Ramadhan Nutrititional Plan IDF-DAR Guideline 2016

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Chapter 7.

The Ramadan Nutrition Plan (RNP) for

Patients with Diabetes
Osama Hamdy, Barakatun Nisak Mohamed Yusof,
Wafa H Reda, Ines Slim, Henda Jamoussi & MAK Omar 73
7.1 Introduction to the Ramadan Nutrition Plan
The Ramadan Nutrition Plan (RNP) is a mobile and web-based application designed
to help healthcare professionals (HCPs) individualise medical nutrition therapy
(MNT) for patients with diabetes during Ramadan fasting. The RNP also has a patient
platform that provides education and nutrition plans for Ramadan, which may be
particularly useful for people with diabetes who do not have access to HCPs. The role
of MNT is vital during this period of fasting, not only in achieving optimal diabetes
control but also in helping overweight and obese patients with type 2 diabetes
(T2DM) improve their lifestyle and lose weight [1, 2]. In fact, Ramadan provides an
ideal opportunity for patients to channel the strength and discipline required to
comply with MNT; this in turn helps them to maintain optimal glycaemic control
beyond the month of Ramadan.
The RNP is based on the principles of optimal MNT and provides examples of meal
plans for different countries and regions across the globe. However, dietary
recommendations should be individualised and tailored to patients’ lifestyle
requirements, age, comorbidities and other medical needs [3, 4]. The RNP is a work in
progress and will benefit from further contributions by HCPs of different nationalities,
based on the structure provided in this chapter. This will result in the production of a
comprehensive global menu resource.
The main aims of MNT during Ramadan fasting are to ensure that:
1. P
 atients consume an adequate amount of calories, with balanced proportions
of macronutrients, during the non-fasting period (i.e. sunset to dawn) to prevent
hypoglycaemia during the fasting period
2. P
 atients distribute their carbohydrate intake equally among meals to minimise
postprandial hyperglycaemia
3. Patients and HCPs consider comorbidities such as hypertension and dyslipidaemia.
The RNP has been adopted for use in many countries (Figure 1). When accessing the
RNP, the HCP can select their country of practice from the “Ramadan map” to gain
country-specific best-practice MNT recommendations (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The RNP Ramadan map

Egypt Saudi
Arabia India



South Africa

Access the online version at www.daralliance.org or www.idf.org and click on your country to view a
full nutrition plan. Print the plan and hand it to your patients

7.2 The pre-Ramadan patient visit

An assessment of patient nutrition, as part of a pre-Ramadan patient visit 6–8 weeks
before Ramadan, provides an opportunity for HCPs to advise patients with diabetes
about the necessary dietary modifications that should be adopted during Ramadan.
It may also help those patients who choose to fast for a few days during the 2 months
preceding Ramadan.
The main aims of a pre-Ramadan patient visit are to [5]:
1. P
 rovide patients with a modified nutrition plan that will improve glycaemic control
during Ramadan fasting
2. P
 rovide patients with MNT that may help overweight and obese patients to
successfully and safely lose weight during Ramadan
3. A
 djust anti-diabetic medications in line with patients’ changes in nutrition
during fasting
4. Encourage proper exercise and physical activity during Ramadan
5. P
 rovide education to help patients recognise the warning symptoms of
dehydration, hypoglycaemia and other possible acute complications
6. E nforce the importance of blood glucose and body weight monitoring
during Ramadan.

7.3 Risk avoidance during Ramadan
For patients with diabetes, there are several potential risks associated with prolonged
fasting. It is therefore important to increase patient awareness of these and to reduce
risks while, if possible, enabling patients to participate in their spiritual experience
of fasting during Ramadan. Many diabetes-related risks can be minimised through
proper nutrition, including [2, 6]:
1. Hypoglycaemia, especially during the late period of fasting before iftar
2. Severe hyperglycaemia after each of the main meals
3. Dehydration, especially in countries with prolonged fasting hours and hot climates
4. Significant weight gain due to increased caloric intake and reduced physical activity
5. Electrolyte imbalance
6. A
 cute renal failure in patients prone to severe dehydration, particularly elderly
patients and those with impaired kidney function.

