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Bhat et al.

Nutrition & Metabolism (2017) 14:23

DOI 10.1186/s12986-017-0180-8

REVIEW Open Access

Potential therapeutic targets of

Guggulsterone in cancer
Ajaz A. Bhat1, Kirti S. Prabhu1, Shilpa Kuttikrishnan1, Roopesh Krishnankutty1, Jayaprakash Babu2,
Ramzi M. Mohammad1 and Shahab Uddin1*

Natural compounds capable of inducing apoptosis in cancer cells have always been of considerable interest as
potential anti-cancer agents. Many such compounds are under screening and development with their potential
evolution as a clinical drug benefiting many of the cancer patients. Guggulsterone (GS), a phytosterol isolated gum
resin of the tree Commiphora mukul has been widely used in Indian traditional medicine as a remedy for various
diseses. GS has been shown to possess cancer chemopreventive and therapeutic potential as established by in vitro
and in vivo studies. GS has been shown to target constitutively activated survival pathways such as PI3-kinase/AKT,
JAK/STAT, and NFκB signaling pathways that are involved in the regulation of growth and inflammatory responses
via regulation of antiapoptotic and inflammatory genes. The current review focuses on the molecular targets of GS,
cellular responses, and the animal model studies in various cancers. The mechanistic action of GS in different types
of cancers also forms a part of this review. The perspective of translating this natural compound into a clinically
approved drug with its pros and cons is also discussed.
Keywords: Natural compounds, Guggulsterone, Cancers, Chemoprevention, Molecular targets

Background increased expression of pro-apoptotic genes. Natural

The important aspect in cancer chemoprevention is to compounds have been shown to have less cytotoxicity
identify drugs or compounds that kill the tumor cells and efficient in blocking prosurvival/ growth signal
with lower toxicity to healthy tissue. The other alterna- transduction pathways. Interestingly, most of the nat-
tive approach could be to identify agents, which either ural compounds currently available as pharmaceutical
slows or even halts the tumor progression. The growing products isolated from plant extracts have proven to
evidence linked the deregulation of apoptosis in cancer exhibit anti-tumor properties in vivo and in vitro. One
cells and supports the hypothesis that targeting such traditional medicine, guggulsterone (GS), [4,
deregulated apoptotic signaling pathways could serve 17(20)-pregnadiene- 3, 16-dione], a plant polyphenol
as a tool for cancer prevention [1, 2]. Interestingly, the extracted from the gum resin of the Commiphora
chemotherapeutic drugs that are currently used exert mukul tree has been broadly used for centuries to treat
their cytotoxic effect through the induction of apop- multiple human diseases [6–8]. The active ingredients
tosis [3–5]. Therefore, the success of cancer therapy found in the extract from the gum resin of Mukul tree
depends on the sensitivity of cancer cells to respond to are the isomers E- and Z-GS (Fig. 1) and both these
the therapeutic agents that turn on the apoptotic forms have been extensively used to treat multiple dis-
process. The signaling cascade that leads to apoptosis orders. It has been shown that GS is an antagonist of
can be induced by a vast variety of drugs with diverse bile acid farnesoid X receptor (FXR) [9–11] and inhib-
chemical structures and different mechanisms of ac- ition of FXR expression by GS causes anticancer activ-
tion, notably through the inhibition of survival and ity in many cancer cells [12–17]. There is also
accumulating evidence about the role of GS in choles-
* Correspondence: [email protected]
terol homeostasis regulation by increasing the tran-
Translational Research Institute, Hamad Medical Corporation, PO Box 3050, scription of bile salt export pump [10, 11, 17]. GS has
Doha, Qatar been shown to play an important role in nutritional
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Bhat et al. Nutrition & Metabolism (2017) 14:23 Page 2 of 11

Fig. 1 a The Plant Commiphora mukul. The chemical structure of Guggulsterone isoforms, E-Guggulsterone (b) and Z-Guggulsterone (c)

