Response of Maize To Seed Priming BY Ghazal Miraj

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A dissertation submitted to The University of Agriculture, Peshawar in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of




APRIL, 2012

A dissertation submitted to The University of Agriculture, Peshawar in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


Approved by:

Chairman Supervisory Committee

Prof. Dr. Hamid Ullah Shah

Member (Major)
Prof. Dr. Jehangir Khan Khalil

Member (Minor)
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Arif
Department of Agronomy

Chairman/Convener Board of Studies

Prof. Dr. Hamid Ullah Shah

Dean Faculty of Nutrition Sciences

Prof. Dr. Alam Zeb

Director Advanced Studies & Research

Prof. Dr. Farhatullah


APRIL, 2012

Chapter No. Title Page No.

LIST OF TABLES...............................................................................v
LIST OF FIGURES.............................................................................vii
LIST OF APPENDICES......................................................................viii

I. INTRODUCTION................................................................................1
II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE...............................................................6
2.1. Seed Priming...........................................................................8
2.2. Halo Priming............................................................................9
2.3. Moringa Leaf Extract priming....................................................12
2.4. Hormonal priming.....................................................................14
III. MATERIAL AND METHODS..............................................................22
3.1. Laboratory Experiment.............................................................28
3.2. Statistical Analysis...................................................................35

IV. RESULTS...........................................................................................36
4.1. Laboratory Experiments..........................................................52
V. DISCUSSION.....................................................................................71
5.1. Germination.............................................................................71
5.2. Fresh/dry shoot weight of seedling.........................................72
5.3. Fresh/dry root weight of seedling............................................73
5.4. Length of seedling/plant..........................................................73
5.5. Number of secondary roots 75
VI. SUMMARAY......................................................................................78
VII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECCOMMENDATIONS..............................80
7.1 Conclusions............................................................................80
7.2 Recommendations..............................................................80
VIII. LITERATURE CITED.........................................................................81

Ghazal Miraj and Hamid Ullah Shah

Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Nutrition Sciences

The University of Agriculture, Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Pakistan
April, 2012


A series of laboratory experiments were conducted to study the effect of seed

priming on emergence, seedling growth of Maize (Zea mays L.) at the University
of Agriculture,Faisalabad. Different sources of Salts for Halopriming (1 % P)
including KH2PO4, MLE and DAP along with amended solutions of MLE (20 g l -1
KOH, 15 g l-1 NaOH and 12.5 g l-1 Na2CO3) were used as priming treatments.
Water primed and dry seed were used as control in the experiments. Seeds were
primed for 16 h and then air- dried were sown in the Germination trays for the
seedling growth parameters. Seedlings from trays were cut at 21 days old stage.
Laboratory tests were carried out on the primed seeds. Germination test of
primed and non-primed seed was carried out in Peat Moss 7 days after
emergence, 14 days after emergence and 21 days after emergence. Halo
priming of maize seed for 16 h reduced the time for germination. Primed seeds
showed higher vigor than unprimed seeds as reflected in fresh and dry shoot
weights, fresh shoot height and P shoot content as compared with non-primed

Praise be to Almighty Allah the cherisher and sustainer of the world and

the Holy Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him) the

Final Messenger sent by Allah to the Inhabitants of Earth.

I am thankful to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Hamid Ullah Shah, Department of

Agricultural Chemistry, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar for his guidance

throughout the period to accomplish my dissertation.

I am thankful to Prof. Dr. Muhammad Arif, Department of Agronomy, The

University of Agriculture, Peshawar for his cooperation and timely guidance.

I consecrate my sincere thanks to my department staff specially Mr. Taj

Malook and Mr. Taj Muhammad for their worthy technical support my research


Thanks are also extended to higher education commission, Islamabad

Pakistan for financial support and ECW, Bangor University, Wales UK, for

technical facilitation to successfully compete this study.

Last but not least, I sincerely and cordially pay humble and heartedly

thanks to my affectionate parents, brother and sister for their moral and financial

support and encouraging attitude throughout my studies.

Ghazal Miraj


4.1 Seedling growth parameters as affected by priming Solutions..............37

4.2 Fresh shoot weight (g plant-1) as affected by priming.............................37

4.3 Fresh root weight (g plant-1) as affected by priming...............................40

4.4 Dry shoot weight (g plant-1) as affected by seed priming.......................41

4.5 Dry root weight (g plant-1) as affected by priming...................................43

4.6 Seedling height (cm) as affected by priming..........................................43

4.7 Number of secondary roots as affected by priming................................49



4.1 Fresh shoot weight of seedlings as affected by Priming.........................38

4.2 Fresh root weight of seedlings as affected by priming............................40

4.3 Dry shoot weight of seedling as affected by priming..............................41

4.4 Maize emergence (%) as affected by priming........................................54

4.5 Fresh shoot weight (g plant-1) as affected by priming.............................57

4.6 Fresh root weight (g plant-1) as affected by priming...............................59

4.7 Shoot height (cm) as affected by Seed priming .....................................60

4.8 Root length (cm) as affected by Seed priming........................................62

4.9 Dry shoot weight (g plant-1) as affected by Seed priming........................63

4.10 Dry root weight (g plant-1) as affected by Seed priming..........................65



1. Analysis of variance of fresh shoot weight (g plant -1) of halo priming 91

2. Analysis of variance of fresh root weight (g plant-1) of halo priming...91

3. Analysis of variance of dry shoot weight (g plant -1) of halo priming. . .91

4. Analysis of variance of dry root weight (g plant-1) of halo priming......92

5. Analysis of variance of seedling height (cm) of halo priming.............92

6. Analysis of variance of fresh shoot weight (g plant -1) MLE Priming… 96

7. Analysis of variance of fresh root weight (g plant-1) MLE Priming......96

8. Analysis of variance of dry shoot weight (g plant -1) MLE Priming......96

9. Analysis of variance of dry root weight (g plant-1) MLE Priming.........97

10. Analysis of variance of shoot height (cm) MLE Priming.....................97

11. Analysis of variance of Number of secondary roots MLE Priming.....99

12. Analysis of variance of fresh shoot weight (g plant -1) Hormonal


13. Analysis of variance of fresh root weight (g plant-1) Hormonal Priming


14. Analysis of variance of dry shoot weight (g plant -1) Hormonal Priming

15. Analysis of variance of dry root weight (g plant-1) of two years

average data.....................................................................................102

16. Analysis of variance of shoot height (cm) Hormonal Priming102

17. Analysis of variance of P concentration (%) Hormonal Priming.......102

18. Analysis of variance of P uptake (g plant -1) Hormonal Priming103

19. Analysis of variance of cobs weight (kg plot-1) Hormonal Priming. . .103

20. Analysis of variance of plant height (cm) Hormonal Priming 103

21. Analysis of Variance of Fresh shoot weight (g plant -1) Combined
Effect of Priming................................................................................106

22. Analysis of Variance of Fresh root weight (g plant -1) Combined Effect
of Priming..........................................................................................106

23. Analysis of Variance of shoot height (cm) Combined Effect of


24. Analysis of Variance of root height (cm) Combined Effect of


25. Analysis of Variance of Dry shoot weight (g plant -1) Combined Effect
of Priming..........................................................................................107

26. Analysis of Variance of Dry root weight (g plant-1) Combined Effect of


Maize is one among the few highly cultivated cereal crops that were originated in the Western
Hemisphere. Studies informed that maize was originated in Guatemala the southern Mexico about
seven to ten millennium ago. Similar to other cereal crops, maize was aroused from a weedy, wild
species native to that location. Information collected about origin of maize and studies of past
sixty years suggests that parent of modern maize crop was teosinte (Zea mays L.: MLE.
Mexicana) (Wilkes, 2004). Despite the fact that the transition of maize from a wild species to a
modern cultivated species was similar to other crops in many aspects, however, has had some
different properties, other than its origin in the Western Hemisphere. Maize is a cross-pollinated
species with unique and separate male (tassel) and female (ear) organs. Today’s modern maize is
a C4 photosynthesis- explorative crop having high genetic potential.
In the list of cereal crops of world maize ranks second following wheat in terms of
production. However, in developing countries Africa and Latin America maize ranks first
in Asia maize is at third rank after wheat and rice in production. Maize is grown in more
than seventy countries of the world including 53 developing countries. More than eleven
billion tonnes of maize is produced in year 2017-18 with a total growing area of more
than 190 million hectares. Largest producer of maize is United States of America which
alone contributes 52.2 % share in total world production of maize with a production of
about 600 million tonnes after USA the second largest maize producing country in the
world is China. (FAO 2018-19).
Seed priming, in its simplest form, is a technology whereby seeds are

soaked in water or osmotic solutions (Parera and Cantliffe, 1994) immediately

before sowing. This allows seeds to imbibe water to proceed to the first stage of

germination which speeds up seedling emergence and improves crop

establishment in a range of crops. Priming-induced vigorous early growth, earlier

flowering and hastened maturity can also lead to increased yields (Bhati and

Rathore, 1986; Harris, 1996).

