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This report will define the concept of Just in Time, provide historical information on this
concept, outline the implementation process, and identify advantages and disadvantages
of using this system.
Just in time was developed by the Japanese in the nineteen seventies as a philosophy for
problem solving. One of the reasons the Japanese created the JIT system was related to
“the lack of space in their country” (Aghazadeh). Just in time has evolved from a
specific manufacturing and production method to a comprehensive management
philosophy. The first major corporation to adopt and implement a Just In Time system
was Toyota. At that time Toyota was under the control of Taiichi Ohno who has become
known as the father of JIT(Aghazadeh).


The popularity and benefits of using a JIT system significantly increased by the mid
1980’s and is still being introduced for the first time in companies today. Although JIT
was originally established as a method to be used by Japanese manufacturers, today
corporations around the world such as Ford, General Electric, Best Buy, Wal-Mart and
Toyota are realizing the benefits of this system. The JIT philosophy was built on the
belief that “waste can be eliminated by cutting unnecessary inventory and removing non-
value added activities in operations. A JIT system is the organization of resources,
information flows, and decision rules that enable an organization to realize the benefits of
a JIT philosophy” (Aghazadeh). In essence, operating under a true JIT system a means
that a corporation should have just the right amount of inventory or raw materials to
satisfy production and customer demands. Once the company has successful adopted and
implemented a JIT system their operations will become more efficient, cost effective and
customer responsive. The bottom line is once a JIT system is successfully implemented
the corporation will realize both time and monetary savings. JIT facilitates a more
effective and efficient use of funds. These savings are derived from a reduction in the
amount of capital tied up in raw materials, inventories, storage and carrying costs and
additional costs related to writing off obsolete goods.

Key Elements

There are three key elements essential to the successful implementation of a JIT
inventory system. These elements include people, plants and systems.
The people component relates to the need for all employees and suppliers to be fully
committed to JIT. In order for a JIT system to be implemented properly there must be
support for this system from all levels in the corporation. Acquiring the commitment of
all employees will minimize the chance of implementation problems and conflict with
management, and result in a smooth and timely transition to a JIT system.
In a factory, plant or any other production environment the structural layout plays an
important role in the efficiency of the corporation. The layout must be conducive to
employee and production flexibility. The production facility must also be able to react in
a timely manner and produce orders when received. In addition management must keep
accurate records of orders and inventory levels in an accessible database to ensure that
the appropriate quantity of goods is being produced and supply levels reflect the orders
on hand.
Another key component to maximizing production efficiency is regular maintenance and
inspections of machinery by employees. These inspections will assist in identifying
opportunities for improvement, calibration issues, and reasons for product defects. One
of the fundamentals elements of a successful JIT system is continuous improvement.
Once a factory or plant is built management and employees alike should continuously be
looking for incremental opportunities to improve production efficiency.
When we talk about systems in a JIT setting we are talking about “the technology and
process that links all levels of the production and corporate function” (Davis). There are
two major types of systems, material planning requirements and manufacturing planning
requirements. Material planning requirements involves the development of a production
plan and related schedules. The production plan is the management and planning of
resources. The outcome of a production plan is the master production schedule. This
schedule identifies which products to produce and when they will be produced.
By combining the efforts and efficiencies of these three key elements a corporation is
able to realize the primary goals of a JIT system. Theses goals include reducing
operating costs, achieved by minimizing inventory levels, and reducing lead times. By
successfully implementing stringent quality control procedures, corporations can improve
product quality as a result of reducing the number of defective goods. In turn, by
reducing the number of defective goods a company can minimize unnecessary waste and
the related costs associated with write-offs.


In order to successfully implement a JIT system the company must have the commitment
of all participants. Furthermore precise planning, constant monitoring and coordination
and cooperation from the various levels in supply chain channels are essential (Milligan).
It is important to recognize the significant role the transportation industry plays in
successfully implementing a JIT system. This would include cooperation from the
transportation companies selected. The various transportation sources include trucks, air
cargo and rail. Additionally a corporation must be capable of making quick and accurate
decisions with regard to ordering supplies and inventory.
Five Steps To JIT Implementation
The following five steps must be followed to successfully implement a JIT system

Step One: Awareness Revolution

This step includes redesigning old management techniques and implementing new
techniques and styles. Furthermore, management should review all new concepts with all
interacting employees to build confidence and a belief that the new method will work. It
is important that employees are fully engaged in the implementation process and assist in
identifying and correcting all noticeable mistakes immediately. Employees should also
be informed about new developments and changes within the system and an emphasis
should be made on continuous improvements. Continuous improvements can also be
defined as improvements with no limits.
Step Two: Concepts for Workplace Improvement
This step requires an evaluation and prioritization of corporate requirements and a
disregard for corporate needs that do not promote efficiency. Employees must maintain a
clean and orderly work environment by placing inventory or raw materials, supplies and
tools in a logical, orderly manner. For example, items that are used most frequently
should be located in a convenient location.
Employees can further ensure production efficiency by maintaining all equipment on an
ongoing basis. Additionally, rules and employee codes of conduct should be established,
practiced and monitored to ensure compliance. Employee compliance can be monitored
through one on one meeting, observation of employees while at work and check-listed

Step Three: Flow Manufacturing

Step three is the production of a single piece of product at a given time. This can be
achieved by hiring and training multi skilled workers. In addition the production
manager should follow a strict cycle time to ensure production deadlines are achieved.
Furthermore compact machinery should be used in the production facilities to ensure the
facilities space is being used most efficiently.
Step Four: Standard Operations
Step four of the implementation phase includes following efficiency rules to ensure that
quality products are produced as economically as possible. These efficiency rules may
suggest arranging people, products and machines in a way that maximizes production
efficiency. Furthermore operations charts, work sequence, and maintaining a standard
stock of high volume production components have been identified as tools and methods
that can be used to improve efficiency.

