2019 PhysicsBowl Exam

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March 27 – April 12, 2019

The sponsors of the 2019 PhysicsBowl, including the American Association of Physics Teachers, are providing
some of the prizes to recognize outstanding high school physics students and their teachers through their
performance on this year’s contest.
• Schools compete in one of two divisions, each with nineteen regions.
➢ Division 1 is for students taking physics for the first time (even if that first course is AP Physics).
➢ Division 2 is for students taking a second (or more) course in physics OR anyone wanting a challenge.
• A school's team score in each division is the sum of the five highest student scores in that division.
• A school may compete in either or both divisions.

Answer sheet: Write and bubble-in the following REQUIRED information on your answer sheet:
• Your Name
• Your Teacher’s AAPT Teacher code (given to you by your teacher – only one code per school!)
• Your Region (given to you by your teacher)
• Your Division (1 for first-year physics students, 2 for students in a 2nd physics course OR wanting a
If this information is not properly bubbled, you will be disqualified, as your official score will be a zero.

Your School’s CEEB code (given to you by your teacher), though not required, is helpful in the event of a
disqualification for identifying your school.

Your answer sheet will be machine graded. Be sure to use a #2 pencil, fill the bubbles completely, and make no
stray marks on the answer sheet.
Questions: The test is composed of 50 questions; however, students answer only 40 questions. Answers should be
marked on the answer sheet next to the number corresponding to the question number on the test.
Division 1 students will answer only questions 1 – 40. Numbers 41 – 100 on the answer sheet should
remain blank for all Division 1 students.
Division 2 students will answer only questions 11 – 50. Numbers 1 – 10 and 51 – 100 on the answer
sheet should remain blank for all Division 2 students.
Calculator: A hand-held calculator may be used. Any memory must be cleared of data and programs. Calculators
may not be shared.
Formulas and constants: Only the formulas and constants provided with the contest may be used.
Time limit: 45 minutes.
Score: Your score is equal to the number of correct answers (no deduction for incorrect answers). If there are tie
scores, the entries will be compared from the end of the test forward until the tie is resolved. Thus, the answers to
the last few questions may be important in determining the winner and you should consider them carefully.
Good Luck!
Copyright © 2019, AAPT

Divisions 1 & 2 1 Divisions 1 & 2

START HERE. Go to question #11
on page 4.

Treat 𝒈 = 𝟏𝟎. 𝟎 for ALL questions.

1. Select the smallest value from the choices below

(A) 15 x 10-3 (B) 0.15 x 100 (C) 0.00015 x 103 (D) 150 x 10-3 (E) 0.00000015 x 106

2. Related to the historical development of understanding gravity, which is the proper chronological
order for the work of these three scientists, from earliest to latest?
(A) Cavendish, Galileo, Newton
(B) Galileo, Cavendish, Newton
(C) Galileo, Newton, Cavendish
(D) Newton, Galileo, Cavendish
(E) Newton, Cavendish, Galileo

3. An isolated solid metal sphere with a radius R is given a positive charge Q. The electric potential at
the surface of the sphere is V. What is the electric potential at a distance of 0.5R from the center of
the sphere?
(A) zero (B) 0.5V (C) V (D) 2V (E) 4V

4. Consider a situation where the acceleration of an object is always directed perpendicular to its
velocity. This means that
(A) the object is increasing speed.
(B) the object is decreasing speed.
(C) the object is not moving.
(D) the object is turning.
(E) this situation would not be physically possible.

5. The acceleration due to gravity on the Moon is less than the acceleration due to gravity on the
Earth. Which of the following is true about the mass and weight of an astronaut on the Moon's
surface, compared to Earth?
(A) Mass is less, weight is the same.
(B) Mass is the same, weight is less.
(C) Both mass and weight are less.
(D) Both mass and weight are the same.
(E) Mass is more, weight is less

6. Which one of the following is not equivalent to 2.50 miles?

(1.00 mi = 1.61 km = 5280 ft, 1.00 yd = 3.00 ft = 12.0 in.)
(A) 1.32 x 104 ft (B) 1.58 x 105 in (C) 4.02 x 103 km (D) 4.40 x 103 yd (E) 4.02 x 105 cm

