Fiber Optics
Fiber Optics
Fiber Optics
You hear about fiber-optic cables whenever people talk about the
telephone system, the cable TV system or the Internet. Fiber-
optic lines are strands of optically pure glass as thin as a human
hair that carry digital information over long distances. They are
also used in medical imaging and mechanical engineering
inspection. 5/7/2002
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If you look closely at a single optical fiber, you will see that it has the following parts:
? Core - Thin glass center of the fiber where the light travels
? Cladding - Outer optical material surrounding the core that reflects the light back into
the core
? Buffer coating - Plastic coating that protects the fiber from damage and moisture
Hundreds or thousands of these optical fibers are arranged in bundles in optical cables. The
bundles are protected by the cable's outer covering, called a jacket.
? Single-mode fibers - Used to transmit one signal per fiber (used in telephones and
cable TV)
? Multi-mode fibers - Used to transmit many signals per fiber (used in computer
networks, local area networks)
Single-mode fibers have small cores (about 3.5 x 10 -4 inches or 9 microns in diameter) and
transmit infrared laser light (wavelength = 1,300 to 1,550 nanometers). Multi-mode fibers
have larger cores (about 2.5 x 10 -3 inches or 62.5 microns in diameter) and transmit infrared
light (wavelength = 850 to 1,300 nm) from light -emitting diodes (LEDs).
Some optical fibers can be made from plastic . These fibers have a large core (0.04 inches or
1 mm diameter) and transmit visible red light (wavelength = 650 nm) from LEDs. 5/7/2002
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hallway has a bend in it? You could place a mirror at the bend to reflect the light beam around
the corner. What if the hallway is very winding with multiple bends? You might line the walls
with mirrors and angle the beam so that it bounces from side-to-side all along the hallway.
This is exactly what happens in an optical fiber.
The light in a fiber-optic cable travels through the core (hallway) by Need to Know More?
constantly bouncing from the cladding (mirror -lined walls), a Check out a detailed
principle called total internal reflection. Because the cladding description of the physics of
does not absorb any light from the core, the light wave can travel total internal reflection.
great distances. However, some of the light signal degrades
within the fiber, mostly due to impurities in the glass. The extent that the signal degrades
depends on the purity of the glass and the wavelength of the transmitted light (for example,
850 nm = 60 to 75 percent/km; 1,300 nm = 50 to 60 percent/km; 1,550 nm is greater than 50
percent/km). Some premium optical fibers show much less signal degradation -- less than 10
percent/km at 1,550 nm.
Now, imagine doing this when the ships are on either side of the ocean separated by
thousands of miles and you have a fiber-optic communication system in place between the
two ships. Fiber-optic relay systems consist of the following: 5/7/2002
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The transmitter is like the sailor on the deck of the sending ship. It receives and directs the
optical device to turn the light "on" and "off" in the correct sequence, thereby generating a light
The transmitter is physically close to the optical fiber and may even have a lens to focus the
light into the fiber. Lasers have more power than LEDs, but vary more with changes in
temperature and are more expensive. The most common wavelengths of light signals are 850
nm, 1,300 nm, and 1,550 nm (infrared, non-visible portions of the spectrum).
Optical Regenerator
As mentioned above, some signal loss occurs when the light is transmitted through the fiber,
especially over long distances (more than a half mile, or about 1 km) such as with undersea
cables. Therefore, one or more optical regenerators is spliced along the cable to boost the
degraded light signals.
An optical regenerator consists of optical fibers with a special coating (doping). The doped
portion is "pumped" with a laser. When the degraded signal comes into the doped coating, the
energy from the laser allows the doped molecules to become lasers themselves. The doped
molecules then emit a new, stronger light signal with the same characteristics as the incoming
weak light signal. Basically, the regenerator is a laser amplifier for the incoming signal (see
this page on fiber amplifiers for more details).
Optical Receiver
The optical receiver is like the sailor on the deck of the receiving ship. It takes the incoming
digital light signals, decodes them and sends the electrical signal to the other user's computer,
TV or telephone (receiving ship's captain). The receiver uses a photocell or photodiode to
detect the light.
For a good discussion of lightwave transmission systems, see this page from Bell Labs.
? Less expensive - Several miles of optical cable can be made cheaper than equivalent
lengths of copper wire. This saves your provider (cable TV, Internet) and you money.
