states
rial into softer underlying material. The rupture surface is not (1) A preparatory state of activity in which preparatory
a surface of intense shear. Spreads may result from lique- causes make the slope less stable without initiating
faction or flow (and extrusion) of the softer material. Varnes movement.
(1978) distinguished spreads, typical of rock, which exten- (2) A marginal state of activity in which triggering causes
ded without forming an identifiable rupture surface from may initiate movement.
1 Using the Working Classification of Landslides 7

Table 1.2 Checklists of landslide causes A particular cause may be either preparatory or triggering
1. Ground causes or both in sequence. It may act over a long period of time,
(1) Weak materials say, gradually eroding the toe of a slope or trigger a
movement by rapid drawdown after a flood (Eshragian et al.
(2) Sensitive materials
2007). These complexities suggested an operational classi-
(3) Weathered materials
fication of landslide causes to the Working Party on World
(4) Sheared materials
Landslide Inventory (1994). They created checklists of
(5) Jointed or fissured materials landslide causes grouped by the tools and techniques that
(6) Adversely-oriented, mass discontinuity (bedding, can be used to document the causes. These lists, with
schistosity) changes to emphasize causes active in Canada, form
(7) Adversely-oriented, structural discontinuity (fault, Table 1.2. They are divided into Ground Conditions, Geo-
unconformity, contact)
morphological Processes, Physical Processes and Artificial
(8) Contrast in permeability Processes. Any such list is a compromise between conve-
(9) Contrast in stiffness (stiff, dense materials over plastic nience and completeness; the inclusion of some Canadian
case histories in these sections may however suggest some
2. Geomorphological causes hazard scenarios.
(1) Tectonic uplift
(2) Glacial rebound
(3) Fluvial erosion of the slope toe 1.3.2 Landslide Casual Factors
(4) Wave erosion of the slope toe
(5) Glacial erosion of the slope toe Ground Conditions
Ground conditions are the specification of the slope system,
(6) Erosion of the lateral margins
the setting on which a process can act to prepare or trigger a
(7) Subterranean erosion (solution, piping)
landslide (WP/WLI 1994). The fabric of the rock or soil
(8) Deposition loading the slope or its crest mass, data such as orientations of penetrative discontinuities,
(9) Vegetation removal (by forest fire, drought) bedding, schistosity or cleavage, the spacing of joints and
3. Physical causes fissures and the location and orientation of structural dis-
(1) Intense rainfall continuities like faults, unconformities and contacts can be
(2) Rapid snow melt mapped on the displaced material of the landslide and where
(3) Prolonged exceptional precipitation they are exposed on the lateral margins main scarp and
crown of the landslide (Keaton and DeGraff 1996). Below
(4) Rapid drawdown (of floods and tides)
the ground surface, fabric can be explored by trenching,
(5) Earthquake
drilling, adits and by other methods (McGuffey et al. 1996).
(6) Ice damming Several ground conditions can exist on one slope. At the
(7) Thawing Frank Slide, for instance, McConnell and Brock (1904,
(8) Freeze and thaw weathering p. 14) noted The rock slide cannot therefore be considered
(9) Shrink and swell weathering as due to a single cause, but rather, like so many phenomena
4. Artificial causes in nature, to a combination of causes, cumulative in their
(1) Excavation of the slope or its toe effects. The chief of these were the structure and condition of
the mountain. The structure and condition of the mountain
(2) Loading of the slope or its crest
included ground causes listed in Table 1.1, as (4) sheared
(3) Drawdown (of reservoirs)
material; (5) Jointed or fissured material; (6) Adversely-
(4) Deforestation
oriented bedding (on the east limb of the Turtle Mountain
(5) Irrigation Anticline); and (7) Adversely-oriented structural disconti-
(6) Mining nuities (fault splays above the Turtle Mountain Fault)
(7) Artificial vibration (Cruden and Krahn 1973; Cruden and Martin 2007). These
(8) Water leakage from utilities are preparatory causes and they place Frank among
(9) Defective surface drainage Hutchinson’s (1988) Slides on pre-existing shears rather
(10) Dumping of loose materials
than with the First-time Slides. Modelling studies (Krahn
and Morgenstern 1979; Cruden and Martin, 2007) confirm
8 D. Cruden and H.-X. Lan

“shear strength parameters are at or about residual values” (Cause 1) followed, immediately preceding movements. The
(Hutchinson 1988, p. 22). site was covered by the displaced material deposited by a
Contrasts in permeability and stiffness (Ground causes 8 previous landslide, possibly seismically triggered (Tavenas
and 9) are typical of the sediments deposited by glacial et al. 1971). At Kenogami (Brzezinski 1971), 7 km to the
advances in preglacial valleys. South of Ashcroft, B.C., the south-west, an earthquake had shaken the site the previous day
Thompson River is re-excavating a preglacial channel (Sept. 30, 1924) during an intense rainfall (Causes 5 and 1).