Division 1 2 Division 1 only

7. A 100 kg person travels from sea level to an altitude of 5000 m. By how many Newtons does their
weight change?
(A) 0.8 N (B) 1.2 N (C) 1.6 N (D) 2.0 N (E) 2.4 N

8. A candle, a converging lens and a white screen are placed in a line with the lens between the candle
and the screen. A distance of 72 cm separates the candle and screen. As the lens is moved to all
points between the candle and the screen, only one focused image of the candle can be made on the
screen. What is the focal length of the converging lens?
(A) 12 cm
(B) 18 cm
(C) 24 cm
(D) 36 cm
(E) It cannot be determined without knowing the location of the lens when the focused image is

9. Standby power (sometimes called vampire power) is the power used by a device that is off but
plugged in and in a standby mode. Regulations typically limit this power to 1 Watt. If electricity
costs $0.10 per kilowatt hour, then to the nearest order of magnitude, and assuming 1 Watt, how
much does it cost to leave a device in standby mode for one year?
(A) $0.01 (B) $0.10 (C) $1.00 (D) $10.00 (E) $100.00

10. A student generates a transverse periodic wave on a string. The wave travels away from the student
at a constant speed v. Which of the following changes by itself will increase the speed at which the
wave travels away from the student?
(A) The student could use the same string but increase the frequency at which they generate the
(B) The student could use the same string but increase the wavelength of the waves they generate.
(C) The student could use the same string but increase the amplitude of the waves they generate.
(D) The student could use a string with the same length and tension, but greater linear density
(E) The student could use the same string, but placed under greater tension.

Division 1 only 3 Division 1 only

Continue Numbers 1 – 10 on your answer sheet
Answer questions #11 should be blank. Your first answer
through #40. should be for #11.

Treat 𝒈 = 𝟏𝟎. 𝟎 for ALL questions.

11. You throw a ball at angle  and measure its horizontal range, R. You now throw the same ball
again at the same angle, but with twice the original speed. Its horizontal range, compared to your
first throw (in both cases, the ball lands at the same height from which it was thrown) would be
(A) 1.4R
(B) 0.5R
(C) 2R
(D) 4R
(E) the same
12. A horizontal disk has a spring and a mass attached to a rod passing through
its center. The spring has a spring constant of k and the attached mass is m.
When the disk is not rotating, the equilibrium length of the spring is d. The
disk is now angularly accelerated until it reaches a constant angular
velocity of . At this angular velocity the length of the spring is now
2d. What is the angular velocity of the disk?
𝑘 𝑘 2𝑘 2𝑑 𝑑
(A) √ (B) √2𝑚 (C) √ 𝑚 (D) √ 𝑘 (E) √2𝑘

13. You measure that 4000 kcal of heat conducts through a window in your house in one hour when the
house is kept at 20oC. The window is a 4.0 m2 pane of 0.30 cm thick glass
(k = 2.0 × 10-4 kcal/s∙m∙C°). What is the outside temperature?
(A) 4oC (B) 8oC (C) 13oC (D) 16oC (E) 18oC

14. The red glow in the neon tube of an advertising sign is a result of
(A) fluorescence (B) incandescence (C) iridescence (D) coherence (E) de-excitation

15. Which of the following people was a recipient of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics?
(A) Frances Arnold
(B) Donna Strickland
(C) Tasuku Honjo
(D) Kip Thorne
(E) Joachim Frank

Divisions 1 & 2 4 Divisions 1 & 2

16. Water flows out of a horizontal drainpipe at the rate of 120 kg per minute. Its initial vertical
velocity is zero and it falls 3.20 m to the ground. What is the average force it exerts when it hits the
(A) 6.0 N (B) 10.0 N (C) 12.0 N (D) 16.0 N (E) 20.0 N

17. A sphere has a radius of 1.96 ± 0.01 𝑚. What is the approximate uncertainty in its volume?
(A) 31.5 ± 0.2 𝑚3 (B) 31.5 ± 0.3 𝑚3 (C) 31.5 ± 0.4 𝑚3 (D) 31.5 ± 0.5 𝑚3 (E) 31.5 ± 0.6 𝑚3

18. A block slides up and back down a rough incline. Which of the following graphs could represent
the velocity of the block as a function of time? All graphs use the same scale and uphill as the
positive direction.

