Publication - Painting, Coating & Corrosion Protection - Perry Metal Protection - Specifying Hot Dip Galvanizing

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Hot Dip Galvanizing by Perry Metal Protection


It’s simple to specify and more cost effective

than alternative coating systems.


We’ve got you covered
When selecting a corrosion protection coating the overall environment at the location of the structure requires
careful consideration. A structure situated in an aggressive environment will require a much higher standard of
corrosion protection than one in a benign environment. The environment can affect both the steel and the coating
system. Of prime importance is the effect the environment has on the corrosion of steel.

The following steps should be followed to select the most appropriate corrosion protection coating:

Specified Intended Life – Refer NZBC Clause B2 Durability

The NZ Building Code requires the detailing and specifying for durability of steel structures and members with a
specified intended life of not less than 50 years for building structures. A shorter life to first maintenance may be
selected in conjunction with a maintenance programme which together will meet the durability provisions of NZBC
Clause B2. Where components of the structure are not accessible for maintenance after assembly the coating must
achieve the specified intended life.

Determine the Atmospheric Corrosion Category – Refer NZS3404.1:2009 and NZS2312.2:2014

General atmospheric environments (macroclimate) are classified into six atmospheric corrosivity categories (C1 to C5
and CX) based on the corrosion rates of mild steel given in ISO 9223. In addition to climatic effects, the site specific
environmental effects (microclimate) need to be considered. Factors requiring consideration include whether the steel
surface is shaded, in a wet location, and whether the steel is in contact with timber or concrete. The most significant
microclimate effect is if the steel surface is sheltered from rain washing but exposed to the windblown marine salts as
this greatly influences the corrosion rate.

Determine the Life to First Maintenance – Refer NZS3404.1:2009 and NZS2312.2:2014

The life to first maintenance available options takes into account the asset owners expectations, and the general
principles of design to avoid corrosion. The ease of maintenance of the coated article if the life to first maintenance of
the coated article is less than the required durability also requires consideration.

Hot dip galvanizing has proven to be more serviceable and predictable than all other steel protective coatings in the
New Zealand atmosphere. Its excellent performance is due to its inherent corrosion resistance, high
tolerance to mechanical damage and inertness to the high UV levels prevailing over all of New Zealand.


Designers wishing to specify hot dip galvanizing (HDG) need only use two Standards; one covering the design and
durability of HDG steel AS/NZS 2312.2:2014, and the other dealing with manufacturing process and tolerances
AS/NZS 4680:2006.

A detailed section on the design of duplex coatings (paint over HDG) is included, with two performance options for
durability (aesthetic and corrosion).

For engineers and fabricators the design details are extensive and pictorial advice on good design practice provides
clear instruction. Appendices to the Standard also cover corrosion in different environments, including bimetallic
corrosion and the interaction of HDG steel with soil, concrete, water, chemicals, and wood.

A single table is provided in AS/NZS 2312.2 for designers to compare the expected durability of different galvanized
products, allowing for a faster product selection process. The durability of a HDG coating is calculated from the
minimum average coating thickness in AS/NZS 4680, which also means non-standard HDG thicknesses can be
easily assessed for estimated life to first maintenance.

Reference Article Average Coating Selected Corrosivity Category (ISO 9223)

Standard Thickness Thickness Calculated min.-max. life in years
g/m2 µm C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 CX
HDG320 Less than 1.5 320 45 100+ 64-100 21-64 11-21 5-11 2-5
HDG390 1.5 to 3.0 390 55 100+ 78-100 26-78 13-26 6-13 2-6
HDG500 3.0 to 6.0 500 70 100+ 100+ 33-100 16-33 8-16 2-8
HDG600 Over 6.0 600 85 100+ 100+ 40-100 20-40 10-20 3-10
HDG900 Over 6.0+ 900 125 100+ 100+ 60-100 30-60 15-30 5-15

The corrosion rate of a zinc coating is affected by the time for which it is exposed to wetness, air pollution and
contamination of the surface. To a first approximation, the corrosion of all zinc surfaces is at the same rate in a
particular environment. A brief description of macro environment corrosivity categories are detailed below.

Category C1 – Generally dry indoors and some alpine regions.

