Nguyễn Thị Thúy Hiền - 19CNACLC08 - 411190553 - DNNAAV assignment CLC

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Học phần: DN Ngữ âm – Âm Mã đề: 001 (CLC)

Mã học phần: 4113313 Số TC: 02
Ngày thi: 21/08/2020 Thời gian: 180 phút

Họ tên: Nguyễn Thị Thúy Cán bộ coi thi 1 Cán bộ coi thi 2 Số phách
Lớp: ……
Phòng thi:
Mã SV: …
Số báo danh: …………...
Điểm (số) Điểm (chữ) Cán bộ chấm thi 1 Cán bộ chấm thi 2 Số phách

Ghi chú: Sinh viên làm bài trực tiếp trên đề thi.

Phonetics and Phonology Assignment

Note: You may need to use these symbols for your assignment completion.
U V 3: O: Q @ A: I i: & Í Ù T D S Z N

1. Airstream Mechanism
Fill in the blanks in the following passage with the words provided (some words may be used
more than once):
voiced clicks ejectives velaric voiceless glottalic pulmonic plosives implosives

There are three principle airstream mechanisms: the __pulmonic__________ airstream mechanism,
the ___glottalic_________ airstream mechanism, and the ___veraric_________ airstream
mechanism. In normal utterances in all the languages of the world, the airstream is always flowing
outward if the _____pulmonic__________ airstream mechanism is involved. Stops made with this
mechanism are called ____plosives_________. The only mechanism that is used in some languages
to produce some sounds with inward going air and some sounds with outward going air is the
____glottalic_________ airstream mechanism. Stops made with this mechanism acting ingressively
are called ____implosives______. Stops made with this mechanism acting egressively are called
_____ejectives_________. The mechanism that is used in language to produce sounds only with
inward going air is the ___velaric_______ airstream mechanism. Stops made with this mechanism
are called ___clicks__________. Stops may vary in their voice onset time. In this respect, [b,d,g]
are ___voiced__________ stops, [p,t,k] are __voiceless______stops.

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Học phần: DN Ngữ âm – Âm Mã đề: 001 (CLC)
Mã học phần: 4113313 Số TC: 02
Ngày thi: 21/08/2020 Thời gian: 180 phút

Họ tên: Nguyễn Thị Thúy Cán bộ coi thi 1 Cán bộ coi thi 2 Số phách
Lớp: ……
Phòng thi:
Mã SV: …
Số báo danh: …………...
2. Phonetic description
Give the appropriate phonetic symbol in brackets for each of the sounds described below:
a) voiceless velar stop [k ]
b) voiced labiodental fricative [v ]
c) voiced palato-alveolar affricate [dZ ]

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d) voiced palatal glide [j ]

e) voiced velar nasal [N ]
f) voiceless interdental fricative [ T]
3. Phonetic description
Work out the vowel sound associated with each of the following descriptions. Supply its correct
phonetic symbol and illustrate the vowel with a word in English. One example has been done for
a) long (tense) high front unrounded [i: ] heat
b) short low central unrounded [ V ] ___put__
c) short high back rounded [ U ] __book__
d) long mid-high back rounded [ O: ] _core____
e) long mid central (slightly) rounded [ 3: ] __turn___
4. Assimilation
Provide two phonetic transcriptions for each of the following examples, one which reflects the way
you would say it in formal or careful speech style, the other the way you would say it in more rapid,
casual speech style. Identify the assimilation process that occurs in the sound sequence.
1. Would you like it
Careful style: /wUd ju laIk It /
Casual style: /wUdZjulaIkIt /
Assimilation process: Mutual assimilation
2. A basket maker
Careful style: / @ bA:skIt meIk@ /
Casual style: / @bA:skIpmeIk@ /
Assimilation process: labialization
3. A good cook
Careful style: / @ gUd kUk /
Casual style: / @gUgkUk /
Assimilation process: velarization

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5. Stress
Stress in a sentence is used to emphasize important information in a sentence, usually Noun, Verb,
Adjective & Adverb.
Look at the underlined word that receives the stress in each sentence, and tell what the speaker means.
One example has been done for you. 
Word stressed in sentence What the speaker means
1. I asked you to buy red roses. E.g. It was me who was asking – not him or her
2. I asked you to buy red roses. I didn’t demand you to buy red roses. I asked them
3. I asked you to buy red roses. The person I asked was you, not anyone else
4. I asked you to buy red roses. I didn’t ask you to steal red roses. I asked you to buy
5. I asked you to buy red roses. The color I asked you to buy roses was red, not any
color else
6. I asked you to buy red roses. It’s roses I asked you to buy, not anything else

6. Choose either Question A or Question B. Do NOT do both.

Question A
Consider the distribution of [r] and [l] in Korean in the following words:
[rupi] ‘ruby’ [mul] ‘water’
[kiri] ‘road’ [pal] ‘big’
[saram] ‘person’ [soul]/[seul] ‘Seoul’
[irumi] ‘name [ilkop] ‘seven’
[ratio] ‘radio’ [ipalsa] ‘barber’
Are [r] and [l] two different phonemes or are they allophones of the same phoneme? State your

Consider the distribution of [r] and [l] in Korean in the following words:

rupi "ruby" mul "water"

kiri "road" pal "big"

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saram "person" sul "Seoul"

ratio "radio" ilkop "seven"

ipalsa "barber"    

They are allophones of the same phoneme (because there are no minimal pairs).  In this case, their
distribution is determined by location.  The sound [r] occurs only at the beginnings of syllables, and
the sound [l] occurs only at the ends of syllables.  So, the rule would be either

/r/  [l] when syllable-final

/l/  [r] when syllable-initial.
Either response would be acceptable, given the data you have.

Question B

Consider the distribution of [p] and [pʰ] in the following words. Are they two different
phonemes or are they allophones of the same phoneme? State your reasons.
spat [sp&t] pat [pʰ&t] lap [l&p]
spool [spu:l] pool [pʰu:l] stop [stQp]
speak [spi:k] peak [pʰi:k] steep [sti:p]

7. Analyze the syllable structure of the words: spring, little, doctor, structure.
Word Number of First syllable Second syllable
Onset Rhyme Onset Rhyme
Nucleus Coda Nucleus coda
spring one spr I N
little two l I t @ l
doctor two d Q k t @ r
structure two str V k tS @ r

8. Why do the rules for marking stress and intonation keep changing? Don't we have any fixed

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Phần cắt phách. Không làm bài vào đây.


Its true that the rules for marking stress and intonation keep changing. as far as my knowledge
concern its because the pronunciation of any language does not depend on any particular rule. Its
dynamic. Due to this reason the rules keep changing.

Example British English vs. American English :

* Tuesday :
British English : /ˈtjuːzdei/  
American English: /ˈtuːzdei/ 

* Advertisement :

British English :   /ədˈvəːtɪsmənt/    

American English:  /ˌædvərˈtaɪzmənt/ 

*  Grass :

British English :  /grɑːs/    

American English:  /græs/

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