Espondilosis Cervical Degenerativa
Espondilosis Cervical Degenerativa
Espondilosis Cervical Degenerativa
Review Article
egenerative cervical spondylosis is a chronic, progressive de- From the Department of Neurosurgery,
terioration of osseocartilaginous components of the cervical spine that is Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Balti-
more. Address reprint requests to Dr.
most often related to aging. Radiographic evidence of degeneration of the Theodore at Johns Hopkins Hospital,
cervical spine occurs in virtually all persons as they age; however, not all persons 600 N. Wolfe St., Meyer 7-113, Baltimore,
have the typical symptoms of neck pain or neurologic deficits that correspond to MD 21287, or at
the mechanical compression of neural elements. Symptomatic cervical spondylosis N Engl J Med 2020;383:159-68.
is initially managed with nonsurgical treatment options, which usually result in DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra2003558
Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society.
abatement of symptoms. Surgical intervention may be indicated if there is clini-
cally significant neurologic dysfunction or progressive instability or deformity of
the cervical spine. No currently approved therapy addresses the cause of degen-
erative cervical spondylosis or reverses the deterioration. In select patients, surgi-
cal intervention can lead to favorable outcomes.
Table 1. Worrisome Signs and Symptoms in the Evaluation of Patients with Degenerative Cervical Spondylosis.*
facet joint, is recognized by some clinicians as a or upper back to the proximal arm, is the most
subcategory of degenerative cervical spondylosis common symptom of cervical degenerative ra-
that calls for distinct treatment.29,30 diculopathy.9 Radicular neck pain may also be
accompanied by painful neck spasms. Patients
with cervical degenerative radiculopathy may
Cl inic a l Pr e sen tat ion a nd
Di agnosis have paresthesia, numbness, or weakness that
often — but not always — corresponds to der-
Patients with degenerative cervical spondylosis matomal distributions of the affected cervical
may present with mechanical neck pain, radicu- nerve root.31 Diminished deep-tendon reflexes,
lopathy, myelopathy, or a combination of these such as those of the biceps (C6 nerve root) or
symptoms. Mechanical neck pain may be iso- triceps (C7 nerve root), are corroborative of
lated to the neck or may radiate broadly, such nerve-root compression.
as to the shoulders, head, chest, and back. The Provocative tests used to aid in the diagnosis
source of the pain is often difficult for patients of cervical degenerative radiculopathy include
to pinpoint. This complicates management, the Spurling test, the shoulder-abduction test,
since the pain could stem from the degenerated and the cervical-traction test.33,34 In the typical
intervertebral disk (pure diskogenic pain), the application of the Spurling test, the patient’s
degenerated facet joints, or the muscular and neck is turned to the side of the radicular pain
ligamentous structures. The pain is often wors- and is then slightly extended. Downward pres-
ened by neck motion and relieved by rest and sure is applied to the top of the patient’s head,
immobilization. However, neck pain is relatively which narrows the neural foramina on the af-
common in the general population, affecting an fected side. If the pain is elicited or worsened, it
estimated 15% of people at any time, and is not can be attributed to radiculopathy. The test may
specific to degenerative cervical spondylosis.3 A be repeated by turning the patient’s head to the
patient presenting with neck pain may be asked side opposite the pain; if the pain is worsened by
about red-flag signs and symptoms, such as a this maneuver, a musculoskeletal cause is sug-
history of cancer, gait instability or sensory loss gested. The shoulder-abduction test is another
associated with myelopathy, and fever with noc- useful diagnostic tool. This test is performed by
turnal pain suggestive of spinal abscess — all of placing the palm or forearm of the affected arm
which require rapid evaluation (Table 1). on top of the patient’s head. If the radicular pain
Cervical radiculopathy from spondylosis is is relieved, radiculopathy is the likely source of
caused by mechanical compression and inflam- the pain. Manual cervical traction may be used
mation of a cervical nerve root, most commonly as a test to expand the neural foramina; if ra-
C6 or C7.31,32 The compression may be acute (e.g., dicular pain is relieved in this way, then radicu-
caused by an abruptly herniated disk) or chronic lopathy is suggested.
