Claimed Dark Breeds of The Lycans

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The document provides an overview of a paranormal romance novel titled 'Claimed: Dark Breeds of Lycans' including a glossary of terms and background on the author.

The book is about a woman named Amelia who finds herself embroiled in the world of lycans (werewolves) including powerful alphas and more bestial dark breeds.

The book mentions different types of lycan characters like alphas, betas, dark breeds, as well as character names in the pronunciation guide.

Claimed: Dark Breeds of Lycans

Dark Immortals Flames Series Book 1

By LaSasha Flame

All rights reserved

Copyright 2015 – LaSasha Flame

This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written

permission from the copyright owner.

Published by LaSasha Flame

Cover design by LaSasha Flame

Image courtesy of 123RF

Image ID: 26120988

Media Type: Stock Photo

Model Released: Yes

Copyright: ​Viorel Sima

This book is intended for adults only. Characters, organizations, and events

portrayed in this book are made up by the author’s own imagination or used

fictitiously. Any resemblance to other characters, organizations, and events are

purely coincidental.

I would like to dedicate this book to

My Soulmate and Love of My Life.

Thank you for being patient with my madness that is writing.

Pronunciation Guide

Rike: Reich or r-IKE

Melanthe: Mel-lan-thee

Nyctimus: NICK-tim-mus

Nycalla: Nye-kile-lah

Amelia: Amm-MEAL-lee-ah

Aloysius: AL-low-wish-is

Toretto: Tor-RET-toe

Lyka: LIE-kah

Anthropia: ANT-throw-pea-ah

Zacharias: Zack-car-rye-es

Joo Won: Jew Won

Tao: Ty-oww

Zephyrus: Zef-fur-us

Lenora: Lyn- nor- ah

Demestru: Dee-mess- shrew

Tatiyana: Tot- tee- ann- nah

Salvatore: Sal-vah-tor

Amir: Em-mear
Corinna: Core- reen-nah

Xitia: Kit-tea-ah

Tyla: tie- lah

Alaster: Al-last- stir

Theo: thee-o

Amu: Am-moo

Krsnik: Kurs-nick

Shishu: Sh-ish-shoe

Sphynx: sf-finks

Leth: Lay-th
Glossary of Terms

Alpha​- The Head of a Lycan pack. Usually male but can also be female. Alphas

hold sole power but often elect Betas to act on their behalf. If a pack is very large,

then sometimes a Gamma aka Gam and Delta aka Del are also elected.

Alpha Lord​/​Lordship- ​A royal-like status for an Alpha that builds or acquires an

Empire. They rule with sole power and are more likely to not only have betas, but

gammas and deltas too. Alpha Lordship is like a King, Emperor, and Benevolent

Dictator all rolled up into one. Even though Alphas aren't elected, and his/her pack

have no constitutional rights, if he/she doesn't have the respect of his/her pack then

they won't follow him/her.

Beta- ​The second in command of a pack. Acting on behalf of the Alpha and

answers to only the Alpha.

Dark Breed- ​is a type of lycan that is more beast than human in mannerisms and

behavior, like night breeds but more sinister. They are the psychopaths/sociopaths

of the lycans, but unlike human sociopaths, dark breeds are capable of loving and

bonding with others. Rike’s words: ‘We have a heart, it's just darker than others.”
They are violent and solve problems by taking off the heads of the irritant, so they

can be very intense. The offspring of two night breed lycans are normally dark


Delta​/​Del- ​The fourth in command of a pack. Answers directly to the Beta.

Full-Blood​/​Pure-Blood- ​A lycan with no other shape shifter genes in their


Gamma​/​Gam- ​The third in command of a pack. Answers directly to the Beta.

Half-breed- ​The offspring of a full human and a shifter. The shifter genes are

stronger, so the offspring is always a shifter although they are weaker in strength

than their full-blooded brethren. Also applies to half-lycan and half-other types of


Lycan- ​A type of wolf shifter that can change at will unlike werewolves who can

only change during a full moon.

Mated​: A bonding forged between two lycans in marriage. The lycans have to

have feelings for each other in order to bond. It's like becoming one with your mate

as you can feel them through the bond. You can feel their emotions and desires and

you will always know how to find them.

Necromance- ​A lycan that is very hard to kill. Decapitation and burning the pieces

is the only way to stop them. Some have even survived a head removal.

Night Breed- ​A lycan that was born at night and is a more aggressive type of

Lycan. They are not as aggressive as dark breeds but are less human than regular

lycans. They prefer to stick with their own kind and don't do as well among

humankind. If their mates are also night breeds, then their offspring are normally

dark breeds.

Shifter- ​A species of human-like hybrids that can change into a certain animal

depending on their bloodline. They are stronger than humans and can heal

themselves of most injuries. Decapitation and setting them on fire is the fastest way

to kill them.
Origins of the Lycans

Every lycan knows their species were born because Zeus cursed Lyka. It’s his

offspring who became these wolf-like creatures.

Hera caught the eye of Lyka. He desired to have Hera in his bed, so he

befriended Zeus under false pretenses in order to get close enough to seduce Hera.

When Zeus discovered Lyka’s true intentions he cursed Lyka. Since he

wanted to come to Zeus as a wolf in disguise, he will forever wear his wolf on the

outside. Becoming more beast than man, Lyka acted purely on instincts.

When he saw Anthropia, the Goddess of humanity, she quickly became an

obsession for him. Her love, light, and goodness made her a beacon that called to

the darkness in his heart. He ached for what was lost.

Darkness overcame the light. Swallowed it whole. He took her prisoner and

forced her to birth his children. Seventy children she bore for him, fifty sons and

twenty daughters known as lycans. They shifted from beast to human.

The union of beast and humanity never redeemed Lyka. He was lost to the

darkness of his beast. Though, it did give way to his children having the best of

both worlds.

Anthropia eventually escaped Lyka’s bonds and killed the beast responsible

for years of her torment. He would never force her again.

She loved her children despite their father’s evil. Anthropia couldn’t bring

herself to harm her own offspring. She taught them to live by a code and honor it.

