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The Demag Wheel Range

Innovative series-produced
components for travel units with
wheel loads up to 132,000 lbs
The right solution for every application

37377-12 38204-4

6 Demag DRS wheel block system

14 Demag LRS travel wheel system

16 Demag RS wheel block system

18 Demag RAE/RNE wheel sets

38817-1 38105-6 39271-2

For decades, Demag Cranes & perfectly matched and pre-assembled Serving the needs of industry
Components has been designing and ready for fitting. They offer you the There is hardly a manufacturing industry
manufacturing modular wheel systems certainty of solid planning and investment. in which raw materials, semi-finished
for a wide variety of applications. products and finished products do
The broad range covers wheel loads Including application expertise not have to be transported, merged,
up to 132,000 lbs and offers With the extensive expertise gained from transferred, distributed or assembled.
n simple selection wheel block applications in installations In many applications, special operating
n wide range of combinations and systems we have built all over the conditions and functional requirements
n favorable dimensions world, we provide our customers with have to be taken into consideration.
n versatile connection possibilities help and advice on their applications. Demag wheel systems meet the
to the customer’s design We provide state-of-the-art selection demands of any appli­cation with ease
n design support by means of CAD files and design tools and calculation programs and are therefore the first choice for
n simple assembly and alignment and project engineering support for any materials handling solution.
the given application requirements.
Demag wheel units are integral Reliable solutions
compo­nents of countless mobile All over the world If required, wheel blocks can be protected
devices and systems in operation Wherever your products are used, the by special design measures against
every day, offering high reliability many agencies and countless service aggressive media, for example, or they
and a long service life with a stations operated by Demag Cranes & can be fitted with electronically controlled
minimum maintenance requirement. Components guarantee a reliable supply drives, which enable them to accelerate
of spare parts and provide expert repairs. even more quickly, travel at uniform
Complete travel units speeds and position with precision.
Complete units offer decisive advantages Demag wheel systems ensure that floor-
for drive applications. All components level travel units and systems can also
– from the travel wheel, housing and negotiate tight curves with radii down to
connecting arrangement to the gearbox, 30 ft. Demag wheel systems also operate
motor and frequency inverters for just as well indoors as outdoors.
electronically controlled travel – are

The right wheel for every application

The use of matching components designed on the modular

principle enables Demag travel unit components to be
employed quickly and effectively for both standardized as
well as tailored solutions. Every component used is developed,
designed and tested in-house for unbeatable functional
reliability, continuously optimized and manufactured in large
series of first-class quality and with maximum precision.


The DRS wheel block system The LRS travel wheel system
is a versatile wheel block system with optimum performance is a robust, universal travel wheel system for the lower load
ratios for a maximum load capacity – from 2.75 t to 40 t – with range up to 6.5 t. Simple selection makes it the ideal assembly
compact dimensions. Finely graded sizes (DRS 112 to DRS 500) for engineers who want to build their own solution for a wide
ensure that the right DRS unit is selected for the corresponding variety of travel applications.
Two standard designs for each size – travel wheel with
A wide variety of travel wheel designs are available from the Hydropur tire and a spheroidal graphite cast iron travel wheel
standard range to meet customer requirements. The housing, with two flanges – are available pre-assembled from stock
which is machined on all sides, can be connected to virtually and can be supplied in a minimum of time.
any customer design.
Standard offset geared motors can be assigned by means
Offset and right angle gear motors from the Demag of selection tables for driven designs.
modular system are available for the driven variant as
individual or central drive units.

39384 39227

38770-1 38224 37473-17 38698-15

The RS wheel block system RAE/RNE wheel sets
is suitable for special applications in which a stainless design are the right choice for applications in the highest load range.
or a housing made of sheet steel is required, as well as for high Sizes can be supplied with travel wheel diameters of 400,
temperature applications (up to 350 °C). Various RS 125 to 500 and 630 mm with load capacities from 28 t to 60 t.
RS 400 sizes can be supplied with load capacities from 3.5 t
to 18 t. A travel unit consists of a driven RAE wheel set and a
non-driven RNE wheel set and is designed to be installed
Various travel wheel designs and means of connection to in hollow profile sections or as corner bearing units.
customer structures also make this standard component
suitable for uni­versal applications. Demag offset geared motors are ideally suited as drives.

