Level Up - Conceptual Framework Reviewer
Level Up - Conceptual Framework Reviewer
Level Up - Conceptual Framework Reviewer
A. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT A. The entity expects the liability to settle within
PAS 16 paragraph 6, tangible assets the entity’s normal operating cycle.
which are held by an entity for use in B. the entity holds the liability primarily for the
production or supply of goods and services, for purpose of trading.
rental to others, or for administrative purposes, C. the liability is due to be settled within 12
and are expected to be used during more than months after the reporting period.
one period. D. the entity does not have an unconditional
right to defer settlement of the liability for at
B. LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS least 12 months after the reporting period.
IASC defines investment as an asset
held by an entity for the accretion of wealth PAS 1 paragraph 54, the line items under
through capital distribution, such as interest, current liability are:
royalties, dividends and rentals, for capital
appreciation or for other benefits to the a. Trade and other receivables
investing entity such as those obtained through B. current provisions
trading relationships. c. Short term borrowing
D. current portion of long term debt
C. INTANGIBLE ASSETS E. current tax liability
An identifiable nonmonetary asset
without physical substance. NONCURRENT LIABILITIES
PAS 1 paragraph 69 states that an entity shall
D. DEFERRED TAX ASSETS classify all liabilities not classified as current are
classified as noncurrent.
A. Noncurrent portion of a long term debt
B. Finance lease liability B. ACCOUNT FORM
C. Deferred tax liability The assets are shown on the left side and the
D. Long term obligations to company officers liabilities and equity on the right side of the
E. Long term deferred revenue. balance sheet.
PAS 1 paragraph 82A, provides that the ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES constitute cost of
statement of comprehensive income shall administering the business. These ordinarily
present line items for amounts of other include all operating expenses not related to
comprehensive income during the period selling and cost of goods sold.
classified by nature.
OTHER EXPENSES are those expenses which are
The line items for amounts of OCI shall be not directly related to the selling and
grouped as follows. administrative function.
PRESENTATION OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME PAS 1 paragraph 87, An entity shall not present
1. TWO STATEMENTS any items of income and expense as
A. An income statement showing the extraordinary items, either on the face of the
components of profit or loss. income statement or the statement of
B. A statement of comprehensive comprehensive income or in the notes.
income beginning with profit or loss
PAS 1 paragraph 82, Income statement and 2. NATURAL PRESENTATION/NATURE OF
statement of comprehensive income line items. EXPENSE METHOD
Expenses are aggregated according to
A. Revenue their nature and not allocated among
B. Gain and loss from the derecognition of the various functions within the entity.
financial asset measured at amortized cost as
required by PFRS 9 PAS 1 paragraph 105, Because each
C. Finance Cost presentation has merit for different types of
D. Share in income or loss of associate and joint entities, management is required to select the
ventures accounted for using equity method presentation that is reliable and more relevant.
F. A single amount comprising discontinued
operations Shows the changes affecting directly the
G. Profit or loss for the Period retained earnings of an entity and relates the
H. Total Other Comprehensive income income statement to the statement of financial
I. Comprehensive income for the period being position.
the total of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income. Should be disclosed in the statement of
retained earnings:
The following items shall be disclosed on the
face of the income statement and statement of A. Profit or loss for the period
comprehensive income: B. prior period errors
C. dividends declared and paid to shareholders
A. profit or loss for the period D. effect of change in accounting policy
attributable to noncontrolling interest and E. appropriation of retained earnings
owners of the parent
4. Statement of changes in equity
B. total comprehensive income for the Shows the movements in the elements
period attributable to noncontrolling interest or components of the shareholders equity
and owners of the parent.
5. Statement of cash flows
FORMS OF INCOME STATEMENT Summarizes the operating, investing
and financing activities of an entity.
PAS 1 paragraph 99. An entity shall present an
analysis of expenses recognized in profit or loss 6. Notes, comprising a summary of
using in classification based on either the significant accounting policies and other
function of expenses or their nature within the explanatory notes
entity, whichever provides information that is
more reliable and more relevant. CHAPTER 7
Units Unit Cost Total Cost
Jan 10 20,000 100 2,000,000
Feb 08 30,000 110 3,300,000
50,000 5,300,000
Weighted average unit cost (5,300,000/50,000)= 106
Cost of Inventory (30,000X106)= 3,180,000