Release Notes: (27 Sept 2013)

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© Esteem Innovation, 2013

Release Notes (27 Sept 2013)

New Feature s!
1. Column can now be designed by considering upper floor reinforcement bar diameter and
count. No more lighter reinforcement at low er floor column . For more information,
kindly refer to User Manual > Parameters > Design.

2. Reload trac ing draw ing for faster modeling reference update. User can edit the srcinal
tracing drawing (such as adding temporary reference lines and etc) and update it in
Esteem 8 with a single click of "Reload" button. No more hassle to unload, load and set
reference point again.

3. Add remark to each beam with the new "Beam Mark Suffix " property. Add customized
mark such as "U/S" for upstand beam "GB1(200x600)U/S". Show it on plan by changing
Project Parameter > Input > Beam > Show Suffix to True.

4. Backup to cloud storage for more secured data storage. User can now directly backup
Esteem 8 project file to cloud storage such as Google Drive and Dropbox. No more worry

about losing kindly

information, important
refermodel data
to User and have
Manual more
> Main flexibility
Menu > Bac kupto share data.Drive
> Google For more

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

5. Wall Plan View is now linked to Wall Detailing and Full Report. Right click on any of the
wall panel to view detailing or full report for smoother verification of wall design.

6. Not Design status added to Wall Plan View. Look for new cyan color in wall plan view.

7. User can now predefine paper size for report . Default paper size is "Letter", go to
Project Parameter > Reporting > General > Paper Size to change the size.

8. Copie d/ Mirrored bea m and slab will now use same mark plus su ffix (') for ease of
reference. To generate new mark for copied/mirrored beam/slab, go to Project Parameter
> Input > Beam/Slab > Copy/Mirror Suffix and change it to False.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

9. "Project Parameter > Detailing > Foundation > Pad/Pile > Section Detailing > Lean
Concrete Drawing Thickness" parameter is now removed. User may setlean concrete
thickness for foundation at Project Parameter > Quantity Take Off > Others > Foundation
> Lean Concrete Thickness (mm).

10. "Frame to Frame Spacing " option added to Beam Title Block Feature. User can now set
the vertical spacing between title block measured from drawing boundary. For more
information, kindly refer to User Manual > Main Menu > Design Results > Multiple Beam >
Beam Title Block.

11. Filter option added to Tracking Changes report. User can now use this filter to
generate summary of element with changes. For more information, kindly refer to User

Manual > Main Menu > Design > Tracking Changes > Filter. (10 J une 2013)

1. New Feature! Beam shear reinforcement design priority. User can now choose to
increase bar diameter or link loop as priority in beam design. For more information, refer
to User Manual > Parameter > Project > Design > Floor > Beam.
2. New Feature! Foundation side bar reinforcement strength can now be customized

Bar Project Parameter > Detailing > Foundation > Pad/Pile > Section Detailing > Side
3. New Feature! Continuous column can now be displayed as detailing rather than
"Follow Top Column" text. Project Parameter > Detailing > Column > Detailing >
Continuous Column Display.
4. User can now batch export beam tabulated report.
5. New Feature! Foundation design with consideration of backfilled soil load. For
more information refer to User Manual > Parameter > Project > Design.
6. User can now toggle element appearance on key plan from right-click context menu.
7. Holding "Shift" key during beam input will invert the auto-connect beam parameter e.g. if
the parameter is set to enable auto-connect beam , holding "Shift" key will disable it.
© Esteem Innovation, 2013

8. New Feature! Brickwall Auto Height feature to automatically compute brickwall

heights according to upper and lower floor element levels. For more information, refer to
User Manual > Main Menu > Input > Brickwall > Auto Height
9. New Feature! Break Brickwall feature to break brickwall on a beam according to
different beam section drops or levels. For more information, refer to User Manual > Main
Menu > Input > Brickwall > Break Brickwall.
10. New Feature! Beam reinforcement optimization can now be toggled on/off. User
can turn off to opt for beam design with lesser number of larger diameter rebar or turn on
for more number of smaller diameter rebar. For more information, refer to User Manual >
Main Menu > Parameter > Design > Floor > Beam. Net 2 (2 Oct 2012)

1. User can now choose to view either Error, Warning or both by check/uncheck the boxes as
illustrated, below the Error/Warning list.

2. New Feature! User can now have the option of having auto-connect beam turned
to True or False during input by going to Project Parameter > Input > Beam > General >
Auto-connect Beam.

3. New Feature! Detailing for seismic case: Detailing provision for Seismic Load
Analysis (Static) case based on Eurocode 8 (EC8) is now available. The detailing provision
is available for code of practice EC2 and EC2 (NA to SS). For more information, refer to
o User Manual > Parameters > Project > 3D Analysis > Lateral Load Options >
Seismic Load Analysis (Static)
o User Manual > Parameters > Project > Design > Seismic Design

4. Grid properties' Begin Extension and End Extension is back in the latest release. User may
now either use Begin Extension and End Extension grid properties or the Extend Grid or

Trim Grid icon from Grid Input to extend or trim a gridline.

5. New Feature! Pile footing detailing: Anchorage bars projecting from piles can now
be displayed in pile footing cut section detailing. For more information, refer to
Manual > Main Menu > Parameters > Project > Detailing > Foundation > Pile > Section
Detailing > Pile Anchorage Bars.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

6. New Feature! User can now customized the Prefix of Pile in the Pile List Selection.

7. New Feature! Pile Mark Assignment can now be controlled in the Project Parameter
> Detailing > Foundation > Pile > Label > Pile Mark Assignment > By Default or By Pile

8. New Feature! Beam/Slab can now be defined as groundbeam/slab and can be

detailed with lean concrete.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

9. Cantilever Slab Top Bar will be anchored at least 45 diameter into the beam from support
face. For more information, refer to Technical Documentation > Slab > Detailing >
Cantilever Slab with Drop.

10. New Feature! 3D View object editing is now enabled. User can now change object
properties/delete object/copy column across floors in 3D View.

11. Batch Export output folder will now automatically open for user to check the output files.

12. New Feature! Torsion Reduction (Virtual Beam) is now available. User can now set
Torsion Reduction for wall framing beam element. For more information, refer to User
Manual > Main Menu > Parameters > 2D Analysis > Torsion Reduction (Virtual Beam)

13. Slab Point-by-Point Input can now be completed by "Enter" key.

14. New Feature! Input Precast Slab. User can now input Precast Slab which is similar
to Roof Slab Input and assign Load Distribution direction in X-Dir, Y-Dir or Both. For more
information, refer to User Manual > Object Properties > Slab > Customised Slab .

15. Beam is now checked for negligible compressive force. For more information, refer to
Manual > Parameters > Project > Design > Floor > Beam > Design Specification >
Allowable Axial Compressive Force, %

16. New Feature! Project Costing is now available. For more information, refer to User
Manual > Parameter > Quantity Take Off. Open Costing from the tab below for each
© Esteem Innovation, 2013

element and project.

17. New Feature! Copy Cut Section: Slab cut section can now be copied to another
floor(s). For more information, refer to User Manual > Main Menu > Input > Slab > Create
Cut Section.

18. New Feature! User can change the slab fill appearance to be according to Slab
Drop Value, Dead Load Value, Live Load Value, Self-Weight Value for the ease of slab
input checking. The option can be accessed through Main Menu > View > Slab > Slab Fill

19. New Feature! Beam Tabulated Report is now available. For more information, refer
to User Manual > Parameter > Reporting > Beam Tabulated Report . Open Report from the
tab below for each Beam.

20. Beam Stiffness Increment parameter is now removed. All projects will run without any
beam stiffness adjustment in the latest release.

21. New Feature! Application and Projects based setting now both can be import and
export. For more information, refer toUser Manual > Parameters > Project.

22. New Feature! Grid Marks Elbow. User can now set the grid marks to have elbow
with user defined length.

23. New Feature! Hide All Grids: To hide all the gridlines on the keyplan in the project.
Refer to User Manual > Main Menu > Input > Gridfor more information.

24. New Feature! Beam Cut Section can be grouped. ReferUser Manual -> Parameters
-> Detailing -> Beam -> Cut Section -> Cut Section Groupingfor more information.

25. Adoption of BS8110 Part 1 Clause in beam design.

26. New Feature! Upper Column in Subframe. Users now have the option whether to
include or exclude upper column in the 2D sub-frame analysis. For more information, refer

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

to User Manual > Parameters > 2D Analysis.

8.0.549.0 Net 2 (28 Oct 2011)

1. Column plan-based detailing: Steel percentage provided for columns can now be shown in
the Column Detailing -> Plan-based Detailing.

2. Total Number of Pile points is now being displayed on pile detailing with the control of the
parameter in Project Parameter > Detailing > Foundation > Pile > Others > Show Pile
Point Counts > True.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

3. Slab Result. The Full Report and Summary Report for individual columns' Punching
Shear checking are now available in Design Result -> Slab. The punching shear checking
is available for projects having either flat slab columns or columns sitting on transfer
slabs. Refer to User Manual -> Design Results -> Slab -> "Punching Shear Checking
Report" for more information.

