Manual p125 Yamaha

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Owner’s Manual


Before using the instrument, be sure to read “PRECAUTIONS” on pages 5 – 6.

Apparaten kopplas inte ur växelströmskällan (nätet) så länge som den
ar ansluten till vägguttaget, även om själva apparaten har stängts av.
ADVARSEL: Netspændingen til dette apparat er IKKE afbrudt,
sålænge netledningen sidder i en stikkontakt, som er tændt — også
selvom der er slukket på apparatets afbryder.
VAROITUS: Laitteen toisiopiiriin kytketty käyttökytkin ei irroita koko
laitetta verkosta.

Information for users on collection and disposal of old equipment:
This symbol on the products, packaging, and/or accompanying documents means that used electrical and electronic products
should not be mixed with general household waste.
For proper treatment, recovery and recycling of old products, please take them to applicable collection points, in accordance with
your national legislation.
By disposing of these products correctly, you will help to save valuable resources and prevent any potential negative effects on
human health and the environment which could otherwise arise from inappropriate waste handling.
For more information about collection and recycling of old products, please contact your local municipality, your waste disposal
service or the point of sale where you purchased the items.
For business users in the European Union:
If you wish to discard electrical and electronic equipment, please contact your dealer or supplier for further information.
Information on Disposal in other Countries outside the European Union:
This symbol is only valid in the European Union. If you wish to discard these items, please contact your local authorities or dealer
and ask for the correct method of disposal.


The model number, serial number, power requirements, etc., may be found on or near the name plate, which is at the
bottom of the unit. You should note this serial number in the space provided below and retain this manual as a perma-
nent record of your purchase to aid identification in the event of theft.

Model No.

Serial No.


4 P-125 Owner’s Manual

Please keep this manual in a safe and handy place for future reference.

For AC adaptor

• This AC adaptor is designed for use with only Yamaha electronic instruments. Do • When setting up, make sure that the AC outlet is easily accessible. If some
not use for any other purpose. trouble or malfunction occurs, immediately turn off the power switch of the
• Indoor use only. Do not use in any wet environments. instrument and disconnect the AC adaptor from the outlet. When the AC adaptor
is connected to the AC outlet, keep in mind that electricity is flowing at the
minimum level, even if the power switch is turned off. When you are not using
the instrument for a long time, make sure to unplug the power cord from the wall
AC outlet.

For P-125

Always follow the basic precautions listed below to avoid the possibility of serious injury or even death from electrical
shock, short-circuiting, damages, fire or other hazards. These precautions include, but are not limited to, the

Power supply/AC adaptor Fire warning

• Do not place the power cord near heat sources such as heaters or radiators. Also, • Do not put burning items, such as candles, on the unit. A burning item may fall
do not excessively bend or otherwise damage the cord, or place heavy objects on over and cause a fire.
• Only use the voltage specified as correct for the instrument. The required voltage
is printed on the name plate of the instrument.
If you notice any abnormality
• Use the specified adaptor (page 25) only. Using the wrong adaptor can result in • When one of the following problems occur, immediately turn off the power switch
damage to the instrument or overheating. and disconnect the electric plug from the outlet. Then have the device inspected
• Check the electric plug periodically and remove any dirt or dust which may have by Yamaha service personnel.
accumulated on it. - The power cord or plug becomes frayed or damaged.
- It emits unusual smells or smoke.
- Some object has been dropped into the instrument.
Do not open
- There is a sudden loss of sound during use of the instrument.
• This instrument contains no user-serviceable parts. Do not open the instrument
or attempt to disassemble or modify the internal components in any way. If it
should appear to be malfunctioning, discontinue use immediately and have it
inspected by qualified Yamaha service personnel.

Water warning
• Do not expose the instrument to rain, use it near water or in damp or wet
conditions, or place on it any containers (such as vases, bottles or glasses)
containing liquids which might spill into any openings. If any liquid such as
water seeps into the instrument, turn off the power immediately and unplug the
power cord from the AC outlet. Then have the instrument inspected by qualified
Yamaha service personnel.
• Never insert or remove an electric plug with wet hands.

DMI-5 1/2
P-125 Owner’s Manual 5
Always follow the basic precautions listed below to avoid the possibility of physical injury to you or others, or damage
to the instrument or other property. These precautions include, but are not limited to, the following:

Power supply/AC adaptor Connections

• Do not connect the instrument to an electrical outlet using a multiple-connector. • Before connecting the instrument to other electronic components, turn off the
Doing so can result in lower sound quality, or possibly cause overheating in the power for all components. Before turning the power on or off for all components,
outlet. set all volume levels to minimum.
• When removing the electric plug from the instrument or an outlet, always hold • Be sure to set the volumes of all components at their minimum levels and
the plug itself and not the cord. Pulling by the cord can damage it. gradually raise the volume controls while playing the instrument to set the
• Remove the electric plug from the outlet when the instrument is not to be used for desired listening level.
extended periods of time, or during electrical storms.
Handling caution
Location • Do not insert a finger or hand in any gaps on the instrument.
• Do not place the instrument in an unstable position where it might accidentally • Never insert or drop paper, metallic, or other objects into the gaps on the panel or
fall over. keyboard. This could cause physical injury to you or others, damage to the
• Before moving the instrument, remove all connected cables, to prevent damage instrument or other property, or operational failure.
to the cables or injury to anyone who might trip over them. • Do not rest your weight on, or place heavy objects on the instrument, and do not
• When setting up the product, make sure that the AC outlet you are using is easily use excessive force on the buttons, switches or connectors.
accessible. If some trouble or malfunction occurs, immediately turn off the power • Do not use the instrument/device or headphones for a long period of time at a
switch and disconnect the plug from the outlet. Even when the power switch is high or uncomfortable volume level, since this can cause permanent hearing
turned off, electricity is still flowing to the product at the minimum level. When loss. If you experience any hearing loss or ringing in the ears, consult a
you are not using the product for a long time, make sure to unplug the power physician.
cord from the wall AC outlet.
• Use only the stand specified for the instrument. When attaching it, use the
provided screws only. Failure to do so could cause damage to the internal
components or result in the instrument falling over.

Yamaha cannot be held responsible for damage caused by improper use or modifications to the instrument, or data that is lost or destroyed.

Always turn the power off when the instrument is not in use.
Even when the [ ] (Standby/On) switch is in standby status (power lamp is off), electricity is still flowing to the instrument at the minimum level.
When you are not using the instrument for a long time, make sure you unplug the power cord from the wall AC outlet.

NOTICE Information
To avoid the possibility of malfunction/ damage to the product,  About copyrights
damage to data, or damage to other property, follow the notices • Copying of the commercially available musical data including but not limited to
below. MIDI data and/or audio data is strictly prohibited except for your personal use.
• This product incorporates and bundles contents in which Yamaha owns
 Handling copyrights or with respect to which Yamaha has license to use others' copyrights.
• Do not use the instrument in the vicinity of a TV, radio, stereo equipment, mobile Due to copyright laws and other relevant laws, you are NOT allowed to distribute
phone, or other electric devices. Otherwise, the instrument, TV, or radio may media in which these contents are saved or recorded and remain virtually the
generate noise. When you use the instrument along with an application on your same or very similar to those in the product.
iPad, iPhone or iPod touch, we recommend that you set “Airplane Mode” to “ON” * The contents described above include a computer program, Accompaniment Style data,
MIDI data, WAVE data, voice recording data, a score, score data, etc.
on that device in order to avoid noise caused by communication. * You are allowed to distribute medium in which your performance or music production using
• Do not expose the instrument to excessive dust or vibrations, or extreme cold or these contents is recorded, and the permission of Yamaha Corporation is not required in
heat (such as in direct sunlight, near a heater, or in a car during the day) to such cases.
prevent the possibility of panel disfiguration, damage to the internal components  About functions/data bundled with the instrument
or unstable operation. (Verified operating temperature range: 5° – 40°C, or 41° – • Some of the preset songs have been edited for length or arrangement, and may
104°F.) not be exactly the same as the original.
• Do not place vinyl, plastic or rubber objects on the instrument, since this might
 About this manual
discolor the panel or keyboard.
• The illustrations as shown in this manual are for instructional purposes only, and
may appear somewhat different from those on your instrument.
 Maintenance • Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft® Corporation in the United
• When cleaning the instrument, use a soft and dry cloth. Do not use paint thinners, States and other countries.
solvents, alcohol, cleaning fluids, or chemical-impregnated wiping cloths. • iPhone, iPad and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S.
and other countries.
 Saving data • The company names and product names in this manual are the trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies.
• Some of the data of this instrument (page 24) are retained when the power is
turned off. However, the saved data may be lost due to some failure, an operation  Tuning
mistake, etc. Save your important data onto an external device such as a computer • Unlike an acoustic piano, this instrument does not need to be tuned by an expert
(page 23). (although the pitch can be user-adjusted to match other instruments). This is
because the pitch of digital instruments is always maintained perfectly.

