UNIT-3: Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Total Quality Management - Definition, Principles & Importance

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UNIT-3: Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Total Quality Management – Definition, Principles & Importance

In order to understand “Total quality management”, first we have to

understand what does ‘Quality’ is generally referred to a parameter
which decides the inferiority or superiority of a product or service. It
is a measure of goodness to understand how a product meets its
specifications. Usually, when the expression “quality” is used, we think in
the terms of an excellent product or service that meets or even
exceeds our expectations. These expectations are based on the price and
the intended use of the goods or services. In simple words, when a product
or service exceeds our expectations we consider it to be of good
quality. Therefore, it is somewhat of an intangible expression based upon

Definition of TQM
Total Quality Management is defined as a customer-oriented process and
aims for continuous improvement of business operations. It ensures that all
allied works (particularly work of employees) are toward the common goals of
improving product quality or service quality, as well as enhancing the
production process or process of rendering of services. However, the
emphasis is put on fact-based decision making, with the use of performance
metrics to monitor progress. (employees effort towards the product quality)

The key principles of Total Quality Management

a) Commitment from the management:
 Plan (drive, direct)
  Do(deploy--move towards strategic principles), support, and
 Check (review)
 Act (recognize, communicate, revise)
b) Employee Empowerment:
 Training
 Excellence team
 Measurement and recognition
 Suggestion scheme
c) Continuous Improvement
 Systematic measurement
 Excellence teams
 Cross-functional process management
 Attain, maintain, improve standards
d) Customer Focus
 Partnership with Suppliers
 Service relationship with internal customers
 Customer-driven standards
 Never compromise quality
Benefits of Total Quality Management
 The benefits arising from the implementation of a Total Quality
Management in an organization are:
 This will increase the awareness of quality culture within the
 A special emphasis on teamwork will be achieved.
 TQM will lead to a commitment towards continuous improvement.
Essential requirements for successful implementation of TQM

 Commitment: Quality improvement (in all aspect) must be everyone’s

job in the organization. An apparent commitment from the top
management, breaking down the barriers for continuous quality
improvement and steps required to provide an environment for
changing attitudes must be provided. Training and support for this
should be extended.
 Culture: There should be proper training to effect the changes in
attitude and culture.
 Continuous Improvement: Recognize improvement as a continuous
process, and not merely a one-off program.
 Customer Focus: Perfection in service with zero defectives and full
satisfaction to end-user whether it’s internal or external.
 Control: Ensure monitoring and control checks for any deviation from
the intended course of implementation. Plan, Do , Check and Act.
This also referred to as the PDCA cycle.
Planning Phase: This phase is the most crucial phase of total quality
management. Under this phase, employees have to come up with their
respective queries and problems which need to be addressed. The employees
apprise the management of different challenges which they are facing in their
day to day operations and also analyze the root cause of the problem. They
need to do the required research and collect significant data which would help
them find solutions to all the problems.
Doing Phase: In this phase, a solution for the identified problems in the
planning phase is developed by the employees. Strategies are devised and
implemented to crack down the challenges faced by employees. The efficiency
and effectiveness of solutions and strategies are also evaluated in this stage.
Checking Phase: Under this phase, a comparison analysis of before and
after is done in order to assess the effectiveness of the processes and
measure the results.
Acting Phase: This is the last phase of the cycle, in this phase employees
document their results and prepare themselves to address other problems.

Beliefs about Total Quality Management

Following are the universal Total Quality Management beliefs:
 Satisfaction of the customer/owner is the measure of quality.
 Everyone is an owner.
 Continuous Quality improvement must be there.
 Analysis of the processes is the key to quality improvement.
 Constant TQM is not possible without consistent, active and enabling
leadership by managers at all levels.
 It is important to incessantly improve quality of the products and
services which we are supposed to provide to our customers/owners.

A successful TQM implementation requires a significant training for the
employees involved in it. Since the training program can take employees
away from their day to day work, this eventually can have a negative short-
term impact. Also, since Total Quality Management tends to result in a
consistent series of incremental changes, it can lead to creating an
unpleasant response from those employees who prefer existing system, or
employees who are afraid of losing their jobs because of it. Total Quality
Management works best in an environment where there are strong support
and commitment from the management.

