1-Definitions of HRD: Hassan, 2007 436)

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Term Human resource development is combining to some HRM

functions, so it is a relatively modern term as the best means to prepare
staff and organization based on activities (organizational development,
career development, and training and development. Thus, human recourse
development is a part of HRM (table 1 explain that), and it is the important
strategies of the company due to playing role in improving employees'
behaviors, and general performance to individuals and organization. In
fact, Human recourse development activities are interrelated activities
significantly. We are here to studying Human recourse development. For
this, we will show what HRD is? , why this is important? What scope of
HRD is? , and how can we do that? All these questions we will answer
from next discussion.

Concept of Human Recourse Development

1- Definitions of HRD
Nowadays, many authors used term Human resource development (HRD) to
indicate training and development, career development, and organization development
as an organization's investment in the learning of its people as part of an HRM
approach (Bratton & Gold, 1999; Swanson & Holton, 2001; Vinesh, 2014). HRD is
based on the beliefs that organizations are human-made entities that rely on human
expertise in order to establish and achieve their goals and that HRD professionals are
advocates of individual and group, work processes and organizational integrity
(Hassan,2007;436). HRD is the process of optimizing the production and utilization
of the workforce. HRD is concerned with: (a) Staffing issues: employment, mix and
number of personnel, deployment by region, by level of care, by type of
establishment, by gender; (b) Education and training: coherence between
competencies and needs of the services, programs and curricula, learning strategies,
availability of competent teachers and trainers, of adequate infrastructures; (c)
Performance management: maintenance and improvement of the quality of services,
setting of standards, information and management systems, management practices; (d)
Working conditions: recruitment and posting, job and workload definition,
promotions and career mobility, incentives, mode and level of remuneration, other
conditions of service, management of personnel and labor relations (Dussault, 1999;
4-5). Human resource development (HRD) is a process of developing and unleashing
human expertise through organization development (OD) and personnel training and
development (T&D) for the purpose of improving performance (Swanson & Holton,
2001; 90):
 The domains of performance include organizations, work processes, and
groups and individuals.
 OD is the process of systematically implementing organizational change for
the purpose of improving performance.
 T&D is the process of systematically developing expertise in individuals for
the purpose of improving performance.
Therefore, HRD is set of systematic tasks to enrichment employees by skills,
knowledge, and experiences to meet what are needs a current and the future to
achieve the goals.
Table 1:
HRM is set of practices through know What kind HRD is set of systematic activities to enrichment
HRM vs. HRD of HR we need? And how can we get to them? employees by skills, knowledge, and experiences
What we do to them? To achieve goals. (improve performance) to meet what are needs a
current and the future to achieve the goals.
Include: Include:
HR Planning Organizational Development
Recruitment & selection Career Development
Training Training and Development
Career development
Performance management

2- The purpose of HRD

The purpose of HRD is to enhance individual performance and improve
organizational effectiveness and productivity (Tabibi, 2011; 166). Now a days, HRD
is considered as the key to higher productivity, better relations and greater
profitability for any organization (Vasantham,2015;30). Appropriate HRD provides
unlimited benefits to the concerned organization. Some of the important benefits are
being given here:
 HRD (Human Resource Development) makes people more competent. HRD
develops new skill, knowledge and attitude of the people in the concern
 With appropriate HRD programme, people become more committed to their
jobs. People are assessed on the basis of their performance by having a
acceptable performance appraisal system.
 An environment of trust and respect can be created with the help of human
resource development.
 Acceptability toward change can be created with the help of HRD. Employees
found themselves better equipped with problem-solving capabilities.
In additional for that, there are special goals for human resource development in
the organization. All leaders obviously must participant in human resource
development programs. The results of human resource development are: to increase
efficiency, advantages, response to the market by access to organization and active
workforce. The significant goals of human resource development are as below
(Allameh & others, 2012; 44):
1. Access to organization proficiency.
2. Increasing quality and efficiency.
3. Promotion in growth and individual development.
4. Integrating people into business.
It is worthy noted that goals must be according to organization's goals and missions.