metabolism as it has been found to inhibit cholesterol increased expression of genes of Bcl-2 family members
synthesis in the liver via antagonism of the FXR and and generation of reactive oxygen intermediates. A num-
the bile-acid receptor [18]. GS has been widely used ber of studies have shown that GS strongly inhibits the
for the treatment of hyperlipidemia in humans [5, 19]. activation of various survival signaling pathways includ-
A number of studies have demonstrated that GS effi- ing, PI3-kinase/AKT, JAK/STAT and nuclear factor-kB
ciently decreases low density lipoprotein cholesterol (NF-kB) in various cancer cells [29–31] (Table 1). Con-
and triglyceride levels in serum and increases high stitutive activity of NF-kB plays a crucial role in growth
density lipoprotein cholesterol levels [20, 21]. Specific- and proliferation of malignant cells via regulating
ally, E and Z isoforms of GS have been identified as ac- expression of several antiapoptotic genes. GS was found
tive ingredients for lipid-lowering [22]. GS has been to efficiently suppress the expression of these antiapop-
shown to bind FXR and prevent the expression of FXR totic genes in many cancer cells (Fig. 2). In addition, GS
agonist-mediated genes [8, 23]. Furthermore, it has has also been shown to suppress the ionizing radiation
been demonstrated that the lipid lowering effect of GS (IR)-mediated activation of NF-κB and augments the ra-
in liver are due to inhibition of FXR as confirmed from diosensitivity of human cancer cell lines [32]. Further,
FXR knockout mice studies [8]. GS is reported to reduce cell growth as well as prevents
GS has been found to induce apoptotic cell death in IR-induced DNA damage repair [32] and GS has been
many types of cancer [24–28] via activation of caspases, shown to induce apoptosis in a wide rangeof cancer cells

Table 1 Anticancer activity of GS in in vitro experimental model and underlying molecular targets
Cancer Type Model/System Molecular Targets References
Pancreatic cancer Human pancreatic cancer cell lines ↓FXR reduced ↓ NF-κB, ↓Cyclin D1, ↓Bcl-2, ↓XIAP↓MPP9, ↓STAT3, [33, 38, 39]
↓FAK, ↓Src, p-AKT,c-June, ↑Caspase-3,↑Bax
Head and Neck cancer Head and neck carcinoma cell line ↓ PI3-kinase/AKT, ↑Bax, ↑Bad [88]
Esophagael cancer Esophageal adenocarcinoma cell lines ↓caudal type homeobox 2,↓Cox2,↓NFkB, ↓FXR, ↓ RAR-β2, [47, 48]
Colon cancer Colon cancer cell line ↓cIAP-1, ↓cIAP-2, ↓Bcl-2, ↓STAT3, ↓VEGF, ↑truncated Bid, ↑Fas, [50, 51]
↑p-JNK, ↑p-c-Jun
Breast cancer Breast cancer cell lines ↓cyclin D1, ↓C-myc, ↓survivin, ↓TCF-4, ↓IKK/NF-κB, [34, 89]
↓MAPK/AP-1, ↓MMP-9 ↓
Prostate cancer Prostate cancer cell lines ↑caspase-9, ↑caspase-8, ↑caspase-3, ↑Bax [27]
↓Bcl-2 and ↓Bcl-xL
Hepatocellular carcinoma Hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines ↓TGF-β1, ↓VEGF,↓ Bcl-2,↑Bax, [83, 85]
↓ NF-κB, ↓STAT3
Hematological malignancies Leukemic cell lines ↓Bfl-1/A1, ↓XIAP, ↓cFLIP, ↓Bcl-2, ↓BclXL, ↓survivin [25]
↑caspase 8, ↑bid cleavage, ↑cytochrome c release, ↑caspase 9,
↑ caspase 3, ↑ PARP cleavage.
Bhat et al. Nutrition & Metabolism (2017) 14:23 Page 3 of 11

Fig. 2 Biochemical and molecular targets of Guggulsterone. Guggulsterone exerts anti-cancer effects through activation or suppression of protein
kinases, transcription factors, anti-oxidant enzymes, cell cycle regulators, proapoptotic and antiapoptotic proteins. GS exerts anti-inflammatory
effects through suppression of nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB), which plays a crucial role in the inflammatory processes by regulating the expression
of diverse proinflammatory proteins, including cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). GS fortifies cellular defense against oxidative stress by inducing the de
novo synthesis of the powerful antioxidant enzyme heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1). GS induces apoptosis by increasing the expression of proapoptotic
proteins while decreasing the levels of antiapoptotic proteins (e.g., IAP1, XIAP, Bfl-1/A1, Bcl-2, cFLIP, Survivin, etc.). GS induces apoptosis by increasing
the expression of proapoptotic proteins while decreasing the levels of antiapoptotic proteins (e.g., IAP1, XIAP, Bfl-1/A1, Bcl-2, cFLIP, Survivin, etc.). GS
suppresses invasion and metastasis by targeting MMPs, FXR etc

[24, 25, 27, 28, 33–36]. The detailed molecular targets of safe and have broad spectrum activity [37]. GS is one
GS and mechanisms regulating apoptosis in various can- such ancient medicine that targets multiple signaling
cers are discussed in this review. molecules with a varied range of mechanisms with its
proven antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects in vitro
Guggulsterone and cancer and in vivo studies (Tables 1 and 2). The following sec-
Since several decades extensive research has revealed tions describe GS-mediated anticancer effects and its
that many chronic illnesses are caused by the deregula- potential targets in various cancers.
tion of multiple genes mainly involved in cell cycle con-
trol enabling the cells to divide uncontrollably leading to Pancreatic cancer
metastasis [1–4]. Most of the conventional drugs pri- Pancreatic tumors are highly aggressive, and there is an
marily target a single gene product or signaling pathway urgent need of therapeutic strategy for the better man-
at a given time, thus having a limited scope for the treat- agement of this cancer. The existing chemotherapeutic
ment. In addition these medicines exhibit many toxic drugs cause high toxicity and drug resistance. Macha et
side effects. Due to these limitations, there is a growing al. [33] using in vitro model have shown that GS pre-
trend towards alternative medicines such as traditional vents cell proliferation, inhibits cell motility reduces cell
medicine derived from natural compounds which are invasion and induces apoptotic cell death in many

