Connecting Words: Look at The Words and Divide Them Into The Categories Below

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Connecting Words

I. Look at the words and divide them into the categories below.

Emphasize Add information Contrast Cause/effect

II. Read the text and complete the gaps with the words from the box.
For instance - In conclusion - Moreover - Furthermore

As a result - For example - Consequently

What effects has the computer had on our lives?

The twenty-first century is already turning out to be the century of the computer. The
computer revolution that started after the Second World War is now developing more
quickly and computers are beginning to influence and take over nearly every aspect
of our lives. Computers are clearly changing and affecting society in many ways. The
two main effects computers have had on our lives are in the areas of economics and
communications. The computer has led to big changes in our economic and business
lives. Businesses now have to be computerized or they risk failure.
1_______________, every big corporation bases its operations on computing,
regardless of which sector they are in. 2 ________________, Coca-Cola, the BBC
and Levi’s market and sell different products and services, yet they all share one
basic property – without computers their operations would collapse. Computing is a
generator of economic dynamism. China and India and many other developing
countries have large IT sectors which drive their economies upwards. 3
__________________ , the more advanced economies, including Germany, the
United States, Japan and Korea are moving from an industrial-based economy to a
computer and IT-based one. The other important effect of the computer is that
communication has been totally revolutionized. 4 _______________, in the past,
people wrote letters, which would often take weeks to reach their destinations, or
speak on the phone, which was terribly expensive. Now they send e-mail. Instead of
waiting weeks for a letter, we can read it instantly, seconds after it’s been written.5
___________________, many people use computers to communicate with people all
around the world using chat rooms and chat programs, this was impossible before
the computer became widespread. 6 __________________ , now people who live
thousands of kilometers away from each other can communicate as much as they
want and whenever they want using e-mail and/or chat rooms. 7
________________________ , computers have had a profound effect on our lives in
many ways and it is in business and communication that they have had the greatest
influence. In the future, if the computer continues evolving at such speed, our
business practices and methods of communication will undergo even greater

III. Read each sentence; then choose the word or phrase that identifies
the relationship between parts of the sentence.
1. A water main downtown broke this morning, so several businesses had no water
for hours.
a. addition
b. time
c. comparison
d. cause and effect

2. Even though most Americans are primarily concerned about AIDS as it exists in
the U.S., it should be remembered that it is now nearly a worldwide disease.
a. addition
b. time
c. contrast
d. comparison

3. Larry will probably be a late bloomer socially, just like his older brothers.
a. time
b. contrast
c. comparison
d. cause and effect

4. There are ways you can make boring tasks more pleasant. For instance, bring a
portable radio and listen to music on the earphones while you work.
a. contrast
b. comparison
c. illustration/example
d. cause and effect

5. The lazy checkout clerk forced the six-pack of cola into the bottom of the bag,
tearing it. Then she shrugged her shoulders and said, “I guess you’ll have to carry
the bag from the bottom.”
a. time
b. contrast
c. comparison
d. illustration/example

IV. Transitional words and phrases showing relationships within and

between sentences
Choose the letter a, b, c, d that correctly identifies the nature of the underlined
transition in each of the following sentences.

1. Science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke correctly predicted that satellites would be

used for communication. Moreover, in 1947 he correctly predicted that 1959 would
be the year the first rocket to the moon was launched.
a. addition
b. time
c. contrast
d. cause and effect

2. Some people in New Jersey built their houses very close to the shoreline.
Consequently, they have had to spend a lot of money trying to protect their property
from the sea.
a. addition
b. contrast
c. illustration/example
d. cause and effect
3. Running can make people more aware of their physical surroundings, such as the
scent of honeysuckle or the changing moods of the trees.
a. addition
b. contrast
c. illustration/example
d. cause and effect

4. Residents complain bitterly about potholes in the streets and sloppy trash pick-up,
yet these same people resist paying higher taxes for the improvement of these
a. time
b. contrast
c. comparison
d. illustration/example

5.Telephone interviewing allows for a large number of responses in a short time and
at relatively low cost. Moreover, the method permits interviewers to reach
respondents at specific times of the day; this is an important consideration in the
study of radio and TV listening habits.
a. addition
b. time
c. contrast
d. comparison.

V. Pronunciation exercise.
Read and record your voice ( while you read a group (1
or 2) of pair of words with similar sounds.

*Recommendation: Do not upload recordings of each word by word, but a

single recording with all the words. Each member of the group must make their
own recording.

/R/ vs /L/ Minimal Pairs - /S/ vs /TH/ Minimal Pairs List -

Group 1 Group 2
Grammar / Glamour Sick / Thick
Royal / Loyal Mouth / Mouse
Arrive / Alive Sigh / Thigh
Ramp / Lamp Song / Thong
Bowling / Boring Pass / Path
Belly / Berry Sink / Think
Rock / Lock Force / Fourth
Light / Right
Math / Mass
Grow / Glow
Thumb / Sum
Collect / Correct
Saw / Thaw
Climb / Crime Myth / Miss
Rag / Lag Thing / Sing
Link / Rink That / Sat
Gloom / Groom
/F/ vs /V/ Minimal Pairs List -
Lice / Rice
Fast / Vast
Root / Loot
Fender / Vendor
Elect / Erect
Fan / Van
Cloud / Crowd
Refuse / Reviews
Lack / Rack
Foul / Vowel
Ram / Lamb
Fairy / Very
Phase / Vase
Vine / Fine
Save / Safe

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