3- Scope of Human Resource Development

After these details, we can identify three basic functions to HRD:
3-1- Organization development: involves organizational reflection, system
improvements, Planning and self analysis (Vinesh, 2014; 214). To help adapt
with any changes in the Organization. Organizational development consists of the
processes and practices through which an organization engages to link its
employees with its mission. In its broadest sense, organizational development
means anything that we do in an organization (i.e. a group of people and
resources that form a unit) to promote positive change or growth (John’s, 2009;
4). Another author said (OD) (Rothwell & Sullivan, 2005; 19-20) involves long-
range in perspective, should be supported by top managers, effects change,
although not exclusively, through education, change and learning, and
emphasizes employee participation in assessing the current and a positive future
state, making free and collaborative choices on how implementation should
proceed, and empowering the system to take responsibility for achieving and
evaluating results. So, (OD) is the process of developing the current reality of the
Organization into the better to fit with changes in the external environment and
the working environment, By solving current problems and reduce the gap
between departments and employees with improve cooperation, coordination and
collective action, And to increase the effectiveness of the Organization and the
staff, and work into integrate the goals of employees and the Organization.
OD important, why? It emphasizes both macro and micro organizational
changes: macro changes are intended to ultimately improve the effectiveness of
the organization as a whole, whereas micro changes are directed at individuals,
small groups, and teams. For example, many organizations have sought to
improve organizational effectiveness by introducing employee involvement
programs that require fundamental changes in work expectations, reward
systems, and reporting procedures (Werner & Desimone, 2012;11).
3-2 - Career development: is a general term used to describe a number of activities
aimed at enhancing both individual and organizational performance (Everts, 2001;
13). Career development has been explored extensively in the literature because of
its benefits to individuals and the organizations (Banks & Nafukho 2008; 47). CD
is “an ongoing process by which individual's progress through a series of stages,
each of which is characterized by a relatively unique set of issues, themes, and
tasks.” Career development involves two distinct processes: career planning and
career management. CP involves activities performed by an individual, often with
the assistance of counselors and others, to assess his or her skills and abilities in
order to establish a realistic career plan. CM involves; taking the necessary steps
to achieve that plan, and generally focuses more on what an organization can do to
foster employee career development. There is a strong relationship between career
development and T&D activities. Career plans can be implemented, at least in
part, through an organization’s training programs (Werner & Desimone, 2012;
12). That means, it Services meeting individual needs are referred to as career
planning (e.g., career planning workshops, teaching of advancement strategies),
while those related to organizational needs are termed career management (e.g.,
performance appraisals, management succession and replacement planning),
(Bernes, 2000; 11). After that, Agba & others (2010) said "Career development
has both personal and organizational dimensions", (p. 106). In additional that,
Career development is a formal approach used by the organization to ensure that
people with the proper qualifications and experiences are available when needed.
Individual careers and organizational needs are not separate and distinct.
Organizations should assist employees in career planning so the needs of both can
be satisfied (Mondy & Martocchio, 2016; 27). Thus, (CD) is a process to improve
both HR and enterprise performance. There are many strategies to do CD such as
(promotion, transfer, demotion, or exit...). On individuals level where used career
planning. It is ongoing process in order to achieve satisfaction and motivate the
employees through know their live job in sequential steps begin first career
ladder until retirement age by self assessment (skills, knowledge, and ability) and
there are methods to do that (workshops, teaching..). On the other hand,
organization level, where used career management that takes into account what
the current needs to employees and what the future needs to organization, and
taking the necessary steps to achieve that career plan through performance
appraisals, management succession, job rotation, training and learning, and
In sum CD is important, why? It is enhancing both individual and
organizational performance. It increases productivity that achieves
organizational goals. So, CD does to:
 Assist employees in identifying options and opportunities, and explain to
them its expectations of performance required of them.
 Helps employees to development their skills and abilities and to fill the gap
between their abilities and job requirements.
 Identify qualified individuals to assume leadership positions, professional,
and management.
 Urges to spread the spirit of happiness and satisfaction among employees.
 There will be no problems in the organizational structure and functions or in
the system promotion.
3-3 - Training and development: Some writers felt that there is a mysterious
difference between training and development. Where indicated (Noe & others) the
definition of development indicates that it is future oriented. Development implies
learning that is not necessarily related to the employee’s current job. In contrast,
training traditionally focuses on helping employees improve performance of their
current jobs (Noe & others, 2011; 259). Also agree with that (Yahaya & other)
Training is the process of learning that is organized and carried out by an
organization to equip employees with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to carry out their jobs and to improve their current job performance. Development
can be viewed as the learning process to develop the employee in general and not
necessarily related to his current job (Yahaya & other, 2009; 254). Here we note
the development focus on the future and training on current jobs. Training Process
whereby people acquire capabilities to perform jobs (MATHIS & JACKSON,
2011; 250). Focus on preparing for future work responsibilities while also
increasing the capacities of employees to perform their current jobs (Werner &
Desimone, 2012; 11).
On the other hand, many writers combined between Training and
development. Where defined training and development is intended to enhance the
performance of employees through a learning process that involves the
acquirement of knowledge, improvement of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of
attitudes and behaviors in organizational settings(Ahmad & Din, 2009; 165) .
Further, (Werner & Desimone) asides it Focuses on changing or improving the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes of individuals (Werner & Desimone, 2012; 10).
Also, (Pynes, 2009) said T&D is a planned effort by an organization to facilitate
the learning of job - related behavior on the part of its employees (Pynes, 2009;
310). Acquiring & prepare better skills. I agree with all the above writers, but I
think the combination of the two is important because we cannot dispense one of
them. Training is important for solving the current problems, while we need
development to improve our situation in order to avoid future problems due to
future changes. Without doubt, there are different in content (table2 explain it),
but it is complementary to each other and the result is aimed at achieving the
goals of the organization. Thus, can be defined (T&D) as a process that aimed at
the development and improvement of human resources through continuing
education to support them with core qualifications to perform their functions
effectively. Ongoing training and development aimed at strengthening human
resources capabilities to complete current and future tasks.
Table2: Dimensions Training development
differentiation Goal Transfer of necessary skills to the current Development of general skills for trainees.
between T&D trainees.

