Efectos Del Recubrimiento Sobre La Corrosión y La Protección Catódica - en PDF

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Corrosion Basics

Understanding the basic principles and causes of corrosion

Effects of Coating on Corrosion
and Cathodic Protection

he four basic elements mind that generally, it is not practical to stray current, it is extremely important
of a corrosion cell are increase the investment in higher-quality that a good coating be applied to the
coating beyond the related savings in CP line in the area of current pickup (which
an anode, a cathode, costs. Therefore, several questions arise is cathodic and not subject to attack) to
and the metallic and about the use of imperfect coatings: increase electrical resistance and thus
electrolytic path- Q How good are they when used alone? minimize the amount of current that will
ways between them. Corro- Q What effect do they have on the prog- consume pipe metal when it discharges
ress of corrosion? elsewhere. In cases of static stray currents
sion control can be achieved
Q How do they affect the need for CP? (e.g., cathodic stray currents), the identi⇒-
by eliminating (or reducing) cation of pickup areas is relatively simple.
Unregulated Pipelines
any of these elements. One However, where dynamic stray currents
Without CP
such method is to modify the are involved (e.g., near direct current-
Compared with a bare pipeline in
powered transit systems), locations near
electrolytic pathway by intro- the same environment, a coated line
tracks that accumulate stray current when
ducing a barrier between the can be expected to have fewer leaks
a train is nearby may actually discharge
during its service life; however, the
threatened metal surface and current back to the rails when no load is
coated line may have its first leak
the corrosive medium (i.e., by sooner because corrosion activity may
in the area. Indiscriminately coating these
applying some kind of coat- locations without a full understanding of
be concentrated at the limited surface
the stray current activity patterns can
ing). If all metal surfaces could area of small holidays.
concentrate the reduced total current to
be coated with a material that Under special circumstances, this ef-
intolerable densities.
fect can be even more pronounced. Sup-
was absolutely waterproof pose that after some years in operation,
and absolutely free of ⇓aws With CP
a bare line develops a leak at the most
The effect that coating has on CP
(holidays), all attack would be aggressive location, requiring repair or
requirements is simple and can be stated
stopped. It should be noted replacement. The corrosive environment
brie⇓y: application of a coating greatly
would be compounded by the tendency of
that these two properties reduces the amount of current required
new steel to be more active (anodic) with
would have to be permanent to obtain protection. The reduction
respect to older steel, and the unfavorable
may run from as much as 99.8% for an
without degradation. ratio of anodic and cathodic surface areas
extremely good coating to as low as 50%
Unfortunately, no combination of results in a concentration of corrosion
for a very poor, old, damaged coating. In
coating materials and painstaking ap- current and a greater corrosion rate. The
addition, a good coating can signi⇒cantly
plication can ensure a perfect coating decision to avoid this predictable situation
improve attenuation characteristics along
inde⇒nitely. However, there are modern by coating the replacement piping actu-
a pipeline, greatly increasing the effective
coatings that approach perfection, at ally makes matters even worse! Because
range for an individual source of protec-
progressively higher costs. It is often the coating is not perfect, some new steel
tive current.
most practical to accept the inevitability will be in contact with the electrolyte, and
of some coating ⇓aws, where corrosion the remaining corrosion current is fur- This article is adapted by MP
can be controlled by cathodic protection ther concentrated at a small surface area Editorial Advisory Board Member
(CP). The costs associated with CP for where failures may occur in a short time. Norm Moriber from Corrosion
various ranges of coating ef⇒ciency are Limited CP installations using sacri⇒cial Basics—An Introduction, Second
well known. Therefore, it is possible to anodes, often called “hot spot” protec- Edition, Pierre R. Roberge, ed.
select a cost-effective combination of rea- tion, can provide an inexpensive solution (Houston, TX: NACE International,
sonably good coating and CP, bearing in for this situation. In areas in⇓uenced by 2006), pp. 178-179.

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