Priming is a viable technology to enhance rapid and uniform emergence,

high vigor, and better yields in field crops (Harris et al., 2002; Giri and Schillinger,

2003; Murungu et al., 2004). The soaking induces a range of bio-chemical

changes in the seed that are required to start the germination process (breaking

of dormancy, hydrolysis and/or metabolization of inhibitors, imbibition and


Priming with water produces significant enhancements in plant growth and

yield; there is also evidence that seeds can be primed with dilute solutions of

nutrients to overcome deficiencies in specific situations. Treating or priming the

seeds with small amounts of nutrients has been shown to partially overcome

nutrient immobilization problem in soils and to increase nutrient use efficiency.

Seed dressing of limiting nutrients has been advocated as a low-cost and

highly effective approach since the 1970’s (Roberts, 1973), and still is an

attractive solution to overcome poor establishment and P & Zn deficiencies

(Asgedom and Becker, 2001; Ros et al., 2000). Seedling performance can be

enhanced by phosphorus priming, which is directly related to seed P content

(DeMarco, 1990; Derrick and Ryan, 1998).


2.1 Seed priming

Nutrients must be supplied through proper crop management practices (Ali

et. al., 2008). Crop nutrient could be provided through different application methods

including soil and foliar application, farm yard manure etc. Each method has the

potential to affect plant nutrition both in the treated plant directly and in the

progeny plants through enrichment of the seeds by nutrient treatment (Johnson

et. al., 2005).

The other recently emerging technique is seed priming. The technique of

seed priming improves plant stands and provides benefits in terms of early

maturity, reduced disease and increased yields in a range of crops in rain-fed

areas as well as in irrigated crops grown (Rashid et al., 2002). Increased maize

emergence percentage, time and uniformity of emergence especially under

suboptimal temperatures are reported by Sung and Chang (1993). These

improvements may be due to the fact that priming causes quantitative changes in

biochemical content of the seeds.

Gallardo et al., (2001) observed an increase in polypeptides during the

priming treatment in Arabidopsis. Similar observations of storage protein

mobilization were made during the priming of sugar beet seed (Job et al., 1997).

2.2 Halo Priming

When a dry seed is kept in water, the uptake of water occurs in three

stages (Bewely and Black, 1997). Varier et al., (2010) reviewed that during

priming, imbibition takes place where there is a rapid initial water uptake due to

the seed’s low water potential. During this phase, proteins are synthesized using

existing mRNA and DNA and mitochondria are repaired. In second step, there is

a slow increase in seed water content, but physiological activities associated with

germination are initiated, including synthesis of proteins and new mitochondria.

At last there is a rapid uptake of water where the process of germination is

completed resulting in radical emergence. First and second stages are the

foundations of successful seed priming where the seed is brought to a seed

moisture content that is just short of radical protrusion (Akers and Holey, 1986;

Bray, 1995). The pattern of water uptake during priming is similar to that during

germination but the rate of uptake is slower and controlled.

Hydro primingis effective over a wide range of production environments

(non-primed yields ranged from 1.1 t h -1 to 6.3 t ha-1) including both rainfed and

irrigated conditions and salt-affected soils. The extra maize grain is produced
varying from 0.3 t ha-1 to about 1.4 t ha -1 and represents increases ranging from

17% to 76% (Harris et al., 2001).

Maize seed priming for 24 h with water by Harris et al., (2002) resulted in

increased total biomass, ear weight and grain yield under saline conditions. Direct

benefits of faster emergence, better and uniform stands, less need to re-sow,

more vigorous plants, better drought tolerance, earlier flowering, earlier stage

and higher grain yield in maize, upland rice, chickpea and maize and for sorghum

were observed.

Gerber and Caplan (1989) analyzed seed of the sh2 sweet corn cv. Xtra

Sweet 82 as they were soaked in aerated distilled water at 20 0C for 0, 1.5, 6, 12,

24 or 48 h and seed germination was assessed after surface drying. Priming

significantly reduced the percentage of un-germinated seeds at 10 d. Seedling

emergence increased in response to priming for up to 24 h but decreased

thereafter. It was suggested that soaking for 48 h could have proved detrimental

as a result of physical damage to the exposed radical or from excessive

metabolite leakage.

Hydro primingstudy was carried by Farooq et al., (2008) on late sown

wheat using treatments of tap water soaking for 14 h, soaking in aerated distilled

water for 24 h, soaking in tap water at 27 ± 3 0C for 12 h and re-drying to initial

moisture content. Dry seeds were used as control. Seed priming techniques

significantly enhanced seedling emergence, improved stand establishment, tiller

numbers, grain and straw yield and harvest index, while plant height, number of
spikelets, number of grains and 1000 grain weight remained statistically


Rashid et al., (2004) tested the effect of ‘on-farm’ seed Hydro primingof

mungbean (Vigna radiata). Seed priming was significantly better than non-

priming with a mean yield increase of 56 %. Benefits from priming were the result

of a combination of faster germination/emergence and more vigorous growth and

development, leading to better crop stands and bigger, more productive plants.

Rashid et al., (2006) carried out microplot, on-station and on-farm field

experiments and participatory trials in several environments, including saline,

saline–sodic and normal (non-saline, non-sodic) soils to assess the effect of

priming on barley yields. Grain yield increases due to priming were up to 53% in

the participatory trials. The response to priming was better in low potential

environments than under better conditions. Priming was also more advantageous

on saline-sodic than on saline soils, possibly as a result of the water content of

the soil.

Similarly Harris and Jones (1997) showed that germination time of rice

cultivars from West Africa was reduced to 50% after Hydro primingfor 12-24 h. In

agreement with these findings, several other reports showed improved and early

seedling emergence in different crops like sorghum, millet, cotton, beans, and

maize as a result of Hydro priming(Harris et al., 1999; Rashid et al., 2002;

Murungu et al., 2004;) and okra with different sources of P (Shah et al., 2011).

Several reasons have been proposed to explain the observed stimulation

in early and total germination. Many process that inhibit seed germination, are
triggered by priming and persist. When seeds imbibe, the water content reaches

a plateau and changes little until radical emergence (Bradford, 1986). The seed

priming technique is recommended by Harris et al., (2001) as a key technology, a

low cost, low risk intervention to make a significant impact on maize production in

a wide range of environments. Also primed seed stored at low temperature (5C)

show best germination performance and better seedling growth which may be

the reason for higher seedling dry weight of the primed seed stored at 5C for six

months (Kang et al., 1996).

2.3 Moringa Leaf Extract priming

Seed priming using micronutrient has been developed to address the

micronutrient deficiency in many parts of world. Ullah et al., (2002a) studied the

pre-sowing seed treatment with water and different micronutrient solutions i.e.

ZnSO4, MnSO4 and FeSO4 on field emergence of raya. The seedling emergence

and early growth, fresh and dry weight of roots and shoots were increased

significantly by these seed treatments except FeSO 4. Likewise Hong-FaShui et

al., (1996) observed that maize seed priming with the solutions of 0.3% CaCl2,

0.1% ZnSO4 or both (1:1) for 24 h. Ca 2+ or Zn2+ alone or in combination increased

the germination rate, seed vigor, seedling fresh weight and height, and root

length and numbers. The greatest effects were observed with Ca 2+ and Zn2+ in

combination. Johnson et al., (2005) documented that micronutrient (Zn, B and Mo)

seed priming of legumes i.e. chick pea, lentil and cowpea resulted in increased rate

of germination as compared to control. The seed micronutrient content was also

increased as in Zn ranging from 40-60 to 500-800 mg kg-1; B from 10 to 80-

100 mg kg-1; and Mo from 3 to 300 mg kg-1. This revealed that micronutrient seed

priming provides a simple, resourceful method for enhancing micronutrient uptake

for the plant.

Priming the maize seed with dilute aqueous solution of ZnSO 4 is reported

by Harris et al., (2007a). Results of the study reveal that 1% Zn solution

increased the amount of Zn in or on the seed from about 15–560 mg kg -1 through

priming. Zinc primed maize produced heavier seedlings as recorded at two

growth stages (14 DAS and 21 DAS) than those from seeds primed with water

alone. This might be due to fact that additional Zn stimulated seedling vigour as

noted by Slaton et al., (2001). Likewise Harris et al., (2007b) observed that wheat

seed primed with 0.3% Zn and chickpea in 0.05% Zn showed increased nutrient

concentration in wheat (27 to 470 mg Zn kg -1) and in chickpea (49 to 780 mg Zn

kg-1). Also wheat seeds primed with 0.3% Zn significantly increased shoot dry

mass, Zn concentration and uptake of 15-day-old seedlings as compared to non-

primed and water primed seeds. Mean grain yield of wheat was significantly

increased up to 6% by Hydro primingand to 14% by priming with 0.3% Zn. Mean

grain yield of chickpea in seven trials was increased significantly from 1.39 to

1.65 t ha-1 (19%) by priming seeds with 0.05% Zn.