Table 2 Anticancer activity of GS in in vivo animal experimental models

Cancer Type Model/System Antitumor effects References
Pancreatic cancer Pancreatic cancer cell line xenograft tumors ↓ tumor size [39]
Colon Cancer HT-29 xenograft tumors ↓ tumor size [50]
Esophageal cancer Esophageal adenocarcinoma cell lines ↓ tumor size [47]
Breast cancer MCF7 xenograft tumors ↓Bcl-2 and P-glycoprotein expression [75]
↑Chemosensivity of doxorubicin in vivo
Prostate cancer DU145 prostate cancer cells implanted in mouse ↓ tumor size, ↓ angiogenesis↓ VEGFR-2 [28]
Bhat et al. Nutrition & Metabolism (2017) 14:23 Page 4 of 11

pancreatic cancer cell lines. The anti-cancer activity of Recently it has been reported that combination of
GS was correlated with the down-regulation of anti- GS and bortezomib, a proteasome inhibitor synergize
apoptotic proteins, cell cycle progression proteins and the inhibition of signaling molecules that are essential
up-regulation of proapoptotic proteins. Furthermore, the for the proliferation and survival of malignant cells
reduced motility and suppressive effects on invasion in [44, 45]. These reports further suggest that co-
pancreatic cancer cells by GS were associated with the treatment of HNSCC cells with bortezomib and GS
disruption of cytoskeletal organization, inhibition of potentiated effects on cell death and inhibited clono-
FAK and Src kinase signaling. GS treatment was also genic survival. These findings correlated with inhib-
found to reduce mucin MUC4 gene expression by inhib- ition of NF-κB signaling pathway [44] and induction of
ition of JAK kinase mediated signaling [33]. A recent the proapoptotic proteins Bik, Bim, and Noxa [45].
study using pancreatic cancer cell lines has reported a These results suggest that GS could significantly im-
significant reduction in cell migration and invasion by prove the therapeutic activity of bortezomib against
GS-mediated FXR inhibition indicating the potential role HNSCC in cotreatment strategy. Similar studies with
of FXR overexpression in lymphatic metastasis of pan- erlotinib, cetuximab, and cisplatin in HNSCC cell lines
creatic cancer [38]. further supported the synergistic activity of GS to-
GS has been found to increase the sensitivity of con- wards enhanced efficacy to apoptosis, cell cycle arrest
ventional chemotherapeutic agents such as gemcitabine. and invasion [46].
Treatment of pancreatic cancer cells with GS augmented
apoptotic cell death when combined with gemcitabine as Esophageal adenocarcinoma
compared to treatment either with gemcitabine or GS Chronic Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is
alone. In addition, the tumors from xenografted mice in the main risk factor for the development of Barrett's
vivo model showed a better antitumor response to GS esophagus (BE) and its progression to esophageal
combination treatment compared to gemcitabine or GS adenocarcinoma (EAC). Studies have shown the
alone. significant overexpression of bile acid receptor FXR in
Studies from in vitro and in vivo (Tables 1 and 2) set- Barrett's esophagus and treatment of Barrett's
tings have shown that the combination treatment leads esophagus-derived cell line with GS was found to sig-
to increased growth inhibition as well as apoptosis nificantly reduce the expression of FXR.. Treatment of
through a cascade of events involving the down- Barrett's esophagus-derived cell line with GS was
regulation of NF-κB, inhibition of AKT activity, down- linked with a significant increase in the percentage of
regulation of antiapoptotic gene BcL-2, upregulation of apoptotic cells and of the caspase -3 activity signifying
proapoptotic gene Bax and, activation of c-Jun NH(2)- that FXR may contribute to the regulation of apoptosis
terminal kinase (JNK) [39]. [12]. A similar study further showed that the inhib-
ition of FXR in esophageal adenocarcinoma tissues ei-
ther with an expression of FXR shRNA or treatment
Head and neck cancer with GS suppressed tumor cell viability and induced
A number of studies provide substantial evidence that apoptosis in vitro and in vivo [16] suggesting GS as a
GS suppressed the growth/or induced apoptotic cell potential antagonist to FXR overexpression and a can-
death of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cer chemotherapeutic. GS has been shown to have
(HNSCCC) [40–42]. GS-mediated inhibition of HNSCC additive effect in suppressing esophageal cancer cell
proliferation is caused by inactivation of NF-κB and growth in vitro and in nude mouse xenografts when
STAT3 signaling cascades. GS treatment of HNSCC cells combined with amiloride and this activity is due to the in-
prevents NF-κB activation and leads to its degradation hibition of gastric acid-inducing gene Na + /H + exchan-
resulting in the inhibition of inflammatory and angio- ger-1 (NHE-1) [47]. In another study, GS has been shown
genic responses as well as progression and metastasis to suppress bile acid induced caudal type homeobox 2
[35, 36]. GS was also able to inhibit COX-2 and vascular (CDX2) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression, which
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) which contributes to are critical in the development of Barrett’s Esophagus and
inflammation and angiogenesis [35]. The antiprolifera- esophageal adenocarcinoma and this effect is due to inhib-
tive and pro-apoptotic action of GS in SCC4 cells has ition of NF-kB activity [48].
been due to downregulation of various antiapoptotic
genes including Bcl-2, XIAP, Mcl1, survivin, cyclin D1 Colon cancer
and c-myc. Furthermore GS-mediated downregulation Although there is a major progress in the advancement
of these genes resulted sequential activation of caspas- of chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of colon
9,-3 and cleavage, of poly-ADP-ribose phosphate (PARP) cancer, however, the relapse rates still remain to be ele-
[25, 43]. vated for the existing drugs. The current chemotherapy
Bhat et al. Nutrition & Metabolism (2017) 14:23 Page 5 of 11