19. A ball with a mass of 0.500 kg traveling at 4.80 m/s strikes a

wall and rebounds in the opposite direction at 3.60 m/s. What
is the magnitude of the impulse that acted on the ball during
the collision with the wall?
(A) 0.600 N.s
(B) 1.20 N.s
(C) 2.70 N.s
(D) 4.20 N.s
(E) 16.8 N.s

20. A string, fixed at both ends, vibrates at a frequency of 12 Hz with a standing transverse wave
pattern containing 3 loops (antinodes). What frequency is needed if the standing wave pattern is to
contain 4 loops (antinodes)?
(A) 12 Hz (B) 16 Hz (C) 36 Hz (D) 48 Hz (E) 60 Hz

21. Let M represent the magnification of an image. For which of the following arrangements of an
object and an optical device would -1 < M < 0?
(A) The object is placed less than one focal length in front of a converging mirror.
(B) The object is placed between one focal length and two focal lengths in front of a diverging
(C) The object is placed less than one focal length in front of a diverging lens.
(D) The object is placed more than two focal lengths in front of a converging lens.
(E) The object is placed between one focal length and two focal lengths in front of a plane mirror.

Divisions 1 & 2 5 Divisions 1 & 2

22. An Atwood machine is shown in the diagram at the right with
m1=0.60 kg and m2=0.40 kg. What is the magnitude of the
acceleration of m2? Ignore friction and the mass of the pulley.
(A) 4.2 m/s2
(B) 3.3 m/s2
(C) 2.0 m/s2
(D) 5.0 m/s2
(E) 1.0 m/s2

23. A 30.0-N block falls straight down from a height of 10.0 m, and strikes the ground with a velocity
of 7.00 m/s. What average force of air friction acts on it as it falls?
(A) 22.65-N (B) 45.45-N (C) 75.0-N (D) -N (E) 293-N

Questions 24 & 25 refer to Circuit 1.

24. The capacitor is initially uncharged. Which of the following choices best represents the current at
Point X immediately after the switch is closed?
(A) Zero Circuit 1
(B) 24 mA directed to the right
(C) 36 mA directed to the left
(D) 48 mA directed to the left
(E) 72 mA directed to the right

25. If the capacitor has a capacitance of 15 μF and is

uncharged prior to closing the switch, what is the steady-
state charge on the capacitor?
(A) 3 μC (B) 45 μC (C) 75 μC (D) 90 μC (E) 120 μC

26. A 15.0-mW laser emits a beam that is 2.00 mm in diameter. What is the intensity of this beam?
(A) 1.19 x 103 W/m2
(B) 1.19 x 104 W/m2
(C) 3.59 x 104 W/m2
(D) 4.77 x 104 W/m2
(E) 2.98 x 105 W/m2

27. The unit that is used to measure magnetic flux is:

(A) Coulomb (C) (B) Farad (F) (C) Tesla (T) (D) Weber (Wb) (E) Henry (H)

28. A curve on a racetrack has a radius of 80 m and is banked at 45°. Suppose that the road surface on the curve
somehow became frictionless (perhaps caused by an ice storm or an oil spill) and a car needs to navigate
this curve. What is the safe speed with which to take the curve without either sliding up or down the bank
of the curve?
(A) 9 m/s (B) 14 m/s (C) 21 m/s (D) 28 m/s (E) 33 m/s

29. A convex lens has a focal length of 50 mm. How far from the lens must an object be placed if it is to form a
virtual image magnified in size by a factor of three?
(A) 33 mm (B) 38 mm (C) 43 mm (D) 48 mm (E) 53 mm

Divisions 1 & 2 6 Divisions 1 & 2

30. Consider the bicycle wheel shown at the right to be a ring with a 60 cm
diameter and a mass of 1.5 kg. Attached to the wheel is a gear with a radius
of 4.0 cm and negligible mass. A force of 20 N is applied tangentially to
the gear for 4.0 s. Starting from rest, what linear speed does the wheel
achieve, assuming it rolls without slipping?
(A) 3.0 m/s
(B) 5.9 m/s
(C) 7.1 m/s
(D) 16.4 m/s
(E) 24 m/s

