People V. Agacer GR No. 177751 December 14, 2011 Facts

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PEOPLE V. AGACER different directions.

Genesis then reached

GR No. 177751; December 14, 2011 Barangay Capanikian and informed Cesario’s
son, Neldison Agacer, of the death of his
father. At around 3:00 p.m., Cesario’s friends in
This case involves a man who was killed by his said barangay went to the scene of the crime
own relatives. All the appellants were related to and retrieved his corpse. During the autopsy, a
Cesario. Florencio was Cesario’s nephew and total of eight entrance wounds were found,
is the father of Franklin while the brothers mostly on the chest of Cesario’s cadaver.
Elynor, Eric and Eddie are his nephews.
According to the Medico-Legal Officer, the fatal
According to the prosecution, Cesario was a
gunshot wounds were inflicted by the use of a
55-year old farmer and owner of a ricefield
firearm capable of discharging several slugs
situated in Dungeg, Santa Ana, Cagayan.
simultaneously. On the other hand, the
On April 2, 1998, at around 9:00 a.m., he was appellants denied the accusations against
clearing a section of his farm and preparing the them and claimed that Florencio only acted in
beddings for the rice seedlings intended for the self-defense and in defense of relatives.
coming planting season. Farm laborers
Thereafter, the trial court found the
Genesis Delantar, his brother Andy, Rafael
prosecution’s evidence sufficient to prove
Morgado and brothers Roden and Ric Vallejo
appellants’ guilt beyond reasonable doubt of
were nearby in a separate section of the same
the crime of murder qualified by treachery. It
ricefield harvesting Cesario’s palay.
held that appellants acted in conspiracy in
According to prosecution witnesses Genesis inflicting upon Cesario, in a treacherous
and Roden, it was at that moment while manner, multiple gunshot wounds.
Cesario was tending to his farm when
However, the trial court did not appreciate
appellants suddenly emerged from a nearby
evident premeditation as a qualifying
banana plantation and surrounded Cesario.
aggravating circumstance for failure to
Visibly intimidated, Cesario moved backwards
establish its elements as clearly as the criminal
and retreated to where the other farm laborers
act itself. It also did not consider as
were working. However, Franklin set afire the
aggravating circumstance the use of an
rice straws that covered Cesario’s rice
unlicensed firearm since the firearm used in
seedlings. This prompted Cesario to return to
the killing was not presented in evidence. The
put out the fire and save his rice seedlings. At
CA affirmed the ruling of the trial court in all
this point, Franklin and Eric started throwing
stones at Cesario which forced the latter to
retreat again. Thereafter, Florencio, while ISSUE: Whether or not Florencio can invoke
standing side by side with Eric, signaled the justifying circumstance of defense of
Cesario to come closer. Cesario obliged but relatives.
when he was just around five meters away
HELD: No, Florencio cannot invoke the
from the group, Eddie suddenly pulled out a
justifying circumstance of defense of relatives.
gun concealed inside a sack and, without
warning, shot Cesario hitting him in the left Florencio also invokes the justifying
portion of his chest. circumstance of defense of relatives, which has
three elements, to wit, (1) there was unlawful
Almost simultaneously, Elynor took aim at
aggression on the part of the victim; (2) there
Cesario with his bow and arrow but missed his
was reasonable necessity of the means
mark. As Cesario fell, appellants fled towards
employed to prevent or repel it; and (3) in case
the irrigation canal, where another gunshot
of provocation given by the person being
rang. Thereafter, a short firearm was thrown
attacked, the person making defense had no
from where the appellants ran towards the
part therein. Like in the case of self-defense,
direction of Cesario’s fallen body. Appellants
unlawful aggression is also an indispensable
then immediately left the scene of the crime
element in defense of relative. As discussed,
onboard a hand tractor and a tricycle.
there is no unlawful aggression on the part of
After these events unfolded, Genesis and the Cesario. Hence, Florencio’s reliance on this
other farm laborers scampered away in justifying circumstance is likewise unavailing.

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