has been benefecial only to the patients with advanced [56, 57]. A number of studies have suggested that vari-
colorectal cancerregarding their survival and quality of ous mechanisms are responsible for the incidence and
life [49]. The other problems that happen to be with the development of breast carcinogenesis. NF-κB pathway is
conventional chemotherapy are systemic side effects and highly activated in breast cancer [58, 59]. NF-κB is one
increased chemoresistance. Because of these limitations, of the key molecules shown to regulate the expression of
there is an urgent need for more efficient and safer various antiapoptotic genes that plays a crucial role in
therapeutic strategies for advanced or untreatable colo- tumorigenesis [29, 60]. These genes are bcl-2, and bcl-xl,
rectal cancer. Interestingly, a considerable amount of adhesion molecule encoding genes, chemokines, and in-
attention towards the anti-tumor properties of various flammatory cytokines; and cell cycle regulators. There-
phytochemicals has developed in the last few years both fore, targeting NF-κB and its associated partners could
in vivo and in vitro. In connection to this, GS was be an important therapeutic strategy for the manage-
found to possess potential anti-tumor effects in several ment of breast cancer. Previously it has been demon-
cancer cell types including colorectal cancer [24–28, strated that GS inhibits NF-κB activation via IκBα
33]. Emerging studies have also demonstrated that GS kinase suppression, along with the dephosphorylation
and its derivatives significantly reduced dextran sulfate and degradation of IκBα. Moreover, GS also interferes
sodium (DSS)-induced acute murine colitis. Further, nuclear translocation of p65 and NF-κB- mediated re-
more this effect was found due to GS-mediated down- porter gene activity [29]. GS treatment of cancer cells
regulation of NF-kB signaling pathway. These findings has been found to abrogate the expression of NF-κB-
suggest that GS- mediated targeting of signaling path- mediated antiapoptotic genes, as well the genes involved
ways may be an attractive strategy for the treatment of in regulation of inflammation and tumor metastasis
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) [30]. GS has also [29–31]. Activation of pro-survival signaling pathways
been shown to induce apoptotic cell death via activa- play a crucial role in suppression of apoptotic cell death
tion of caspase cascade, downregulation of inhibitor of during radiosensitization of cancer cells [61]. Ionizing
apoptosis proteins Bcl-2, and activation of JNK kinase radiation (IR) has been found to activate NF-κB and as-
[50]. GS treatment of colon cancer cell lines has been sociated pathways that are involved in growth and sur-
shown to block angiogenesis and metastasis by inactiva- vival of cancer cells [62]. Interestingly, GS treatment
tion of STAT3 activity and downregulation of VEGF ex- abrogated the IR-mediated activation of NF-κB and aug-
pression [51]. mented the radiosensitivity of human tumor cell lines.
Bile acid receptor FXR besides playing a role in lipid Expression of hormone receptors by breast cancer cells
metabolism, has also been shown to play an important makes them sensitive to hormonal therapy. However, the
role in intestinal carcinogenesis. Reduced expression of use of ER antagonists is restricted due to unwanted side
FXR mRNA has been found in human colon polyps effects [58]. Therefore, the development of new, safe and
and even more pronounced in colon adenocarcinomas affordable therapeutics against ER-breast cancer cells
[52, 53]. FXR has been shown to suppress intestinal harboring ER as well is much needed. GS has been
tumorigenesis in both the ApcMin+/− and chronic colitis found to downregulate the expression of ERα in breast
mouse models of intestinal neoplasia by regulating Wnt cancer cells implicating that it could be a viable thera-
signaling and apoptosis [54]. FXR-deficient mice have peutic useful in the treatment of ER-positive tumors that
been shown to exhibit increased intestinal epithelial cell are resistant to tamoxifen [32].
proliferation and tumor development [55]. Recently, It has been shown that the isomer of GS, cis-GS pre-
Peng et al. [15] have demonstrated that treatment of vented TPA-upregulated MMP expression via obstruct-
colon cancer cell lines with FXR antagonist GS or FXR ing IKK/NF-kB signaling. On the other hand, trans-GS
siRNA lead to phosphorylation of EGFR and ERK was found to inhibit MAPK/AP-1 signaling pathway in
whereas treatment with GW4064 or FXR overexpres- MCF7 breast cancer cell line. Furthermore, co-treatment
sion prevented cell proliferation by dephosphorylation of breast cancer cells with these isomers exhibited addi-
of EGFR and ERK. In addition treatment of colon can- tive effects on the inhibition of cell invasion. Another
cer cell lines with GS and GW4064 also caused dose- key signaling in growth and development of tumors is
dependent changes in Src (Tyr416) phosphorylation. the Wnt/β-Catenin and its associated pathways [34].
This pathway has been shown to play a significant role
Breast cancer in the initiation, progression, and metastasis of breast
Advanced early screening as well as detection methods cancers [63–65]. The Wnt signaling exerts its effects on
have been developed, and several are under development TCF-mediated transcription via β-Catenin [63–66].
for various cancers, including breast cancer. However, Therefore, intercepting the signaling between Wnt and
breast cancer continues to be the most challenging β-Catenin may prove a better way in developing new
owing to its high frequency among women worldwide cancer therapeutics. Research in this direction, using
Bhat et al. Nutrition & Metabolism (2017) 14:23 Page 6 of 11

