Course Objectives:: Building Drawing

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Building Drawing

Course Title: Building Drawing Credit: 2

Course No: No. of period per week: 1+ 3
Nature of the Course: Theory + Practical Year: Second, Semester: IV
Level: B. E.

1. Course Objectives:
The main objective of the course is to understand building drawings. Other objectives are; to
introduce about the basic terminology, components and elements of building; to familiarize the
students with the standard drawings used by architect/engineers. Emphasis is placed to understand
the detail drawings and be able to produce/reproduce the detail drawings of a residential building
includes; architect's, structural, service, municipality drawings etc.

2. Specific objective and Contents:

Specific Objectives Contents

Unit 1: Introduction to building and building drawing (1
To familiar with building hour)
vocabulary. 1.1 Anatomy of building
1.2 Structural system of building
1.3 Elements of building
1.4 Scale conversion
Unit2: Symbols and conventional signs for building
To familiar with visual signs and drawings ( 1 hour)
symbols used for building
2.1 Building/Engineering materials symbols and
2.2 Architectural drawing symbols
2.3 Water supply and sanitary fixtures
2.4 Electrical installations
To understand the types of Unit3: Standard views used in building drawings (4
standard view of building hours)
according to imaginary cutting 2.1 Location plan
plane. 2.2 Site plan
2.3 Floor plans
2.4 Elevations/Facades
2.5 Cross sections
2.6 Detail drawings
To acquire general knowledge Unit 4: Introduction to building bye-laws (2 hours)
about building bye-laws.
To know how to prepare measured Unit 5: Types of building drawings (7 hours)
drawings of existing building. 5.1 Measured drawing
To familiar with stages adopted 5.2 Existing drawing/proposed drawing
while designing the building. 5.3 Stages of designed drawing

To prepare municipal drawing, 5.3.1 Concept drawing
comprising of views and followed 5.3.2 Preliminary drawing
by building bye-laws. 5.3.3 Final drawing
To understand the importance of 5.4 Municipality drawing
working drawing on construction 5.5 Working/ detail drawing
industries. 5.5.1 Architect's drawing
Able to compare and contract 5.5.2 Structural drawing
working drawing with as built 5.5.3 Service drawing
drawing. 5.6 Record drawing
5.7 As built drawing

Drawing sheets to be prepared by students are as follows.

Sn Description Sheets Hours

1 Structural and envelop system of building, conventional signs and 2 6
2 Measured drawing 1 3
3 Location plan, Site plan, Floor plans, Roof plan 2 6
4 Elevations and cross sections 1 3
5 Working/ detail drawings
5.1 Architects drawings: trench plan, wall details (foundation to parapet), 2 9
staircase details, door/window details, etc.
5.2 Structural drawings: footing, pillar, beam, slab etc. 2 9
8 Electrical power and circuit drawings; 2 9
Sanitary drawings i.e. water supply and drainage, toilet/ bathroom
layout ,etc.
Total 12 45

1. Building bye-laws.
2. Suraj Singh, 2011, Civil Engineering Building Practice, 1st edition. CBS Publisher and
Distributors P Ltd.
3. William J. Harnung,1982, Matrix Architectural Construction Drafting and Design
4. John Molner, 1986, Building Construction Drafting and Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold.
5. William J. Hornung, 1971, Architectural Drafting, 5th edition, Prentice-Hall.
6. John D. Bies, 1983, Architectural Drafting: Structure and Environment, Macmillan
Publishing Company.
7. Thomus, Marvin L.1978, Architectural Working Drawing, McGraw-Hill Inc, United

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