DMI-5 2/2
6 P-125 Owner’s Manual
PRECAUTIONS ...................................................... 5 Playing Back Songs 18
With this instrument, you can:................................. 7
Listening to the Voice Demo Songs ......................18

About the Manuals .................................................. 8
Listening to the 50 Preset Songs or External Songs...18
About the Key Operations....................................... 8
Using Quick Play ...................................................19
Included Accessories .............................................. 8
Song Playback and Practice of Each Part 19
Introduction Adding Accompaniment to Your Performance
(Rhythm) 20
Panel Controls and Terminals 9
Adjusting the Volume.............................................20
Setting Up 10 Adjusting the Tempo..............................................20
Power Requirements ............................................ 10 Recording Your Performance 21
Turning the Power On/Standby............................. 10 Quick Recording .................................................... 21
Auto Power Off Function....................................... 10 Recording Independently to Two Parts .................21
Adjusting the Master Volume ................................ 11 Deleting the User Song .........................................22

Operation Confirmation Sounds............................ 11 Changing the Initial Settings of the Recorded Song ...22
Using Headphones ............................................... 11
Using a Pedal (Sustain) ........................................ 12
Connecting Other Equipment 23
Using the Optional Pedal Unit............................... 12 Connecting External Speakers ..............................23
Connecting an iPad or iPhone............................... 23
Reference Connecting to a Computer.....................................23
Playback/Recording of Audio Data (USB audio interface) ..24
Selecting & Playing Voices 13 Data Backup and Initializing 24
Selecting a Voice .................................................. 13
Using Table EQ..................................................... 13
Strengthening the Overall Sound (Sound Boost).. 13
Layering Two Voices (Dual).................................. 14 Troubleshooting 25

Splitting the Keyboard (Split) ................................ 15
Playing Duo........................................................... 15 Specifications 25
Using the Metronome 16 Voice List (Detailed) 26
Voice Confirmation of Current Tempo Value (in English).. 16
Index 27
Adjusting the Tempo ............................................. 16
Selecting a Beat (Time Signature) ........................ 16 List 28
Adjusting the Volume ............................................ 16
Setting Various Items for Performances 17 Quick Operation Guide 29

Tuning, Transpose ................................................ 17

Reverb, Touch Sensitivity ..................................... 17

With this instrument, you can:

 Enjoy the feel of an authentic piano action with the Graded Hammer Standard (GHS) keyboard.
 Listen to the 50 Classics, or practice these preset songs by playing each part separately (pages 18
and 19).
 Feel like a pro with the Rhythm feature that automatically adds accompaniment when you play the
keyboard (page 20).
 Practice effectively by using the built-in recorder and metronome (pages 16 and 21).
 Enjoy easy operation by connecting your smart device. To use this, you'll need to install the “Smart
Pianist” application (free for download; see page 23).

P-125 Owner’s Manual 7

Thank you for purchasing this Yamaha Digital Piano!
This instrument provides exceptionally high-quality sound and expressive control for your
playing enjoyment.
We recommend that you read this manual carefully so that you can fully take advantage of
the advanced and convenient functions of the instrument.
We also recommend that you keep this manual in a safe and handy place for future refer-

About the Manuals About the Key Operations

This instrument has the following documents and While holding down the button(s), press the appropri-
instructional materials. ate key to make various settings, such as turning the
function on or off, playing back the Songs and so on.
Included Documents If you come across the illustrations like below in this
Owner’s Manual (this book) manual, press the same key while holding down the
Quick Operation Guide (pages 29 to same button(s) as illustrated.
31) C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
Shows in chart form the functions
assigned to the buttons and the key-
board for quick understanding.
A#5: On

Online Materials (PDF)

iPhone/iPad Connection Manual
Explains how to connect the instrument to
smart devices, such iPhone, iPad, etc. A5: Off
While holding down
Computer-related Operations w
Contains instructions about computer-
related functions. Above illustration indicates
q While simultaneously holding down the
MIDI Reference [METRONOME] and [RHYTHM] buttons…
Contains MIDI-related information. w Press one of the shaded keys briefly.
Finally, release all the buttons.
MIDI Basics (only in English, French,
German and Spanish)
Included Accessories
Contains basic explanations about what
• Owner’s Manual x1
MIDI is and can do.
• AC Adaptor* x1
• Warranty* x1
To obtain these materials, access the Yamaha Down- • Online Member Product Registration x1
loads website, then enter the model name for search- • Footswitch x1
ing the desired files. * May not be included depending on your particular area. Please check
with your Yamaha dealer.
• Music Rest x1
Yamaha Downloads Insert into
the slot

The letters at the end of the model name (“B” or

“WH”) are color information of the instrument. For
example, “B” indicates “black,” and “WH” indicates
“white.” Since they simply indicate the color, these
letters are omitted in this manual.

8 P-125 Owner’s Manual

Panel Controls and Terminals

q w e r t y u i


!0 !1 !2 !3 !4

Shows the jacks and terminals as seen when viewed from the rear of the instrument.

A-1 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7

About the Built-in Speakers

Since sound from the built-in speakers also comes from the bottom
of the instrument, we recommend that you use an optional keyboard
stand for better sound. When playing the instrument placed on a
!5 desk or table, turn on the Table EQ function (page 13.)

q[ ] (Standby/On) switch 10 o Voice 13

For turning the power on or setting to standby. For selecting a Voice or two Voices played simulta-
w [MASTER VOLUME] 11 neously, such as Piano and Organ.
For adjusting the volume of the entire sound. !0 [USB TO HOST] terminal 23
e [DEMO/SONG] button 18 For connecting to a computer or a smart device
For playing the Demo Songs and the Preset Songs. such as iPhone or iPad.
r [METRONOME] button 16 !1 [SUSTAIN] jack 12
For starting or stopping the metronome. For connecting the included footswitch, an
optional footswitch and foot pedal.
t [RHYTHM] button ................................. page 20
For starting or stopping the rhythm. !2 [PEDAL UNIT] jack 12
For connecting an optional pedal unit.
y [-][+], [L][R] buttons ........pages 15 – 16, 18, 22
For selecting a Song during playback, adjusting the !3 AUX OUT [R][L/L+R] jacks 23
tempo, and selecting the Song part for recording For connecting external audio equipment.
and playback. !4 DC IN jack 10
u [] (Record) button .............................. page 21 For connecting the power adaptor.
For recording your keyboard performance. !5 [PHONES] jacks .................................... page 11
i [/] (Play/Stop) .................................. page 21 For connecting a set of standard stereo head-
For playing back or stopping the recorded perfor- phones.

P-125 Owner’s Manual 9

Setting Up
Power Requirements Turning the Power On/Standby
Connect the AC adaptor in the order shown in the q Turn down the [MASTER VOLUME] to “MIN”.
illustration. w Press the [ ] (Standby/On) switch to turn the

power on.

DC IN jack
(page 9)

The [ ] (Standby/On) switch lights up. Adjust
AC adaptor AC outlet
the volume as desired while playing the keyboard.
e Press and hold the [ ] (Standby/On) switch for
about a second to turn the power to standby mode.
• Use the specified AC adaptor (page 25) only. Using the CAUTION
wrong AC adaptor can result in damage to the instrument
• Even when the power switch is turned off, electricity is still
or overheating.
flowing to the product at the minimum level. When you are
WARNING not using the product for a long time, make sure to unplug
the power cord from the wall AC outlet.
• When using the AC adaptor with a removable plug, make
sure to keep the plug attached to the AC adaptor. Using the
plug alone can cause electric shock or fire.
• Never touch the metallic section when attaching the plug.
To avoid electric shock, short circuit or damage, also be
careful that there is no dust between the AC adaptor and Auto Power Off Function
To prevent unnecessary power consumption, this
Plug function automatically turns the power off if the
instrument is not operated for 30 minutes.
Slide the plug as
indicated. To disable/enable the Auto Power Off function

A#0: Enable

* The shape of the plug differs depending on your area.