Maintain their balance of beast and man, and if one side must be dominant, choose

humanity. This was how lycans could live among mankind undetected.

All except one breed of lycan.

How the Three Breeds of Lycans Came to be. . .

Nyctimus, the first born of Lyka and Anthropia, was born in the night and

favored most by Lyka. Nyctimus, being the first, spent a lot of time with his father.

It was easy for him since he was born in darkness instead of light.

Nyctimus' beast side was more dominant, which in return made him more

aggressive and powerful than his other siblings. He was the first of the night

breeds. He shifted between beast and human but acted mostly on instincts, like his

father. He was beautiful on the outside but inside, he was everything dark and

scary in the night.

He was the embodiment of nightmares. He was the reason people feared the

dark. He was the monster in the dark they feared.

By the time Anthropia was free from his father, Nyctimus was already set in

his dark ways and too loyal to his father’s way of life to suppress his beast. He

continued to live with his wolf nature close to the surface.

Nyctimus became the Alpha of his father’s empire after his death. He took

care of his mother and younger siblings until they formed packs of their own,

expanding their territory.

He wanted to become a powerful species in the lore. To increase the lycan

numbers, Nyctimus arranged for his siblings to marry other strong and immortal

beings, like demigods. The children born of those unions were arranged to marry

each other.

He did this over centuries, creating a strong and plentiful lycan race, while

keeping the bloodline as close to pure as possible.

When Nycalla, Nyctimus’s sister, who like him was born in the night,

became of age she was as beautiful as the night sky. The embodiment of

everything beautiful about the night. The stars and moon, peace and calm. The

quiet and relaxation.

Nyctimus loved her and wanted to take her as his wife. Other suitors courted

her but Nyctimus would have no competition for Nycalla’s heart. He would kill

anyone who tried to get in his way.

During their loving union she conceived a son named Kieran. The joining of

the only two lycan children of the night, gave birth to a third breed of lycan

shifters. He was the start of the dark breeds. Fierce, merciless warriors ruled by

their beast. ​Rike West’s bloodline.


When the children of the night seed blooms. . .

Chapter One: Let’s Make A Deal

Rike West’s name struck terror in the hearts of his enemies. His entire life, the

immortal world called him all the things they dreaded.

Dark King. Sociopath. Psychotic. Monster.

Not that he minded the names or their consternation. He welcomed it. There

was power in fear. And he ​earned e​ very drop. Every quiver. Every scream.He had

their fear which gave him that precious power, but it didn't give him a bride. His

Queen Alpha Female. A vital key to obtaining even more power.

Rike paced the meeting room of his mansion, wing-tipped shoes rasped

against the marble floor. He awaited the arrival of a female promised to be the

answer to all his problems. He should have been thrilled but instead, it made his

stomach churn.

Like a throne room for a King, when the Alpha of a lycan pack was in the

meeting room, they were available to answer questions or settle other matters

before them from the lower pack members. Those not in a position of leadership

within the empire.

Rike’s spacious, Châteauesque estate was dressed in French-inspired gothic

decor, groin vault ceilings, and an elegant combination of wood and marble
flooring. His wide-open meeting room was just as elegant. Even his chair had a

gothic plush high-back design and looked as if it was made for . . .well, an Alpha.

Having a territory large enough to cover most of the Midwest and some parts

of the southwest United States, Rike practically lived in his meeting room when he

was not flying to other areas of the empire. Except, today was different.

Rike's more important matter was to obtain his deceased father’s empire,

Zephyrus. And putting off pack matters to meet with some unknown lycan,

claiming to be the answer to his problems, had him on edge. Caring for his pack

was his number one priority. Putting off their needs and concerns never sat right

with him. He may be their Alpha, but it’s he who served them.

For that reason, her life depends on just how satisfied I am with her news.​

Yes, he would kill her if she only came to play games or had ulterior

motives. Wasting his time was wasting his people’s time. And he would not

tolerate it.

If it weren’t for the Lycan council denying his blood claim to his father’s,

Viktor, throne, he wouldn’t have to resort to plan B of marrying a purebred lycan

female to produce an heir. Except plan B had not worked out so well either. Down

to plan G at this point. Yeah, his name struck terror in the hearts of his enemies,

but it hadn't landed him a bride.

Rike slumped into his chair. “Greek Gods! Where is this female?”

Time was running out and she had the nerve to make him wait? Okay, he

still had three years, but he didn’t plan on allowing Zephyrus to remain under

Zacharias’s rule for that long. He wanted it now! He didn’t care if Zacharias’s

claim, as the Beta of Zephyrus, was equal to his. Rike was Viktor’s son! Zephyrus

was his birth pack! It should be his! Zacharias wasn't even the original Beta. He

was an interloper and Rike was powerless to do anything about it except marry.

Finding a wife that was a purebred lycan, regardless of breed, turned out to

be harder than he thought. This mess had the fearless Rike West open to deals. It

made him appear weak and exposed.

She’s here to exploit my desperation for a purebred female. If she is willing

to marry me then it must mean no one else wants her either.

Lycans had been around for millennia. Over the years, some kept to the

olden ways of their ancestors, marrying only other lycans. Most others married

whomever they wished, lycan or not. The drawback of the latter, millions of

half-bloods and a shortage of full-blood lycans. Rike was a traditionalist. He

believed in keeping his bloodline as pure as possible although his pack mates were

mostly half-bloods. ​Still lycans or werewolves, but had other species in their

family tree.
No matter how annoyed he was at being exploited, Rike couldn’t bring

himself to ignore an opportunity to gain more power. If she were a purebred

female, their offspring would be born more powerful than the rest of lycankind.

I am a purebred, my parents were purebreds, my ancestors were purebreds,

and I will have nothing less for my offspring.

All his life Rike has been raised to seek more and more power.

His father’s words, “Son, without power you are nothing. Just another poor

wolf being dragged through life by the will of another. And being immortal, life

has the potential of forever. That's a special kind of hell.”

His father’s way of saying never become another’s bitch.

His mother’s words, “My precious darkling, do you know why I named you

Rike? You are destined to be a mighty Alpha of your own empire. You are a god

among men and they all should fear you. Fear is respect and respect is power.”

