MMSD CAD Standards: Revision History

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MMSD CAD Standards

Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version
Hackbarth 3/31/2010 Draft for Public Distribution 0.4
Hackbarth 12/22/10 Publication 1.1
Chavez 09/10/12 Revisions 1.2
Chavez 12/19/2012 Revisions 1.3
Chavez 03/20/2013 Revisions 1.4
Chavez 09/20/2013 Revisions 2.0
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Table of Contents
Revision History ............................................................................................................................. i
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... ii
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Terminology ............................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Distribution ............................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.4 Revisions .................................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.5 Contact...................................................................................................................................... 1-2
2. Submittal Instructions ......................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Delivery Formats ...................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Submittal Checklists .................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 Review ...................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.4 Submittal media ........................................................................................................................ 2-2
2.4.1 Electronic File Deliverable ...................................................................................... 2-2
2.4.2 Printout Deliverables ............................................................................................... 2-3
2.4.3 Review Print Deliverables ....................................................................................... 2-3
3. Directory and File Naming Requirements ......................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Directory Structure ................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Drawing Set Organization ........................................................................................................ 3-2
3.2.1 Plant Projects ........................................................................................................... 3-2
3.2.2 Conveyance and Watercourse Projects .................................................................... 3-4
3.3 Design Drawing Identification ................................................................................................. 3-4
3.3.1 Design Drawing Numbers........................................................................................ 3-4
3.3.2 Contract Sheet Number (sequential): ....................................................................... 3-5
3.3.3 Deliverable CAD Filenames .................................................................................... 3-5
3.3.4 Mater Base Files ...................................................................................................... 3-5
3.4 Drawing Revision Process ........................................................................................................ 3-6
3.5 Border/Title Block .................................................................................................................... 3-6
3.5.1 Drawing - Title Format ............................................................................................ 3-6
3.5.2 Drawing – Design By / Approved By Format ......................................................... 3-6
3.5.3 Sheet Numbers ......................................................................................................... 3-6
4. CAD Requirements .............................................................................................................. 4-1
4.1 CAD Configuration .................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.1.1 Level Structure ......................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.2 Graphic Element Configuration ............................................................................... 4-1
4.1.3 Plotting Requirements .............................................................................................. 4-2
4.1.4 Spatial Reference / Units ......................................................................................... 4-3
4.1.5 File Configuration for Delivery ............................................................................... 4-4
4.2 Graphic Presentation................................................................................................................. 4-4
4.3 Standard Symbols ..................................................................................................................... 4-4
4.4 Plant-Specific Requirements .................................................................................................... 4-4
4.4.1 Facility Key Plans .................................................................................................... 4-4
4.4.2 Site Key Maps .......................................................................................................... 4-5
5. Image Requirements ............................................................................................................ 5-6
5.1 Scanned Drawings Used as Base .............................................................................................. 5-6
5.1.1 Format and Resolution ............................................................................................. 5-6
5.1.2 File Naming ............................................................................................................. 5-6
5.2 Images of Deliverable CAD Drawings ..................................................................................... 5-6
5.2.1 Format and Resolution ............................................................................................. 5-6
5.2.2 File Naming ............................................................................................................. 5-6
5.3 Metadata ................................................................................................................................... 5-7
MMSD CAD/Graphic Standards Page iii

6. Glossary ................................................................................................................................ 6-1

Attachment A – Abbreviations ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Attachment B – Checklists .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
MMSD CAD/Graphic Standards Page 1-1

1. Introduction
1.1 Objectives
The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) CAD/Graphics Standards specify
standards and procedures for the use of computer-assisted drafting (CAD) by MMSD staff and by
consultants to MMSD. These standards have been established to achieve the following objectives:

• Provide consistency in drafting presentation for MMSD facility information.

• Provide consistency in format and content to facilitate review and use of drawings
• Preserve the usefulness and accessibility of drawing deliverables to MMSD in the future

All drawing files created within MMSD or by consultants to MMSD shall conform to the standards
and procedures specified by this manual, unless waived by written authorization by the MMSD
Project Manager.