natural products have already been shown to be promis- affecting the normal prostate epithelial cell line (PrEC).
ing [67–69]. It has been demonstrated that the expres- In addition, GS-mediated growth inhibition of PC-3 cells
sion of c-Myc, cyclin D1, and survivin, downstream of occurs due to apoptosis rather than the cell cycle pro-
Wnt/β-Catenin signaling, were inhibited by guggulipid gression arrest. Furthermore, GS-induced apoptotic cell
(GL) and z-GS in breast cancer significantly. In death correlated with the enhanced expression of Bcl-2
addition, treatment with GL in human breast cancer family members such as Bax and Bak and sequential ac-
cells results in downregulation of TCF-4 protein ex- tivation of caspase cascade [27]. Furthermore, Xu and
pression significantly. Sing [28] reported that z-GS treatment of DU145 im-
DNA methylation, as well as histone modifications, planted cells in mice angiogenesis via suppression of
are other attractive targets for therapeutics strategy for VEGF–VEGF-R2–Akt signaling axis. These findings
the management of cancer [70]. Deregulated methyla- were in accordance with the later reports in which treat-
tion can result in silencing of various functional genes ment of GS was shown to downregulate the expression
including tumor suppressors that often lead to cancer of antiapoptotic gene products including XIAP, survivin,
development and progression [70]. Inhibition of DNA cFLIP, Bcl-2, Bcl-Xl, c-myc and COX-2 [24, 25]. The
methyltransferases has been shown to suppress tumor mechanism by which GS-induced apoptosis in prostate
formation [71]. Interestingly, some epigenetic modifica- cancer cells is not known, however, GS-mediated gener-
tions that regulate normal cellular activity via dietary ation of ROS, which leads to activation of JNK has been
phytochemicals have proved to be reducing cancer sus- implicated as one of the mechanisms leading to cell
ceptibility [72]. It has been demonstrated that GS treat- death in these cancer cells [24]. Treatment of LNCaP
ment of breast cancer cells inhibits the expression of and PC3 cells with GS-causes the activation of JNK and
DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 1(DNMT1) and p38. Interestingly, GS treatment activates extracellular
HDAC1 [73]. signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) only in LNCaP
Current chemotherapy for breast cancer faces a major cells. GS treatment of prostate cancer cells resulted in
problem of drug resistance. A viable approach to avoid the generation of ROS but not in normal PrEC prostate
drugs causing drug resistance is by utilizing non-toxic cells. In addition, PrEC cells showed resistance to GS-
compounds in combination with conventional chemo- mediated activation of JNK kinase. Furthermore, over-
therapeutic agents. Xu et al. [74] have reported that expression of catalase and superoxide dismutase in
multidrug resistance developed by the expression of P- prostate cancer cells prevented GS-mediated apoptosis
glycoprotein in breast cancer cells (MCF/Dox) against and JNK activation [25]. In another study from the
doxorubicin can be improved by treatment with GS. same group, treatment of prostate cancer cells, LNCaP
Co-treatment of MCF/DOX cells with GS and doxo- withGL, a crude extract from which GS has been
rubicin results in a significant increase in chemosensi- isolated, showed a dose-dependent inhibition of cell
tivity. A similar observation was found in xenografts viability [80]. GL-mediated inhibition of cell viability in
generated from MCF-7/DOX cells [75]. BCRP/ABCG2, prostate cancer cells correlated with apoptosis as sup-
an ABC transporter is overexpressed in breast cancer ported by an increase in cytoplasmic histone-associated
cells and has been shown to be involved in multidrug DNA fragmentation and cleavage of PARP. Further,
resistance [76]. Combined treatment of GS with bexar- GL-induced apoptosis has been found to be associated
otene a retinoid X receptor agonist resulted in cytotox- with the generation of ROS and JNK activation along
icity via downregulation of BCRP/ABCG2 in breast with the upregulation of proapoptotic proteins Bax and
cancer cell line. Bak and downregulation of Bcl-2 expression. During
GS-mediated apoptosis, activation of JNK preceded be-
Prostate cancer fore upregulation of Bax activation [80]. It was further
Prostate cancer progression is a slow multistep process shown that z-GS, another form of GS causes inhibition
which begins with localized and low-grade lesions to of angiogenesis via inactivation of AKT, and suppres-
high-grade and metastatic carcinomas resulting in a sig- sion of angiogenic factors such as VEGF and G-CSF
nificant number of deaths in men [77, 78]. The slow [28]. The growth inhibitory effect of GS in prostate
progression and late diagnosis of prostate cancer allow a cancer has also been proposed to be due to inactivation
substantial opportunity for intervention to prevent this of ATP citrate lyase (ACL or ACLY) which has been
malignancy [79]. shown to exhibit crosstalk with the AKT signaling [81].
There are a considerable number of preclinical studies ACL is an extra-mitochondrial enzyme that has been
showing the anticancer activity of GS in prostate can- demonstrated to play a crucial role in cellular lipogen-
cers. Singh and colleagues [24], have demonstrated that esis, and its dysregulated expression is reported various
the GS treatment of human prostate cancer cell line, cancers such as colon, prostate, liver, lung cancers as
PC-3 resulted in efficient cytotoxic effects without well as in many immortalized cells. Aberrant expression
Bhat et al. Nutrition & Metabolism (2017) 14:23 Page 7 of 11