Viktor and Lorayle West were a force to be reckoned with and they would

never raise their only son to be anything less.

Power is everything!

For this very reason, Rike agreed to discuss her offer to help him gain more

of that precious power. That, and all the purebred families declined to give a

willing bride to him. That news was a surprise to him.

Rike, the most ruthless and powerful lycan in the world, as being the only

purebred dark lycan left. . . and they denied him. ​Him! He would've made a

powerful ally. And still here he waited for some promised deal from an unknown


So what if he was short tempered, amoral, and a tad bit trigger happy.

Okay, okay. . .a lot bit trigger happy​.

All they had to do was not piss him off and boom, it’s smooth sailing. . .for

the most part.

Aloysius, Rike’s beta, a solidly built male with blonde hair and piercing blue

eyes entered the room. Heels clicked and clacked against the marble floor as a

redheaded, pale-skinned, busty, green-eyed goddess trailed behind him. She must

be Claire. She was more beautiful than Rike expected. And he would have been

lying if he denied she caused his cock to swell.

Aloysius tilted his head with respect and presented the visitor in his Scottish

accent, “Claire ó Duinn, my Lord.”

Lord, the customary greeting to a lycan Alpha with a pack large enough to

be considered an empire. Alpha Lordship was a badge of honor and acknowledged

by all.
Claire bowed low. Rike got a better view of her full cleavage. She wore a

shimmering blush gown with an off-the-shoulders sweetheart neckline that framed

her pushed up breasts. Every bit of a Lycan Queen.

So far, I like what I am seeing. Feels too good to be true.

Then she smirked at him. He had been caught with his eyes on her breasts.

Something in her eyes told Rike she was power hungry, and he was her ticket to

having it. That familiar hunger for more power burned in her just as it burned in


Ah, there it is. The reason she is here. Much respect, female.

He didn’t need a union of love, so a mate that had the same ambition as him,

was like hitting the lottery. Her beauty would make it easy to knock her up with

however many pups she could handle. She may have had his respect, but his wolf

instincts were suspicious of her motives. Her mutual ambition didn't put him at


She is still too good to be true.

Dark breeds were considered the psychopaths of the lycan species. For that

very reason, a lot of the dark purebreds had been hunted down and killed until new

lycan laws were put into place. Nonetheless, his breed type was still hated by all.
What were the chances a purebred, nubile lycan was eager to wed and bed the most

“evil” male of their species?

Let’s find out.

Rike rose to his full seven-foot height, violet eyes locked on her. He

growled, “What the fuck do you want from me, female?”

Claire placed her hand on her chest in shock. She raised her other hand,

“Excuse you my Lord! I do not think that is the proper way to address your future


Rike sneered, “What makes you think you have an ounce of hope?”

Claire laughed as she looked around. “I see no long line of purebred females

clambering for your hand in marriage.”

Rike raised a brow.

Touché, female.

He folded his arms, studying her bold and cocky behavior​. “Speaking of

purebred, I have not heard of the ó Duinn family, so what proof do you have of

your lineage?”

She opened a small handbag the same color as her dress, and produced some

folded papers. “My family is new to the States, but we are well known in Ireland.''
She handed the papers over to Rike. He studied them for a long moment before

handing them to his beta to inspect.

Rike returned to his seat and settled in before looking her straight in the face,

“No. I deny your proposal. Leave at once!”

Claire growled at being dismissed. “No!”

Rike was taken aback by her defiance. His eyes turned electric violet,

evidence of his anger rising.

She stiffened, giving off a small scent of fear before she squared her

shoulders. She met his gaze with a seductive smile, “My Lord, do you find me


He answered honestly, “No. You are very beautiful and. . .bold. Two things I

admit I would desire in a mate.”

Claire retorted, “Then why do you turn your fertile mate away?”

Rike pondered her words. She offered something he needed, but this was too

easy. Eyes locked on him, she reached behind to unzip her gown. Her smile turned

naughty as it fell to the ground, allowing Rike to look over every curve of her

amazing body.

My Gods, female.

His cock swelled, forcing Rike to adjust himself.

Aloysius cleared his throat, “If yer pardon me, my Lord, think I’ll git lost.”

Rike turned his attention to Aloysius, “What? You don’t think she will make

a good Queen Al?”

They had shared many women before, so this wasn’t new for Al. Rike

offered up Claire to see just how much she wanted the position of Queen. Clearly,

she didn’t care about offering her body up to him, but how far could he push her

before she ran away? If she accepted, then she would understand this was an

alliance of power and not love. Yeah, Rike was an asshole by showing just how

little he cared about her beyond what she could do for him, but this needed to be

crystal clear.

Aloysius stopped in his tracks and turned around to admire Claire from

behind. He nodded with a smirk, “She’ll make a fine Queen, my Lord.”

The scent of her arousal reached Rike’s nose. He took a moment to sniff the

air and enjoyed her feminine musk. Aloysius must have scented her as well

because he adjusted himself. Rike’s intense eyes fell on hers as she started to prowl

closer to him.

“My Lord, have me in your bed tonight so that you can see how great of a

wife I can be for you,” Claire purred.

Rike was definitely intrigued and smirked, “You court dark desires in me.

But I must warn you to reconsider as I am not a gentle lover.”

Claire smiled “Do I look like a girl that desires gentleness? How sure are

you that you can handle ​me ​Mr. West?”

Rike chuckled as he rose to undo his belt. “In that case you will service my

beta as well.”

She looked back at Aloysius, who has removed his shirt already, intense

blue eyes burned into her as he unzipped his jeans. Rike waited for a moment of

hesitation on her part. To her credit, she didn’t bat an eye as she beckoned them


Claire’s ambition and steely determination to marry him, persuaded Rike to

take a chance. They will be married within the month and start trying their

wedding night. Until then, they could have a little safe fun.

The two men closed in on her, their hands caressing her sensitive nipples

and moist sweet spot. Rike tasted her juices from his fingers, “Ms. Ó Duinn?”

She pulled Rike in for a deep kiss, swirling her tongue over his.

“Call me Mrs. West.”

