EXPT 03 - Digital Modulation - ASK

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Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)

Department of Information & Communication Technology

Course: Telecommunication System Lab (ICT 3206)

Experiment No: 03
Name of the experiment: Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) Modulation and

3.1 Objectives:

1. To describe the ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) modulation and demodulation

2. To carry out an ASK connection, without data coding
3. To examine the noise/attenuation effect on the connection and channel.

3.2 Instruments:

1. MCM31/EV Module
2. Dual-trace oscilloscope/DSO

3.3 Theory:

Modulation is defined as the process by which some characteristics of a carrier

signal is varied in accordance with a modulating signal. The base band signal is
referred to as the modulating signal and the output of the modulation process is
called as the modulation signal.

3.3.1 Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)

Amplitude shift keying - ASK - in the context of digital communications is a

modulation process, which imparts to a sinusoid two or more discrete amplitude
levels. These are related to the number of levels adopted by the digital message.

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For a binary message sequence there are two levels, one of which is typically zero.
Thus the modulated waveform consists of bursts of a sinusoid. ASK Modulation

In this form of modulation the sine carrier takes 2 amplitude values, determined by
the binary data signal. Usually the modulator transmits the carrier when the data bit
is "1", it completely removes it when the bit is "0" (fig 3.1). There are also ASK
shapes called "multi-level", where the amplitude of the modulated signal takes more
than 2 values.

Figure 3.1: ASK Modulation ASK Demodulation

The demodulation can be coherent or non-coherent. In the first case, more complex as
concerns the circuits but more effective as against the noise effect, a product
demodulator multiplies the ASK signal by the locally regenerated carrier. In the
second case the envelope of the ASK signal is detected via diode. In both cases the
detector is followed by a low pass filter, which removes the residual carrier
components, and a threshold circuit which squares the data signal (fig 3.2).

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Fig 3.2: ASK Demodulation

3.3.2 ASK Modulator

The block diagram of the ASK modulator is shown in fig 3.3. The sine carrier (1200 or
1800 Hz) is applied to an input of the balanced modulator 1; a data signal (indicated
with I) is connected to the other circuit. The circuit usually carries out the balanced
modulator function, and multiplies the two signals applied across the inputs.
Unbalancing, though, the circuit with switch SW6 (in position ASK/FSK), it operates
as amplitude modulator generating in this way the ASK signal of fig 3.1. The last, then,
enters the adder used for FSK/QPSK/QAM modulations, and exits via a separator
stage. The 6dB attenuator cuts the signal amplitude into half, and is activated only
with the QAM. To block the operation of the balanced modulator 2 in ASK mode, the
data input of the same modulator must be set on ASK (J3=d).

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Fig. 3.3: ASK Modulator

3.3.3 ASK Demodulator

The ASK demodulator consists of the sections represented in fig 3.4:

• a full wave envelope detector (ASK DEM)

• a low pass filter
• a threshold circuit (with output across TP29) in case of asynchronous data,
which are not re-timed
• a clock extraction and data re-timing circuit, in case of synchronous data (data
output on TP31, clock on TP32).

The filter, the clock extraction circuit and the data re-timing one are used to
demodulate also other kind of signals.

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Fig. 3.4: ASK Demodulator

3.4 Experimental Procedure

Disconnect all jumpers
MCM31 -Set all switches S "OFF"

Wave-forms of the ASK Modulator

• Power the module

• set the circuit in ASK mode, with 24-bit data source and without data coding
(connect J1c-J3d-J4-J5-J6a; set SW2=Normal, SW3=24_bit, SW4=1200, SW6=ASK,
SW8=BIT, ATT=min, NOISE=min)
• set an alternated data sequence 00/11 and push START
• connect the oscilloscope to TP6 and TP16 to display the data signal and the ASK
• use the 1800Hz frequency as carrier (set SW4=1800)

Waveforms for ASK Modulator has shown in figure 3.5.

S Q1 What can you detect?

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Wave-forms of the ASK demodulator

• Keep the last conditions (J1c-J3d-J4-J5-J6a; SW2=Normal, SW3=24_bit, SW4=1200,

SW6=ASK, SW8=BIT, ATT=min, NOISE=min)
• set an alternated data sequence 00/11 and push START
• connect the oscilloscope to TP16 and TP20, to examine the ASK signal before
and after the communication channel
• note the effect of the communication channel on the ASK signal. As the
communication channel is limited band (the frequency response if low pass), the
ASK output signal is slightly beveled. The effect is the more evident if a 1800-Hz
carrier is used (switch SW4). Take SW4 to the position 1200 again.

SQ2 What kind of signal can you detect across TP23 ?

• the signal supplied by the ASK demodulator is filtered by a low-pass filter,

which removes the ASK carrier components. At the filter output (TP24, fig2.5)
you get the detected data signal, which shape is affected by the amplitude of the
ASK carrier (and so by the conditions of the communication channel)
• in asynchronous data transmission, i.e. when no clock regeneration and data re-
timing is required, it is sufficient to square the signal supplied by the filter. The
output of the squarer (threshold circuit) can be detected across TP29. Note the
correspondence between the transmitted (TP6) and the received data (TP29)
• introduce line attenuation (ATT), and see that the received data are not equal to
the transmission data anymore. The noise insertion (NOISE) causes an
alternation of the received data, too.

Q3 Why is the ASK much sensible to signal amplitude variations?

• take the line attenuation and noise to the minimum

MCM31 Turn ON switch S13

Q4 The data across TP29 is not correct. Why?

The wave-forms for ASK Demodulator has shown in figure 3.5.

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Fig 3.5: Waveforms for ASK Modulation and Demodulation

2.4 Result

Thus the ASK modulation and demodulation is performed successfully.

2.5 Discussion

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