7.4 Health issues during Ramadan

During Ramadan, there is a dramatic change in dietary patterns for fasting Muslims
compared with other months of the year. Health issues may arise due to improper
eating habits and reduced physical activity [7].
Unhealthy nutrition habits that commonly develop during Ramadan include:
1. E ating particularly large meals at iftar (frequently containing more than 1500
calories), which may result in severe postprandial hyperglycaemia and weight gain
2. E ating significant amounts of highly processed carbohydrates and sugar at iftar, or
between iftar and suhoor, which may also cause severe hyperglycaemia
3. E ating desserts loaded with sugar after iftar, which can lead to a prolonged period
of postprandial hyperglycaemia
4. H
 aving large and frequent snacks between the two main meals, which can
contribute to longer periods of hyperglycaemia
5. E ating at a fast speed, which frequently leads to over-eating (satiety signals usually
take around 30 minutes to reach the brain from the start of eating)
6. E ating suhoor early, which may result in hypoglycaemia before iftar, especially
when fasting hours are longer than usual
7. C
 onsumption of large portions of high glycaemic index (GI) carbohydrates at
suhoor, which can lead to postprandial hyperglycaemia [8, 9]

8. F rying food, which is particularly unhealthy, especially when using trans-fat
margarine or oils rich in saturated fat (e.g. palm oil and coconut oil)
9. C
 hanges in physical activity and sleeping patterns can affect metabolism and may
contribute to weight gain [10].

7.5 Weight maintenance and weight reduction during Ramadan

Weight gain during Ramadan should be avoided. Patients with T2DM who are
overweight or obese may find that Ramadan provides a good opportunity to lose
weight. Weight loss may result in a significant improvement in glycaemic control and
may reduce cardiovascular risk [11, 12]. An optimal target is a modest and gradual
weight reduction of 0.5–1 kg per week. In order to achieve weight loss or avoid
weight gain, caloric intake should be controlled and kept within specified targets
based on height and gender (Table 1). It is also recommended to proportionally
distribute caloric intake between suhoor and iftar (Table 2). In the RNP app, an
algorithm provides guidance for selecting appropriate caloric targets for individual
patients (Figure 2).

Table 1. Caloric targets for men and women during Ramadan

Weight maintenance Weight reduction

Men 1800–2200 kcal/day 1800 kcal/day

Women >150 cm tall 1500–2000 kcal/day 1500 kcal/day

Women <150 cm tall 1500 kcal/day 1200 kcal/day

Table 2. Daily caloric intake distribution during Ramadan

Percentage of total calories/day

Suhoor 30–40%
Iftar 40–50%
Snack between meals (one or two, if necessary) 10–20%

Figure 2. RNP caloric guide for weight reduction and weight maintenance (RNP algorithm 1)

Daily 1200 kcal 1500 kcal 1800 kcal 2000 kcal


Effect Weight Weight Weight Weight

reduction for maintenance for maintenance for maintenance for
women women <150 cm women >150 cm women >150 cm
<150 cm tall tall & weight tall & weight tall & for men
reduction for reduction for men
>150 cm tall

7.6 The 10 principles of the RNP

Based on the goal of achieving optimal MNT during Ramadan, the principles of the
RNP are defined as:
1.  Consume an adequate amount of total daily calories and divide them between suhoor,
iftar and if necessary, 1–2 snacks (Tables 1 and 2)
2.  Meals should be balanced, with carbohydrates (low GI preferred) comprising around
45–50%; protein (legumes, fish, poultry or lean meat) comprising 20–30%; and fat
(mono and polyunsaturated fat preferred) comprising <35% of the meal (Table 3).
Saturated fat should be limited to <10% of the total daily caloric intake
3. Use the “Ramadan plate” method for designing meals (Figure 3)
4.  Sugar-heavy desserts should be avoided after iftar and between meals. A moderate
amount of healthy dessert is permitted, for example a piece of fruit
5.  Select carbohydrates with low GI, particularly those high in fibre (preferably whole
grains). Consumption of carbohydrates from vegetables (cooked and raw), whole fruits,
yoghurt and dairy products is encouraged. Consumption of carbohydrates from sugar
and highly processed grains (wheat flour and starches like corn, white rice and potato)
should be avoided or significantly minimised
6.  Maintaining adequate hydration by drinking enough water and non-sweetened
beverages at or between the two main meals is important and should be encouraged
(diet beverages may be consumed). Sugary drinks, canned juices or fresh juices with
added sugar should be avoided. Consumption of caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea as well
as cola drinks) should be minimised as they are diuretics
7. Take suhoor as late as possible, especially when fasting for >10 hours
8.  Consume an adequate amount of protein and fat at suhoor as foods with higher
levels of these macronutrients and lower levels of carbohydrate have a lower GI than
carbohydrate-rich foods, and do not have an immediate effect on postprandial blood
glucose. Protein and fat also induce satiety better than carbohydrates
9. Iftar should begin with plenty of water to overcome dehydration from fasting, and
1–2 dried or fresh dates to raise blood glucose levels
10. If needed, a snack of one piece of fruit, a handful of nuts, or vegetables may be
consumed between meals. Generally, each snack should be 100–200 calories, but
this may be higher depending on the individual’s caloric requirement. Some individuals
may use a snack to break fasting and then eat iftar later in the evening.

