Accidents An Astrological Review

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Original Article International Journal of Science and Consciousness

Access online at: December 2016, 2(4), 23-33

Accidents: An astrological review

Mrs. Sunita N. Joshi

Kavi Kulguru Kalidas Sanskrit Vishva Vidyalaya, Ramtek

Misfortunes are universal to human society. Accidents are an important category of
misfortunes. They are found to be the leading cause of death in the world. It is a major cause of
disability and the object of social intervention. An accident is used synonymously with injury
as a term denoting a lack of intent and as a sign of the ultimately uncontrollable nature of the
material world. An accident is an unmotivated event. It is unpredictable. The victim, in an
accident has no previous knowledge of the misfortune and so cannot be held responsible and
can’t be blamed. An occurrence of a particular accident cannot be foreseen. Accident can’t be
classified by its cause. We decide that an accident has occurred by investing how it happened.
Ways of classifying them, understanding them and dealing with them is an important task.
Prioritizing preventive measures, and careful needs assessment in the area of accidents
is needed. While death cannot be postponed indefinitely, we can alter risk of premature
death. Prevention as a way of avoiding unpleasant injuries and untimely death thus occupies a
high moral ground. Astrology, the Divine Science helps the mankind in every aspect of life.
Astrology explains and gives an answer why such a misfortune i.e. an accident had happened
to the person specifically at the particular time and what should he/she do. This Research
paper reviews and seeks to challenge the approach to preventive work in the accident field
with the help of Astrology. It explores remedial measures to prevent an accident to happen
through the detailed study of Horoscope.

Key words: Accident, Astrology, Malefic planet, Health, Sun, Moon, Ascendant

Article Received: 1-11-2016, Published: 31-12-2016

Conflict of interest: None declared

*Corresponding Author:
Mrs. Sunita N. Joshi; Kavi Kulguru Kalidas Sanskrit Vishva Vidyalaya, Ramtek
Email-id: [email protected]

International Journal of Science and Consciousness (IJSC): a Bio-Psycho-Spiritual approach

Published by the Research Foundation for Science & Consciousness, Uttarakhand, India

Copyright IJSC 2016 | December 2016 | Vol. 2 | No. 4 | Pages 23-33 eISSN: 2455-2038
An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal

Accidents: An astrological review

Introduction: astrologers like me, are vigorously conducting

Whenever any individual suffers from any statistical research on astrological data with the
misfortune, e.g. an accident, he stuck into fear advent of computers and the availability of large
and starts to blame for own fate. He/she goes astrological Databases.
through the mental trauma starts thinking that,
his time is bad and the planetary positions are Statement of the Problem:
not in favor. The Astrology offers rich insights Astrology provides a way to predict when a
into the interrelatedness of misfortunes and person is more likely to suffer a bodily injury.
remedies for defense in response to the This study attempts to find an astrologically
experience. He/she gets remedial measures as a predictable pattern in the occurrence of
tool to reduce the ill effects, to recover from loss accidental injuries, derived from a relationship
and regain health. between the injured person's birth details and
It is possible for Astrology and behavioral the injury details. It is based on the foregoing
sciences to contribute to the field of accident definitions and considerations, to formulate the
prevention, by identifying cause and performing theoretical basis for the research hypothesis. The
remedial measures and by training in changing accident prone periods involve malefic yogas,
behavior of victims towards consciousness. hard aspects of the planets at the time of birth as
Very little has been done in identifying patterns well as transit of malefic planets on ascendant,
that will indicate when native will be more likely Sun, Moon, in a horoscope at time of accident.
to suffer an injury. This study attempts to
identify periods of time in the native’s life when Methodology:
he/she is more likely to suffer an injury based on
the principles of astrology. Data Collection:
In an effort to predict the occurrence of accidents I used birth data and injury dates of 80 subjects
and to provide further perspectives to accident who were injured or died in accident from
prevention, astrological patterns in injuries were clientele, relatives, friends, and records on the
examined. The study includes 80 injured people. internet, records provided by my guide and
It is supported by the concepts of Astrology. teachers. Data included: The subject’s name,
Statistical results indicate that there are distinct gender, birth details (date, time and place of
periods of time when individuals are more birth), and injury details (date, time and place
accident prone. The results suggest aid in while injury happened). If there was any doubt,
determining the timing of accidents and thus the file was omitted. We got records of the part
assist in their prevention, thereby contributing of body injured in most of the cases. Only single
to mankind. injuries were included. The persons with several
The accident prone periods involve malefic yoga, injuries have been included. Those records may
hard aspects of the planets at the time of birth as be useful in analyzing the accident prone person.
well as transit of malefic planets on ascendant,
Sun, Moon in a horoscope at time of accident. Scope of the Study:
This study is an attempt to isolate one specific The scope of this study is quite broad. Sampling
astrological factor that can help predict when a biases for this study were kept to a minimum
person is more likely to suffer a bodily injury, and required only two facts: 1) date, time, place
thus providing both a verification of some of of birth and 2) date, time, place of injury for each
astrology's claims, as well as pointing to some native.
possible new ways of looking at accident
prevention. The Design:
The practice of astrology is based upon a number This study examines the relationship between
of proven scientific foundations. Me and modern the birth details (date, time, and place) and the

