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23.7.20 Letter No. 13543 Dated 23.07.2020 PDF

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ara Treeta Trent ‘teitthaTyFax : 91-0135- 2669752 geHTW/Phone ; 91-0135-2669762, &S u ‘ieye-mal strana BHARATMALA hways Authority of In Cn of Rad ns ana Gov afin) Regional Office-Uttar wart 40-58/37 aerelte Ty, BeTGA-248001 House No.-58/37, Balbir Road, Dehradun-248001 31031/NHAI/RO-UKD/2014/ 135/43 Dated 23.07.2020 Invitation of public comments opesal of Indian Oil-Adani Gas Pvt. Ltd. for permission for laying of 8" NB Carbon Steel Gas Pipeline from NH Ch.216.300 (Opp. Guru Gorakh Nath ‘Tempo Service) to NH Ch. 252.000 (intersection Point of Khatima Road on NH-74) along the NH 74 and Crossing of NH-74 at 3 Locations (at Ch. 218+150, Ch. 219+480 and Ch, 220+720) in the state of Uttarathand reg. he Proposal is regarding permission for laying of a Public Utility “City Gas Distribution (CGDy” Carbon Steel Gas Pipeline of 8°NB for a total length of 25:7 km along NH 74 from NH Ch.216.300 (Opp. Guru Gorakh Nath Tempo Service) to NH Ch, 252.000 [intersection Point of Khatima Road on NH-74) along the NH 74 and crossing of NH-74 at 3 Locations (at Ch. 2181150, ch, 2194480 and Ch. 220+720) in the state of putarakhand submitted to this office by PD, Rudrapur, NHAI vide PD letter no. NHAI/PIU-RUPC/NH- 74/Utlity/2020/949 dated 24.04.2020. (Copy Enclosed) in view of the above, comments/objections of the public on the above proposal is invited to the below mentioned address, which should reach by this office within 30days from the date of uploading beyond which no comments shall be entertained. The Regional Officer, Regional Office-Uttarakhand National Highways Authority of India (Ministry of Road, Transport &Highways) House No.-58/37, Balbir Road, Dehradun-248001 Yours >» Lp > a) Ae sal (C.K Sinha) RO-Uttarakhand Encl. as above Copy to: 1) Web Admin-NHAI HO, New Delhi: - with request for uploading on the NHAI website. 2) The Technical Director, NIC, Transport Bhawan, New Delhi ~with request for uploading on the Ministry's Website. 3) PD, PlU-Rudrapur- For information & suitable necessary action. 25074100 / 200 aa ad Reto GRInE O74 Be Ore acon oe eo K ae Delhl- 110075, Phones 94-11-25074100/200 c “10, Dwarka, New Delhi ~ , Head Office : Plot No. G-5 & 6, Sector-10, ada usta wort street By & Dye ae Me oe eae s,m we) pete eee iy j a $7/E- mail: pdpiurudrapur@nhai.or National Highways Authority of India Yemenncnie mone protect inpiemanetin bi eadtooes 23-DS FAN, VHA ATH GT 2 UT SAP 269163 No. NHAI/PIU-RUPC/NH-74/Utility/2020/s3 0, Date: 24.04.2020 To, The Regional Officer- Uttarakhand, | National highways Authority of india, Fao DUYBWE 58/37 Balbir Road, | wie fore eilelenae Dehradun (Uttarakhand). Sub: Four laning of Kashipur-Sitarganj section of NH-74 from km 175.000 to km 252.200 in the State of Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-IV on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer(DBFOT) Toll Basis: ~ Proposal of Indian Oil-Adani Gas Pvt. Ltd. for permission for laying of 8 NB Carbon Steel Gas Pipeline from NH Ch.216.300 (Opp. Guru Gorakh Nath Tempo Service) to NH Ch, 252.000 (Intersection Point of Khatima Road on NH-74) along the NH 74 and crossing of NH at 3 Locations in the state of Uttarakhand -reg. Ref: i) M/s, IOAGPL letter no, IOAGPL-USN/NH-74/2019-20/RUPC/01 dated 03.10.2019. (ii) IE, M/s. Artefact Projects Ltd. letter no. APL/01/NH-74/2019-20/137 dated 18.03.2020. (iil) Concessionaire letter no, KSHPL/NHAI/NH/74/2020/52 dated 23.04.2020. Sit, In reference to subject matter, kindly refer to M/s. Indian Oil-Adani Gas Pvt. Ltd. letter no. !OAGPL-USN/NH-74/2019-20/RUPC/01 dated 03.10.2019 submitting therewith their proposal regarding permission for laying of 8° NB Carbon Steel Gas Pipeline for a total length of 35.7 km along NH 74 from NH Ch.216.300 (Opp. Guru Gorakh Nath Tempo Service) to NH Ch. 252.000 (Intersection Point of Khatima Road on NH-74) and crossing of NH at 3 Locations (at Ch. 218+150, Ch. 2194480 and Ch, 220+720) in the state of Uttarakhand, 2. Details of the proposal, as submitted by M/s. Indian Oil-Adani Gas Pvt. Ltd. are as under: (The said proposal has been submitted as per Ministry Guidelines No, RW/NH- 33044/29/2015/S&R(R) dated 22.11.2016. (ii) All the documents