Category C2 - External environments in this category are mostly areas beyond at least 50 km from the sea.

Category C3 - This category mainly covers coastal areas with low salinity. Along ocean front areas with breaking surf
and significant salt spray, it extends from about 1 km inland to between 10 to 50 km inland, depending
on the strength of prevailing winds and topography. This category also includes urban and industrial
areas with low pollution levels.

Category C4 - This category occurs mainly on the coast and can extends from about several hundred metres inland to
about one kilometre inland. Industrial regions may also be in this category.

Category C5 - This category is common offshore and on the beachfront in regions of rough seas and surf beaches and
can extend inland for several hundred metres. This category may also include aggressive industrial
areas, where the environment may be acidic with a pH of less than 5.5.

Category CX - These regions are found at some surf beach shoreline regions with very high salt deposition and are
also be found in severe acidic industrial environments.
AND TOLERANCES Table 1 – Requirements for coating thickness and
mass for articles that are not centrifuged
AS/NZS 4680:2006 is the manufacturing
standard for the hot dip galvanizing coatings
on fabricated ferrous articles. The Standard Article Minimum Minimum Minimum
Thickness Local Coating Average Average
includes requirements for coating mass and mm Thickness Coating Coating Mass
thickness, appearance, defect µm Thickness g/m²
identification, and suitable repair methods. µm
Less than 1.5 35 45 320
Table 1 and Table 2 of AS/NZS4680 state the
1.5 to 3.0 45 55 390
requirements for coating thickness and
3.0 to 6.0 55 70 500
mass, which are based on the steel article
thickness. Over 6.0 70 85 600
Over 6.0+ 85 125 900

Table 2 – Requirements for coating thickness

and mass for articles that are centrifuged

Article Minimum Minimum Minimum

Thickness Local Coating Average Average
mm Thickness Coating Coating Mass
µm Thickness g/m²
Less than 8.0 35 45 320
More than 8.0 45 55 390
Freedom from defects Inspection
A galvanized coating should be continuous, Inspecting galvanized steel is a simple
adherent, as smooth and evenly distributed process. Zinc will not adhere to or react with


as possible, and free from any defect that is unclean steel; therefore, a visual inspection
detrimental to the stated end use of the of the product provides a good assessment
coated article. The integrity of the coating of the quality of the coating. The coating
can be determined by visual inspection and thickness is usually tested using a magnetic
coating thickness measurements. thickness gauge. The testing and sampling
A galvanized coating should be sufficiently requirements are contained in the
adherent to withstand normal handling appropriate specification for the product
during transport and installation. (AS/NZS 4680 and AS 1214).
DUPLEX COATINGS Preparation for painting

When painting hot dip galvanized coatings, as when

painting any other surface, the cleanliness and
The AS/NZS2312.2:2014 Standard also includes a condition of the surface are of critical importance and
detailed section on the design of duplex coatings a high proportion of paint failures on hot dip
(paint over HDG), with two performance options for galvanized coatings can be attributed to
durability (aesthetic and corrosion). inappropriate or inadequate surface preparation.

A duplex system will increase the service life of the In preparing hot dip galvanized coatings for painting,
HDG article beyond that of the unpainted article. the basic requirements are largely the same as for
Further, the total life of a properly specified, applied other surfaces. Namely, anything that prevents the
and maintained duplex coating system is paint wetting out or adhering to the surface needs to
significantly greater than the sum of the lives of the be removed. Therefore, oils, dirt, dust, salts,
HDG coating and the paint coating alone (by 1.5 – 2.3 corrosion products and other friable material and
times, depending on the environment). soluble salts have to be removed prior to painting.

AS/NZS 2312.2 includes seven decorative and Abrasive sweep (brush) blast cleaning is a common
industrial paint systems suitable for most corrosivity method used for the preparation of a galvanized
environments. coating prior to the application of a paint coating.
The purpose of this procedure is to remove the oxide
film from the zinc surface. Paint coatings should
Painting for decorative, identifying colour be applied as soon as possible after galvanizing or
or enhanced service life abrasive blasting.