Copyright IJSC 2016 | December 2016 | Vol. 2 | No. 4 | Pages 23-33 eISSN: 2455-2038
An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal

injury details (date, time, and place) for people (in neecharasi i.e. Libra), or it is expected by
injured. strongest malefic planet, Rahu, or when it is of
low degree. Health is affected when the
Astrological terms and principles dealing inauspicious yoga related to Sun is running and
with injuries: the transit is inauspicious.
There are, concepts and factors in astrology that, Every planet when afflicted badly gives ill health;
when put together can provide a theoretical it may be disease or accident. Especially, malefic
basis for this study. The concept to be tested is planets Mars, Saturn, Rahu, ketu are associated
the ability of astrology to predict time when a with Accidents. While transit, hard aspect with
person is more likely to suffer a bodily injury. We planets in the horoscope at birth time they afflict
can analyze about future accidents and diseases health, especially they tend to accidents.
with the help of Medical astrology on the basis of Astrology considers the Sun as cruel planet and
Houses, Planets, Rasi, Dasas, Transits and other Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu are malefic planets.
astrological calculations. Mars is the symbol of getting hurt. Mars is the
lord of blood and violence, firearms, weapons.
1. Ascendant, Sun, Moon at birth time plays an Mars is responsible for the accidents occurred
important role in determining whether the due to fire or explosion/explosive material. Rahu
native is prone to accidents. Their strength gives sudden events in life. So it represents
should be analyzed. To have good health the suddenness/sudden accidents in life. Saturn is
ascendant, the lord of ascendant, moon sign and responsible for the accidents occurred by iron or
the lord of moon sign, sun sign and lord of sun machines. Saturn is responsible for the accidents
sign should be in a relationship with an occurred due to animals. Ketu in the 8th house
auspicious house. Also, Yoga and the Dasa causes accidents. Moon is responsible for the
running should not be an inauspicious. accidents happened by water. Role of Venus is
also important when it comes to accidents by
Ascendant: Ascendant shows body of the vehicle. Venus is the karaka of vehicles. The
person. A supernatural human is visualized by planet Mercury rules transport in immediate
combining all the cycles of life known as environment including bikes, scooters, cars, etc.
“Kaalpurush”. Each rasi represents a part of the According to Western astrology, Uranus,
body depending on their placements in a Neptune and Pluto are also said to be vital when
horoscope. Ascendant is first bhav in Kaalpurush it comes to accidents.
Kundli which shows personality of the person.
2. For accidents 4th, 6th, 8th, 12th houses in the
The Moon: Every person born in a sign will have horoscope should be checked. 4th house signifies
certain important traits. They are shown by the the end of all matters, vehicles and it also
strength of Moon. It shows the behavioral signifies fatality in accidents. 6th house is one of
pattern of the native. The Moon if afflicted badly the malefic houses which indicate accidents. 8th
when it is debilitated (in neecharasi i.e. Scorpio), house signifies the longevity, long term diseases,
or it is aspected by strongest malefic planet, sorrow and it also signifies accidents. 12th house
Rahu, or when Moon is of low degree. It affects signifies the losses, hospitals, bed and
every aspect of person’s life. The person has to accidents. 6th, 8th and 12th house are called “Trik
face health problems. Sthana” which are most malefic.

