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Definition-Policies-Costing and Pricing

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Definition-Policies-Costing and Pricing

Definition-Policies-Costing and Pricing


The double burden of under and over nutrition experienced by

the school children in the Philippines is due to the fact that total food
intake for some children has remained in adequate, resulting in

In this module we will discuss what kinds of food the canteen

must server to the pupils/students to achieve the goals and objectives
of the DepEd regarding the to D.O’s that has been implemented

Questions for Discussion

1. Illustrate the pinggang pinoy that has been introduce by the DepEd and Department of Health
during National Nutrition Month.

2. What are the 3 category in pinggang pinoy?

3. Do you eat foods according the needs of your body?


At the end of this module the student should be able to:

a. Know the 3 categories of Nutrition Facts

b. Appreciate what food help us.
c. Perform and illustrate what is pinggang Pinoy
Definition-Policies-Costing and Pricing

Nutrition Facts

Most food products have Nutrition Facts Oatmeal

on their label which provide information about Whole wheat bread
the nutrition content of a food or drink as Cassava (camoteng kahoy)
prescribed by the Department of Health Boiled Sweet Potato
Administrative Order No. 2014-0030. Boiled Saging Saba
Corn, Binatog
Food products with nutrition Facts shall Boiled Peanuts
be evaluated using the cut-off points for the Suman
three categories given below: Puto
Body-building Fishes
(Grow) Shelfish
i. The Green category includes foods and
Small Shrimps
drinks that should ALWAYS be available
Lean meats
in the canteen. These foods and drinks are
Chicken without skin
the best choices for a healthy school
canteen as they contain a wide range of
nutrients and are generally low in
saturated and trans fats, sugar and salt. Body- Fresh Fruit
Regulating Green, leafy and yellow
(Glow) vegetable.
General Description:
 Contains wide range of nutrients ii. The Yellow category includes foods and
 Saturated Fat is less than 3 grams
drinks that should be served carefully.
(approximately equivalent to more
than half a teaspoon of fat) per These foods and drinks contain some
serving nutrients but at the same time also
 No trans fat contain large amounts, these foods and
 Added sugar is less than 10 grams (or drinks may contribute to excess calories.
teaspoon) per serving
 Sodium is less than 120mg (equivalent
General Descriptions:
to 300 mg of salt or 1/20 teaspoon of
salt) per serving May contain some nutrients but at the
same time contains
 Saturated fat is more than 3 to 5
List of foods and Drinks under the Green
Category  No trans fat
FOOD Examples  Added sugar is more than 10 grams
Drinks Milk (unsweetened) but less than 20 grams per serving.
Safe and clean water  Sodium is more than 120 mg to 200 mg
Fresh buko water per serving.
Energy Giving Milled Rice
(Go) Brown Rice or Iron-fortified
Definition-Policies-Costing and Pricing

List of Foods and Drinks under the Yellow sport drinks, flavoured
Category mineral water, energy
drinks, sweetened
Food Examples
waters, powdered juice
Drinks 100% fresh fruit juice drink
Energy- Fried rice
giving Bread Any product
(Go) Biscuits containing caffeine
Banana Cue, Camote Cue, Turon,
Maruya Any processed
Pancakes fruit/vegetable juice
Waffles with added sugar of
Champorado more than 20 grams.
Pansit Energy-giving Any jelly, ice crushes,
Arroz Caldo (Go) and slushies
Butter,Margarine,Mayonnaise (use Any ice cream/ice
sparingly) drop/ice candies
Body- Processed foods such as meats/fish,
Building hotdogs, sausage, burger patties, All types including
(Grow) chicken nuggets, tocino, tapa, etc. chocolates,
hard/chewy candies,
Body- Stir-fried Vegetables
chewing gums,
marshmallow etc.
French fries, bicho-
bicho, etc
iii. The Red Category includes foods and Body-building Chicharon
drinks not recommended in the canteen (Grow) Chicken Skin
menu. These food and drinks contain high Bacon
amounts of saturated fat or sugar or salt and Deep fried food
should not be served in healthy school including fishball,
canteens. kikiams, etc.
Body-regulating Fruits canned in heavy
General Description: (Glow) syrup
 Saturated fat is more than 5 grams
 Contains tans fat no matter how Activity Time!
insignificant the amount is
 Added sugar or total carbohydrates is
a. Prepare sample of a meal plan which
more than 20 grams
 Sodium is more tha 200 mg per serving you gonna distribute to the students.
(Bfast/Snack, Lunch, Meryenda)
from Monday to Friday.
List of Food and Drinks under the Red Category
b. Picture your plate in lunch, let see
FOOD Example what kinds of food do you eat the
Drinks Softdrinks, alcoholic most.
drinks, sport waters,
Definition-Policies-Costing and Pricing