Hot dip galvanized coatings are sometimes required

Procedure for sweep blast cleaning
to be painted for decorative reasons, to provide an
identifying colour, or to enhance service life. In
The following procedure should be observed when
contrast with organic paints, which are degraded by
sweep blast cleaning is carried out to ensure that
solar radiation (UV), hot dip galvanized coatings are
a good surface is produced for painting, without
unaffected by sunlight, so over-painting is not
severely damaging the existing galvanized coating:
usually required to extend service life in this
1. Use fine non-metallic abrasives of a size
which will pass through a test sieve of nominal
aperture size 150 µm to 180 µm (e.g. ilmenite or
The systems shown in the Standard, when applied
and maintained correctly, will increase the service
2. Use a venturi nozzle which has an orifice
life of the hot dip galvanized article beyond that of
diameter of 10mm to 13mm.
the unpainted article.
3. Set the blast pressure at 275kPa maximum.
4. Keep the venturi nozzle at a distance of 350
mm to 400 mm from the surface of the work
piece and at an angle no greater than 45° to the

NOTE: It is important that this procedure be

performed carefully to ensure that no more than 10µm
of zinc is removed.
Painting for unwashed surfaces


In coastal service and industrial atmospheres where the steel article is not
subject to the cleansing influence of rain, such as on the underside of
horizontal surfaces, the proper over-painting of hot dip galvanized coatings
will significantly extend service life. In this case, the paint insulates the hot
dip galvanized surface somewhat from the corrosive contaminants.

Painting for exposure to soil and/or prolonged dampness

While the majority of a hot dip galvanized structure might be exposed to the
atmosphere, it may also be partially embedded in the soil or exposed to
prolonged dampness, such as from the ponding of rainwater. In such
situations, localized painting of the coating with a high build epoxy primer or
the use of a tape or wrap may be needed to avoid premature corrosion in the
exposed areas.

Painting for specific industrial chemical or solvent exposure

Hot dip galvanized coatings are recommended to be used within the pH range
of 6 to 12. Outside this range, the service life is likely to be unacceptable.
This includes exposure to strong acids and alkalis as well as salts of strong
acids and weak bases and vice versa. Expert advice should always be sort for
these applications.

Maintenance of duplex coatings

The total life of a properly specified, applied and maintained duplex coating
system is usually significantly greater than the sum of the lives of the hot dip
galvanized coating and protective organic coating alone. There is a
synergistic effect, that is, the presence of the hot dip galvanized coating
reduces under-rusting of the paint film; the paint preserves the hot dip
galvanized coating from early corrosion. Where it is desired to retain a
reasonably intact layer of paint as a basis for maintenance, the initially
applied paint system should have extra thickness.

Maintenance usually takes place when the duplex coating loses its
appearance or becomes degraded. Hot dip galvanized coatings usually take
longer to degrade than paint. Hence, a hot dip galvanized coating may be
recommended for 20 years or more up to first maintenance, whereas the
same coating when covered by paint is, for reasons of appearance of the paint,
recommended for only 10 years up to first maintenance.
Throughout New Zealand
Perry Metal Protection has four sites conveniently
located throughout New Zealand.
Design, specification and inspection of
galvanized products All four plants have the capacity to galvanize a wide
range of steel structures including mild and low alloy
To ensure consistently good galvanized steel steels, and iron and steel castings.
products, it is essential that the basic
requirements outlined in these guides are We are the only galvanizer in New Zealand with the
incorporated at the design and fabrication capacity to hot dip galvanize lengths up to 18m in length,
stages of production. giving you the flexibility to tackle any kind of job.

All design features should be discussed with a

member of our advisory team.
Close liaison between the design engineer,
materials engineer, specifier, fabricator and HAMILTON

galvanizer will ensure the highest galvanizing



Why Perry Metal Protection

Perry Metal Protection is New Zealand’s largest and only

ISO 9001 accredited hot dip galvanizer.

Part of the highly successful family owned Perry Group,

Perry Metal Protection has been in operation since 1974
and is a founding member of the Galvanizing Association
of New Zealand.

We strive to deliver the highest quality galvanizing in a

timely turnaround, at a competitive price.


HELPLINE 0800 508 506cification and ion

Perry Metal Protection Limited

14 Manchester Place
PO Box 10406, Hamilton 3241, New Zealand
Enquiry: [email protected]

We’ve got you covered

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