DND Homebrew Items by Mike - Weapons

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Many of the weapons provide magical bonuses to attack and damage rolls or have additional abilities that can be used in combat.

Several weapons can change forms or damage types, exert control over targets, or cast spells. Properties include pushing, knocking prone, slowing time, and dealing elemental damage.

Damage types include force, lightning, fire, psychic, and slashing instead of bludgeoning. Bonuses range from +1 to +3. Some deal double damage to objects.

Arcanist’s Bowstaff

Weapon , Very Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by a spellcaster
When wielding this weapon you gain the following benefits:
*You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls;
*You may use a bonus action on your turn to switch the weapon from staff mode
to longbow mode or vice versa;
*While the weapon is in longbow mode you may use a bonus action on your turn
to expend a spell slot to create a number of arrows equal to the spell level. These
arcane arrows deal force damage.
Bha-durr’ahp’s Tetsubo

Weapon , Very Rare Attunement: Required

While wielding this greatclub you gain the following benefits:
*You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls;
*Bha-durr’ahp’s tetsubo holds up to 6 charges and regains 1d6 charges each day
at sunrise. When you hit with the weapon you may expend 1 charge to force the
target to make a DC15 Strength saving throw. On a failure the target is pushed
20 feet away from you and knocked prone. On a success the target is pushed only
10 feet and isn’t knocked prone. On a critical hit the target has disadvantage on
the saving throw;
*This weapon deals double damage to objects.

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: None

The bladestaff counts as a quarterstaff for the purpose of weapon proficiency, but
it deals slashing instead of bludgeoning damage. Attacks with the bladestaff count
as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance or immunity to non-magical
Blood Swords

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: Required

Paired shortswords; require attunement by a non-spellcaster
When you use these swords for two-weapon fighting you add your ability score
modifier to both attack rolls.
Attacks using the blood swords count as magical for the purpose of overcoming
resistance or immunity to non-magical attacks.
Oncethese weapons has tasted a creature’s blood they want more. When you hit a
creature that has blood with one of these weapons you may use your reaction to
mark that creature as your prey. You have advantage on attacks against your
prey, but you have disadvantage on attacks versus any other creature until your
prey dies or the combat ends. You may use this ability once per combat.

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: Required

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon.
Once per turn when you attack with this heavy crossbow you can declare that the
bolt consumes the ammunition loaded into it to fire a bolt of lightning. The attack
deals 1d6 lightning damage in addition to its normal damage.
Braided Quarterstaff

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by a monk
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon.
You can spend 1 ki to shrink the braided quarterstaff down to the size and weight
of a hair ornament. The staff returns to its full size when you use an action to
ready the weapon.
Chromatic Obsidian Greataxe

Weapon , Very Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by a barbarian, fighter, or paladin
You have a +2 bonus to attack rolls when wielding this weapon.
When you roll for initiative, and every time you hit with this weapon, roll 1d8 to
determine the dominant color of the weapon’s aura. The axe deals 1d6 bonus
damage of the type associated with that color. This bonus damage increases to
1d8 at 7th level and to 1d10 at 15th level.
1 = red (fire) 5 = blue (cold)
2 = orange (force) 6 = indigo (lightning)
3 = yellow (radiant) 7 = violet (acid)
4 = green (poison) 8 = black (necrotic)
You may use a bonus action on your turn to shift the aura color one step up or
down on the table above; 1 is considered above 8 for this purpose.
Cobra Dagger

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: None

The cobra dagger deals poison damage instead of piercing damage.
Courtesan’s Fanblade

Weapon , Rare Attunement: None

This dagger is made of two hollow halves that can be opened with a flick of a
small lever above its handle. Opening the dagger in this way (no action required)
reveals a beautiful paper fan that spreads out between the weapon's two halves.
While the fan is exposed you can't use this weapon to attack. You can close the
fan and recombine the dagger's halves again as a bonus action.
The fanblade has 3 charges and regains all expended charges each day at dawn.
While the fan is exposed you can use an action to cover your face with it and
expend 1or more charges to cast the charm person spell (save DC13) at 1st level.
You can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you expend.
Crystal Rapier