Table 3. Macronutrient meal composition

Meals should be balanced. The “Ramadan plate” method is advised as a guide to designing meals
(Figure 3)
Percentage •  The total daily intake of carbohydrate should be at least
130 g/day and ideally 45–50% of the total caloric intake
•  Intake should be adjusted to meet the cultural setting and food
preference of each individual
Recommended • Carbohydrate foods with low glycaemic index and load should be

selected (e.g. whole grain, legumes, temperate fruits, green salad and
most vegetables)
• Fibre intake should be approximately 20–35 g/day
(14 g/1000 kcal). This helps to provide satiety while fasting
• Fibre from unprocessed food, such as vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts
and legumes is preferable
Not • Sugar, refined carbohydrates, processed grains and starchy foods
recommended should only be consumed in limited quantities, especially sugary
beverages, traditional sugar-heavy desserts, white rice, white bread,
low fibre cereals and white potatoes
Percentage • Protein intake should not be less than 1.2 g/kg of adjusted body
weight* and usually accounts for 20–30% of total caloric intake.
Protein is important as it enhances satiety. Protein also helps to
maintain lean body mass [13]

Recommended • Fish, skinless poultry, dairy, nuts, seeds and legumes are
Not • Protein sources that are high in saturated fats (e.g. beef, lamb) should
recommended not be consumed in excess, as this increases the risk of cardiovascular
Percentage • Fat should comprise less than 35% of the total daily caloric intake.
There is general agreement that the type of fat consumed influences
cardiovascular disease risk
• SFA should be limited to <10% of total daily caloric intake. PUFA and
MUFA should comprise the rest of the daily fat caloric allowance
Recommended • PUFA and MUFA (e.g. olive oil, vegetable oil or blended oil [PUFA and

palm oil]) are recommended. Oily fish (e.g. tuna, sardines, salmon) are
recommended as a source of omega-3 fatty acids
Not • Foods high in saturated fat, including red and processed meats (beef,
recommended lamb, hot dog, salami, luncheon meat), and ghee, and foods high in
trans-fats (fast food, cookies, margarines and butter made of partially-
hydrogenated oil) are not recommended
MUFA, monounsaturated fatty acids; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acids; SFA, saturated fatty acids
*Adjusted body weight = Ideal body weight (IBW) + (0.25 x [Current weight – IBW])

Patients with renal issues may have different protein requirements and should receive individualised advice
Figure 3. Example of a Ramadan plate*

1 glass of
low fat milk

1 cup of vegetables 4 oz of lean protein

1−2 dates
1.5 cup of whole grain rice cup of beans/lentils/peas

1 small slice
2 teaspoons
of oil of watermelon

This meal provides: 770 kcal, 45% carbohydrate, 20% protein and 35% fat

*Plate to be adapted according to the individual’s daily caloric target

7.7 The RNP: a transcultural application

In the RNP, a second algorithm and a toolkit provide meal plans for the four caloric
targets (1200, 1500, 1800 and 2000 kcal/day). These are available online within the RNP
app in order to support the nutrition needs of patients with diabetes during Ramadan.
Meal plans have been tailored for different countries, providing a transcultural user
experience. Examples for Egypt, Malaysia and South Africa are shown at the end of
this chapter. The RNP is a work in progress and HCPs of different nationalities are
encouraged to contribute menus to the RNP at www.daralliance.org. Healthy menus,
based on the structure provided in this chapter, can be submitted online for review
and, if accepted, will subsequently be posted on the RNP platform.