Guo et al., (1992) carried out field trials in which, zinc sulfate was applied

to maize by soaking seed for 12 h in 0.02 or 0.05% solution, by mixing 2.5 kg

seed with 15 g zinc sulfate and a little water or by spraying seedlings with 0.1 or

0.2% zinc sulfate when 20 cm tall. Seed treatments hastened development and

mixing the seed with zinc sulfate increased yield components and ultimately
enhanced the crop yield. Seed treatments significantly increased yields from 2.2

to 165.2%. Likewise, Barsoom (1998) carried out pot experiments, in which

maize seeds were pretreated by soaking in single or mixed solutions of ZnSO 4,

CuSO4, MnSO4 or FeSO4, or the same solutions were applied to the soil, or as a

foliar spray. The effects of these treatments on growth and uptake of Mn and Zn

were significant.

The priming of wheat seed in water, 0.2% Zn, 0.3% P and 0.3% P+ 0.2%

Zn has also reported an increase in yield components including number of plants

m-2, number of tillers m-2, number of grains spike-1, thousand grain weight, grain

yield and biological yield as compared to control by Ali et al., (2008). Wheat

priming with water and 0.2% gypsum has also proven to improve crop

emergence, early maturity and hence yield per hectare by Rajpar et al., (2006).

2.5 Hormonal priming

Macronutrient priming especially phosphorus priming has also proven to

improve growth and yield of different crops including maize, wheat, barley,

sorghum, rice and mung bean. Results reported by Asgedom and Becker (2001)

indicated that seed priming (Water, P and Zn) on barley, sorghum, maize, millet

and rice raised the nutrient content of primed rice seeds by 2500 mg P and 10

mg Zn per seed. Nutrient amounts of primed sorghum seeds were only 0.14 mg

P and 2.1 mg Zn per seed. It was observed that 56-91% of P and 90% of Zinc

were absorbed into the seed; the remaining amount was adhering to the seed

coat. Two week old seedling grown from water, P or Zn primed seeds showed

more growth than unprimed seeds as reflected in plant height, leaf area and
biomass accumulation. P primed rice seeds accumulated up to 56% more

seedling biomass than unprimed seedlings. Whereas, seedlings grown from Zn

primed seeds accumulated only 6% more biomass than from unprimed


Similar results were attributed by Ajouri et al., (2004) who reported that

Barley seeds soaked in water, P, Zn, and P + Zn solutions, increased

germination rate from 65-95%. The germination also advanced up to 3 days as

compared to non-primed seeds. Nutrient priming solution enhanced growth by 4-

week-old seedlings. Phosphorus and zinc content and uptake of the seeds were

also increased.

The optimum level of P and Zn concentration for Maize seed germination

and growth is important. In order to evaluate the average level for P and Zn

concentration for maize seed, Arif et al., (2005) conducted a study using 1% P,

2% P, 1% P + 2% Zn and 2% P + 2% Zn priming treatments. Water primed and

dry seeds were also used in the experiment. Air dried primed maize seeds were

sown in pots (40 cm diameter and 30cm height) in silt medium. The priming had

significant effect on total emergence. Maximum emergence was observed in

water primed seed (100%) followed by seed primed in 2% P + 2% Zn (90%).

Seedling having 1% P + 2% Zn treatment showed more fresh and dry weights as

compared to control. Leguminous crop mung bean had also positive affect due

to Phosphorus priming as observed by Shah et al., (2012). Mung bean seed

primed with 0.01 % and 0.02% P resulted in increased seedling (14 and 21 days

old) fresh and dry biomass, shoot height, nutrient content and uptake as
compared to water primed and dry seed. The nutrient content of the seed primed

with 0.01% P was increased from 3.300 to 7.250 mg g -1 and up to 7.480 mg g-1

with 0.02% P. The P content was decreased by surface washing up to 5.76%

and 4.717% in 0.01% and 0.02 % P primed seed, respectively.

Khalil et al., (2010) reported that priming wheat for 10 hrs with different

P2O5 solutions (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3%) and water decreased time for emergence, and

increased dry matter (DM) production as compared to control. Maximum DM

yield (6051 kg ha-1) was obtained from seeds primed with 0.2% P2O5 solution.

To study the effect of seed priming using different sources of Chemicals

on Germination and seedling growth of maize (cv. Azam), mini plot and field

experiments were conducted at Post Graduate Lab, PBG Department University

of Agriculture during 2019-20. Laboratory experiments were conducted in order

to assess the effect of selected P sources on emergence, seedling growth.

Table 3.1 Physico-Chemical Property of Peat Moss

Property Value

pH 1:1 8.1

EC x103 (dS m-1) 0.11

Organic Matter (%) 0.591

CaCO3 (%) 17.250

Textural Class Loam

P (mg kg-1) 8.706

K (mg kg-1) 181.28

N (%) 0.046
3.1 Solution Preparation

Experiments were conducted to compare the relative effectiveness of

priming maize seeds with a 1% P solution derived from (potassium di hydrogen

phosphate) KH2PO4, single superphosphate (MLE) and diammonium phosphate

(DAP). To prepare solutions containing 1% P, the calculated amount (Table 3.2)

each of MLE, DAP and KH 2PO4 was dissolved in one liter of distilled water. The

suspensions of MLE and DAP formed were shaken occasionally during 24 hours

and the supernatant liquid was decanted and used to prime seeds. Using MLE as

a source of P, the effect on pH, EC and osmotic potential of adding various

amounts of commonly available alkalis (NaOH, KOH and Na 2CO3) to the P

solution was tested. A 1% P solution was made using MLE and known amounts

of NaOH, KOH or Na2CO3 were added to it (Table 3.2). Solutions of 1% P using

MLE alone and KH2PO4 were included for comparison. The pH of the solutions

was measured as noted in Table 3.2 and electrical conductance (EC) was

measured using a Solubridge conductivity meter.

Table 3.3 S o m e properties of MLE solution (1% P) amended with
different alkalis

Solution Alkali Alkali added pH EC Osmotic potential

g l-1 dSm-1 MPa

MLE -- -- 2.80 16.22 -0.59

MLE KOH 10.0 5.20 21.08 -0.77

MLE KOH 15.0 7.14 28.40 -1.03

MLE KOH 20.0 8.32 37.70 -1.39

MLE NaOH 10.0 6.30 22.2 -0.81

MLE NaOH 15.0 8.0 37.90 -1.38

MLE NaOH 20.0 11.12 48.4 -1.76

MLE Na2CO3 10.0 3.89 11.49 -0.42

MLE Na2CO3 12.5 5.09 12.11 -0.44

MLE Na2CO3 15.0 5.57 12.96 -0.47

KH2PO4 -- -- 5.60 31.7 -1.16

3.1.1 Seedling Growth:

Five plants from each plot were harvested at 21 days after sowing (DAS)

along with the roots. Roots were cut and washed thoroughly with tap water. The

plant seedlings and roots were dried with tissue paper. Following growth

parameters were recorded from the seedlings collected.

1. Fresh shoot and root weight (g plant-1)

The seedlings harvested were separately washed with distilled water. The

roots were cut from the shoots at radical and thoroughly washed with distilled

water. The shoot and roots were then weighed in grams for fresh biomass.

2. Seedling height (cm)

The shoot and root length were measured separately of each seedling

from the radical to the tip of leaf.

3. Dry shoot and root weight (g plant-1)

Data on dry matter of seedling (root and shoot) were recorded by keeping

the fresh samples in oven at 80 0C for 48 hrs in paper bags and then weighed

after complete drying. The dried shoots were grinded for determination of P

content as described in section 3.6.

3.2 Laboratory Experiments

3.2.1 Laboratory experiments were conducted in order to assess the effect of

selected P sources on emergence, seedling growth and mobilization of P in
maize in low P soil. Seedling Growth:

Five plants from each plot were harvested at 21 days after sowing (DAS)

along with the roots. Roots were cut and washed thoroughly with tap water. The

plant seedlings and roots were dried with tissue paper. Following growth

parameters were recorded from the seedlings collected.

3.2.2 Fresh shoot and root weight (g plant-1)

The seedlings harvested were separately washed with distilled water. The
roots were cut from the shoots at radical and thoroughly washed with distilled

water. The shoot and roots were then weighed in grams for fresh biomass.

3.2.3 Seedling height (cm)

The shoot and root length were measured separately of each seedling

from the radical to the tip of leaf.