1.2 Terminology
For the purposes of this document, required conformance to MMSD CAD/Graphics standards is
indicated by use of the word “shall.” Optional conformance to material that is intended to provide
guidance to users is indicated by the words “may” or “should.” A glossary of technical terms used
in this document can be found in Section 8.

1.3 Distribution
Electronic copies of the current version of these Standards and their supporting documents can be
obtained as follows:
Table 1 – Accessing Standards
Users Method
Internal MMSD users MMSD IntraSharePoint Site
CD-ROM distributed at contract pre-proposal meeting.
Consultant/Designer (external) users

1.4 Revisions
The CAD/Graphics Standards will be periodically reviewed and updated. Updates will be made
available via the distribution methods mentioned above. Each revision to the Standards will be
listed at the beginning of the Standards document in the Revision History table.

Suggestions for revisions to the CAD/Graphics Standards are welcome, and should be submitted to
the MMSD contact referenced in section 1.5. All suggestions received will be considered during
the periodic MMSD Standards review.

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1.5 Contact
Please refer all questions regarding the MMSD CAD/Graphics Standards to:

MMSD Facility Information Department

Emily Champagne
Facilities Information Supervisor
[email protected]

MMSD Facility Information Department

Robert Chavez
CAD Coordinator
[email protected]

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2. Submittal Instructions
2.1 Delivery Formats
All drawing files delivered to MMSD shall be produced in accordance with the MMSD CAD
Standards version provided to the consultant by MMSD during the bidding process. Files shall be
delivered in the formats indicated in the following table:
Table 2 – Delivery Formats
Type Format Details
Bentley MicroStation V8i SS1 design files (.dgn)
Electronic – CAD
AutoCAD 2013 and AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 (.dwg)
Half-size (11”x17”) printouts on white paper
Full-size (22”x34”) printouts on white paper
Black & White Images
TIF Format Group 4 Uncompressed Stripped
300 dpi (minimum)
1,4,8,24 bits/pixel ( 1 bit/pixel is preferred )
Rasters Grayscale Images (*.tif)
TIF Format Group 4 Uncompressed Stripped
300 dpi (minimum)
8,24 bits/pixel ( 8 bits/pixel is preferred )
.JPG Digital photographs
.PDF Electronic PDF package

2.2 CAD QA Checklist

A signed copy of the CAD Quality Assurance Checklist must be submitted with the CAD drawings
being delivered at any phase. Through this checklist designers verify that the submitted CAD
deliverables conform to MMSD standards. Exceptions granted by MMSD should be explained in a
supplemental document that references checklist item number. Project shall not be considered
complete until all deliverable standards have been confirmed by the MMSD PM and FIS CAD
Reviewer. Deliverables that fail to comply with any of the following standards shall be denied and
will be corrected and resubmitted at the designer's expense. The MMSD CAD Standards (and this
checklist) are subject to change without notice.

2.3 Review
The Designer is responsible for verifying the quality and standards compliance of their electronic
and hardcopy deliverables. MMSD will perform visual and automated quality checks on submitted
drawings to verify compliance with MMSD CAD/Graphics standards. MMSD will reject
submittals that are non-compliant with these standards, and will require corrections to be made by
the Designer at no additional cost to MMSD.

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2.4 Submittal media

2.4.1 Electronic File Deliverable

The Consultant shall deliver all electronic files to MMSD on CD-R or DVD-R media, labeled as
• CD/DVD slim-line jewel case, no label required.
• CD/DVD disc label should include:
1. Contract number
2. Contract name
3. Plan date
4. Plan status
5. MMSD logo
6. MMSD name and address
7. “Design prepared by:” text
8. Designer logo/identification

Figure 1 – CD/DVD label

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2.4.2 Printout Deliverables

• 22”x34” 20# Brite White paper

• 11”x17” 20# Brite White paper

2.4.3 Review Print Deliverables

• 11”x17” Standard 20# paper

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3. Directory and File Naming Requirements

The Designer may utilize his/her own directory structure while working on the CAD files, but must
submit the data as required for review by MMSD that conforms to these standards.