•• The RNP is a mobile and web-based application designed to help HCPs
individualise and implement MNT for patients with diabetes during Ramadan. It
also helps patients without access to HCPs to construct a healthy eating plan
for Ramadan.
•• The RNP helps patients with diabetes to plan a daily caloric target that may
help them to maintain body weight if they are lean, or to lose weight if they are
overweight or obese.
•• Use of the RNP may help patients with diabetes to avoid risks during Ramadan
fasting, such as hypoglycaemia, hyperglycaemia and dehydration.
•• The RNP provides examples of meal plans within the target caloric levels, tailored
for use in different countries.
•• The RNP website is designed to capture menus from across the globe, that match
the structure provided in this chapter.

1. Ali S, Davies MJ, Brady EM, et al. Guidelines for managing diabetes in Ramadan. Diabet Med 2016; Epub
ahead of print [doi: 10.1111/dme.13080].
2. Bravis V, Hui E, Salih S, et al. Ramadan Education and Awareness in Diabetes (READ) programme for
Muslims with Type 2 diabetes who fast during Ramadan. Diabet Med 2010;27:327-31.
3. Ley SH, Hamdy O, Mohan V, et al. Prevention and management of type 2 diabetes: dietary components
and nutritional strategies. Lancet 2014;383:1999-2007.
4. American Diabetes Association. 3. Foundations of care and comprehensive medical evaluation.
Diabetes Care 2016;39 Suppl 1:S23-35.
5. Al-Arouj M, Bouguerra R, Buse J, et al. Recommendations for management of diabetes during
Ramadan. Diabetes Care 2005;28:2305-11.
6. Evert AB, Boucher JL, Cypress M, et al. Nutrition therapy recommendations for the management of
adults with diabetes. Diabetes Care 2014;37 Suppl 1:S120-43.
7. Salti I, Benard E, Detournay B, et al. A population-based study of diabetes and its characteristics during
the fasting month of Ramadan in 13 countries: results of the epidemiology of diabetes and Ramadan
1422/2001 (EPIDIAR) study. Diabetes Care 2004;27:2306-11.
8. Yusof BN, Talib RA, Kamaruddin NA, et al. A low-GI diet is associated with a short-term improvement of
glycaemic control in Asian patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab 2009;11:387-96.
9. Ludwig DS. The glycemic index: physiological mechanisms relating to obesity, diabetes, and
cardiovascular disease. JAMA 2002;287:2414-23.
10. Haghdoost AA and Poorranjbar M. The interaction between physical activity and fasting on the serum
lipid profile during Ramadan. Singapore Med J 2009;50:897-901.
11. Pi-Sunyer X, Blackburn G, Brancati FL, et al. Reduction in weight and cardiovascular disease risk
factors in individuals with type 2 diabetes: one-year results of the look AHEAD trial. Diabetes Care
12. Hamdy O. Nonsurgical diabetes weight management: be prepared for sustainable and practical
interventions. Curr Diab Rep 2011;11:75-6.
13. Hamdy O and Horton ES. Protein content in diabetes nutrition plan. Curr Diab Rep 2011;11:111-9.
Ramadan nutrition plan Tool kit
(Algorithm 2) Ramadan nutrition application for Egypt
Target daily Macronutrient Caloric
calories composition distribution 1200 kcal/day 1500 kcal/day 1800 kcal/day 2000 kcal/day
• CHO: 45–50% Suhoor 300–480 kcal 450–600 kcal 540–720 kcal 600–800 kcal
Recommended: 30–40% • Beans (Foul), Ful: 0.3 cup • Beans (Foul), Ful: 1 cup • Beans (Foul), Ful: 1.5 cups • Beans (Foul), Ful: 1.5 cups