Demag offset geared motors can be used as drive units.

39383 39398-2

Versatility and high performance – Demag DRS wheel block system

The Demag DRS wheel block system

offers outstanding benefits – from
project engineering to commissioning
of your installation. The wheel blocks
are excellent solutions for a wide
variety of appli­cations. They also
offer particularly high performance, i.e.
a maximum load capacity with reference
to the diameter of the spheroidal
graphite cast travel iron wheel.

Exact dimensions Simple prevention

The tight design and position tolerances A flange wear indicator clearly shows
of the housing and corresponding precise when the spheroidal graphite cast
geometry in all planes ensure that Demag iron travel wheel with flange has
wheel blocks can be easily fitted to your to be re­placed. Together with the
installation, with starting and braking next regular inspection, this helps
characteristics which are gentle on the to guarantee the availability of the
runway. installation through preventive
Fully enclosed
The housing, which is enclosed on
five sides, protects the travel wheels
from external mechanical influence.

For DRS sizes 112 to 200, the housing

is of high quality, corrosion-resistant,
die-cast aluminium with a powder
coating up to 90 µm thick. From
size DRS 250, high-tensile spheroidal
graphite cast iron with a RAL 7001
finishing coat is used. Any openings
that are not required can be closed
with the plugs included in the delivery.

Wheel variants
The system features wheels of
various designs and shapes, made
of spheroidal graphite cast iron
or featuring Hydropur tires.



37023-15 38944-5 38816-1

Low maintenance Clearance

The travel wheels feature generously Of particularly compact design, DRS wheel
dimensioned grooved ball bearings, and blocks feature high ground clearance.
tapered roller bearings from size DRS 250, This also applies to complete drive units
which are lubricated for life. Arranged with their gearbox concept designed to
inside the housing, the bearings have match the wheel load.
optimum protection against mechanical

Simple wheel replacement

The patented asymmetrical housing
eliminates the need for time-consuming The right direction
removal and realignment of top-mounted Demag has developed a laser alignment Ground clearance
wheel blocks when travel wheels have system to eliminate any problems in
to be replaced. The housing remains aligning wheel blocks. Together with
connected to the installation. This job prepared brackets on the housing and
can be completed using conventional eccentric pins which fit into slots in the Patented superiority
tools. The wheel blocks can also be top of DRS 112 to DRS 200 wheel blocks, The Demag DRS wheel block system
converted just as quickly and easily at this system makes it possible to align features numerous new and, in part,
a later date and fitted with travel wheels wheel blocks mounted on multiple patented design solutions such as the
of a different design or material. trolleys rapidly and exactly in line with torque bracket, the travel wheel bearing
each other. arrangement, the travel wheel hub
connection, the sliding nuts in the top
connection (DRS 112 to DRS 250), and
also the housing design.

Modular system for tailor-made solutions

Whatever you plan and build, be it a new

installation or the modernisation of an
existing facility – the Demag DRS wheel
block system with its wide variety of
perfectly matched components will meet
all your requirements. The right wheel
blocks and drive units can be supplied
for every application: tailored to meet
your needs, compact and reliable.
38318-10 38328

Perfect shape Travel wheels guided by Wheels for guided applications

Demag DRS wheel blocks can be matched flanges on both sides, with in vertical and horizon­tal
to many different types of travel rail and generous wear reserves for planes of prismatic or
operating conditions with travel wheels common rail systems or with trapezoidal design or with
from a wide range of standard designs a tread to your specifications a concave tread ...
or with specially developed travel wheel

Travel wheel types and materials

With effective vibration-damping
characteristics, the spheroidal graphite
cast iron (GGG 70) travel wheels Travel wheels without flanges, ...and also spheroidal graphite
guarantee high-speed operation which if required with guide rollers cast iron wheels with a convex
is particularly gentle on the rail. The for rigidly guided systems tread or of hardened design
self-lubricating effect of the wheel
material reduces friction and provides
high resistance to wear. These properties
make spheroidal graphite cast iron travel
wheels far superior to conventional steel
travel wheels.