Fig.2 Total Quality Management

Fig.3 TQM Concept

The philosophy of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

TPM is a maintenance philosophy aimed at eliminating production losses due
to equipment status, or in other words, keeping equipment in a position
to produce at maximum capacity, the expected quality products, with no
unscheduled stops. This includes:

 Zero breakdowns
 Zero downtimes (non working time, idle time)
 Zero failures attributed to poor condition of equipment
 No loss of efficiency or production capacity due to this equipment.
 It is understood perfectly the name: total productive maintenance, or
maintenance that provides maximum or total productivity.
 Total productive maintenance, also known as TPM, is a proactive
equipment maintenance program that has always been a part of Lean
 TPM is a proactive approach with the goal of removing deficiencies
from machines to minimize or eliminate defects and downtime.
It’s a unique concept for maintenance programs that aims to prevent
deterioration and reduce maintenance; it’s not just about fixing
equipment. TPM extends beyond simple preventive maintenance and
includes comprehensive management of people, processes, systems,
and the environment.
 TPM promotes coordinated group activities for greater
equipment effectiveness. Such activities include operators sharing
responsibility for routine equipment inspection, cleaning, maintenance,
and minor repairs. Also, as a part of the manufacturing day, downtime
is scheduled for maintenance. In fact, it can be an integral part of the
manufacturing process.

The Goals of TPM

The goal of TPM is to increase production while also boosting workers’ job
satisfaction and morale. Employees are empowered to take ownership and
pride in maximizing the life and use of the equipment they operate, and
reducing costs in the process. They then have end to end accountability. TPM
focuses on maintenance as a necessary and vital component of the business.

A TPM program has three major features :

 It’s a system of productive maintenance to maximize the useful life of
 The goal is to maximize equipment use and effectiveness
 it works through sharing responsibility for routine inspection, cleaning,
maintenance, and minor repairs.
TPM is based on a “zero-loss” concept. This concept will allow you to achieve
high reliability and flexibility of equipment. It also helps to reduce costs by
minimizing wastage of manpower, raw material, energy, consumables, and so
forth. TPM is accomplished through four specific objectives:
 Zero breakdowns
 Zero defects
 Eliminating failures and waste due to equipment-related operations and
reducing emergency and unscheduled maintenance events to a
There are six big losses that contribute negatively to equipment
effectiveness. These are equipment failure, setup and adjustment time,
machine idling and minor stoppages, reduced speed, process defects, and
reduced yield

Benefits of TPM
TPM will result in organizational benefits that are comprehensive which results

 increased productivity and efficiency through improved worker and

equipment utilization
 reduced of costs and inventory
 reduced accidents and pollution
 increased employee morale through a sense of ownership, mutual
goals, shared knowledge and experience, and a collaborative work
 enhanced employee skills.

Needs of TPM :
 Save money by equipment and products meeting company standards.
 Manage a clean and organized workplace.
 Avoid product, material, and time waste in a rapidly changing economic
 Reduce accidents and repairs
Fig.4 Needs of TPM

The Eight Pillars of TPM

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a set of strategic initiatives focusing on
maintaining and improving production and quality systems through the
machines, equipment, processes and employees that add value to an
TPM has eight pillars that are mainly aimed at proactively improving the
reliability of machines.
1. Autonomous Maintenance
2. Focused Improvement
3. Planned Maintenance
4. Quality management
5. Early/equipment management
6. Education and Training
7. Administrative & office TPM
8. Safety Health Environmental conditions.
Fig.5 Pillars of TPM

1. Autonomous Maintenance
Autonomous Maintenance activity is done by the operators and it creates a
ownership with the machine. The operator of the machine is responsible for
daily cleaning and minor maintenance activities. Skill levels of workers
increase as they understand the general working of equipment thus achieving
the multi-skilling objective of a lean organization. Capital investments reduce
because the organization has reliable equipment. The lifespan of machines
increase as deterioration of machine is checked through constant monitoring
and maintenance.

2. Focused Improvements (Kaizen)

Kaizen is a continuous improvement process that helps organizations to

improve  quality and productivity by identifying, analyzing and eliminating
Non-Value Adding activities (NVA)
Teams are formed with people in various departments/functions of
the company. The problems/issues related to the equipment are identified
and improvement goals are set in kaizen event. During the events, the
participants map the current state as a baseline performance measure on
which they will compare any future performance after improvement. The
team works together and come up with the analysis of the root cause
of the problems and implement solutions and ensure that they are

3. Planned Maintenance
Planned maintenance / Preventive Maintenance happens before the machine
breaks down. This is planned considering various factors like the machine
failure rate, age of the machine, etc.
Production functions should build up some inventory to allow for the planned
maintenance to be carried out as they have prior information of when these
activities are scheduled.