1200 kcal low GI, low GL, • Yoghurt: 1 tub • Yoghurt: 1 tub • Yoghurt: 1 tub • Yoghurt: 1.5 tubs
Weight reduction whole grain and • Cheese: 1 oz/1 slice • Cheese: 1 oz/1 slice • Cheese: 2 oz/2 slices • Cheese: 2 oz/2 slices
for women high fibre
• Small olives: 5 • Small olives: 5 • Small olives: 5 • Small olives: 10
<150 cm tall • Protein: 20–30% • Wholegrain bread: 1 thin slice • Wholegrain bread: 1 thin slice • Wholegrain bread: 2 thin slices • Wholegrain bread: 2 thin slices
Recommended: • Tomato & cucumber salad, with 1 egg • Tomato & cucumber salad, with 1 egg • Tomato & cucumber salad, with 1 egg • Tomato & cucumber salad, with 1 egg
fish, skinless
poultry, dairy,
• Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks
(430 kcal, CHO exchange = 3)† (500 kcal, CHO exchange = 3.5) (670 kcal, CHO exchange = 5) (765 kcal, CHO exchange = 5.5)
1500 kcal nuts, seeds
Weight and legumes
Snack 1‡ 120–240 kcal 150–300 kcal 180–360 kcal 200–400 kcal
for women
• Fat: <35% 10–20% • Dates: 1–2* • Dates: 1–2 • Dates: 1–2 • Dates: 1–2
<150 cm tall and
SFA <10%,
• Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks
weight reduction choose low-fat (60 kcal, CHO exchange = 1) (60 kcal, CHO exchange = 1) (60 kcal, CHO exchange = 1) (60 kcal, CHO exchange = 1)
for women cooking methods
>150 cm tall e.g. grill, bake Iftar 480–600 kcal 600–750 kcal 720–900 kcal 800–1000 kcal
and steam 40–50% • Dates: 1–2* • Dates: 1–2/fruit: 1 whole piece • Dates: 1–2/fruit: 1 whole piece • Dates: 1–2/fruit: 1 whole piece
• Salad (tomatoes, cucumber & greens • Salad (tomatoes, cucumber & greens • Salad (tomatoes, cucumber & greens • Salad (tomatoes, cucumber & greens
1800 kcal Lifestyle with lemon/vinegar dressing): with lemon/vinegar dressing): with lemon/vinegar dressing or olive with lemon/vinegar dressing or olive
Weight maintenance 1 medium bowl 1 medium bowl oil dressing: 2 tsp): 1 medium bowl oil dressing: 2 tsp): 1 medium bowl
for women • Soup (grilled or broiled chicken/ • Soup (grilled or broiled chicken/ • Soup (grilled or broiled chicken/ • Soup (grilled or broiled chicken/
>150 cm tall &
weight reduction
• Begin iftar with •
lentil/meat): 4 oz
Cooked vegetables: 1 cup
lentil/meat): 4 oz
• Cooked vegetables: 1 cup
lentil/meat): 4 oz
• Cooked vegetables: 1.5 cups
lentil/meat): 4 oz
• Cooked vegetables: 2 cups
plenty of water
for men to overcome • Rice (preferably wholegrain): 1 cup • Rice (preferably wholegrain): 1 cup • Rice (preferably wholegrain): 1.5 cups • Rice (preferably wholegrain): 1.5 cups
dehydration • Whole fruit: 1 small piece • Dessert: 1 small piece • Dessert: 1 small piece • Dessert: 1 small piece
from fasting • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks
• Keep physically (600 kcal, CHO exchange = 4) (700 kcal, CHO exchange = 5) (900 kcal, CHO exchange = 6) (980 kcal, CHO exchange = 7)
2000 kcal
Weight maintenance
• Do not sleep for Snack 2 120–240 kcal 150–300 kcal 180–360 kcal 200–400 kcal
for women
longer than usual 10–20% • Walnuts: 1 handful/GTSN: 3 tbsp • Walnuts: 1 handful/GTSN: 6 tbsp • Walnuts: 1 handful • Walnuts: 1 handful
>150 cm tall & • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks • Milk: 1 glass/GTSN: 6 tbsp • Milk: 1 glass/GTSN: 6 tbsp
for men (175 kcal, CHO exchange = 1) (285 kcal, CHO exchange = 2) • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks
(340 kcal, CHO exchange = 2) (340 kcal, CHO exchange = 2)

