Gadd - The Harran Inscriptions of Nabonidus PDF
Gadd - The Harran Inscriptions of Nabonidus PDF
Gadd - The Harran Inscriptions of Nabonidus PDF
Author(s): C. J. Gadd
Source: Anatolian Studies, Vol. 8 (1958), pp. 35-92
Published by: British Institute at Ankara
Stable URL:
Accessed: 13-05-2019 23:23 UTC
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Discovery and Present Location
THE THREE STELAE bearing the inscriptions here published were
by Dr. D. S. Rice at Harran in August-September 1956, w
engaged in examining the architecture of the ruined Gre
that place. A preliminary account of his work, which is s
convey the essential information about the positions and arra
these stones in the paving or steps of the Mosque, has been g
discoverer in the Illustrated London News of 21st September, 1957
All readers of this must admire the acumen which enabled Dr. Rice to
" turn but a stone ", where so many " estranged faces " had missed its
promise. The original monuments are stated to be kept for the present
at a school-house in Urfa until arrangements have been made for their
permanent conservation.
1 One such is already extant in the long-known fragment of a stele in the British
Museum, no. 90o837: see L. W. King, Babylonian Boundary Stones, etc., P1. XCIII f.,
pp. 128 f. (reproduced here, Plate III(a)), and for later references R. Borger, Die Inschriften
Asarhaddons (AfO., Beiheft 9), p. I2I. Owing to absence of all direct information of
provenance for this important object, which will several times be mentioned in the
succeeding pages, I do not venture to give it the designation Nabon. H 3, although its
inscription was clearly different from the two here in question, and its origin from
Harran must be considered probable. It had already been acutely assigned to Nabonidus
by Professor B. Landsberger, in his study to be named immediately.
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1 This article, when quoted in the following pages, will sometimes be indicated simply
by the letter L, with page or plate numbers.
2 In a work of the Muslim author called Ibn al-Kalbi, Kitdb al-Asndm (which I was
recommended to consult by Professor R. B. Serjeant), occurs the following very pertinent
account (tr. Nabih Amin Faris, The Book of Idols, Princeton Oriental Series, vol. 14,
pp. 29 ff.) : " Among these idols too was dhu-al-Khalasah. It was a carved piece of
white quartz with something in the form of a crown upon its head. It stood in Tabfilah,
between Mecca and San'S, at a distance of seven nights' journey from Mecca." After
a slight anecdote about its disappointing performance as an oracle, and some verses, the
author relates that the Prophet sent Jarir to destroy this false god. By dint of a bloody
combat with its guardians "' he demolished the building which stood over dhu-al-
Khalasah and set it on fire ". The account continues with these words: " at the
present time dhu-al-Khalasah constitutes the threshold of the gate of the mo
Tablahl ". One wonders whether he is still there, hiding his face in some negl
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the massive tenon which doubtless existed for fixing the stele into i
pedestal (as it is preserved in H 2, A). Although the back was the s
which was turned upwards and walked over when used for access to t
Mosque, there is no reason to think it was once inscribed, for the te
however unclear at this point owing to damage, evidently ends on th
edge of the stone, and has, indeed, been begun very high up on the t
curve so as to ensure room to finish it. This suggests that, in its origi
position, the monument was not free-standing but reared against a wa
and the same is true of the others which are studied here.
At the top nearly all of the original curved arch has been lost, but
the sculpture which occupied the tympanum still remains in its lowest
margin. It was a bas-relief a fond dvid6; the depth of sinking appears to
be slight. The object at the left, approached by the other figures, is much
disfigured ; it appears as a low base,' upon which stood either an upper
pedestal of columnar function (supporting a divine emblem ?) or a human
form, doubtless a god, facing the other figures and possibly holding a staff
upright against his body, for its lower end can doubtfully be discerned.
To the right of this subject appear the lower extremities and feet of four
persons who face and approach in procession the subject aforesaid ; they
are evidently worshippers, the ensemble and grouping of this kind being
very familiar.2 The last two, on the right, are smaller, plain, figures,
showing nothing but their " cylindrical " dress 3 and their feet, the right
in advance of the left. Whatever may have been their gesture, they seem
clearly attendants-priests or servants-one, presumably, for each of the
leading figures.4 These two, in their turn, have almost a total resemblance
with each other, but the leader looks, in the photograph at least, somewhat
larger (that is, wider) than the second. Both of these, besides the
" cylindrical " dress and the similarly-posed feet, carry before them
curiously-adorned staves which either rest upon the ground or are held
just above the feet. The peculiarity of these staves is that they are ringed,
as it seems, at regular intervals by convex bands, perhaps of metal. Since
these appear more clearly in the better-preserved H 2, A and B (as well
1 It is very hazardous to make any suggestion about the form of this base, but close
scrutiny of the photograph (which may be very deceptive) seems to reveal one end of
a boat, with upturned in-raking contour, such as are often depicted in art as well as
found in ancient models, and such as are used in the marsh-country of Southern Iraq
to this day; their likeness to the boat-shaped crescent moon, in its passage over the
waters, led early to similes in the literature. Most like the outline which can (possibly)
be discerned in this relief is the boat sculptured on a fragment of a boundary-stone from
Susa, see G. Contenau, Manuel d'Archologie Orientale, II, pp. 768, 90o4 f., fig. 624 ; also
E. Dhorme, Les Religions de Babylonie et d'Assyrie, p. 85 ; K. Tallqvist, Akkadische Gotterepi-
theta, p. 445. On the top of the staff borne by the figure of B.M. 90837 is a crescent
upon an unclear base.
2 See some recent observations by R. D. Barnett, Catalogue of the Nimrud Ivories in
the British Museum, p. 78.
3 In the first figure this can be seen to have the curved rising edge of the outside
fold richly embroidered and fringed, as in the better-preserved examples on H 2, A and B,
and many similar figures.
4 It is not impossible that this arrangement in line really depicts two pairs (a) King
and Mother, and (b) their respective attendants, each side by side.
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stone tenon occupies about the same width (about 31 cm.) as the m
column of the inscription with the margins at either side of it.
Within the semicircle of the tympanum are found sculptured i
relief the subjects shown in Plate II. The figure of the King, facin
holds in his left hand a long staff upright and raises his right in ador
of three divine emblems floating freely in space side by side just
the level of his face. The King's face has been deliberately hamm
destroyers, but this appears to be the only inflicted damage to th
Identical with this group in everything but details of preservation
which appears on H 2, B, and a third example, unmistakably simi
the relief upon the fragment B.M. 90837 already mentioned, altho
this are various differences-the figure faces right and the middle
is not the same.