• When setting up the product, make sure that the AC outlet
you are using is easily accessible. If some trouble or mal- Lowest A0: Disable
function occurs, immediately turn the power off and dis- q key
connect the plug from the outlet. While holding

• Follow the order shown above in reverse when disconnecting the AC adaptor. When the power is off, turn the power on while hold-
ing down the lowest key disables Auto Power Off. The
[REC] lamp flashes three times, indicating that the
Auto Power Off function has been disabled.
• If your digital piano is connected to other equipment such
as amplifiers, speakers, or a computer but you do not
intend to use it for 30 minutes, we recommend that you
turn off all devices as described in their owner’s manuals.
Doing so eliminates the risk of damage to the other equip-
ment. If you do not want the instrument to turn off auto-
matically when connected to other equipment, disable the
Auto Power Off function.

10 P-125 Owner’s Manual

Setting Up

Adjusting the Master Volume Operation Confirmation Sounds

To adjust the volume of the entire keyboard sound, use When a setup is changed using a button and key com-
the [MASTER VOLUME] while playing the key- bination, an operation sound (“On,” “Off,” click,

board. tempo value input) is sounded. This confirmation
sound can be enabled (On) or disabled (Off) as
Second lowest key: On

Softer Louder

• Do not use the instrument for a long period of time at a
high or uncomfortable volume level, since this can cause Lowest key: Off
permanent hearing loss. q
While holding

Intelligent Acoustic Control (IAC)

With this function, the sound quality of this instru-
ment is automatically adjusted and controlled accord-
ing to the overall volume. Even when the volume is Using Headphones
low, you can hear both low sounds and high sounds
clearly. IAC Control is effective only from the sound Connect a pair of headphones to the [PHONES] jack.
output of the instrument speakers. Since this instrument is equipped with two
[PHONES] jacks, you can connect two pairs of head-
IAC On/Off phones. If you are using only one pair, insert the plug
Default setting: on into either of these jacks.
IAC Depth
Setting range: -3 – 0 – +3
Default setting: 0

Standard stereo
phone plug

• Do not use the headphones for a long period of time at a
q While
high or uncomfortable volume level, since this can cause
permanent hearing loss.

C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
Reproducing natural sound distance (Stereo-
phonic Optimizer)
IAC On/Off Default setting: on

The Stereophonic Optimizer recreate for headphones

C2: Off C#2: On a natural distance between your ears and the instru-
ment, just as when playing an acoustic piano.

Stereophonic Optimizer On/Off

While holding down [PIANO], press the F3 key to
D2: Down by 1 E2: Up by 1 turn the function off or F#3 to turn on.
D#2: 0
(reset to the default setting)

IAC Depth

P-125 Owner’s Manual 11

Setting Up

Using a Pedal (Sustain)


LP-1B/LP-1WH (Sold separately)
(Sold separately)
You can produce a natural sustain as you play by
pressing the included footswitch plugged into the

Also an optional FC3A foot pedal or FC4A or FC5 • Make sure that power is off when connecting or disconnecting the pedal unit.

footswitch can be connected to this jack. The FC3A

lets you use the Half Pedal function. Damper (Right) Pedal
Damper Resonance Pressing this pedal will sustain notes longer. Releas-
When you select a Piano Voice, pressing the foot- ing this pedal immediately stops (damps) any sus-
switch activates the Damper Resonance/ Sustain tained notes. The damper pedal is compatible with the
sampling effect (when on) to accurately recreate Damper Resonance (see column at left). A “half-
the resonance of an acoustic piano’s strings. pedal” function of this pedal creates partial sustain
To turn the effect on and enable footswitch control, effects, depending on how far down you press the
simultaneously hold down [PIANO] and press the pedal.
C#3 key; to turn it off, simultaneously hold down Sostenuto (Center) Pedal
[PIANO] and press C3.
Default setting: on If you play a note or chord on the keyboard and press
the sostenuto pedal while the note(s) are held, those
notes will sustain as long as you hold the pedal (as if
• Damper Resonance cannot be used in Duo (page 15).
the damper pedal had been pressed) but all subse-
quently played notes will not be sustained. This makes
Half-pedal function (for FC3A and Pedal Unit) it possible to sustain a chord, for example, while other
This function allows you to vary the sustain length notes are played “staccato.”
depending on how far the pedal is pressed. The far-
ther down you press the pedal, the more the sound
sustains. For example, if you press the damper pedal
and all notes you are playing sound a bit murky and
loud with too much sustain, you can release the pedal
half way or higher to decrease the sustain (murki-
ness). If you press and hold the sostenuto pedal here,
only the notes held at this timing will be sustained.
• Do not press the footswich when turning the power on. Doing this changes the Soft (Left) Pedal
recognized polarity of the footswitch, resulting in reversed footswitch operation.
• Make sure that power is OFF when connecting or disconnecting the footswitch The soft pedal reduces the volume and slightly
or pedal. changes the timbre of notes played while the pedal is
pressed. The soft pedal will not affect notes that are
already playing when it is pressed.
Using the Optional Pedal Unit • When the “Jazz Organ” is selected, pressing and releasing this pedal switches
between “fast” and “slow” of the Rotary Speaker speed. When the Vibraphone is
The [PEDAL UNIT] jack is for connecting an selected, this pedal switches Vibrato on and off.
optional LP-1B/LP-1WH pedal unit. When connect-
ing the pedal unit, make sure to also assemble the unit
on an optional keyboard stand (L-125B/L-125WH).

12 P-125 Owner’s Manual

Selecting & Playing Voices
The instrument has a wide variety of Voices, or instrument sounds, for your enjoyment, including Piano and

Selecting a Voice • To familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the voices, listen to the
Demo Songs for each Voice (page 18).
The Voices of the instrument are conveniently divided into
specific groups and each of them are assigned to the Voice

1 Press a Voice button (page 9). Using Table EQ

A Voice is called up from the selected group. Try When this is set to on, speaker sound will be opti-
playing the keyboard and listening to the sound. mized for playing the keyboard placed on the table or
Lights up desk. This function is effective only from the sound
output of the instrument speakers. Turn off when you
play the keyboard installed on the stand.
Default setting: off

C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7

In this example, Ballad Grand (variation 2) in the Variation

[PIANO] button is selected. lamp

Pressing the same Voice button selects the Voices A#5: On

in the group in order. For details, refer to the Voice
List below. When the first Voice in the group is
selected, a Variation lamp is off. When a Variation
Voice 1 – 3 is selected, the corresponding varia-
tion lamp lights up. A5: Off
While holding down
• The last selected Voice in the selected group will be called up when the
Voice button is pressed. This will be reset to the first Voice when you w
turn off the power.
• Pressing [+BASS] turn on the Split function (page 15).

Voice List
Voice Button
Strengthening the Overall Sound
Voice Name Variation
Grand Piano
(Sound Boost)
Live Grand 1 This function is particularly useful when you want not
Ballad Grand 2
Bright Grand 3 only notes played very loud, but also those played
Stage E.Piano softly, to be clearly audible.
DX E.Piano 1 Default setting: off
Vintage E.Piano 2
Synth Piano 3 C#6: On
Jazz Organ
Rock Organ 1
Organ Principal 2
Organ Tutti 3
Harpsichord 8’
Harpsi.8’+4’ 1 C6: Off Highest
q key

While holding down

Strings w
Slow Strings 1
Choir 2 * Refer to the printing above the keyboard (SOUND BOOST
Synth Pad 3 OFF/ON).
Acoustic Bass
Electric Bass 1
Bass & Cymbal 2
Fretless Bass 3

Refer to the “Voice List (Detailed)” on page 26 for

more information on the characteristics of each
preset Voice.
P-125 Owner’s Manual 13
Selecting & Playing Voices

To adjust the balance between two Voices:

Layering Two Voices (Dual)
C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
You can layer two Voices and play them simultane-
ously to create a more richly textured sound.

