Airport Lighting: Technical Specifications Systems

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Airport Lighting
Since airport operates 24 hours and even in low visibility, it is crucial for airport to be equipped
with sufficient airport lights. This will provide visual guidance for pilots during low visibility , night
time and dusk time. Airport lights are constructed based on ICAO’s Annex 14 which specifies the
colours, fangibility, light intensity, control and emergency lights.

Airport lights enable the pilot to identify the runways when operating in poor weather or night
condition. It also provide pilots a principle source of guidance to remain in the centre of the
runway on landing and deceleration. Furthermore, it assist pilots to identify the start of the
runway and decide to land or execute a missed approach. It aids pilots with visually based
vertical alignment on approach landing as well.

Approach and Runway Lighting

RWY 10 28 16 34


type LEN 900M 900M 910M 426M

THR LGT Green Green Green Green

Green Green Green RTILs

PAPI PAPI PAPI Both sides/3 PAPI Both PAPI Both

Both sides/3 degree degree sides/3 sides/3
degree degree

TDZ Length 900M 900M Nil Nil

30M 30M

RWY Centre 2637M 2637M Nil Nil

Line LGT 15M 15M
Length, coded 0-1737M coded 0-1737M
White, 1737M- White, 1737M-
colour, INTST
2337M Red/White, 2337M Red/White,
2337M-2637M Red 2337M-2637M Red
RWY EDGE 2637M 60M nom 2637M 60M nom 2073M 60M 2073M 60M
LGT LEN, White (last 600M White (last 600M nom White nom White
spacing, Yellow) LIH Yellow) LIH (last 600M (last 600M
colour, INTST Yellow) LIH Yellow) LIH

RWY End LGT Red LIH - Red LIH - Red LIH - Red LIH -
colour WBAR

SWY LGT LEN Red LIH - Red LIH - Nil Nil

(M) colour

Remarks Nil RETILs (yellow) prior Nil Nil

to exit to TWY E6

Abbredevation used:
APCH LGT type LEN INTST - Approach Light type Length intensity
THR LGT colour WBAR - Threshold Light colour Wing bar Lights
PAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicators
TDZ Length (TDZL) - TouchDown Zone Length
RWY Centre Line LGT Length, spacing, colour, INTST - Runway Centre Line Light Length,
spacing, colour, intensity
RWY EDGE LGT LEN, spacing, colour, INTST -  Runway Edge Light Length, spacing, colour,
RWY End LGT colour WBAR - Runway End Light colour Wing bar Lights
SWY LGT LEN (M) colour - Stopway Light Length (M) colour
CL - Centre Line
HIRL - High Intensity Runway Lights
ALSF-2 - Approach Light System with Sequenced Flashing Lights - 2
LIH - Light Intensity High
LIL - Light Intensity Low
SALS - Short Approach Lighting System
RETILs - Rapid Exit Taxiway Indicator Lights
RTIL - Runway Threshold Identification Lights

Runway 10 and 28 uses the precision approach CAT II/III Lighting system
Runway 16 uses the precision approach CAT I Lighting system
Runway 34 uses the simple approach lighting system

Runway Classification RVR Decision Height

RWY10 CAT II 1200ft (366m) 100ft (30m)

RWY28 CAT II 1200ft (366m) 100ft (30m)

RWY16 CAT I 2600ft (800m) 200ft (60m)

RWY34 SALS - -

Simple Approach Lighting System

As seen from the diagrams, a simple approach lighting system (SALS) consists of a row of
lights on the extended centre line of the runway.

It extends to at least 420m from the threshold (whenever possible).

A row of lights form a crossbar 300m before the threshold.
The length of the crossbar is 18m or 30m.
The lights are normally white.
The lights shall be fixed.
Each centre line shall consist of either:
- A single source; or
- A barrette (three or
more ground lights
closely spaced together
to appear as a bar of
lights) at least 3 m in
This system may serve:
• A non-precision
approach runway.