In all of these scenes are found certain features which distinguish
them from many other such representations of royal worship ;
these differences lie in (I) the headdress, (2) the staff and (3) the
(i) The headgear in form of a military helmet is peculiar to the
ceremonial dress of the later Babylonian kings. It is in shape much like
the Assyrian helmet worn by both cavalry and infantry from the 9th
century onwards, sometimes with crests added, but such helmets are never
worn by the Assyrian king, who appears always 1 in his peculiar " fez "
surmounted by a blunt upright appendix. On the other hand, several of
the later kings of Babylon wear " mitres " of the pointed form.2 Two
features are worthy of note-they seem to culminate in a veritable spike,
and they have attached at the back a long tail or riband. This is much
more familiar, being worn both by Babylonian and Assyrian kings, and
has its descendents in the ribboned wreaths of emperors and elsewhere in
Hellenistic 3 and Sasanian 4 art, and is employed up to the present day
in ecclesiastical,5 honorary and funerary symbolism. In carefully-executed
sculptures of Assyrian kings these ribands can be seen as the hanging ends
of a headband, rising at the front, which encircles the " fez " and is tied
at the back-this was doubtless the article of dress called parsigu.6 As
worn by Babylonian kings, this ornament looks to be no more than a
1 This characteristic article of dress is alone retained by the curious bronze figure of
an Assyrian king in penance published in the British Museum Quarterly, XIX (0954),
pl. xviii, p. 51. A possible explanation of its conical upright may be furnished by the
headdress called khlaw, worn by the better sort of the population in Southern Kurdistan,
and recently described as " not the ordinary skull-cap, but a rather stiff cone made of
green, purple, or orange velvet " (C. J. Edmonds, Kurds, Turks, and Arabs (1957), p. 90
and Plate I (a)). Around this other wrappings are worn, and at least one such detachable
piece can be observed (see below) in the Assyrian " crown ".
2 See the description by B. Meissner in OLZ. 21 (1918), IIq f., of the figure on
B.M. 90837, to which many comparisons are adduced.
3 H. Seyrig and J. Starcky in Syria, XXVI, p. 232.
4 R. Ghirshman in Artibus Asiae, XVI, p. 58.
6 A. Parrot in Syria, XXXIII, p. 148.
6 W. F. Leemans, Ishtar of Lagaba and her Dress, pp. 12 ff.
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(a) Sculptured stele of uncertain origin. British Museum, 90o837.
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1 A. Parrot and J. Nougayrol, Syria, XXXIII, pp. 148, 159. On the Louvre
of Esarhaddon and Naqi'a this has a peculiar character in that the figures are ap
these closely to their noses ; for a possible parallel Dr. H. W. F. Saggs has poin
to me the unexplained allusion in Ezekiel VIII, 17 (the house of Judah commit ab
tions), " and, lo, they put the branch to their nose."
2 Possibly the atalu, " eclipsed moon " of the Verse Account, I, 25.
3 E. D. Van Buren, Symbols of the Gods, pp. 94 ff.; A. Roes in JEOL.
Introd. xvii ff., and A. H. Gardiner in JEA. 30, pp. 46 ff.
4 CIS. Pars II, tome I, tabl. IX, pp. io8- 115. A new photograph of the
figure sent to me by the courtesy of Monsieur A. Parrot, is given here on Pl. III(b).
5 marru, but this is now thought to describe a triangular-shaped spade-m
references, see last G. R. Driver and J. C. Miles, The Babylonian Laws, II, p. 172
Verse Account, col. V, 21, is related an argument of Nabonidus concerning this
in a sense which his enemies denounced as blasphemous.
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1 It is much to be desired that the reading here presented may now be carefully
collated with these by a scholar fortunate enough to have access.
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Col. L.
I. a-na-ku (SAL. d.)adda-GU-up-pi-'i AMA
2. (m.d.)na-bi-um-na-'a-id sdr TIN. TIR.IKI
3. pa-li-ih-tu (d.)XXX (d.)nin-gal (d.)nusku
4. U (d.)sa-ddr-nun-na ilani(MES)-id
5. ad ul-tu mi-is-hi-ru-ti-ia da-te-'e-u
6. ilu-u-ut-su-un &d ina MU XVI(KAM) (d.)PA-A-JES
7. -ar TIN. TIR.KI (d.)XXX sar ilani(ME?) it-ti ali-vu
8. u biti-4i iz-nu-i i-lu-t fd-ma-mis alu i,
9. nisd(ME?) id ina lib-bi-~i il-li-ku(?) kar(?)-mu-ti
I o. ina lib-bi isd a-ra-a-td (d.)XXX (d.)nin-gal (d.)nusku
II . u (d.)sa-ddr-nun-na di-te-'e-u pal-ha-ku ilu-ut-su-un
I 2. Id (d.)XXX sar ili TUG.SIG-4i as-bat-ma mu-si u ur-ra
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Col. L.
i. I (am) the lady Adda-guppi', mother
2. of Nabium-na'id, king of Babylon,
3. votaress of the gods Sin, Nin-gal, Nusku,
4. and Sadarnunna, my deities;
5. who, from my childhood, have sought after
6. their godheads. Whereas in the i6th year of Nabopolassar,
7. king of Babylon, Sin, king of the gods, with his city
8. and his temple was angry and went up to heaven-the city and
9. the people that (were) in it went to ruin.
10. (Now) forasmuch as the shrines of Sin, Nin-gal, Nusku,
I i. and Sadarnunna I sought after and was worshipper of their godhead,
12. (and) that I laid hold on the hem of the robe of Sin, king of the gods,
night and daytime
13. I had ever in mind his great godhead--daily, without ceasing,
14. of Sin, Sama', Ibtar, and Adda, so long as I am alive,
15. I (am) their votaress (both) in heaven and earth. My blessings,
16. the goodly things which they gave me, I (too) by day, night, month,
and year, gave (back) to them.
17. I laid hold on the hem of the robe of Sin, king of the gods, night and
18. my two eyes were with him, in prayer and humility of face
19. was I bowed before them (and) thus (I prayed), " May thy return
20. to thy city be (vouchsafed) to me, that the people, the black-headed,
2 I. may worship thy great godhead." For calming
22. the heart of my god and my goddess, a dress of fine wool, jewels,
23. silver, gold, a new shift, perfumes, sweet oil,
24. I applied not to my body, (but in) a torn shift
25. I went clothed, my goings-out were noiseless, I proclaimed
26. their praises : the glory of my city and of my goddess
27. was (ever) set in my heart, I kept watch upon them,
28. anything good of mine I did not omit, but carried it (ever) before them.
29. From the 20th year of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, that I was born (in)
30. until the 42nd year of Asurbanipal, the 3rd year of Asur-etillu-ili,
31. his son, the 21st year of Nabopolassar, the 43rd year of Nebuchadrezzar,
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Col. II.
I. at-ta a-na larru-t-ti tam-bi-Iu-ma taz-ku-ru zi-kir-&I
2. ina qi-bit ilu-u'-ti-ka rabiti(ti) ilani(ME?) rabuti(ME?)
3. i-da-a-dd lil-li-ku li-lam-qi-tud ga-ri-id
4. e tam-s ei'-/d-hdl it s'uk-lu-lu-td ufii(?) -i Jul-lim
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Col. II.
i. thou hast called him to the kingship, thou hast pronounced his name,
2. at the command of thy great godhead may the great gods
3. go at his two sides, may they make his enemies to fall,
4. forget not, (but) make good E-hul-hul and the finishing of its founda-
tion(?) ".