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: None

This rapier has two forms; a sword form in which it can be wielded as a weapon
and a ring form in which it can be worn as jewelry. It can switch between its ring
form and sword form as part of the same action that you use to ready or stow it.
Attacks with the crystal rapier count as magical for the purpose of overcoming
resistance or immunity to non-magical attacks.
Deepcut Longsword

Weapon , Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by a barbarian or fighter
You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon.
A deepcut longsword scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
A creature hit by this weapon takes an additional 1d6 bleed damage on the turn
after being hit. This increases to 2d4 on a critical hit. Creatures that don’t bleed,
including constructs and undead, don’t suffer this effect.
Desert Blade

Weapon , Rare Attunement: Required

This scimitar holds up to 7 charges and regains one spent charge every day at
noon. When you hit with an attack with the desert blade you may spend 1 or
more charges to cause the target to make a Constitituion saving throw. On a
failure the target gains a level of exhaustion. The base DC is DC13, +1 for each
additional charge you expend. Constructs, undead, and creatures that are immune
to dehydration are immune to this effect.
If you expend the last charge from the desert blade roll 1d20. On a 1 the blade
crumbles into sand and blows away.
Devil Slayer

Weapon , Very Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by a chaotically-aligned creature
When wielding this greatsword you gain the following benefits:
*You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls;
*You score a critical hit on 19-20 if the target is a fiend, 18-20 if it is a devil;
*You deal 1d6 bonus damage on a hit if the target is evil, 1d8 if it is lawful evil, or
1d10 if it is a devil.

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: Required

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon.
A successful attack with this longsword deals 1d6 additional damage of a type
appropriate to the associated dragon species.
black/copper: acid
blue/bronze: lightning
brass/gold/red: fire
green: poison
silver/white: cold
Dragonswords associated with more exotic dragon types deal bonus damage
appropriate to those types but are rare instead of uncommon.
Dryad’s Bow

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by a druid, ranger, or member of a forest-affiliated race
While wielding this longbow you gain the following benefits.
*You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
*Cover that is based on foliage is reduced one step (total cover to three-quarters
cover, three-quarters cover to half-cover, or half-cover to none).
Elemental Edge

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: Required

Sickle; requires attunement by a spellcaster
You have a +1 bonus to attack rolls when wielding this weapon.
A hit with the elemental edge deals bonus damage equal to your spellcasting
ability modifier. The damage type varies with the weapon’s associated element.
Blast sickle = force damage; Boom sickle = thunder damage; Corpse sickle =
necrotic damage; Dream sickle = psychic damage; Flame sickle = fire damage; Ice
sickle = cold damage; Star sickle = radiant damage; Storm sickle = lightning
Elven Greatbow

Weapon , Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by a ranger or an elf
While wielding this greatbow you gain the following benefits.
*You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
*You score a critical hit on a natural roll of 19-20.
*Once per turn a successful hit deals bonus poison or radiant damage (your
choice). The bonus is 1d6 if you are a ranger or 1d8 if you are an elf.
Equalizing Spear

Weapon , Legendary Attunement: Required

You have +3 to attack and damage rolls with this spear.
The equalizing spear holds up to 10 charges and regains 1d8+2 charges each day
at sunrise. After you hit with an attack with the equalizing spear you can spend 1
or more charges to produce one of the following effects:
*1 charge: suppress the target’s regeneration until the end of your next turn;
*2 charges: downgrade the target’s protection one step (immunity to resistance,
resistance to normal, or normal to vulnerability) – the target can make a DC17
Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect;
*3 charges: as above, but downgrade protection two steps (immunity to normal
or resistance to vulnerability).
Finger Pointing to the Moon

Weapon , Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by a monk
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this flail.
If you have a hand free while wielding the Finger Pointing to the Moon you can
make a distracting gesture as part of your next melee Attack action. The target
must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Wisdom modifier). On a failure you have advantage on the attack. You may use
this ability only once per turn, and it won’t work more than twice on a target with
an Intelligence score of 10+.
Flying Dragon Bow