of ACL was reported to be inversely associated with growth of these cells [86]. Besides NF-κB activation, in-
tumor stage as well as differentiation and serves as a creased collagen α1 synthesis and α-smooth muscle
negative prognostic marker [82]. Thus, targeting ACL actin expression plays a significant role in the growth
with GS in prostate cancermight be of potential thera- of HSCs resulting in enhanced liver cirrhosis, and treat-
peutic intervention strategy. ment with GS significantly decreased the extent of col-
lagen deposition via inhibiting collagen α1 synthesis
Liver, lung and ovarian cancer and α-smooth muscle actin expression. These findings
It is well-known fact that the growth inhibitory and strongly implicate GS as an antifibrotic agent inhibiting
proapoptotic effects of GS are mediated through vari- various survival pathways via induction of apoptotic cell
ous mechanisms and certain cancers share the common death in HSC cells.
mechanism. In liver cancer, the mechanism of cell Limited studies have also shown that GS induces anti-
death has been through sensitizing hepatoma cells to cancer activities in lung and ovarian cancers. Treatment
tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand of lung and ovarian cancer cell lines with GS resulted in
(TRAIL) mediated apoptosis. TRAIL at higher doses inhibition of cell proliferation and downregulation of
has been shown to cause toxicity to the healthy cells in cyclin D1 and cdc2 expression leading to inhibition of
addition to cytotoxicity to the cancer cells. Therefore DNA synthesis. In addition GS treatment also increased
using other agent/drugs in combination with TRAIL the expression of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21
could be a viable strategy to induce maximum cytotoxic and p27. Moreover, GS-mediated apoptosis correlated
effects at subtoxic doses of TRAIL. It has been shown with the activation of JNK, caspase-cascade, accompan-
that subtoxic doses of GS and TRAIL can generate effi- ied with inhibition of the expression of various anti-
cient apoptotic death in hepatoma cells. This GS/TARIL apoptotic genes [25].
combination has proved to be efficient in inducing the
apoptosis by disrupting the disrupting mitochondrial Hematological malignancies
membrane potential resulting in the release of cytochrome Hematological malignancies constitute approximately
C to the cytosol and consequent activation of caspases. In 6.5% of all cancer incidences worldwide [87]. The pri-
addition GS-mediated ROS generation can lead to upreg- mary causes of these liquid cancers are due to defect at
ulation of the death receptor DR5 via eIF2α and C/EBP the level of bone marrow and lymphatic system [87].
homologous protein (CHOP). TRAIL binding to DR5 These malignancies are classified into three main
can result in the efficient induction of TRAIL-mediated groups including leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple
apoptosis in hepatoma cell [83, 84]. GS has been shown myeloma (MM). The anticancer activity of GS in these
to induce apoptotic cell death in hepatocellular carcin- hematological malignancies is not studied in detail, and
oma cell lines by activating intrinsic mitochondrial this review would enable to pursue further research in
pathway [85]. this field. Antileukemic effect of GS has been reported
GS was found to have the antifibrotic activity as it me- by Samudio and colleagues [26] where they examined the
diates reduced activation and survival of hepatic stellate anticancer effects of three isomeric pregnadienedione ste-
cells (HSCs), which serve as the primary source of the roids [i.e., cis-GS, trans-GS, and 16-dehydroprogesterone]
matrix proteins. Accumulation of extracellular matrix in HL60 and U937 cells as well as in primary leukemic
has been shown to be involved in liver fibrosis that can blasts in culture [26]. They demonstrated that the
lead to cirrhosis of the liver. During cirrhosis, the blood treatment of HL60 and U937 cells with these com-
flow through the liver becomes disrupted due to damage pounds prevented cell proliferation via mitochondrial-
in an architectural organization of the liver. Once cir- dependent but caspase-independent apoptosis. All
rhosis is developed, the risk of developing liver cancer is three compounds were shown to induce the generation
significantly increased. It was found that the GS inhibits of ROS which can be one of their mechanisms of cell
the growth of immortalized LX-2 HSC cells via induc- death. Furthermore, these compounds resulted in the
tion of apoptosis. GS-induced apoptosis in HSC was dephosphorylation of constitutive extracellular signal-
accompanied by activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase regulated kinase phosphorylation status in these
and mitochondrial apoptotic signaling. GS-induced HSC leukemic cells. Interestingly only cis-GS caused a rapid
growth inhibition was also found to involve AKT and ad- depletion of glutathione levels as well as oxidation of
enosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) the mitochondrial phospholipid cardiolipin [26]. The
phosphorylation modifications resulting in the activation other study carried by Shishodia and colleagues [25]
of proapoptotic proteins and downregulation of antia- observed that the treatment of leukemia, myeloma and
poptotic proteins [83]. GS has also been shown to melanoma cell lines with GS resulted in decreased pro-
inhibit NF-κB activation in LX-2 cells where the consti- liferation along with reduced levels of cyclin D1 and
tutive activation of this pathway leads to increased cdc2 which inhibited DNA synthesis. They found an
Bhat et al. Nutrition & Metabolism (2017) 14:23 Page 8 of 11