(e.g., the result of hypertrophied facet joints). Cervical degenerative myelopathy is the least
Pain arising from the compressed and inflamed common but most worrisome presentation of
nerve root, mainly radiating from the shoulder degenerative cervical spondylosis. It is caused by
mechanical compression and is associated with that virtually all patients older than 50 years of
inflammation and edema of the spinal cord; age have cervical degenerative changes on one or
inflammation and edema lead to slow, progres- more forms of imaging, and many findings are
sive deterioration of neurologic function as a not specific. For these reasons, diagnostic imag-
result of narrowing of the spinal canal and com- ing is often not recommended for patients who
pression of the long tracts and local segmental initially present with nontraumatic neck pain
elements of the spinal cord.35 Both static (at rest) without neurologic symptoms or signs or red
and dynamic (repetitive motion) compressive fac- flags.
tors contribute to deterioration.36,37 For example, For patients with persistent neck, shoulder, or
an already compressed spinal cord may sustain arm pain and suspected radiculopathy, an initial
further compression on neck flexion, which in- radiographic evaluation may be performed, with
creases tension on the spinal cord because of its the use of anteroposterior, lateral, and oblique
relatively fixed longitudinal position, maintained radiographs, which are relatively inexpensive
by the dentate ligaments and cervical nerve and provide information pertaining to degenera-
roots. Patients with myelopathy may present tive changes and alignment.40 Lateral flexion or
with a variety of subtle neurologic findings, extension views may also be obtained during the
which they may attribute to natural loss of func- initial evaluation and may disclose cervical in-
tion with age. These include loss of manual stability, limited range of motion, and fused
dexterity; gait and balance disturbances, espe- cervical spine segments.41 For patients with pro-
cially in the absence of visual cues (Romberg’s gressive neurologic impairments or any feature
sign); sensory loss in the hands or feet; arm or that suggests myelopathy, cervical spine MRI
hand weakness; and defecatory or urinary fre- without the administration of contrast material
quency, urgency, or hesitancy. There may be up- is the preferred imaging technique, since it pro-
per-motor-neuron signs, including clonus, hyper- vides information about osseous, soft-tissue,
reflexia, Hoffmann’s sign, and Babinski’s sign.38 and spinal cord structures (Fig. 1).42 The pres-
Patients with symptoms of myelopathy almost ence of an abnormal signal within the cervical
always have associated neck pain and stiffness cord or adjacent to the level of compression by
and may have pain in the arms or shoulders. spondylosis is considered a serious finding,
Radicular features, mentioned above, are also which may signify a less satisfactory outcome
common in the context of cervical degenerative with surgical decompression than would other-
myelopathy. Some persons have Lhermitte’s sign wise be expected. On the other hand, in some
(electrical sensations radiating down the spine cases the spinal cord seems able to withstand a
or across the shoulders) on neck flexion, and substantial degree of deformation, with few re-
other signs and symptoms that are occasionally sulting symptoms, if the deformation develops
attributable to cervical myelopathy but have slowly. The decision to surgically decompress
many alternative causes.38 the spinal canal in cases of cervical spondylosis
Table 2 outlines the differential diagnosis for incorporates, but does not entirely depend on,
the main presentations of cervical spondylosis, such factors as the degree of disability (e.g.,
with or without myelopathy.3,31,39 In evaluating impairment of activities of daily living) and the
patients with neck pain, it is useful to recognize rapidity of symptom progression. If MRI is con-
Figure 1. MRI Scans of the Cervical Spine in a Patient with Cervical Spondylosis.
A 75-year-old man presented with a 2-year history of progressive upper-extremity paresthesias and radicular pain.
He reported having dropped items recently from both hands and noted dexterity and balance deficits but no bowel
or bladder incontinence. A sagittal T2-weighted MRI scan shows stenosis of the central spinal canal at C4–C7, with
an osteophyte, deformation of the cord, disk material, and spondylolisthesis at C5–C6 (Panel A, arrow). An axial T2-
weighted image shows severe foraminal stenosis (Panel B, arrow) and severe encroachment on the spinal canal by
osteophyte, ligamentous, and facet hypertrophy.
traindicated or unavailable, a computed tomo- the absence of signs of nerve-root or spinal cord
graphic (CT) study or CT myelography of the compression. The care of patients with chronic,
cervical spine (Fig. 2) is an alternative imaging degenerative neck pain can be challenging and
approach.43,44 Electrodiagnostic testing may be frustrating for both patient and health care pro-
helpful in evaluating cervical radiculopathy by vider, especially given the difficulty in identify-
showing denervation in muscles specifically refer- ing the cause. Many patients benefit from a re-
able to a single cervical nerve root.45,46 Guide- ferral to a specialist in chronic pain management,
lines for the use of injections and other ap- and many have improvement when coexisting
proaches, including advanced imaging studies psychiatric disorders, including anxiety and de-
such as single-photon emission CT to identify pression, are treated.52-54 In general, surgical
“pain generators,” are ill defined and lack evi- outcomes for patients with chronic neck pain
dence-based support.3,47,48 are limited, especially when the source of the
pain cannot be identified.