4. A minimum diameter of 12mm is now compulsory for columns longitudinal reinforcement

in accordance to BS8110:1997 Clause

5. New Feature! Texture and Hatch Pattern for Brickwalls. User can now select
different appearance for bricks to help user to identify different brick types in 3D model
and plan view. The parameter is available underProject Parameter > Material > Brick

6. New Feature! Typical Column Elevation Detailing. User can now select to include
typical column elevation detailing. The parameter is available under
Project Parameter >
Detailing > Column

7. New Feature! Beam Title Block. User can now load title block drawing into Multiple
Beam Detailing and all the beams selected will be arranged automatically. For more
information, refer to User Manual > Main Menu > Design Results > Multiple Beam > Beam
Title Block

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

8. New Feature! Pre-Analysis Report. Before analysis the building User can ensure
that Parameters, Load Combinations, Storey Loads and Materials have been correctly
defined. For more information, refer toUser Manual > Verification > Pre-Analysis Report

9. New Feature! Slab Opening Detail. User can now obtain Slab Opening Details. For
more information, refer to User Manual > Main Menu -> Input -> Slab -> Rectangular

10. New Feature! Shear in Columns. Column will not design to Shear and Torsion
when M/N value fulfill requirement in Part 1 Clause for all load Cases. For more
information, refer to Technical Documentation -> Shears in Columns.

11. New Feature! New parameter for Quantity Take Off (QS) in Project Parameter >
Quantity Take Off. User can now define steel density and foundation lean concrete
thickness for QS calculation.

12. Foundation excavation calculation is now based on column/wall stump height. Previous
calculation is based on stump height of 500mm.

13. New Feature! Generate Column Marks , previously column marks are assigned
during column design. Now, user can generate c olumn marks during input. For more
information, refer to User Manual > Main Menu > Input > Column > Generate Column

14. New Feature! Input Roof Slab (i.e. slab with 0 thickness). User can now input Roof
Slab and assign Load Distribution direction in X-Dir, Y-Dir or Both. For more information,
refer to User Manual > Object Properties > Slab > Customised Slab .

8.0.488.0 Net 2 (2
5 J uly 2011)

1. New Feature! Feature to generate point loads on multiple columns now available.
The command is available through the Column Input's right-click context menu. Refer to
the User Manual -> Main Menu -> Input -> Column -> Context Menu for more

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

2. New Feature! User may now check for any latest updates for Esteem 8 General
Release through Help menu -> Check Updates. This link will direct user to the Download
page for "Esteem 8 Software Updates".

3. New Feature! Minimum Number of Piles can now be applied individually for
Column Pile Foundation in the Object Viewer.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

4. New Feature! Show All Grids: To show all the gridlines on the keyplan in the
project, including all the hidden gridlines. Refer to User Manual -> Main Menu -> Input ->
"Grid" for more information.

5. New Feature! Archi Import Auto Locate Feature: Auto generate region for element
that cannot be import due to short of grid intersection as reference point. Refer to User
Manual -> Main Menu -> View -> Architectural Drawing -> Import -> Parameter(Drawing
Import) -> Grid -> Grid Region -> Auto Locate.

6. Show Floor Level : To show stump and floor level in Pile and Pad Footing Section
Detailing. Refer to User Manual -> Main Menu -> Parameters -> Project -> Detailing ->
Foundation -> Pad -> Section Detailing and User Manual -> Main Menu -> Parameters ->
Project -> Detailing -> Foundation -> Pile -> Section Detailing under "Show Floor Plan"
and "Stump Height" for more information.

7. New Feature! Column mark will now be locked after first batch process. User may

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

rearrange column mark using Rearrange Column Marks function. Input -> Column ->
Column Rearrange.

8. New Feature! Column clear height computation can now be based on Clear
Distance between End Restraints. To turn on, change Project Parameter -> Design ->
Column -> Column Clear Height from Clear Floor Height to Clear Distance between End
Restraints. For more information, refer to User Manual -> Parameters -> Design ->
Column -> Column Clear Height.

9. Curved beam intersecting with existing beam will now be able to input. User may need to
convert it to straight beam segments in order to pass project integrity check.

8.0.385.0 Net 2 (30 March 2011)

1. Further improvement in the detection of restraint elements to the wall in the calculation
for wall effective height. Refer to Technical Documentation -> Wall -> Wall Effective
Height for more information.

2. Updates on column input on raft. Refer to Technical Documentation -> Raft for more

3. User now has the option to specify the parameter for Coefficient of Moment of Inertia for
all element types; slab, beam, column and wall. Refer to User Manual -> Main Menu ->
Parameters -> Analysis Setting -> Coefficient of Moment of Inertia.

4. Floor selection for drop down list is added for Search Element function. Refer to User
Manual -> Main Menu -> View -> Search Element.

5. Parameter in 2D Analysis -> T-Beam Effect has been removed. This will be applied to any

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

new project created in the latest release.

6. Modification of Column Result Diagram control panel to show bottom floor 2D results.
Refer to User Manual -> Main Menu -> Design Result -> Column -> Result Diagram for
more information.


7. Grid properties' Begin Extension and End Extension have been hidden. User may continue

to use the Extend Grid or Trim Grid icon from Grid Input to extend or trim a

8. Icon for Object Snap Setting now available. Refer to User Manual -> Tools -> Snap
© Esteem Innovation, 2013

Settings for more information.

9. Column that is not stump and not supported by any element will now pass verification
with warning message.

10. Slanting beam marking now available. User may change slanting beam prefix in Project >
Slanting Beam Prefix. Refer to User Manual > Object Properties > Project for more

11. Column failed in link design now included in column fail report.

12. Intersecting beam point load now shown in beam loading diagram.

13. Slab brickwall can be input without 0 - 300mm limitation from another Brickwall/Load and
slab edge and brickwall length can less than 300mm if Project Parameter -> Analysis
Setting -> Slab Equivalent Nodal Load is set to TRUE.

14. Mirrored/Copied grid will be mark as the same and differentiate by apostrophe sign ('). For
example, a new grid mirrored or copied from grid A will be mark as A'. For multiple
duplications, new grids will be named as A'', A''' and so on.

15. Slanting beam result diagram now can be viewed in Elevation Result. Activate Elevation
Result command and click on any slanting beam to display result diagram for the beam.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

For more information, refer to User Manual > Main Menu > Analysis Result > Elevation

16. Subframe view elements and nodes information will be displayed in the object viewer as
an element is selected from the display by mouse click. For more information, refer to
User Manual > Main Menu > Analysis Result > 2D Contour View > Subframe view.

8.0.300 Net 2 (29 Nov 2010)

1. Alternative Deflection Check (for cantilever beam only). The program will do an alternative
deflection check (BS8110:1997 clause for cantilever beam when the cantilever
beam fails in the deflection check by using span/depth ratio (BS8110:1997 clause

2. Slab top bar detailing: Tick length for dimension has been shortened.

3. Option to turn off the label for top bar location is now available in Project Parameters ->
Detailing -> Slab -> Detailing -> Show Top Bar Location.
Slab top bar location is turned on Slab top bar location is turned off

4. The critical value of displacement can be shown in 3D Analysis by right-click> show max
node only

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

5. "Wall" will be indicated on beam detailing if beam is supported by wall

6. Detailing of pad foundation for column link will be drawn all the way up

Previous version Latest version

6. New Parameter for user to define Column Mark to be shown in exported Key Plan.
© Esteem Innovation, 2013 Net 2 (15 Nov 2010)

1. Released nodes for slab in 3D Mesh now can be displayed through right-click context
menu. For more information, refer to User Manual -> Main Menu -> Analysis Result -> 3D

Analysis Result.

2. Default color for wall mesh (in 3D Analysis Display) has been changed.

Previous version:

© Esteem Innovation, 2013 Net 2 (22 Oct 2010)

1. Batch Export for Raft Punching Shear Summary and Full Reports now available.

2. Updates in the calculation of relative stiffness for curved beams framing into columns. For
more details, refer to Technical Documentation -> Column -> Column End Conditions (Out
of plane cases) -> Curved beam framed into column.

3. User may now set the maximum relative stiffness for computation of column beta value.
For more information, refer to User Manual > Parameters > Design > Column > Maximum
Relative Stiffness

4. User may now input column across multiple floors using Advance Input . For more
information, refer to User Manual > Main Menu > Input > Column > Advance Input.

5. Slanting beam is now available in beam toolbar. For more information, refer to User
Manual > Main Menu > Input > Beam > Add Slanting Beam.

6. Option for Beam Grouping is now available. For more information, refer to User Manual >
Parameters > Project > Detailing > Beam > Grouping

7. Option for Rebar Editing now available in Design Result -> Single Beam -> Beam Rebar

8. Option to Group Column now available in Project Parameter -> Detailing -> Column ->
Grouping -> Group Column = TRUE.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

9. Column/wall sitting on a transfer slab can now be done. Refer to Technical Documentation
-> Transfer Slab for more information.

10. Tracking Changes, Tracking Records, and Compare Tracking Records are now available in
Design menu/toolbar. For more information, refer to User Manual > Main Menu > Design
> Tracking Changes.

11. New shortcut key for QS Comparison, (CTRL + E, V). For more information, refer to User
Manual > Main Menu > Design Results > Quantity Take Off > QS Comparison.

12. Beam Rebar Editing feature is now available in Design Result > Beam Rebar Editing

© Esteem Innovation, 2013 Net 2 (21 Sept 2010)

1. Option to provide top bar for pile cap is now available. For more information, refer to User
Manual -> Parameters -> Design -> Project -> Pile.

2. Slab Stiffness Adjustment by default is set to 100. For more information, please refer to
User Manual> Parameters> 2D Analysis> Slab stiffness adjustment.