The Sun: The Sun is the significator of vitality 3. Effects of Dasa must be taken into account. The
('libido' or the basic drive to be), health. The sign Dasas are the ruling periods of the planets. There
occupied by the Sun plays an important part in are more than 50 different types
determining the vitality of the person. The Sun is of Dasa systems, but the most popular and
a significator of masculine qualities and men in accurate one is the Vimshottari Dasa. According
general. It is afflicted badly when it is debilitated to astrology, every planet gives results according

Copyright IJSC 2016 | December 2016 | Vol. 2 | No. 4 | Pages 23-33 eISSN: 2455-2038
An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal

to its Mahadasa or Antar Dasa. Planets have

immense power. Dasas of planets should be I found malefic yoga of the Moon and Saturn in
analyzed in accordance with characteristic, 62 horoscopes out of 80. It is called “Visha yoga”.
strength, aspects in the horoscope. According to It is very malefic and affects the behavior of the
their natural and planetary friendship they give person. It shows 78% of subjects have affected
auspicious as well as inauspicious results during by this malefic yoga, Moon becoming weak.
their Dasa. During a planet’s Mahadasa, Antar
Dasa of an enemy, malefic or debilitated planet is 1. Maximum times the Moon was found in 4th, 6th
considered to be inauspicious. For more and 8th house. It shows Moon is weaken in
accuracy Pratyantar Dasa and sookshmadasa Karakbhav, Triksthan and Ashtambhav i.e.
should be analyzed. mrutyubhav. Moon afflictsemotions of the native.
It creates “Balarishta yoga”, yoga of death in
Accidents may also occur during the Mahadasa childhood due to accident.
and antar-dasa of maraka lord (lord of 2nd& 7th
house) and badhaka lords (lord of 11th house - 2. Malefic planet Rahu is aspecting the Moon
for moveable ascendant, lord of 9th house - for Maximum times than other planets, showing the
fixed ascendant, lord of 7th house - for dual weaken Moon. afflictedMoon gives problems
ascendant) or planets placed therein. Badhakesh related to mental stability, emotions.
planets are the planets that cause obstacles for
the native in his/her horoscope. These planets The Sun is a significator of masculine qualities
are specific ruler of a certain house. The native is and men in general. I found 54 males (67.5%)
likely to suffer from accidents during and 26 females (32.5%) affected by accident.
theirmahadasa, antardasa, pratyantardasa or Saturn is enemy of Sun. We found malefic yoga of
sookshmadasa. the Sun and Saturn in 45 horoscopes out of 80, it
shows 57% of subjects have affected by this
4. A Transit is a relationship between a current, malefic yoga, Sun becoming weak.
continuously moving planet in the sky to the
positions of the planets in the horoscope. Transit 1. Maximum times the Sun was found in 1st, 8th
plays an important role in deciding the timing of and 4th house. It shows Sun is weaken in Kendra
accident. Transit supports dasa periods. and ashtambhav i.e. mrutyubhav. Hard aspects of
Accidents occur during the transit of malefic Sun afflict health of the native.
planets connected to malefic houses in the
horoscope or the birth position of Sun, Moon and 2. Malefic planet Rahu is aspecting the Sun
ascendant. Maximum times than other planets, showing the
weaken Sun. afflicted Sun gives problems related
Data analysis: to health, self-esteem.
Above concepts will be used to explain and
predict any patterns that may emerge from the Results of the study:
sample data collected. This study will look at the This chapter includes the statistical computation
relationship between the birth details and the of the data and addresses all the findings
injury details for people who have been injured relevant to the research. This is further
or died in accident. supported by tables and graphs to provide a
visual summary of sets of related data from this
Ascendant shows body of the person. I found research. The strength of planets, especially,
maximum times Ascendant is in ashtambhav. It is Ascendant, Moon and Sun was tabulated and
Mrutyubhav. So ascendant has weakened. figured out.

Copyright IJSC 2016 | December 2016 | Vol. 2 | No. 4 | Pages 23-33 eISSN: 2455-2038
An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal

Tables & graphical representation

The results are tabulated in Tables and Figures. Tables and Graphs present the analysis of the data
for all research.

Percentages of House-wise Sun’s position calculated with the statistics.