submitted along the proposal are counter signed by the authorised signatory of the agency, for whom Power of Attomey has also been enclosed. (ii) Required undertakings are enclosed with the proposal. (iv) Scope of work and Methodology are also enclosed for laying pipelines along the highway (ie, through open trenching) as well as for crossing the highway (through HDD method), (¥) Strip plan, route plan and cross sectional drawings submitted by the Agency are duly signed by the authorised signatory of Agency. (wi) Check list has also been enclosed with the proposal duly signed by the authorised signatory of Agency. (ull) Draft agreement has also been enclosed with the proposal, 3. The said proposal has also been reviewed by IE and accordingly, IE vide their letter no. 137 dated 18.03.2020 submitted their recommendation for the subject proposal sheet to letter no. NHAI/PIU-RUPC/ NH-74/Utility/2020/3\}3, dated 24.04.2020) 4. In addition to this, Concessionaire vide their letter no, 52 dated 23.04.2020 has also submitted their consent for the subject proposal 5. Further, the proposal has also been scrutinised in this office and following points are noted: (M/s. IOAGPL has proposed for laying natural gas pipeline on LHS of NH 74 from Ch. 216+300 to Ch. 219+840, At Ch. 2184150, a crossing through HDD method is proposed for supply to fuel station. Another crossing is proposed at Ch. 219+480 from where gas pipeline will be running on RHS along highway from Ch, 219+480 to Ch.220+720. Finally, there is third crossing at Ch. 220+720, from where pipeline will be running on LHS along the highway from Ch. 220+720 to Ch. 252+000. (id. Site visit has been conducted with the representatives of M/s. IOAGPL along with IE and Concessionaire and the site has been inspected as per the strip chart. Sufficient ROW is available for laying of the gas pipeline. (i) Strip chart, cross sectional drawings and check list have been counter signed by the undersigned. (iv) License fee shall be demanded from M/s. IOAGPL, as per the applicable rates, once the in- principle approval is solicited by Competent Authority. 6. _Intthis regard, as per the Gazette Notification No. $.0. 3293(E) dated 16.09.2019, the power under section 25 (Grant of lease or license of Highway land for temporary use) of the Control of National Highways (Land & Traffic) Act, 2002 have now been conferred to Regional Officer of NHA\ for the stretch entrusted to NHAI. Hence, RO Uttarakhand is delegated powers under Section 25 of said Gazette notification dated 16.09.2019 for granting permission for subject proposal. 7. Hence, in view of above, and as per the recommendations of IE, in pursuant to Gazette Notification No. S.O, 3293(E) dated 16.09.2019, this office hereby recommends for granting permission for laying of 8" NB Carbon Steel Gas Pipeline for a total length of 35.7 km along NH 74 from NH Ch.216300 (Opp. Guru Gorakh Nath Tempo Service) to NH Ch, 252.000 (intersection Point of Khatima Road on NH-74) and crossing of NH at 3 Locations (at Ch. 218+150, Ch, 219+480 and Ch. 220+720) in the state of Uttarakhand Thanking You. Yours faithfully, 7) papal (Yogendra Sharma) Project Director Encl: As above (02 sets of files in Original). IndianOil-Adani Gas Pvt. Ltd. IOAGPL-USN/NH-74/2019-20/RUPC/02. To, Project Director, National Highway Authority of India PIU Rudrapur 23, Friends Enclave Colony, Dashmesh Nagar, Rudrapur, Uttarakhand-263153 t Subject: Permission for laying of 8” Steel Gas Pipeline from NH Ch. Km 216.300 (Opposite Guru Gorakh Nath Tempo Service) to NH Ch. Km 252.00 (Intersection point of Khatima road on NH-74) along NH-74 and crossing of NH at 3 locations in the state of Uttarakhand. Dear Sir, Indian Oil Adani Gas Pvt.Ltd, a joint venture b/w Indian Oil & Adani Group is authorized by Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) to distribute piped natural gas in Udham Singh Nagar District of Uttarakhand. This project is covering residential, commercial, industrial and retall CNG users. As part of the USN-C6D project, we have laid steel as well as MOPE pipeline network in Rudrapur and Kashipur areas, For further developing natural gas pipeline network in Rudrapur (USN) we have planned to lay 8” Steel pipeline from NH Ch, Km 216.300 (Opposite Guru Gorakh Nath Tempo Service) to NH Ch. Km 252.00 t (Intersection point of Khatima Road on NH-74) along NH-74 and crossing of NH at 3 locations in the state of Uttarakhand. Approximately 35.700 Kms of pipeline is to be laid for which permission has been sought from your kind self. Detailed drawing of the same is attached for your reference. The pipeline will be laid by open-cut and trenchless (HDD) method as per site conditions. Crossing of NH will be borne by HDD Method, In view of above we kindly request your good-self to process our proposal for laying of pipeline and allow us to carry this work of national and environmental importance. We assure you of our best co- operation at all times, Hoping for your support to be a part of development of USN. Warm Regards a jiesh Kumar Sinha General Manager-Projects Encl: , Completed Checklist Indian Oil-Adani Gas Pvt. Ltd. 2, License Deed/Agreement between NHAl and IOAGPL 3. General Power of Attorney 4. Alldesired undertaking as per attached Checklist 5. Trenching Methodology 6. 1. 8 HOD Methodology Detailed Drawing of Proposed Route PNGRB Authorization Rudra Arcade, 3rd Floor, 12 Nainital Highway, Opp PAC, Avas Vikas, Rudrapur, Distt, Udham Singh Nagar-263153 (Uttarakund) Ph : 05944-244444 Registered Office : 306-309, 3rd Floor, Salcon Aurum, Plot No. 4, Jasola District Centre, New Delhi-110025 Phone : 011-26944208, Fax: 011-29841801 | E-mail: info@ioagpl.com | Website : www.ioagpl.com CIN: U4os00DL2013PTC258690 CHECK-LIST Guidelines for processing the proposal for laying of utility line in the land across National Highways vested with NHAI/PWD BRO. Ministry circular No-RW/NH 330044/29/2015/S&R(R) dated 22/11/2016. Sr.No. | Item _Information/ Status _| Remarks. __| General Information : Haryana | 1 Name and Address of the Applicant / Agency Indian Oil-Adani Gas Pvt Ltd. 3" Floor, Rudra Arcade, Plot No-12, ‘Nanital Highway, Opp- PAC Avas ‘Vikas, Rudrapur, | Dist- Udam Singh Nagar-263153 7 Uttarakhand 2 National Highway Number NH- 74 3 State | ___ Uttarakhand) 4 Location From Opp- Guru Gorakh Nath Tempo Service (NH Ch. Km- 216.300) to | Intersection Point of Khatima Road on | _ _ NH-74 (NH Ch. Km- 252.00) 5 (Chainage in km) From NH Ch. Km- 216.300 to NH Ch. _ _ Km-252.00 - 6 Length in Meters __35700 Mtrs _ 7 Width of available ROW in both side 42 Mtrs in Urban Section & 46 Mtrs in _ __ Rural Section | | 8 Side of NH (left or right side of NH towards | From Km- 216.300 to Km-219.480 LHS. increasing change /KM/ direction) From KM-219.480 to Km-220.720 RHS | & From Km- 220.720 to Km- 252.000 LHS 9 Name of — Highways Authority of NHAI | NHAI/PWD/BRO- _ 10 Highway Administration Address Regional Officer, Uttarakhand National Highways Authority of India 58/37, Balbir Road, Dehradun, | ie Uttarakhand ‘| i Ee y pert © Project Director NHAI PIU Rudrapur..,, ‘Sr. Item Measurement MORT&H Norms Whether observation complying as per site with condition MORT&H Norms | 1 | Details of already laid utility No NA service if any E ‘Whether up gradation of the No NA stretch in near future is proposed or not a. If yes provision of No. affect the plan of up gradation N/A utility adversely affect the plan of up gradation 3 | Laying of the utility service Yes ‘Complying along the -~—_—=Nattional Highways. 3.1 | Location of proposed utility | Extreme edge | Utility duct / beyond the toe line | Complying service along the stretch of the ROW | of the embankment and drains , enclose to the extreme edge of the ROW 3.2 | Depth of the utility service 1.2m 0.6m ‘Complying from Ground level 3.3 | Mechanism for crossing for NIA ‘Through utility duct (if provision NA water channel exist) or beneath the bed of water channel 3.4 | Wheiher is ROW restricted No ~ NIA in the stretch? 3.4.1 | If yes whether provision of NIA NA land acquisition is required to lay utility a. if yes whether NIA NA undertaking for land acquisition along with relevant L.A detail has been furnished 3.4.2 | With if concrete duct , in NA Not less than one lane NIA utility service are proposed to be laid in concrete ducts 4 | Laying of uflity” Service Yes across the NH 41 | Whether existing drainage No Not to be allowed NIA structures is allow to cary the utllty lines. 