4. Quality Maintenance
Quality management is defined as a procedure for control the condition of
machinery and equipment elements that directly or indirectly negative
impacts in quality of products during manufacturing processes. To achieve
purpose of zero defects by help and maintain equipment condition needs to
setup error proofing system in manufacturing facility to prevent mistakes
from happening in initial stage & root cause analysis to identify real cause, to
fix it immediately and permanently.

5. Early Equipment Maintenance (EEM)

Early equipment maintenance is to build in high efficiency from the design
stage. EEM will help to design equipment in a way that it is easy to operate
and maintain and is delivered to site in a condition that is equal to
autonomous maintenance standards.
Below factors to be considered in EEM
 Ease of cleaning, lubrication and inspection
 Accessibility of equipment parts
 Make the machines easier to operate (ergonomic aspects)
 Making it easier for the change-over (Easy clamping, Quick adjustment
settings, etc)
 Feedback mechanisms to alert defective products (Visual Indicators)
 Increased safety features.
6. Training and Education
The purpose of this pillar is to establishment of education & training for
equipment operators and maintenance personnel for technical, and system
that drive total productive maintenance activities. In the pillar of Education
and training, there are two major components:
 Technical Training: In the technical skill training, every employee
related to equipment mostly operators and maintenance personnel must be
trained for the regular maintenance procedures, troubleshooting of equipment
and problem solving skill on specific issues.
 Soft Skill Training: Diversity training & communication skills, how
to work as team are major requirements for total productive maintenance

7. Safety, Health and Environment

From the planning to sustain of total productive maintenance activities, safety
& prevention of adverse environmental impacts should be on priorities. And
should make the aim to be establishing system to target zero accident,
zero health damage and zero fires incidents. This pillar is playing
important role at every stage of the Total productive maintenance, and
assuring that the total productive maintenance activities are not violate safety
system's requirements.
The immediate benefits of implementation of this pillar are to prevention of
accident and incidents, environmental system failures, and financial costs
saving due to containment, investigation and compensation to organization.
This can be enhancing sustainability in organization due to involvement of this
pillar in total productive maintenance system.

8. TPM in Administration/Office functions

The purpose of the pillar office TPM is to achieve zero function losses,
establishment of efficient offices, and implementation of service support
functions for manufacturing processes. Administrative and support team
works in the total productive maintenance system as collection,
processing and distribution of information for process analysis and
flowing the required information at various stages of total productive
maintenance system.
 Extends TPM benefits beyond the plant floor by addressing waste in
administrative functions.
 Supports production through improved administrative operations such
as Order processing, procurement, and scheduling functions.

TPM implementation in a company

The Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM) developed a seven-step
method aimed at achieving a change in attitude, which is essential to the
success of the programme. The steps to develop this change of attitude are:
Phase 1. Initial Cleaning
In this phase, It is tried to clean the machine from dust and dirt, to leave all
parts clearly visible. It is also implemented a lubrication programme, the
machine components are fitted and an equipment commission is performed
(all known failures are repaired)
Phase 2. Measures to discover the causes of dirt, dust and faults
After cleaning the machine it must not get dirty again and fall into the same
state. Causes of dirt, dust and irregular operation must be avoided (oil leaks,
for example), access to clean and lubricate difficult places must be improved
and to reduce the time needed for these two basic functions (clean and
lubricate) is sought.
Phase 3. Preparation of procedures for cleaning and lubrication
In this phase appear again two primary maintenance functions or first level
functions, assigned to the production staff: at this stage are prepared
standard procedures in order that the activities of cleaning, lubrication and
minor adjustments of the components can be done in short time.
Phase 4. General inspections
Once you get that staff be responsible for cleaning, lubrication and minor
adjustments, you should train the production personnel so that they can
inspect and check the equipment for minor failures and failures in gestation
process, and of course, solve them.
Phase 5. Autonomous inspections
In this fifth phase, the ranges of autonomous maintenance or operation
maintenance are prepared. In this phase checklists of the machines are
prepared by the operators themselves, and then they are put into practice.
This is the stage where there is real implementation of periodic preventive
maintenance performed by the personnel operating the machine.
Phase 6. Order and Harmony in the distribution
Activities standardization and procedurisation is one of the essences of Total
Quality Management (TQM), which is the philosophy behind both the TPM and
the JIT. This establishes procedures and standards for cleaning, inspection,
lubrication, maintenance of records which reflect all maintenance and
production activities, management of tools and spare parts, etc.
Phase 7. Optimization and autonomy in the activity
The last phase aims to develop a culture of continuous improvement across
the company: It registers systematically the time between failures, analyzes
them and proposes solutions. All this is promoted and led by the production
team. Completion time of TQM programme varies from 2 to 3 years.