Ramadan nutrition plan Tool kit

(Algorithm 2) Ramadan nutrition application for Malaysia
Target daily Macronutrient Caloric
calories composition distribution 1200 kcal/day 1500 kcal/day 1800 kcal/day 2000 kcal/day
• CHO: 45–50% Suhoor 300–480 kcal 450–600 kcal 540–720 kcal 600–800 kcal
Recommended: 30–40% • Green salads/ulams: 1 cup • Green salads/ulams: 1 cup • Green salads/ulams: 1 cup • Dates: 1–2
low GI, low GL, • Stir-fried beans with egg: 0.5 cup • Stir-fried beans with egg: 0.5 cup • Stir-fried beans with egg: 1 cup • Green salads/ulams: 1 cup
whole grain and • Wholegrain bread: 2 slices/ • Baked fish in sambal: 0.5 palm size • Baked fish in sambal: 1 palm size • Stir-fried beans with egg: 1 cup
1200 kcal high fibre wholegrain rice: 1 cup (2 scoops) • Wholegrain bread: 2 slices/ • Wholegrain bread: 2 slices/ • Baked fish in sambal: 1 palm size
Weight reduction • Protein: 20–30% • Milk: 1 glass, with oats: 3 tbsp (or wholegrain rice: 1 cup (2 scoops) wholegrain rice: 1 cup (2 scoops) • Wholegrain bread: 2 slices/
for women
<150 cm tall
Recommended: GTSN: 6 tbsp)/unsweetened malted • Milk: 1 glass, with oats: 3 tbsp (or • Milk: 1 glass, with oats: 3 tbsp (or wholegrain rice: 1 cup (2 scoops)
fish, skinless drink: 3 tbsp with milk GTSN: 6 tbsp)/unsweetened malted GTSN: 6 tbsp)/unsweetened malted • Milk: 1 glass, with oats: 3 tbsp (or
poultry, dairy, • Water/unsweetened drinks drink: 3 tbsp with milk drink: 3 tbsp with milk GTSN: 6 tbsp)/unsweetened malted
nuts, seeds
(489 kcal, CHO exchange = 4.5)† • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks drink: 3 tbsp with milk
and legumes
(530 kcal, CHO exchange = 4.5) (650 kcal, CHO exchange = 5) • Water/unsweetened drinks
• Fat: <35% (790 kcal, CHO exchange = 6)
SFA <10%,
Snack 1 ‡ 120–240 kcal 150–300 kcal 180–360 kcal 200–400 kcal
1500 kcal choose low-fat
cooking methods 10–20% • Dates: 1–2* • Dates: 1–2 • Dates: 1–2 • Dates: 1–2
maintenance e.g. grill, bake • Baked chicken curry puff: 1 piece • Baked chicken curry puff: 1 piece • Baked chicken curry puff: 1 piece • Baked chicken curry puff: 2 pieces
(medium size)/popiah basah: 1 piece/ (medium size)/popiah basah: 1 piece/ (medium size)/popiah basah: 1 piece/ (medium size)/popiah basah:
for women and steam
pau ayam: 1 piece chicken dumpling: 1 piece chicken dumpling: 1 piece 1.5 pieces/chicken dumpling:
<150 cm tall and
Lifestyle • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks 1.5 pieces
weight reduction
for women recommendations (175 kcal, CHO exchange = 2) (175 kcal, CHO exchange = 2) (175 kcal, CHO exchange = 2) • Water/unsweetened drinks
(275 kcal, CHO exchange = 3.5)
>150 cm tall
• Begin iftar with
Iftar 480–600 kcal 600–750 kcal 720–900 kcal 800–1000 kcal
plenty of water
to overcome 40–50% • Dates: 1–2* • Dates: 1–2/fruit: 1 whole piece • Dates: 1–2/fruit: 1 whole piece • Dates: 1–2/fruit: 1 whole piece
dehydration • Green salads/ulams: 1 cup • Green salads/ulams: 1 cup • Green salads/ulams: 1 cup; olive oil: • Green salads/ulams: 1 cup; olive oil:
from fasting • Tempeh with anchovies: 1 cup • Tempeh with anchovies: 1 cup 1 tsp 1 tsp
• Keep physically • Lean grilled chicken in sambal: • Lean grilled chicken in sambal: • Tempeh with anchovies: 1 cup • Tempeh with anchovies: 1 cup
1800 kcal active 1 palm size 1 palm size • Lean grilled chicken in sambal: • Lean grilled chicken in sambal:
Weight maintenance • Do not sleep for • Rice (preferably wholegrain/ • Low-fat soup with lean meat 1 palm size 1 palm size
for women longer than usual parboiled basmati): 1 cup (1 matchbox) and vegetables: • Low-fat soup with lean meat • Low-fat soup with lean meat
>150 cm tall & • Water/unsweetened drinks 1 small bowl (3 matchboxes) and vegetables: (4 matchboxes) and vegetables:
weight reduction
(525 kcal, CHO exchange = 3) • Rice (preferably wholegrain/ 1.5 small bowls 2 small bowls
for men parboiled basmati): 1 cup • Rice (preferably wholegrain/ • Rice (preferably wholegrain/
• Water/unsweetened drinks parboiled basmati): 1.5 cups parboiled basmati): 1.5 cups
(675 kcal, CHO exchange = 4) • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks
(750 kcal, CHO exchange = 4.5) (800 kcal, CHO exchange = 5)

