Davao Doctors College: Pre-Final Exam 2 - Sem. 2019-2020

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Gen. Malvar St. Davao City

PRE-FINAL EXAM 2ND. Sem. 2019-2020 SET A

Name:___________________________Section:________Date of activity:_________

PART 1. Write the missing term in the statement below.

4. Egg to scramble cook egg.
1. Which property is a result of the second law 5. A change which can happen backward,
of thermodynamics? that is, can be reversed is
2. The first law of thermodynamics states that 6. If you keep water in the freezer for some time,
energy is it transforms into ice.
3. The internal energy is often called __________ 7. if you boil water, it evaporates and becomes
because it is the result of all the motion of the water vapor. When you cool this vapor down, it
particles and the forces between them. turns back to water.
4. For a given chemical reaction, if there is no 8. Boiling is when a liquid converts into a gas.
work done on or by the reaction, then there must Example of boiling is turning water into
be a change in water vapour.
5. For an exothermic reaction in which no work is 9. We use heat for cooking, right? Once we
done on or by the reaction, the internal energy cook our eggs, we cannot uncook them.
must (increase/decrease) 10. Rusting of iron: You must have seen
6. The second law of thermodynamics relates to: rusting of iron.
7. Entropy is a statistical measure of: (order or
disorder of the system). Part 3. Problem Solving.
8. If a chemical reaction is spontaneous, the total
entropy of the chemical system and its
a. increases only if the reaction is exothermic
b. increases only if the reaction is endothermic
9. The two forces that drive chemical change are
a. enthalpy and entropy
b. entropy and free energy
10. What sign of entropy would tend to prevent the
reaction from occurring? (posive/negative)
11. Efficiency of heat engine cycle is the ratio of:
(Qin/Wnet or Wnet/Qin)
12. The thing we measure when we want
to determine the average kinetic energy of
random motion in the particles of a substance is:
13. The ________ is the energy needed to raise
the temperature of one gram of a substance
one degree Celsius.
Question #1-#10:
14. __________ energy is energy that is stored In the figure shown above.
chemical energy.
15. _______ energy is energy associated with 1. What is the substance in the system?
the movement of an object.
2. What is the value of heat out the system?
16. The ________ is a metric unit of energy
equal to 1 kg.m2/sec2. 3. What is the temperature and Pressure
17 & 18. Sign Convention: Heat gained value entering the system?
(absorbed) is considered ____; heat lost by 4. what is the temperature and pressure leaving
system to surroundings is ___ the system?
.19. ) A ________is a device used to measure 5. What is the quantity require for Question a?
heat transfer. 6. What is the quantity require for Question b?
20. ____thermic reactions require energy in order
7. What is the unit of pressure?
to take place. (exo/endo).
8. What is the unit of temperature?
9. What is the air volume flow rate?
PART 2. IDENTIFICATION. Tell whether the 10. What is the direction of the compressor motor?
process is reversible or irreversible.

Reversible changes Irreversible changes Question #11. (3 pts. show solution below)
1. A substance can 1. A substance cannot In the figure below:
return to its original state. return to its original state.
2. The chemical 2. The chemical
properties of the properties of the
substance do notchange. substance change
3. Most physical changes 3. All chemical changes
are reversible changes are irreversible changes
1. Water to ice.
2. When you burn a piece of paper, it turns to
ash. It cannot become paper again.
3. Your height cannot decrease.
Heat is transferred to a heat engine from a furnace
at a rate of 80 MW. If the rate of waste heat
rejection to a nearby river is 50 MW, determine the
net power output for this heat engine.

12. From the figure the flow of substance

from hot to cold, What is the initial temperature
from the vessel 1?
13. For vessel 2, its initial temperature is:
14. What is their equilibrium temperature?
15. For vessel 1, show its solution on
average temperature.
16. For vessel 2, show its solution on
average temperature.
17. Solve for the ΔS1?
18. Solve for the ΔS2?
19 & 20. Solve for the ΔS?

Note for Question #17-20, use the

formula in the figure shown.