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: Required

Longbow or shortbow; requires attunement by a ranger
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this bow.
The flight of the dragon guides any arrow fired from this bow. If you miss with
an attack with any result other than a natural “1” you can re-roll the attack. You
must take the second result, even if it is lower. This property of the flying dragon
bow does not work on creatures with the dragon type.
Flying Hammer

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: Required

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls when wielding this weapon.
When you make a ranged attack by throwing this light hammer it returns to your
hand at the end of your turn. The flying hammer also returns to your hand if you
are disarmed or you drop it as a result of a fumble.
Giantkiller Sling

Weapon , Legendary Attunement: Required

While wielding this sling you gain the following benefits:
*You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls;
*If the target is at least one size class larger than you the damage die increases
one step per difference in size class, up to a maximum of d12;
*If the target is at least one size class larger than you your attack with the sling
scores a critical hit on a roll of 19-20. If the target is at least three size classes
larger you score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20.
The damage and critical hit bonuses of wielding a giantkiller sling dont apply to
attacks on swarms unless they would apply to individual swarm members.
Glass Sword

Weapon , Rare Attunement: Required

Greatsword; requires attunement by an elf
You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon, which does
not count as a metal weapon for the purpose of druid weapon restrictions.
As a bonus action on your turn you can strike the glass sword against the ground
and shatter it, and the razor-sharp shards fly at your enemies. Every hostile
creature that you can see within 30 feet must make a Dexterity saving throw at
DC15. On a failure the target takes 2d4 damage, taking half damage on a
success. You can’t use this ability again until the glass sword repairs itself at the
end of a long rest.
Hour and Minute

Weapon , Legendary Attunement: Required

Longsword and shortsword, the set counts as only one attunement; requires
attunement by a fighter or rogue who isn’t a spellcaster.
When you use these weapons for two-weapon fighting you add your ability score
modifier to both attacks. You also have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
When you ready Minute you come under the effect of the haste spell, and you
have advantage on initiative rolls while Minute is on your person.
When you hit a target with Hour it must succeed on a DC16 Wisdom saving
throw or come under the effect of the slow spell for 1 minute.
Hour and Minute must be within 1 mile of each other and on the same plane of
existence or they temporarily lose their magical properties.
Hydra Flail

Weapon , Very Rare Attunement: Required

You have a +2 bonus to attack rolls with this weapon.
The hydra flail begins with one head and magically grows another whenever you
score a critical hit with it. You have a +2 bonus to damage rolls made with this
weapon for each head the flail has, up to +6. After 1 hour, any head the flail
grows in this way falls off and disappears.

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: Required

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls while wielding this weapon.
The default form of the iceblade is a dagger. As an action on your turn you can
activate the iceblade to form a shell of ice around the blade, effectively turning it
into a shortsword. In this form the weapon deals cold damage. Activation lasts
for up to 10 minutes or until you use a bonus action to end the effect. You can
use this ability up to three times between long rests.
Kraken’s Whip

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: None

This whip extends your reach by 10 feet for simple grasping, but you can’t use it
for fine manipulation.
When you attack with a kraken’s whip you can forgo dealing damage to restrain
the creature instead. The creature can use an action on its turn to make a DC14
Strength saving throw to escape.
Attacks with a kraken’s whip count as magical for the purpose of overcoming
resistance or immunity to non-magical attacks.
Kuroi Muchi

Weapon , Very Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by a monk or rogue (or any ninja-themed class if homebrew
classes are in play)
You gain the following benefits when weilding this whip:
*You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls;
*Attacks with the bladed end deal 1d6 slashing damage;
*You can use the weighted end to attack for 1d4 bludgeoning damage, grasp an
object (no fine manipulation), or tangle one or more of the target’s limbs (DC13
Strength saving throw to avoid becoming restrained until escape).
Mace of Storms

Weapon , Very Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by someone who can attack twice in one turn.
You have a +2 bonus to attack rolls with this mace. On the first attack the mace
deals 1d6 bonus lightning damage on a hit. On the backswing (second attack) the
mace of storms deals 1d6 bonus thunder damage on a hit. If you hit the same
target with both attacks the target is also pushed 10 feet away from you.
Macuahuitl of Sacrifice