5. When in my dream, his two hands had been laid on, Sin, king of the gods,
6, 7. spoke to me thus, " With thee I will put into the hands of Nabu-
na'id, thy son, the return of the gods and the habitation of
8. He shall build E-bul-hul, shall perfect its structure, (and) Harran
9. more than (it was) before he shall perfect and restore it to its place.
i o. The hand of Sin, Nin-gal, Nusku, and Sadarnunna
i i. he shall clasp and cause them to enter E-hul-bul ". The word of Sin,
12. king of the gods, which he spoke to me I honoured, and I myself saw
(it fulfilled) ;
13. Nabu-na'id, (my) only son, offspring of my womb, the rites
14. forgotten of Sin, Nin-gal, Nusku, and
I5. Sadarnunna he perfected, E-hul-hul
I6. anew he built and perfected its structure, Harran more
17. than before he perfected and restored it to its place ; the hand
I8. of Sin, Nin-gal, Nusku, and Sadarnunna from
19. uanna his royal city he clasped, and in the midst of Harran
20. in E-hul-hul the abode of their hearts' ease with gladness
21. and rejoicing he let them dwell. What from former times Sin, king of
the gods,
22. had not done and had not granted to anybody (he did) for the love
of me
23. who had ever worshipped his godhead, laid hold on the hem of his
robe-Sin, king of the gods,
24. uplifted my head and set upon me a good name in the land,
25. long days, years of heart's ease he multiplied upon me.
26. From the time of Aiurbanipal, king of Assyria, until the 9th year
27. of Nabu-na'id king of Babylon, the son, offspring of my womb
28. I04 years of happiness, with the reverence which Sin, king of the gods,
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Col. III (numbering of the lines is from the first legible in the column,
beginning of which is not preserved).
I. [a]-kds-sap-?-nu-ti-ma s[ur-qin-nu]
2. [tah]-du-ti i-ri-Si t[a-a-bi]
3. a-na gi-na-a [t4-kin]-&-[nu-ti-ma]
4. di-tak-kan ina mal-ri-[id-un]
5. ina MU 9(KAM) (m.d.)PA. [IM. TUK]
6. Idzr TIN. TIR.KI li-[im-tu]
7. ra-man-ni-idt &-[bil-{z]-ma(?)
8. (m.d.) PA.IM. TUK &dr TIN. TIR.KI
9. mar si-it lib-bi-Iz x x x x
lo. AD6-su z-kdm-mis-ma x x x
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i. In the first line of this completed inscription are finally established the two
central facts about the author, which were long in dispute-that it was
a woman, and that it was the Mother of Nabonidus. These truths were
acutely perceived by Professor E. Dhorme as long ago as 1908 (Revue
biblique of that year, pp. 130-5), and he reinforced his arguments in 1947
(Revue d'Assyriologie, XLI, pp. I ff. ; cf. Recueil ?douard Dhorme, pp. 325 if.
and p. 766).
The second element in the Mother's name is written with exactitude, leaving
only in possible doubt whether the first consonant is to be read g or q ;
but if the latter were intended there is no reason why it should not have
been written with the most appropriate sign, qu. The final 'aleph-
containing sign is no more than the usual New Babylonian practice to
mark the pronunciation of the last vowel, in this case the long i of the
suffixed pronoun ; see P. Hyatt, The Treatment of Final Vowels in Early
Neo-Babylonian; the nearest parallel quoted in that work, p. 7, is from
F. Thureau-Dangin, Tablettes d'Uruk, no. 58, line 3, li-is-sa-ni-'i. There
can be no doubt that the Mother's name is of a form signifying " The
Weather-god (is) my . . . -. For g(q)uppi I have neither found nor had
suggested to me a satisfying explanation, either from Akkadian or from
Aramaic-this being premised, one might think the best possibility is the
Aram. [gaph] (Akk. kappu) " wing, arm ", and so " strength ", which is
perhaps connected with the Heb. [gaph], giph, " body, self". The name
is, in any case, as unlike as possible to the " Nitokris " who is the mother
of" Labynetos " in Herodotus I, I88, and also to the " Amyitis" who is
the wife of Nebuchadrezzar in Berossus (P. Schnabel, Berossos, pp. 270-3),
or the other Amyitis, wife of Cyrus, who had a state fiuneral, according
to the Chronicle, col. II, 23 f. (see also J. Gilmore, Fragments of the Persika
of Ktesias, p. 127). There is nothing in this inscription, now fully revealed,
to support the suggestion (JNES. XI, p. 278) that the Mother of
Nabonidus was a descendant of the celebrated Assyrian queen Naqi'a,
like as these two evidently were in origin, history, and doubtless character.
8. i-lu-u d-ma-mi', for the same situation of gods abandoning an earthly seat among
their people, in anger, and taking refuge in the heavens compare a passage
in Esarhaddon, most recently edited by R. Borger, Die Inschriften Asar-
haddons (A.f.O. Beiheft 9), P. 14, Episode 8. But still they were not quite
inaccessible (C. J. G., Ideas of Divine Rule, p. 64).
9. il-li-ku(?) kar(?)-mu-ti. This is not according to the squeeze, which seems to
have clearly il-li LU TE mu-ti, making no sense. But the reading here
given was acutely suggested by Dr. O. R. Gurney, who observed that it
is strongly supported by VAB. IV, p. 218, col. I, I3, z-Sd-lik-N kar-mu-tu
(said of the same disaster). Moreover, a rough copy made by Mr. P. Hulin
from the stone at Urfa also shows -ku(!) and some traces after TE which
may indicate that kar was intended. This, and its inherent probability,
justify adoption of this reading until the original can be collated.
13. Written across the margin into col. II, and followed there by a dividing-line:
similarly line 19 below.
14. Here begins the inscription H I, A, probably at the point u (d.)adda.
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27. "I kept watch upon them" in the sense of "I waited upon them ":
same phrase is used below (col. II, 44 and 47) of the attendance of herself
and of her son upon the kings who patronised them.
29. The double " corner-wedge " (for 2o) is not very clearly written, and m
be taken for one (io), but it does exist, and is of course demanded
the arithmetic.
38. Last two signs -lu-u written in the margin.
4o. H i, A, col. I, ends here at libbi-[id].
Co1. II.
6, 7. The use of the suffix -ka, in the masc. form, is to be compared with that of
-Ju elsewhere in this inscription, although no farther proof is now needed
that the person thus indicated was in fact female.
9. Last sign seems to be certainly -ri, which may be a scribal error (defective
writing of -ar).
I i. H i, A, col. II, begins with a-na 6-hil-h4l, etc.