Engage Dual.
Choose two desired Voices, then press those Voice
buttons simultaneously.
q C5: down D5: up
While holding
down by 1 by 1
C#5: 0
Left: Voice 1 Right: Voice 2 (default setting)

Note that the Voice of the left side button is desig-

nated as Voice 1, while the Voice of the right side
button is designated as Voice 2. The Variation Setting range: -6 – 0 – +6

lamps indicate the status of Voice 1.

Settings below “0” increase the volume of Voice 2,
while settings above “0” increase the volume of
• You cannot layer two Voices from the same group.
Voice 1, in relation to the other.

2 Play the keyboard to enjoy the dual 3 To exit from Dual, simply press any
sound. Voice button.
To shift the Octave for each Voice:
C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7

Voice 2   Voice 1

F#5 A#5

q F5 G5 A5 B5
While holding

Down by 1 Down by 1
F5 A5
octave octave
Default setting Default setting
Voice Voice
(different for (different for
2 F#5 1 A#5
each Voice each Voice
combination) combination)
G5 Up by 1 octave B5 Up by 1 octave
Setting range: -2 – +2

14 P-125 Owner’s Manual

Selecting & Playing Voices

Splitting the Keyboard (Split) Playing Duo

Split mode enables you to play two different Voices This function allows two different players to play the
on the keyboard — for example, acoustic bass with instrument, one on the left and the other on the right,
your left hand and piano with your right. over the same octave range.

1 Press [+BASS] to engage Split. 1 Engage Duo.

The keyboard is divided into the two sections with
the F#2 key as the Split Point. Play the keyboard.

While holding
Equivalent to C3 Equivalent to C3
Split Point (Default: F#2) (middle C) Split Point (E3) (middle C)

Left Voice Right Voice Left Voice (Voice 2) Right Voice (Voice 1)
(Voice 2) (Voice 1)

NOTE The keyboard is divided into two sections, with

• Only Dual, Split or Duo can be called up; both or all cannot be used the E3 key as the Split Point.
• Pedal functions cannot be used on the left Voice.
• Different Voices cannot be assigned to the Right Voice and Left Voice.
• The Variation lamps indicate the status of Voice 2.
• The Split Point cannot be changed from E3.
• Only Dual, Split or Duo can be called up; both or all cannot be used
To change the Left Voice to another bass Voice: together.
• Turning Duo turns off Reverb, Damper Resonance and Stereophonic
Press [+BASS] repeatedly to select the bass Optimizer.
Voices in the [+BASS] group in order. Refer to the
Voice list on page 13.
2 One person can play the left section of
To change the Left Voice to any Voice the keyboard while the other plays the
other than bass: right.
Sounds played with the left voice are played from
While holding down [+BASS], select a desired
the left speaker, and sounds played with the right
Voice by pressing the Voice button several times
voice are played from the right speaker.
as necessary.
To select the Voice:
To shift the Octave for each Voice:
Refer to step 1 on page 13.
Same as in Dual (see previous page).
To shift the Octave for each section:
To adjust the volume balance between two
Voices: Same as in Dual (page 14).
Same as in Dual (see previous page). To adjust the volume balance between two
keyboard sections:
To change the Split Point:
Same as in Dual (page 14).
While holding [+BASS], press the desired key.

3 To exit from Duo, perform the same

operation as in step 1.

Pedal function in Duo

• Damper Pedal: Applies Sustain to the right section.
2 To exit from Split, simply press any • Sostenuto Pedal: Applies Sustain to both sections.
• Soft Pedal: Applies Sustain to the left section.
Voice button.

P-125 Owner’s Manual 15

Using the Metronome
The Metronome is convenient for practicing with an accurate tempo.

1 Press [METRONOME] to start the To specify a three-digit value:

Metronome. For example to specify “80,” press the relevant G1 (8)
and A1 (0) keys in order.
A numeric value is read out when a relevant key is
C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7

2 Press [METRONOME] again to stop the

C1 A1

Voice Confirmation of Current

Tempo Value (in English) 2 4 7 9


While holding down [METRONOME], press the low- 1 3 5 6 8 0

While holding
est key. down

* Refer to the “TEMPO” indications (1 to 9, 0) printed above
these keys.
While holding
w Selecting a Beat (Time Signature)
Setting range: - (default setting: no beat), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
Adjusting the Tempo
Setting range: 5 – 280 (default setting: 120)

To increase or decrease the value by 1:

When the metronome is playing back, press [+] to
2 4
increase or [-] to decrease. When it is stopped, press
[+] to increase or [-] to decrease while holding down q – 3 5 6
While holding
No beat

Holding either button continuously * Refer to the “METRONOME” indications (- to 6) printed
increases or decreases the value above these keys.

Adjusting the Volume

Setting range: 1 – 10 (default setting: 7)
Pressing simultaneously reset to
the default setting While holding down [METRONOME], press the F0
To increase or decrease the value by 10: key to decrease the value by 1, F#0 key to reset to the
default value, or G0 key to increase by 1.
While holding down [METRONOME], press the C2
* Refer to the “VOLUME” indications (-1/default/+1) printed
key to decrease the value by 10, C#2 to reset to the above these keys.
default value, or D2 to increase by 10.
* Refer to the “TEMPO” indications (-10/default/+10) printed
above these keys.

16 P-125 Owner’s Manual

Setting Various Items for Performances
To set items shown in the tables below, hold down the corresponding buttons or button, and press the correspond-
ing keys on the keyboard. Refer to the Quick Operation Guide on pages 29–31.

Tuning Transpose
C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7

C1 F#2 B2 C#3 F#3

C#1 C3
Tuning, Transpose
Item Description Keys Settings
Using the Tuning setting, you can fine tune the pitch of the entire Resets the pitch to the default (A3 = 440.0
instrument. This can be extremely useful when playing your dig- Hz).
ital piano along with other instruments or recorded music.
Fine-tuning the While holding down [METRONOME] and [RHYTHM] simul-

Pitch taneously, press [+] or [-] to tune up or down in about 0.2 Hz C#1 Sets the pitch to A3 = 442.0 Hz.
steps, or press [+] and [-] simultaneously to reset to the
default setting (440.0 Hz).
Setting range: 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz
You can shift or transpose the pitch of the entire keyboard Transposes the pitch down (to play lower
F#2 – B2
up or down in semitones. notes than the actual keys).
For example, if you set the transpose to “+5,” playing a C C3 Restores the original pitch (0).
Key Transposition key will produce an F pitch. You could, therefore, play a
song as if it was in C major and the digital piano would Transposes the pitch up (to play higher
transpose it to the key of F major. C#3 – F#3
notes than the actual keys).
Setting range: -6 (F#2) – 0 (C3) – +6 (F#3)

Reverb Type Reverb Depth Touch Sensitivity

C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7

C2 E2 G2 C6
A2 D#6
Reverb, Touch Sensitivity
Item Description Keys Settings
Recital Hall: Simulates the clear reverb sound you would
hear in a medium-sized concert hall for piano recitals.
Using the digital piano’s Reverb function, Concert Hall: Simulates the gorgeous reverb sound you
you can add reverberation similar to that C#2
would hear in a large concert hall for orchestral performances
of a concert hall to individual Voices.
Setting the Reverb Chamber: Suitable for playing chamber music; simulates the
Whenever you select a Voice, the most
Type D2 intimate reverb sound you would hear in a spacious room,
suitable reverb will be automatically set;
such as for classical music recitals.
however, you can freely set the Reverb
Type as desired. Club: Simulates the vivid reverb sound you would hear in a
live music venue or a jazz club.
E2 Off: No effect is applied.
G2 Decreases by one.
Setting the Reverb Adjusts the Reverb Depth. Restores the default setting (which is the best suited depth
Depth Setting range: 0 – 20 setting for the current Voice.)
A2 Increases by one.
Soft: The volume level does not change much when you
You can specify the degree of Touch Sen- play the keyboard soft or hard.
sitivity (how the sound responds to your Medium: This is the standard piano touch response (default
playing strength). C#6
Changing the
Touch Sensitivity NOTE Hard: The volume level changes very widely from pianissimo
• Touch Sensitivity cannot be used for organ D6 to fortissimo to facilitate dynamic and dramatic expression.
Voices and harpsichord Voices. You have to hit the keys hard to produce a loud sound.
Fixed: The volume level does not change at all regardless of
whether you play the keyboard soft or hard.