3.1 Directory Structure

The CD-R/DVD-R title shall be named to match the Contract Number and Drawing Status (defined
as “RECORD” or “BID”. All deliverable CAD files shall be located in the root directory of the
CD-R/DVD-R. The resource, addendum and modification files shall be located in Resource,
Addendum and Modification folders respectively.
Table 3 – CD-R File Directory Structure
Directory Location Directory File Type
 CAD files  MMSDFileNo.dgn
for all
 MMSDFileNo.dwg
D:\ContractNo_<Status> sheets
 MMSDFileNo.cit
<Status> = “RECORD” or “BID” reference  MMSDFileNo.tif
files  MMSDFileNo<sequential>.jpeg
 Photos
 Folder for
 MMSDFileNo.dgn
 MMSDFileNo.dwg
CAD files
 Folder for
Modificatio  MMSDFileNo.dgn
Folder n  MMSDFileNo.dwg
CAD files
 CAD files
for  .dll
Folder resource  .rsc
type files
 Survey
data, point  .xls
D:\Survey files,  .csv
survey  .txt
notes, etc.
Note: Directory Location assumes CD drive is “D” drive

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Figure 2 – CD-R File Directory Structure

3.2 Drawing Set Organization

3.2.1 Plant Projects Discipline and order of drawings
Drawings will be organized by facility and then by respective disciplines and hierarchy as stated in
Table 6. Not all disciplines or discipline drawings will be necessary for each Contract.
Combination of multiple disciplines onto one drawing is not allowed without prior MMSD

Note, following the cover sheet, the first drawing for each project shall contain the Index to
Drawings, the design engineer’s seal, signature and date, and the Program Management Office
(PMO) and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) approvals. The first sheet may
also contain the detail and section designation stick-on, a vicinity map to locate the project sites,
and a detailed location map and other information.

The remaining items are to be presented in the sequence shown above on as few sheets as needed to
adequately display the required information without crowding.

Table 4 – Discipline Hierarchy

Discipline Hierarchy Discipline Discipline Drawings
 Cover/Title Sheet
 Index to Drawings and approvals
 Area Project Vicinity Maps
General Sheet G  Project Plant Site Map
 Legends
 Survey Control
(followed by Project Drawing Sheets)
Design Data K  Design Data

N  Schedules
Instrumentation and Control

N99Z  P&ID Unit Process (Master P&ID’s only)

NN  Digital Network

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Discipline Hierarchy Discipline Discipline Drawings

CJ  Site Demolition or Removal
C  Site Development
C_base  Site Base (e.g., 201CUbase18r00.dgn)
CB  Site Subsurface / GeoTech
CE  Site Electrical
CF  Site Fencing
CG  Site Grading or Paving
CH  Site HVAC

CL  Site Landscaping
CR  Site Railroad
CRE  Site Real Estate
CS  Site Structural
CT  Site Signage / Traffic Control
CU  Site Yard Piping
Siphons Q  Siphons
AJ  Architectural Demolition/Removal
 Floor/Roof Plan
 Exterior Elevations
Architectural  Interior Elevations
 Sections
 Schedules
 Discipline Details
SJ  Structural Demolition/Removal
 Foundation/Piling Plan
Structural  Floor/Roof Framing Plan
S  Sections
 Schedules
 Discipline Details
MJ  Mechanical Demolition/Removal
 Floor Plan
Mechanical M
 Sections
 Schedules
 Discipline Details
MFP  Mechanical Fire Protection

PJ  Building Services Demolition/Removal

 Piping Plan
Building Services  Plumbing Plan
 Riser/Waste Diagrams
 Sections
 Schedules
 Discipline Details

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Discipline Hierarchy Discipline Discipline Drawings