13. H I, A, inserts 1dr bdbili after the name, and omits e-du after maru.
28, 29. ina pu-luh-ti ... is probably correct (as proposed by L. p. 142 and recom-
mended by Dhorme, R.A. XLI, p. 6, n. i), and this avoids the difficulty
of pu-ti-ti as read before; d and luh are very similar in this text, but d
seems always to have the projecting "tails" of the two horizontal strokes,
which cannot be seen here (for an example of tU and luh close together
cf. col. II, 40). Ifpu-d-ti is right after all (and H I, A. col II, 28 should be
re-collated) it would have to be explained by giving patu a full substantival
sense as " personality ", for which reasons might be found.
33. The " four generations " here are another link with the inscription of the
priest Agbur (G. A. Cooke, North Semitic Inscriptions, pp. 189 ff., line 5)
which has already been compared for other similarities by L., pp. 14o f.
So also Job (XLII, 16).
37. The lamassu on each side of the king mentioned separately; for his human
bodyguard see note on H 2, col. I, 30, 31.
40. The Spartan mother begs for no mercy upon her son if he is unfaithful to
her god. A close verbal parallel is found in Isaiah I, I13, 16 'dkhal 'dwen,
"I endure not iniquity ".
47. Here begins H I, A, col. III, and happily supplies the gap of some 9 lines
missing in B, partly at the end of col. II and partly from the missing
curved top of col. III.
Col. III.
5. The addition in the 3rd person to the Mother's inscription begins here with
a new line, in contrast with H I, A, which makes no division at all.
6--7. For other examples of Jimtu.. . abdlu see R. Borger, Die Inschnften Asarkaddons,
p. 54, Kommentar I9, also in A.f.O. XVIII, ii6.
I2. It is still not possible to read the three signs in the middle of this line-the
second is possibly si or mar.
2o-3. Restorations attempted here from the Sippar cylinder (Langdon, VAB. IV,
pp. 22o f., col. I, 38-43).
25 ft. The mourning customs described in these lines, obscured though they are by
damage to the text, are unattested in Babylonian religion but are all
familiar from the Biblical world of the Old and the New Testaments.
In line 25 we have possibly to restore [SAIAR.HI. A] and thus to find
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(Lines numbered according to the arrangement of H 2, A)
Col. I.
I. The operation of Sin, greatest of the gods and goddesses,
2. nobody knows it, since from distant days
3. it came not down to the land, (wherefore) the people of the land saw
it (indeed), but
4. wrote it not on a tablet and set it not (down)
5. for days to come. Sin, lord of the gods and goddesses, dwellers
6. of the heavens, (thou art he) who, in front of Nabonidus king of Babylon,
7. camest from the heavens. I (am) Nabonidus,
8. who have not the honour(?) of (being a) somebody, and kingship
9. is not within me, (but) the gods and goddesses prayed for
Io. me, and Sin to the kingship
I I. called me. In the night season he caused me to behold a dream
I2. (saying) thus "E-iul-iul the temple of Sin which (is) in Harran
I13. build, (seeing that) the lands, all of them, to thy hands
14. are verily committed ". (But) the sons of Babylon, Borsippa,
15. Nippur, Ur, Erech, Larsa, priests (and)
16. people of the capitals of Akkad, against his great
I17. divinity offended, whenever(?) they sought after (anything) they did
I8. they knew not the wrath, (the resentment), of the king of the gods,
(even) Nannar,
19. they forgot their duty, whenever(?) they talked (it was) treason
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35. [ina ka]l 31 MU. AN. NA. ME9 an-na-a-ti 32 la ba-ta-a 33-lu
36. ina qi-bit (d.)XXX (d.)adda ga-gal laml(e) u irsiti(fi) mi(ME9)
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20. and not loyalty, like a dog they devoured
21. one another; fever and famine in the midst of them
22. they caused to be, it minished the people of the land. But I
23. hied myself afar from my city of Babylon
24. (on) the road to Tema', Dadanu, Padakku[a],
25. Hibra, Iadiiu, and as far as Iatribu;
26. ten years I went about amongst them, (and) to
27. my city Babylon I went not in. At the word of Sin,
28. king of the gods, lord of lords of the gods and goddesses, dwellers
29. of the heavens, they accomplished the word of Sin-Nannar,
30. of gamav, Istar, Adda, and Nergal; a guard of (my) safety and life
31. they appointed (to be) with me. In that year, in the month of Nisannu
32. and the month of Tasritu, the people of Akkad and of the Hatti-land
the produce of the plains
33. and of the sea received. In the rigour of summer,
34. the month(s) of Siwanu, Du'uzu, Abu, Ululu, Tairitu, in these months
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Col. II.
7. il-kun-vid-nu-ti-ma
8. qatd (II)-u-a pu-4 u lib-bi ki-ni it-ti(?)-ia(?)
i-na-as-sa-ru EN. NUN-ti
9. z4-al-la-mu qi-bi-ti " ina pi-rik
I.V, Aadi(i. MEN)
I 0. ni-su-ti ur-hu pa-rik-tk id at-tal-la-ku
I i. io MU. AN. NA. ME? ik-su-dam-ma 50 a-dan-nu
12. im-lu-i u4-mu sd iq-bu-u sir ili (d.)nanna-ri
i 3. ina (arah)tafriti umu i7(KAM) u4-mu (d.)XXX im-ma-ag-gdr 6'
14. pi-fir-sI (d.)XXX bilu id ilani(MEg) 52 id ina umi I(KAiM)
15. mi.t.ti (d.)a-ni zi-kir-Vu Vam"(e) ta-lap-pa-t'
16. u irsiti(ti) ta-hi-ip-pu-zi ha-mi-im PA. AN
I 7. (d.)a-nis-z-tz mu-gam-mi-ir PA . AN 53 (d.)en-lil-z-tz
18. li-qu-u' pa-ra-as 54 (d.)ed-a-u'-ti 55
I 9. Sd nap-har gi-mi-ir pa-ra-as 56 Jame(e) ina qatd(II)-ti 7
20. tam-hu (d.)en-lil ilani(ME?) LUGAL.LUGAL.LUGAL EN.EN.EN
21. 3d a-na qi-bi-ti-vu la i-tur-ru
22. i' a-mat-su la ta-qab-bu-u 3ini(II)-3i 58
23. Id pu-luh-ti ilu-ti- V, rabiti(ti) vami(e)
48 After this B, col. II, has 54 B has PA. AN. 61 End of line from B.
lost one line and seven 55 B has (d.)BE-d-tu. 62 End of line from B.
more are defective. 56 B has PA .AN. 63 B-na.
41 B qi-bit. 57 B qa-ti-vd. 64 B-la.
50 B om. -ma. 58 Thus both A and B, but65 -mu ends a line in B.
51 B i-ma-ag-gdr. not clear. 66 B has -td.
52 B has EN.AN. -9 B supplies this word. 67 B qi-bit.
60 Partly indistinct both in 68 B -mir.
53 B mu-gam-mi-ru pa-ra-a,. A and B.
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Col. II.
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Col. III.
I. x x x x x x x x x x x it-ti LOJ.HAL81
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36. the functions of heaven and earth, without(?) whose exalted comma
37. which day by day in heaven
38. they pronounce the land is not founded(?)
39. and there is no light in the land.