2 showing utility fine, chainage . width of ROW , distance of proposed utility from the edge of ROW , important mile stone, intersection cross drainage works ete. 4.2. | Proposed crossing of utility | Yes, 3 No. of Perpendicular to NPH ‘Complying service NH Crossing at Km- 218.150 219.480 220.720 43_| Type of casing pipe/conduit Steel ‘Steel , cast iron, or RCC and | Complying carrying the utility line have adequate strength 44 | Whether ends of the casing | Sealed Sealed ‘Complying Iconduit pipe are sealed from the outside 45 | Length of crossing /conduit 45m Extend from drain to drain in| Complying pipe crossing NH cuts and toe to toe of slope in the fils 46 | Depth of top of the casing 2.0m ‘At least 7.2m below the top of | Complying Iconduit pipe subgrade 47 _| Crossing method in case of HOD Only boring method (HDD) | Complying CC pavement 48 | Horizontal and vertical NA Tn accordance with IRC codes. NA clearances in case utilities | (Underground are allowed overhead only) 5 | Documentidrawing Yes Enclosed ‘Complying enclosed with the proposal | 5.1. | Cross section showing in Yes Enclosed, if applicable ‘Complying the site of trench for open trenching method 5. [a Trench width | Yes More than 30cm and less than | Complying 60 cm wider than the outer diameters of the utility pipe b. Filling of french Yes ‘AS per Ministry circular No- Complying RWINH 30044/29/2015/S&R(R) Dated 22/11/2016. c. Location of trench Yes Exireme edge of the ROW ‘Complying 5.2 | Cross section showing the | Yes enclosed Enclosed, f applicable Complying size of pit and location of conduit for HDD method 53 | Sirip plan 7 Route plan| Yes Enclosed Enclosed ‘Complying Indian ede 5.4 __| Plan and profile drawing of | Yes enclosed Enclosed ‘Complying stretch showing cross section of road at 20m distance along with ROW and proposed utility 6 Methodology for laying of | Yes enclosed Enclosed ‘Complying utility tine iy Draft license agreement. is | Yes enclosed Enclosed ‘Complying as per Ministry circular No- RWINH30044/29/2015/S& R(R) Dated 22/11/2016.and signed by two witness 8 License fee in favor of | Shall be ‘As per Ministry circular No- | ~ Complying RPAO MoRT&H Dehradun | fumishedas | RW/NH330044/29/2015/S&R(R) per demand Dated 22/11/2016. 9 | Whether bank guarantee | Shall be As per Ministry circular No- has been obtained furnished as_| RW/NH 30044/29/2015/S&R(R) ___|_per demand Dated 22/11/2016. alf yes, whether! Shall be confirmation of BG has| — obtained been obtained as per MORT&H = / HAI guidelines 70.1 | Undertaking for not to| Enclosed Enclosed ‘Complying damage other _ existing utility , if damaged then to pay the losses to either to MORT&H / NHAI to the ‘comered agency 10.2 | Undertaking for renewal of | Enclosed Enclosed ‘Complying bank guarantee and when asked by NHAVMORT&H 70.3 | Undertaking for conforming | Enclosed Enclosed ‘Complying all standard condition of MORT&H = / —-NHAI | guidelines. 70.4 | Undertaking for shifting of | Enclosed Enclosed ‘Compiying utility as and when asked by MORTH /NHAI within a month at their own cost 10.5 | Undertaking for indemnity| Enclosed | Enclosed ‘Complying against all damages and claim Raests Kurhs Gener neta, 10.6 | Undertaking for| Enclosed Enclosed ‘Complying management of traffic moment during laying of utility fine without hampering the traffic 10.7 | Undertaking that if any| Enclosed Enclosed ‘Complying claim is raised by the concessionaire! contractor than the same has to be paid by the applicant 70.8 | Undertaking thatthe | Enclosed Enclosed ‘Complying applicant has obtained various safety clearances from the representative authorities. such as directorate of electricity, chief controller of explosive safety of directorate , state J central pollution control | board and any other statutory clearances applicable before applying to Highway Administration The ROW of the National Highway available at the proposed location from the central line of divided carriageway is 23.00 m from central of ROW edge of ROW towards proposed utility in rural section & 21.00 m from central of ROW edge of ROW towards proposed utility in urban section The above particular along with the drawing and documents has been verified and certified as correct as per prevailing site conditions, 2 — tie Name designatidns & Signature of the Name designations @ Yignatare oF thé Authorized representative of applicant concerned field authority of NHAI PWD/BRO

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