Chapter Two: Betrayal

“Why is she not pregnant?”

Rike paced his private office, furious that he was still without his father’s

empire and worse, he was no closer today than six months ago.

I have my mate, why don’t I have my heir?

His fist slammed on the dark wood desk nearly cracking it. “I take her every

night! Sometimes multiple times a night, and yet, she remains without my heir in

her belly!”

Aloysius attempted to cool Rike’s rage. “Toretto will have answers for you,

my Lord. Whatever’s kept the Queen from conceivin’, it’ll be eliminated, you have

my word.”

Rike frustrated, “We have been wed for six months and it only takes five

months to birth a lycan! My son should be born now!”

A happy, healthy baby boy suckling at his mother’s teat.

“These wolves better have answers for me, or by the Gods, I will strike them

down for being incompetent fuckwits!” Rike growled. His tone promised

It shouldn't have taken this long for Claire to get pregnant. She was too good

to be true and now she played games with their heir. At this point, Rike suspected

that she didn’t really want to get pregnant, and was just waiting for the proof she

had been taking birth control or something. What other explanation could there be?

She has already gotten what she wanted out of him, but he hasn't gotten what he

needed from this union. And she must've known what she was doing, because she

had become increasingly distant from him. Always sneaking off, demanding alone

time. Something was up.

Aloysius, with the patience of a saint, allowed Rike to vent. “Aye, my

Lord.” He knew Rike’s anger wasn’t directed towards him personally. Al

attempted to calm Rike again, “Dinnae worry my Lord, you’ll have yer answers. .

.” He shrugged, “or I’ll gut them myself and force their entrails down their own


Aloysius was a night breed lycan with a nature just as dark and dangerous as

his Alpha. They probably wouldn’t be slaughtering their own men, but the image

made Rike feel much better. Aloysius had full confidence in their men’s abilities to

get down to the bottom of it. Rike had full confidence in Aloysius as a pack leader.

If he believed they would uncover it, then Rike believed it too. Rike’s
centuries-long friendship with Aloysius was arguably the longest relationship he

had ever had.

I am only a little over six hundred years old. Marriage is not a priority for a

lycan as young as me.

The two males became friends after a rivalry for the same female. Victoria

Moore was a beauty to behold. The round-bottomed, thick-thighed, plump-breasted

ebony goddess had a sway in her hips that made any man cum in his pants. Rike

wanted between her legs but he wasn't the only wolf in town looking to make a

deposit in the bank of Victoria.

Soon, the clash turned into a competition between two Alpha males more

wrapped up in beating each other than having the woman herself. The last straw? A

fencing duel between Rike and Aloysius. Where they proceeded to shit talk each

other to the point of throwing their swords on the ground so they could tear into

each other with their bare hands.

Not the least bit impressed with their childish antics, Victoria suggested they

lay with each other instead, as she kicked them both in the balls.


With makeshift “cold packs” on their bollocks, they had a common enemy.

It was the start of a lasting friendship. Together, the two lycan males built the Dark
Moon Empire into the force it was today. There was nobody else in all the realms

Rike would rather have watching his six than Al. His brother from another mother.

Amused by Aloysius ferocity, Rike’s temper cooled as he sat back in his

chair. He let out a deep breath before confiding in him.

“I doubt she bleeds even though she denies me some nights.” He leaned in

closer to Al who frowned at his words. Rike continued, “Other females I can scent

it, but her--” Rike was interrupted when Toretto, his olive-skinned Gamma,

stormed into his office.

“My Lord. . .You are ​not ​going to like this,” he puffed, catching his breath.

Like most Alphas, Rike had a beta who played the part of his right-hand

man, but only Alpha Lords also had Gammas, third in command, and Deltas,

fourth in command, to ensure the entire empire remained protected and well cared

for at all times.

Aloysius and Rike both stood at attention.

“What happened Toretto?” Aloysius questioned.

“The Queen is a mutant!” The dark haired lycan said.

Another drawback to halflings: mutations. Breeding with other humanoid

immortals have given way to their offspring coming out. . . wrong.

Rike stepped from behind the desk. “Impossible!”

Toretto shook his head. “No my Lord, it’s true! We caught Dominic

sneaking out of a room the Queen was in before sneaking back to bed with you in

the wee hours of the night.”

Rike fist balled as his eyes glowed electric violet. It was much worse than he

thought. Rike never suspected infidelity. Sure, he shared her with Aloysius once,

but that was on Rike’s terms. This shit was behind his back. This was making him

a fool in his own damn house.

She didn't want to have ​his ​babies because she was in love with Rike’s

fourth in command and the head of the Queen’s security. He gave her everything

and she fucked it up for love? It had to be love, because there was no other reason

they would risk Rike’s wrath.

Toretto continued, “We chained him in the dungeon and after some

torturing, he finally started talking!”

Toretto explained the Queen lays eggs, probably from a bird shifter in her

family tree, and Dominic helped her steal Rike’s seed to fertilize her eggs that were

hidden in their secret meet up room.

Rike disgusted, “How many eggs has she succeeded in fertilizing?”

Toretto replied, “Out of the six eggs she has in her nest, only one is yours

my Lord.”
Rike frowned “and the other five?”

Please say dead. Please say they are dead.

Toretto cleared his throat, hesitant to answer, but Al pinned him with a dark

and dangerous glare demanding he answer their Alpha. Finally Toretto spoke up,

“Dominic’s. They are Dominic’s, my Lord.” Rike eyes widened as Toretto

continued, “They were planning a surprise birth to happen while you were away

visiting the Southern territories and business partners on your extended trip coming


This bitch dares to deceive me!

Rike unholstered his twin custom chrome, desert eagle forty-four mags that

he sported with every custom-tailored suit.

They all die today. Even the eggs. I am not hatching creatures from gods

know what origins. And what the fuck am I married to?

Al stepped forward with his usual cool calm and collected presence “my

Lord, before we kill the Qu—” he cleared his throat “Claire, dinnae forget we’ve

dinner planned for her ​pure​bred female friend. A lass which’s due to arrive en jus’

a few short days.”

Rike scoffed as he cocked his guns, “the bitch lies! Call off dinner. I want

everyone and everything dead.”