increased levels of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor understood. Outcomes of various preclinical studies sug-
p21 and p27 as well as induction of apoptosis by acti- gest that anticancer action of GS and its isomers are due
vation of JNK, caspase-cascade, PARP cleavage and to combined effects on proliferation and invasiveness in
downregulation of anti-apoptotic products [25]. cancer cells.

Conclusion Future perspective

There is a growing evidence now that GS is capable of The rate of incidence of cancer and resulted deaths are
preventing tumor growth and proliferation through acti- alarming around the world despite the accessibility of
vation of pro-apoptotic and inhibition of anti-apoptotic various therapeutic options for cancer patients. Most
signaling pathways (Fig. 3). GS has been shown to cause modern medicines currently available for treating cancer
effects on the biological function of cells including cell are synthetic, mono-targeted, very expensive, less effi-
proliferation, angiogenesis, inflammatory response and cient and often possess severe side effects. Therefore,
apoptotic cells death in cancers cells (Fig. 4). GS medi- there is a critical need to develop alternative drugs for
ated anticancer effects are due to inhibition of kinase ac- the management of cancer.
tivity of AKT and its downstream targets such as GSK3, Phytochemicals, a family of naturally occurring com-
FOXO1 and mTOR signaling. GS has been shown to pounds including polyphenols, carotenoids and steroids
inhibit the activity of many transcription factors such as have been demonstrated to have anticancer activities
NF-κB and AP1 that can lead to down regulation of against a variety of cancers both in vitro and in vivo.
various gene products including c-myc, Bcl-2, COX-2, Among these compounds, guggulsterone (GS), a steroid
NOS, Cyclin D1, interleukins and MMP-9. Furthermore, by nature recently has attracted the attention of cancer
GS affects many growth factor receptors and angiogenic researchers and investigators for its anticancer poten-
factors such as VEGF, which play a pivotal role in tumor tials. GS has been shown to induce efficient apoptotic
growth, metastasis and angiogenesis. Not only GS-induces cell death in a variety of cancer cells. Interestingly, no
apoptosis in cancer cells and inhibits cell proliferation but apoptotic death was seen in healthy cells. A number of
it is also useful in reducing the cytotoxicity associated with studies further showed significant cellular changes
conventional chemotherapeutic agents by sensitizing or induced by GS via modulating distinct signaling mole-
causing the additive apoptotic effects. Despite, GS has cules involved in carcinogen detoxification, cell prolif-
been extensively studied, the conclusive mechanisms re- eration, angiogenesis, metastasis, multi-drug resistance,
sponsible for its anticancer effects are still not fully etc. In addition, GS has been shown to sensitize the