Financial Management  Incentives

 Taste-testing opportunities
Pricing Arrangements
A fair price for hand-made items such as It is important for the canteen to have
sandwiches, rolls and „open‟ sandwiches, etc.. standard recipes with strict quantities of
Should take into account the cost of the ingredients and standard serving sizes in order to
ingredients, the cost of paid labour, and if accurately price recipes.
possible mark up of approximately 25%. Remember to cost out recipes accurately
See the TSCA website at by including all ingredients, even the butter or
www.tascanteenassn.org.au for an example of chutney which is used in sandwiches.
pricing items for canteen sales. Underestimating the cost of recipes – even for
small quantities of ingredients – can affect
profits in the long term.
Manufactured items (e.g. yoghurt, milk,
fruit juices, etc) provide a proportion of canteen
sales and canteens should charge the Determining the Selling Price
recommended price for these items. This mark- After getting the total cost of the recipe,
up on these items ranges from 20% - 40%. compute for the selling price by using any of the
two methods as follows:
In order for a canteen to be financially
viable, income from selling food must either be 1. Food cost percentage method
equal or greater than the expenses involved in Selling Price = material cost/desired cost%
running the canteen.
Example: if the cost per serving of champorado
Accurate costing of foods plays a very is P26.44 and the desired food cost percentage is
important part in determining income. A 40%, then the selling price will be computed as:
financially successful canteen also requires
efficient management of all canteen resources. P26.44/.40 = 66.11

Determining the cost price of pre-package The selling price may be rounded off to
items. P70.00 so that giving of change will not cause
The cost price of a pre-packaged item is problem anymore.
the amount it cost the canteen to purchase that
item. Selling prices of items can easily be
2. Mark Up factor Method, computed as:
determined using the wholesale price of goods,
especially as this price does not change.
Selling price = material cost x mark up factor

Changes in price can be due to:

Mark up factor is equal to:100% divided by the
 Seasonal availability, particularly of fruit
desired food cost percentage. If the desired food
and vegetables.
cost percentage is 40%, the mark up factor will
 Bulk purchase
be:100/40 = 2.5
 Discounted items and sales
 Competitive prices
Definition-Policies-Costing and Pricing

Selling price per serving of champorado environment, how foods are promoted, and how
P26.44 x 2.5 = P66.1 well connected the canteen to the school
community. Following are some suggestions to
market your canteen:
Suggested Selling Price is P70.00

The product cost percentage varies among food  Create a positive image for the canteen to
establishments, depending on the desired mark- give it a higher profile in the school
up. community. For example, give the
canteen a catchy name that may attract
the clientele. This gives the canteen an
How to Market your Canteen identity or „brand‟ which can be used for
advertising and marketing.
If the canteen is to be a success,  Food companies place great importance
promoting and marketing the canteens healthy on naming products, as it is an important
foods is essential. component of overall marketing
 Food name should be relevant to your
Use simple promotion and marketing strategies customer: the children e.g. in the run up
to: to the school‟s athletic carnival, food
names could be sporting flavor like
 Get children excited about changes to the
“Meatball Bolt” – four meatballs in a
menu and increase the numbers of
tomato pasta sauce, in a whole meal roll
students purchasing healthy food
topped with low fat cheese.
 Use standard recipes and serve consistent
 Keep canteen sales and income
 Carefully choose fresh fruits and
The different aspects of marketing healthy food
choices in school canteens can be described by
the 4 P‟s: Place
„Place‟ refers to the canteen environment
and the way food and drink are arranged in the
 Product
canteen. The canteen should be attractive,
 Place
appealing place that everyone enjoying visits.
 Price When planning the layout and appearance of the
 Promotion canteen, consider whether or not it is easily
accessible, spacious, clean and attractive.
The 4 P‟s are explained on the Following are some suggestions:
 Placing tables and chairs, and plants near
Product’ the canteen creates a nice eating
„Product‟ means not only the food that atmosphere. Some schools have created
are sold in the canteen, but also the image of the an outdoor eating area with chairs and
canteen as a whole – the service, the canteen tables under umbrellas or a sail.
Definition-Policies-Costing and Pricing