Question #12-#20:


Gen. Malvar St. Davao City
PRE-FINAL EXAM 2ND. Sem. 2019-2020 SET B

Name:___________________________Section:________Date of activity:_________

PART 1. Write the missing term in the statement below.

. 1. ___thermic reactions require energy in
Reversible changes Irreversible changes
order to take place. (exo/endo). 1. A substance can 1. A substance cannot
2. ) A ________is a device used to measure return to its original state. return to its original state.
heat transfer. 2. The chemical 2. The chemical
properties of the properties of the
3 & 4. Sign Convention: Heat gained
substance do notchange. substance change
(absorbed) is considered ____; heat lost by 3. Most physical changes 3. All chemical changes
system to surroundings is ___ are reversible changes are irreversible changes
5. The ________ is a metric unit of energy
6. _______ energy is energy associated with
1. Rusting of iron: You must have seen
the movement of an object.
rusting of iron.
7. __________ energy is energy that is stored 2. We use heat for cooking, right? Once we
chemical energy. cook our eggs, we cannot uncook them
8. The ________ is the energy needed to raise 3. Boiling is when a liquid converts into a gas.
the temperature of one gram of a substance Example of boiling is turning water into
one degree Celsius. water vapour.
9. The thing we measure when we want 4. if you boil water, it evaporates and becomes
water vapor. When you cool this vapor down, it
to determine the average kinetic energy of
turns back to water.
random motion in the particles of a substance is: 5. If you keep water in the freezer for some time,
10. Efficiency of heat engine cycle is the ratio of: it transforms into ice.
(Qin/Wnet or Wnet/Qin) 6. A change which can happen backward,
11. What sign of entropy would tend to prevent that is, can be reversed is
the reaction from occurring? (posive/negative) 7. Egg to scramble cook egg.
12. The two forces that drive chemical change 8. Your height cannot decrease.
9. When you burn a piece of paper, it turns to
are ash. It cannot become paper again.
13. If a chemical reaction is spontaneous, 10. Water to ice. it transforms into ice.
the total entropy of the chemical system and
its surroundings
14. Entropy is a statistical measure of: (order or
disorder of the system).
15 The second law of thermodynamics relates to:
16. For an exothermic reaction in which no
Part 3. Problem Solving.
work is done on or by the reaction, the
internal energy must (increase/decrease) Question #1-#9:
17. For a given chemical reaction, if there is no
work done on or by the reaction, then there
must be a change in

18. The internal energy is often called _________

because it is the result of all the motion of the
particles and the forces between them.
19. The first law of thermodynamics states that
energy is
20. Which property is a result of the second law
equal to 1 kg.m2/sec2. of thermodynamics?
a. increases only if the reaction is exothermic
b. increases only if the reaction is endothermic
a. enthalpy and entropy
b. entropy and free energy 1. From the figure the flow of substance
from hot to cold, What is the initial temperature
PART 2. IDENTIFICATION. Tell whether the from the vessel 1?
process is reversible or irreversible. 2. For vessel 2, its initial temperature is:
3. What is their equilibrium temperature?
4. For vessel 1, show its solution on
average temperature.
5. For vessel 2, show its solution on
average temperature.
6. Solve for the ΔS1?
7. Solve for the ΔS2?
8 & 9. Solve for the ΔS?
Note for Question #1-9, use the
formula in the figure shown.

Heat is transferred to a heat engine from a furnace

at a rate of 80 MW. If the rate of waste heat
rejection to a nearby river is 50 MW, determine the
net power output for this heat engine.


Question #1-#10:
In the figure shown above.

10. What is the substance in the system?

11. What is the value of heat out the system?
12. What is the temperature and Pressure
value entering the system?
13. what is the temperature and pressure leaving
the system?
14. What is the quantity require for Question a?
15. What is the quantity require for Question b?
16. What is the unit of pressure?
17. What is the unit of temperature?
18. What is the air volume flow rate?
19. What is the direction of the compressor motor?

Question #11. (3 pts. show solution below)

In the figure below:

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