Weapon , Very Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by a worshipper of a god or gods/follower of a totem spirit
When wielding this greatsword you gain the following benefits:
*You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls;
*Whenever you reduce a hostile creature that has blood to 0 hit points you may
roll the sword’s damage dice, with the +2 bonus, and regain that many hit points;
*Using the macuahuitl of sacrifice to kill a creature that has blood and that is
roughly equal to you in power removes one level of exhaustion. You can use this
ability once between long rest.
Making, modifying, or repairing a macuahuitl requires both woodcarver’s tools
and stonemason’s tools.
Mage Hand Crossbow

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: None

After you make an attack with this hand crossbow it uses a variant of the mage
hand cantrip to reload itself unless you choose otherwise. Attacks with the mage
hand crossbow count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance or
immunity to non-magical attacks.
Moon and Sun Daggers

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: Required

Paired daggers; require attunement by a spellcaster
A divine spellcaster can use the Sun Dagger as a spellcasting focus, while an
arcane spellcaster can do the same with the Moon Dagger. You can make a
flourish with the other dagger to perform the somatic components of spells.
A hit with these daggers deals additional cold (Moon) or fire (Sun) damage equal
to your spellcasting ability modifier. If you use the Moon and Sun daggers for
two-weapon fighting and hit with both attacks you also deal radiant damage equal
to your spellcasting ability modifier. The bonus damage ignores resistance to cold
or fire damage unless the target has resistance to both.
Phoenix Arrow

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: Required

When you attack with the phoenix arrow it bursts into flames at the end of your
turn whether it hits or misses. If it hits it deals additional fire damage equal to
your Dexterity modifier. Either way it burns to ash and reforms in your quiver at
the beginning of your next turn.
Rainbow’s Edge

Weapon , Very Rare Attunement: Required

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this longsword.
A rainbow’s edge holds up to 7 charges and regains all spent charges every day at
sunrise. As an action on your turn you can spend 1 or more charges to cast color
spray – each charge spent beyond the first increases the effective spell level by
one. If you spend the last charge roll 1d20; on a roll of 1 the sword explodes in a
blaze of multicolored light that causes every creature within 30 feet of you that
can see you, including you, to make a DC18 Wisdom saving throw or become
blinded until the end of its next turn. This explosion destroys the rainbow’s edge.
Ringing Staff

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: Required

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls when wielding this weapon.
When you hit with this quarterstaff the target must make a DC 12 Strength saving
throw. On a failure the target takes 1d4 + your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1)
thunder damage and is knocked prone. On a success the target takes half as much
thunder damage and is not knocked prone.
Sawtooth Blade

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: None

Any sword or knife
After you hit a creature that has blood with an attack with a sawtooth blade it
takes 1 bleed damage at the beginning of each of its turns. At the end of each of
its turns the creature can make a DC14 Constitution saving throw, ending the
effect on itself on a success. On a critical hit the creature has disadvantage on its
next saving throw to end the bleed effect. Each subsequent hit from the sawtooth
blade increases the bleed damage by +1 until the effect ends.
Attacks with a sawtooth blade count as magical for the purpose of overcoming
resistance or immunity to non-magical attacks.
Scalebane Spear

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: Required

Spear; requires attunement by a fighter or paladin
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon.
You gain the following benefits if the target of your attack is a reptile (including
reptilian humanoids) or has the dragon creature type:
*You deal an additional 1d6 damage.
*You score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20 (18-20 if you already have a feature
that expands your critical hit range).
Scorpion Crossbow

Weapon , Rare Attunement: None

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon.
This light crossbow is the product of clever engineering rather than magic; dispel
magic and anti-magic fields have no effect on it, though it still counts as magical
for the purpose of overcoming resistance or immunity to non-magical attacks.
You can ready this weapon with a bonus action, and you can wield it one-handed.
You can fire a scorpion crossbow up to six times before reloading.
Scorpion Lasher

Weapon , Rare Attunement: Required

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls when wielding this weapon.
When you hit with this weapon a living target (not a construct or undead) must
make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failure the target suffers the
paralyzed and poisoned conditions for a number of minutes equal to the damage
dealt. On a success the target is poisoned for half as long (round down) and is not
Sea Hunter’s Trident