 Why not involve the Arts Department in students to pay and easier for the
creating a „nice place to be‟? Students canteen staff to give change.
could design and paint murals on the  Before trialling a new product. Compare
walls and colourful menu boards. the price of your product with in the
 Place healthy choices at the students‟ eye price in local shops.
level. For example, have fresh fruit  Make healthier options affordable and
within arm‟s reach and position several preferably cheaper than unhealthy
rows of bottled water at eye level. options.
 Make sure three is a well-stocked display  Offer reduced prices on slow-selling
of pre-prepared healthy foods, for items.
example salad tubs and rolls and wraps,
to encourage impulse purchases of the Promotion
healthy kind.
Promoting your products is one of the
 Rotate the position of products regularly most important factors in encouraging healthy
to generate interest. choices at the canteen.
 Consider selling at both the canteen and
via pre-orders, pre-ordering may make it
Planning promotional activities is
easier for canteen staff as it will enable
interesting, exciting work. Schools find that
them to prepare and plan efficiently for
volunteers come „out of the woodwork‟ once
parents realize that their involvement in the
 Provide a catering service for morning
canteen can be so rewarding.
and afternoon teas for staff meetings and
other external meetings and events that
may be held at the school. Below are some examples that may assist you to
 Consider the canteen operating hours. promote the school canteen and its menu.

Price  Advertise new items, specials, etc in your

The right product at the right price is schools‟ regular newspaper.
important. Children often look something to fill  For younger children, separate notice can
them up at the cheapest price. They also be sent home advising parents of menu
consider how much change they will have for changes or special promotions.
„extras‟. When introducing a new food, base  A large noticeboard, with items and
your price decisions not only on what is likely to prices clearly shown, is an excellent way
be appealing but also on what you can to ensure that the children know what is
realistically charge. Following are some available.
 Ensure that the canteen offers a selection School Canteen Handbook (2014):
of low cost, filling, nutritious items such “Management of a Healthy School Canteen”
as raisin toast, etc.
 Price food simply, for example $1.50
instead of $1.45, so that it is easier for
Definition-Policies-Costing and Pricing


I. Enumeration
a. Give the 4 P’s how to market your canteen.
b. The two determining how to compute selling price.
c. 3 categories given by DOH for ensuring nutritious meal or menu.

II. Identification
1. _____________ your products is one of the most important factors in encouraging
healthy choices at the canteen.
2. The right product at the right ______ is important.
3. _________ refers to the canteen environment and the way food and drink are arranged in
the canteen.
4. _________ means not only the food that are sold in the canteen.
5. The _________ of a pre-packaged item is the amount it cost the canteen to purchase that

III. Filling Up
Give at least 5 examples of Green Food initiated by the DOH and DepEd.
Foods Examples

IV. Essay
a. Why do we need to know the different categories given by the DOH and DepEd for
all public school canteen?
b. Do we need to follow this kind of Guidelines and Rules? Why, why not?
c. How can you help, as a near future teachers to provide nutritious and not expensive
meal for the students?

V. Research & Interview

a. Research how Red Categories affects the health of any individual specifically
b. Interview atleast 3 persons who you know like to go to canteen, kindly ask them if
there are any experiences that they can share and memorable for them.

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