Infosys Latest Placement Paper Pattern On 4th Feb 2010 - Hyderabad

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Infosys Latest Placement Paper Pattern on 4th Feb 2010 | Hyderabad

1). Written test
2). HR round only
Hi, Friends, There was no any Technical Round. So no need to
preparation for it.. Just focus for HR Round.
NO TECHNICAL ROUND? Because; They will train u for 6-8months when
u get to join in their company. Infosys don’t bother about your
Technical skills.
Eligibility: 68%(strict) [no 67.99% also] with 0 active backlogs.
consistent 60% 10th,inter marks.
At first ,at about 9:30am we had a Presentation Seminar on the Vision,
Goals, Achievements of Infosys which was given by a HR from Infosys.
Try to be attentive guys and Note Down Interesting Points in this
seminar because it will help u at the end of the day in the Interview
This went about for 45 mins and soon they gave application forms and
question papers to all the students. First they will give you Aptitude
(Logical Reasoning) paper. you will have like 2 mins to go through. This
is very important as soon as u get the paper. Just try to review the
questions at a glance in those 2 mins. Quickly..
This is the time where u will get to know about questions pattern,
order.. You need to identify the easy ones and hard ones…Don’t worry I
will tell u which ones are easy and hard.
So the Aptitude Paper Will Have: 30 Questions to be solved in 40 mins.
The following are the list of questions:
1-5) A para is given and five questions are asked on it.. Its related to
4guys where money is distributed equally between A, B and C, D and
some conditions bla bla.. and the questions are like..
- Who has highest money and least? 
- How much does B have ..
- how much does C has?
These are not time taking questions.. these ques are of normal level
6-10) Figure Continuation / Sequence. They will give u a set of 4 figures
and followed by 5 options where in you have to select next sequence of
figure from the five options.
This is also easy if u have practiced it before.. Guys practice these
questions from R.S. Agarwal Nonverbal and u will become familiar with
these kind of questions if u do so.
11-15) Data Sufficiency Questions: …Guys here it will test
your Quantitative Aptitude.
1 Question based on Ages,
1 Ques based on numbers,
1 Ques based on Compound Interest,
1 Ques based on Selling Price, Profit Concept,
1 Ques from Ratios..
Practice RS Agarwal Cerbal Book for Data Sufficiency.
16-20) Data Interpretation Questions: A graph is given and 5 ques were
asked on it. This takes some time to calculate. So solve this section at
the last, But if you find it as easy then you can solve in the middle itself.
21-25) A Puzzle para is given, very time taking, complex Ques and 5
question asked on it. Go thru all simple and complex Puzzle questions
from RS Agarwal Verbal. Puzzle Test section in it. 6 Kinds of Puzzles,
Will be there practice it Guys!
26-30) Data Syllogism Questions: All cats are dogs. Some cats are dogs
etc. Practice only TIME Material (there is a trick to solve this kind of
ques very simple method, follow it). All these questions came from
Time Material only, Don't follow RS Agarwal Techniques given for Data
Syllogism. It is time taking. And it ruined me…this is most easy
questions and you should solve this first.
Then immediately English Question Paper. (40 Questions in 30 mins)
1-10) Two RC paras with five questions each ..Timetaking.. Do this at
the last. Follow tips from Barrons GRE. Very useful..
11-20) Sentence correction. Very easy if u have basic grammar skills its
21-30) Sentence completion with Meaningful, Appropiate, Suitable.
Practical solutions to be chosen from the 4 options..this is some what
easy but a man with good English vocabulary and grammar skills can do
this easily.
31-40) Theme Detection: 10 paras.each followed by a question
regarding the theme of that para. You have to select from the 4 options
given. For English. I didn't prepare from any book. As I had a good
knowledge of basic grammar, A decent vocabulary so I was able to do
30 Questions in 25 mins easily and last 5 mins I did 1 RC para.
Beware! Time management is very crucial for infosys test, And very
much needed in Aptitude Paper. So practice ques, learn tricks to solve
them easily.I didn't do well in my Aptitude Paper. I struggled with the
first five ques itself…10 mins, Went by, there itself. And then I did figure
sequence. I cleared easily solve 4 ques outta 5. One question I cld nt
answer…i guessed it..
Then I solved Sufficiency Ques. with some logical sense. I don't know
whether I got them right or not. Then I went to Puzzle test questions
(21-25ques) that para was very long for me. But since I practiced well
from Agarwal's Books. I was confident that I can do that, But it was a
long para with so many relationships (a bit difficult Ques., But I din
know that it was a hard one). And I cldnt solve ..
I wasted 20 mins here I think ..I cld solve only 3 outta 5. and 2 I guessed
Then i went to data Syllogism. I learnt from RS Agarwal, But it proved
me too costly. It took 3 mins for each ques., And I had no time. At
all..Everything went wrong for me. And I really panicked ..and I cldnt
even gaze at DI questions. I guessed all those DI questions…I messed up
my whole paper was a very bad day for me.
So guys my advice is first do Data Syllogism questions (practice only
from TIME material. Be thorough with the questions in that material),
Then go for figure sequence ques., Then depending upon the
complexity of questions follow up. For English it was very easy for me
but for those who are poor in their English skills, You need to work
hard guys..!
After 2hours,they announced the list of all short listed candidates for
interview round process. About 35students got short listed to go to the
next round. And my name was not there in the list. I was hoping for
some miracle to happen and I also had little hope becoz I did well in my
English paper. But god showed no mercy on me. God proved that
Talent wins. But not all guys were talented.
They did team work in the test (copying). So I wld also say that god
showed mercy on few. but not on me. I was Disappointed, Disgusted,
Frustrated. It was my dream to work for infy. It was a black day in my
life. I  prepared well for the test. Following all the success stories I
carried my preparation well, But I cldnt manage the time smartly. I was
slow while doing the problems. So Guys Practice Hard and Don't Take
The Test Easily!
We were not revealed about our marks..nor about the cut-offs(as they
say)..they only announced the list of Short listed names. But I will tell u
what I have learnt from my Friends experiences and also taking account
of my knowledge for the Interview.
First be thoroughly Prepared With Your Resume. Each and every word,
line etc. Try to keep your resume simple and concise. Don't give a
harsh look or bad font or large font or Colors, Designs to ur Resume.
Keep it Simple. THAT'S IT!
Questions They Have Asked: HR
 1) Tell me Abut Yourself?
 2) Tell me Abut your Project? Prepare well Abut yout project and
paper seminars if u have mentioned. They don’t go much deep into
your project but they only see your presentation skills there.
 Tell Abut your project in a simple manner. Without going too
much into the technical details. Present yourself well here…Be
prepared for this question
 3) Your hobbies and activities.
 4) Strengths and Weaknesses
 5) Your leadership skills with Example, Team  Player, Leader skills
with Example, organization skills with example, They will ask.
All the Best…………. :)

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