Snack 2 120–240 kcal 150–300 kcal 180–360 kcal 200–400 kcal

10–20% • Milk: 1 glass/GTSN: 3 tbsp • Milk: 1 glass, with oats: 3 tbsp (or • Milk: 1 glass, with oats: 3 tbsp (or • Milk: 1 glass, with oats: 3 tbsp (or
• Water/unsweetened drinks GTSN: 6 tbsp) GTSN: 6 tbsp) GTSN: 6 tbsp)
2000 kcal (125 kcal, CHO exchange = 1) • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks
Weight maintenance OR (225 kcal, CHO exchange = 2) (225 kcal, CHO exchange = 2) (225 kcal, CHO exchange = 2)
for women
• Wholegrain bread: 1 slice, with OR OR OR
>150 cm tall &
for men
sardines and vegetables: 3 tbsp • Wholegrain bread: 2 slices, with • Noodle soup with meat: 1 small bowl, • Noodle soup with meat: 1 small bowl,
• Water/unsweetened drinks sardines and green salads/vegetables with green vegetables ‡ with green vegetables ‡

(160 kcal, CHO exchange = 1) • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks
(275 kcal, CHO exchange = 2) (350 kcal, CHO exchange = 3) (350 kcal, CHO exchange = 3)

*If dates are consumed during snack 1, no dates should be consumed during iftar. †One CHO exchange = 15 g CHO. ‡Increased consumption of green salad and vegetables is encouraged up to
3 cups daily; starchy vegetables should be measured (1 small potato = 1 exchange of CHO)
CHO, carbohydrate; GI, glycaemic index; GL, glycaemic load; GTSN, glycaemia-targeted specialised nutrition; SFA, saturated fatty acids; tbsp, tablespoon