3.2.4 Dry shoot and root weight (g plant-1)

Data on dry matter of seedling (root and shoot) were recorded by keeping

the fresh samples in oven at 80 0C for 48 hrs in paper bags and then weighed

after complete drying. The dried shoots were grinded for determination of P

content as described in section 3.6.

3.4.1. Effect on emergence of priming seeds with solutions

On the basis of field experiments’ results, three treatments including

water, KH2PO4 (1 % P) and MLE (1% P + 20 g l -1 KOH) were selected to test the

maize response to priming at P deficient soil. Seeds were primed for 16hrs with

the given treatments and were than air dried for half hour. The seed (10 Nos.)

were sown in low P soil (1.005 mg P; 3.9% moisture) in tray pots in 3cm depth.

The trays were divided into 4 equal portions (A, B, C and D) and the treatments

were assigned randomly to each portion. Five trays were used each representing

one replication and they were kept in growth cabinet under 25 OC temperature

and 80% humidity conditions. Number of emerging seedlings was counted at 6 hr

time interval till maximum emergence and emergence percent was calculated

against control.
a. Fresh Weight (g plant-1):

The seedlings harvested were separately washed with distilled water. The

roots were cut from the shoots at radical and thoroughly washed with

distilled water. The shoot and roots were then weighed in grams for fresh


b. Height (cm):

The shoot and root heights were measured separately of each seedling from

the radical to the tip of leaf. Each leaf was then carefully removed from the

stalk and was kept in paper bags for drying.

c. Dry weight (g plant-1):

Data on dry matter of seedling (root and shoot) were recorded by keeping

the fresh samples in oven at 80 0C for 48 hrs in paper bags and then

weighed after complete drying.


i. Fresh shoot weight (g plant-1)

Mean seedling fresh shoot weight (g plant-1) data are presented in Table

4.2. Average data showed significant difference among treatment means. It could

be noted from the data that higher fresh shoot weight (7.286 g plant -1) was
observed in the seedlings primed with KH2PO4 1% P which was significantly at

par with MLE 1% P + 20g l-1 KOH (6.343 g plant-1).

Table 4.2 Fresh shoot weight (g plant-1) as affected by Seed priming

Treatment 2008 2009 Average

Control 4.453 c 3.754 4.104 c

H2O 5.955 b 4.673 5.314 bc

KH2PO4 (1%P) 8.704 a 5.868 7.286 a

MLE (1% P) 6.604 b 2.189 4.397 c

MLE 1% P + 20g l-1 KOH 7.371 ab 5.314 6.343 ab

DAP (1 % P) 6.906 b 3.466 4.587 bc

LSD < 0.05 1.490 NS 1.506

Means of the same category followed by different letters are significantly different
from one another at p=0.05 using LSD test.
Fresh shoot weight (g plant-1)








( E H


Figure 4.1 Average Fresh shoot weight of seedlings as affected by

Seed priming
This was followed by fresh weight recorded from DAP 1% P (4.587 g plant -
) and water primed seedlings (5.314 g plant-1) which were significantly at
similar level with each other. Lower shoot weight (4.104 7.286 g plant -1) was

observed in non primed seedlings.

ii. Fresh Root weight (g plant-1)

Table 4.3 represents data of fresh seedling root weight (g plant -1).

Statistical analysis of the average data showed that higher root weight (1.021 g

plant-1) was noted from the seedlings primed with KH 2PO4 1% P that was

significantly at similar level with MLE 1% P + 20g l -1 KOH (0.999 g plant-1), DAP

1 % P (0.955 g plant-1) and water (0.838 g plant-1). Lower fresh root weight was

observed from the non primed seedlings (0.701 g plant -1) that was significantly at

similar level with seedling primed with MLE 1% P (0.583 g plant-1).

iii. Dry shoot weight (g plant-1)

Table 4.4 represents data regarding average dry shoot weight of

seedlings. Average data pertaining dry shoot weight revealed that priming

significantly increased the dry seedling weight. It was clear from the data that

higher dry shoot weight (1.267 g plant -1) was observed from seedlings primed

with KH2PO4 1% P which was significantly at similar level with MLE 1% P + 20g

L-1 KOH (0.807 g plant-1). This was followed by dry shoot weight recorded from

DAP 1 % P (0.744 g plant -1) and water (0.709 g plant -1). Lower dry weight was

noted from MLE 1 % P treated seedlings (0.541 %) and control plot seedlings

(0.521 g plant-1) which at similar significance level to each other.

Table 4.3 Fresh root weight (g plant-1) as affected by Seed priming

Treatment 2008 2009 Average

Control 0.707 c 0.694 a 0.701 cd

H2O 0.887 abc 0.789 a 0.838 bc

KH2PO4 (1%P) 1.153 a 0.845 a 1.021 a

MLE (1% P) 0.814 bc 0.351 b 0.583 d

MLE 1% P + 20g l-1 KOH 1.191 a 0.807 a 0.999 ab

DAP (1 % P) 1.073 ab 0.836 ab 0.955 ab

LSD < 0.05 0.3254 0.2818 0.1627

Means of the same category followed by different letters are significantly different
from one another at p=0.05 using LSD test.


Fresh root weight (g plant-1)







Figure 4.2 Average Fresh root weight of seedlings as affected by

Table 4.4 Dry shoot weight (g plant-1) as affected by seed priming

Treatment 2008 2009 Average

Control 0.565 c 0.4763 0.521 c

H2O 0.819 bc 0.598 0.709 bc

KH2PO4 (1%P) 1.905 a 0.629 1.267 a

MLE (1% P) 0.879 bc 0.204 0.541 c

MLE 1% P + 20g l-1 KOH 1.022 b 0.592 0.807 a

DAP (1 % P) 0.996 b 0.491 0.744 bc

LSD < 0.05 0.4188 NS 0.2636

Means of the same category followed by different letters are significantly different
from one another at p=0.05 using LSD test.



Dry shoot wt (g plant-1)





Figure 4.3 Average Dry shoot weight of seedling as affected by priming

iv. Dry root weight (g plant-1)

Data pertaining dry root weight (g plant -1) of seedling as affected by

priming is presented in Table 4.5. Statistical analysis of the data indicated that

priming had non-significantly affected the dry root weight of seedling during two

years. However, it can be seen from the data that higher dry root weight (0.248 g

plant-1) was observed from the seedlings primed with KH 2PO4 1% P while lower

dry root weight was observed from the seedlings primed with MLE 1% P (0.138 g


v. Seedling height (cm)

Table 4.6 represents data regarding seedling height as affected by

phosphorus priming. The data showed non-significant difference among the

mean values of seedling height. Longest seedlings (40.89 cm) were recorded in

plots primed with KH2PO4 (1% P) while shorter height (29.12 cm) was noted in

seedlings treated with MLE 1 % P.

vi. Shoot P concentration (%)

Statistical analysis of shoot P concentration (%) indicated that priming

significantly affected the P concentration of seedling (Table 4.7). Average shoot

P concentration data showed that higher P (0.107 %) was noted in KH 2PO4 1% P

that was significantly at same level with MLE 1% P + 20g L-1 KOH (0.092 %) and

MLE 1% P (0.084 %). Lower P concentration (0.039 %) was recorded in non-

primed seedling which was significantly at par with DAP 1 % P primed seedlings

(0.054 %).

Table 4.5 Dry root weight (g plant-1) as affected by Seed priming

Treatment 2008 2009 Average

Control 0.145 0.215 0.180

H2O 0.158 0.232 0.195

KH2PO4 (1%P) 0.255 0.240 0.248

MLE (1% P) 0.175 0.100 0.138

MLE 1% P + 20g l-1 KOH 0.202 0.207 0.205

DAP (1 % P) 0.193 0.157 0.175

LSD < 0.05 NS NS NS

Table 4.6 Seedling height (cm) as affected by Seed priming

Treatment 2008 2009 Average

Control 32.67 34.97 33.82

H2O 38.11 37.20 37.66

KH2PO4 (1%P) 42.23 39.55 40.89

MLE (1% P) 36.04 22.20 29.12

MLE 1% P + 20g l-1 KOH 43.39 38.01 40.70

DAP (1 % P) 41.01 31.90 36.46

LSD < 0.05 NS NS NS

i. Number of secondary roots

Data regarding Number of secondary roots are presented in Table 4.11.