3. Linetype scale factor for key plan construction drawing is now available in Project
Parameter -> Drawing -> Plan Drawing -> Linetype Scale Factor

For more information, refer to User Manual -> Parameters -> Drawing -> Linetype Scale

4. Linetype scale factor for detailing drawing is now available in Project Parameter ->
Detailing -> Linetype Scale Factor

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

For more information, refer to User Manual -> Parameters -> Detailing -> Linetype Scale
Factor. Net 2 (2
9 J uly 2010)
1. Pad footing design: Option for using single bar diameter in pad footing design now
available in Project Parameter -> Design -> Project -> Pad -> Main Reinforcement ->U se
Single Bar Diameter .

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

For more information, refer to User Manual -> Parameters -> Design -> Project -> Pad ->
"Use Single Bar Diameter".

2. Pad & Pile Section Detailing: Reinforcement strength for side bar diameter < 10 will now
automatically switch to 'R' bar. For more information, refer to User Manual -> Parameters
-> Detailing -> Foundation -> Pad and User Manual -> Parameters -> Detailing ->
Foundation -> Pile.

3. Export Wall/Column Reactions report is now available. For more information, refer to User
Manual -> Main Menu -> Analysis Result -> Wall and Column Reactions

4. Minimum Bent Length for Pin and Fix condition can be specified by user individually in
beam detailing. This feature is under Project Parameter -> Detailing -> Beam -> Bar Bent
5. Some shortcut keys have been changed as shown below:

D = Grid.
F = Beam.
G = Slab.
H = Column.
J = Wall.
N = Brickwall.
M = Elevation.
< = Move to left icon.
> = Move to right icon.

Ctrl + Shift + D - Grid.
Ctrl + Shift + G - Beam
Ctrl + Shift + H - Slab
Ctrl + Shift + J - Column
Ctrl + Shift + V - Wall
Ctrl + Shift + N - Brickwall
Ctrl + Shift + M - Elevation
Ctrl + Shift + < - Move to left.
Ctrl + Shift + > - Move to right. Net 2 (1
4 J uly 2010)
1. Beam End Option button is now available with 3 options (Auto, Pin, Fix). For more
information, refer to User Manual -> Main Menu -> Input -> Beam.
2. Shortcut key to bring up "Search Element" form now available. For more information, refer
to User Manual -> Esteem User Interface (UI) > Esteem Short Cut Keys.
3. Shortcut keys now available for full screen mode, and to toggle for grid, beam, slab,
column, wall, brickwall and elevation input. For more information, refer to User Manual >
Esteem User Interface (UI) > Esteem Short Cut Keys.

4. Boundary points of a slab area can now be shown while the slab is being selected.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

5. Measure function is now available at elevation input view. Right Click > Measure Length to
activate or deactivate the function. Net 2 (31 May 2010)

1. New Feature! Convert curved beams into straight beams: The feature helps to
convert curved beam into straight beam segments with predefined segment length. This
feature overcomes the Verification -> Plan Integrity error wherecurved beam is not
supported on columns. Previously, user has to click on the intersections one by one to
input the straight beams simulating the curved beams. For further details, refer to topic in
User Manual -> Main Menu -> Input -> "Curve Beam".

2. Input slab between curved beams fixed. As the feature "Convert to Straight Beams" above
is now available, user can input the slab in between the curved beams converted into
straight beams as shown in example below. Refer to topic in User Manual -> Main Menu
-> Input -> "Curve Beam" for further details. Net 2 (25 May 2010)

1. Wall Full Report: The column for Loading Source now included in the tabulation for wall
braced/unbraced condition.

2. New Feature! Slab support design: To skip collecting the node values within
column profile is now available. Refer to Technical Documentation ->Slab ->Design

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

3. New Feature! Strut and Tie method in transfer wall: Option for design of short
transfer wall is now available. Refer to Technical Documentation -> Wall -> Wall Detailing
-> "Not design due to short transfer wall" for further details.

4. New Feature! Punching Shear Calculator: Type "Auto" is now available to

automatically detect the column type, whether internal, edge or corner column. For
further details, refer to User Manual -> Main Menu -> Tools -> Punching Shear Calculator. Net 2 (7 April 2010)

1. 3D View: "Disable Pads and Piles" is removed from the 3D View's context menu because it
is redundant. The hiding/displaying of the pads and piles in the 3D View can be done by
floor basis. Refer to User Manual -> Main Menu -> 3D View for further details.

2. Bug in Raft Punching Shear report fixed: The lateral load results for the design moment
Mt1 and Mt2 were not tabulated correctly.
Example: Tabulation of design moments Mt1 and Mt2 for lateral load cases were not
tabulated correctly.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

Version before Net 2

Version Net 2 onwards

3. Bug in Raft Punching Shear report fixed: The results for the design shear, Vt, ultimate
shear capacity, Vcap and design effective shear, Veff were not tabulated correctly when
there is no Column Point, beneath the column sitting on
the raft foundation.
Example: The value of Vt were not captured correctly in the Raft Punching Shear Report
for column sitting on raft without a Column Point for the column on the raft floor below.

Plan View

Plan View
Version before Net 2

Version Net 2 onwards

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

4. Indication of beam section support number when slab failed in flexural design of slab top
bar. For further details, refer to User Manual -> Main Menu -> Design Results -> Failed

5. Indication of Load Case of the occurrence of the node with large displacement in 2D
Subframe View. Previously, the Load Case of occurrence is only shown in 3D Analysis
Display. For further details, refer to User Manual -> Main Menu -> Analysis Result -> 2D
Contour View -> Subframe View. Net 2 (22 March 2010)

New Feature s!
1. Converting EsteemPlus project to Esteem8: The 'Beam drop with slab' feature in
EsteemPlus is converted to Esteem8 by setting the beam's drop to the touching slab's
drop. For more details, refer to User Manual > Main Menu > Import > Beam Drop with


2. Parameter to control the minimum steel percentage for fabric in the transverse direction
now available. User is now able to control the minimum percentage of rectangle fabric
reinforcement (for Type B) in the transverse direction. Previously, the fabric reinforcement
was mainly based on the Minimum Steel Percentage, %. For further details, refer to User
Manual > Paramters > Design > Floor > Slab.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

3. Identical beam marks in projects imported from Esteem Plus to Esteem 8. Since Esteem 8
does not allow identical beam marks as in Esteem Plus, the program will automatically add
a combination of character '*Serial Number' to those beams with identical beam mark
during import from Esteem Plus into Esteem 8. For further details, refer to User Manual >
Transitioning from Esteem Plus > Identical Beam Mark.

4. 'Delete Element' icon has been updated as shown in figure below. Previously the 'Delete
Element' icon was represented by 'X' icon.

Latest version

5. 3D analysis results from Stage Construction now available in Single Beam > Results
Diagram. The analysis results can be obtained from the 3D Frame Analysis when Stage
Construction = TRUE. For further details, refer to User Manual > Main Menu > Design
Result > Single Beam > Result Diagram.

6. Warning message for columns that failed due to no restraint and thus subjected to large
beta value and applied moment. Previously there was no message indicating the reason of
the large applied moment. This warning message is included in the "Full Report" and list
of "Failed Elements". Refer to User Manual > Main Menu > Design Results > Failed
Elements for further details.
Mx and My is taken with respect to the geometrical centroid of the column
Applied Axial Load = 208.8 kN

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

Applied Bending Moment about X-X Axis = 217.3 kNm

AppliedBending Moment about Y-Y Axis = 1.8E+308 kNm
Bending moment due to effect of slenderness is excessive because there is no restraint at x or y axis of the column Net 2 (23 Feb 2010)

New Feature s!
1. The "Table of Contents" for ALL textual reports such as Full Report, Summary Report,
Loading Report, etc. are now available for easy browsing. The list in the "Table of
Contents" will automatically help user to browse through the report of that particular
element by clicking on the topic in the list. For further details, refer to User Manual > Main
Menu > Design Results > Single Beam.

2. Steel Area Required for slab detailing can be shown on plan. Please refer to User Manual>
Parameters> Detailing> Slab.

3. Slab cut section on plan can be shown in different direction. Please refer to User Manual>
Parameters> Detailing> Slab> Cut Section On Plan

4. Design of elements using 2D Analysis results is not allowed if there is any transfer
element exists in the project. Therefore, user is informed initially by disabling Batch
Process Plan (2D) > ALL element design. Previously, user is only informed after 2D
Analysis is completed. Refer to User Manual > Main Menu > Analysis > "Batch Process"
topic for further details.

5. Feature to measure angles on display is now available on the right-click context menu of
the display. Refer to User Manual > View > Architectural Drawing > "Open a View" for
further details.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

6. Size of cover that drawn for slab detailing can be defined by user without following the
real cover setting. Refer to User Manual> Parameters> Detailing> Slab for further details.

7. Improvement of Auto-Fix feature to automatically solve Large Displacement nodes

especially for cantilever beam sections PINNED at support. Refer to User Manual > Main
Menu > Verification > Auto-Fix Changes for further details.

8. In addition of Staged Construction, both 3D Non-Staged Construction and Staged

Construction analysis results for regions above wall opening are included in Wall Detailing
> Full Report.
o 3D Non-Staged Construction analysis results:

o 3D Staged Construction analysis results:

9. Option either to use Transfer Beam's Staged Construction or Full Non-Staged Construction
3D Analysis result is now available in Project Parameter > 3D Analysis > Stage
Construction > Transfer Beam = TRUE/FALSE. Refer to User Manual > Parameters > 3D
Analysis > Stage Construction > "Transfer Beam" for further details.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

10. The row of inner ties in column reinforcement schedule can now be toggled On/Off
through a new parameter called "Show Inner Ties" in Project Parameter > Detailing >
Column > "Show Inner Ties" = True/False. For further details, refer to topic in User
Manual > Parameters > Detailing > Column.