Focus Focus for current job tasks. Willingness to accept the requirements of the new

Influence On the current performance. On the Future performance.

time Short term: to focus on specific deficiencies Long term: to enrich employee Skills and a variety of
tasks to address variables.

level Allocated to employees in administrative levels Dedicated to management levels as a whole.

as a whole.

Requirements Depends on the shortage or lack of skills. Depends on personal ambition.

After all that, training and development is important, why? The most authors
agree that the process of training and development are complementary to each process,
and highlights its importance through preparing the current human resources and
providing them with skills, abilities and developing to willing to the future of those
resources and in order to meet the challenges and changes. The training process is the
basis in the light of do development. So, (Ongori & Nzonzo) indicated T&D of
employees improves communication in an organization, transfer of skills and
knowledge, improves job performance, encourages team work, boosts the morale of
employees and leads to job satisfaction. Various approaches are used to evaluate the
training programs but the commonly used is the reduction of accidents in the workplace
and decline in material wastage (Ongori & Nzonzo, 2011; 196). And clearly explained
(Vinesh, 2014; 215) Training and development is so important because:
 Help in addressing employee weaknesses
 Improvement in worker performance
 Consistency in duty performance
 Ensuring worker satisfaction
 Increased productivity
 Improved quality of service and products
 Reduced cost.
 Reduction in supervision.
Thus, can say that the importance of training and development highlights
through achieving job satisfaction and increase staff motivation, and also works to
offer help to employees through renew and enrich with the knowledge and skills
needed, and achieving a low turnover, and increase the ability to adopt new
technologies and methods by creating flexible for staff, and help resolve the troubles
of staff and to improve themselves, and increase efficiency in operations.
In sum, we can see what scope of HRD is? By following (table 3):
Organizational Development Career Development Training and Development
Table3: (OD) is the process of (CD) is a process to improve (T&D) as a process that aimed
Differentiatio developing the current reality of the both HR and enterprise performance. at the development and
n between OD, Organization into the better to fit It used career planning on improvement of human resources
CD, and T&D with changes in the external individuals level know their live job through continuing education to
environment and the working in sequential steps begin first career support them with core
environment through solving ladder until retirement age through qualifications to perform their
current problems and reduce the self assessment (skills, knowledge, functions effectively.
gap between departments and and ability) and there are methods to Training to current events.
employees with improve do that (workshops, teaching..). Development to prepare for the
cooperation, coordination and career management on organization future.
collective action, And to increase level, that takes into account what the
the effectiveness of the current needs to employees and what
Organization and the staff, and the future needs to organization, and
work into integrate the goals of taking the necessary steps to achieve
employees and the Organization. that career plan through performance
appraisals, management succession,
job rotation, training and learning,
and consultation.
To (Enhanced Organizational To (Enhancing both individual and Improvement and Development
Performance) organizational performance). of human resources
Through Through Through
Improve communication. Promotion, transfer, demotion, or Continuing education to support
Building teams & groups. exit. them with core qualifications to
Change management. perform their functions
Encouragement to collaboration..... effectively.

