Sosito Vs Aguinaldo Devt Corp

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G.R. No. L-48926 December 14, 1987 Re: RETRENCHMENT PROGRAM

MANUEL SOSITO, petitioner, As you are all aware, the operations of wood-based industries in the
vs. Philippines for the last two (2) years were adversely affected by the
AGUINALDO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, respondent. worldwide decline in the demand for and prices of logs and wood products.
Our company was no exception to this general decline in the market, and
CRUZ, J.: has suffered tremendous losses. In 1975 alone, such losses amounted to
We gave due course to this petition and required the parties to file nearly P20,000,000.00.
simultaneous memoranda on the sole question of whether or not the The company has made a general review of its operations and has come to
petitioner is entitled to separation pay under the retrenchment program of the unhappy decision of the need to make adjustments in its manpower
the private respondent. strength if it is to survive. This is indeed an unfortunate and painful decision
The facts are as follows: to make, but it leaves the company no alternative but to reduce its
tremendous and excessive overhead expense in order to prevent an
Petitioner Manuel Sosito was employed in 1964 by the private respondent, ultimate closure.
a logging company, and was in charge of logging importation, with a
monthly salary of P675.00, 1 when he went on indefinite leave with the Although the law allows the Company, in a situation such as this, to
consent of the company on January 16, 1976. 2 On July 20, 1976, the private drastically reduce it manpower strength without any obligation to pay
respondent, through its president, announced a retrenchment program and separation benefits, we recognize the need to provide our employees some
offered separation pay to employees in the active service as of June 30, financial assistance while they are looking for other jobs.
1976, who would tender their resignations not later than July 31, 1976. The The Company therefore is adopting a retrenchment program whereby
petitioner decided to accept this offer and so submitted his resignation on employees who are in the active service as of June 30, 1976 will be paid
July 29, 1976, "to avail himself of the gratuity benefits" separation benefits in an amount equivalent to the employee's one-half
promised. 3 However, his resignation was not acted upon and he was never (1/2) month's basic salary multiplied by his/her years of service with the
given the separation pay he expected. The petitioner complained to the Company. Employees interested in availing of the separation benefits
Department of Labor, where he was sustained by the labor arbiter. 4 The offered by the Company must manifest such intention by submitting written
company was ordered to pay Sosito the sum of P 4,387.50, representing his letters of resignation to the Management not later than July 31, 1976. Those
salary for six and a half months. On appeal to the National Labor Relations whose resignations are accepted shall be informed accordingly and shall be
Commission, this decision was reversed and it was held that the petitioner paid their separation benefits.
was not covered by the retrenchment program. 5 The petitioner then came
to us. After July 31, 1976, this offer of payment of separation benefits will no
longer be available. Thereafter, the Company shall apply for a clearance to
For a better understanding of this case, the memorandum of the private terminate the services of such number of employees as may be necessary in
respondent on its retrenchment program is reproduced in full as follows:
order to reduce the manpower strength to such desired level as to prevent petitioner but the petitioner would have a right to resume his work as and
further losses. when he saw fit.

N.B. We note that under the law then in force the private respondent could have
validly reduced its work force because of its financial reverses without the
For additional information obligation to grant separation pay. This was permitted under the original
and/or resignation forms, Article 272(a), of the Labor Code, 7 which was in force at the time. To its
credit, however, the company voluntarily offered gratuities to those who
please see Mr. Vic Maceda would agree to be phased out pursuant to the terms and conditions of its
retrenchment program, in recognition of their loyalty and to tide them over
or Atty. Ben Aritao. 6
their own financial difficulties. The Court feels that such compassionate
It is clear from the memorandum that the offer of separation pay was measure deserves commendation and support but at the same time rules
extended only to those who were in the active service of the company as of that it should be available only to those who are qualified therefore. We
June 30, 1976. It is equally clear that the petitioner was not eligible for the hold that the petitioner is not one of them.
promised gratuity as he was not actually working with the company as of
While the Constitution is committed to the policy of social justice and the
the said date. Being on indefinite leave, he was not in the active service of
protection of the working class, it should not be supposed that every labor
the private respondent although, if one were to be technical, he was still in
dispute will be automatically decided in favor of labor. Management also
its employ. Even so, during the period of indefinite leave, he was not
has its own rights which, as such, are entitled to respect and enforcement in
entitled to receive any salary or to enjoy any other benefits available to
the interest of simple fair play. Out of its concern for those with less
those in the active service.
privileges in life, this Court has inclined more often than not toward the
It seems to us that the petitioner wants to enjoy the best of two worlds at worker and upheld his cause in his conflicts with the employer. Such
the expense of the private respondent. He has insulated himself from the favoritism, however, has not blinded us to the rule that justice is in every
insecurities of the floundering firm but at the same time would demand the case for the deserving, to be dispensed in the light of the established facts
benefits it offers. Being on indefinite leave from the company, he could seek and the applicable law and doctrine.
and try other employment and remain there if he should find it acceptable;
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED and the challenged decision
but if not, he could go back to his former work and argue that he still had
AFFIRMED, with costs against the petitioner.
the right to return as he was only on leave.
There is no claim that the petitioner was temporarily laid off or forced to go
on leave; on the contrary, the record shows that he voluntarily sought the Teehankee, C.J., Narvasa, Paras and Gancayco, JJ., concur.
indefinite leave which the private respondent granted. It is strange that the
company should agree to such an open-ended arrangement, which is
obviously one-sided. The company would not be free to replace the

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