Machine Key Features: Function Form FIT
Machine Key Features: Function Form FIT
Tabbed and tapered Gib head De pending on the appl icatio n, Ke y Sharp, square co rners pro vide
ke ys secure pulle ys and gears ways are located at the end or the most surface co n tact wh il e
ti gh tly whil e allo win g for quick alon g the len gth o f the shaft radi used or chamfered corners
re mo val during disassembly are a l i t tle easier to i nstall and
location can impact ke y design fully seat in a ke y way
Top fitting gib head Parallel keys located in key Key ways located along Woodruff Keys are frequently
keys ease assembly ways at the end of a shaft the length of a shaft allow used with tapered shafts.
and disassembly. may protrude for full contact for full contact in assembly Although more difficult to
between key and shaft. with no way for the key to install, they can not fall out
work itself out. of an assembly.
Prices, materials, dimensions, tolerances, designs, and grades subject to change without notice. © 2016 G.L. Huyett
HUYETT.COM • 785-392-3017
Form B machine keys with both ends square More common in Europe than the U.S., Gib head keys are tapered machine keys
feature straight, 90º parallel sides and form A machine keys have rounded end that are hammered in place to secure
provide the most surface contact with both profiles so the key fully fills a milled key pulleys and gears tightly on the shaft.
the key seat and the hub of a sprocket, way. Some users suggest that the round The added feature of a head provides for
gear, pulley, or cog. design eases installation into the key way. easy removal.
Woodruff Hi-Pro
Woodruff keys are used to avoid milling a A variation of the woodruff key is the high-
key way near stress concentration prone profile or hi-pro key. These keys have “feet”
shaft shoulders at the end of a shaft. With a that prevent the key from rocking and limit Broad Selection
woodruff key, the key way does not extend movement in a rounded key way.
to the end of the shaft so a stronger design
is realized. Convenient, Easy
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The actual size of oversize The actual size of undersize
material will be at least material will be at least the
the specified size and may specified size and may be
be slightly larger than the slightly smaller than the
specified size within the specified size within the
acceptable tolerance range. acceptable tolerance range.
Prices, materials, dimensions, tolerances, designs, and grades subject to change without notice. © 2016 G.L. Huyett
BOX 232 • MINNEAPOLIS, KS • 67467
HUYETT.COM • 785 - 392 - 301 7 SALES@HUYETT.COM • FAX 785-392-2845
Form B
The profile of machine keys affect installation, bearing stresses, Because key ways are milled into the side of shafts using a
and wear. While parts with square ends are more difficult to rotating cutter, the entry and exit points of the cutter into the
install, round-end keys yield a greater coefficient of friction shaft form a radius or slot. Form A keys match the pattern of the
with the key way, which reduces bearing stresses. key way which eases installation.
Milled Along length of the shaft, but does not
extend to end of the shaft
HR B-80
Look like the runners of a sled with a round
taper on one end THA N HRB -80 ?
CO NTACT Sal es@ huy ett. com or
cal l 785- 392- 30 17
Prices, materials, dimensions, tolerances, designs, and grades subject to change without notice. © 2016 G.L. Huyett
HUYETT.COM • 785 - 392 - 301 7
Square key way with Radiused key way with Radiused key way with
square key stock square key stock radiused key stock
Ke y ways may have fille ted (rounded) corners to decrease stress concen tration
Over-radiused machine keys with “rolled” corners fit A tight, interference fit, is produced when the machine
looser in a key way and can lead to “rattling.” key is slightly larger than the key way it is installed in.
See page 8 for more details.
Shear Plane
Catastrophic Failure
Prices, materials, dimensions, tolerances, designs, and grades subject to change without notice. © 2016 G.L. Huyett
BOX 232 • MINNEAPOLIS, KS • 67467
HUYETT.COM • 785 - 392 - 301 7 SALES@HUYETT.COM • FAX 785-392-2845
Square and rectangle profiles are the most common forms for Gib head keys are designed for applications that require periodic
parallel keys. They are often referred to as straight keys. maintenance or removal during disassembly.
Parallel or straight keys are more common in the U.S. and cost Typically the height is less than width. Gib head keys fit in the key
less to produce than feathered keys. They are “side fitting” way with “top and side fitting” which bears load on all sides.
which means they fit edge to edge in the key way.
Tapers are expressed in terms of rise over
run. In
other words, the amount of taper is stated
linear units of measure. A 1/8" taper per
means that for every 12" in linear distance
the thickness of the part (rise) decreases by
Metric taper is 1:100.
Feathered keys are parallel keys with round ends. They are
more common in Europe. The round end design allows for the
key to fully seat in the key way.
Oversize or Undersize?
The actual size of oversize The actual size of undersize
material will be at least material will be at least the
the specified size and may specified size and may be in order to
be slightly larger than the slightly smaller than the remo ve a gib
specified size within the specified size within the head ke y wi th an
acceptable tolerance range. extractio n to ol, A
acceptable tolerance range.
gap must be left
be tween the head
and the assembly
Bo th the gib ke y
and the Hub ke y way
are tapered
Prices, materials, dimensions, tolerances, designs, and grades subject to change without notice. © 2016 G.L. Huyett
HUYETT.COM • 785 - 392 - 301 7
Woodruff keys, sometimes referred to as “half-moon” keys Hi-pro keys perform like woodruff keys, but have the added
because of their shape, are designed to install and pivot in the benefit of “feet” that aid in installation by eliminating the
key way and will not fall out once assembled. potential for the key to rock in the key way.
Allows for
strength Near the
end of the shaft
Woodruff keys were invented by W.N. Woodruff of
Also Available...
Connecticut in 1888. The main purpose of the woodruff
key is to avoid milling a key way near the stress
concentrated end of a shaft.
Proper Installation
Hex and round Machine ke ys
are available as a special o rder
Custom Configurations
Woodruff Ke ys
If the key is installed with the high side to the hub, the key
will catch causing improper installation and risk damage to
the assembly.
Hi-pro Ke ys
Hi-pro keys eliminate any play or
movement during installation. Don 't see what you 're
loo king for ?
Con tac t Sal es@ huy ett. com
or cal l 785- 392- 3017
Prices, materials, dimensions, tolerances, designs, and grades subject to change without notice. © 2016 G.L. Huyett
BOX 232 • MINNEAPOLIS, KS • 67467
HUYETT.COM • 785 - 392 - 301 7 SALES@HUYETT.COM • FAX 785-392-2845
Common Machine Keys; Sunk Feather Key; Pratt & Gib Head Key; Cotton
Names Keys; Key Stock Whitney Key Picker Key
Cold drawn steel; cut Cold drawn steel; cut Cold drawn steel; cut
to length; tumbled to to length; both ends to length; machined
remove burrs. radiused. tapered surface; tumble
Fabrication to deburr.
Square ends are more Radiused ends are more Used to progressively
common in U.S. common in Europe. install the key and take
up slack from one access
end. The head serves
Comments as a concussion point
for hammering without
damage to the shaft of
the key. Common taper
is 1/8" taper per foot.
Prices, materials, dimensions, tolerances, designs, and grades subject to change without notice. © 2016 G.L. Huyett
HUYETT.COM • 785 - 392 - 301 7
Prices, materials, dimensions, tolerances, designs, and grades subject to change without notice. © 2016 G.L. Huyett