Arnaez MBCPayroll Calculator
Arnaez MBCPayroll Calculator
Arnaez MBCPayroll Calculator
Company Unliquidated
SSS (LOAN) Personal Loan Uniform Cash Advances
750.00 3,400.00 250.00 600.00
31 11,536.29 10,000.00
FEBRUARY 15 11,536.29 10,000.00
28 11,536.29 10,300.00
MARCH 15 11,536.29 10,000.00
31 11,000.00 10,000.00
APRIL 15 11,000.00 12,000.00
30 11,000.00 10,000.00
MAY 15 11,000.00 10,000.00
31 11,000.00 10,000.00
JUNE 15 11,000.00 10,800.00
30 11,000.00 10,000.00
JULY 15 11,000.00 10,000.00
31 11,000.00 10,000.00
AUGUST 15 11,000.00 10,000.00
31 11,000.00 20,000.00
SEPTEMBER 15 11,000.00 10,300.00
30 11,000.00 10,300.00
OCTOBER 15 11,000.00 10,300.00
31 11,000.00 10,300.00
NOVEMBER 15 11,000.00 10,300.00
30 11,536.29 10,300.00
DECEMBER 15 11,536.29 10,300.00
31 11,536.29 10,300.00
271,754.03 257,500.00
21,431.73 If taxable income is:
5% %
P500 + 10% of the excess over P10,000 10 50
P2,500 + 15% of the excess over P30,000 11 55
P8,500 + 20% of the excess over P70,000 12 60
P22,500 + 25% of the excess over P140,000 13 65
P50,000 + 30% of the excess over P250,000 14 70
P125,000 + 32% of the excess over P500,000 15 75
16 80
17 85
18 90
19 95
Salary of Employer Employee
Range Employee Contribution Contribution
1,000.00 - 1,249.99 1,000.00 73.70 36.30
1,250.00 - 1,749.99 1,500.00 110.50 54.50
1,750.00 - 2,249.99 2,000.00 147.30 72.70
2,250.00 - 2,749.99 2,500.00 184.20 90.80
2,750.00 - 3,249.99 3,000.00 221.00 109.00
3,250.00 - 3,749.99 3,500.00 257.80 127.20
3,750.00 - 4,249.99 4,000.00 294.70 145.30
4,250.00 - 4,749.99 4,500.00 331.50 163.50
4,750.00 - 5,249.99 5,000.00 368.30 181.70
5,250.00 - 5,749.99 5,500.00 405.20 199.80
5,750.00 - 6,249.99 6,000.00 442.00 218.00
6,250.00 - 6,749.99 6,500.00 478.80 236.20
6,750.00 - 7,249.99 7,000.00 515.70 254.30
7,250.00 - 7,749.99 7,500.00 552.50 272.50
7,750.00 - 8,249.99 8,000.00 589.30 290.70
8,250.00 - 8,749.99 8,500.00 626.20 308.80
8,750.00 - 9,249.99 9,000.00 663.00 327.00
9,250.00 - 9,749.99 9,500.00 699.80 345.20
9,750.00 - 10,249.99 10,000.00 736.70 363.30
10,250.00 - 10,749.99 10,500.00 773.50 381.50
10,750.00 - 11,249.99 11,000.00 810.30 399.70
11,250.00 - 11,749.99 11,500.00 847.20 417.80
11,750.00 - 12,249.99 12,000.00 884.00 436.00
12,250.00 - 12,749.99 12,500.00 920.80 454.20
12,750.00 - 13,249.99 13,000.00 957.70 472.30
13,250.00 - 13,749.99 13,500.00 994.50 490.50
13,750.00 - 14,249.99 14,000.00 1,031.30 508.70
14,250.00 - 14,749.99 14,500.00 1,068.20 526.80
14,750.00 - 15,249.99 15,000.00 1,105.00 545.00
15,250.00 - 15,749.99 15,500.00 1,141.80 563.20
15,750.00 - OVER 16,000.00 1,178.70 581.30
110.00 10 83.70 36.30
165.00 10 120.50 54.50
220.00 10 157.30 72.70
275.00 10 194.20 90.80
330.00 10 231.00 109.00
385.00 10 267.80 127.20
440.00 10 304.70 145.30
495.00 10 341.50 163.50
550.00 10 378.30 181.70
605.00 10 415.20 199.80
660.00 10 452.00 218.00
715.00 10 488.80 236.20
770.00 10 525.70 254.30
825.00 10 562.50 272.50
880.00 10 599.30 290.70
935.00 10 636.20 308.80
990.00 10 673.00 327.00
1,045.00 10 709.80 345.20
1,100.00 10 746.70 363.30
1,155.00 10 783.50 381.50
1,210.00 10 820.30 399.70
1,265.00 10 857.20 417.80
1,320.00 10 894.00 436.00
1,375.00 10 930.80 454.20
1,430.00 10 967.70 472.30
1,485.00 10 1,004.50 490.50
1,540.00 10 1,041.30 508.70
1,595.00 10 1,078.20 526.80
1,650.00 30 1,135.00 545.00
1,705.00 30 1,171.80 563.20
1,760.00 30 1,208.70 581.30
- 1.00% 2.00% -
1,500.00 2.00% 2.00% 30.00
5,000.00 2.00% 2.00% 100.00