Following where Al was going, Toretto spoke up, “We could hire an

enchantress white lyter to test the purity of the friend. Don’t let this opportunity get

away. Once Claire is dead it’s square one again.”

Lyters were a type of fae, but born with powers that resembled light. Those

fueled by white light were called white lyters and were generally good, helping

others. Those fueled by black light were dark lyters and amoral.

This white lyter specialized in enchantments, objects designed to fulfill the

desires of one’s heart.

Rike turned his face up offended by the suggestion. “Why would I lower

myself to do business with a fucking witch?” Rike growled.

Toretto shrugged, “Consider it a guarantee of sorts.”

Al agreed. “This could be an easy opportunity to snag a full-blooded lass to

fatten up with yer seed, fast trackin’ you to yer father’s empire.”

Rike couldn’t deny the sound argument Toretto and Aloysius presented.

Damn! Now I have to play nice with a cheating wife just to get her friend.

What if she is ugly? It doesn't matter about her looks, we don't have time to be

picky. Her personality might make her face more bearable.

He sighed, “We will tell Claire that Dominic is away on pack business. It

was an emergency, and he didn't have time to say goodbye first. She has never
been much of a Queen so she should buy it. And since it’s Toretto’s bright idea, I

expect you to set this meeting with the witch up ​today!​ ”

Toretto nodded, “I will prepare the jet for New Orleans. That is where her

shop is located.”

I have to kill my queen, exterminate egg creatures, and do business with a

witch. . . which one of you Greek bastards up there did I piss off?
Chapter Three: Big Easy

Rike, Aloysius, and Toretto stepped out of the limo onto the bustling streets of the

French Quarter. The aroma of spicy seafood, sweet pastries, and fried chicken

filled the humid air. As usual, the locals were celebrating something in an

extravagant manner, no matter how small, with added jazz tunes to the atmosphere.

Being in this city again brought back one hundred-and ninety-years old

memories of a frightened young wolf cast out by his Alpha. Alphas have a

responsibility to protect their pack with their very life. And yet this one had left a

young Toretto, barely frozen into his immortality, to fend for himself.

Davis, the alpha of Toretto’s birth pack, wanted Toretto’s mother after his

father died. Punishment for her refusal was sending her only child into the world

defenseless. Rike and Al caught him stealing to survive, and it almost broke Rike

to see the makeshift tent in a pile of trash he called home. They took him in under

their paw, becoming like fathers at times to him, but most of all brothers.

The Dynamic Duo became a Trio of Terror.

Toretto carried a briefcase, and indicated a narrow corridor with a red door

hidden away like a secret of the big easy.

Rike gave Toretto a pointed look, “I don’t even want to know how you are

connected to witches. I mean really Toretto. . .Fucking witches man?”

Toretto shrugged. “I am a little horn dog. And just for today, how about we

don’t call them witches? It’s offensive to them and we ​want​ her help, my Lord.”

Rike scoffed, “Lycans and witches working together has to be an

abomination somewhere in somebody's holy book, and you fucked one?”

Toretto was a sly pretty boy and self-proclaimed Zeus’s gift to womankind.

He grinned, “My dick don’t discriminate. All the ladies love big Retto, my Lord”.

​ etto didn't disappear. Piss her off

Rike shook his head, “You’re lucky ​little R

one good time and she will abracadabra your dick away.”

Aloysius chuckled, agreeing with Rike.

Toretto grinned. “Impossible! When I am done with them, they are all fast

asleep like sedated kittens.” He put his hands together in mock sleep and briefcase


The three males walked into a dimly lit shop of trinkets, incense and bottles

filled with god knows what.

What the fuck did I let him talk me into?

Rike inspected a few strange items before making his way to the unattended

Aloysius rang the little bell and a beautiful curly-haired, pale woman

emerged from the back room.

Her face turned up in disgust and with a French accent said, “You are lost

werewolves! Go back to whatever swamp you crawled out of!”

Al held a growling Rike back as he grated out in his thicker Scottish accent,

“Firs’ off Lass, Wer ​naw fecking werewolves. There’s a difference between ​lycans

and werewolves. And second this here’s ​Rike West​ yer kickin’ out, yer ken?”

The white lyter eyes went wide.

Yes bitch, fear me!

She held Rike’s gaze for a moment but then something came over her.

She jutted her chin out, “I do ​not associate with your kind! There is nothing

here for ​you​. Please leave!”

Lycans had an innate unease with any beings that had powers like those of

the Gods. The father of all lycans was cursed to be a crazed beast by the power of a

Greek God. As a result, it caused a long, deep-seated animosity between the two


Still held back by Aloysius, Rike said through gritted teeth, “Listen witch!

We wouldn’t be here if we did not ​need y​ our services!”

She slammed her fist on the counter, a ripple of power shot through the

shop. “I am NOT a witch! You ask for my help and insult me in the same breath!

No, thank you!”

Rike growled and Aloysius held him back tighter. Toretto stepped in and

smiled at the white lyter. She looked at him as if he were a creature from the black

lagoon. “Hey! I’m Toretto, and your name is?”

She narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously before answering. “Marie. .

.Marie Antoinette.”

Toretto turned up the charm. “Beautiful name like the French Queen! I am

terribly sorry about my Alpha’s behavior Marie. He doesn’t get out much and he’s

on edge from a recent betrayal.” Toretto leaned in and whispered, “Marital issues.”

Marie softened. Everyone knew how wolves could be about their mates.

“We just want to know if you would be able to help us discern which female

lycans are full blooded like my Alpha here or half-bloods like me for instance.”

Toretto picked up the briefcase and set it on the counter. He popped it open

turning it towards Marie, revealing one hundred thousand dollars cash, in small

bills. Marie gasped and Toretto asked, “Would that be something you would be

able to help us with, Marie the Beautiful?”

Rike couldn’t take his eyes off her while she pondered the offer. He couldn’t

admit it out loud, but he held his breath, desperate to gain this aid. The witch’s

display of power gave him hope that she could help him. Her refusal to help him

gave way to his faith in her. If she helped him it would be because she wanted to

help him not because she tried to use him for her own personal gain. In fact,

knowing their long history with each other’s species meant she had much more to

lose by associating with him.