HJ  HVAC Demolition/Removal
 Plan
 Sections
 Schedules
 Discipline Details
EJ  Electrical Demolition/Removal
E  Electrical
EFP  Electrical Fire Protection
ED  Electrical Diagrams
EP  Electrical Process Power
EPN  Electrical Process Instrumentation
EF  Electrical Facility Power
EL  Electrical Facility Lighting
ET  Electrical Closed Circuit Television
EV  Electrical Voice Communication System
Schedules Z  Schedules
Project Details D  Project Details
Facility Base F_base  E.g., 203Abase01r00.dgn (similar to Site Base)
Reference Drawing RD  Reference Drawing (filenames only)

3.2.2 Conveyance and Watercourse Projects

Plan and Profile PP  Plan and Profile by Stationing

Real Estate (Watercourse,
RE  Real Estate Acquisition Plats

3.3 Design Drawing Identification

3.3.1 Design Drawing Numbers

The Designer assigns all drawing numbers, except for the I&C drawing numbers which are pre-
assigned by MMSD. The drawing number does not contain leading zeros, contract number, or file
extension, as does the actual file name, but includes dashes to separate the fields of code.

Example Drawing Number:

294-S-1 (include dashes)
294 = Facility Identification
S = Discipline Code
1 = Drawing Identifier # (sequential)

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3.3.2 Contract Sheet Number (sequential):

Format: Sheet # 1-9999 (line 2 of the MMSD Title Block)

The Designer will assign sequential Contract Sheet Numbers to design drawings. Sheet Numbers
establish the order of the drawings and will also be shown on the Index to Drawings.

3.3.3 Deliverable CAD Filenames

Each sheet in the plan set will have a CAD file titled with the MMSD Filename, consisting of the
MMSD File Number plus the .dgn MicroStation or .dwg AutoCAD file extension.
MMSD will assign the File Number for each sheet in the plan set during the Design Drawing
Review. After the File Numbers have been assigned, if the Designer has removed or added sheets
to the drawing set, he/she must get approval from MMSD regarding the change prior to printing the
Bid Set.
Example Deliverable MMSD Filename:
294S001.dgn / 294S001.dwg
294 = Facility Identification
S = Plant Discipline Code
001 = 3-character Drawing Identifier #
.dgn = MicroStation File Extension (lower case)
.dwg = AutoCAD File Extension (lower case)

3.3.4 Master Base Files Vector Base
CAD vector base files produced by the Designer as MicroStation or AutoCAD reference attached
files to deliverable drawings shall be titled using the following scheme:
Example Master Base Filename:
258Mbase25.dgn / 258Mbase25.dwg
258 = Drawing Group or Facility Identification
M = Plant Discipline Code
base = Master Base File
25 = Drawing Identifier # (Facility Plan floor elevation if complete footprint
or sequential number if segmented footprint)
.dgn = MicroStation File Extension (lower case)
.dwg = AutoCAD File Extension (lower case) Raster Base
All CAD raster base files produced by the Designer shall be titled using the source MMSD
Filename + “base”. For example, the raster file used for background on drawing
258M083baser01.dgn should be titled “258M083baser01.tif”.

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3.4 Drawing Revision Process

Any drawing revisions made to the drawings after being issued For Bidding and Construction, shall be
indicated with a revision number inside a triangle. Also the Revision section of the Title Block shall include
the corresponding revision number with the revision date, description and the Designer’s initials.

3.5 Border/Title Block

All drawings submitted to MMSD for review must have the title blocks completed using the following
guidelines. The MMSD borders can be found in the MMSD Workspace

3.5.1 Drawing - Title Format Title Block format (4 lines) - General Discipline Drawings
Line 1: Plant Location
Line 2: Project Name (Must match index and specification book covers)
Line 3: Blank
Line 4: Drawing Discipline (refer to section 3.2)
Line 5: Plan Title Title Block format (5 lines) - I&C Discipline Drawings

Line 1: Plant Location
Line 2: Project Name (Must match index and specification book covers)
Line 3: I&C Discipline
Line 4: Unit Process Name (use MMSD Master Unit Process List)
Line 5: Unit Sub-Process Name (match Sub-Process name from MMSD Master Unit
Process List) Title Block format (5 lines) - Facility Drawings