Also available are Polyamide travel wheels Travel wheels guided by a Flangeless travel wheels
without flanges, which offer particularly flange on one side for units with a Hydropur tire for
smooth and quiet running properties running at floor level, also high acceleration and quiet
and are gentle on the runway. Flangeless with a central flange for special running characteristics
travel wheels fitted with Hydropur tyres, requirements
which also provide for smooth operation
at high acceleration rates, complete the
travel wheel range.

Large diameter travel wheels Polyamide travel wheels

without a flange for increased with­out a flange for quiet
ground clearance running and gentle on the

Top connection Pin connection Side connection End connection

Connection variants Dimensions

An important feature of Demag wheel (DRS with spheroidal graphite cast iron wheel with two flanges)
blocks are the prepared mounting DRS Max. load Travel Weight Dimensions
sur­faces which facilitate virtually any wheel block capacity wheel Ø in (mm)
connection arrangement – ranging from Size lb (kg) in (mm) lb (kg) a1 b1 b2 c1 h1
top and end connection arrangements 7.48 1.85 3.15 3.78 5.16
DRS 112 6,000 (2,750) 4.4 (112) 16 (7,3)
with bolted and welded connection (190) (47) (80) (96) (131)
elements, to side and pin connection 8.66 2.36 3.15 3.85 5.8
DRS 125 11,000 (5,000) 4.9 (125) 22 (9,9)
arrangements for installation in hollow (220) (60) (80) (98) (147.5)
sections and cross beams. Top, end and 10.8 2.55 3.5 4.33 7.36
DRS 160 15,400 (7,000) 6.3 (160) 40 (18,3)
pin connection arrangements make it (275) (65) (89) (110) (187)
possible to move and align the wheel 13.3 2.55 3.97 5.11 9.37
DRS 200 22,000 (10,000) 7.9 (200) 80 (35,7)
(340) (65) (101) (130) (238)
blocks laterally even after they have
15.1 2.95 4.33 5.91 11.1
been fitted. DRS 250 35,000 (16,000) 9.8 (250) 140 (62)
(385) (75) (110) (150) (281)
18.5 3.54 5.11 7.1 13.75
Guide forces DRS 315 48,400 (22,000) 12.4 (315) 260 (117)
(470) (90) (130) (180) (349.5)
Tailored solutions are also available
22.8 4.33 6.1 8.27 17.3
for guiding wheel blocks. Flange-guided DRS 400 66,000 (30,000) 15.7 (400) 445 (201)
(580) (110) (155) (210) (440)
travel wheels and wheels with prism- 27.5 4.33 6.7 9.44 22.3
shaped or concave treads for round cross DRS 500 88,000 (40,000) 19.7 (500) 775 (352)
(700) (110) (170) (240) (566)
section rails provide for exact vertical
and horizontal guide arrangements.
If strong horizontal forces have to be
reliably absorbed, infinitely adjustable
guide rollers with a positive connection
should be used.

Options and accessories

Horizontal guide roller arrangements
as well as buffers are available in various
sizes and designs.

The right drive

Demag drive system components

consisting of motors and gearboxes
as well as inverters for particularly
smooth and precise acceleration, braking
and positioning are precisely matched
to the Demag wheel range. The perfect
combination of all components turns
installations into efficient systems.
Central drive unit with offset geared motor

The direct drive input variant with a The drives can also be designed with
cylindrical rotor motor and additional one motor to drive two wheel blocks.
flywheel is characterised by a shallow These central drive arrangements
torque curve. The additional flywheel, guarantee absolute synchronous
arranged close to the offset or operation of the wheel block pairs.
right angle gearbox, also provides an
optimum center of gravity for the drive.

The coupling connection variant has

the advantage that it can also be driven
by our high performance conical rotor
brake motors with their high starting
frequency and braking capacity for
very demanding stopping and starting



39003-10 38350-1 39271-4

In combination with the relevant torque Furthermore, the patented torque

bracket, the integrated torque ring bracket enables the torque to be
cast into the housing cover of our offset transferred from the gear motor to
gear­boxes makes it possible to fix the the wheel block without any radial
drive in various positions relative to forces, which reduces the load on the
the DRS wheel block – in 15° steps to drive shaft and extends its service life.
provide an optimum fit of the drive into
the connecting structure.