Marie eyes met Rike’s. She studied his expression. So close to saying yes

but she held back for some reason. If this failed, he would be forced to marry a half

blood lycan to get his heir. He shuddered to think about settling for something so

inferior becoming his successor.

I need to convince her.

Rike spoke, voice still tight as if it took everything in him to be kind, “If you

do this for me. . . And it works. . .I will triple this payment as a thank you.”

She nodded. Marie snatched the briefcase and tucked it behind the counter

before going to the back room. Rike, suspicious, started to follow her.

Toretto stopped him, “Patience, my Lord.”.

Marie emerged from the backroom with a clear bottle filled with a substance

that resembled water.

She beckoned, “Come closer full blood and stick your finger out.”

Rike did as she commanded. She opened the bottle and set it on the counter.

With a needle, she poked Rike's finger, careful not to touch him but allowing a red

bead to form.

“Place a drop of your blood in the jar,” she instructed.

Rike let a single drop fall into the bottle before his wound healed. She

recapped the bottle. Her eyes glazed over as she whispered some words, holding

the bottle in the palm of her hand.

Before his eyes, the clear bottle turned midnight black. Marie blinked a few

times until her eyes were back to normal. She placed the bottle in Rike’s hand

again, careful not to touch him.

“Pour this into a bottle of wine or any dark drink. When you are ready for

her to drink it, say these words: ​One sip between the lips, I summon thee to reveal

her pure breed. Have her drink it and she will glow a bright light only you, Rike,

can see. The brighter the light the more pure she will be. Half breeds glow as well

but it is very dim.”

Rike inspected the bottle a little suspicious.

That’s it? Some hocus pocus black water?

Rike narrowed his eyes, “If this doesn't work, you will pay with your life

Ms. Marie.”

She jutted her chin out. “It ​will work, Lord West. Your purebred lycan blood

is the basis for the spell. The closer they are to your level of purity the brighter the

glow. The lesser, the more dim the glow.”

Toretto smiled and thanked Marie on Rike’s behalf.

Rike’s sinister grin surfaced as he turned to walk out the door. “Good,

because we will do business again.”

For the first time since they arrived, he detected her fear.
Chapter Four: New Guest

Rike strolled into the dining room to see how the preparations for their guest of

honor were coming along. Everything needed to be perfect for him to make a great

impression on the full-blooded female. As soon as Claire was gone, he would be

free to remarry and claim his father’s empire. Except, Claire was giving

instructions to the staff to change the dinnerware set out on the long cherrywood

table, to something less formal.

“What are you doing? This is not the dining ware I ordered to be set out!”

Rike growled.

The servants froze in their tracks and looked from Rike to Claire, unsure of

which Alpha to obey. It grated his nerves that he had to tolerate the adulterous

whore even for one more night.

Claire, unbothered by his outburst, shrugged him off with a playful giggle,

“Oh honey stop, it’s just Amelia! This is too fancy for her. Trust me, I know her,

and she was practically raised by humans! Weird, right?”

Rike’s face twisted like he inhaled something repulsive, unable to imagine

what it would be like to really live among humans. Their customs were so strange,

and they suffered from ignorance.

Half-mad, angry little creatures.

He admitted, “her upbringing is peculiar, but I promised Toretto he could be

her date, and he wants to make a good impression.”

Rike gestured for the servants to change the setting back to what he had

originally instructed.

Claire said, “That’s sweet but my Lord, we would still be wasting it on—”

“Do not undermine me again or you will not like the outcome of what

happens to people who disrespect me.”

Claire bowed in submission, heeding her Alpha’s warning.

The doorbell rang signaling their guest’s arrival.

“Get the door and I’ll get Toretto,” he said to Claire.

Before he could leave, Toretto entered with a curvy, dark caramel-skinned

beauty. She had plump red lips, seductive lilac eyes, smooth luminous skin, and

ebony layered waves that reached the small of her back. This female had a very

feminine boho chic vibe to her style of dress, sporting a white, off the shoulders

crop top that revealed a toned stomach, and a flowy floral skirt that grazed the

floor. She didn't have a regal beauty like Claire, but by the Greek Gods, Amelia’s

beauty far surpassed Claire’s by lightyears.

For the first time since receiving the potion, fear crept in with a niggling of

doubt that it might not work. This was his last hope. Everything depended on

Amelia being the key to power.

If Amelia was a full blood lycan, he would stop at nothing to claim her

fierce and hard. He would pump every bit of his seed deep inside her. She would

be his Queen, his child's mother. She would be his ​everything.​

Amelia’s eyes met his. If he wasn't mistaken, they glowed a bit before

turning back to her normal lilac color. Except lilac was a color he had never seen

before. Dark breeds are known for their violet eye color as other lycans sported

various shades of blue eyes.

Is it possible she is some type of dark breed like me? Could there be more

than one type of dark breed?

She smiled with a brief wave. Rike’s inner wolf whispered ​mine! And his

cock grew to a thickness he had never known. No female had ever made his beast

stake a claim. A bone-crushing need to possess her arose. To make her as his. .


His fist balled and unballed, suppressing the unfamiliar thoughts and

emotions. Claire embraced Amelia, the two females rocked and squealed with

incoherent babblings of missing each other.

Toretto broke it up with his usual playful charm, “Okay, okay, enough with

suffocating my date.”

The girls chuckled, amused by his antics. He kissed Amelia's hand and she

blushed. Rike didn’t like watching another male stroking those reactions from her.

“Toretto!” Rike growled, more forceful than he intended.

The lighthearted laughter was sucked out of the room and the scent of fear

from everyone hit Rike. Amelia stiffened, her eyes fixed on Rike. Claire and

Toretto bowed in submission, but she remained upright holding his gaze. She really

had been raised among humans and it was evident in her lack of pack etiquette.

Rike softened his tone and cleared his throat. “Please allow Claire to give

her guest a tour of the estate. We must not delay. Dinner will be served soon.”