5S steps to implementation of TPM

Fig.6 5S foundation for TPM

Fig.6 Eight pillars of TPM

Lean manufacturing is “A Systematic approach to identifying and

eliminating waste through continuous improvement, flowing the
product at the pull of the customer in pursuit of Perfection” – BY NIST
(National Institute of Standards and Technology U.S.)
The benefit of good workplace include the prevention of defects; prevention of
accidents; and the elimination of time wasted for searching tools,
documentation and other ingredients of manufacture.

5S is a Lean manufacturing concept as waste reduction in process. 5S

was developed in Japan and was identified as one of the techniques
that enabled Just in Time manufacturing. 5S is a system and way of
organizing and managing workspaces to improve efficiency by eliminating
waste, improving flow and reducing process. The 5S method applies
standard housekeeping practices in the workplace through the five
principles of Sort (seiri), Set in order (seiton), Shine (seiso),
Standardize (seiketsu), and Sustain (shitsuke), 5S can help identify and
eliminate wastage to achieve a more organized and safer working
environment. The 5 principles of 5S Lean are explained below:
Fig.7 5S concept

Sort (Seiri)
All items, equipment, and work materials should be neatly arranged and all
unnecessary objects should be removed. The objective is to reduce clutter
and make it easier to locate the resources needed for work.
Set in Order (Seiton)
All items, equipment, and work materials should be in optimal locations.
The objective is to maximize accessibility, free up space, and prevent
accidents from occurring by removing unnecessary obstacles.
Shine (Seiso)
The work space, including all tools, equipment, and machinery, should
be cleaned on a regular basis. The objective is to make the work space
safe, waste-free, and conducive to productivity.
Standardize (Seiketsu)
The processes for sorting, order, and cleanliness should be standardized
and implemented across all offices and branches of operation. The objective is
for all aspects and branches of operation to consistently gain the benefits of
practicing seiri, seiton, and seiso.
Sustain/Self-discipline (Shitsuke)
The organization should have the initiative to continuously and
consistently practice the 5S methodology. The objective is to maximize
the business’s potential by removing all obstacles to productivity that is within
the operation’s control.

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a measure of how well

a  manufacturing  operation is utilized (facilities, time and material)
compared to its full potential, during the periods when it is scheduled to
run. It identifies the percentage of manufacturing time that is truly
productive. An OEE of 100% means that only good parts are produced
(100% quality), at the maximum speed (100% performance), and without
interruption (100% availability). OEE stands for which is a way of measuring
the production efficiency for a manufacturing unit by calculating the gap
between actual and ideal performance.

OEE calculations:
The OEE of a manufacturing unit are calculated as the product of three
separate components:
Availability takes into account all events that stop planned production long
enough where it makes sense to track a reason for being down (typically
several minutes).
Availability is calculated as the ratio of Run Time to Planned Production Time:

Availability = Run Time / Planned Production Time

(Run Time = Planned Production Time − Stop Time)

Performance takes into account anything that causes the manufacturing
process to run at less than the maximum possible speed when it is running
(including both Slow Cycles and Small Stops).
Performance is the ratio of Net Run Time to Run Time. It is calculated as:

Performance  = (Ideal Cycle Time  ×  Total Count) /  Run Time

Ideal Cycle Time is the fastest cycle time that your process can achieve in
optimal circumstances. Therefore, when it is multiplied by Total Count the
result is Net Run Time (the fastest possible time to manufacture the parts).
Since rate is the reciprocal of time, Performance can also be calculated as:

Performance  = (Total Count  /  Run Time) /  Ideal Run Rate

Performance should never be greater than 100%. If it is, that usually

indicates that Ideal Cycle Time is set incorrectly (it is too high). 