Line 1: Plant Location
Line 2: Project Name (Must match index and specification book covers)
Line 3: Facility Identification, i.e., FACILITY 291: POWER HOUSE FACILITY (Name
must match Site Map \ Facility and Structure Index name)
Line 4: Drawing Discipline (refer to section 3.2)
Line 5: Plan Title

3.5.2 Drawing – Design By / Approved By Format

Names in the title blocks shall use the first initial followed by the last name; for example, J.DOE. The
checked by and approved by names shall be added after the “Essentially Complete “submittal, and should be
left blank on the Preliminary Design submittal documents.

3.5.3 Sheet Numbers

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Sheet numbers shall appear on all contract drawing review submittals to MMSD.

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4. CAD Requirements
The purpose of providing the CAD Requirements is to standardize the appearance, structure, and
content of drawings prepared for MMSD to facilitate review, plotting, and automation of drawings
tasks and data extraction.

4.1 CAD Configuration

Designer shall use the custom MicroStation Workspace provided by MMSD to ensure all standards
are met. When the Workspace is properly installed on your computers and or server you will be
asked upon opening MicroStation using the MMSD Workspace shortcut to use the MMSD project
and user name. A base Map and a seed file is provided for the use on new projects to ensure proper
coordinates, layers, text styles and plot styles are used among other MMSD standards. Designer
shall only provide original MicroStation and or AutoCAD files – files converted from other CAD
software are not allowed. AutoCAD files are accepted but they must follow the MMSD standards
that are provided in the workspace for MicroStation.

4.1.1 Level Structure

The MMSD standard level scheme shall be adhered to for all CAD drawing files. MMSD levels are
based on the CAD Layer Guidelines included in the National CAD Standards. Basing the
guidelines on the NCS promotes easier drawing exchange and standardization of drafting tools
amongst designers.

In the event that the Designer wants to modify the MMSD standard level scheme, they must obtain
MMSD approval to revise the level structures for a particular project, and the new level names
should be modeled upon the MMSD level scheme based upon the National CAD Standard.

All level names must follow this format:


X(X) = Discipline Designation

XXXX = Minor Group
XXXX = Minor Group
XXXX = Minor Group
X = User Defined, Optional

If the level groups already exist in the MMSD standards, these must be used in hierarchical order to
build the level, starting with the discipline designation. (X) denotes an optional character for further
defining the discipline. The levels that use the extra character are:
• N – Process Instrumentation
• MN – Mechanical Instrumentation

4.1.2 Graphic Element Configuration

The following configuration settings shall be used in all drawings:

Table 4 – CAD Configuration Requirements

Attribute General Requirements

Text All capitalized and sized for full size drawings

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Attribute General Requirements

Font Name Where Used Height Color Name/Number
Drawing Text 1/8” Yellow - 2

Font Styles Arial Drawing Titles 1/4” Yellow - 2

Drawing Sub-Titles 3/16” Green - 3
Arial Cover Sheet varies White - 7
Colors AutoCAD default color table (acadcolor.tbl)
Line Weight Name Where Used Color Name/Number
Line Weights Grayscale Existing Facilities Gray - 252 (118,118,118)
Monochrome New/Proposed Facilities Yellow - 2
Line Styles/Types Default MicroStation/AutoCAD line styles

4.1.3 Plotting Requirements

The Designer shall use MMSD standard sheet sizes for plotting:
• Full-size - 22”x34”
• Half-size - 11”x17”
The Designer shall use the custom MMSD Printer Driver Configuration files for plotting:
• MMSD-FULL-SCALE.pltcfg – Full size sheets
• MMSD-HALF-SCALE.pltcfg – Half size sheets
The Designer shall use the custom MMSD CTB pen tables for plotting:
• MMSD-PEN TABLE-FULL.CTB – Full Size Sheets
• MMSD-PEN TABLE-HALF.CTB – Half size sheets