39379-2 39380-1

In addition to the special Demag travel

motors for line-fed operation, we offer
standard drive motors with frequency
inverters for electronically controlled
operation, e.g. also for exact positioning
at minimum speeds. There are two
ranges: Dedrive Compact for motor
outputs up to 40 HP and Dedrive Pro
36754 39392
for motor outputs up to 750 HP.

Demag microspeed drives are the

optimum solution if a wide ratio is
required between the “positioning
speed” and “fast speed”. They can
be used to achieve gear ratios of up
to 1:500 with line-fed drives without
the need for an inverter.


Practical project engineering support – Drive Designer online

Drive Designer online provides optimum

support for project engineering and
design. It facilitates rapid access to
technical data and drawings of Demag
wheel blocks and gear motors via the
Internet. Use it as a configurator, for
project engineering support and for



Selection of the required wheel blocks

is usually based on the planned load
capacity. The speed at which a particular
mass needs to be transported is also

The corresponding components of

a 4-wheel carriage are specified by
entering the known parameters, such
as the temperature range, cycle times,
rail type and materials. The result is
a complete, distinct type code. Any
required options can also be selected.
A data sheet shows all relevant
technical data.

You can generate the corresponding

dimension diagrams and product
geometry details in the usual CAD
formats for the selected combinations.
Circuit diagrams show the electrical
connections for the motor.

In addition to the configuration of

com­plete 4-wheel carriages, travel units
consisting of one, two, four or more
wheel blocks can be in dividually
designed and configured. This method
allows both offset gearboxes and right
angle gear­boxes to be selected.

Individual 2D CAD files 3D product geometries Complete dimension drawings

Calculate the right drive with CalDrive®

The required output, loads and speeds

need to be entered into Drive Designer
to select travel units. Alternatively, the
travel unit can be selected on the basis
of the complete mounting code.

In contrast to Drive Designer, the

required drive data is calculated from
the specified physical characteristics
using CalDrive calculation software.

The basic characteristics and data of

Demag gear motors and wheel blocks
are included in CalDrive. Drives for
travel and hoist applications, as well as
for roller, chain or belt conveyors can be
specified with ease. The program suggests
solutions for the combination of our
offset, right angle and helical gearboxes
with cylindrical or conical rotor motors.
You can also determine drive solutions
for line-fed or frequency inverter systems,
of course. Besides the technical data,
you are also shown acceleration and
deceleration values in the result.

You can request the current version

of the multi-lingual CalDrive calculation
program on CD-ROM free of charge
at www.drives.demagcranes.com.

Universal solution for loads up to 6.5 t –
Demag LRS travel wheel system
The Demag LRS travel wheel system is
a robust, universal travel wheel system
for a wide range of applications. It is
the solution for travel applications with
wheel loads up to 6.5 t (at 325 ft/min)
and travel speeds up to 780 ft/min.


The LRS system requires virtually no Also with drive

main­tenance and is suitable for operation Demag offset geared motors are ideally
at ambient temperatures from -20 °C suited as travel drives for the Demag LRS
to +60 °C. The five precisely machined travel wheel system. The gearbox is
connecting surfaces of the extremely connected to the LRS system with a
rugged spheroidal graphite cast housing hollow shaft featuring involute splines
block offer a wide range of connection (to DIN 5480) by means of a shaft
variants. It is fitted with top-connection system and a matching torque bracket.
bolts as standard. The LRS travel wheel Various gearbox sizes are available
system is available in two designs: with corresponding travel motors
LRS...A with a spheroidal graphite cast depending on the load to be moved
iron travel wheel and two flanges with and the required speed.
a high load capacity and good rolling
and damping characteristics and LRS...F
39366-2 as a travel wheel with a Hydropur tire for
very good traction and low operating

Also available as optional accessories:

a pin connection set, a buffer set,
horizontal guide roller arrangement and
central drive unit set for track gauges
of 59 inches and 114 inches.