Quality takes into account manufactured parts that do not meet quality
standards, including parts that need rework. Remember, OEE Quality is
similar to First Pass Yield, in that it defines Good Parts as parts that
successfully pass through the manufacturing process the first time without
needing any rework.
Quality is calculated as:
Quality  =  Good Count  /  Total Count

This is the same as taking the ratio of Fully Productive Time (only Good Parts
manufactured as fast as possible with no Stop Time) to Net Run Time (all
parts manufactured as fast as possible with no stop time).
OEE takes into account all losses, resulting in a measure of truly
productive manufacturing time. It is calculated as:
OEE = Availability × Performance x Quality
OEE Performance – One of the three OEE Factors. Takes into account
Performance Loss (factors that cause the process to operate at less than the
maximum possible speed, when running). Must be measured in an OEE
program, usually by comparing Actual Cycle Time (or Actual Run Rate) to
Ideal Cycle Time (or Ideal Run Rate). × Quality

If the equations for Availability, Performance, and Quality are substituted in

the above and reduced to their simplest terms the result is:
OEE  = (Good Count  ×  Ideal Cycle Time) /  Planned Production Time

OEE Calculations : Worked examples


The table below contains hypothetical shift data which will be used to
complete the OEE calculation.

Take note that the same units of measurement (in this case, minutes and
parts) are consistently used throughout the calculations.

From the above Table, it is clear that:

 The Potential Production Time. which refers to the total operating time
that the shift was scheduled to run, is an 8 hour shift of 480 minutes.
 Production time was lost due to two instances of tea breaks (30 minutes
in total), one break time (30 minutes) and quality stops (to the total of 47
minutes). This means that the total time lost is 107 minutes (= 30 + 30 +
 Therefore, the actual time that the machine was in production and
producing parts is 373 minutes (= 480 - 107).

The calculation of the availability rate is:

Availability = B / A x 100
= 373 / 480 x 100
= 77.7%

Performance Rate
 Now, this shift's data needs to be used for the Performance rate calculation.
The information specific to this calculation is as follows:

From the above table, it is clear that:

 The Hourly Standard, which refers to the number of parts that should
be produced per minute, or in other words, the theoretical output, is 60 parts
per minute. Theoretically, the totla number of parts that should be produced
during the 373 minutes of production that took place during this shift, is 22
380 parts (= 373 x 60).
 The amount of parts lost due to speed would be calculated by
subtracting the actual amount of parts produced in total (both good and bad
parts) from the number of parts that should theoretically be produced during
this shift. This means that the amount of parts lost because of reduced speed
(or poor performance) is 2 659 parts (= 22 380 - 19 271).

 The calculation of the performance rate is:

Performance = D / C x 100
= 19 271 / 22 380 x 100
= 86.1%

Quality Rate :
 Then, this shift's data needs to be used for the Quality rate calculation. The
information specific to this calculation is as follows:

  From the above table, it is clear that:

 The total number of parts actually produced during this shift (good and
bad parts) is only 19 271. This is the actual output for this shift. The number
of those parts that were declared as scrapped parts is 423. This means that
the actual number of good parts produced is 18 848 (= 19 271 - 423).

 The calculation of the Quality rate is:

Quality  = F / E x 100
= 18 848 / 19 271 x 100
= 97.8%

Overall Equipment Effectiveness Calculation:

 An OEE calculation can be performed, using the amounts calculated for
availability, performance and quality:
 Since percentages cannot be multiplied, it is important to first convert each
percentage to a decimal figure. This means that:
OEE  =  0.777 x 0.861 x 0.978
OEE  =  0.654

Therefore, OEE  =  65.4%

Now let’s work through a complete example using the
preferred OEE calculation. Here is data recorded for the first shift:

Sl No. Item Data

1. Shift length 8 hours (480 minutes)
2. Breaks (2) 15 minute and (1) 30 minute
3. Down time 47 minutes
4. Ideal Cycle time 1.0 seconds
5. Total count 19,271 widgets
6. Rejected Count 423 widgets

Planned Production Time

The OEE calculation begins with Planned Production Time. So first, exclude

any Shift Time, where there is no intention of running production
(typically Breaks).
Planned Production time = Shift Length − Breaks
 480 minutes − 60 minutes = 420 minutes
Run Time
The next step is to calculate the amount of time that production was actually
running (was not stopped). Remember that Stop Time should include
both Unplanned Stops (e.g., Breakdowns) and Planned
Stops (e.g., Changeovers). Both provide opportunities for improvement.

Run time = Planned Production Time − Stop Time
420 minutes − 47 minutes = 373 minutes.

Good Count (Good Parts )

= Total Count − Reject Count
 19,271 widgets − 423 widgets = 18,848 widgets.

 Run Time / Planned Production Time
373 minutes / 420 minutes = 0.8881 (88.81%)

Performance = Ideal Cycle Time × Total Count / Run Time

(1.0 seconds × 19,271 widgets) / (373 minutes × 60 seconds)
= 0.8611 (86.11%)


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