40. The gods like ? ? quake and tremble,
41. the Anunnaki who before the command of his great
42. godhead, which (is) not . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the mountains
(Rest of column fragmentary and unintelligible)
Col. III.
I.. ... . .................. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ...........................
with diviners
2. and interpreters I instructed myself (in) the way, I laid (my hands
to it?)
3. In the night season a dream was disturbing, until the word.......
4. Fulfilled was the year, came the appointed time which ..........
5. from the city of Tema' I (returned?)...................
6. Babylon, my seat of lordship, (I entered) ....................
7. they beheld me, and............................
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i. For GAL-ti (rabiti) as a superlative see W. von Soden, Grundriss der Akkadischen
Grammatik, ? 68b.
3. ip-pal-su-ma is the certain reading of both A and B, and this provides a contact
for the text of B.M. 90837, line 13 (L. W. King, Boundary Stones, P1. XCIV
and p. I 29), which, after collation of the original, might now be read and
restored as"
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I6. I spread abroad, and in prosperity I took the road
17. to my own land. The word of his great godhead I observed,
18. I stayed not, I shrank not, I rested not ; I let summon
I19. the peoples of Akkad and of the Hatti-land from the border of Egypt
20. on the Upper Sea as far as the Lower Sea, whom Sin, king of the gods,
21. had committed to my hands. E-bul-bul the temple of Sin anew
22. I built, I finished its work. The hands of Sin,
23. of Nin-gal, Nusku, and of Sadarnunna from
24. -uanna my royal city I clasped, and with joy
25. and gladness I made them enter and dwell in their lasting sanctuary,
26. generous libations before them I poured out and
27. I multiplied gifts. The " head " of E-iul-iul
28. I supported, I brought pleasure to the hearts of its people,
29. I accomplished the command of Sin, king of the gods, lord of lords,
30. dwelling in the heavens, who, in comparison of the gods in heaven,
his name is surpassing:
3'. (also) of Samas, who is his brightest (peer), of Nusku, Itar, Adda,
32. (those) who accomplish the command of Nannar
33. their surpasser. Wheresoever I put on my arms
34. (even) to wheresoever (I put them off?), I have set before me
35. to accomplish the command of Nannar. Whoso thou (art)
36. whom Sin shall call to the kingship and
37. shall say to thee "O son, my son ", the shrine of Sin
38. dwelling in the heavens (thou shalt seek ?)
39. and his word thou shalt not (disregard . . . . . . . ...... .)
40. (he) who . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13. [nill(MES) ] (m&t) akkadi (KI) i-f il-tM (d) XXX ip-a-um(?
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Napovvi'8oxov r1To5EiKVJ c Gi pX
in legitimation that Nabonidu
not belonging to the line o
70 years before, claimed with
mdr la manmanim (S. Langdon, Di
no. 4, line 4)-
9, 10o. The very unusual division
B, col. II, 25, 26 (d)a-nt-(-tu'.
17-19. These lines have two difficu
9. With some doubt I have trie
by Dr. A. L. Oppenheim that
writing of the not uncommo
indefinite pronoun in the sen
usage as expressing indefinite p
more difficult. A further objec
occurs twice in its usual form
of Dr. H. F. Saggs, to take -i-m
verbs which they follow-this
cannot suitably be discussed h
nected in transliteration, and t
In line 18 there is a difference
B e-zi-iz-zu followed by anothe
L. W. King, Babylonian Magic
e-zis(var. zi)-su a-bu-bu. The f
probably intended for MURUB.
which it bears in religious text
21, 22. The only evidence of famin
year-see the references and par
in Iraq, XVII, p. 72.
30, 31. There is a little uncertainty
both are possible, but the latte
col. I, 44, su-lum-mu-z u .tu-ub-
appointment of a bodyguard fo
which is commonly expressed a
Glossar zu den neubabylonisch
Dr. Saggs). As used here paqdd
received in recent discussions,
the authors in Anatolian Studie
the ordinary sense of " appoi
Herodotus (I, 59) are especially
being deceived by a feigned
having picked them from amon
spearmen of Peisistratus, bu
bearing wooden clubs." The 7
the " tyrants " in Greece, and
Asia Minor as its origin" " Gy
of the Greek Tyrants " (Cambrid
bodyguard was, as it were, th
that Solon declared himself read
against the grant of these henc
of Athens, ch. XIV), and they a
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the traitorous accomplice Aegisthus, now erected into a tyrant, in the
stirring scene which closes the Agamemnon of Aeschylus. It is strange indeed
to find Nabonidus among that company: and these bodyguards were
only his human protection, for if his Mother's prayers could avail (H I,
B, col. II, 37-9) his god had also appointed (paqddu) a favouring spirit
(lamassi dumqi) to go on either side of him (ittilu).
31-7. A passage of interest for the calendar. The separate peculiarities noted her
are :
Col. II.
4. Pu la ippattu u . . . la uktattamu, cf. the passage of ludlul bil nimeqi discussed in
Anatolian Studies, IV, 95, but the reference to speaking is plain here, and
since the other line is explained by the ancient commentator as meaning
"day and night" the god Samas is probably involved there as well as
here, in his dual capacities as god of the day and of righteousness.
I2. On iml. mu see references in R. Borger, Asarhaddon, p. 15, and for the phraseo-
logy compare both col. III, 4, and Ezechiel VII, 7 and I2.
13-15. One part of the astrological allusion is explained by the hemerology of this
date (Tairitu I7th) in V R, 48-9, col. vii, x9, (d)EN.ZU NA i-man-gar,
" the Moon-god will favour a man," cf. R. Labat, Hdmirologies d'Assur,
p. I I9, n., and the same author's edition of the Kassite version in Sumer,
VIII, 23, 31 (rev. col. VII, i7), where the reading is IDIM. SE, trans-
lated " un personnage important sera favorable ", but the reference there
also is perhaps to the Moon-god. What is intended by pilir-Ju is not
altogether clear-according to a recent critical examination (A. L. Oppen-
heim, The Interpretation of Dreams in the Ancient Near East, 220) a generally
acceptable equivalent would be " solution ", but here must be meant
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Col. III.
I ff. Here the narrative is found again, having been resumed in the lacuna, after
the long digression in praise of the Moon-god, from col. II, 13, onwards.
The return from Taima must be understood as beginning on the I7th of
Tairitu, but here the king is still engaged in divination to choose the
right day for it, with results at first ambiguous.
2. um-mid-ma very uncertain in A, better in B, but not to be much relied upon.
If correct it must be used in the sense of qatd ummudu, " to put (one's)
hands (to a task)."
3. pardat, of dreams, recently translated " confused " (Oppenheim, op. cit. p. 229)
see also A. Goetze in JAOS. 1939, p.- 15, where applied to omens from
the entrails but in a context which includes dreams ; also C. J. Mullo-
Weir, Lexicon of Accadian Hymns and Prayers, p. 259. In any case, dreams
giving no encouragement.