Two individual drive units Central drive unit



39185-2 39185-4


LRS travel wheel Travel Max. load Travel wheel Weight Dimensions in (mm)
system wheel capacity Ø
Size lb (kg) in (mm) lb (kg) l1 w1 hA hF b1 b2
2.05 2.75
A 5,500 (2,500) 6.9 (175) 34 (15.3)
9.84 5.43 8.05 9.53 (52) (70)
LRS 200
(250) (138) (204.5) (242) 2.75
F 2,640 (1,200) 7.9 (200) 33 (15.1) –
2.17 3.15
A 7,700 (3,500) 8.6 (220) 61 (27.6)
12.0 6.14 10.0 10.6 (55) (80)
LRS 250
(306) (156) (255) (270) 3.15
F 3,740 (1,700) 9.8 (250) 59 (26.7) –
2.56 3.74
A 14,300 (6,500) 12.4 (315) 140 (63.0)
17.7 7.9 14.2 14.4 (65) (95)
LRS 350
(450) (200) (359.5) (367) 4.33
F 6,000 (3,000) 13.8 (350) 145 (65.0) –

CAD model
To facilitate integration of the selected
LRS components into your design, we
offer 2D and 3D files in various formats
online at www.lrs.demagcranes.com.
Choose your CAD format after selecting
the required components. 2D-CAD-Files 3D-CAD-Files

The following formats are available:

n 2D CAD files: DXF1), DWG

n 3D CAD files: IGES, STEP,

Pro/Engineer (2001)
n Dimension sheets: PDF

The DXF Viewer is available free of charge
to view the files.

The solution for special requirements –
Demag RS wheel block system
The RS wheel block system consists
of a housing welded together from
two sheet steel halves with an integrated
travel wheel. It can be attached to
customer structures with ease using
the prepared connecting surfaces.
The varied connection possibilities make
it simple to add it to existing installations
at a later date.

Main RS features Drive reversing and intermittent operation.

n load-bearing block enclosed on The gearbox has a hollow shaft featuring The drive torque is transferred either
5 sides with connecting surfaces involute splines on the output side. direct to the wheel block by means
featuring multiple bore holes The positive connection to the travel of a D1 torque bracket or via the
n reamed lateral bore holes wheel shaft guarantees reliable torque connecting structure using a D2 torque
for the pin connection transfer, which is specially important for bracket.
n integrated connections for torque

brackets, guide roller arrangements

and buffers
n steel housing primed and finished

with a top coat in RAL 7001

n long service life of the steel

and mechanical elements

n rapid installation and removal

for all connection variants

n wide variety of standard travel

wheel designs

For particularly tough applications

The special designs for high temperature
applications up to 150 °C or with furnace
carriage bearings up to 350 °C are a
special feature of the RS wheel block

The RS 125 size is available in stainless

steel. It is particularly suitable for
applications in the chemical industry,
the foodstuffs sector and in aggressive



38369 38770-1 38132-2

(RS with spheroidal graphite cast iron wheel with two flanges)

RS Max. load Travel wheel Weight Dimensions in (mm)

wheel block capacity Ø
Size lb (kg) in (mm) lb (kg) a4 l5 h7 b1 b2
8.66 3.85 5.83 2.36 2.68
RS 125 7,700 (3,500) 4.9 (125) 17.5 (8.0)
(220) (98) (148) (60) (68)
10.8 4.33 7.36 2.36 2.95
RS 160 11,000 (5,000) 6.3 (160) 33 (15)
(275) (110) (187) (60) (75)
15.1 5.9 11.1 2.55 3.94
RS 250 19,800 (9,000) 9.8 (250) 88 (40)
(385) (150) (281) (65) (100)
18.5 7.1 13.8 2.55 4.33
RS 315 26,400 (12,000) 12.4 (315) 145 (65)
(470) (180) (350) (65) (110)
22.8 8.3 17.3 3.15 5.5
RS 400 39,600 (18,000) 15.7 (400) 340 (153)
(580) (210) (440) (80) (140)

Connection variants

Top connection Side connection

Pin connection End connection

The right solution for heavy loads –
Demag RAE/RNE wheel sets
Demag travel units are used for rail-guided
travel applications in the heavy load
range. A complete travel unit consists of
a non-driven RNE wheel set and a driven
RAE wheel set. Demag offset geared
motors are used as drive units.