He smiled at Amelia, the act weird and foreign, as he used muscles in his

face he didn't know he had. Claire and Toretto stared at Rike’s attempt at a

welcoming smile as if he were a three-headed dragon in a bikini. Amelia returned

the smile, but it never quite reached her eyes. He sobered up and stopped smiling,

rubbing the back of his neck. She was leery of Rike. Convincing her wouldn't be as

easy as he thought.

She didn't have that same hunger for power like Claire. Rike didn't even

understand how they were friends. The two females were complete opposites. Rike
assumed they would be interchangeable like chess pieces on a board, but he was so

wrong. Amelia couldn't be wooed with the promise of power. He might actually

have to get her to like him…like him as a person.

Keep your monster in check Rike or she runs.

Chapter Five: Amelia

Amelia could barely focus on Claire’s retelling of how the two of them met. Rike’s

intense gaze on her made chills shiver down her spine and heat rise to her cheeks.

She pretended like she was busy with her meal, ignoring Toretto as well. But every

so often she stole a glance, and found Rike’s eyes were locked on her with a

devilishly charming smirk. Amelia couldn’t suppress her smile and blushed. He

knew she was affected by him and kept up his playful silent eye-flirting.

Amelia even peeked over at Toretto to see if he was aware or more irritated

with the exchange since he was technically her dinner date. But Toretto was

engrossed in Claire’s story. He asked questions and laughed when she laughed. If

Amelia didn't know any better, it almost seemed like Toretto kept Claire focused

on him, so she didn't notice Rike's bold behavior.

It was wrong on so many levels. The male was out of this world gorgeous.

He scared her and excited her at the same time. Amelia wasn’t sure if she wanted

to kill him or fuck him.


Yes, Amelia was amused but also nervous about his intentions. Why was

this beautiful lycan male fixed on her? She felt like prey caught in the trap of a tall,
gorgeous, and insanely dangerous predator. But also like a bitch in heat ready to

serve herself up on the table for him to feast on.

Even more disturbing was this male belonged to Claire, Amelia’s only best

friend. Ok not a ​best​ friend as they were not close, but they were friends!

Amelia, stop wanting him. Think about something gross to keep your arousal

from hitting the air. Cat butt hair on fart cupcakes.

Claire was the first lycan Amelia had ever met while attending an art school

in Paris. On the outside, Claire and Amelia looked like an odd couple in human

standards. Claire came from big money and everything she did screamed: ​I am a

spoiled princess with a platinum spoon in my mouth, so bow down to me peasants!

Amelia on the other hand, had a humbler background. She didn't need to

worry about money, however Amelia’s mother taught her that the best cover in

human society is to appear like you are just another working-class individual just

trying to earn a living.

“It makes us look less threatening to both of the species,” as she would say.

This came easy to Amelia because she was an outdoorsy, not afraid to get

dirty, wild child. The only thing they had in common, and the reason they become

friends, was they were both lycans in a world of humans. Claire provided Amelia a

safe place to be herself, and here she was, making eyes at Rike.
Fuck, why does he have to be so damn alluring! Cat butt! Cat butt! Cat butt!

A chuckling Claire turned to Amelia, “Right Amelia? Do you remember


Amelia, unaware of the conversation but too embarrassed to admit it, smiled

and nodded. It was too late. Claire had picked up on the shared interest between

Rike and Amelia.

Amelia tried to hide her guilt but Rike openly admired Amelia without

concern for Claire’s feelings.

Claire’s eyes changed to wolf and growled at Rike. “Are you seriously

ogling my good friend in front of my face!?”

Rike’s eyes cut to Claire with a menacing look that put fear in everyone’s

heart and let out a roar of dominance, “Mind your fucking tongue when you

address me!”

Amelia braced for a fight between the two alphas. Claire never took

anyone’s shit and Amelia couldn’t imagine that she would now.

Instead, Claire got out of her seat and bowed low and said, “Forgive me, my


Amelia’s jaw dropped.

She fucking just bowed to him! What the fuck is happening here?
Seemingly satisfied with her backing all the way down, Rike chuffed. His

eyes still wolf, he rose from the table. In a calm voice that didn’t match the storm

of fury on his face, “Excuse me while I take a moment to get the dessert wine.”

Cami, a submissive wolf tasked with serving the Alpha pair, stepped forward

and bowed, “Allow me, my Lord”

“No. Tend to my guest’s needs,” he ordered, before exiting the dining room

and giving Amelia a glance at his tight ass and broad shoulders.

Claire returned to her seat beside Amelia. She jumped when Amelia placed a

hand on her shoulder.

Why would Claire marry an asshole?

Yes, he was gorgeous beyond compare, but he clearly didn't love his wife.

What was worse, although Claire was the Queen and married to the Alpha, she was

not the Alpha female. This exchange between them made it painfully clear, she

was just another submissive wolf.

Amelia was used to her friend being bold and courageous, but now she

wasn’t herself. Amelia didn’t recognize this side of Claire. Amelia hadn't lived in a

pack before but her inner wolf told her this was ​wrong​.

A submissive could never serve the pack as an Alpha. Claire thought

marrying Rike was fate. He needed a bride and she wanted power and more wealth.
Despite being mutually beneficial, their union was troubled. And with the way

Rike acted, maybe it was best for Amelia to remove herself.

“I’m sorry to cause a disturbance Claire. I will let myself out.”

Claire grabbed her wrist and held it tight. Claire’s eyes met Amelia’s with a

plastered fake smile. “Please Ammie. Won't you stay just a little longer?”

Are you insane? You married a tall sexy mad man!

“Yes please, stay for dessert! It’s a very expensive wine Lord Rike only

brings out for extra special guests,” Toretto said, cupping her forearm briefly.

Amelia placed her hand over Claire’s grip to reassure her. “I do enjoy a good

dessert wine.”

Although something troubled Claire, Amelia didn't want to push. The look in

Claire’s eyes told her that just being there was a blessing from the Gods.
Chapter Six: Toast to A Rare Beauty

Rike entered the dining room with the open bottle of wine spiked with the potion,

and four wine glasses. The room was thick with tension, everyone watched in

silence as he took his time filling each glass. Then his eyes locked on Amelia and

she stiffened beneath his gaze.

