Security Issues and Challenges in Iot: Dr. Kahkashan Tabassum DR Ahmed Ibrahim DR Sahar A. El - Rahman
Security Issues and Challenges in Iot: Dr. Kahkashan Tabassum DR Ahmed Ibrahim DR Sahar A. El - Rahman
Security Issues and Challenges in Iot: Dr. Kahkashan Tabassum DR Ahmed Ibrahim DR Sahar A. El - Rahman
Abstract—The Internet of Things (IoT) supports a wide range of considered to have a fantastic prospective that can fill the gap
applications including smart cities, traffic congestion, waste or barriers which existed within various technologies until
management, structural health, security, emergency services, recently.
logistics, retails, industrial control, and health care. IoT is mega-
technology that can establish connection with anything, anyone, II. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK
at any time, place, service on a platform and any network. It has
a great impact on the whole block chain of businesses, smart This section discusses the security issues and challenges
objects and devices, systems and services that are enabled by in IoT in various fields and the survey is organized as
heterogeneous network connectivity and is developed as a smart follows: First part of this section discusses general IoT
pervasive framework of smart devices. IoT devices are in use in security[1], which is followed by a survey[2] based on deeper
many fields, they connect to complex devices, interface with insight on the IoT data transfer in the form of Big data. The
hostile environments and are deployed on various uncontrolled next part is organized from [3][4][5] and deals with the
platforms, therefore faces many security issues and challenges. description about the challenges that are faced by IoT and Big
Since the IoT offers a potential platform for integrating any type
Data security, the final section presents the secure applications
of network and complex system it could encounter vulnerabilities
inherent to the individual systems which are available within the
of IoT business analytics and Health informatics. The survey
integrated network. This research paper is a study of the security in paper [6] expresses the IoT business collaboration, safety,
issues of the individual systems responsible for IoT and confidentiality, the researchers in [7] discuss about IoT
interconnection and their impact towards the integrated IoT business collaboration with financial perspective and
system. highlights its benefits. In [8] the researchers have illustrated a
real-life example about a specific industry and how the IoT
Keywords— Big Data Analytics, Network security, Device security, steps can be applied to a real-life scenario to secure it. In the
Internet of Things. modern age, it is of the utmost importance for any business to
incorporate some features for optimal operation. One of which
is security, this links back to the huge size of data that is being
IoT devices are currently used in almost every area may it exchanged between devices. The current technology is striving
be industrial, educational, medical or business. IoT connects to advance towards development of deep learning analysis of
complex devices together, it can interface with a the security architecture and features of IoT. The research
heterogeneous set of environments deployed on various status of key technologies including encryption mechanism,
platforms. Since the IoT provide integration of many types of security layers, cryptographic algorithms are reviewed and
networks and complex systems, it is exposed to security discussed amongst these survey papers . All that was
challenges and issues that are already a part of the individual discussed in [1] has an effect on business in the modern age.
systems involved in its framework or available within its [2] explores the potential impact of large data challenges,
integrated network. This paper targets the real challenges for research efforts directed towards the analysis of IoT data, and
the clients from both the hardware (embedded server) and various tools associated with its analysis. It discusses some
software perspectives. Most of the connected devices that problems and challenges presented by big data, one of which
seem to be functional are at a risk due to reasons that they being the acquisition of knowledge from IoT data. The authors
may be hacked by hackers and the whole business may suffer discussed the relationship between Business Data
drawbacks. These issues explain how critical are the privacy Analytics(BDA) and IoT, examined various research topics,
and security to a system. The solution to these issues could be various opportunities generated by data analysis in the IoT
providing the customer with personalized devices that offer paradigm, challenges and tools used for BDA, and they
the system a high level of security through setting discussed the information security dimension of BDA. In the
personalized IDs, using MAC address security. public/private article, numerous types of analysis techniques were used. The
keys, digital signatures and certificates within the system. authors suggested the use of platforms to explore big data in
Unfortunately, there is no added cost for the system that numerous stages because Big Data platform has its own
chooses to offer security but instead the cost exists only for the individual approach. All types of devices communicate
system. IoT is the only technology in todays’ world which is together in numerous ways. They have to transfer enormous
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