The MMSD CTB file is configured for fifteen colors. The MMSD-PEN TABLE.CTB file assigns
lineweights to each color so they print with the desired thickness. The table below shows the
standard colors and the weights associated with the MMSD standards. These colors should be the
only colors used on the plans.
Table 5 – Standard Plot Lineweights

8 - GRAY 0.040” 0.020”
9 - GRAY 0.062” 0.031”
250 - GRAY 0.009” 0.006”
251 - GRAY 0.009” 0.006”
252 - GRAY 0.009” 0.006”
253 - GRAY 0.020” 0.010”
254 - GRAY 0.030” 0.015”
255 – GRAY 0.009” 0.006”
1 - RED 0.009” 0.006”
2 - YELLOW 0.015” 0.009”
3 - GREEN 0.020” 0.010”
MONOCHROMATIC 4 - CYAN 0.039” 0.020”
5 - BLUE 0.028” 0.015”
6 - MAGENTA 0.062” 0.030”
7 - WHITE 0.009” 0.006”

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The following general requirements also apply:

• The use of other pen tables is not allowed.

• MMSD requires ACADCOLOR.TBL color table for all design files.
• MMSD shall be able to print from the CD-R without making any reference or level
• The printout should exactly match the plan submitted by the Designer.
• Use the MMSD plot border contained in the MicroStation border template files received at
the beginning of the project as the plotting fence area.
• Line colors will no longer be overridden to white.

The Designer is responsible for non-conforming drawings and will reconfigure where necessary
when copied to CD-R for submittal.

4.1.4 Spatial Reference / Units Horizontal Control
All digital files shall be referenced to the State Plane NAD 1927 Wisconsin South coordinate
system, and the MicroStation working units will be Survey Feet with a resolution of 60,000 per
Survey Foot. Local plant-specific coordinate systems used in the past will no longer be allowed.

To convert coordinates from the Jones Island plant coordinate system to State Plane NAD27, use
the spreadsheet “Jones Island Conversion Formula.xls” available on (see below). To
convert coordinates from the South Shore plant coordinate system to State Plane NAD27, use the
spreadsheet “South Shore Conversion Formula.xls” available on (see below).

• Jones Island Conversion Formula
• South Shore Conversion Formula Vertical Control

The MMSD vertical datum shall be used for all elevation information. To convert MMSD Datum
to USC&GS (1929), add 580.6 ft. NOTE: Elevations on pre-PMO drawings are 0.26’ higher than
the present MMSD Datum. Original drawings should contain an ink stamp indicating the datum
change. Drawing Elevations
All piping above grade shall be called out with centerline elevations, and piping below grade will be
called out with invert elevations. When calling out centerline and invert elevations, do not include
“EL”; e.g., “INVT 786.20” or “CL 786.20”.

All elevations shall be shown using two decimal places except for spot/site elevations in non-paved
areas which shall be given to 0.1-foot precision. Elevation Symbol
In plan view, the abbreviation “EL” shall not be used when the elevation symbol is used. In section
view, the abbreviation “EL” shall be used; e.g., “EL 1090.10”.

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4.1.5 File Configuration for Delivery

• Deliverable MicroStation files shall be saved with the “Fit View” setting toggled ON.
• Designer shall compress all MicroStation files prior to delivery.
• The drawing background should be set to black.
• Deliverable MicroStation files shall be saved with all used levels turned ON for printing as
appropriate using the Level Manager (all empty levels should be off).

4.2 Graphic Presentation

Table 6 – Project Appearance Requirements

Attribute General Requirements

Drawing Type Orientation of North
Drawing Site Plan Drawing oriented with north arrow pointing to top or right
Plan and Profile Dictated by the direction of flow
Drawing Type Orientation of Stationing
Stationing Site Plan Dictated by orientation of north arrow
Plan and Profile Increases from left to right travelling upstream
Schedules ??
Each discipline has a legend drawing that will be provided by
Legends MMSD which shows symbols and styles to be used on construction
drawings. These are located in the “Symbols” subdirectory of the Standards directory.