Step Five: Multiprocessor Handling

Step five suggests that one worker is responsible for several processes in a work cell.
This can be facilitated by hiring multi skilled workers. These employees should be
properly trained so that they are able to perform on several different machines and be
capable of handling various production processes.


Effective and successful implementation of JIT systems generated numerous benefits for
a company. These include the following:
Lower inventory levels, which reduces carrying costs and promotes the reduction of
unnecessary waste. This in turn contributes to a more efficient use of production and
storage space.
Maximizing employee contributions and the use of employee skills, competencies and
capabilities. This promotes improved product quality and on time production and delivery
of products.
Customer satisfaction scores increase dramatically under these conditions.

The improvements in efficiency reduce setup, ordering and production time and can
represent a significant competitive advantage. This competitive advantage allows a
company to compete more aggressively in terms of price, delivery and manufacturing


JIT programs are not always trouble free and, at times, can present a company with
serious problems and challenges. In fact, it has been reported that 47% of companies
using a JIT system are having efficiency problems (Milligan). These problems can have
a number of causes. For example, transportation delays can result in insufficient supplies
or inventory levels. When supplies do not arrive on time production can stop and
production lines can be forced to be shutdown. This can be a major problem representing
a significant financial loss and impacting the goodwill and reputation of the company.
Similarly, it can be difficult to find suppliers who will maintain inventory levels that will
satisfy company demands that can prolong the receipt of supplies. Previous inventory
methods allowed for additional stock to be maintained in the warehouse or stock room.
The old systems allowed for ordering errors to be corrected with stored inventory and last
minute orders to be filled from excess inventory. In a true JIT system this is no longer
the case.

Additional disadvantages associated with JIT include:

Significant initial conversion costs. These expenses are the result of money spent
redesigning work stations, assembly lines, and implementing new hardware and software
that facilitates inventory tracking and corporate communication necessary to maximize

Resistance from current employees. Implementing a new system means changing the
corporate culture. When employees become comfortable and set in their ways they are
more reluctant to change or adopt new methods. This resistance impedes and lengthens
the implementation timelines.

Taken together these issues can add substantially to the costs of implementing JIT.
Adequate planning and preparation is essential to anticipate and proactively deal with
these obstacles. Otherwise, a company’s ability to realize the potential benefits of JIT can
be delayed, resulting in internal conflict and dissatisfaction often erroneously targeted at
the JIT program.


Successful implementation of a JIT system requires encouragement, support and

commitment from all levels within an organization. The common objective should be the
development of a plant layout designed to maximize efficiency. Furthermore the work
place must be organized and free of clutter to ensure timely access to frequently used
items. In order for the facility to run smoothly it is essential that employees actively
maintain and inspect machinery. In addition employees should be able to multi task and
be actively involved in continuously identifying and implementing improvements to the
Communication at all levels in the supply chain and within all the related levels of the
organization is fundamental to the success of JIT. Similarly, good relationships must be
established and nurtured with suppliers. This can be achieved through regular face to
face meetings and supplier conferences.
Many companies have prospered by implementing a JIT system including Toyota, GE,
Wal Mart and Ford. In addition, hospitals, banks and other companies that manage
inventory have all realized the benefits of implementing a successful JIT system. For
example, by implementing JIT Ford reduced the manufacturing time of the Model T
automobile from 21 days in 1914 to only four days in 1921. By implementing a JIT
system companies can reduce waste, improve business efficiencies and product quality,
reduce carrying costs and enhance the sustainability of their corporation. In the end this
translates into increased profitability and enhanced levels of customer and employee

Works Cited

Just-in-time: The evolution of a philosophy

Vokurka, Robert J, Davis, Robert A. Production and Inventory Management
Journal Alexandria:Second Quarter 1996. Vol. 37, Iss. 2, p. 56 (4 pp.)

Toyota speeds delivery

Ann Saccomano. Traffic World Newark: Feb 1, 1999. Vol. 257, Iss. 5, p. 15-16 (2 pp.)

JIT: When ASAP isn't good enough

Tom Murphy. Ward's Auto World Detroit:May 1999. Vol. 35, Iss. 5, p. 67-73 (4 pp.)

JIT works, but still has bugs

Brian Milligan. Purchasing Boston:Dec 22, 2000. Vol. 129, Iss. 11, p. 23-34 (5 pp.)

Best Buy adjusts appliance strategy 'just in time'

Laura Heller. DSN Retailing Today New York:Apr 2, 2001. Vol. 40, Iss. 7,
p. 6 (1 pp.)

Economic strategies: Inventory management

Clyde E Witt. Material Handling Management Cleveland:May 2003. Vol. 58, Iss. 5,
p. 31-40

Does Manufacturing Need to Make JIT Delivery Work?

Seyed-Mahmoud Aghazadeh. Management Research News Patrington:2004. Vol. 27,
Iss. 1, p. 27-42 (16 pp.)

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