Human Resource Development Process

What is HRD Process Model? Agree (Hill & Stewart, 2000; Swanson & Holton,
2001; Gibb, 2006; Werner & Desimone, 2012; Kumar & others, 2013; Chalofsky &
others, 2014) that HRD process involves number of steps to achieve that, but some
authors explain that by four or five steps and anther authors said HRD process
includes three steps like (Hill & Stewart, 2000; Chalofsky & others, 2014). So, after
read these can say that HRD process includes four steps is importance to improve the

Phase 1: the HRD needs assessment

Every work, need to HRD whether difficult or easy require good qualification to
the task. Because of that, if any employee doesn't have qualification enough to do a
job/ to meet any changes that becomes hard. So, HRD needs assessment very
important to know what the trouble is and who need improve? HRD needs assessment
can be defined as determining the gap between what are the capabilities of the current
employee and what required to do. In this step must do ask questions to ensure who
needs training & developing and what essential needs? Depended on this information
that much necessary do analysis in deferent directions to identify essential needs:
Diagnose the performance requirements of the organization that can be improved
through training and document the expertise required to perform in the workplace.
The integrity of the TPS is in its connection to important performance goals and in
answering one or more of the following questions positively after the program: (1) did
the organization perform better? (2) Did the work process perform better? (3) Did the
individuals (group) perform better? , Swanson and Holton (2001; 214). Based on that,
there are three analyses are important to answer these questions:
1- Organizational Analysis: Training needs can be diagnosed by analyzing
organizational outcomes and looking at future organizational needs. A part of
planning for training is the identification of the KSAs that will be needed now
and in the future as both jobs and the organization change. Both internal and
external forces will influence training and must be considered when doing
organizational analysis. For instance, the problems posed by the technical
obsolescence of current employees and an insufficiently educated labor pool from
which to draw new workers should be confronted before those issues become
critical ( MATHIS & JACKSON, 2011; 262).
2- Task analysis: A detailed study of a job to identify the specific skills required
(Dessler, 2013; 249). Understanding shortcomings in performance usually
requires knowledge about the tasks and work environment as well as the
employee. To carry out the task analysis, the HR professional looks at the
conditions in which tasks are performed. These conditions include the equipment
and environment of the job, time constraints (for example, deadlines), safety
considerations, and performance standards (Noe & others, 2011; 193).
3- Person Analysis: Person analysis helps to identify employees who need training,
that is, whether employees’ current performance or expected performance
indicates a need for training. Person analysis also helps determining employees’
readiness for training. Readiness for training refers to whether (1) employees
have the personal characteristics (ability, attitudes, beliefs, and motivation)
necessary to learn program content and apply it on the job and (2) the work
environment will facilitate learning and not interfere with performance. This
process includes evaluating person characteristics, input, output, consequences,
and feedback (Noe, 2010; 114).
*Needs assessment methods
There are many methods which can be used to collect information about needs. A distinction is
often made between quantitative and qualitative methods.
Quantitative methods collect data that can be counted or measured – it may be specific statements,
figures and numbers. Questionnaires and surveys are examples of methods often used to gather
quantitative information. Qualitative methods tend to be more context-bound and descriptive in
nature. They collect data that is less easily counted or measured and often has a smaller area of focus.
The perceptions and feelings of the people being interviewed often have an important place in
qualitative methods and data. Informal interviews and observation are examples of qualitative
18 © 2007 South African Management Development Institute (SAMDI)

Phase 2: Design
The second phase of the training and HRD process involves designing the HRD
program or intervention. If the intervention involves some type of training or
development program, the following activities are typically carried out during this
 Selecting the specific objectives of the program.
 Developing an appropriate lesson plan for the program.
 Developing or acquiring the appropriate materials.
 Determining who will deliver the program.
 Selecting the most appropriate method or methods to conduct the program.
 Scheduling the program.
The design phase also involves selecting and developing the content of the
program. This means choosing the most appropriate setting for the program (e.g., on
the job, in a classroom, online or some combination), the techniques used to facilitate
learning (such as lecture, discussion, role play, simulation), and the materials to be
used in delivering the program (such as workbooks, job aids, web-based or web-
enhanced materials, films, videos, Microsoft power point presentations, etc.), (Kumar
& others, 2013; 37). That means, in this phase we must develop goals, budget, and
identify training methods (On and off the job).

