Operators Manual: English

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SAS-2 Operators Manual

1 The SAS-2
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Informational Symbols 3
1.3 Precautions and Limitations 4
1.4 Safety Considerations 5

2 Installation
2.1 Electrical Installation 6
2.2 Fluid Installation 7

3 Controls
3.1 Mains Supply 8
3.2 Rear Panel 8
3.3 Front Panel 8

4 Operating Instructions
4.1 Power up 9
4.2 Loading a gel 9
4.3 Program selection 9
4.4 Create or Edit a program 11
4.5 Enter or Change a program name 13
4.6 Abort a program 14

5 Maintenance
5.1 Regular maintenance 15
5.2 Manually cleaning tank 15
5.3 Maintenance before storage 15
5.4 Gel holder 15
5.5 Cleaning spills 15
5.6 Replace fuse(s) 15

6 Troubleshooting
6.1 Problem, Cause, Solution 17

7 Performance Specifications
7.1 Specifications and Parameters 18

8 Appendix A:
8.1 Pre-set Programs 19

Warranty Report 21

2 English
SAS-2 Operators Manual

1 The SAS-2
1.1 Introduction

The SAS-2 is a laboratory instrument designed to automatically dry, stain, de-stain and dry
Helena Biosciences Europe SAS-1 agarose products.

The SAS-2 incorporates 10 factory set programs which allow it to operate with the standard
gels of Helena BioSciences Europe. It also has the ability to store up to 9 programs with user-
defined variables.

This manual provides all necessary information for the setup and operation of the SAS-2
including important information regarding safety and maintenance of the unit. To ensure safe
and reliable operation, always operate the SAS-2 in accordance with the operator manual.



Helena BioSciences Europe is not responsible for injuries or damages caused by improper

1.2 Informational Symbols

The operators manual should be consulted to avoid possible personal injury or
instrument damage.

Caution, hot surface!

Indicates an area where the surface of a specific part may have a temperature
exceeding 60°C.

3 English
SAS-2 Operators Manual

1.3 Precautions and Limitations

To isolate the equipment remove the plug from the socket. The mains switch is considered
to be the primary disconnect device and should be easily accessible by the operator.

> The entire operators manual should be read and understood before attempting
instrument operation.
> This instrument is designed for use with Helena BioSciences Europe products only.
> Refer to the Instructions For Use supplied with each kit for correct gel orientation,
staining / destaining fluid preparation, and other information.
> To prevent damage to the SAS-2 ensure the slits on top of the instrument are not
> Ensure the fan at the rear of the unit is not covered and has adequate air circulation.
> Keep flammable liquids and flammable vapors away from the instrument at all times.
> Keep the gel holder installed in the stainer at all times.
> Do not use 100% methanol as this can effect the performance of instrument
> Do not use abrasive cleaners on any of the instrument surfaces. Always isolate the
mains supply before cleaning up any spills with a soft tissue.
> This piece of equipment must not be used in areas of high electromagnetic
phenomenon as temporary loss of function may occur. Contact Helena Biosciences
Europe for advice.

4 English
SAS-2 Operators Manual

1.4 Safety Considerations

The SAS-2 is fully overload protected. However, the following guidelines should be observed
to ensure safe operation of the unit.

> The SAS-2 must only be operated when connected to an earthed supply of the correct
voltage and frequency as indicated on the serial number label.
> For emergency shut-down, use either the ON/OFF (switch on the rear panel of the
device), or switch off at the mains supply.
> Wait at least 5 seconds after stopping a run before handling output leads or connected
> Always make sure your work area is clean and dry before operating the SAS-2.
> Whilst the unit is in operation the user should keep clear the area around the gel holder
lift mechanism and avoid placing objects in the top of the staining chamber.
> If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer the protection
provided by the equipment may be impaired.

To avoid damage to the instrument:

> For proper ventilation, leave at least 10 cm of space behind the instrument and on
either side.
> Do not operate the SAS-2 in high humidity environments (>90%), or where
condensation may occur.
> To avoid condensation, the unit should be left on between use during operation in a
cold room or in high humidity environments.
> Do not lubricate any parts of the instrument.
> Never place objects on top of the instrument.
> Keep flammable liquids and flammable vapors away from the instrument at all times.

5 English
SAS-2 Operators Manual

2 Installation
Please verify upon receiving the SAS-2 that no damage has occurred during transit and
confirm that the following components and accessories are included:

Item No. Units Ref. No.