through permeable terrace gravels and stiff tills into glacio-
lacustrine deposits, which have been sheared by glacio-tec- Artificial Processes
tonics along weak clay layers (Ground cause 1, Eshragian Human modification of a slope can be documented by maps
et al. 2007). and aerial photographs and from construction and excava-
Post-glacial marine clays uplifted by glacial rebound tion records. Separate identification of artificially-induced
(Geomorphological Cause 2) occur on Canada’s coasts As landslides is useful for administrative purposes and in hazard
the saline water is leached from their pore spaces, the clays and risk assessments.
become sensitive. Developments on these clays may be Following the Frank Slide, McConnell and Brock were
caught up in natural slides and spreads (Ground cause 2), instructed by the Superintendent of Mines from the Canadian
which liquefy into flows (Tavenas et al. 1971; Brezinski Department of the Interior to determine as carefully as pos-
1971). sible…the causes which led to the breaking away of the
mountain mass, whether due to imperfect or careless mining Geomorphological Processes operations, the explosion of fire-damp, exceptionally bad
Changes in the morphology of the ground can be docu- ground, or similar causes (Cruden 2003a, b, c, p. 8). They
mented from geological and topographic maps, aerial pho- concluded The opening up of large chambers in the mine,
tographs, surveys of the landslide or observations by the situated under the base of the mountain may well have been a
local population. At Frank, after tectonic uplift (Geomor- contributory cause (McConnell and Brock 1904, p. 17). On
phological Cause 1) raised the Turtle Mountain Anticline, page 13, the Report is more definite. “It is almost impossible
glacial erosion (Cause 5) and fluvial erosion (Cause 3) to avoid the conclusion that these great chambers…situated
shaped Turtle Mountain. Water infiltrating the many dis- directly under the foot of the mountain must have weakened
continuities in the rock mass, dissolved cohesion (Cause 6) it… It is a significant fact that the edges of the break corre-
in the limestones. Forest fires had burnt (Cause 9) much of spond very closely with the limits of the big chambers and
the tree cover before the Slide took place (McConnell and mined coal.” However, a subsequent report prepared when
Brock 1904, Plate 4). access to the lightly damaged mine was restored, showed the
Wave erosion of slope toes (Cause 6) has been reported north lateral margin of the Slide extended over a quarter of
both from Lake Erie and Lake Ontario and from the Arctic the Slide’s width beyond the mined area (Daly, Rice and
Ocean (Cruden et al. 1989). Fjord coasts in British Columbia Miller 1912; Cruden and Martin 2007). The sub-horizontal
and northeastern Canada may see rapid sedimentation where mine adits also acted as drains for water infiltrating the mine
rivers enter the heads of these deep, steep inlets (loading the from the slope surface, perhaps, with the mine ventilation
crests of slopes, Cause 8). contributing to the stabilization of the slope.