P-125 Owner’s Manual 17

Playing Back Songs
Listening to the Voice Demo Songs 2 Press [DEMO/SONG] or [/] to stop
Special individual Demo Songs are provided for all of
the Voices of the instrument (except the Bass Voice
Variations 1 – 3).
Listening to the 50 Preset Songs or
1 While holding down [DEMO/SONG], press External Songs
one of the Voice buttons as necessary
times to select a desired Voice. In addition to the Demo Songs, Preset Songs are pro-
The Demo Songs for all Voices will play back in vided for your listening pleasure. Choose a Song from
sequence. During playback, you can change the the Preset Song List on page 28, then follow the instruc-
tions below. Also, up to two External Songs transferred
Demo Song by selecting a different Voice.
from a computer can be played back on this instrument.
For details on External Songs, refer to “Connecting to a
Computer” on page 23.

q 1 While holding down [DEMO/SONG],


While holding down w press the key corresponding to the

NOTE desired preset Song or External Song to
• Simply pressing [DEMO/SONG] will start playback of all Demo Songs start playback.
from the first (Grand Piano) in sequence.
The Preset Songs or External Songs will play back
in sequence.
To select the previous or next Song during
For details on the key assignments, see “Quick
Operation Guide” (page 29).
Previous Song Next Song

While holding
down q
To play back from the beginning of the Song:
C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
During playback, press [+] and [-] simultaneously
to jump to the playback position at the beginning
of the Song then continue playback at the last Quick Preset Songs External
specified tempo. Play Songs

To adjust the playback tempo: w

To select the previous or next Song during

q Same as in Demo Songs (see column at left).

While holding
down Pressing simultaneously
w To play back from the beginning of the Song:
reset to the default value.
Same as in Demo Songs (see column at left).
Holding [-] or [+] changes the value continuously. To adjust the playback tempo:
Demo Song List Same as in Demo Songs (see column at left).
Voice Name Title Composer
Ballad Grand
Intermezzo, 6 Stücke, op.118-2
Herr Christ, der ein’ge Gottes-
J. Brahms
2 Press [DEMO/SONG] or [/] to stop
Principal Sohn, BWV 601
J.S. Bach playback.
Organ Tutti Triosonate Nr.6, BWV 530 J.S. Bach
Concerto a cembalo obbligato, 2
violini, viola e continuo No.7, J.S. Bach
BWV 1058
Gigue, Französische Suiten Nr.5,
Harpsi.8’+4’ J.S. Bach
BWV 816
The demonstration pieces listed above are short rearranged excerpts of the origi-
nal compositions. All other songs are original (© Yamaha Corporation).

18 P-125 Owner’s Manual

Song Playback and Practice of Each Part

Using Quick Play

This Quick Play feature enables you to specify
whether a Song should play back immediately from
the very first note, or play back any silence or rests
that exist before the first note. While holding down
[DEMO/SONG], press the lowest key to turn this
function off or second lowest key (A#-1) to turn on.
Default setting: on

Song Playback and Practice of Each Part
All Songs (except for the Demo Songs; page 18) let you turn on or off the [L] and [R] parts individually. By turn-
ing off [R], for example, you can practice the [R] part while the [L] part is playing back, and vice versa.

1 Start playback of the desired Song. 4 Press [DEMO/SONG] or [/] to stop

To start the User Song, press [/]. playback.
To start a Preset Song, see page 18, “Listening to NOTE
the 50 Preset Songs or External Songs.” • Selecting another Song or stopping the Song will cancel the on/off status
of the parts.

2 While holding down [/], press [L] or

[R] to turn the Part on/off.

While holding w

• The Rhythm part recorded to a User Song cannot be muted.

3 Practice the part which is turned off.

• Songs 16 – 20 of “50 Classics” are duet songs. The right-hand Part is
for the first player, and the left-hand Part is for the second player.

P-125 Owner’s Manual 19

Adding Accompaniment to Your Performance (Rhythm)
You can select a Rhythm (drums and bass accompaniment) from a variety of musical genres, such as Pops and
Jazz, and play along with it. Refer to the Rhythms on page 28.

1 While holding [RHYTHM], press one of Bass On/Off

the C3 – G4 keys to select the desired While holding down [RHYTHM], press C5 (Off)
Rhythm. or C#5 (On; default setting).
For details on which Rhythm is assigned to each
key, see “Quick Operation Guide” (page 30). 4 Press [RHYTHM] to stop playback.
The lamp turns off, and the keyboard returns to the
original status.

While holding
C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 Adjusting the Volume
Setting range: 1 – 10 (Default setting: 7)
C3 – G4 While holding down [RHYTHM], press the F0 key to

decrease the value by 1, F#0 to reset to the default

w value, or G0 to increase by 1.

* Refer to the “VOLUME” indications (-1/default/+1) printed
Press [RHYTHM] to start the percussion above these keys.
part of the selected Rhythm from the
Intro section.

Flashes Adjusting the Tempo

Setting range: 5 – 280 (default setting: 120)

Voice confirmation of current Tempo value (in
• Intro will not be played back when you start the Rhythm during Song English):
While holding down [RHYTHM], press the lowest
Setting Intro/Ending on or off key.

This adds an Intro/Ending to the beginning or at To increase or decrease the value by 1:

the end of the rhythm section. You can enable When the Rhythm is playing back, press [+] to
(On) or disable (Off) the sound of the Intro/Ending increase or [-] to decrease. When it is stopped, press
as desired. While holding down [RHYTHM], [+] to increase or [-] to decrease while holding down
press one of the keys: F5 (Intro Off), F#5 (Intro
the [RHYTHM].
On), G5 (Ending Off) or G#5 (Ending On).
Default setting: on

3 Play your performance along with the Rhythm.

Holding either button continuously
increases or decreases the value

Play the keyboard with your both hands. The

instrument will automatically create appropriate Pressing simultaneously resets to
the default value
accompaniment bass sound while you play, based
on the chords you play. Less than three notes can
• The Rhythm tempo setting is reflected also in the Metronome.
be played to indicate the chords (based on the pre-
viously played chord, etc.). 9th, 11th and 13th
To increase or decrease the value by 10 or to
chords cannot be played.
specify a three-digit value:
• For details on how to play Chords, refer to commercially available chord While holding down [RHYTHM], press the same key
books. as in Metronome Tempo (page 16).

20 P-125 Owner’s Manual

Recording Your Performance
You can record your keyboard performance as a User Song in SMF format. Up to two Parts (L and R) can be
recorded separately.

NOTICE 4 Press either [] or [/] to stop

• Note that the Recording operation replaces already recording.
recorded data with the newly recorded data, since only
one User Song is available. To save the recorded data,
The [] and [/] lamps flash, indicating that the
transfer it to a computer as an SMF file. For details, refer to recorded data is being stored. After the operation
“Computer-related Operations” on page 8. is completed, the [] and [/] lamps turns off.
• If the data capacity of the instrument approaches full when
you engage Record Ready mode, the [] and [/] lamps
flash quickly for about three seconds. In this case, your • Never turn off the power while the recorded data is
performance may not be recorded. being stored (while the lamps are flashing). Other-
wise, all recorded data will be lost.
• You can record up to 100 KB (or approximately 11,000 notes) on this instru-
5 To hear the recorded Song, press [/]
to start playback.
Press [/] again to stop playback.

Quick Recording
You can record a Rhythm with your performance.

1 Before recording, make the settings

Part Assignment
such as Voice, Beat, Tempo and
Rhythm. When either the Split or Duo is used for recording,
Because some of the settings cannot be changed the data as listed below will be recorded to each
after the Record mode is engaged, make the set- part.
tings according to your performance preferences.
L part R part

2 Press the [] to engage Record Ready When Split or

Keyboard perfor-
mance in the left
Keyboard perfor-
mance in the right
mode. Duo is on:
hand section hand section
The [] lamp will flash according to the current

Flashes Recording Independently to Two

You can record your performance to the L part (left
To exit from Record Ready mode, press []. hand part) and R part (right hand part) separately.
• If you select a Part containing data, the Recording opera-
• You cannot engage Record Ready mode while a Song is playing.
tion will replace the already-recorded data with the new
• You can use the Metronome while recording; however, the Metronome data.
sound will not be recorded.