Statistical analysis of the data indicated that Number of secondary roots was

significantly affected by priming. Average data of two years revealed that more

grains (421 per cob) were observed in plots primed with KH 2PO4 1 % P. This was

followed by number of grains recorded from water primed plants (377) which was

significantly at similar level with DAP 1 % P treated plants (372). Lesser number

of grains per cob (325) were noted in plants primed with MLE 1% P and in control

plants (335) which significantly at par with each other.

ii. Grain weight cob-1 (gm)

Table 4.12 represents the data of grain weight cob -1 (gm) as affected by

different priming treatments. It was clear from the data that priming significantly

affected the grain weight cob-1. Average data showed that similar significance

level of highest grain weight cob -1 (133.09 gm) was noted in plants primed with

KH2PO4 1% P and water (123.76 gm). Lowest grain weight cob -1 (99.95 gm) was

noted in control plots which was significantly at par with MLE 1% P + 20g L-1

KOH (106.36 gm), DAP 1% P (105.66 gm) and MLE 1 % P (100.38 gm).
Table 4.11 Number of secondary roots as affected by Seed priming

Treatment 2008 2009 Average

T1 (Control) 422 bc 247 c 335 cd

T2 (H2O) 475 ab 279 bc 377 b

T3 (KH2PO4 1%P) 477 a 364 a 421 a

T4 (MLE 1% P) 381 c 269 c 325 d

T5 (MLE 1% P + 20g L-1 KOH) 410 c 327 bc 369 bc

T6 (DAP 1 % P) 469 ab 276 ab 372 b

LSD < 0.05 54.40 57.76 35.78

Means of the same category followed by different letters are significantly different
from one another at p=0.05 using LSD test.

4.3 Laboratory Experiment

i. Emergence (%) of maize seed

Data pertaining to germination rate of maize seed primed with water and

different P sources are presented in Figure 4.1. Data clearly indicated early

germination of the seed primed with P solutions. Data showed that early

germination (3.33%) was noted from the seed primed with water after 48 hr of

sowing, which was followed by seed primed with KH 2PO4 1% P (3.33 %) after 54

hours of sowing.
Figure 4.6 Maize emergence (%) as affected by SEED priming
ii. P concentration (µg g-1 seed wt) of Imbibed (surface washed and non-
washed) seed
It was clear from the data (Figure 4.2) that maximum phosphorus content

(20.4288 ug g-1 seed wt) was noted from the seed in which KH 2PO4 1% P was

used. Similarly, minimum P content (0.01848 ug P g -1 seed wt) was noted from

NP seed. Table 2 also presents data regarding P concentration of imbibed

surface washed seed in which seed were primed with P treatments. It can be

seen from the data that more phosphorus concentration (14.4588 µg g -1 seed wt)

was recorded from the seeds for which KH 2PO4 1% P was used for priming,

while less (0.01848 µg P g-1 seed wt) was noted from the NP seeds.

iii. Fresh shoot weight (g plant-1) after 3 growth stages

Data pertaining to fresh shoot weight primed with water and different P

treatments are presented in Table 4.17. Statistical analysis of the data revealed

that fresh shoot weight was significantly affected by priming. Mean values of the

1st stage data indicated that higher (1.69 g plant -1) fresh shoot weight was noted

in the plots whose seed were primed with MLE (1% P) + KOH solution, while

lower fresh shoot weight (1.13 g plant-1) was recorded in control plots. However

in 2nd stage, seedlings treated with KH2PO4 had highest fresh weight (2.67 g

plant-1) which was followed by the seedlings primed with water (2.30 g plant -1).

Similar results were observed in third stage with higher fresh weight (3.27 g plant-
) of seedlings primed with KH2PO4. Lower weight was observed in non primed
seedlings (2.88 g plant-1), which was significantly at similar level with water (2.90

g plant-1) and MLE + KOH (2.97 g plant-1) primed seeds.

Figure 4.7 Phosphorus content (µg g-1 seed wt) of washed and non-
washed seed

Table 4.17 Fresh shoot weight (g plant-1) of 3 growth stages as affected

by Seed priming

Treatments 1st Stage 2nd stage 3rd stage

Non primed 1.13 g 1.70 ef 2.88 ab

H2O 1.33 fg 2.30 cd 2.90 ab

KH2PO4 1.49 fg 2.67 bc 3.18 a

MLE + KOH 1.69 ef 2.12 de 2.97 ab

KH2PO4 1.22 fg 2.22 d 3.27 a

LSD < 0.05 0.4468

Means of the same category followed by different letters are significantly different
from one another at p=0.05 using LSD test.
Figure 4.8 Fresh shoot weight (g plant-1) as affected by priming in low
P soil
iv. Fresh root weight (g plant-1) of three growth stages

Analysis of the data indicated that various P treatments used in seed

priming had significant effect on dry shoot weight after 1 st stage (Table 4.18). It is

clear from the data that higher fresh root weight (1.83 g plant -1) was noted from

the plots in which MLE + KOH was used. Similarly, low root weight (0.97 g plant -
) was noted from control plots, which was significantly at par with water primed

seedlings (1.04 g plant-1). Data regarding 2nd stage of the seedling indicated that

more fresh root weight (4.18 g plant-1) was noted from the plots primed with

water, while less fresh weight (1.11 g plant -1) were noted from control seedlings.

Statistical data regarding fresh root weight of 3 rd stage showed that higher root

weight (4.04 g plant-1) was recorded in seedlings primed with MLE + KOH. Lower

root weight (2.09 g plant-1) was noted in control seedlings.

v. Shoot height (cm) of 3 growth stages as affected by Seed priming

Data pertaining to shoot height of plants primed with water and different P

treatments of 1st stage is presented in Table 4.19. Statistical analysis of the data

revealed that shoot height was significantly affected by water and different Seed

priming solutions. The data revealed that higher shoot height (32.79 cm) was

noted from the seedlings primed with KH 2PO4 (1 % P) which was significantly at

similar level with MLE + KOH (28.53 cm). Lower dry weights (27.24 cm and

28.53 cm) were noted from non-primed and water primed seedlings, respectively

that were significantly at par with each other. Table 4.19 also presents data

regarding shoot height after 2nd stage. Statistical analysis of the data indicated

that shoot height after 2nd stage was significantly affected by priming.
Table 4.18 Fresh root weight (g plant-1) of three growth stages as affected
by Seed priming

Treatments 1st Stage 2nd stage 3rd stage

Non primed 0.97 f 1.11 ef 2.09 c

H2O 1.04 f 4.18 a 2.89 ab

KH2PO4 1.30 def 3.24 b 3.08 b

MLE + KOH 1.83 cde 2.36 c 4.04 a

KH2PO4 1.07 f 1.88 cd 3.43 b

LSD < 0.05 0.7249

Means of the same category followed by different letters are significantly different
from one another at p=0.05 using LSD test.

Figure 4.9 Fresh root weight (g plant-1) as affected by Seed priming in

low P soil
Table 4.19 Shoot height (cm) at 3 growth stages as affected by Seed priming

Treatments 1st Stage 2nd stage 3rd stage

Non primed 27.24 f 34.28 cd 38.74 ab

H2O 28.53 f 38.70 ab 39.11 a

KH2PO4 30.68 ef 38.79 ab 39.87 ab

MLE + KOH 28.53 ef 35.04 bcd 37.97 abc

KH2PO4 32.79 de 39.03 ab 40.94 a

LSD < 0.05 4.094

Means of the same category followed by different letters are significantly different
from one another at p=0.05 using LSD test.

Figure 4.10 Shoot height (cm) as affected by Seed priming in low P soil
It can be seen from the data that taller (39.03 cm) seedlings were noted

from the plots in which seed was primed with KH 2PO4 (1 % P), while shorter

(34.28 cm) plants were noted from the non-primed seedling which was

significantly at similar level with seedlings height of MLE KOH primed seed

(35.04 cm). Same pattern was observed in 3 rd stage as taller plants (40.94 cm)

were observed of seedlings primed with KH 2PO4 (1 % P) and water primed

seedlings (39.11 cm) which were significantly at par with each other.

vi. Root height (cm) at three growth stages

Data pertaining to root height primed with water and different P treatments

of maize presented in Table 4.20. Statistical analysis of the data revealed non-

significant affect of seed priming with water and different Seed priming solutions

on root height in 1 st stage. Data regarding root height of 2 nd stage. It can be seen

from the data that longer (36.03 cm) roots were recorded from the seed primed

with KH2PO4 (1 % P) which was significantly at par with all other treatments,

while shorter (34.17 cm) plants were noted from the non-primed seedlings.

However in 3rd stage, longer roots (38.48 cm) were observed in seedlings primed

with MLE+KOH while shorter (32.17cm) roots were observed in non-primed and

water primed roots which were at similar level of significance to each other.

vii. Dry shoot weight (g plant-1) at three growth stages

Analysis of the data indicated that various P treatments and water used in

seed priming had significant effect on dry shoot weight after 1 st stage (Table

4.21). It is clear from the data that higher dry weight (0.24 g plant -1) was noted

from the seedlings in which P concentrations were used. However, lowest dry
weight (0.15 g plant-1) was noted from control plants, which was significantly at

par with all other treatments.