37530-17 38515-8

The use of these proven series- The wheel sets can be installed in Fitted in hollow profile section
manufactured components offers hollow profile sections and box girder
a high level of functional reliability sections and as corner bearing units.
and guarantees inter­changeability Corner bearing arrangements offer the
when the wheel is replaced. Due to advantage of installing a pre-assembled
their versatility and many potential wheel set in a travel unit without the
applications, RAE/RNE travel units are need for extensive alignment. The unit
not only used in the cranes and materials can be rapidly replaced without the need
handling sector, but also for related for any alignment work, which ensures
mechanical engineering solutions. a high level of availability.

Corner bearing arrangement

Demag AUK/ADK offset gearboxes with
Z motors with direct drive input or also
with a coupling connection are used as
the drives for RAE wheel sets.

The D2 torque bracket is fitted direct to

the supporting structure.

38323-13 37473-17 38174-5

Design features Dimensions

n simple track gauge compensation

thanks to interchangeable distance RAE/RNE Max. load Travel RNE Dimensions in (mm)
washers between the anti-friction wheel sets capacity wheel dia weight
Size lb (kg) in (mm) lb (kg) l5 l6 d2 b1* b2
bearings and retaining rings
n rapid installation and removal of the 61,600 230 11.0 14.3 17.2 3.2 (80) 4.9 (125)
RAE/RNE 400 15.7 (400)
(28,000) (105) (280) (362) (437) 3.2 (80) 5.5 (140)
travel wheel from the travel unit using
conventional tools 88,000 315 12.6 15.8 21.1 3.5 (90) 5.5 (140)
RAE/RNE 500 19.7 (500)
n long service life thanks to standard (40,000) (142) (320) (402) (537) 4.1 (104) 6.7 (170)
re-lubrication facility 132,000 685 13.8 17.9 26.8 2.9 (75) 5.5 (140)
RAE/RNE 630 24.8 (630)
n driven design matched to Demag (60,000) (310) (350) (456) (680) 4.3 (110) 6.7 (170)
offset gear motors
* Special treads on request
n guide flange wear indicator

n flange bearings provided with notches

for applying extractors.


Sales and Service Centers in North America

California 5435 Industrial Parkway • San Bernardino, California 92407 South BTC 560, Suite 150, 454 S. Anderson Road • Rock Hill, SC 29730
Telephone (909) 880-8800 • Fax (909) 880-4469 Carolina Telephone (803) 909-9000 • Fax (803) 909-9001
Georgia 254 Lake Ruby Drive • Suwanee, Georgia 30024 Ohio 29201 Aurora Road • Cleveland, Ohio 44139
Telephone (678) 546-0593 • Fax (678) 482-7653 Telephone (440) 248-2400 • Fax (440) 248-3874
Illinois 11261 Kiley Drive • Huntley, Illinois 60142 Ontario 1155 North Service Road West, Unit 1 • Oakville, Ontario L6M 3E3
Telephone (847) 515-7030 • Fax (847) 515-7040 Telephone (905) 825-5900 • Fax (905) 825-5901
Michigan 46545 Continental Drive • Chesterfield, Michigan 48047 Quebec 3524, Rue Ashby • St-Laurent, Quebec H4R2C1
Telephone (586) 949-6035 • Fax (586) 949-2038 Telephone (514) 336-5556 • Fax (514) 336-4349
Missouri 3375 Hwy 185 • Washington, Missouri 63090 Texas 16430 Aldine-Westfield Road • Houston, Texas 77032
Telephone (636) 390-2495 • Fax (636)390-0366 Telephone (281) 443-7331 • Fax (281) 443-7308
Washington 704 - 228th Avenue NE • Sammamish, Washington 98074
Not liable for errors or omissions. Subject to change.

Telephone (425) 883-4668 • Fax (425) 883-4828

Demag Cranes & Components Corp.

29201 Aurora Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44139
Telephone (440) 248-2400
Fax (440) 248-3874

1007 US/EN 229 314 49 701 IS 900

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