3 Play the keyboard or press [/] to start • When you use Split or Duo, use the Quick Recording method. You cannot
record each part separately.
• Rhythm can only be recorded to a blank Song (both L/R parts are empty). If you
You can also start recording by pressing the want to record a Rhythm, make sure to record first to a blank Song.

1 Before recording, make the settings

such as Voice, Beat or Rhythm.

2 While holding down [], press [R] or [L]

for the part you want to record, to
engage Record Ready Mode.
Lights up Flashes To exit from Record Ready mode, press [].

P-125 Owner’s Manual 21

Recording Your Performance

To record the right part ([R]):

Deleting the User Song
1 While holding down [], press [DEMO/
q The [] and [/] lamps flash (in alternation).
While holding w To exit from this status, press [].

2 Press [/] to delete the data of the

To record the left part ([L]): entire Song.
After the operation is completed, [] and [/]
lamps turn off.
To delete a specific Part:
While holding w
down • Rhythm cannot be deleted with this operation.


After a while, the [] lamp will flash at the cur- While holding down [], press [L] or [R] to
rent tempo. When the already recorded data exists, engage the Record Ready mode.
the [] and [/] lamps will flash at the current The [] lamp will flash.
2 Press [/] to start recording without playing the
If data has already been recorded to the other keyboard.
The data in this Part will be played back while
3 Press [] or [/] to stop recording.
All data recorded for the selected Part will be
recording. To turn the Part off or on, hold down deleted, and the lamp turns off.
[/] and press the appropriate Part button.
• You can use the Metronome while recording; however, the Metronome Changing the Initial Settings of the
sound will not be recorded.
Recorded Song
3 Start recording. The following parameter settings of the Song can be
Play the keyboard or press [/] to start record- changed after the Record operation is completed.
ing. The [] lamp lights up while the [/] lamp
flashes at the current tempo. For individual parts:
Voice, Balance, Reverb Depth, Damper Reso-
4 Press either [] or [/] to stop nance
The [] and [/] lamps flash, indicating that the For the entire Song:
recorded data is being stored. After the operation Tempo, Reverb Type
is completed, the [] and [/] lamps will be
turned off.
1 Make settings for the above parameters,
as desired.
• Never turn off the power while the recorded data is
being stored (while the lamps are flashing). Other-
2 While holding down [], press the
wise, all recorded data will be lost.
desired Part button to engage Record
Ready mode.
5 If desired, record the other part by If you want to change the value of the parameters
repeating Steps 1 – 4. shared by two parts, select either part.

6 To hear the recorded Song, Press [/] The [] lamp will flash according to the current
to start playback.
Press [/] again to stop playback. NOTICE
• In this status, do not press [/] or any key. Other-
wise, recording starts and the data will be deleted.

3 While holding down [], press [/] to

change the initial settings and to exit
from Record Ready mode.
22 P-125 Owner’s Manual
Connecting Other Equipment
• Before connecting the instrument to other electronic components, turn off the power to all the components. Before turning the
power on or off to all components, set all volume levels to minimum (0). Otherwise, electrical shock or damage to the compo-
nents may result.

Connecting External Speakers C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7

Use these jacks to connect your digital piano to pow-

ered speakers and the like in order to play at higher F#5: Fixed
volumes. Refer to the diagram below and use audio C6
cables for connection.
Powered speakers

F5: Variable
While holding down

mono phone mono phone
plugs plugs
(standard) (standard)

Audio cable
Connecting an iPad or iPhone
NOTICE With an iPad or iPhone connected to your digital
• When the instrument’s sound is output to an external piano, you can use a wide range of apps to expand the
device, first turn on the power to the instrument, then to functionality of your instrument in exciting new ways.
the external device. Reverse this order when you turn the For details on how to connect the devices, refer to the
power off.
“iPhone/iPad Connection Manual” on page 8.
Smart device application — Smart Pianist
• Select cables and plugs with the lowest resistance possible.
• Use only the [L/L+R] AUX OUT jack if you wish to output the digital piano’s Smart Pianist (free for downloading) lets you select the
sound in mono. Voice and make Metronome settings intuitively, and
allows you to display the notation, depending on the
Speaker on/off setting selected data. For more details on Smart Pianist, other
supported apps and the compatible smart devices, refer
You can set whether the sound of this instrument is to the following Yamaha web site.
always output from its built-in speaker or not. While
holding down [METRONOME] and [RHYTHM]
simultaneously, press the D6 key to turn off, D#6 to For instructions on connecting the instrument to a smart
turn on, or E6 (AUTO) to mute the sound output from device, Connection Wizard in Smart Pianist will guide
its built-in speaker when headphones are connected. you according to the operating condition and environ-
(This is the default setting.) ment. To start the Connection Wizard, tap “ ” (Menu)
located at the upper left of the screen to open the Menu
Default setting: Auto
display, and then tap “Instrument”  “Start Connection
* Refer to the “SPEAKER OFF/ON/AUTO” indications printed Wizard.”
above these keys.
Adjusting the volume of the external speakers • If you are using a DAW (digital audio workstation) with this
instrument, set Audio Loop Back (page 24) to Off. Other-
This parameter is used to specify how the volume of wise, a loud sound may occur, depending on the settings
audio output via the [AUX OUT] jack is controlled. of the computer or the application software.
When set to “Variable (Off),” you can adjust the vol-
ume using [MASTER VOLUME]; when set to “Fixed
(On),” the volume will be fixed at the same level, Connecting to a Computer
regardless of the slider position. While holding down
[METRONOME] and [RHYTHM] simultaneously, Connecting the [USB TO HOST] terminal of this
press the F5 key to set to “Variable,” or press the F#5 instrument and the computer via a USB cable allows
key to set to “Fixed.” you to transmit/receive MIDI and Audio data (USB
Default setting: Variable (Off)
audio interface) to/from the computer. For details on
using a computer with this instrument, refer to the
“Computer-related Operations” on page 8.
• When this parameter is set to “Fixed,” the headphones volume will also be

P-125 Owner’s Manual 23

Data Backup and Initializing

[USB TO HOST] terminal

Playback/Recording of Audio Data
(USB audio interface)
You can play back audio data on a smart device or a
computer with this instrument. You can also record
your keyboard performance as audio data to a music
production app on a smart device or a computer.
USB cable
When using this function on a computer running Win-
NOTICE dows, you will need to install the Yamaha Steinberg
• Use an AB type USB cable of less than 3 meters. USB 3.0
USB Driver to your computer. For details, refer to the
cables cannot be used.
“Computer-related Operations” on page 8.

Types of file that can be exchanged with a com- Audio Loop Back On/Off
puter You can set whether audio sound input from the [USB
Songs: TO HOST] terminal is returned to the computer/smart
• User Song (USERSONG00 .mid)
device or not along with the performance played on

• External Songs: files with a .mid extension (SMF

format 0 or 1) the instrument.
While holding down [METRONOME] and
NOTICE [RHYTHM] simultaneously, press the G5 key (Off) or
• Before you transfer an SMF file from a computer, make G#5 (On).
sure to transfer the User Song to a computer for safe
keeping, since already-recorded data will be replaced Default setting: On
with the new transfer.
NOTE • If you are using a DAW (digital audio workstation) with this
• Certain MIDI files in SMF format 0 or 1 may contain data that is not sup- instrument, set Audio Loop Back to Off. Otherwise, a loud
ported by your digital piano. In such a case, the files may not play as origi- sound may occur, depending on the settings of the com-
nally intended. puter or the application software.

Data Backup and Initializing

The following data will automatically be maintained To initialize the backup data:
as backup data even if you turn off the power.
While holding down the highest key, turn the power
on to initialize the backup data to the factory initial
• User Song
• External Song
• Backup data: Highest key

Metronome/Rhythm Volume, Metronome Beat,

Touch Sensitivity, Tuning, Split Point, Auto Power
OFF setting, IAC on/off, IAC Depth, Intro/Ending
on/off, Operation Confirmation Sounds on/off,
AUX OUT volume settings, Stereophonic Opti-
mizer on/off, Speaker on/off, Table EQ on/off q
While holding
To save the User Song data to a computer:
Both the [] and [/] lamps flash, indicating that
The User Song (USERSONG00.mid) can be trans- the initialization is being executed. After the operation
ferred to a computer and saved as a SMF file. For is completed, both lamps turn off.
details, refer to the “Computer-related Operations” on NOTE
page 8. • If this instrument somehow malfunctions or fails to operate properly, try initial-
izing the data as described above.