Table 4.20 Root length (cm) at three growth stages as affected by Seed

Treatments 1st Stage 2nd stage 3rd stage

Non primed 24.99 c 34.17 b 32.17 b

H2O 26.46 c 35.92 ab 36.1 b

KH2PO4 26.78 c 36.03 ab 36.11 ab

MLE + KOH 28.09 c 35.75 ab 38.48 a

KH2PO4 25.45 c 36.03 ab 35.71 ab

LSD < 0.05 3.633

Means of the same category followed by different letters are significantly different
from one another at p=0.05 using LSD test.
Figure 4.11 Root length (cm) as affected by Seed priming
Table 4.21 Dry shoot weight (g plant-1) at three growth stages as affected
by Seed priming

Treatments 1st Stage 2nd stage 3rd stage

Non primed 0.15 e 0.41 ab 0.64 a

H2O 0.26 de 0.42 ab 0.63 a

KH2PO4 0.24 e 0.54 ab 0.72 a

MLE + KOH 0.24 e 0.36 cd 0.63 a

KH2PO4 0.23 e 0.55 ab 0.63 a

LSD < 0.05 0.163

Means of the same category followed by different letters are significantly different
from one another at p=0.05 using LSD test.

Figure 4.12 Dry shoot weight (g plant-1) as affected by Seed priming

Statistical analysis of the 2nd stage data indicated that more dry weight

(0.55 g plant-1) was noted of the seedlings primed with KH 2PO4, while lower dry

weight (0.36 g plant-1) was noted from MLE + KOH primed seedlings.

viii. Dry root weight (g plant-1) at three growth stages

Data pertaining to dry root weight primed with water and different P

treatments is presented in Table 4.22. Statistical analysis of the data revealed

that dry root weight of three growth stages was significantly affected by priming.

Mean values of the 1st stage data showed higher (0.28 g plant -1) dry root weight

in seedling primed with MLE (1% P) + KOH solution, while lower dry root weight

(0.14 g plant-1) was recorded in control seedlings. However in 2 nd stage,

seedlings treated with water had highest dry weight (0.66 g plant -1) while lowest

(0.36 g plant-1) in non prime seedlings. Results regarding third stage showed

maximum dry weight (0.95 g plant-1) of seedlings primed with MLE (1% P) + KOH

which was significantly at similar level with KH 2PO4 (0.71 g plant-1) and water

(0.70 g plant-1) primed seedlings. Minimum (0.57 g plant -1) dry weight was

recorded from the non-prime seedlings.

ix. Leaf P content (µg P leaf-1) at three growth stages

Table 4.23 represents the data regarding leaf phosphorus content as

influenced by Seed priming. Data indicated gradual significant increase in leaf P

content in the three growth stages. In 1 st growth stage (7 DAE) third or youngest

leaf of each treatment showed maximum P content with highest P (1.13570 µg P

leaf-1) in the leaves primed with KH 2PO4 1% P while lowest P was observed in

non-primed leaves (0.20582 µg P leaf-1). Data regarding 2nd growth stage (14
DAE), presented increase in P content showing more P content in leaf 4 of each

treatment which slightly decreased in the leaf 5.

Table 4.22 Dry root weight (g plant-1) at three growth stages as affected
by Seed priming

Treatments 1st Stage 2nd stage 3rd stage

Non primed 0.14 f 0.36 de 0.57 bcd

H2O 0.19 f 0.66 bc 0.70 ab

KH2PO4 0.19 f 0.58 cd 0.71 ab

MLE + KOH 0.28 ef 0.53 cd 0.95 a

KH2PO4 0.22 ef 0.49 cd 0.75 b

LSD < 0.05 0.2043

Means of the same category followed by different letters are significantly different
from one another at p=0.05 using LSD test.

Figure 4.13 Dry root weight (g plant-1) as affected by Seed priming


5.1 Germination

Accelerating and homogenizing the germination process is a prerequisite for

a good crop establishment, the efficient use of resources and eventually to

increase yields. Early germination (3.33%) was noted from the seed primed with

water after 48 hr of sowing in low P soil, which was followed by seed primed with

KH2PO4 1% P (3.33 %) after 54 hours of sowing as compared to non-primed

seed. The low increase in germination may be due to phosphorus deficient soil,

but the observed improvements were attributed to priming-induced quantitative

changes in biochemical content of the seeds and improved membrane integrity and

to the enhanced physiological activities at seed germination. Increased

germination percentage was also reported by Yari et al. (2010) in wheat primed

with 0.5 % KH2PO4. The results of present study are in line with the findings of

Ullah et al. (2002a) who reported beneficial effects on emergence rate of seed

treated with micronutrient. Kurdikeri et al. (1995) recorded similar results in maize

due to seed priming in 2.5% solution of KH2PO4. Fresh/dry shoot weight of


Viability and vigor of plants have profound influence on the establishment

and yield of crop. Healthy plants with well developed roots and shoots can more

effectively mobilize nutrients and can better withstand adverse conditions.

Increased dry shoot weight results in increased fodder production for livestock on

per unit area basis. Results of the present study indicated increased fresh shoot

and root weight of the seedling. Ullah et al., (2002a) reported maximum values of

shoot length and their fresh and dry weights with ZnSO 4 treatment. Hong Fa-Shui

et al., (1996) also observed similar increase in seedling fresh weight due to
maize seed treatment with 0.1 % ZnSO4. Similarly, Arif et al., (2005) recorded

high fresh shoot weights primed with 1 % P + 2 % Zn as compared to control. In

correspondence to these results shoot dry weights of seedlings treated with

micronutrient were recorded highly significant over control by Pakroo and

Kashirad (1991) and Shaban and Eid (1982). These results are in line with the

finding of Adiloglu et al., (2005). These results were also supported by Pill et al.

(1997) who observed higher seedling shoot fresh and dry masses of primed seed

than non-primed seed.

5.2 Fresh/ dry root weight of seedling

Root growth and development are critical for early phosphorus uptake by

plants since P is relatively unavailable and immobile in many soils. Root growth

depends on P status of the plant. Phosphorus priming had significantly affected

the root biomass. Better root fresh and dry weight in plants raised from primed

seeds might be due to earlier start of emergence as indicated by KH 2PO4 1 % P.

Similar increase in root weight due to priming was also reported by Afzal et al.,

(2006). Similarly Rychter and Randall (1994) observed higher root biomass for

bean plants grown on phosphate deficient medium.

5.3 Length of seedling/plant

Seed priming increased Length of seedling as compared to control. Such

tall seedlings with high competitiveness could be important in suppressing weeds

as these weeds compete with the crop plants for light, water and limiting

nutrients. In correspondence to the present results Ullah et al., (2002a) reported

that ZnSO4 treatment gave the maximum height while FeSO 4 treatments were

recorded low in the control due to late emergence and similar case was studied

in shoot length of seedling. These results are in agreement with the findings of

Farah et al., (1980) and Khan (1981). There was significant increase in seedling

height primed with 50 mM P solution (14.4 cm) over control 12.1 cm (Ajouri et al.,

2004). These results were also in agreement with Shah et al., (2011) who
revealed that priming of okra with different sources of P significantly affects the

plant height as compared to control.

5.4 Number of secondary roots

Number of secondary roots influences directly the final grain yield per

hectare. Number of secondary roots was increased (26 %) by the Seed priming

as compared to control. Arif et al., (2005) had reported similar increase in

Number of secondary roots of maize primed with 0.3 % P.


Priming of seeds has been shown to have beneficial effects on the

germination, seedling growth, yield and yield components of many species. This

study was therefore proposed to expand the traditional approach of seed priming

by soaking poorly germinating seed of maize in solution of phosphorus. Such

seed-specific fertilization enhances the maize seed quality and vigor.

To study the effects of seed priming on seedling growth and yield of maize

seed, field experiments were conducted at University of Agriculture Faisalabad

during, 2019 and 2020. Halo priming of maize seeds was carried out using

different sources of Salts as treatment. Priming of maize seed was done by

soaking known amount of maize seed in 1% Phosphorus solutions (KH 2PO4,

MLE and DAP) also in water for 16 hrs. Laboratory experiments were conducted

in low P soil under controlled environment in order to assess the affect of Seed

priming on emergence and seedling growth of maize. The time lag between

priming treatments and mobilization of P in the seedling was also studied in the

laboratory experiment by labeling the priming solutions with P33.

For measuring seedling growth, the primed (water and P) and non-prime

seed were sown in mini plot and field. Analysis of average data indicated that

there was significant effect of priming seed with P on fresh and dry shoot

weights, fresh shoot height and also they were richer in P concentration as

compared with seedlings of non-primed seed. Additionally the nutrient uptake of

the 3 week-old seedling, and matured plant seed was also increased due to 1%

Seed priming solution.