The survival of all the miners underground at the time of Physical Processes the Slide allowed McConnell and Brock (1904, pp. 11–12)
Changes in the physical environment of slope can be doc- to reject the possibility of a fire damp explosion. Fire damp
umented by instrumentation within appropriate distances. is an explosive mixture of methane (from coal) and air. This
Rain gauges give estimates of precipitation, seismographs concern, however, foreshadowed Canada’s worst mining
records ground shaking by earthquakes and piezometers disaster, at the Hillcrest Mine, south of Turtle Mountain,
show changes in groundwater pressure over time. where in June 1914, a fire damp explosion killed 189 miners.
At Frank, precipitation in the previous year, 1902, was Sparks from a fall of rock had ignited methane gas. From
exceptional (Cause 3). The night of the Slide was excessively this fire had sprung the enormous coal dust explosion
cold…The day before and the preceding days had been very (Anderson 1980, p. 41) and produced an extreme example of
hot, so that the fissures in the mountain must have been filled indirect landslide damage.
with water on which the frost would act with powerful effect Both the sites at St. Jean Vianney and Kenogami would
(McConnell and Brock 1904, p. 14). These circumstances have been cleared of their forest cover before their compar-
constituted Cause 2 (rapid snow melt), Cause 8 (freeze and atively recent development (Cause 4). At Kenogami, a large
thaw weathering) and Cause 6 (ice damming). woodpile for the pulp mill had been placed on what became
The landslide at St. Jean Vianney was also heralded by the crown of the landslide (Brzezinski 1971, Fig. 3) and water
snow-melt and by ground thawing (Cause 7). Heavy rain discharge from the mill was poorly controlled (Causes 2,9)
1 Using the Working Classification of Landslides 9

1.4 Landslide Activity and Travel whose strength parameters approach residual (Skempton
1970) or ultimate (Krahn and Morgenstern 1979) values.
1.4.1 Landslide Activity They can be distinguished from first-time slides on whose
rupture surfaces, resistance to shear may initially approach
Under activity, broad aspects of landslides are described, peak values (Hutchinson 1988, Table 2).
those aspects that should focus the initial reconnaissance of Inactive landslides are those, which have last moved more
movements before more detailed examination of materials than one annual cycle of seasons ago. This state can be
displaced (WP/WLI 1993a, b). The terms Varnes (1978) subdivided. If the causes of movement apparently remain,
considered relating to age and state of activity with some of then the landslides are dormant. Perhaps, however, the river,
the terms from sequence or repetition of movement have been which had been eroding the toe of the moving slope has itself
regrouped under three headings; State of Activity which changed course and the landslide is abandoned (Hutchinson
describes what is known about the timing of movements, and Gostelow 1976). The landslide deposits at St. Jean
Distribution of Activity, which describes broadly where the Vianney appeared “ancient” (Tavenas et al. 1971) perhaps
landslide is moving and Style of Activity, which indicates abandoned. However a cause of movement, fluvial erosion,
how different movements contribute to the landslide. The remained and the landslide reactivated. If the toe of the slope
terms used are listed in the first 3 columns of Table 1.1. had been protected against erosion by bank armoring or other
Discussing the causes of landslides, WP/WLI (1994) artificial remedial measures have stopped the movement, the
distinguished preparatory causes from triggering causes. landslide might be described as stabilized. Keegan (2007)
Preparatory causes affect stable slopes, tending to reduce and Keegan et al. (2007) introduced repaired to describe
their stability towards marginally stable states. In a mar- landslides whose movements had been suspended by reme-
ginally stable state, a triggering cause may initiate movement dial measures. Landslides often remain visible in the land-
of a slope. These different states of activity, preparatory and scape for thousands of years after they have moved and
marginal, can be placed in Hutchinson’s (1973, Fig. 5) cycle become inactive. Landslides, which have clearly developed
of successive stages of the behaviour of London Clay cliffs under different geomorphological or climatic conditions,
subject to strong toe erosion. The preparatory state of perhaps thousands of years ago can be called relict. Rail and
activity is similar to the dormant and repaired states of road construction coupled with continued fluvial erosion may
activity in which destabilizing processes are insufficient to have reactivated a relict debris flow, the Drynoch Slide,
cause failure. So, monitoring is required only to check that which occurred under paraglacial conditions in the Fraser
there is little change in the state of activity. Marginal activity Canyon (van Dine 1980; Bovis and Jones 1992).