Most patients with degenerative cervical ra-
T r e atmen t A pproache s
a nd Ou t c ome s diculopathy have reduced pain and improved
neurologic function with nonsurgical care, in-
Various treatment algorithms have been created cluding oral analgesics, epidural glucocorticoid
for managing degenerative cervical spondylosis injections, physical therapy, cervical traction or
and mechanical neck pain, radiculopathy, or brief immobilization in a cervical orthosis, and
myelopathy.31,49-51 The management of degenera- other options, such as massage.9,31,55 Few high-
tive neck pain in patients who have no neuro- quality studies have evaluated these conservative
logic deficit is typically a “tincture of time,” therapies to provide a recommendation, and the
along with analgesics and other conservative various approaches may offer similar rates of
options, including physical therapy.3 Some pa- symptomatic improvement.
tients have worsening or chronic pain, even in The severity and rate of progression of neuro-
logic deficits are the main aspects of the evalu- Figure 3 (facing page). Cervical Spine Decompression
ation of patients with degenerative cervical ra- and Fusion.
diculopathy, since clinically significant motor Anterior cervical diskectomies at C3–C4 and C4–C5,
weakness or worsening neurologic symptoms with the placement of bone-graft spacers where disks
usually indicate the need for surgical evaluation. were removed and stabilizing screw–plate instrumen-
The timing for surgical evaluation is not clear, tation, are shown schematically in Panel A and in a lat-
eral radiograph in Panel C. Posterior laminectomies
although advancing nerve-root compression in and lateral mass screw–rod instrumentation and fu-
association with weakness, atrophy, or sensory sion at C3–C6 are shown schematically in Panel B and
loss, in addition to deteriorating neurologic sta- in an anteroposterior radiograph in Panel D.
tus at any time, generally prompts referral to a
spine surgeon. In patients with identifiable
causes of nerve-root compression — for exam- In view of the progressive natural history of
ple, a herniated disk — surgical outcomes are nerve-root or spinal cord compression or pain in
often good.56 most patients, surgical treatment for degenera-
Patients with degenerative cervical myelopa- tive cervical myelopathy can be a good op-
thy are also typically referred to a spine surgeon. tion.35,36 For patients with moderate-to-severe
C4 C4 Bone
Bone spacer
Metal rod
C5 and screws
Metal plate C7
and screws
neurologic deficits, consensus statements have hypertrophy. Why only some patients have symp-
suggested that nonsurgical management, as toms after these changes occur is unclear. Cer-
compared with surgery, leads to inferior clinical tain anatomical configurations, such as a con-
outcomes. However, data from well-performed genitally narrow spinal canal, short pedicles,
randomized trials, such as those that have been and small neural foramina, are almost certainly
conducted for lumbar spine disease, are lacking, contributors to the development of symptoms
and so this suggestion is driven largely by clini- for a given degree of spondylosis. Staying physi-
cal experience.57 cally active, maintaining good posture, and pre-
Surgical approaches to the treatment of de- venting neck injuries may all help prevent symp-
generative cervical radiculopathy, myelopathy, or tomatic degenerative cervical spondylosis. In
both include anterior, posterior, and anteropos- addition, smoking and obesity have been found
terior techniques (Fig. 3).58-60 Each technique has to be associated with spondylosis; therefore,
its proponents and inherent drawbacks, related managing these risk factors may offer benefits.62
mainly to the adequacy of decompression of the
spinal cord and nerve roots, maintenance of C onclusions a nd
stability of the spinal column, duration of the R ec om mendat ions
procedure and blood loss, and time required to
recover from surgery and be discharged from Degenerative cervical spondylosis is caused by
the hospital. In some instances, the surgeon’s arthritic changes in the osseocartilaginous com-
facility and experience with a certain procedure ponents of the cervical spine, which may com-
are considerations in choosing the approach. press spinal nerve roots, the spinal cord, or both,
The goals of surgery are to decompress the nerve causing neck pain, radiculopathy, or myelopathy.
roots or spinal cord and stabilize the spine, Treatment is generally nonsurgical, especially
while attempting to restore or maintain rela- for pain and mild radiculopathy, which are typi-
tively normal spinal alignment. Outcomes de- cally self-limiting. However, surgery is generally
pend on the severity and duration of the neuro- indicated to treat myelopathy and may be indicated
logic deficit at the time of surgery. Advanced for persistent and severe nerve-root compression.
age, smoking, and coexisting conditions such as
obesity and diabetes mellitus have been shown Dr. Theodore reports receiving royalties and consulting fees
from Globus Medical and royalties from Depuy Synthes; and
to negatively affect outcomes.61 holding patent US20130345718A10 on a surgical robot platform,
licensed to Globus Medical, for which royalties are received, and
holding patent US 2019/0090907 A1 on a revision connector for
Pr e v en t ion spinal constructs, licensed to Depuy Synthes, for which royalties
are received. No other potential conflict of interest relevant to
In general, virtually all people have some degree this article was reported.
of cervical degeneration with age, including in- Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
full text of this article at
tervertebral disk desiccation, neural foraminal I thank Dr. Ethan Cottrill for assistance with the literature
narrowing, osteophyte formation, and facet joint review and preparation of an earlier version of the manuscript.
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