? Thinner - Optical fibers can be drawn to smaller diameters than copper wire.
? Higher carrying capacity - Because optical fibers are thinner than copper wires, more
fibers can be bundled into a given-diameter cable than copper wires. This allows more
phone lines to go over the same cable or more channels to come through the cable into
your cable TV box.
? Less signal degradation - The loss of signal in optical fiber is less than in copper wire.
? Light signals - Unlike electrical signals in copper wires, light signals from one fiber do
not interfere with those of other fibers in the same cable. This means clearer phone
conversations or TV reception.
? Low power - Because signals in optical fibers degrade less, lower-power transmitters
can be used instead of the high-voltage electrical transmitters needed for copper wires.
Again, this saves your provider and you money. 5/7/2002
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? Digital signals - Optical fibers are ideally suited for carrying digital information, which is
especially useful in computer networks.
? Non-flammable - Because no electricity is passed through optical fibers, there is no fire
? Lightweight - An optical cable weighs less than a comparable copper wire cable. Fiber-
optic cables take up less space in the ground.
? Flexible - Because fiber optics are so flexible and can transmit and receive light, they
are used in many flexible digital cameras for the following purposes:
? Medical imaging - in bronchoscopes, endoscopes, laparoscopes
Because of these advantages, you see fiber optics in many industries, most notably
telecommunications and computer networks. For example, if you telephone Europe from the
United States (or vice versa) and the signal is bounced off a communications satellite, you
often hear an echo on the line. But with transatlantic fiber-optic cables, you have a direct
connection with no echoes. 5/7/2002
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In MCVD, oxygen is bubbled through solutions of silicon chloride (SiCl 4), germanium chloride
(GeCl4) and/or other chemicals. The precise mixture governs the various physical and optical
properties (index of refraction, coefficient of expansion, melting point, etc.). The gas vapors
are then conducted to the inside of a synthetic silica or quartz tube (cladding) in a special
lathe. As the lathe turns, a torch is moved up and down the outside of the tube. The extreme
heat from the torch causes two things to happen: 5/7/2002
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The blank gets lowered into a graphite furnace (3,452 to 3,992 degrees Fahrenheit or 1,900 to
2,200 degrees Celsius) and the tip gets melted until a molten glob falls down by gravity. As it
drops, it cools and forms a thread. 5/7/2002
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signals that can be carried at one time (multi-mode fibers) Finished spool of optical fiber
? Chromatic dispersion - Spread of various wavelengths of
light through the core (important for bandwidth)
? Operating temperature/humidity range
? Temperature dependence of attenuation
? Ability to conduct light underwater - Important for undersea cables
Once the fibers have passed the quality control, they are sold to telephone companies, cable
companies and network providers. Many companies are currently replacing their old copper-
wire-based systems with new fiber-optic -based systems to improve speed, capacity and
At one particular angle (critical angle ), the refracted light will not go into m2, but instead will
travel along the surface between the two media (sin [critical angle] = n2/n1 where n 1 and n 2
are the indices of refraction [n 1 is less than n 2]). If the beam through m 1 is greater than the
critical angle, then the refracted beam will be reflected entirely back into m 1 (total internal
reflection), even though m 2 may be transparent!
In physics, the critical angle is described with respect to the normal line. In fiber optics, the
critical angle is described with respect to the parallel axis running down the middle of the fiber.
Therefore, the fiber-optic critical angle = (90 degrees - physics critical angle). 5/7/2002
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In an optical fiber, the light travels through the core (m1, high index of refraction) by constantly
reflecting from the cladding (m 2, lower index of refraction) because the angle of the light is
always greater than the critical angle. Light reflects from the cladding no matter what angle
the fiber itself gets bent at, even if it's a full circle!
Because the cladding does not absorb any light from the core, the light wave can travel great
distances. However, some of the light signal degrades within the fiber, mostly due to
impurities in the glass. The extent that the signal degrades depends upon the purity of the
glass and the wavelength of the transmitted light (for example, 850 nm = 60 to 75 percent/km;
1,300 nm = 50 to 60 percent/km; 1,550 nm is greater than 50 percent/km). Some premium
optical fibers show much less signal degradation -- less than 10 percent/km at 1,550 nm.
For more information on fiber optics and related topics, check out the links on the next page! 5/7/2002
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