Fig. 3 Schematic diagram illustrating the main biological targets of Guggulsterone. The apoptotic effects of guggulsterone are preceded by
activation of JNK, suppression of Akt and NF-kB activity. Activation of JNK leads to induction of propapoptic proteins and release of cytochrome
c from the mitochondria which in turn activates caspases, resulting in apoptosis. Down regulation of NF-kB activity leads to inhibition of anti
apoptotic proteins which in turn activates caspases, resulting in apoptosis and inhibition of proliferation
Bhat et al. Nutrition & Metabolism (2017) 14:23 Page 9 of 11

Fig. 4 Schematic representation of Guggulsterone mediated effects on various biological processes. i) Abrogating pro-inflammatory signaling by
inhibiting activity/expression of IKK-NF-kB, STAT3, COX-2,iNOS, etc. ii) Inhibition of cancer cell proliferation through cell cycle arrest by modulating
cyclins, CDKs, etc. iii) Induction of apoptosis of cancerous or transformed cells by modulating expression/activity of caspases, IAPs, Bcl-2 family
proteins, etc. iv) Inhibition of angiogenesis by targeting HIF-1a, VEGF, VEGF-R, etc. v) Sensitization of tumor cells to apoptosis induced by
chemotherapeutic drugs and reversal of multidrug resistance

effects of chemotherapeutic drugs in in vitro system. line; TRAIL: Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand;
These anticancer activities in preclinical settings are poten- VEGF: Vascular endothelial growth factor

tially beneficial in treating cancer. Further studies directed Acknowledgements

towards target identification and pathway analysis could This study was supported by grant from the Medical Research Center
pave the way for the addition of GS to the management of (Grant # 16354/16), Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, and State of Qatar.
The authors appreciate the work of the editors and anonymous reviewers.
anticancer therapy. Despite the availability of extensive pre-
clinical data on anticancer potentials of GS, there is a lack Funding
of studies accounting for its safety and bioavailability, which Medical Research Center (Grant # 16354/16), Hamad Medical Corporation,
Doha, and State of Qatar.
needs to be pursued. Safety of long-term use of GS needs
to be evaluated in clinical settings, but appears to be devoid Availability of data and materials
of acute, subacute, chronic toxicity in rats, dogs, and Not applicable.
monkeys; no mutagenic or teratogenic effects have been
Authors’ contributions
reported. Ayurvedic system of medicine describes GS AAB, KSB, SK, RK, RMM and SU conceived and designed the study.
as safe and efficient medicine; however, it should be All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
used cautiously in combination with prescribed drugs
Competing interest
as it may modulate the activity of drug metabolizing The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
enzymes. As soon as a consensus on its safety and bio-
availability emerges, a planned Phase I clinical trials Consent for publication
Not applicable.
should be perused to validate its usefulness as antican-
cer agents and must be prioritized for different site- Ethics approval and consent to participate
specific cancers. The outcome of these studies may lead Not applicable.
to development of new and efficient therapeutic trate-
Author details
gies for the management of cancer. 1
Translational Research Institute, Hamad Medical Corporation, PO Box 3050,
Doha, Qatar. 2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University
of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA.
AMPK: Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase; DSS: Dextran Received: 28 November 2016 Accepted: 24 February 2017
sulfate sodium; ERK1/2: Extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2; FXR: Farnesoid
X receptor; GL: Guggul lipid; GS: Guggulsterone; HNSCCC: Squamous cell
carcinoma; HSCs: Hepatic stellate cells; IBD: Inflammatory bowel disease; References
IR: Ionizing radiation; JNK: c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase; NF-kB: Nuclear 1. Evan GI, Vousden KH. Proliferation, cell cycle and apoptosis in cancer.
factor-kB; PARP: Poly-ADP-ribose phosphate; PrEC: Prostate epithelial cell Nature. 2001;411:342–8.
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