Graph 1.1
House 1 12 15.00
House 2 06 07.50
House 3 05 06.25
House 4 09 11.25
House 5 04 05.00
House 6 06 07.50
House 7 04 05.00
House 8 11 13.75
House 9 07 08.75
House 10 04 05.00
House 11 04 05.00
House 12 08 10.00

Maximum times the Sun was found in 1st, 8th and 4th house. It shows Sun is weaken in Kendra and
ashtambhav i.e. mrutyubhav. Hard aspects of Sun afflict the health of the native.


Graph 1.2
MOON 04 05.00
MARS 10 12.50
MERCURY 00 00.00
JUPITER 22 27.50
VENUS 00 00.00
SATURN 14 17.50
RAHU 27 33.75
KETU 03 03.75

Copyright IJSC 2016 | December 2016 | Vol. 2 | No. 4 | Pages 23-33 eISSN: 2455-2038
An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal

Malefic planet Rahu is expecting the Sun showing the weaken Sun. Afflicted Sun gives problems related to
health, self-esteem.


POSITION Graph 1.3

House 1 03 03.75
House 2 03 03.75
House 3 06 07.50
House 4 10 12.50
House 5 04 05.00
House 6 10 12.50
House 7 09 11.25
House 8 12 15.00
House 9 02 02.50
House 10 06 07.50
House 11 06 07.50
House 12 09 11.25

1.4 %WISE ASPECT ON MOON Graph 1.4

SUN 04 05.00
MARS 16 20.00
MERCURY 08 10.00
JUPITER 10 12.50
VENUS 02 02.50
SATURN 14 17.50
RAHU 24 30.00
KETU 02 02.50

Copyright IJSC 2016 | December 2016 | Vol. 2 | No. 4 | Pages 23-33 eISSN: 2455-2038
An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal



Graph 1.5
House 1 08 10.00

House 2 09 11.25

House 3 06 07.50

House 4 08 10.00

House 5 08 10.00

House 6 09 11.25

House 7 04 05.00

House 8 11 13.75

House 9 02 02.50

House 10 07 08.75

House 11 03 03.75

House 12 05 06.25

Ascendant shows body of the person. I found maximum times Ascendant is in ashtambhav. It is
Mrutyubhav. So ascendant has weakened.
Research shows that Ascendant, Sun, Moon at birth time plays an important role in determining
whether the native is prone to accidents.

Additional findings: injured whose birth is between midnight to

A computation was done on the research dawn. The research analyses fully supported the
samples of 80 for birth details and accident research hypothesis.
In the process of analyzing the data, some This study attempted to identify periods of time
additional findings were noted, but as they are in a native’s life when he/she has more likely to
not within the scope of this study, they will suffer an injury based on the principles of
require further analysis at a later time. It was astrology.
foundthat in birth horoscope, accidents are more
prone when ascendant or lagna lord in It intended to examine Astrology's principles by
Rashisandhi.Planets or ascendant are supposed isolating them to a single event (injury/accident)
to be weak when they are in Rasisandhi. and testing them through the conventional
scientific method, expressed in terms of
In reference to the research, it offered evidence probabilities or percentages. This framework
that in the samples studied, people tended to be

Copyright IJSC 2016 | December 2016 | Vol. 2 | No. 4 | Pages 23-33 eISSN: 2455-2038
An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal

was used to describe and predict astrological Native can recite ‘Om Namaha Shivaya’ and Maha
conditions under which injuries can occur. Mrityunjaya Mantra. In case a person is cannot
perform these remedies, a close friend or a
These elements included the Sun as the relative can do these things on his/her behalf. In
significator of the physical body, health, vitality, this case, a person should start reciting the
self-expression and men in general. The hard Mantra with the sankalp of name of the person
aspects to that point from the transiting Sun or for whom the Mantra is being recited.
from malefic planet/s were used as indicators of
stressful or conflict periods when the possibility Remedies for Weak or Inauspicious Planets:
of injury increases. The hard aspects used were
the conjunction,squares and the Sun:
opposition.These are specific, identifiable times Eat some sweets, and drink some water before
in a person's life, and a research was formulated. travelling, beginning of any auspicious work.
Although calculated in the Sidereal (Eastern or Donate jiggery, copper, wheat. Immerse copper
Vedic) zodiac, these results are expected to be coin in the flowing water of a river or a pond.
almost identical with the use of the Tropical
zodiac (Western astrology), thus supporting the Moon:
hypothesis. Silver should be immersed in the flowing water.
Keep a pot full of milk or water near the bed
Were male subjects more likely than females to (head side) while sleeping and the next morning
fall into the injury pattern? This question was throw this water or milk into the roots of the
tested to see if the Sun is indeed, significator of kikar tree.
the masculine, as stated in the astrological Keep silver, rice or water always with you.
literature. To explore the question, 80 injured Do not drink milk in the night and donate milk in
people were studied from an astrological point of the Bhiaro temple.
view. A distinction into male/female categories
was made in this sample. Sample consisted of 78 Mars:
males and 22 females, totaling sample of 80. Feed dogs with sweet tandoori roti.
Donate rabri, red masoor dal in the temple.
Additional Finding: Recite Hanuman Chalisa every day. Distribute
Cuspal birth dates are the dates on which the Sun Prasad in Hanuman temple on every Tuesday.
is changing signs. Precise calculations would put Apply white surma (Kajal) in the eyes.
the Sun either at the end of one Sun sign, (29°-
30°), or in the first degree (0°-1°) of the Mercury:
following Sun sign, i.e. when Sun is in Teeth should be cleaned with alum every day
Rashisandhi. Cuspal birth dates may be more and pierce the nose.
prone to suicide than other birth dates. This Burn the Kouries and immerse the ash in the
needs to be further investigated. flowing water of the river on the same day.
Wear emerald ring in the little finger.
Remedies to cure diseases: Immerse a copper coin with a hole in the centre
Native should remember his/her ‘Isht Dev’ first in the flowing water.
whenever he/she falls ill or has an accident.
He/she should also chant the mantras for the Jupiter:
planet which has affected the health. This should Serve Peepal tree and water it every day.
be started from an auspicious day. He/she can Donate Saffron, turmeric, gram dal, gold and any
also donate the things related to that planet or yellow object in the temple.
can observe a fast related to it. Apply tilak of kesar or yellow chandan on
forehead, tongue, and naval.
Feed cows with Gram dal.

Copyright IJSC 2016 | December 2016 | Vol. 2 | No. 4 | Pages 23-33 eISSN: 2455-2038
An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal

Venus: in/after travelling, to avoid accidents in travel. It

Donate cows. can’t be applied this to small distances (less than
Before taking food keep some food for the cows 500Km) and also not to the places where one has
or donate food for the cows. to go often. The only explanation to this
Donate Ghee, camphor, curd, and white pearl in methodology was the distances what we use to
the temple. cover in the ancient times. The mode of
Wear neat and clean cloths. Wear diamond ring conveyance was foot or by the aid of animals, for
in next to little finger. so long this methodology must have been
Donate iron. Donate mustard oil and soap to the
poor. Day Direction in which
Donate eye medicine as it helps to remove the not to travel
eye diseases. Sunday West
Do daatun with kikar wood.
Feed the fishes with sweet wheat balls and feed Monday East
cows also.
Serve the monkeys for wealth. Serve snakes to Tuesday North
bless yourself with child. Wednesday North
Go to Shani temple on Saturday and ask his
forgiveness for your wrong deeds. Thursday South
Worship Lord Shiva (Abhishek Shivlinga), Maa
Kali or Goddess Durga, and Bhairon Baba. Friday West
Shani Dev is considered as the planet of poor and Saturday East
old people, so by serving these people one can
remove the evil effects caused by him and can
take his blessings. Suggestions:
Astrology includes numerous additional factors
Rahu: which prove related to accidents. These provide
Immerse the coconut in the flowing water. time periods for caution and psychological
Wash the barley with milk and coal and immerse insights into accident proneness. It is hoped that
them in the flowing water. a follow-up research on the present data can
Must donate to the vultures and have kind provide additional understanding of accident
attitude towards them. causes, and therefore, contribute to their
Have a plate on the head, try to live in joint prevention.
family and have good relationship with them.
Worship Goddess Saraswati. Help the poor in The Sun's association with self-esteem and Ego
their daughter’s marriages. strength has been noted in the astrological
literature. There is need to reach out for personal
Ketu: power in the world, the need to be proud of
Feed the dogs regularly. ourselves by having an impact on the world,
Pierce the ears. being in the limelight, and receiving some sort of
If the person has urine problem, wear the silver recognition from the world. Where the Sun is
ring in silk thread into the neck. involved, we must enlarge our life, create,
If son is rebellious and disobeys with you, donate transcend the past, and win approval and
black blankets to the needy persons. admiration. So, hard aspects to the Sun imply
problems to that area. Accidents may involve
Disha Shool: This methodology can be used to unconscious conflict. This theory includes
prevent the native from getting negative results considerations such as the strength of the Sun in