4.3 Standard Symbols

The Designer will use the symbols as depicted in the discipline-specific MicroStation CAD files
included with this Standards package. The MMSD General CAD files provided for the cover sheet,
border, index and general legend sheets and will contain the specific symbols, layout, text styles and
line styles required.

The Designer shall conform to the symbology depicted on the legend sheets. If the Designer needs
to use a symbol that MMSD does not have included in the legend sheets, they must submit a request
to the MMSD Project Manager that includes the proposed symbol that the Designer intends to use.
The MMSD Project Manager may approve the proposed symbol, or provide an alternate.

4.4 Plant-Specific Requirements

4.4.1 Facility Key Plans

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Facility Key Plans are required on all plan drawings where the floor plan is divided into multiple
floor segments. The Designer shall only use the pre-determined MMSD Matchline grid for
segmented building plans and is not allowed to sub-divide the facility floor plans into custom views
without prior approval by the MMSD Project Manager.

Facility Key Plans shall be a simple vector building outline without much detail and located in the
lower right corner of the drawing sheet. The building outline is to be shown as Color 7. Key
Matchlines are to match building floor plan segments (and shown as Color 7). Grayscale fill or
hatching shall be used to identify the Facility Key Plan area shown on the drawing.

4.4.2 Site Key Maps

Site Key Maps are required for all site plans using the site grid, and must show adjacent grid /
numbers as related to the master Site Key Grid. (use same drafting/graphics principals as Facility
Key Grid above)

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5. Image Requirements
5.1 Scanned Drawings Used as Base
If a Designer needs to use a historical drawing as a base, the following sections provide guidelines
for the rasterization of such drawings.

5.1.1 Format and Resolution

Hardcopy drawings needing to be scanned shall be rasterized into Tagged Image File format (.TIF)
format with the following properties:
• Black & white images
o Resolution – 300 DPI
o Bit-depth – 1 bit/pixel
• Grayscale images
o Resolution – 300 DPI
o Bit-depth - 8 bits/pixel

5.1.2 File Naming

Raster images of scanned drawings should be named according to the rules described in Section

5.2 Images of Deliverable CAD Drawings

The Designer shall create a raster image of each deliverable CAD drawing, using the following

5.2.1 Format and Resolution

Deliverable drawings shall be rasterized into Tagged Image File format (.TIF) format with the
following properties:
• Black & white images
o Resolution – 300 DPI
o Bit-depth – 1 bit/pixel
• Grayscale images
o Resolution – 300 DPI
o Bit-depth - 8 bits/pixel

5.2.2 File Naming

Each raster image created from a MicroStation drawing shall be titled with the appropriate MMSD
File Number assigned to the CAD file that they represent, plus the raster file extension (.TIF).

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5.3 Metadata
To facilitate loading raster images into MMSD’s document management system OnBase, a
spreadsheet containing raster image filenames and associated attributes (keywords) applicable to
each file shall be populated by the Designer. The spreadsheet shall be based upon the template
provided by MMSD, and should reference keywords found in the keyword dictionary provided by

MMSD CAD/Graphic Standards Page 6-1

6. Glossary
The following table provides an explanation for technical terms referenced in this document:
Table 5 – Glossary

Term Description
Base File Existing MMSD drawings included as base data
Deliverable stage in Contract lifespan. The typical
stages include:
Preliminary Design Review
Drawing status Essentially Complete
Camera-Ready for Bidding and Construction
Record Drawing
Digital CAD file name; derived from MMSD file
Filename number and file extension
Unique number assigned by MMSD for each
File Number drawing
Full-size 22”x34”
Half-size 11”x17”
MMSD Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District
Print Photocopy reproduction of a drawing
Hardcopy output of a digital drawing file to a laser
Printout printer or ink jet plotter on 20# white paper
Drawings attached as reference to contract drawings
by the Contractor to be included at the end of the
Reference Drawing contract document set. Includes CIT and TIF Raster
MicroStation files used for appearance, not content
Resource File (i.e. libraries)


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