11. The 2D unfactored dead load and live load is now available in Design Result for beam. The
result is shown in Design Results > Single Beam > Beam Result > Result Diagram tab. In
the Result form, choose 2D Plan Analysis and 2D Raw Result: Dead Load or Live Load.

12. Parameter to control beam end release condition updated. The beam end release setting
for beam ends sitting on another beam is now controlled by another parameter in Project
Parameter > Analysis Setting > "Beam End Release Beam". Previously, beam end sitting
on another beam is controlled by Beam End Release at Support. For further details, refer
to topic in User Manual > Main Menu > Input > Beam > "Beam End Condition".

© Esteem Innovation, 2013 Net 2 (4 Jan 2010)

1. Raft Punching Shear report for raft foundation. The raft punching shear report is available
in Design Result > Raft Punching Shear menu.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

2. Indication of both Outer Ties and Inner Ties in column reinforcement. The reinforcement
for Outer Ties and Inner Ties are now shown in Column Reinforcement Schedule and Plan
Based Detailing.
Column Reinforcement Schedule P lan Based Detailing

3. Implementation of Raft Foundation. For more information on the implementation, refer to

Technical Documentation > Raft.

4. Customized Support condition for individual stump now available. Refer to User Manual >
© Esteem Innovation, 2013

Object Properties > Column > Stump Properties for further details.

5. Transfer wall with opening and transfer wall without side support will be marked as Not
Designed. Refer to User Manual > Design > Design Wall > Strut and Tie Method for
further details.

6. Bug where the column reduction factor was not updated in the analysis and causing the
column to fail in the analysis is now fixed. (fixed in version 7.6.71. C Net 2.0 onwards).
Meaning, unbraced slender columns which failed previously in analysis will now pass
because it is now able to update the reduction factor used in reducing the moment in the
analysis. Refer for summary of "Design/Analysis Result and Status" below for comparison.
Previous Relea se
Design / Anal ysis Result and Status
No Process FCap FApplied MyApplied MzApplied Status FailMode
1 Analysis 14443.6 15799.7 316.0 3823.5 Fail Capacity
2 Analysis 9.5 9.5 105.7 2.3 Pass None
3 Design 18590.2 15984.5 111.2 1925.8 Pass None
4 Analysis 5903.5 141.5 111.2 34.2 Pass None
5 Analysis 13433.0 10796.0 -1214.0 2612.6 Pass None

Latest Relea se C Net 2.0 onw ards

Design / Anal ysis Result and Status

No Process FCap FApplied MyApplied MzApplied Status FailMode
1 Design 18502.3 15799.7 101.1 1944.5 Pass None
2 Analysis 434.1 9.5 101.1 2.3 Pass None
3 Analysis 18590.2 15984.5 111.2 1925.8 Pass None
4 Analysis 5903.5 141.5 111.2 34.2 Pass None
5 Analysis 14672.5 10796.0 -1214.0 2085.6 Pass None

7. Column Design Full Report: Indication of short or slender column. Another column is now
added in the tabulation of "Selection of Moment for Design and Analysis" to indicate
whether the column is short or slender for every load case.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013


Selection of Moment for Design and Analysis

My Mz
2D/3D NeMin Mi Madd Selected Slender 2D/3D NeMin Mi Madd Selected Slender
1 101.1 - - - 101.1 No 0.0 316.0 0.0 1944.5 1944.5 Yes
2 101.1 - - - 101.1 No 0.0 0.2 0.0 2.3 2.3 Yes
3 111.2 - - - 111.2 No 0.0 319.7 0.0 1925.8 1925.8 Yes
4 111.2 - - - 111.2 No 0.0 2.8 0.0 34.2 34.2 Yes
5 -1214.0 - - - -1214.0 No 0.0 215.9 0.0 2085.6 2085.6 Yes
2D/3D - Moment values obtained from 2D/3D analysis process, kNm
NeMin - Moment due to minimum eccentricity x design ultimate axial load, kNm
Mi - Initial moment at the point of maximum additional moment, kNm
Madd - Additional Moment induced by deflection, kNm
Selected - Selected moment based on greater of 2D/3D, NeMin and Mi + Madd, kNm

7.6.115. 0 C. Net 2 (20 Nov 2009)

1. Bug when not able to detect two loop link in Quantity Take Off for column solved.
2. Columns at wall end detailing. The end bars are anchored fully into the columns.
Previously, the end bars were not anchored into the columns.

3. Beam detailing. Tension lap will be used when there is a sagging moment at the support.
The 2D Full Moment will be used to decide whether tension or compression lap is used. For
more details, go to Technical Documentation > Beam > Detailing > "Use tension bar
lapping for sagging moment at support".

4. 2D Contour View. The contour values will be displayed when moving mouse along the

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

5. Input General Variation Load on top of RC Wall now available. For further details, refer to
User Manual > Input > Wall > General Variation Load.
6. 3D Wall Contour. Arrow of Principal Stress Max, Pmax and Principal Stress Minimum, Pmin
has been removed to avoid confusing direction of thestress paths. v7.6.83.0 Net 2.0

7. Individual setting for potential couple beam to be meshed as area (shell element)is now
available in Object Viewer > Beam > 3D Analysis > Use Deep Beam Mesh> True. This
parameter will overwrite the global parameter in Project Parameter > 3D Analysis >
Couple Beam Depth. For further details, refer to User Manual > Object Properties > Beam

> 3D Analysis > Use Deep Beam Mesh.

8. The static secant modulus of elasticity of concrete, Ec can be defined manually or
automatically from the Characteristic strength of concrete, fcu. Previously, the Ec cannot
be defined manually.
9. 3D Wall Contour Cut : Cut section for wall contour can be done which previously cannot.
Refer User Manual < Main Menu < Analysis Result < 3D Analysis Result < 3D Wall Contour
< 3D Wall Contour Cut.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

10. Grid Input UI : The sign of distance in Y-direction has been reversed. For further detail,
refer User Manual < Main Menu < Input < Add Grid.

11. Prevent multi-instance users opening a single license of Esteem7. User is no longer
allowed to open more than one Esteem7 application simultaneously. Therefore only ONE
application is allowed to be opened at once.

12. Improvement of wall opening couple beam cut section detailing.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

13. Change in curve slab top bar detailing. The top bar over the support is extended to the

curve slab.
detailing in Previously, top area.
the curve slab bar is also provided in the curve slab, causing congested
Curve slab top bar detailing

14. Enhancement of Material and Design Data in reports for every element slab, beam,
column, wall, pad and pile by including the value of Static Secant Modulus of Elasticity of
Concrete, Ec (N/mm2)

Codeo f Practice fcu( N/mm²) Ec,( N/mm²) fy( N/mm²) γc γs

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

: 25 22454 460 1.5 1.05

Cover( mm) Conc.U nitW eight( kN/m³) SteelU nitW eight( kg/m³)
25 24 7860

15. Wide Couple Beam meshing: Meshing of couple beam with more than one row of mesh.

16. Only Single line for the edge of the link indication if turn to False in Project Parameter>
Detailing> Beam> Shear and Stirrup

17. Enhancement of Column design Full Report for clearer presentation to user.
Selection of Moment for Design and Analysis
My Mz
No Selecte Sele
2D/3D NeMin Mi Madd 2D/3D NeMin Mi Madd
d cted
1 0.1 0.2 0.0 2.2 2.3 0.5 0.3 0.1 1.1 1.2
2 0.1 0.1 0.0 1.4 1.5 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.7 0.8
3 -0.1 0.4 0.0 6.0 6.0 -0.2 0.9 0.1 3.0 3.1
4 -0.1 0.3 0.0 4.1 4.2 -0.2 0.6 0.1 2.1 2.2

18. The titles for 2D and 3D Contour View is shortened to DIS, Mx, My, etc.

19. Beam top bar detailing: Tension lap is used for top bar detailing (where there are hogging
moments). Previously, compression lap was used for top bar since the lapping is located at
the point of change of moment sign.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

20. Enhancement of slab Analysis Report. The maximum values are highlighted in the
tabulation of node values from the 2D Contour View. The location of the node values are
also referred to as according to either Sagging or Hogging moments (which are not
located on boundary of the slab region).
Analysis values (Sagging) of region (all nodes)
Moment X Local Maximum = 4.68 kNm
Moment Y Local Maximum = 7.55 kNm
Shear Force X Local Maximum = 0.00 kN
Shear Force Y Local Maximum = 0.00 kN
Displacement Maximum = 1.184 mm

Moment X values
Maximum not on boundary
= -3.75 kNm of region
Moment Y Local Maximum = -15.91 kNm
Shear Force X Local Maximum = 0.00 kN
Shear Force Y Local Maximum = 0.00 kN
Refer to Right-Click menu on a Slab Panel > View Analysis Report to view the

21. Checking of column slenderness about respective axis as per Clause and in
BS8110: 1997 now included in Column Detailing > Full Report. However, in previous
version the column would still fail Automatically due to huge slenderness moment applied.
The comparison is shown below:
version before Net 2.0
Slenderness Calculation About Y-Y Axis
Column Clear Length, lo = 7510.0 mm
Lateral Force, V = 0, Use Stability Index Q = 0 for Gravity Load
The Element is Braced
Relative Stiffness at Top of Element, αTop = 0.000
Relative Stiffness at Bottom of Element, αBot = 1.000
β1 = 0.7 + 0.05 × (αTop + αBot) = 0.75
β2 = 0.85 + 0.05 × Min ( αTop, αBot) = 0.85
β = Min (β1, β2) = 0.75 < 1.0
Effective Length = leff = β × lo = 5632.5 mm
leff / H = 5632.5 / 125.0 = 45.1 >= 15
The Column Is Slender About Y-Y Axis

Deflection of column under ultimate condition, au = βa × Kyy × Hyy

Iyy = 36621093.8 mm^4
ryy = √ (Iyy / Ac) = √(36621093.8 / 28125.0) = 36.1 mm
βa = (leff / ryy)² / 24000 = (5632.5 / 36.1)² / 24000 = 1.02

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

Initial Kyy value = 1.0

Eccentricity, eMin = H / 20 = 125.0 / 20 = 6.3 mm ≤ 20 mm
Design Failed

Design Process Failed.