Ramadan nutrition plan Tool kit
(Algorithm 2) Ramadan nutrition application for South Africa
Target daily Macronutrient Caloric
calories composition distribution 1200 kcal/day 1500 kcal/day 1800 kcal/day 2000 kcal/day
• CHO: 45–50% Suhoor 300–480 kcal 450–600 kcal 540–720 kcal 600–800 kcal
Recommended: 30–40% • Wholegrain bread: 1 slice, with egg: • Wholegrain bread: 2 slices, with egg: • Wholegrain bread: 2 slices, with egg: • Wholegrain bread: 2 slices, with egg:
low GI, low GL, 1 large 1 large 1 large 1 large
1200 kcal whole grain and • Milk: 4 tbsp, with oats: 3 tbsp, and • Milk: 4 tbsp, with oats: 3 tbsp, and • Milk: 4 tbsp, with oats: 3 tbsp, and • Milk: 4 tbsp, with oats: 6 tbsp, and
Weight reduction high fibre almonds: 0.5 handful almonds: 0.5 handful almonds: 1 handful almonds: 1 handful
for women • Protein: 20–30% • Apple: 1 small • Apple: 1 small • Yoghurt: 0.5 tub • Yoghurt: 0.5 tub
<150 cm tall Recommended: • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks • Apple: 1 small • Apple: 1 small
fish, skinless
poultry, dairy,
(400 kcal, CHO exchange = 3)† (475 kcal, CHO exchange = 4) • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks
(555 kcal, CHO exchange = 4.5) (640 kcal, CHO exchange = 5.5)
nuts, seeds
and legumes
Snack 1 120–240 kcal 150–300 kcal 180–360 kcal 200–400 kcal
1500 kcal
• Fat: <35% 10–20% • Dates: 1–2* • Dates: 1–2 • Dates: 1–2 • Dates: 1–2
SFA <10%,
• Badam milk (milk, ground almonds: • Badam milk (milk, ground almonds: • Badam milk (milk, ground almonds: • Badam milk (milk, ground almonds:
maintenance 0.5 handful and cardamom powder): 0.5 handful and cardamom powder): 0.5 handful and cardamom powder): 0.5 handful and cardamom powder):
choose low-fat 1 glass 1 glass 1 glass 1 glass
for women cooking methods
<150 cm tall and (210 kcal, CHO exchange = 2) (210 kcal, CHO exchange = 2) (210 kcal, CHO exchange = 2) (210 kcal, CHO exchange = 2)
e.g. grill, bake
weight reduction and steam
for women Iftar 480–600 kcal 600–750 kcal 720–900 kcal 800–1000 kcal
>150 cm tall
Lifestyle 40–50% • Dates: 1–2* • Dates: 1–2 • Dates: 1–2 • Dates: 1–2
recommendations • Baked mince samosas: 2–3 cocktail • Baked mince samosas: 2–3 cocktail • Baked mince samosas: 2–3 cocktail • Baked mince samosas: 2–3 cocktail
• Haleem (wheat, oats and meat • Haleem (wheat, oats and meat • Haleem (wheat, oats and meat • Haleem (wheat, oats and meat
• Begin iftar with broth): 0.5 cup broth): 1 cup broth): 1 cup broth): 1.5 cups

1800 kcal plenty of water • Basmati/parboiled rice: 0.5 cup/ • Basmati/parboiled rice: 0.5 cup/ • Basmati/parboiled rice: 1 cup/ • Basmati/parboiled rice: 1 cup/
to overcome roti: 1 small roti: 1 small roti: 2 small roti: 2 small
Weight maintenance
for women
dehydration • Grilled or curried lean chicken/fish: • Grilled or curried lean chicken/fish: • Grilled or curried lean chicken/fish: • Grilled or curried lean chicken/fish:
from fasting 4 oz 4 oz 4 oz 4 oz
>150 cm tall &
weight reduction • Keep physically • Green salad/vegetables‡ • Green salad/vegetables • Green salad/vegetables • Green salad/vegetables
for men active • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks • Fruit: 1 whole piece
• Do not sleep for (490 kcal, CHO exchange = 3) (635 kcal, CHO exchange = 4) (710 kcal, CHO exchange = 5) • Water/unsweetened drinks
longer than usual (850 kcal, CHO exchange = 6)

Snack 2 120–240 kcal 150–300 kcal 180–360 kcal 200–400 kcal

10–20% • Unsweetened fruit in fruit juice: • Milk-based dessert with sweetener • Milk-based dessert with sweetener • Milk-based dessert with sweetener
0.5 cup (phirmi/falooda/ras malai): 0.5 cup (phirmi/falooda/ras malai): 1 cup (phirmi/falooda/ras malai): 1 cup
2000 kcal
Weight maintenance
• Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks
(120 kcal, CHO exchange = 1) OR OR OR
for women
>150 cm tall & • Unsweetened fruit in fruit juice: 1 cup, • Unsweetened fruit in fruit juice: 1 cup, • Unsweetened fruit in fruit juice: 1 cup,
and custard with sweetener: 0.5 cup and custard with sweetener: 0.5 cup and custard with sweetener: 0.5 cup
for men
• Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks • Water/unsweetened drinks
(160 kcal, CHO exchange = 1.5) (235 kcal, CHO exchange = 2.5) (235 kcal, CHO exchange = 2.5)

*If dates are consumed during snack 1, no dates should be consumed during iftar. †One CHO exchange = 15 g CHO. ‡Increased consumption of green salad and vegetables is encouraged up to
3 cups daily; starchy vegetables should be measured (1 small potato = 1 exchange of CHO)
CHO, carbohydrate; GI, glycaemic index; GL, glycaemic load; GTSN, glycaemia-targeted specialised nutrition; SFA, saturated fatty acids; tbsp, tablespoon


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