7-1o. Compare with this the words of Idrimi at a similar juncture: S. Smith,
The Statue of Idri-mi, p. I4, line 24.
12. ippardu describes the gods coming out of their temples and appearing to men
when they took their flight. For a similar appearance (ittapardu) of
goddesses at Erech in a time of disaster see Th. Bauer, Das Inschriftenwerk
Assurbanipals, II, p. 73, A, line 2, also line 4.
17. mati-ia, which land is meant here ? He had already returned to Babylon (line 6
above), so that Harran is perhaps indicated, whither he now went to
realise his desire of restoring the god's habitation.
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18. In the parallel passage (Langdon, op. cit. Nabon. I, col. I, 38) we ha
33, 34. The text of this difficult passage is either illegible (A) or defective origin
(B). Its purport is to say " from the time that I put on (edjqu IV) m
armour until I put it off", but this latter half of the phrase is omitte
by B. If . . . ha . . . is correctly read in line 34 (A) it suggests th
presence of sahdtu, "to put off (attire)," for which there is Gilgamesh I,
iii, 43, and a recent possible example in Gurney and Finkelstein, Th
Sultantepe Tablets; no. 38, obv. col. I, 12, 14 (Anatolian Studies VI, pp. 150 f
but also VII, p. 135), and other recent occurrences in Orientalia, 1956
p. I46, and I958, p. 143, line 8. Read perhaps [a-sa-(or aJ)]-ha-[at].
34, 35. For the Aramaic form of la-pdn-ia and construction with ana see W. v
Soden, Grundziige d. akkad. Grammatik, ? I I4e. The whole turn of expressio
here is familiar from several O.T. passages, e.g. Daniel X, 12, ndthatt
eth-libbkhad l'hdbhtn, also Jeremiah XXX, 21, "'. . . pledged (Z"JV) h
heart to approach," and other phrases with gim.
37. Cf. Psalm II, 7," Yahweh said to me [the king]' thou art my son' ", and perhap
Creation I, IOI.
21St ,, ,, Nabopolassar,
43rd ,, ,, Nebuchadrezzar
2nd ,, ,, Evil-Merodach,
4th ,, ,, Neriglissar.
A total of 95 years.
Col. II, 26-8.
She lived from the time 2 of AMurbanipal to the 9th year of
Nabonidus her son, o104 years.
Col. II, 40-3.
She served the kings of Babylon during
21 years of Nabopolassar,
43 ,, ,, Nebuchadrezzar,
4 ,, ,, Neriglissar.
A total of 68 years, before her son's accession.
1 The first two of these summaries were already present in A, but the former wa
defective, and most of the figures missing.
2 Lit. " from before ", i.e. she came into the world during the lifetime of AMurbanipal.
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1 S. Langdon, VAB. IV, Nabon. no. 8, col. IV, 37 ff.; cf. ANET. p. 309.
2 Reason enough ; for according to the same authority Nabonidus himself was a
the " friends " by whom that hapless youth " was clubbed to death ".
3 This statement, occurring in the " ist. person" part of the inscription,
conceivable as made by the deceased herself, but has been intruded by the author o
concluding (" 3rd person ") part.
4 Quoted in D. J. Wiseman, Chronicles of Chaldaean Kings, p. 92, see n. 2.
5 Somewhat in the manner which Herodotus (II, 143) attributes to Hecatae
6 This is, in fact, where it used to be given, on the supposition that Allur
was identical with Kandalanu. The " 42jahrige Regierung " attributed in A. S
und A. Moortgat, Agypten und Vorderasien im Altertum, p. 425, evidently depends u
same assumption.
7Clearly, this does not indicate the whole reign of Aiiur-etillu-ili, for there is a
contract dated in the latter part of his 4th year (Wiseman, loc. cit. gives the reference).
The royal Mother, however, rigidly confines herself to those whom she regarded as
legitimate kings of Babylon. After the accession of the family to which she adhered all
other pretenders are ignored.
8 Wiseman, op. cit. p. 50, lines 14, 15, cf. pp. 7, 93.
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are compared with the Ptolemaic Canon.1 There, as is well known, the
reign of A9urbanipal is not mentioned, for it is represented, in the
Babylonian succession, by the subordinate kings Saosduchinos (20 years)
and Kineladanos (22 years). The first of these was the successor of
Asaradinos (Esarhaddon), who died in 669; 2 the "first year" of
Samas-4um-ukin was 667, and he himself died at the capture of Babylon
by his brother in 648. Kandalanu in turn died in 626, after a reign of
22 years, that is, in all probability, one year after Agurbanipal, for
although the aggregate of Saosduchinos (2o) and of Kineladanos (22)
now equals the attested reign of Asurbanipal (42) it is to be noticed that
the Assyrian king's years began to be counted one year before those of
his "Babylonian" brother.3 Thus, the same situation is reached:
AVurbanipal died (at the very earliest) in April 627, Kandalanu in 626
and very soon afterwards (November 626) Nabopolassar succeeded.
Between the death of the first and the accession of the last probably not
more than one year, in no case more than I8 months, can be reckoned,
and not so much as two years even if the interval be extended to the
beginning of Nabopolassar's " first year ". The required " three years "
of Asur-etillu-ili seem, therefore, to posit about two years more than our
evidence makes available.
Yet again the discrepancy appears in the account given by the Mother
herself: she was born in the 20th year of Asurbanipal, and she died,
aged 104, in the 9th year of her son's reign, i.e. in 547. Reckoning back
from this, she should have been born in 547 + 104=651. But the 20th
year of Asurbanipal began in 649.
This difficulty is much increased when the reign of Sin-sar-iskun is
also taken into consideration, for there has appeared to be sufficient
indication that he too was king of Assyria before the accession of Nabo-
polassar. The evidence is as follows:
(I) In a chronicle * of the year 626, two months before the accession
of Nabopolassar, Sin-var-i'kun was in command of an
Assyrian army.
(2) A contract from Babylon itself s is dated in his accession-year.
(3) According to Berossus,6 it was " Sarakos " (Sin-sar-ilkun) himself
who sent " Bupalossoros " (Nabopolassar) to command his
army in Babylonia, after which the latter revolted and
marched against Nineveh.
Nothing is known about the relations of Avur-etillu-ili and of Sin-
Mar-ilkun, both of whom were successors of AlAurbanipal, one, probably
both, being his son. The former is shown by contracts to have ruled for
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and his house and went up to heaven, the city and people who were i
it went to ruin."
(b) Nabonidus, cylinder from Sippar,1 col. I, 8 ff. " E-Iul-hul the
house of Sin which is in Harran... against that city and house his heart
was angry, and he caused the Umman-manda to come up, and he
destroyed that house and let it go into ruin."
(c) Nabonidus, stele from Babylon,2 col. X, 12 ff. " (at) Harran
which was in ruins for 54 years, through devastation of the Umman-
mandu the sanctuaries were laid waste."