31. The intensity level is measured to be 60 dB at a distance of 15 m from a speaker. What is the intensity level
at a point 2.0 m from the speaker? Assume that the speaker radiates equally in all directions
(A) 55.7 dB (B) 57.5 dB (C) 67.0 dB (D) 75.5 dB (E) 77.5 dB

32. A pine wood block is floating in a small pool. There is a second pine wood block that sits on top of
the first and does not touch the water. If the top block is taken off and placed in the water, how does
the new water level in the pool compare to the original water level?
(A) Rises
(B) Lowers
(C) Does not change
(D) It depends upon the size of the blocks
(E) It depends upon the amount of water in the pool.

33. Two cars are being tested on a track. Car 1 accelerates from rest on this straight track at a1=3.0m/s2.
Two seconds later, Car 2 accelerates from rest at a2=12.0 m/s2. How much time after Car 1 starts
will Car 2 pass Car 1?
(A) 3.0 s (B) 4.0 s (C) 5.0 s (D)  s (E) 7.0 s

34. The table at right lists the finish times for the 2008 Men’s Olympic 100 m Men’s Butterfly Swim
100 m butterfly swim final in Beijing. From the data, what is the 1 Michael Phelps 50.58 s
best estimate of the distance the 2nd place finisher, Cavic, was 2 Milorad Cavic 50.59 s
behind the 1st place finisher, Phelps? 3 Andrew Lauterstein 51.12 s
(A) 0.2 cm 4 Ian Crocker 51.13 s
(B) 2.0 cm
5 Jason Dunford 51.47 s
(C) 5.0 cm
6 Takuro Fujii 51.50 s
(D) 10 cm
(E) 20 cm 7 Andrii Serdinov 51.59 s
8 Ryan Pini 51.86 s

35. In a mixture of hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen gases at room temperature, the molecules having
the greatest average speed are those of
(A) Hydrogen
(B) Oxygen
(C) Nitrogen
(D) All have the same speed
(E) It depends upon the composition of the mixture

Divisions 1 & 2 7 Divisions 1 & 2

Questions 36 & 37 refer to Circuit 2. The battery is assumed ideal with an emf of 3.0 V

36. The resistor that dissipates the most power is: Circuit 2
(A) R1
(B) R2
(C) R3
(D) R4
(E) R5

37. The voltage across resistor R4 is:

(A) 0.4 V
(B) 0.6 V
(C) 1.2 V
(D) 1.5 V
(E) 3.0 V

38. Shown here is accelerometer data for an

elevator ride in a skyscraper in Chicago. The
spikes at roughly 10s and 72s are caused by
the handling of the accelerometer which rested
on the floor of the elevator and occurred
before the elevator started moving up, and
after it reached the top, respectively. What is
the best estimate for the peak vertical speed
for this elevator
(A) 4 m/s
(B) 8 m/s
(C) 12 m/s
(D) 16 m/s
(E) 20 m/s

39. The picture shows two speakers, A and B, which emit the same
680-Hz tones in phase. Point P is located 1.000 m directly in front of
Speaker A. A sound sensor at Point P records a minimum sound
intensity. Speaker B is slowly moved away from Speaker A along the
line joining them. How far must Speaker B be moved further from
Speaker A until the sound sensor at Point P first records a maximum
sound intensity?
(A) 0.368 m (B) 0.438 m (C) 0.500 m (D) 0.686 m (E) 0.982 m

40. The bulb of a mercury thermometer has a volume of 0.100 cm3 at 10oC and contains 0.100 cm3 of
mercury. The capillary tube above the bulb has a cross-sectional area of 0.012 mm2. The volume
thermal expansion coefficient of mercury is 1.8 × 10-4 (Co)-1. How much will the mercury rise when
the temperature rises by 30 Co (the expansion of the glass is negligible)?
(A) 0.045 mm (B) 0.45 mm (C) 4.5 mm (D)  mm (E) 45 cm

Divisions 1 & 2 8 Divisions 1 & 2



Your last answer should be for #40. Numbers 41- Answer questions #41
50 should remain blank for Division 1 students. through #50.

Treat 𝒈 = 𝟏𝟎. 𝟎 for ALL questions.