SAS-2 1 unit Cat. No. 1212 (230V) or
Cat. No. 1213 (115V)
Operator manual, including Warranty report 1 unit (art. no. 0100.061)
Spare fuses 2 units (art. no. 6000.160) or
(art. no. 6000.315)
Power cord 1 unit (art. no. 7100.001) or
(art. no. 7100.002) or
(art. no. 7100.006)
Gel holder 1 unit (art. no. 0030.311)
Liquid containers 5 units 1.5L (art. no. 8036.007)
1 unit 2.5L (art. no. 8036.008)
1 unit 5L (art. no. 8036.009)
Tubing 5 meters (art. no. 8002.410)
Container holder 1 unit (art. no. 0030.323)

2.1 Electrical Installation

> Place the SAS-2 unit on a level bench. Keep the area around the instrument clear to
ensure correct ventilation.
> Select an environment free from excessive humidity, dust and large temperature
fluctuations. Allow the instrument to acclimatise to room temperature for a period of
approximately 2 hours before operating.
> The power cord attachment module is located at the rear of the unit. Position the unit
so this is easily accessible.
> Connect the unit to a suitable earthed mains outlet of the correct voltage and
frequency. This unit MUST BE EARTHED.
> Turn on the main power switch located on the left side of the instrument. A green LED
will be activated on the service panel when the power is on.

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SAS-2 Operators Manual

2.2 Fluid Installation

> Connect the ports on the rear of the instrument to the relevant solutions. Use only
tubing and container sets provided with the instrument.
> All tubing must be securely connected to the fittings to prevent leaks.

Port 1
Port 2
Port 3
Port 4
Port 5
Port 6

Port 7 Waste

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SAS-2 Operators Manual

3 Controls
3.1 Mains Supply

ON/OFF Switch: This is a rocker-type switch which controls the mains input to
the unit.

3.2 Rear Panel

Ports: 6 x Inlet ports.

1 x Outlet port.

3.3 Front Panel

Display Unit: LCD operator interface providing information of program

parameters and machine status.

LED: Indicates that the current is flowing between the electrodes.

Enter: Press to access program parameters.

Press to access and alter individual steps.

Left Arrow: Scroll cursor left.

Right Arrow: Scroll cursor right.

Up Arrow: Scroll by increments through steps.

Increase parameter values.

Down Arrow: Scroll by decrements through steps.

Decrease parameter values.

Start/Stop: Start program / Abort program during run.

8 English
SAS-2 Operators Manual

4 Operating Instructions
4.1 Power up

Connect the unit to an appropriate mains outlet and switch on by using the power switch
located on the rear of the instrument. The display will prompt:

Helena BioSciences
Staining Unit

This shows that the machine is ready to operate.

4.2 Loading a gel

The gel holder has a front and a back, see Figure 1. The gel must be loaded from the front
side. First ensure that the right-hand side variable bar is at the correct setting for the gel.
This can be adjusted by first loosening the nut on the rear of the bar and then moving the bar
to the correct location holes before tightening. Ensure that the movable discs A and B are
pushed upwards against the handle.

Insert the gel (gel side facing front) into the groove of the fixed left hand bar. Gently bend
the gel to the front to allow location of the right-hand edge into the groove of the variable
bar. Move the gel down to locate it against the fixed discs C, D, E and F. Move the discs A
and B down to hold the gel in place.

Insert the gel holder into the top of the staining compartment of the instrument. The gel
surface should be facing forward with the variable bar to the right-hand side. The holder
should slide into the grooves with ease. DO NOT force the holder in. If the holder is
sticking, remove and relocate.

4.3 Program Selection

Press any key and the display will prompt.

Select a Program
Pr 1 SP-24

Use the ‘up’ and ‘down’ arrow keys to scroll through the program menu. Programs 1 to 10
are factory set. A full overview of these is given in Appendix A. Programs 11 to 19 are
customer set.

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SAS-2 Operators Manual

Figure 1


Variable Discs A and B

Variable Bar

Fixed Discs C, D, E and F


Location nut

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SAS-2 Operators Manual

4.4 Create or Edit a program

To start the program, press the ‘Start’ button.

From the ‘select a program’ prompt use the ‘up’ and ‘down’ keys to select a program or an
empty program slot.

Select a Program
PR 15 <Empty>

Use the ‘Enter’ key to enter the program, the prompt will change to:

Entering Program 15

and then to,

Pr 15 <Empty> Step 1

PR 16 Prot 1 Step1
WASH 1 30:00 1

The function of each section of the display is:

Program Name
Current step of program
Number of
repeats of step
PR 16 Prot 1 Step1
WASH 1 30:00 1
Function of current step Time of activity
Port used during step

11 English
SAS-2 Operators Manual

Press the ‘Enter’ key once more to enter an individual step. A cursor should appear over the
1 of ‘Step 1’.

PR 16 Prot 1 Step1
WASH 1 30:00 1

Use the ‘left’ and right’ arrow keys to move the cursor over the first letter or number of the
function. Use the ‘up’ and ‘down’ arrow keys to select the function of the step.