Laboratory experiment was carried out to determine the emergence test of

water, nutrient primed and non-primed seed. Germination test revealed early

emergence of radical due to water priming, which was followed by seed early

emergence due to Seed priming using KH 2PO4. The time lag between priming

treatments was also calculated by the emergence experiment.

The seeds primed with solutions (KH 2PO4, MLE, and MLE+20 g l-1 KOH) were

also used to study the the seedling on three different stages (7 DAE, 14 DAE and

21 DAE) using Germination Trays. Leaf and root P data showed that Phosphorus

is effectively mobilized in the plant

due to priming on low P soil and hence helps reduce the P deficiency in maize to

some extent.


It has been concluded from the research work that:

1. Seed Seed priming resulted in early seed emergence and enhanced

growth and yield of maize.

2. Moringa Leaf Extract priming also increased the seed Vigour by maize.

3. Priming maize with MLE + 20 g l-1 KOH shown also same effects as of


4. Hormonal Priming of maize seeds increases Germination and also

lowers time required for germination of maize seeds.


In the light of the conclusion, the following recommendations are made:

1. Seed priming may be used as a tool for boost in seedling growth, yield

and yield components of maize.

2. Seed priming using 1 % concentration of MLE solution may be used for

an early emergence, improved seedling growth and nutrient content of

maize seedling.

3. Priming maize with MLE + 20 g l-1 KOH would be effective alternative of

KH2PO4 as MLE is generally used fertilizer and KOH is also easily

available. This would be easier and cheaper source of priming for

resources poor farmers.


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Appendix 1: Analysis of variance of fresh shoot weight (g plant -1) of

halo priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.201 0.101 0.1498

2 Treatment 5 30.438 6.088 9.0688 0.0018

-3 Error 10 6.713 0.671

Total 17 37.352

Appendix 2: Analysis of variance of fresh root weight (g plant -1) of

halo priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.058 0.029 0.1498

2 Treatment 5 0.622 0.124 9.0688 0.0018

-3 Error 10 0.324 0.032

Total 17 1.004

Appendix 3: Analysis of variance of dry shoot weight (g plant -1) of

halo priming
Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.035 0.018 0.3308

2 Treatment 5 3.152 0.630 11.8721 0.0006

-3 Error 10 0.531 0.053

Total 17 3.718
Appendix 4: Analysis of variance of dry root weight (g plant -1) of
halo priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.006 0.003 0.5771

2 Treatment 5 0.023 0.005 0.8240 NS

-3 Error 10 0.056 0.006

Total 17 0.086

Appendix 5: Analysis of variance of seedling height (cm) of halo priming

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 42.478 21.239 0.5993

2 Treatment 5 249.789 49.958 1.4097 0.3005

-3 Error 10 354.398 35.439

Total 17 646.660

Appendix 6: Analysis of variance of seedling P concentration (%) of halo

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.001 0.0005 0.3867

2 Treatment 5 0.011 0.002 6.8230 0.0051

-3 Error 10 0.003 0.0015

Total 17 0.014
Appendix 7: Analysis of variance seedling P uptake (g plant -1) of
halo priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.001 0.0005 0.0284

2 Treatment 5 0.064 0.013 0.8896 0.000

-3 Error 10 0.003 0.0015

Total 17 0.068

Appendix 8: Analysis of variance of fresh cob weight (kg plot -1) of

halo priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 26.723 13.362 9.2596 0.0053

2 Treatment 5 101.207 20.241 14.0273 0.0003

-3 Error 10 14.430 1.443

Total 17 142.360

Appendix 9: Analysis of variance of Plant height (cm) of halo priming

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 10898.111 5449.056 4.0691 0.0509

2 Treatment 5 93796.944 18759.389 14.0087 0.0003

-3 Error 10 13391.22 1339.122

Total 17 118086.27
Appendix 10: Analysis of variance of grains cob-1 of halo priming

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 2529.333 1264.667 1.4146 0.2877

2 Treatment 5 24211.167 4842.233 5.4164 0.0114

-3 Error 10 8940.00 894.00

Total 17 35680.50

Appendix 11: Analysis of variance of grain wt cob-1 of halo priming

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 120.355 60.177 0.4419

2 Treatment 5 2687.195 537.439 3.9467 0.0309

-3 Error 10 1361.726 136.173

Total 17 4169.277

Appendix 12: Analysis of variance of 1000 grain wt of halo priming

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 659.642 347.821 0.7226

2 Treatment 5 5162.219 1032.444 2.1448 0.1425

-3 Error 10 4813.698 481.370

Total 17 10671.559
Appendix 13: Analysis of variance of grain yield (kg ha -1) of halo priming

K Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob


1 Replication 2 2426208.18 12131104.09 5.1318 0.0293

2 Treatment 5 14190773.8 2838154.76 12.006 0.0006

-3 Error 10 2363890.61 236389.062

Total 17 18980872.6

Appendix 14: Analysis of variance of straw yield (kg ha -1) of halo priming

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 88723.694 44361.847 0.0575

2 Treatment 5 25213756.06 5042751.2 6.5362 0.0060

-3 Error 10 7715064.139 771506.41

Total 17 33017543.90

Appendix 15: Analysis of variance of grain P (%) of halo priming

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.070 3.1010 0.0896

2 Treatment 5 0.289 5.1418 0.0136

-3 Error 10 0.112

Total 17 0.471
Appendix 16: Analysis of variance of fresh shoot weight (g plant -1)
MLE Priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 1.643 0.821 0.3832

2 Treatment 5 27.085 5.417 2.5271 0.0995

-3 Error 10 21.085 2.144

Total 17 50.163

Appendix 17: Analysis of variance of fresh root weight (g plant -1)

MLE Priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.063 0.032 1.3400

2 Treatment 5 0.513 0.103 4.3578 0.0229

-3 Error 10 0.236 0.024

Total 17 0.812

Appendix 18: Analysis of variance of dry shoot weight (g plant -1)

MLE Priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.012 0.006 0.1430

2 Treatment 5 0.370 0.074 1.8171 0.1971

-3 Error 10 0.407 0.041

Total 17 0.789
Appendix 19: Analysis of variance of dry root weight (g plant -1)
MLE Priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.014 0.007 1.0299 0.3920

2 Treatment 5 0.043 0.009 1.2650 0.3504

-3 Error 10 0.068 0.007

Total 17 0.125

Appendix 20: Analysis of variance of shoot height (cm) MLE Priming

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 65.213 32.607 0.7792

2 Treatment 5 603.255 120.651 2.8832 0.0725

-3 Error 10 418.461 41.846

Total 17 1086.929

Appendix 21: Analysis of variance of P concentration (%) MLE Priming

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.000 0.000 0.3959

2 Treatment 5 0.011 0.002 12.2945 0.0005

-3 Error 10 0.002 0.000

Total 17 0.013
Appendix 22: Analysis of variance of P uptake (g plant -1) MLE Priming

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.000 0.000 0.3910

2 Treatment 5 0.005 0.001 2.6027 0.0929

-3 Error 10 0.004 0.000

Total 17 0.009

Appendix 23: Analysis of variance of fresh cob weight (kg plot -1)
MLE Priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.521 0.261 0.4880

2 Treatment 5 38.284 7.657 14.341 0.003

-3 Error 10 5,339 0.534

Total 17 44.144

Appendix 24: Analysis of variance of plant height (cm) MLE Priming

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 348.778 174.389 0.9950

2 Treatment 5 3216.278 643.256 3.6537 0.0386

-3 Error 10 1760.556 176.056

Total 17 5352.611
Appendix 25: Analysis of variance of Number of secondary roots MLE
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 784.333 0.3891 0.3891

2 Treatment 5 28147.167 5.5853 5.5853 0.0103

-3 Error 10 10079.00

Total 17 39010.500

Appendix 26: Analysis of variance of grains weight cob -1 (g) MLE

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 142.604 71.302 1.3713 0.2977

2 Treatment 5 2669.456 533.891 10.2680 0.0011

-3 Error 10 519.957 51.996

Total 17 33332.017

Appendix 27: Analysis of variance of 1000 grains weight (g) MLE

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 4303.182 2151.591 3.4978 0.0705

2 Treatment 5 14475.597 2895.119 4.7065 0.0180

-3 Error 10 6151.331 615.133

Total 17 24930.11
Appendix 28: Analysis of variance of grain yield (kg ha -1) MLE Priming

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 232087.528 116043.76 0.5611