occurs at Stage 1.5, between Stage 1 and Stage 2. When the Standard criteria might be developed to assist in distin-
slope is marginal the surface of rupture of the slide is guishing suspended landslides from dormant and relict
forming and growing in length as softening processes landslides. These would describe how vegetation recolonizes
destroy cohesion. At Stage 2 the slope is active. Keegan the surfaces exposed by slope movements and also the dis-
et al. (2007, Table 4) suggested that the suspended state of section of the new topography by drainage. The rate of these
activity was similar to the marginal state (Stage 4). Slopes in changes depends both on the local climate and the local
both these states fail at some time in response to destabi- vegetation. When the main scarp of a landslide has new
lizing processes…triggering causal factors [had been] vegetation rooting in it, the landslide is usually dormant;
identified that can make the [slopes] actively unstable. when drainage extends across a landslide without obvious
The repaired state is a name for the stabilized recently discontinuities the landslide is commonly relict. However,
state defined by Keegan et al. (2007); artificial remedial these generalizations should be confirmed by detailed study
measures have stopped movements within the last cycle of of sample slope movements under local conditions.
seasons. With the passage of years and careful monitoring,
as at Checkerboard Creek (Watson et al. 2006), the repair Distribution of Activity
may become regarded as a slope stabilization and the state of Varnes (1978) defined a number of terms that can be used to
activity of the slope changed to stabilized. describe the activity distribution in a landslide. Movement
may be limited to the displacing material or the rupture State of Activity surface may be enlarging, continually adding to the volume
Active landslides are those that are currently moving. of displacing material. If the rupture surface is extending in
Landslides which have moved within the last annual cycle of the direction opposite to the movement of the displaced
seasons but which are not moving at present were described material, the landslide is said to be retrogressing. If the
by Varnes (1978) as suspended. A landslide, which is again rupture surface is extending in the direction of movement the
active after being inactive may be called reactivated. Slides landslide is advancing. If the rupture surface is extending at
that are reactivated generally move on pre-existing shears one or both lateral margins, the landslide is widening.
10 D. Cruden and H.-X. Lan

Hutchinson (1988, p. 9) has drawn attention to confined Falcon (1936), called slide-toe topples by Goodman and
movements that have a scarp but no rupture surface visible in Bray (1976) are composite rock-slide rock-topples . Hu and
the foot of the displaced mass. He suggested that displace- Cruden (1993) have described similar movements in the
ments in the head of the displaced mass are taken up by Highwood Pass, Alberta. WP/WLI (1993a, b) adopted the
compression, and slight bulging in the foot of the mass. If the convention of treating the higher of the two movements as
rupture surface of the landslide is enlarging in two or more the first movement and the lower of the two movements as
directions, Varnes (1978, p. 23) suggested the term progres- the second movement (Table 1.1).
sive for the landslide while noting this term had also been used A multiple landslide shows repeated movements of the
for both advancing and retrogressing landslides. This term is same type, often following the enlargement of the rupture
also current for describing the process, progressive failure by surface. The newly displaced masses are in contact with
which the rupture surface in some slides extends. The possi- previously displaced masses and often share a rupture sur-
bility of confusion seems sufficient now to abandon “pro- face with them. In a retrogressive, multiple, rotational slide,
gressive” in favour of describing the landslide as enlarging. two or more blocks have each moved on curved rupture
To complete the possibilities, terms are needed for surfaces tangential to a common generally deep rupture
landslides in which the volume of displacing material can be surface (Thomson and Hayley 1975).
seen to be reducing with time and for those landslides where A successive movement is identical in type to an earlier
no trend is obvious. movement but in contrast to a multiple movement does not
Movements such as rotational slides and topples may stop share displaced material or a rupture surface with it.