41. To monitor the breathing of a hospital patient, a thin belt is wrapped around a patient’s chest and back. The
belt is a 200 turn coil of conducting wire. When the patient inhales, the area of the coil increases by
39.0 cm2. The magnitude of the Earth’s magnetic field is 50.0 T and makes an angle of 28.0o to the plane
of the coil. Assuming the patient takes 1.80 s to inhale, how much emf is induced in the coil?
(A) 1.91 x 10-5 V (B) 9.57 x 10-8 V (C) 9.57 x 10-4 V (D) 1.02 x 10-5 V (E) 3.44 x 10-5 V

42. Three identical samples of a monatomic ideal gas are taken from a temperature T to a temperature 2T.
Sample A undergoes an adiabatic process. Sample B undergoes an isobaric process and Sample C
undergoes an isochoric process. Which of the following correctly ranks the heats added to the samples
during the three processes?
(A) QA < QB < QC
(B) QA < QC < QB
(C) QB < QA < QC
(D) QC < QA < QB
(E) QC < QB < QA

43. Two boxes are stacked on a table as shown at right. The mass of box 1 is
m and the mass of box 2 is 3m. The surface between box 2 and the table
is smooth and the surface between the two boxes is rough. When a force,
F, is applied, box 1 does not slide on box 2. What is the minimum
coefficient of static friction between the boxes?
𝐹 𝐹 𝐹 𝐹 2𝑚𝑔
(A) 4𝑚𝑔 (B) 3𝑚𝑔 (C) 2𝑚𝑔 (D) 𝑚𝑔 (E) 𝐹

44. Consider a traveling wave on a string of length L, mass M, and tension T. A standing wave is set
up. Which of the following is true?
(A) The wave velocity depends on M, L, T.
(B) The wavelength of the wave is proportional to the frequency.
(C) The velocity of a given particle in the string is equal to the wave velocity.
(D) The wavelength is proportional to T.
(E) The frequency depends upon L.

45. A heat engine is operating between 40°C and 380°C and has an efficiency that is 60% of a Carnot engine
that is operating between the same temperatures. If the engine absorbs heat at a rate of 60 kW, at what rate
does it exhaust heat?
(A) 36 kW (B) 41 kW (C) 48 kW (D) 57 kW (E) 60 kW

Division 2 only 9 Division 2 only

46. In physics experiments located deep underground, the two types of cosmic rays that most
commonly reach the experimental apparatus are:
(A) alpha particles and neutrons
(B) protons and electrons
(C) iron nuclei and carbon nuclei
(D) muons and neutrinos
(E) positrons and electrons

47. When two identical resistors are connected in series to an ideal voltage source, the current supplied
by the source is 2.0 Amperes. When these two resistors are connected in parallel to the same ideal
voltage source, what is the current supplied by the source?
(A) 0.5 Ampere (B) 1.0 Ampere (C) 2.8 Amperes (D) 4.0 Amperes (E) 8.0 Amperes

48. It is observed that a charged particle moves through a region of space and experiences no magnetic
force. From this we can conclude that
(A) no magnetic field exists in that region of space.
(B) the particle is moving parallel to the magnetic field.
(C) the particle is moving perpendicular to the magnetic field.
(D) either no magnetic field exists or the particle is moving parallel to the magnetic field.
(E) either no magnetic field exists or the particle is moving perpendicular to the magnetic field.

49. A lump of clay whose rest mass is 4.0 kg is traveling at three-fifths of the speed of light when it collides
head-on with an identical lump going in the opposite direction at the same speed. If the two lumps stick
together and no energy is radiated away, what is the mass of the composite lump?
(A) 4.0 kg (B) 6.4 kg (C) 8.0 kg (D) 10.0 kg (E) 13.3 kg

50. One mole of ideal gas initially at temperature T0 and volume V0 undergoes a reversible isothermal
expansion to V1. If the ratio of specific heats is cp/cv =  and if R is the gas constant, the work done by the
gas is:
(A) Zero (B) RT0(V1/V0) (C) RT0(V1/V0- 1) (D) CvT0[1 - (V0/V1) −  (E) RT0 ln(V1/V0)

IMPORTANT: All Division 2 students STOP HERE.

Your last answer should be for #50.

Division 2 only 10 Division 2 only

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