Possible functions are: No function


Use the ‘left’ and ‘right’ keys to move to the port selection number and alter this to the
correct port using the ‘up’ and ‘down’ arrow keys. With the drying function the temperature
is stated here. Move to the time value and set to the appropriate time. Then move to the
repeat value and set the number of repeats required (up to a maximum of 9). Repeats cannot
be set at greater than 1 for drying steps. Use the ‘left’ and ‘right’ keys to return the cursor
over the step number. Use the ‘up’ and ‘down’ keys to move to the next step. Repeat the
above sequence until all of the steps are entered.

To save the program press the ‘Enter’ key and the prompt will change to:

Saving Program
Please wait

then to

PR 16 Prot 1 Step1
WASH 1 30:00 1

Press the ‘Start/stop’ key to exit to the program selection prompt.

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SAS-2 Operators Manual

4.5 Enter or Change a program name

From the program selection prompt.

Select a Program
Pr 15 <Empty>

Press the ‘left’ arrow key, the prompt will change and the cursor will appear over the first
character of the program name.

Enter Program name

Pr 15 <Empty>

Use the ‘up’ and down’ arrow keys to select the letter required. Use the ‘left’ and ‘right’
arrow keys to select the next letter to be changed. Proceed until the program name is

Press the ‘Enter’ key to save and the prompt will change to:

Saving Program name

Please wait

And then return to the program selection prompt.

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SAS-2 Operators Manual

4.6 Abort a Program

At any point during a run a program may be aborted by pressing the ‘Stop’ key. The prompt
will change to:

Aborting the Program

Please wait

The program will hold, empty the chamber and enter into the chamber cleaning process.
After this cleaning of the chamber the prompt will change into:

Press STOP to abort

ENTER to continue

When the ‘Stop’ key is pressed, the program will return to stand by mode. When ‘Enter’ is
pressed the last step will be repeated and the program continues from that point on.

It is not possible to stop the cleaning process at the end of each run, as it is required for
instrument maintenance.

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SAS-2 Operators Manual

5 Maintenance
This section describes routine operators maintenance procedures.
NOTE: No operator adjustments are necessary. There are no user serviceable or adjustable parts inside the
unit. Any service problems or adjustments should be referred to your nearest Helena BioSciences Europe
Distributor or Service Department.

5.1 Regular Maintenance

At the end of each session ensure that port 3 is connected to either a 50/50 methanol/water
solution or the 5:5:1 fixative solution. Select program 10 (clean). The empty gel holder
should be in the instrument to facilitate a good cleaning process.

5.2 Manually cleaning tank

Soak the brush provided in a 50/50 Methanol/water solution. Clean the tank as shown in
Figure 2 below, pay particular attention to the left side (front view) of the tank as this is where
the level detectors are situated.

5.3 Maintenance before storage

Before storage of the instrument for long periods of time connect all ports to either a 50/50
methanol/water solution or the 5:5:1 fixative solution. Select program 9 (service).
The empty gel holder should be in the instrument to facilitate a good cleaning process.
Following the use of program 9 with methanol containing solution, the program should be
repeated with all ports connected to deionised water.

5.4 Clean Gel Holder

Wipe off all residues on the gel holder with a cloth soaked in destain, rinse in deionised water
and dry with a lint-free tissue. For heavy accumulations, soak gel holder in destain until
residue can be removed, then rinse in deionised water and dry.

5.5 Cleaning Spills

Clean spills with a soft cloth or sponge ONLY after turning off the power and unplugging the
power cord. Do not use corrosive cleansers. Dry the unit before plugging in the power cord.

5.6 Replace fuse(s)

1. Switch off the device and remove the mains cable from the input.
2. Withdraw the fuse carrying tray from the fuse holder and remove the fuses.
3. Replace with fuses of the correct type and rating.
4. Replace fuse holder
5. Plug power cord back into the instrument and switch on the power
6. If fuses blow immediately contact Helena BioSciences Europe for assistance.

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SAS-2 Operators Manual

Figure 2

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SAS-2 Operators Manual

6 Troubleshooting
NOTE: If problem persists or any other messages are displayed on the screen, contact
Helena BioSciences Europe for assistance.

Problem Cause Solution

No power to the Power cord not connected Check power cord
instrument connections at both ends
Fuse(s) blown Replace fuse(s)
Power on/off is off Switch on/off switch ‘on’
Gel not clean Destain and wash Check program steps
procedure has not been
Check Destain / Wash time
performed correctly
Check bottle contents
Check port connections
Gel not dry Drying procedure has not Check program steps
been performed correctly
Check dry time setting
Check dry temperature
Poor staining results Staining procedure has not Check program steps
been performed correctly
Check stain time setting
Check bottle contents
Check port connections
Error message ‘Clean tank’ Tank is dirty Clean tank

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SAS-2 Operators Manual

7 Performance Specifications
Display: 2 x 20 character LCD

Keypad: 6 keys

Operating Modes: Standby, Program selection, Program editing and Program run.