Weapon , Rare Attunement: Required

While wielding this trident you gain the following benefits:
*You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls;
*You can wield this weapon normally while in water, including throwing it;
*If the target has a swimming speed and/or can breathe water the damage die
increases one step (1d8 one-handed, 1d10 two-handed).
Seraphic Sword

Weapon , Legendary Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by a good-aligned divine spellcaster
Set: Seraphic Arms (multiple items from the set count as one attunement)
While wielding this sword you have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. A
creature struck by the seraphic sword has its immunity to radiant damage reduced
to resistance until the end of your next turn. If the creature has resistance rather
than immunity it loses its resistance instead. If the creature has neither immunity
nor resistance to radiant damage it becomes vulnerable to radiant damage instead.
Silent Shuriken

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: None

If you are hidden when you make an attack with this shuriken you remain hidden
if the attack misses. Whether it hits or misses the silent shuriken returns to your
hand at the end of your turn. You may choose to have the shuriken return to the
place where you had it stowed instead.
Stonemason’s Blades

Weapon , Rare Attunement: Required

Longsword and shortsword; requires attunement by a dwarf
You have a +1 bonus to attack rolls and add your Constitution modifier
(minimum 1) to damage rolls with these weapons. If you use the stonemason’s
blades for two-weapon fighting you add the damage bonus to attacks with the off-
hand weapon as well. The magic of the stonemason’s blades stops working if
they are more than 120 feet apart but resumes when they are within range again.
Ten Winds Naginata

Weapon , Rare Attunement: Required

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this glaive.
The ten winds naginata holds up to 7 charges and regains 1d6+1 charges each
day at sunrise. You can spend 1 charge to cast gust of wind or 2 charges to cast
wind wall. You may only have one of these spells active at a time; casting either
one cancels the other.
If you spend the last charge from the ten winds naginata roll 1d20. On a 1 a
great whirlwind carries the weapon away, never to be seen again by you.
Thalamus Thread

Weapon , Rare Attunement: None

Stringing a longbow or shortbow with this bowstring changes the damage type to
psychic damage. This won’t work on a bow that has any enchantment beyond a
basic +1/+2/+3 attack and damage bonus.
Time Hammer

Weapon , Legendary Attunement: Required

While wielding this maul you gain the following benefits:
*You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls;
*When you hit you can forgo dealing damage and instead slow the target’s rate of
time; the target has -5 Speed and -2 to it initiative for the rest of this combat, and
multiple applications of these penalties stack (Speed 0 = restrained);
*On a critical hit the target is briefly frozen in time; the target is considered
stunned until the end of your next turn. Any damage or effect imposed on the
target before then (including the damage from the triggering attack) has its normal
durations but won’t begin to take effect until the target recovers from being
Torchbearer’s Reach

Weapon , Rare Attunement: Required

This whip has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls and deals fire damage on a
hit. You can’t use it to restrain creatures or grasp objects.
Torrent Taiaha

Weapon , Very Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by a druid or monk
When wielding this quarterstaff you gain the following benefits:
*You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls;
*The torrent taiaha holds up to 6 charges and regains all spent charges each day at
sunset. As an action on your turn you can expend 1 charge to cast tidal wave or
wall of water.
Tree Spirit Ax

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: Required

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon.
A tree spirit ax has no metal parts, and can therefore be wielded by a druid. The
ax deals no damage to living trees, plant creatures, or tree spirits (such as dryads).
A creature that is made of metal or wearing metal armor is vulnerable to damage
inflicted by a tree spirit ax. A creature that has prosthetic limbs counts as being
made of metal if the prostheses are metallic or as a plant creature if the prostheses
are wooden. Warforged, which have both metal and wooden parts, take normal
damage from a tree spirit ax.

Weapon , Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by a humanoid who is proficient with both swords and bows
While wielding this weapon you gain the following benefits:
*Attacks using this weapon deal fire damage;
*You decide when you ready the weapon whether it activates in shortbow mode
or longsword mode. You can use a bonus action on your turn to switch between
modes. While not activated the weapon is just a handle.
*When you ready this weapon it emits bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim
light another 10 feet beyond that.

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