Phase 3: training / implementation

The goal of the assessment and design phases is to implement effective HRD
programs or interventions. This means that the program or intervention must be
delivered or implemented using the most appropriate means or methods (as
determined in the design phase). Delivering any HRD program generally presents
numerous challenges, such as executing the program as planned; creating an
environment that enhances learning, and resolving problems that may arise (missing
equipment, conflicts between participants, etc.), (Werner & Desimone, 2012; 29). On
the other hand, many authors are explained that there are two ways for the training.
TÜZÜN (2005) explains training methods by following:
1- Off-The-Job Training Methods; training which takes place in environment other
than actual workplace is called off-the job training. Off-the-job training is usually
designed to meet the shared learning needs of a group rather than a particular
individual’s needs. Lectures, computer-based training, games and simulations are the
common forms of off-the-job training methods. Lecture is best used to create a
general understanding of a topic or to influence attitudes through education about a
topic. Computer Based Training can be defined as any training that occurs through
the use of computer. Games and Simulation is designed to reproduce or simulate
processes, events, and circumstances that occur in the trainee’s job.
2- On-The-Job Training Methods; the purpose of the on-the-job training session is to
provide employee with task-specific knowledge and skills in work area. The
knowledge and skills presented during on-the-job are directly related to job
requirements. Job instruction technique, job rotation, coaching and apprenticeship
training are the common forms of on-the job training methods. Job Instruction
Training is a structured approach to training, which requires trainees to proceed
through a series of steps in sequential pattern. Job Rotation is the systematic
movement of employees from job to job or project to project within an organization,
as a way to achieve various different human resources objectives. Coaching is the
process of one-on-one guidance and instruction to improve knowledge, skills and
work performance. Apprenticeship is one of the oldest forms of training which is
designed to provide planned, practical instruction over a significant time span (p.147-

Phase 4: evaluation
Finally, evaluation of HRD, that means the final outcome. Do HRD is successful
or not (opinions of partnership)? Do persons benefit from the HRD process or not
(extend of learning, changing of behaviors)? And do they achieve goals? Here
(Kumpikaite & Sakalas, 2011) According to Phillips (1996), explain evaluation can
serve a number of purposes within the organization. Evaluation can help to do
 Determine whether a HRD program is accomplishing its objectives;
 Identify its strengths and weaknesses;
 Determine its cost-benefit ratio;
 Decide who should participate in future HRD programs;
 Identify which participants benefited the most or leased from the program;
 Reinforce major points to be made to the participants;
 Gather data to assist in marketing future programs;
 Determine if the program was appropriate;
 Establish a database to assist management in making decisions (p.47).
Thus, the question here how we can know are HR enhance or not? Answer that,
Pareek (1978) according to Hamblin (1974) has summarized the various techniques
(38) discussed under his five-level model.
These are:
Reaction (6); Session reaction scales, reactions notebooks and participation,
observers records, studies of intertrainee relationships, end of-course reaction form,
post-reactions questionnaires and interviews, and expectations evaluation.
Learning (13): Pre-course questionnaires to instructors, programmed instruction,
objectives tests, essay-type written or oral examinations, assessment by trainees of
knowledge changes, skills analysis and task analysis, standardized tests of skill, tailor-
made techniques for evaluating skill, assessment by trainees of skill changes,
standardized attitude questionnaires, tailor-made attitude questionnaires, semantic
differential scales, and group feedback analysis.
Job Behavior (13): Activity sampling, SISCO and Wirdenius techniques, observer
diaries, self-diaries with interviews and questionnaires, appraisal and self-appraisal,
critical incident technique, observation of specific incidents, depth interviews and
questionnaires, open-ended depth techniques, and prescription for involving
management in the training process.
Organization (4): Indexes of productivity, labour turnover, etc., studies of
organizational climate, use of job behavioral objectives to study behaviour of non-
trainees, and workflow studies.
Ultimate value (2): Cost-benefit analysis and human resources accounting (p.294).
In sum, we can explain HRD process by figure (1);

HRD needs assessment

Organizational analysis, task analysis, and personal analysis.

Develop goals, budget, and identify training methods.

Training / implementation
Training methods (On and off the job).

Opinions of Partnership, extend of learning, changing of
behaviors, and achieve goals.

Figure (1); HRD process.

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