Albert Einstein and The Theories of General & Special Relativity
Albert Einstein and The Theories of General & Special Relativity
Albert Einstein and The Theories of General & Special Relativity
Awards “It is very well possible that without these philosophical studies I
Nobel Prize in Physics would not have arrived at this situation!”
Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society
Max Planck Medal Prior to Einstein… Scientists’ concept of space and lightspeed was…
TIME – Person of the Century The space was filled with Luminiferous Aether (LA). LA causes the
Various Medals from Scientific Community, Countries, etc. change in Speed of Light depending on the relative motion of the
Source and Observer!
At first he was misunderstood…
1884 – Seen a compass. Becomes Fascinated with Physics In 1905 Einstein proposed a new theory based on two principles…
1894 – 15 y/o – writes his first scientific paper 1] The laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating
1895 – Fails the college entrance exam. Excels in Math. Sent observers!
to a town school.
2] The speed of light in a vacuum is independent of the motion of all
Einstein’s Theories of Relativity revolutionized how Today’s To visualize the TIME concept… The Moving
Scientific world thinks about… Space, Time, Mass, Energy and Watch runs more slowly than the Stationary
Gravity. Watch!
Two Historic subjects catalyzed Einstein’s thoughts… This phenomenon is called Time Dilation!
ONE The Laws of Isaac Newton used to understand the A fast moving object appears Shorter along the direction of Motion
Physics of Motion relative to slow-moving one!
In 1687, Newton wrote…Gravity affects everything in the Universe. This effect is very negligible until the Object moves close to the
The same force of Gravity pulled an apple down from a tree and also Speed of Light!
kept the earth in Motion around the sun. But Newton never puzzled Einstein's Derived his famous equation… E = mc 2
out the Source of Gravity! This was the shortfall of Newtonian
Mass and Energy are different manifestations of the same thing.
Now, the presence of any Mass distorts the Fabric, that is space-time.
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