Copyright IJSC 2016 | December 2016 | Vol. 2 | No. 4 | Pages 23-33 eISSN: 2455-2038
An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal

the natal chart and in the accident chart. This One can keep in mind the possibility of a ‘self-
needs additional research. fulfilling prophecy' effect. When a person is not
consciously expressing his/ her frustration with
Astrological theory assigns a relationship the people in authority signified by the Sun, they
between certain astrological factors and parts of may end up unconsciously 'acting out' the
the body. For example, Mars is associated with frustration in the form of an accident. People
the head and muscles; Saturn is associated with should be encouraged to deal with their feelings
the bones. Further analysis of injured body parts of low self-esteem through awareness and
and astrological factors, may provide further confrontation either in group settings or
understanding of these factors. If severity of individually.
injury could be rated, a corresponding
astrological pattern may emerge in further Both the above considerations provide a new
analysis. This approach needs to be investigated. angle to the existing efforts at accident
The sample size of N=80 is not a good sample prevention. The contribution is in forming a
size for the purpose of this study, it can be bridge between astrology and psychology, two
claimed that it is too small compared to the areas of human activity that seek the same goal:
injured population. Therefore, larger samples To understand human nature and to predict
should be investigated, obtaining more detailed human behavior.
records. Data about injuries and even fatal
injuries should be found and analyzed. It is Astrological literature related to accidents:
recommended that such study be undertaken Astrological literature on accidents in astrology
because then the predictive nature of astrology has been reviewed. "Classics" of Vedic astrology,
can be examined more thoroughly. such as Saravali, Jataka Parijata, Sarvartha
Cintamani, and Brihad Parashari Hora Shastra
Applications of the research findings: have been very useful for the research work.
From the findings of this study it is clear that,
these results could be easily applied to reduce The work in the astrological literature which
injuries. As indicated by studies in the field of deals specifically with accidents I found is by
accident prevention, raising the peoples’ C.E.O. Carter (1932), a book titled The Astrology
awareness to the possibility of injuries by of Accidents. Carter compiled data for 168 people
educating them about risk factors in their life who either died or were heavily injured in
through astrology. He/she can take extra care to accidents. (Carter, 1932:16).
avoid errors that cause accidents. A
psychologically useful approach would be to look
at psychological awareness.

1. Carter C. E. O., The astrology of accidents, 5. Pathak Harishankar, Jatak Parijat,
London: Theosophical Publishing House Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan,
Ltd., (1932) (2006)
2. Kumar Raj, Charisma of Trika 6. Raman B.V., How to judge
Houses, Sagar Publications, (2008) Horoscope, Motilal Banarasidas,
3. Ojha Pundit G. K., Predictive astrology of (1995)
the Hindus. D.B. Traoirevala Sons & Co. 7. RaoNarsimha P.V.R., Vedic
Private Ltd., (1972) Astrology - An Integrated Approach,
4. Pathak Harishankar, Jatak Tatvam, Sagar Publications, (2000)
Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan,

Copyright IJSC 2016 | December 2016 | Vol. 2 | No. 4 | Pages 23-33 eISSN: 2455-2038
An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal

8. Rath Pundit Sanjay, Crux of Vedic 9. Rath Pundit Sanjay, Vedic Remedies
Astrology-Timing of Events, Sagar in Astrology, Sagar Publications,
Publications, (1998) (2000)
10. Varma Kalyan, Saravali, Ranjan
Publications, (1996)

Cite this paper as: Joshi, S. N. (2016). Accidents: An astrological review. International
Journal of Science and Consciousness; 2(4): 23-33.

Copyright IJSC 2016 | December 2016 | Vol. 2 | No. 4 | Pages 23-33 eISSN: 2455-2038
An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal

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