24 P-125 Owner’s Manual

Problem Possible Cause and Solution
When the instrument is turned on or off, a pop-
This is normal and indicates that the instrument is receiving electrical power.
ping sound is temporarily produced.
The instrument has not been plugged in properly. Securely connect the AC adaptor to
The instrument does not turn on.
the DC IN jack on the instrument and to the AC outlet (page 10).
When the instrument is turned on, the power If an AC adaptor other than the one specified is used, the power may be turned off sud-
turns off suddenly and unexpectedly. denly and unexpectedly.
The instrument is automatically turned off even if
This is normal. This occurs due to the Auto Power Off function (page 10).
no operation is done.
Noise is heard from the speakers or head- The noise may be due to interference caused by the use of a mobile phone in close proxim-
phones. ity to the instrument. Turn off the mobile phone, or use it further away from the instrument.
Noise can be heard coming from the digital In order to eliminate the risk of noise from other communication when using the instru-
piano’s built-in speakers and/or headphones ment with an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch, we recommend turning on the device’s Air-
when using it with an iPhone/iPad/iPod touch app. plane Mode.
The Master Volume is set too low; set it to an appropriate level using the [MASTER
VOLUME] (page 11).
The digital piano’s speakers are turned off. Turn them back on (page 23).
The overall volume is low, or no sound is heard. Make sure a pair of headphones or conversion adaptor is not connected to the head-
phones jack (page 11).
Make sure that Local Control is ON. For details, refer to “MIDI Reference” (page 8) on
the website.
Moving the [MASTER VOLUME] slider does not Have you set the external speaker volume to “Fixed”?
change the volume of the headphones. Change the external speaker volume to “Variable.” (page 23)
The pedal cable/plug may not be properly connected. Make sure to securely insert the
The pedal has no effect.
pedal plug into the [SUSTAIN] or [PEDAL UNIT] jack (page 12).
The footswitch (for sustain) seems to produce
The polarity of the footswitch is reversed because the footswitch was pressed when the
the opposite effect. For example, pressing the
power was turned on. Turn off the power and turn it on again to reset the function. Make
footswitch cuts off the sound and releasing it
sure to not press the footswitch when turning the power on.
sustains the sounds.

Dimensions (W x D X H) • Fine Tuning: 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz
• 1326 x 295 x 166 mm (52-3/16” x 11-5/8” x 6-9/16”) • Metronome
Weight • Tempo: 5 – 280
• 11.8kg (26 lbs. 0 oz.) • USB audio interface
Keyboards Connectivity
• 88 keys (A-1 – C7) • DC IN (12V), PHONES (Standard stereo phone jack) x 2, SUS-
• GHS (Graded Hammer Standard) keyboard with matte black keytops TAIN, PEDAL UNIT, USB TO HOST, AUX OUT
• Touch Sensitivity (Hard/Medium/Soft/Fixed) Amplifiers
Tone Generation / Voice • 7W x 2
• Piano Sound: Pure CF Sound Engine Speakers
• Piano Effect: Damper Resonance, Stereo Sustain Samples, Key- • 12 cm x 2 + 4 cm x 2
off Samples, String Resonance Power Supply
• 24 Preset Voices • AC Adaptor PA-150 or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha
• Polyphony: 192 • Power Consumption: 9 W (When using PA-150 AC adaptor)
Effects/Functions • Auto Power Off Function
• 4 Reverb types, Sound Boost, table EQ, Intelligent Acoustic Con- Included Accessories
trol (IAC), Stereophonic Optimizer, Dual, Split, Duo • Owner’s Manual, Music Rest, AC Adaptor PA-150 or an equiva-
Accompaniment Rhythm lent recommended by Yamaha*, Online Member Product Regis-
• Preset: 20 tration, Footswitch, Warranty*
Song Recording/Playback (MIDI data only) * May not be included depending on your particular area.
• Preset: 21 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classic Songs Please check with your Yamaha dealer.
• 1 User Song with 2 tracks Separately Sold Accessories
• Data Capacity: Approx. 100 KB/Song (approx. 11,000 notes) • Keyboard Stand L-125B/L-125WH, Pedal Unit (LP-1B/LP-1WH),
• Compatible Data Format Foot Pedal FC3A, Footswitch FC4A/FC5, Headphones (HPH-50/
Playback: SMF (format 0, format 1) HPH-100/HPH-150), AC Adaptor: PA-150 or an equivalent rec-
Recording: SMF (format 0) ommended by Yamaha, Wireless MIDI adaptor: UD-BT01, Key-
Storage board Bag (SC-KB850)
• Internal Memory: total maximum size approx. 900 KB (User
song: One song approx. 100 KB, Loading song data from a com- * The contents of this manual apply to the latest specifications as of the pub-
lishing date. To obtain the latest manual, access the Yamaha website then
puter: Up to 2 Songs) download the manual file. Since specifications, equipment or separately
Overall Controls sold accessories may not be the same in every locale, please check with
• Transpose: -6 – 0 – +6 your Yamaha dealer.

P-125 Owner’s Manual 25

Voice List (Detailed)
Voice Button
Variation Voice Name Description
This sound was sampled from a concert grand piano. It uses different samples
depending on the strength of your playing and produces smoother tonal changes.
Even the tonal changes produced by the damper pedal and the subtle sounds of
Grand Piano
releasing a key are reproduced. The sympathetic vibration (string resonance) that
occurs among the strings of an acoustic piano has also been simulated. Suitable not
[PIANO] only for classical compositions but also for piano pieces of any style.
1 Live Grand Spacious and clear piano with bright reverb. Good for popular music.
2 Ballad Grand Warm and soft piano sound. Good for relaxing music.
Bright piano sound. Clear tone helps the sound to “cut through” when playing in an
3 Bright Grand
The sound of an electric piano using hammer-struck metallic “tines.” Soft tone when
Stage E.Piano
played lightly, and an aggressive tone when played hard.
An electronic piano sound created by FM synthesis. Extremely “musical” response
1 DX E.Piano with varying timbre according to keyboard dynamics. Good for standard popular
[E.PIANO] music.
2 Vintage E.Piano A slightly different electric piano sound often heard in rock and popular music.
A synth-generated type electronic piano sound often heard in popular music. Used in
3 Synth Piano
the Dual mode it blends well with an acoustic piano Voice.
A “tonewheel” type electric organ. Often heard in jazz and rock music. When the sep-
Jazz Organ arately sold Pedal Unit (LP-1B/LP-1WH) is connected, the rotary speed of the
“ROTARY SP” effect can be switched by using the left pedal.
1 Rock Organ Bright and edgy electric organ sound. Good for rock music.
A typical pipe organ sound (8 feet + 4 feet + 2 feet). Good for sacred music from the
2 Organ Principal
Baroque period.
This is the organ’s full coupler sound often associated with Bach’s “Toccata and
3 Organ Tutti
The definitive instrument for baroque music. Authentic harpsichord sound, with
Harpsichord 8’
plucked strings, no touch response, and characteristic key-release sound.
1 Harpsi.8’+4’ Mixes the same Voice an octave higher for a more brilliant tone.
A hammer-struck keyboard instrument that utilizes an electric pickup that is often

[CLV./VIB.] 2 E.Clavichord heard in funk and soul music. Its tone is noted for the unique sound produced when
the keys are released.
Played with relatively soft mallets. The tone becomes more metallic the harder you
3 Vibraphone play. When the separately sold Pedal Unit (LP-1B/LP-1WH) is connected, the left
pedal switches Vibrato on and off.
Stereo-sampled, large-scale strings ensemble with realistic reverb. Try combining
this Voice with piano in the Dual mode.
Spacious strings ensemble with a slow attack. Try combining this Voice with a piano
1 Slow Strings
[STRINGS] or electric piano in the Dual mode.
2 Choir A big, spacious choir Voice. Perfect for creating rich harmonies in slow pieces.
A warm, mellow, and spacious synth sound. Ideal for sustained parts in the back-
3 Synth Pad
ground of an ensemble.
Acoustic Bass An upright bass played fingerstyle. Ideal for jazz and Latin music.
Electric bass for a wide range of music styles, including jazz, rock, popular, and
1 Electric Bass
[+BASS] more.
2 Bass & Cymbal Adds a cymbal Voice to the bass sound. Ideal for walking bass lines in jazz tunes.
3 Fretless Bass The sound of a fretless bass. Suitable for styles such as jazz and fusion.