Precision Approach CAT

I Lighting

It consists of a row of lights

on the extended centre line
of the runway
It extends to 900m from the
threshold (wherever
The crossbar is at a
distance of 300 m from the
The crossbar length is 30m.
The lights forming the
crossbar must be:
- In a horizontal straight line.
- At right angles to the line
of the centre line lights.
- Bisected by the line of the
centre line lights.
Crossbar lights spacing
should be so as to produce
a linear effect.
Gaps (kept to minimum and
not exceeding 6m) may be left on each side of the centre line.
Centre line lights should be spaced at 30m intervals.
Innermost light at 30m from the threshold.
The system must lie as nearly as practicable in the horizontal plane passing through the
threshold. provided that
Precision Approach CAT II and III Lighting

It extends to 900m from the

Two side rows of red lights
extend to 270m.
It has two crossbars, 150m
and 300m from the threshold.
The centreline and side bar
lights must be placed every
Innermost (first light) at 30 m
from the threshold.

The sidebars must be aligned

with the touchdown zone

PAPI primarily helps pilots by providing visual glide
slope guidance in non-precision approaches
environment. The row of light units is installed on
the both side of runway 10, 28, 16, 34. The glide
path indications are:

two red and two white ( | 3 degrees) when on

proper glide path angle of approach
slightly high (3 white | 3.2 degrees)
significantly high (4 white | > 3.5 degrees)
slightly low (3 red |2.8 degrees)
significantly low (4 red | <2.5 degrees).
Runway Lights

Runway Centreline Lights:

Provide pilots a principal source of guidance to remain in the centre of the runway on
landing and deceleration
Consist of lights spaced at 50ft interval along the centreline:
White lights until the last 3000ft of the runway.
White lights alternate with red lights for the next 2000ft
All red for the last 1000ft

Runway Threshold Lights:

Assist pilots to identify the start of the runway and decide to land or execute a missed
Consist of a line of green lights extending across the entire runway width

Touchdown Zone Lights:

Assist pilots to identify the touchdown zone when landing under adverse visibility
Consist of 2 columns of white lights disposed symmetrically about the runway centreline,
starting 100ft from threshold to 3000ft
Runway Edge Lights:
Assist pilots to outline the edges of runway during period of darkness or reduced visibility
Consist of a line of white lights

Runway End Lights:

Provide rapid and positive identification of the end of the runway
Consist of a line of red lights extending across the entire runway width

Taxiway edge and centre line lighting

Edge; blue all TWY except E4, M1, M2, R.
Edge, blue, RWY 16/34 from TWY A to THR 34 and TWY G
to THR 16.
Edge, blue, retroreflective markers TWY R .
Centreline, green (green/yellow on exit TWYs) TWY B1, B2,
B4, B5, B7, E1, E2, E6, F1, F2, F3, H1, H2, M1, M2, Link 2,
Link 3 and Link 4.

Approach Lighting System with Sequenced Flashing Lights Cat II (ALSF-2)

A high intensity approach lighting system with sequenced flashing lights
ALSF-2 LIghts.png

High Intensity Runway Lights (HIRL) and Centreline Lighting (CL)


For normal visibility conditions, CAT I runway-holding positions are established on all
taxiways which intersect with
runways. The CAT I runway-holding position on Taxiway E1 is a combined position for
Runway 10/28 and Runway
16/34. CAT I runway-holding positions are also established on Runway 16/34, for aircraft
taxiing along Runway 16/
34 towards Runway 10/28, and on Runway 10/28 for aircraft taxiing along Runway 10/28
towards Runway 16/34.
These holding positions are denoted by:
i. Yellow painted holding-position markings;
ii. Red mandatory markings, Indicating the Designation of the runway ahead;
iii. Red mandatory signs, including the inscription CAT I (where appropriate) and the
designation of the runway
iv. Red controllable stop bar lights (where shown on Aerodrome Chart);
v. Yellow flashing runway guard lights (ICAO Configuration A);
vi. Location sign indicating the taxiway designation in yellow on a black background;
9.5 For low visibility conditions, a CAT II/III runway-holding position is established on
Taxiway E1. This holding position
is denoted by:
i. Yellow painted markings;
ii. Red mandatory signs with the inscription 28 CAT II/III;
iii. Red controllable stopbar lights;
iv. Yellow flashing runway guard lights (ICAO Configuration A);
v. Location sign indicating E1 in yellow on a black background;

Potential bottleneck:
With Runway 10/28 being the only runway equipped with appropriate lightings to
cater with CAT II/III approaches. Thus, during a bad weather condition beyond CAT
I, Runway 16/34 would not be able to accommodate to flights landing via VFR.
This may potentially lead to congestions in the sky for aircraft to “queue” for their
turn to land on runway 10/28.

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