Capacity of section insufficient!
√ (As Required / As Provided) Ratio, K from last iteration =

version 7.6.54. 0 Net 2.0 onw ards

Slenderness Calculation About Y-Y Axis
Column Clear Length, lo = 7510.0 mm
Lateral Force, V = 0, Use Stability Index Q = 0 for Gravity Load
The Element is Braced
Relative Stiffness at Top of Element, αTop = 0.000
Relative Stiffness at Bottom of Element, αBot = 1.000
β1 = 0.7 + 0.05 × (αTop + αBot) = 0.75
β2 = 0.85 + 0.05 × Min ( αTop, αBot) = 0.85
β = Min (β1, β2) = 0.75 < 1.0
Effective Length = leff = β × lo = 5632.5 mm
leff / H = 5632.5 / 125.0 = 45.1 >= 15
The Column Is Slender About Y-Y Axis

Deflection of column under ultimate condition, au = βa × Kyy × Hyy

Iyy = 36621093.8 mm^4
ryy = √ (Iyy / Ac) = √(36621093.8 / 28125.0) = 36.1 mm
βa = (leff / ryy)² / 24000 = (5632.5 / 36.1)² / 24000 = 1.02
Clause Slenderness limits for columns
lo / Min(b, h) = 7510 / 125 = 60.1 > 60
Slenderness Limit is exceeded
Initial Kyy value = 1.0
Eccentricity, eMin = H / 20 = 125.0 / 20 = 6.3 mm ≤ 20 mm
Design Failed

Design Process Failed.

Capacity of section insufficient!
Slenderness limit by code of practice exceeded
√ (As Required / As Provided) Ratio, K from last iteration =

22. Warning : Any version before for the transfer wall(Not whole length
of wall) sitting on the intersecting beam does not plot the Shear and Moment diagram
correctly. It will cause the shear force and moment which is taken in the 3D analysis
might be not correct.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

However, it Doesn't Affect the wall which is in full length(With Continuous Shear Wall) that
sitting at the intersecting beam .Only the wall(With Breaking Shear Wall) sitting at the
intersecting beam, the shear force and moment diagram are interpreted wrongly.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

With 3D shear force and moment diagram on beam 6F63 (Correct)

Shear Wall

With 3D shear force and moment diagram on beam 6F63 (Wrong)

Shear Wall

You can study the example "Transfer shear wall at intersecting beam ( With Breaking Shear
Wall) & Transfer shear wall at intersecting beam (With Continuous Shear Wall)" provided in
the installation CD under sub-folder "\Projects " for clarity.
Open the project. Batch run 2D and 3D analysis with beam design. Observe the shear force
and moment from Design Result> Single Beam> 6F63> Result Diagram> 3D Frame Analysis

23. Re-arranged the location of 'Add Point Load on Column' icon for clarity and consistent with

Wall Point Load input.

24. Allowable Percentage is available in Project Parameter> Design> Project> Pile to let user
to set the percentage whether to allow the large footing is designed which the self-weight
itself can cater for tension situation. Please refer to docum entation in UserManual> Main
© Esteem Innovation, 2013

Menu> Design> Pile Footing> Allowable Percentage.

25. User can choose either envelope moment or most critical case moment to run the Pile
Design. Please refer to documentation in UserManual> Main Menu> Design> Pile Footing>
To Use Envelope Moment Run Pile Design

26. User can choose either envelope moment or most critical case m oment to run the Pad
Design. Please refer to documentation in UserManual> Main Menu> Design> Pad Footing>
To Use Envelope Moment Run Pad Design

27. Indication of moment in Pad Footing when there is moment.

28. Column offset and column marks are now shown in foundation detailing. Column marks
will only be shown after Column Design is done.

29. Auto-connect beams. Implemented for beams that are being input ONLY along the same
gridlines in section but not as a whole beam. Refer to User Manual > Main Menu > Input >
Beam > Merge for further details.

30. Improved integrity checking when new Grid Region is added at the same point of an
existing Region. This is to avoid overlapping regions.

31. Bug in beam stirrup detailing for small beam section near support face fixed (inaccurate
distance for link placement which was taken from centre of support).

32. Enhancement on Beam Detailing. Grid Circle and Grid Line are separate entities. Link and
Link Range Line are separate entities.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

33. Grid Mark and Grid Circle to be separate entity. User can view this new layer in Project
Parameter > Drawing > Layer Settings C .Net 2 (3 Sept 2009)

1. Shear and Torsion Design Calculation for beam: Tension steel area provided now shown in
Full Report.
Tension Steel Area Provided = 603 mm²
- Table 3.8: Values of νc, design concrete shear stress
Steel Percentage, 100 × As / (bv × d) = 0.361 % < 3.0 %

2. Wind Load Input Comply to CP65 is now available. Please refer to User Manual > Main
Menu > Input > Lateral Load > Wind Load Value and Technical Documentation > Loading
> Wind Loading > Wind Load Input Comply to CP65 for further details.

3. Report enhancement for beam called Summary Report is added in the batch export.

4. When Free Node Check is TRUE and click to Generate Mesh, a warning message will pop
up to notify user the number of free nodes found in the mesh. Previously no warning
message pop up to notify user.

5. Input range for Multiple Grid Input distance is now increased to -50000mm to 50000mm.
Previously input range was only from -10000mm to 10000mm.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

6. Vertical help line in Elevation Input to help user align the wall opening precisely

7. To show the slab cut in the key plan. Set True for Slab Cut in Project Parameter> Drawing

8. Beam detailing span cut. The parameter for beam detailing span cut is now available in:
Project Parameter > Detailing > Beam > Span Cut. Refer to User Manual > Parameter >
Detailing > Beam > Span Cut for further details.
Beam detailing before Span Cut

Beam detailing after Span Cut

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

9. Wall design: Indication of steel percentage in calculation for both Full Report and
Summary Report.
Full Report
Sub-Panel Applied Axial Force, F = 138.6 kN
Sub-Panel Axial Force Capacity, FCap = 15142.6 kN

Sub-Panel Applied Moment About X-X Axis, Mx = 0.0 kNm

Sub-Panel Moment Capacity Abou t X-X Axis, MxCap = 0.0 kNm

Sub-Panel Applied Moment Abou t Y-Y Axis, My = 0.0 kNm

Sub-Panel Moment Capacit y About Y -YAxis, MyCap = 0.0 kNm

Wall Sub-Panel Analysis/Design Passed

Vertical Reinforcement Provided: 36T12-1-275 (0.41%)

Summary Report
Wall Design Summary Table
Floor CoreID Panel Sub-Panel V-Rebars H-Rebars Status Remark
Sub Panel 1 36T12-1-27 2X
gb 1 1 1/A-B Pass -
(Reg. 1) 5 (0.41%) 10T10-300

10. Default Legend text size for 2D Contours and 3D Contours are now enlarged.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

11. Allowable range for column and RC Wall stump height is between 500mm to 30000mm.
Previously no maximum limit for the c olumn and RC Wall stump height.

12. New specification for the distribution of Torsion Longitudinal perimeter bar. Refer to topic
in Technical Documentation > Code of Practice > BS8110: 1985 only > Distribution of
Torsion Longitudinal Perimeter Bar for the details and example.

13. New Feature! Slab thickness indication in Floor Keyplan and Slab Detailing. The
slab thickness shown on floor keyplan is now only the one which is different from the
U.N.O (Unless Noted Otherwise). Refer to User Manual > Object Properties > Plan for
further details.
FloorK eyP lan Slabbottom/ topdetailing

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

14. Bug in Slab Cut Section detailing for internal panel now fixed (slab cut for internal panel
shows slab is discontinuous although slab is continuous).

15. Now when user set Beta value for column manually through Object Viewer, the default
value will be 1.0. Previously the default value is zero (0). With this new setting, it will
always return to the default value 1.0 whenever the value entered is not within the range

16. New Feature! Tracing an architectural drawing: With this new feature, two
drawings can now be viewed on a keyplan.
Eg: To do Tracing based on the current floor, upper floor or bottom floor for comparison.

17. Enhancement in Multiple Architectural Drawing import. Now Incremental Import for Grid is
applicable for addition of new grids on an amended drawing. Refer to User Manual > Main
Menu > View > Architectural Drawing > Import > Multiple Import of Architectural Drawing
for further details.