(d) Nabopolassar Chronicle,3 lines 59-64 (Nabopolassar, year 16
"in the month of Marcheswan the Umman-manda came to the help of
the king of Akkad, and they united their armies and to the city of Harran
after Assur-uballit, who had sat upon the throne of Assyria, they marched
Avur-uballit and the army of Egypt which had come to his help, fear o
the enemy fell upon them ; they abandoned the city and . . . crossed th
Euphrates. The king of Akkad reached Harran... the city was captured
they carried off much spoil from the city and temple."
(e) A more general account is also given by an earlier passage of the
Nabonidus stele from Babylon, (c) above, col. II, 14 ff., " the king of th
Umman-manda without remorse demolished the sanctuaries of all the go
of Subartu (i.e. Assyria)." The following lines allude to the despair
the Babylonian king at his powerlessness to prevent these sacrileges.
The new version of the Mother's inscription (Nabon. Harran, i, B)
contributes to the history of this disaster a chronological note and a bri
reference. The former (16th year of Nabopolassar) agrees with the othe
items set out above, especially with the chronological note in (c), whic
we now see to be counted from the beginning of her son's reign: Nabo
polassar, 2I minus 16 =5 years, Nebuchadrezzar 43, Evil-Merodach 2
Neriglissar 4, the sum of these being 54-
As to the disaster itself, we are rather fully informed of its occasio
and result by the chronicle. Without this we should have been limited
the knowledge that it was inflicted by the Umman-manda, who, in thi
case at least, were certainly the Medes, whatever forces may have bee
covered by that name at the fall of Nineveh 4 in 612. The Mother
inscription is, on the contrary, as concerns this disaster, brief and vagu
to a degree, and by itself would intimate nothing but the occurrence o
some religious crisis. Her interests are, indeed, represented throughout
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1 Although the reference to her own, and her son's, long service at the court of the
Chaldaean kings insinuates clearly enough the powerful influence which she certainly
exercised there.
2 There seems no need to suppose, as some have done, that Harran was effectively
occupied by the Babylonians in 61o, and that the situation in 556, when it was certainly
controlled by the Medes, had been caused by some subsequent rupture, presumed to have
occurred under Neriglissar. There is no evidence for this, and it is implied by the
language of Nabonidus himself (extract (e) above) that the Babylonian king had not at
the beginning (nor is he likely to have acquired afterwards) more than a subordinate
control of affairs at Harran.
With this discretion, of adapting the account to the readers, may be compared the
respective descriptions of the famous dream in which the command was given to restore
the cult of Harran. In the version known hitherto (VAB. IV, 218 f., of which there is
a recent new translation by A. L. Oppenheim, Interpretation of Dreams in the Ancient Near
East, p. 250, cf. p. 203) there is not only the prophecy of the defeat of Astyages and the
Medes (which of course had to be omitted at Harran) but there is an opposite addition
for the benefit of another audience, the Babylonians. This comprises (i) the introduction
of Marduk as the principal figure (called " Enlil of the gods ") and as the sole speaker,
reducing the Moon-god to a mere spectator, and (2) the injunction to bring the bricks
in the royal chariot, evidently from Babylon, with the notion of authenticity thence
derived. All of this is in stark contrast with the brief, direct and independent command
of the Moon-god related in H. 2, col. I, 12-14. The artful elaboration of this incident
to the taste of Babylonian readers is as deliberate as it is disingenuous (they had not
been rightly informed, it seems, as H.2 is at pains to explain at its outset). I am not
sure whether political reporting of this kind remains within " the stylistic requirements
evolved in this specific type of literature ".
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Syria early in his reign, apparently in his second and third years. Som
time between these and his sixth year the retreat to Taima had alread
taken place, in his seventh he was installed there, and so continued throug
his 9th, i oth and I ith years, when the record is interrupted. Owing
the chronological vagueness of the Harran inscriptions and the loss of
relevant passages in the chronicle it is not possible to define when th
exile of Nabonidus began and consequently its end also (after io years)
uncertain. For the restoration of E-hul-hul evidently all the statements
the original sources are not fully reconcilable, but this does not mean ther
was deliberate misleading ; it is only that exact times are not state
There must have been some work done at Harran immediately after t
king's accession, to justify the appearance of the dream then, and to ma
possible dating from that moment the end (after 54 years) of the desolatio
of the city. Perhaps no serious operations were possible until after th
Median defeat, whether this was in the third or in the sixth year, as
divergently reported. At some time within this period must have occurred
the Babylonian revolt, certainly before the sixth year, when the king w
already in exile at Taima. Despite this, the work at Harran proceed
sufficiently for it to be said that before the Mother died (9th year) sh
could witness the restoration of the gods to Harran ; 1 and the proce
was completed after the king's return from his ten-year exile, some ti
after his i i th year, when the Babylonians also were prepared to co-operat
The resulting picture is not other than we should expect ; the restorati
of the temple and the city was a work de longue haleine, which, begun
quickly as possible after Nabonidus thought himself in a position to realise
his own and his Mother's dearest wishes, was variously hindered, first
Median opposition, then by the Babylonian revolt, was pursued witho
Babylonian aid during the years spent at Taima, and was pressed to it
conclusion in the brief interval between the king's return and the w
with Cyrus. How the gods of Harran were affected by the last has
concentration in Babylon and by the subsequent dispersal at the orders
Cyrus we do not hear.
(3) External Relations
The restoration of Harran is not in general viewed by either of the H.
inscriptions as anything more than a matter between the Moon-god, t
king, his Mother, and. his subjects. But elsewhere is the well-know
" dream " revealing that its accomplishment was at any rate great
hindered by the Median occupation,2 and that the work could not
1 Yet how could this be, when the king was still refusing to enter Babylon, whe
the gods of Harran were in temporary residence (in Guanna) ?
2 Their opposition was probably motivated by dislike of seeing re-created what they
had themselves destroyed, and especially by the fear of a new Assyrian power gathering
in the place where it had made its last stand. For the importance of Harran during
last years of the Assyrian monarchy see the observations of R. C. Thompson in Liverpool
Annals, XX, I 12. The elaborate works there of Ailurbanipal at the outset of his rei
might seem to attest his appreciation of the dangers then already menacing the old
Assyrian homeland.
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1 W. F. Albright, Dedan, p. 6 (in Geschichte und Altes Testament, Festschrift fir Albrecht
Alt, 1953) ; see also A. van den Branden in Bibliotheca Orientalis, XIV (1957), 13 if.
2 For this see a recent article by I. Rabinowitz in JNES. XV (1956), pp. i ff.
(inscription C). In that place will also be found a large number of references which it
would be superfluous to repeat here ; in view of this the present account has been made
quite summary.
3 W. F. Albright, loc. cit. p. 6.
4 By A. van den Branden in Textes Thamoudlens de Philby, vol. II, pp. 54 ff., and
p. xiv, also his article entitled L'Uniti de l'Alphabet Thamoudden in R. Brunschvig and
J. Schacht, Studia Islamica, fasc. vii, pp. 12 f. I owe knowledge of these to the kindness
of Pare van den Branden himself, who also sent me a copy of the latter publication.