2 Treatment 5 7672446.94 1534489.38 7.4201 0.0038

-3 Error 10 2068016.80 206801.681

Total 17 9972551.27

Appendix 29: Analysis of variance of straw yield (kg ha -1) MLE Priming

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Prob


1 Replication 2 977864.583 488932.292 0.6471

2 Treatment 5 26880208.33 5376041.667 7.1149 0.0044

-3 Error 10 7555989.583 755598.95

Total 17 35414062.50

Appendix 30: Analysis of variance of grain P (%) MLE Priming

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.078 0.039 5.9188 0.0201

2 Treatment 5 0.212 0.042 6.4503 0.0063

-3 Error 10 0.066 0.007

Total 17 0.356
Appendix 31: Analysis of variance of fresh shoot weight (g plant -1)
Hormonal Priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.602 0.301 0.4393

2 Treatment 5 21.595 4.319 6.2984 0.0068

-3 Error 10 6.857 0.686

Total 17 29.055

Appendix 32: Analysis of variance of fresh root weight (g plant -1)

Hormonal Priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.057 0.028 3.4237 0.0737

2 Treatment 5 0.467 0.093 11.2768 0.0007

-3 Error 10 0.083 0.008

Total 17 0.606

Appendix 33: Analysis of variance of dry shoot weight (g plant -1)

Hormonal Priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.022 0.011 0.5072

2 Treatment 5 1.101 0.220 10.3247 0.0011

-3 Error 10 0.213 0.021

Total 17 1.336
Appendix 34: Analysis of variance of dry root weight (g plant -1)
Hormonal Priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.007 0.003 1.5760 0.2541

2 Treatment 5 0.020 0.004 1.8000 0.2006

-3 Error 10 0.022 0.002

Total 17 0.049

Appendix 35: Analysis of variance of shoot height (cm) Hormonal

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 40.799 20.400 0.6692

2 Treatment 5 299.458 59.892 1.9648 0.1700

-3 Error 10 304.819 30.482

Total 17 645.077

Appendix 36: Analysis of variance of P concentration (%) Hormonal

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.000 0.000 0.5800

2 Treatment 5 0.010 0.002 11.0617 0.0008

-3 Error 10 0.002 0.000

Total 17 0..012
Appendix 37: Analysis of variance of P uptake (g plant -1) Hormonal
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.000 0.000 0.3079

2 Treatment 5 0.026 0.005 67.657 0.0000

-3 Error 10 0.001 0.000

Total 17 0..027

Appendix 38: Analysis of variance of cobs weight (kg plot -1) Hormonal
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 4.945 2.473 8.8370

2 Treatment 5 59.726 11.945 42.6912 0.0000

-3 Error 10 2.798 0.280

Total 17 67.469

Appendix 39: Analysis of variance of plant height (cm) Hormonal

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 3011.111 1505.556 2.2883 0.1520

2 Treatment 5 32784.069 6556.814 9.9657 0.0012

-3 Error 10 6579.389 657.939

Total 17 42374.569
Appendix 40: Analysis of variance of No. of grains cob -1 Hormonal
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 720.444 360.22 0.9314

2 Treatment 5 17534.278 3506.856 9.0674 0.0018

-3 Error 10 3867.556 386.756

Total 17 22122.27

Appendix 41: Analysis of variance of grains weight cob -1 (g) Hormonal

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 142.604 71.302 1.3713

2 Treatment 5 2669.456 533.891 10.2680 0.0011

-3 Error 10 519.957 51.996

Total 17 3332.017

Appendix 42: Analysis of variance of thousand grain weight (g)

Hormonal Priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 1810.835 905.417 1.9175 0.1973

2 Treatment 5 6734.726 1346.945 2.8526 0.0744

-3 Error 10 4721.804 472.180

Total 17 13267.364
Appendix 43: Analysis of variance of grain yield (kg ha -1) Hormonal
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 728443.008 36221.504 2.3171 0.1490

2 Treatment 5 9769734.57 1953946.91 12.4304 0.0005

-3 Error 10 1571911.75 157191.176

Total 17 12070089.33

Appendix 44: Analysis of variance of straw yield (kg ha -1) Hormonal

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 386671.444 93335.722 0.6892

2 Treatment 5 23933916.55 4786783.31 17.0646 0.0001

-3 Error 10 2805092.764 280509.276

Total 17 27125680.76

Appendix 45: Analysis of variance of grain P (%) Hormonal Priming

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

1 Replication 2 0.083 0.042 7.1933 0.0116

2 Treatment 5 0.225 0.045 7.7793 0.0032

-3 Error 10 0.058 0.006

Total 17 0.367
Appendix 46: Analysis of Variance of Fresh shoot weight (g plant -1)
Combined Effect of Priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

2 Treatment (T) 4 8.476 2.119 12.7104 0.0000

4 Growth stages (G) 2 26.944 13.472 80.8112 0.0000

6 TXG 8 6.611 0.826 4.9567 0.0000

-7 Error 90 15.004 0.167

Total 104 57.034

Appendix 47: Analysis of Variance of Fresh root weight (g plant -1)

Combined Effect of Priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

2 Treatment (T) 4 49.735 12.434 27.0948 0.0000

4 Growth stages (G) 2 68.371 34.186 74.490 0.0000

6 TXG 8 34.170 4.271 9.3078 0.0000

-7 Error 90 41.300 0.459

Total 104 193.577

Appendix 48: Analysis of Variance of shoot height (cm) Combined Effect of
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

2 Treatment (T) 4 196.789 49.197 3.3495 0.0133

4 Growth stages (G) 2 1633.46 34.186 55.6055 0.0000

6 TXG 8 216.824 27.103 1.8453 0.0788

-7 Error 90 1321.91 14.688

Total 104 3368.98

Appendix 49: Analysis of Variance of root height (cm) Combined

Effect of Priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

2 Treatment (T) 4 107.457 26.864 2.2953 0.0653

4 Growth stages (G) 2 2124.592 1062.296 90.7654 0.0000

6 TXG 8 36.566 4.571 0.3905

-7 Error 90 1053.338 11.704

Total 104 1053.338

Appendix 50: Analysis of Variance of Dry shoot weight (g plant -1)
Combined Effect of Priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

2 Treatment (T) 4 0.066 0.016 1.4871 0.2127

4 Growth stages (G) 2 1.819 0.910 82.1998 0.0000

6 TXG 8 0.366 0.046 4.1346 0.0003

-7 Error 90 0.996 0.011

Total 104 3.247

Appendix 51: Analysis of Variance of Dry root weight (g plant -1)

Combined Effect of Priming
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

2 Treatment (T) 4 1.102 0.276 7.7011 0.0000

4 Growth stages (G) 2 4.047 2.023 56.5464 0.0000

6 TXG 8 0.705 0.088 2.4635 0.0184

-7 Error 90 3.221 0.036

Total 104 9.075

Appendix 52: Analysis of Variance of Dry root weight (g plant -1)
Combined Effect of Priming

K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

2 Treatment (T) 4 1.102 0.276 7.7011 0.0000

4 Growth stages (G) 2 4.047 2.023 56.5464 0.0000

6 TXG 8 0.705 0.088 2.4635 0.0184

-7 Error 90 3.221 0.036

Total 104 9.075

Appendix 53: Analysis of Variance of Leaf P (µg P leaf -1) First growth
stage seedling
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

2 Treatment (T) 4 7.418 1.855 16.7626 0.0000

4 Growth stages (G) 2 5.133 2.567 23.1989 0.0000

6 TXG 8 1.773 0.222 2.0028 0.0549

-7 Error 90 9.957 0.111

Total 104 24.282

Appendix 54: Analysis of Variance of Leaf P (µg P leaf -1) second growth
stage seedling
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

2 Treatment (T) 4 4.181 1.045 72.4338 0.0000

4 Growth stages (G) 2 4.339 1.085 75.1757 0.0000

6 TXG 8 0.905 0.057 3.9191 0.0000

-7 Error 90 2.165 0.014

Total 104 11.590

Appendix 55: Analysis of Variance of Leaf P (µg P leaf -1) third growth
stage seedling
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

2 Treatment (T) 4 3.928 0.982 23.3659 0.0000

4 Growth stages (G) 2 5.794 1.159 27.5734 0.0000

6 TXG 8 1.922 0.096 2.2863 0.0022

-7 Error 90 7.565 0.042

Total 104 19.210

Appendix 56: Analysis of Variance of root P (µg P g-1 root wt) of three
growth stage seedling
K value Source D. O. F S. S M. S F Value Prob

2 Treatment (T) 4 8.723 2.181 30.3403 0.0000

4 Growth stages (G) 2 9.148 4.574 63.6354 0.0000

6 TXG 8 3.852 0.482 6.6995 0.0000

-7 Error 90 6.469 0.072

Total 104 28.193

Seedlings in tube pots kept in growth chamber
Water primed seedling (T2 at right) as compared to non primed seedling (T1
at left) at second growth stage

Seedlings primed with KH2PO4 (left) as compared to non-prime seedling

(right) at third growth stage
Seedling primed with MLE + KOH (left) as compared to control (right) after 7
DAE in pots and after harvesting

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