18. Default setting for Beam End Release Support is now Pinned. If any large displacement
issue arises, the auto-fixing of the large displacements can now be overcome by using the
Auto-Fix feature.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

19. New Feature! Floor name now shown in: a) Keyplan (input display), b) Slab top
and bottom bar detailing.

20. New Feature! Showing of upper and lower beams, slabs, brickwalls and walls from

upper and
Objects lower
from floor
Upper now and
Floor" available!
"ShowRefer to User
Objects from Manual > Mainfor
Lower Floor" Menu > View
feature > "Show

21. Correction in the Characteristic Strength used for stirrup bar in Shear and Torsion
Reinforcement for beam design when using smallest bar, R.
Now whenever the link bar diameter is using the smallest bar, R, it will use the
Characteristic Strength of Stirrup bar specified in:
o Parameter > Design > Special Design > Characteristic Strength of Stirrup Bar,
regardless of the parameter "Maximum Beam Width".

22. New Feature! Shortcut keys to toggle element marks now available in "Beam
Results" mode! By default, now only the beam markings are shown to avoid congested
plan display of "Beam Results" mode. Other element marks can be turned on when needed
using their respective shortcut keys.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

23. New Feature! Auto detects the common source of problems for large displacement
issue through Auto-Fix!
Refer to topic in User Manual > Verification > Auto-Fix Changes for more details.

24. New Feature! Applied loadings on beams are now shown on keyplan!

25. Warning : Bug of discrepancy between slab top bar detailing and detail
calculation in Full Report in version before C Net 2.0.
Refer to example of top bar detailing for slab FS29 below:

o In slab detailing, no "Design Fail" warning shown

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

o But in Full Report and Failed Element list, the slab actually "Failed in Flexural
Design of Slab Top Bar for Slab".

FEM Slab Analysis Result for Support 254

Design Bending Moment from FEM Analysis = -61.47 kNm/m
Unfactored Displacement from FEM Analysis = 0.1632 mm

Design Calculation for Support 254

RC Wall Mark = LC0: Bi/7a1G-6a
Slab/Sub-Slab Mark = FS29:1
Thickness of Slab = 150 mm

Average Concrete Stress above Neutral Ax is, k1 = 0.40 × 30.0 = 12.12 N/mm²
Concrete Lever Arm Factor, k2 = 0.4518
Limiting Effective Depth Factor, cb = 0.50
Limiting Concrete Moment Capacity Factor, kk1 = cb × k1 × (1 - cb × k2)
= 0.50 × 12.12 × (1 - 0.50 × 0.4518) = 4.691N/mm²
k2 / k1 Factor, kkk = 0.037

Mu / bd² = 61.5 × 1000000 / (1000.0 × 109.0²) = 5.174 N/mm²

Mu / bd² = 5.174 > 4.691

Design for singly reinforced failed and cannot design as doubly reinforced
Design Failed, not able to provide reinforcement

26. The Out of Memory message will notify user when the project is running out of memory.
Refer to FAQ > Error Message > Out of Memory, for further details.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

27. Now, there is an error message to notify user if wrongly defined brickwall height (where
new minimum height should be 100mm, in milimeter). Previously when user mistakenly
assume that the input value is in meter (say, 5m height brickwall. User might input 5
instead of 5000), no error message is shown to notify user.

28. The below model will show Free Node after analysis due toAlternative Model in Project
Parameter been turned to TRU E ( Fo r Es te em 7.5 .1 60 be lo w ) .

However the problem is solved inEstee m 7.5.160

29. For short beams not connected to slab, now the midpoint is created to get the exact
midspan moment. For example:

P revious version Current version

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

30. Notify user the governing minimum torsion link spacing as specified by the code without
failing in torsion design.
Previous version

Current version

31. Now, the diagonal grid can be copied either to the floor below or floor above.

32. Rotation of Main Grids in every Regions are now not allowed. Thus all the Main Grids in
Regions must be in 90 degrees.

33. Enhancement in beam detailing. Reduce numbers of lapping at the bottom layer of
reinforcement. If the bar size is the same, the bar will be pulled over without lapping.
Previous version

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

Current version

34. Enhancement in beam detailing. The grid line and lapping lengths are now more compact.
The cut sections are shifted away from the labels to avoid overlapping layers.

Previous version

Current version

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

35. Auto locking of beam intersections in the verification checking.

Previously the beams ends with such configuration would cause an error message for user
to check and modify their model manually as shown below.

36. When the foundation failed in design due to uplift force, user needs to refer to Footing
Design Loading Table in Full Report to identify uplift force himself.

37. Additional statement is now shown for the design that governs the link spacing provided
as shown below in Beam Result > Full Report > Shear and Torsion Design Calculation.
by Statement

Buckling check Shear Reinforcement Provided : T10-125 (Link spacing is governed by buckling check)
Maximum spacing Shear Reinforcement Provided: T10-250 (Link spacing is governed by user setting)
defined by user

Torsion Shear And Torsion Reinforcement Provided : T10-175 (Link spacing is governed by
reinforcement torsion)

38. New Feature! Flush brickwall to the left, right or centre of beam is now available!
Refer to User Manual > Main Menu > Input > Brickwall for more details.

39. Hardlock properties can now be viewed through Help Menu > Hardlock Properties.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

40. Improved Beam Result Diagram form: All-in-one screen:

41. Lapping and anchorage for side bar

42. Rebar spacing warning in Beam Full Report can now be turned On/Off in Parameter >
Detailing > General > Rebar Spacing Warning.
Warning, Top spacing between steel bars is insufficient, minimum clear spacing required by user is 30 mm

43. Column rotation can now be snapped to a gridline. Refer to topic in User Manual > Main

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

Menu > Input > Column > Column Rotate.

44. Wall effective height calculation: Consideration of transverse beam and transverse wall.
The stiffness of each restraint element at the top and bottom of wall zone are tabulated
accordingly. Refer to examples provided under topic "Wall Effective Height" in Technical
Slenderness Result
Wall Clear Height, lo = 6600 mm
Top Element Stiffness, KeTop = ∑KsTop + ∑KbTop + ∑KtwTop = 2529228.6 mm³
Bottom Element Stiffness, KeBot = ∑KsBot + ∑KbBot + ∑KtwBot = 7762500.0 mm³
Wall Stiffness, Kw = 1610795.5 mm³

Restraint Elements at the top part of wall zone

Elememt Length L,
No. Mark Width a, mm Depth b, mm Angle α, ° K
Type mm
1 Slab FS1:1 3150 115 3000 90.0 798459
2 Beam 2B1(125x600)-1 125 600 7800 90.0 1730769
K = 0 when the element is skipped from computation of restrain condition, please refer to the technical documentation
K = |Sin α| × [a × b³ / (2 × L)]

Restraint Elements at the bottom part of wall zone

Elememt Length L,
No. Mark Width a, mm Depth b, mm Angle α, ° K
Type mm
1 Beam GB6(200x600)-1 200 600 3000 90.0 7200000
2 Beam GB37(125x300)-1 125 300 3000 90.0 562500
K = 0 when the element is skipped from computation of restrain condition, please refer to the technical documentation
K = |Sin α| × [a × b³ / (2 × L)]

45. Enhancement in rc wall reporting: Wall short/slender condition tabulation.

46. Wall is designed for gravity and lateral loading cases. Thus not able to determine in which
load case does the wall is in tension or compression. To solve this problem, the area of
reinforcement used in shear design for wall will now use 0.15% which is more
conservative for all the loading cases (version7.5.96.0 onwards).

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

47. Enhanced and more compact reporting in Wall Shear Design Checking Calculation .

48. The loading shown on pad footing detailing is the equivalent design service load,
(equivalent column load + pad footing self-weight). Please refer to User Manual > Main
Menu > Design Results > Pad Footing > Detailing for detailed explanation. C .Net 2 (11 May 2009)

1. Warning : Bug in the calculation ofK (reduction factor that corrects the
deflection to allow for the influence of axial load) fixed for wall design. The bug is more
prominent in cases of longer slender wall as additional slenderness moment is a
function of K and h (height of wall). The incorrect calculation ofK will result in a lower
slenderness moment hence rendering the wall to be under design. This bug was fixed in
version onwards.
You can study the example "Slender wall" provided in
the installation CD under sub-folder "\Projects " for clarity.
Open the project. Batch run 2D and 3D analysis with wall design.
Click "Design Report > Wall" and check on the summary report.

Wall Design Summary Table

Floor CoreID Panel Sub-Panel V-Rebars H-Rebars Status Remark
Wall Failure due to
Sub Panel 1 2X
1b 1 1 A/1-2 26T32-50 Fail inssuficient section
(Reg. 1) 23T10-250

The wall would fail in design.

If you create the same model and repeat the same steps mentioned above in version lower
than you will find that the wall will pass in design.

2. Warning : Any version before does not take into consideration the 3D
Analysis results for the shear/torsion design of beams. Critical it will cause under design in
shear/torsion of transfer wall partially sitting on transfer beam as the design of this beam
requires the 3D results which is not taken into account.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

You can study the example "Partial transfer" provided in the
installation CD under sub-folder "\Projects " for clarity.
Open the project. Batch run 2D and 3D analysis with beam design. Observe the shear force
from the "Plan Loading and Result Diagram"

2D sh ear f or ce di agr am o n b eam g b1 3D sh ear f or ce d iagr am o n b eam g b1

Open the beam design full report and check the shear & torsion design calculation.