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1 The name is written in the present inscription H 2, col. I, 24, as (dl)te-ma-a (in A),
(al)te-ma-'a (in B) ; col. III, 5, (dl)te-ma-a (in both). Elsewhere in the texts connected
with Nabonidus it appears indifferently as te-ma-a and te-ma (e.g. in the Chronicle, col. II,
5, 10, 19, 23), te-ma-'a in the "Verse Account " (see below). For other mentions, in
contracts (all te-ma-a), see R. P. Dougherty, Nabonidus and Belshazzar, pp. 14, 116, 139.
2Republished most recently by S. Smith, Babylonian Historical Texts, 98 ff.
3 Some 500 miles even in a straight line. For the actual route taken see S. Smith,
Isaiah: Chapters XL-LV, Literary Criticism and History (The Schweich Lectures of the
British Academy, I940), 37 f., I36 f., 139-
4 R. P. Dougherty, op. cit. p. 105, n. 344 for references.
5 S. Smith, Babylonian Historical Texts, 27 ff.
6 This rendering, although it has been altered by subsequent translators, certainly
gives the best sense ; it has been defended by its author in his Isaiah : Chapters XL-L V,
p. 136. The other version has nevertheless been accepted by the contributor of this piece
to J. B. Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts, p. 313.
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Babylonia) " (but) I hied myself afar (user
city of Babylon (on) the road to Tema',
HIibra^, Iadiiu, and as far as latribu; ten y
amongst them (and) to my city of Babylo
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1 Further discussion of Dedan and al-'Uld is not necessary in this place, for they
have been the subject of an important book and two valuable articles recently, viz.
W. Caskel, Li4yan und Li4yanisch (K61n, 1954) ; W. F. Albright, " Dedan," in Geschichte
und Altes Testament (Festschrift A. Alt, I953), pp. I ff.; A. van den Branden, " La
Chronologie de Dedan et de Lihyan," in Bibliotheca Orientalis, XIV (i957), 13 ff.
2 According to A. Musil, Arabia Deserta, p. 519 (from Taima to al-Hijr, 105 km.).
3 F. Wikstenfeld, Das Gebiet von Medina, pp. 70-2 (Abhandl. Konig. Gesells. Wissens.
G6ttingen, XVIII, 1873).
4 W. von Soden, Grundriss der Akkadischen Grammatik, ? 58 (mainly from Sumerian
which, of course, is not in question here).
5 W. Montgomery Watt, Muhammad at Medina, p. 218 ; J. M. B. Jones in BSOAS.
XIX (0957), 253 ff.
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.jijaz al-Khabrd'
then and Hadb toal-Qandn...
the right ofand Sarah
this and both
Yansfi'a, Dhu watering-points
'Aj, a watering-pon
Basra road." To this may be added that A. Musil, Northern Hegadz, p.
notes a number of place-names incorporating the word for "a large ra
water pond or habra' ". Yet indeed the context of the other well-loca
places in H 2, as well as the antiquity, importance and celebrity of Khayba
itself, make it most unlikely that any other locality, merely some spot upo
map, can be indicated here in the company of Taima, Dedan and Med
If the identification of Khaybar may be accepted for this earlies
mention, there is one more curious coincidence, namely, that the earl
mention hitherto has occurred in one of the first Arabic inscription
which was found, very singularly, at Harran also. In this bilingual te
of the year A.D. 568, the Arabic version is dated (in true Sumerian sty
as written in the " year after the destruction of Khaybar ".
IADIHU is the most obscure of all the places named in this list, a
must be identified with some reserve. But the following is to be fou
in F. Wuistenfeld, Das Gebiet von Medina, p. I6I, " Von Cheibar liegen
dem Wege dahin [i.e. to Fadak] der Wadi AchthMl, dann die Geg
von Jadi' mit Wasser und Quellen, an denen die Murra wohnen." T
(as again Dr. Rice informs me) is from Ydqfit, vol. IV, p. 1013, " Yad
a district between Fadak and Khaybar. There are waters and springs
the Banfi Fazara and Banfi Muirra. (It is situated) between W
Akhthal and before the Water of Hamaj." Orthographically the na
Iadihu and Yadi' correspond perfectly, for according to New-Babylon
practice Iadilu writes Iadii, and the use of cuneiform h to render 'ay
in names from other Semitic dialects is well established.2 Two possib
objections may be urged against this identification, one particular, t
other general: geographically, if that is the order observed, Iadi
should come south of Padakku and Hiibra, whereas Yadi' is betw
Fadak and Khaybar (assuming these to be correctly identified). T
general objection is to the obscurity of the spot called Yadi', which se
to have little existence outside of an Arab geographer's 3 page--can it e
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some fragmentary lines (A.f.O. XIV, 42) that Sargon II in 716 left some such
Nahial Musur, upon the border of Egypt.
SA long bibliography of the subject can be found appended to th
H. Z. Hirschberg, Yisrd'il ba-'Ardb, pp. 332-9. I have also obtained inform
E. Brauer, Ethnologie derjemenitischen Juden.
2And this, with the common substitution of Nebuchadrezzar for Nabon
place in Jewish and Arabic tradition: see R. P. A. Dozy, Die Israeliten zu M
Davids Zeit, etc., p. I43.
3 J. T. Milik, " Priere de Nabonide," in Revue biblique, 63 (1956), 407 ff.
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While nothing can be averred with certainty about the places for
which the Harran stelae were designed, everything suggests that they
occupied a very prominent situation in the Moon-god's temple as rebuilt
and refurnished by Nabonidus. The two monuments inscribed with H 2,
with their similar (single-figure) reliefs, were laid by the Muslim builders
at the east and west entrances of their own structure. H I, B with its
multiple-figure relief was laid at the north entrance, and it is a very
permissible conjecture that the damaged monument found at Eski-Harran
in 19o6 (H I, A), which also had been visibly adapted to a later architectural
use, had originally borne a similar relief and had been laid somewhere at
a south entrance to the Mosque.3 This symmetry may, of course, have
been due to the Muslim builders arranging the reliefs in opposite pairs,
just as the laying of them face downwards in the passages where they
would be most trodden underfoot by the Faithful was dictated by religious
1 R. P. Dougherty, op. cit. p. I59. If it was a more salubrious climate which the
king was seeking, he should not have visited Khaybar, for that locality in recent times
had a very evil reputation for a pestilent air : Doughty, Arabia Deserta, II, p. 126.
2 Dougherty, op. cit. pp. 14 ff. ; S. Smith, Isaiah XL-LV, pp. 37-4o ; D. J. Wise-
man, Chronicles of Chaldaean Kings, pp. 32, 48, 70 (Nebuchadrezzar's campaign in Arabia,
599 B.c.); B. Segall, " The Arts and Nabonidus " in American Journal of Archaeology, 59
(1955), PP. 316, 318.
3 See D. S. Rice in Illustrated London News, 2Ist September, 1957, pp. 468 ff., also
B. Landsberger in Halil Edhem Hattra Kitabi, Cilt I, p. 117.
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Funerary customs
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