Input Power: 230 Vac (Cat. No. 1212)

115 Vac (Cat. No. 1213)
Frequency 50/60 Hz, 380 watts
Voltage is factory set (see Serial No. Label)

Timers: Set value: from 0 to 99 minutes

from 0 to 59 seconds
Accuracy: Better than +/- 1 % of setting.

Dry temperature: Set value: 60, 65 or 70°C

Accuracy: Better than +/- 2°C

Fuse - Mains: 230 Vac 1.6A T 5 x 20mm.

115 Vac 3.15A T 5 x 20mm.
2 fuses required (live and neutral fused)

Safety Interlock: Heating element power breaks if dry-fan is defective.

RS232: Not implemented yet

Dimensions: Weight: 9 kg
Size: 24 cm x 36 cm x 30 cm (WxDxH)

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SAS-2 Operators Manual

8 Appendix A: Pre-set programs

1. SP-24
Step Temp Port Time (mm:ss) Repetitions
Fix Port 3 05:00
Dry 65°C 15:00
Stain Port 6 10:00
Destain Port 2 02:00 Repeat x 2
Wash Port 1 01:00
Dry 65°C 15:00

2. IFE-4
Step Temp Port Time (mm:ss) Repetitions
Dry 65°C 15:00
Stain Port 5 10:00
Destain Port 2 02:00 Repeat x 3
Wash Port 1 01:00
Dry 65°C 15:00

3. Acid Hb
Step Temp Port Time (mm:ss) Repetitions
Fix Port 4 05:00
Stain Port 5 15:00
Destain Port 4 00:10
Dry 65°C 15:00
Destain Port 4 02:00 Repeat x 2
Wash Port 1 01:00
Dry 65°C 15:00

4. Alk Hb
Step Temp Port Time (mm:ss) Repetitions
Fix Port 3 05:00
Dry 65°C 15:00
Stain Port 6 10:00
Destain Port 2 02:00 Repeat x 3
Wash Port 1 01:00
Dry 65°C 15:00

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SAS-2 Operators Manual

5. Ur. Scr
Step Temp Port Time (mm:ss) Repetitions
Fix Port 4 05:00
Dry 65°C 15:00
Stain Port 5 10:00
Wash Port 1 00:10 Repeat x 2
Destain Port 2 02:00 Repeat x 2
Wash Port 1 00:30
Dry 65°C 15:00

6. Ur. IFE
Step Temp Port Time (mm:ss) Repetitions
Dry 65°C 15:00
Stain Port 5 10:00
Destain Port 2 02:00 Repeat x 2
Wash Port 1 01:00
Dry 65°C 10:00
Destain Port 4 01:00
Dry 65°C 10:00

7. Reserved

8. Service
Step Temp Port Time (mm:ss) Repetitions
Wash Port 6 00:10 Repeat x 2
Wash Port 5 00:10 Repeat x 2
Wash Port 4 00:10
Wash Port 3 00:10
Wash Port 2 00:10
Wash Port 1 00:10

9. Clean
Step Temp Port Time (mm:ss) Repetitions
Destain Port 3 05:00 Repeat x 2

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SAS-2 Operators Manual

Please complete and return to Helena BioSciences Europe, by email, fax or post.

Instrument Name:
Date Received: Catalogue Number:
Serial Number:

Name: Department:

Post Code:

Telephone Number:
Ext. (where applicable):

Helena warrants each unit to be free from defects in material and workmanship. Helena’s liability under this
warranty is limited to servicing or adjusting any unit and to replacing any defective part. This warranty is
effective for 1 year commencing from the date of shipment to the original purchaser, and does not cover faults
caused by misuse, abnormal conditions, damage incurred in shipment, or consumable items such as lamps.
This warranty is made in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, and is limited in any sale to the repair
or replacement of the affected component.

21 English
SAS-2 Operators Manual

Condition of Equipment on Arrival

In order to evaluate shipping procedures and conditions of equipment on arrival, please

complete this report and return to us.

1. Did the instrument arrive in apparent good condition?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

2. Will you be able to operate this instrument without additional information?

Yes [ ] No [ ]


Helena BioSciences Europe is committed to providing you with the finest equipment and supplies possible.
If you need assistance please call our Sales / Service Department:
tel: +44 (0) 191 482 8440
fax: +44 (0) 191 482 8442
email: [email protected]

22 English
Helena BioSciences Europe
Queensway South
Team Valley Trading Estate
Tyne and Wear
NE11 0SD

tel: +44 (0)191 482 8440

fax: +44 (0)191 482 8442

email: [email protected]

HL-2-1513P 2006/06 (2)

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