He handed the first glass to her with a seductive smile. “For our guest of


Amelia returned a polite smile, taking the glass before she bowed in

submission. No doubt mimicking the other wolves, and still Rike hadn't expected

the behavior from such a benighted wolf. The gesture left a sour taste in his mouth.

He loved when others bowed to him since they were beneath him. But Amelia

wasn’t beneath him. His wolf recognized her as his equal.

“Amelia, you bow to no one,” he said, lifting her chin with a curl of his


Not even to me, beautiful.

Amelia’s eyes cut to Claire who sat there with her arms folded, shaking her

head. Rike peeked at Toretto who grinned with a thumbs up, unbeknownst to the

ladies. Rike rolled his eyes suppressing a smirk.

I love that little shit.

After distributing the remaining glasses, Rike raised a toast to Amelia.

Everyone echoed his toast with a cheer. He couldn't take his eyes off her as she

drank the wine. Not even to enjoy his own glass. Rike didn’t want to miss the

spark. . .or glow, or whatever.

Sure as the white lyter promised, Amelia glowed. It started from her

stomach and grew outward until her entire body illuminated bright like an angel.

Toretto and Claire glowed as well, but theirs was dim. Rike drank his glass and

watched himself illuminate bright like Amelia.

Rike’s desire for Amelia amplified ten-fold. A possessive need to claim her

here and now as his mate ignited. He wanted to pound his chest and challenge any

male to dare take her from him. The urge to hunt down all of her enemies and lay

their mangled heads at her feet as wedding presents pounded at him. But he must

tread lightly or else his beast will scare the beauty. Being married to her friend was

their first obstacle, but not for long. He would have his divorce tonight, in the only

way possible for an immortal to divorce.

Chapter Seven: Take a Moment

Amelia reached her limit. Picturing a cat’s ass on some cupcakes became Rike on

the cupcakes. Then she was eating him like a cupcake.

Enough fucking cupcakes!

She rose from the dinner table almost knocking it over. “The washroom!”

She smoothed her hands over her clothes as all eyes fell on her. She repeated in a

more calm manner, “I need to visit your washroom, please.”

A moment to think without his eyes on me.

After a nod from Rike, Toretto extended his hand. “It would be my pleasure


As Toretto and Amelia wandered through the house, she was unable to help

herself from admiring the gothic beauty of the mansion. She absentmindedly

caressed paintings and carvings, marveling at the craftsmanship.

Toretto cleared his throat pointing to a door, breaking her out of the art

trance. “The bathroom, my Lady.”

Amelia smiled and thanked him before retreating into the bathroom, locking

the door behind her. She exhaled deeply leaning on the sink, finally able to breathe
without his eyes fixed on her. She flushed with desire for Rike. His gaze promised

so much exquisite pleasure.

Let’s face it, he was already eye-fucking her. Every second his eyes were

fixed on her, was another thrust deep between her legs. Amelia’s body ached for

him and her lips longed to taste his. He wore a suit minus the jacket, but she could

tell he had a body built by the fucking Gods. A body she wanted to spend hours

exploring with her tongue. The lethal weapon he had obviously spent time honing

to the point that those guns at his side were nothing but the cherry on top of the

killing blow. She would caress every muscle until he became putty in her hands, as

she rode him deep in her core. Coating him in her scent so every female knew he

was hers and only hers.

Stop it! STOP IT! That is Claire’s husband. Stop being a trollop, Amelia,

and have some self-respect.

Amelia said to herself in the mirror, “Get it together girl. He is not that


Lies! He is hot as sin but it's a great day to lie to myself.

Done with her reprieve, Amelia checked herself over one more time before

opening the bathroom door. She peeked out into the hallway only to discover

herself alone.
Toretto has just lost major cool points for abandoning me.

Amelia started down the hallway to rejoin the others only to run smack dab

into Rike.
Read Claimed: Dark Breeds of the Lycans Coming Soon

About The Author

My Name Is Lasasha Flame. I Am A Young Author From Chicago, Hoping To

Bring Some New Heat And Sizzle To The Romance Genre.

My Favorite Genres Are Paranormal And Dark Romance. I Love Reading A Good
Book But I'm So Busy In Life That I Only Gets To Enjoy Audiobooks. It’s The
Only Way I Can Get Lost In A Good Book Nowadays. And You Know What? I
Half Prefer An Audiobook Over Print Any Day! I Have A Long Standing
Membership At Audible And I Plan To Publish Audio Books For Busy
Bookworms Like Myself! Yay!

My Love Of Writing Started When A Friend Of Mine Encouraged Me To Write A

Short Story And Just See What Happens. Turns Out I Had A Knack For Writing
Because Everyone Loved My Short Stories. From Then On I’ve Worked On
Improving My Craft. Growing From Flash Fiction To Novels.

I Would Like To Introduce The Series I Have Been Working On. I Am Basically
Writing Thirteen Books At Once. Claimed Is The First Installment Of My Dark
Immortal Flames Series!

And Not Only Do I Have The Main Series In The Works But I Will Be Releasing
Mini A Series And Several Short Stories That Take Place Within The Same
Multiverse Of The Main Dark Immortal Flames Series.

Behind The Veil In The Torrid Tales Collection Is One Of Them!
Birth Of The Sand Viper: Origins Of Jafar Is Another!
And Not Yet Released Captive Of A Dark Prince Will Be One!

I Am Really Looking Forward To Sharing Some Of The Twisty Goodness I Have


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About the Series

This Series Is Set To Be Released In 2020 Starting With Claimed: Dark Breeds Of
The Lycans!

The End Is Near! Each Book Is Popping The Lock On Lucifer's Cage In This 13
Book Series!

In Each Of The “Immortal Dark Series” Books, A Prophecy Is Being Fulfilled.

With Each Fulfillment, Another Seal Breaks On Lucifer’s Cage And Moves Gaia,
The Realm Of Earth, Closer To The Apocalypse. Once Freed Lucifer Will Destroy
The Entire Earth Because It Is The Home Of Mankind, One Of God’s Favorite

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