naturally after substantial displacements because the move- According to Skempton and Hutchinson (1969) Successive
ments themselves reduce the gravitational forces on the rotational slips consist of an assembly of individual shallow
displaced masses. Alternatively, rock masses may be dilated rotational slips. Hutchinson (1967) commented that, Irreg-
by movements that rapidly increase the volumes of cracks in ular successive slips which form a mosaic rather than a
the masses and cause decreases in fluid pore pressures within stepped pattern in plan are also found.
these cracks. However, to conclude that the displacing mass Single landslides consist of a single movement of dis-
is stabilizing because its volume is decreasing may be pre- placed material often as an unbroken block. They contrast
mature. Hutchinson (1973) has pointed out that the activity with the other styles of movement, which require disruption
of rotational slides caused by erosion at the toe of slopes in of the displaced mass or independent movements of portions
cohesive soils is often cyclic. The term, diminishing, for a of the mass.
landslide whose displacing material is decreasing in volume
seems free of undesired implications. Landslides whose
displaced materials continue to move but whose rupture 1.4.2 Rate of Landslide Movement
surfaces show no visible changes can be described as
moving. The IUGS Working Group (1995) modified the rate of
movement scale given in Varnes (1978, Fig. 2:1 u). The Style of Activity
The way in which different movements contribute to the Table 1.3 Velocity classes velocities in the table indicate boundaries
landslide, the style of the landslide activity, can be described between classes
by terms from Varnes (1978, p. 23). Class Description velocity In mm/sec
There, complex landslides are defined as exhibiting at 7 Extremely rapid 5 × 103
least two types of movements. The Working Party limited —— ————— 5 m/sec
the term to movements in which the types are in sequence.
6 Very rapid 50
For instance Giraud et al. (1990) described topples in which
—— ————— 3 m/min
some of the displaced mass subsequently slid, a complex
rock-topple rock-slide . Not all the toppled mass slid but no 5 Rapid 0.5
significant part of the displaced mass slid without first top- —— ————— 1.8 m/hr
pling. The landslide from Elk Ridge, Kananaskis Country, 4 Moderate 5 × 10−3
Alberta followed this sequence (Hu and Cruden 1992). —— ————— 3 m/week
A former synonym of complex, composite, can describe 3 Slow 50 × 10−6
landslides in which different types of movement occur in —— ————— 1.6 m/year
different areas of the displaced mass, sometimes simulta-
2 Very slow 0.5 × 10−6
neously. Moreover, these different areas of the displaced
—— ————— 16 mm/year
mass may show different sequences of movements. The roof
and wall collapse structures described by Harrison and 1 Extremely slow
1 Using the Working Classification of Landslides 11

Table 1.4 Consequences of landslides in different velocity classes

Landslide velocity Probable destructive significance
7 Catastrophe of major violence. Buildings destroyed by impact of displaced material. Many deaths. Escape unlikely
6 Some lives lost, velocity too great to permit all persons to escape
5 Escape evacuation possible. Structures, possessions and equipment destroyed
4 Some temporary and insensitive structures can be temporarily maintained
3 Remedial construction can be undertaken during movement. Insensitive structures can be maintained with frequent
maintenance work if the total movement is not large during a particular acceleration phase
2 Some permanent structures undamaged by the movement
1 Imperceptible without instruments. Construction possible with precautions

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Acknowledgments The former Chairman of the dissolved Interna- mitigation, vol 247. U.S. Transportation Research Board, Special
tional Union of Geological Sciences UNESCO Working Party on Report, pp 36–75
World Landslide Inventory gave permission to reproduce Tables 1.1, Daly RA, Miller WG, Rice GS (1912) Report of the commission to
1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 from the Working Party’s publications. We thank investigate Turtle mountain. Frank, Alberta, Geological Survey of
Dr. C.D.Martin for discussions and Dr.T.Keegan for suggestions on Canada, Memoir 27
states of activity. A more detailed edition of this paper is available from Dana JD (1863) Manual of geology. Theodore Bliss, Philadelphia 800 p
the senior author for individual study. Dikau R, Brunsden D, Schrott L, Ibsen M-L (1996) Landslide
recognition. Wiley, Chichester, U.K., p 251
12 D. Cruden and H.-X. Lan

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