(B:0 mm E:1500 mm from le ft grid of spa n)

Maximum Torsion within Zone, T = 19.6 kNm

Shear at Location of Maximum Torsion, V = 251.8 kN

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

The design shear of 251.8 kN is taken correctly from the 3D analysis results.

If you run the same model with a version lower than7.5.7.0 you will discover that the 2D
analysis results will be chosen hence the bug!

When the wall sits across the whole length of the beam between the column, the strut and tie
method would be employed to design the beam hence beam is deemed safe. In cases of
transfer columns the accumulation of loading from all upper floor 2D analysis are generally
more conservative than the 3D analysis results. User are advice to check and satisfy
themselves with the design results.
This bug has been fixed from version7.5.7.0 onwards.

3. Slenderness ratio of wall design is now checked against "Limits of Slenderness" (version
4. Beam mark using grid info as mark previously not shown in design report is fixed.
5. Column On Beam(COB) must now be fully supported to integrity chec k.(Figure 2 &
Figure 3 )

Figure 1 : The error message will warn user regarding the COB is not fully supported

Figure 2: The COB is Not Fully Supported

Figure 3: The COB are Fully Supported

6. Reminder : To avoid multi-grids at intersection as in example in the model

below, user gird trimming.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

This is to avoid the element locking into different nodes, to prevent inaccurate meshing. User
can trim grid lines to such an extent that it does not produce unnecessary grid nodes

(generated at intersection of grid lines) using trim gridline .

7. Continuous column (not from lowest floor) going down to foundation support condition
now strictly follows the 3D column support parameter.
8. Wall restraint information window pops up at the right click command of a wall selected.
9. Beam mark parameter "Show Dimension" default set to TRUE.
10. New ! QS Obtained from menu "Design Results > Quantity Take Off "
1.1. Quantity take off for beam reinforcement.

1.2. Quantity take off for column reinforcement.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

1.3. Incremental select possible for QS. At input menu, select elements, then right
click to Update QS . Only selected elements will be accounted for in the QS
11. New! A faster and more efficient solver has been implemented. Sample performance as
follows (vertical axis in hours).

12. Implemented wall restraint info as context right click option when a wall is selected.
13. Unfactor beam reaction now shown in beam details, "Full Report" and "Summary Report".


Current Beam Grid Mark: C
Beam Support Reactions
Support Reaction, kN
Support No. Grid Mark Support Type
DeadLoad LiveLoad
1 3A Column 12.3 3.1
2 5 Wall 22.3 5.0
3 6 Wall 5.2 0.4

14. Torsion reduction parameters default set to 99% for both 2D and 3D Analysis.
15. 3D Analysis parameter: Alternative model is now defaulted to TRUE for all new projects.
16. Node value report (Beam) can now be produced.
© Esteem Innovation, 2013

17. Dongle number is now display in the splash screen from menuHelp > About Esteem 7 .
18. General improvement in the speed of input for beam, slab and column.

19. View Beam mark setting relocated from main menuView > Beam to Proj ect Parameter
> I nput > Beam .

20. "Single mark" beam mark view option now gives you the flexibility to m ark beams. Applies
only to multi-span type view. The first span would have the beam mark with beam section
dimensions of that span while the rest of the spans with the section dimensions only.

21. Parameter: Detailing > Beam > Bar Mark > Additional Text default toTRUE. User will be
informed of torsion link design if applicable.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

© Esteem Innovation, 2013 C .Net 2 (22 Feb 2009)

New Feature s! in Esteem 7.5

1. 3D Analysis now has the option to simulate theStage Construction effects of
column/wall shortening using sequential Floor Dead Load application. See topic in user
manual "Stage Construction" under the Parameters sub-topic.
2. Design of plai n w all available. Select a wall or walls in plan and edit "Design > Wall
Type" in object viewer to opt for plain wall design.

3. Additional feature in Archi tec tural I mport/ Trac ing: Multiple import from
drawings over an existing key plan. The feature overcome the limitation of architectural
import process. Previously, user can only perform the architectural import once for each
plan. Now, this feature can be use over multiple times.
4. Option for wall detailing using fabric reinforcement.
5. Inability to detect grid line discrepancy of less than 1 mm fixed.
6. Option to select BRC as top reinforcement bar for slab hogging moment at support. This
can be done via clicking on the slab support location in the slab top detailing form and edit
the options for fabric detailing at the object viewer.
7. Identification of load case added in the large displacement list in "3D Analysis Display"

8. [2008_1127:2008_1231][$X$END_CON9]
9. Feature to Auto break a wall panel when there is an intermediate column support on the
lower floor.

Check user manual topic "Auto Break Wall" for further details.
10. Warning now provided in beam design report when the top or bottom bar spacing is
insufficient (this is checked against the minimum clear spacing is provided in the
parameter by the user). Previously, beam design will failed.
11. Enhancement to the top bar curtailment strictly follow span basis, including handle of
multiple spans with or without drops. For further details, see topic Top
" Bar detailing rules
" in the Technical Documentation.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

12. General improvement in response speed of column, beam, slab, wall, brickwall and slab in
plan input.
13. Bug in OSnap (Intersection) function fixed (inaccurate osnap position when function called
after performing first click on "Region" command).
14. Beam Detailing: Beam Side Bar Draw Full Line Parameter default to TRUE.
15. General improvement of presentation in pile cap dimension detailing.
16. Slab will not be meshed in "3D Mesh" if it is supported on two adjacent edges.

17. Upper and lower floor (new feature ) objects like columns, walls can now be both

18. Slab cuts defined in "Plan Input" and "2D Contour Display" are mutually exclusive. They
are not synchronised.
19. Wall group now has a mark such as the example below to facilitate easy identification in
the "Column / Wall Reaction" form.

20. Improvement in critical case labeling in Column Calculator design result output.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

21. Design reports are now not editable within the application.

7.0.362.0 C .Net 2 (13 Nov 2008)

1. Beam end condition "Auto" to pin the beam ends when there isno support (column or
wall) AN D when overlappi ng depth profile less than 100 mm . In situation where
there are multiple beam ends without support, one instance of the conditions mentioned
being met would result in all the beam ends at this node be pinned.

a. Beam end fixed

b. Beam end pinned

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

2. Quantity Takeoff expanded to include breakdown of slab, beam, column, RC Wall, pad
footing and pile footing.

Note: Reinforcement quantity not included.

3. General improvement on 3D Analysis Result form (incorporating results per floor for large
memory model).

4. Enhancement of cut section input in 2D Contour form

Additional features:
* Arbitrary cut section

* Incremental selection
* Window select style based on AutoCAD rules -
a) Window select from left to right - section only will be selected only if whole
section is windowed
b) Window select from right to left - section will be selected if part of the
© Esteem Innovation, 2013

section is windowed

7.0.354.0 C .Net 2 (4 Nov 2008) - interim release

1. Esteem 7 now runs under .Net 2 platform with 64-bit computing capabilities enabling it to
handle large memory model.
2. Show Beam Dimension parameter defaults to "TRUE" for all new projects.

4. Enhancement in cut section input in "2D Contour" form.

5. Tool tip will pop up when mouse moves over cut section number in 2D Contour form.

6. Parameter: Side cover (Distance (mm) from concrete surface to side bar surface) default
to 50mm. New parameter added: "Rebar to Pile" (Distance (mm) from steel bar surface to
pile cut-off surface).

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

7. If 2D mesh unstable, 2D sub frame view will pop up automatically. If 3D mesh unstable,
3D Analysis Display view will pop up automatic ally.
8. Pile schedule table sort in ascending order by Pile capacity follow by Pile nos.

9. "Large Memory" option introduced in "Plan Loading and Result View" and "3D Analysis
Display". Esteem 7 will automatically detect large memory requirement and check this
option. Checking this option enables the user to quickly view results by per floor basis.

10. Multi-intersecting beam ends without support will now be "Pinned" if the end condition is
set to "Auto". User will have option to input beams with its ends "Pinned" with the "Beam

End Option" from "Beam Input".

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

11. Distribution of nominal moments (calculated based on nominal top bar of beam) to upper
and lower column.
12. Bug in "File > Open" (Error message "Inconsistent Project State") of v337 fixed.

.Net 2 release
Installing Esteem 7 .Net 2 version
The following pre-requisites are or may be needed.

1. Micros oft Window s I nsta lle r 3.1

This may be found in the Esteem 7 installation sub-folder "Prerequisites" as a file called "
Window sI nstal ler-KB893803-v2-x86.e xe ".
If this file is missing, you can also download it from Microsoft website.

2. Vector Draw converte r .

This may be found in the Esteem 7 installation sub-folder "Prerequisites" as a file called "
vdLiteFileConverter.msi "

3. Dot Net 3.5 components.

This may be found in the Esteem 7 installation sub-folder "Prerequisites" as a file called "
dotnetfx35.exe ".

If this file is missing, you can also download it from Microsoft website

Clicking on the

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will initiate the setup process. The program will check whether the
required components above are already installed on your computer and installed them
accordingly. If this automatic process fails, installed the two components manually first from
the "Prerequisites" folder and re-do from "Setup.." process thereafter.

How do I install the eLock Driver on a 64-bit system?

The 64-b it eLo ck Dri ver Ins tal lati on Gui de

After installing Esteem 7 on a 64-bit Windows XP, the software might not be able to find the eLock and
thus cannot be started. Additional steps need to be done to resolve the problem.

1. Install Esteem 7 as usual.

2. Plug in eLock. If it is already connected to the USB port, unplug it and then plug in again.

3. You will see the following dialog. Select “Yes” and then click “Next”.

4. You see then see the following dialog. Choose “Install the software automatically” and then press

© Esteem Innovation, 2013


5. Then the system starts to search for relevant drivers on the computer. This may take a while.

6. After that you a “Hardware Installation” dialog appears. Just click “Continue Anyway” to proceed.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

7. You will come to the final dialog which indicates that the driver has been properly installed. Click
“Finish” to complete the installation process.

7.0.337.0 C .Net 1 (9 October 2008)

1. Pin Support (Column) parameter default value set to TRUE for 3D Analysis.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

2. A message will appear to non-existence of hardware lock.

3. Flexural shear check on most critical section included in foundation design report.
4. Pile coordinates based on local axis as shown in Pile Design form.15598

5. Correction done to enhanced shear capacity calculation which was halved in release
7.0.301.0 C. Additionally, pile force is based on cut off of pile profile area as illustrated in
the example below:

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

Full force of pile no. 1 and 3 is used when the cut line goes beyond 50% of the pile profile

6. "Use Torsion Perimeter Bar" Default Setting is now set to "TRUE".

7. vc (design concrete shear stress) = 0 when thetension force of beam > 0.05fcu.Ac where
Ac is the gross sectional area of the beam section.

8. Column offset dimension featured in "Column Detailing" form underPlan-Base

" Detailing"

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

9. Application of m = 1.15 when high yield steel grade greater than 499 eg. 500 N/mm
2 is
specified in the material parameter as in accordance to Amendment 3 of BS8110:Pt. 1

10. Depth of beam between joined beam section to adopt the shared depth (d) but not less
than 100mm in the design of section.

7.0.301.0 C (28 August 2008)

1. Dimension line and dimension text are now in different layer to facilitate production of
hardcopy line thickness according to colour.

2. In Pad footing detailing, the loading shown is themost critical load combination which
is used in
the design of the pad footing (see user manual topicDesign Results > Pad footing >

3. Bug in DXF/DWG files labels of detailing entities (multiple or redundant line or other
entities) resolved.
4. Slab marking for single sub-slab now appears as eg. "FS1" instead of "FS1:1".
5. General UI speed improvement due to platform optimisation.
6. Added "Analysis Info" into "Tools" on main menu.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

7. User input flange beam parameters from beam properties grid for flange beam design

8. Option to have beam section name to follow beam marking. This will have to be set from
the beam property grid of the object viewer.

9. Checking of unused gridlines: performance improvem

10. "Service Load" button added to "Pad" foundation results form called out from Project

11. Brickwall loads with similar begin and end height, UDLs and Point loads will not be deleted
when a beam with these loads applied is broken. See online help topic,Loadings
" on a
broken beam" for further details.
12. New feature in 3D Analysis. The "Alternative Model" parameter will employ a
"closed-form" beam model.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

13. New parameter introduced in Design>Floor>Beam>Shear Reinforcement, "External Loop".

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

14. New feature introduced: Compare Gridlines in Tools>Gridlines Utilities

15. Batch Export Report.

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16. Column grid mark now shown in Column Summary Report or Column Failure Report.

17. Curtailment Dimension Style can now refer to gridlines in slab cut sections details.
18. "Check Project Free Node" feature is introduced. This command is available from

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Verification->Project->Check Project Free Node.

19. Batch Export Drawing to include colum plan based detailing

20. "Watermark" on display when either Elevation or 3D View out of synchornization with the
plan. The text "Out of Sync. Press F12 to refresh" will be shown in Elevation Input view or
the 3D View.

21. Gridlines of two floors can be compared with command,To ol s- >Gr idli ne s
Utilites->Compare Gridlines
22. Column dimensions are now shown in Column Calculator.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

23. Batch exported drawings files will have version suffixes.

24. "Bend down of bottom bar" feature allowed by parameter setting

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

25. Slab cut mark can now be renamed by editing on the object viewer after double clicking
the mark.
26. Slab cuts can be found using "Search Element" command from the "View" menu.

27. The "Search Element" button is implemented on the standard toolbar, .

28. Slab drop is displayed on floor plan.

29. New command from right click upon gridline selection that is "Copy grid to floor above". C (23 April 2008)

1. Beam mark interpretation explanation added for the architectural import feature in the
help file. Search using keyword "beam mark import".
2. Pressing F1 calls up help file topic when cursor is at any individual parameters of its
category (Grid, Beam, Column, Brickwall, RC Wall) for Architectural Import parameters.
3. DEL key can be used to edit gridline dimension text.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

4. Improvisation in the Save As... command (saving specification as per Microsoft Word
concept). Check online help for further details.
5. Some bugs fixed for roofline load distribution method.
6. Reference Height in Wind Load Value form validation fixed to half-height of each floor.
7. New feature: Column detailing on plan.

8. Grid regions can now be individually selected to be shown or not through

from the Grid toolbar. A selection window will appear when theRegion Selec tion is

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

9. Beam failure message in report are now more specific eg. "Failure due to Bottom Bar Clear
10. Footing detailing: Column starter bars links. It willl now show at least two links.

11. Individual grid region can now be selected to be visible or not. Also each grid region
element's colour can be customised.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

12. Element design results available fromPro ject Expl orer

13. T-Beam Effect parameter can be assigned onto individual beams through the property
14. Column mark is now shown in foundation key plan.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

15. Beam design bypass: If a beam for some reason cannot be design (program logic issues),
the design process will bypass it and proceed to the beam element rather than halting the
whole process.
16. Wall opening group selection editing in elevation input is now possible.
17. A label denoting the program is in theMeasure mode will appear as a useful reminder.

18. Introduction of feature "Free end node". This feature will assist user to diagnose structural
instability or disconnected meshing. Available in "2D SubFrame View".

19. Beam Cut Section applies to beam span between supports; see "Beam Property under
Beam Design->Cutline. (Previously was between sections of beams).
20. Curtailment Dimension Style can now refer to Grid.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

21. Provision of "Closed Link" label for link designed for torsion.

22. Identifying close nodes in 2D mesh. Use in 2D mesh view over key plan to locate nodes
which are closer than specified in the 2D Analysis parameter to diagnose quality of mesh
as and when required. C (22 February 2008)

1. Individual slab design report can now be called out.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

2. Beam names in "Beam Group Detailing" (Design Results->Mutiple Beam) is now sorted
according to ascending order.

3. Modified Basic Span Depth Ratio parameter is introduced. This modified basic span/depth
ratio will be use in the design to identified a cantilevered behaviour beam in the deflection
check. To view the formulation, search for "MBSDR" in the online technical documentation.
4. MyApplied and MzApplied column moments are added to the "Design/Analysis Result"
table of the Full Column Design Report.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

5. 3D meshing of bridging beam at wall/column intersection revised.

3D View of model

3D mesh of bridging beam of wall/column intersection

6. Able to printout hardcopy for 2D contour cuts.

7. Thickness of beam UDL increased.

8. General bug fixes to the roofline method of load distribution.

9. "Fl y " option in 3D View. When this option is checked, the model can be "spin" by clicking
the mouse and drag in the direction intended.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

This feature required high end graphics hardware. By default is is unchecked.

10. Slab stiffness reduction parameter is added.

Default from preset value in Parameters.

11. T-beam property and slab stiffness property can now be individually edited. For example,
for a beam not monolithic to any slab,

we can edit the "T-Beam" parameter from the object viewer.

12. User will be prevented from deleting any file in the project folder and its sub-folders when
© Esteem Innovation, 2013

the project is opened. If for some reason user is able to delete any project files, there
would be no guarantee the file(s) will be restored. As a matter of factly, the project could
be corrupted and nothing could be done to retrieve the deleted file(s).

13. Failed elements to be listed automatically when its design form is called out. C (4 February 2008)

1. Layer names for pad and pile footing is now differentiated.

2. Gridline granularity 25 and 50mm precision added.

3. Column IDs are now shown on the pad and pile foundation plan detailing.
4. Revised UI for Safety Factor

5. Differentiation of presentation between failed and passed pad/pile design in 3D View.

6. Pile Selection list can now be saved as templates.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

7. Introduction of beam label based on gridline system.

8. Introduction of parameter to control the grid mark & dimension lines distance.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

9. Slab nodes moment release at wall edges.

When there is a slab discontinous supported by a wall, the slab nodes will have moment
release. The following parameter will effect this feature.

Set the "Release Slab Nodes On RC Wall" to TRUE. Slab nodes will be pinned according the
specification mentioned above with the exception of cantilever slabs.

© Esteem Innovation, 2013

The circular symbols denoting releases will be shown in the mesh view. C (28 December 2007)

1. Given the condition below, slab element stiffness will be reduced by 100 (default value).
[Column not shown for clarity]

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Below is an example of the effect of this change in specification between version C to C
Version C compare to C

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Version C compare to C

Moment and
Diagram of
beam "gb3"

version C

version C
Conclusion Version C provides a more accurate mesh model to obtain the results.

2. Minimum link spacing. Should the link spacing requirement (due to torsion check) go
below the set value (100mm as in the example below), the program will overwrite this
constraint for the beam concerned.

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3. Lean concrete text can be adjusted by using Label layer which share with bar detailing
text. The lean concrete text will use the Label layer which also share with bar detailing

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© Esteem Innovation, 2013

4. Support dimension in beam detailing can be turn off.

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5. Solving beam link design problem (beam that need more link loop will fail in intial

© Esteem Innovation, 2013



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