26 P-125 Owner’s Manual

Numerics P
50 Preset Songs .....................................................18, 28 Part ............................................................................... 19
Pedal ............................................................................ 12
A Pedal Unit ................................................................... 12
AC adaptor ..................................................................10 Pitch ............................................................................. 17
Accessories ...................................................................8 Playback (User Song) ................................................ 21
Accompaniment ..........................................................20 Playback (Voice Demo/50 Preset Song) .................. 18
Audio Loop Back .......................................................24 Power ........................................................................... 10
Auto Power Off ...........................................................10 Practice ........................................................................ 19

Backup ......................................................................... 24 Quick Operation Guide ...................................... 29 – 31
Beat ..............................................................................16 Quick Play .................................................................. 19

Computer .....................................................................23 Recording .................................................................... 21
Computer-related Operations ......................................8 Reverb ......................................................................... 17
Rhythm .................................................................. 20, 28
Damper (Right) Pedal ................................................12 S
Damper Resonance ..................................................... 12 Smart device ............................................................... 23
Delete (User Song) ..................................................... 22 Smart Pianist ............................................................... 23
Demo Song List ..........................................................18 Soft (Left) Pedal ......................................................... 12
Demo Songs ................................................................ 18 Songs ..................................................................... 18, 28
Dual .............................................................................14 Sostenuto (Center) Pedal ........................................... 12
Duo ..............................................................................15 Sound Boost ................................................................ 13
Speakers ...................................................................... 23

E Split ............................................................................. 15
External Songs ............................................................18 Stereophonic Optimizer ............................................. 11
Sustain ......................................................................... 12
Footswitch ...................................................................12 T
Table EQ ..................................................................... 13
H Tempo .............................................................. 16, 18, 20
Headphones .................................................................11 Terminals ...................................................................... 9
Touch Sensitivity ........................................................ 17
I Transpose .................................................................... 17
Initializing ...................................................................24 Troubleshooting .......................................................... 25
Intelligent Acoustic Control (IAC) ...........................11 Tuning ......................................................................... 17
iPhone/iPad Connection Manual .................................8
K USB audio interface ................................................... 24
Key Transposition .......................................................17 USB TO HOST ............................................................ 9
User Song .................................................................... 21
Manuals .........................................................................8
Metronome ..................................................................16 Variation Voice ........................................................... 13
MIDI Basics .................................................................. 8 Voice List .................................................................... 13
MIDI Reference ............................................................8 Voice List (Detailed) .................................................. 26
Music Rest ....................................................................8 Voices .......................................................................... 13
Volume .................................................................. 16, 20
Octave ..........................................................................14
Operation Confirmation Sounds ...............................11
P-125 Owner’s Manual 27
50 Preset Songs (50 Classical Music Masterpieces) Rhythms
No. Key Song Name Composer Category No. Name
Arrangements 1 8Beat
1 C2 Canon D dur J. Pachelbel 2 16Beat
2 C#2 Air On the G String J. S. Bach 3 Shuffle1
3 D2 Jesus, Joy of Man’s Desiring J. S. Bach 4 Shuffle2
4 D#2 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Traditional 5 Shuffle3
Piano Sonate op.31-2 6 Gospel
5 E2 L. v. Beethoven
“Tempest” 3rd mov. 7 8BeatBallad
6 F2 Ode to Joy L. v. Beethoven 8 6-8SlowRock
7 F#2 Wiegenlied op.98-2 F. P. Schubert 9 FastJazz
8 G2 Grande Valse Brillante F. F. Chopin 10 SlowJazz
9 G#2 Polonaise op.53 “Héroïque” F. F. Chopin Jazz
11 Swing
10 A2 La Campanella F. Liszt 12 JazzWaltz
11 A#2 Salut d’amour op.12 E. Elgar
13 Samba
12 B2 From the New World A. Dvořák
14 BossaNova
13 C3 Sicilienne G. U. Fauré Latin
15 Rumba
14 C#3 Clair de lune C. A. Debussy
16 Salsa
15 D3 Jupiter (The Planets) G. Holst
17 KidsPop
18 6-8March
Menuett (Eine kleine Kids&Holiday
16 D#3 W. A. Mozart 19 ChristmasSwing
Nachtmusik K.525)
20 Christmas3-4
17 E3 Menuett G dur L. v. Beethoven
18 F3 Marcia alla Turca L. v. Beethoven
Piano Concerto No.1 op.11
19 F#3 F. F. Chopin
2nd mov.
20 G3 The Nutcracker Medley P. I. Tchaikovsky
Original Compositions
Prelude (Wohltemperierte
21 G#3 J. S. Bach
Klavier I No.1)
22 A3 Menuett G dur BWV Anh.114 J. S. Bach
Piano Sonate No.15 K.545
23 A#3 W. A. Mozart
1st mov.

24 B3 Turkish March W. A. Mozart

Piano Sonate op.13
25 C4 L. v. Beethoven
“Pathétique” 2nd mov.
26 C#4 Für Elise L. v. Beethoven
Piano Sonate op.27-2
27 D4 L. v. Beethoven
“Mondschein” 1st mov.
28 D#4 Impromptu op.90-2 F. P. Schubert
29 E4 Frühlingslied op.62-6 J. L. F. Mendelssohn
30 F4 Fantaisie-Impromptu F. F. Chopin
Etude op.10-3 “Chanson de
31 F#4 F. F. Chopin
Etude op.10-12
32 G4 F. F. Chopin
33 G#4 Valse op.64-1 “Petit chien” F. F. Chopin
34 A4 Nocturne op.9-2 F. F. Chopin
Nocturne KK4a-16/BI 49
35 A#4 F. F. Chopin
36 B4 Träumerei R. Schumann
37 C5 Barcarolle P. I. Tchaikovsky
38 C#5 La prière d’une Vierge T. Badarzewska
39 D5 Liebesträume No.3 F. Liszt
40 D#5 Blumenlied G. Lange
41 E5 Humoresque A. Dvořák
42 F5 Arietta E. H. Grieg
43 F#5 Tango (España) I. Albéniz
44 G5 The Entertainer S. Joplin
45 G#5 Maple Leaf Rag S. Joplin
46 A5 La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin C. A. Debussy
47 A#2 Arabesque No.1 C. A. Debussy
48 B5 Cakewalk C. A. Debussy
49 C6 Je te veux E. Satie
50 C#6 Gymnopédies No.1 E. Satie

Quick Operation Guide

While holding down the [DEMO/SONG] button, press one of the highlighted keys shown below to select preset songs, etc. or set parameters. (Refer to diagram 1 below.)
While holding down the [PIANO] button, press one of the highlighted keys shown below to select reverb types, etc. or set parameters. (Refer to diagram 2 below.)
Quick Song Data Loaded
Play 50 Preset Songs (50 Classical Music Masterpieces) Song number from the Computer














A#-1 C#0 D#0 F#0 G#0 A#0 C#1 D#1 F#1 G#1 A#1 C#2 D#2 F#2 G#2 A#2 C#3 D#3 F#3 G#3 A#3 C#4 D#4 F#4 G#4 A#4 C#5 D#5 F#5 G#5 A#5 C#6 D#6 F#6 G#6 A#6
A-1 B-1 C0 D0 E0 F0 G0 A0 B0 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 A1 B1 C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 A2 B2 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 A3 B3 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4 C5 D5 E5 F5 G5 A5 B5 C6 D6 E6 F6 G6 A6 B6 C7
Reverb Reverb Damper Stereophonic Balance between Octave Touch
Type Depth Resonance Optimizer Voice 1 and Voice 2 Setting Sensitivity

Default value (Voice 2)

Default value (Voice 1)

Default depth

Default value
Concert Hall




1 step down (Voice 2)

1 step down (Voice 1)

1 step up (Voice 2)

1 step up (Voice 1)
1 step down

1 step down
Recital Hall

1 step up

1 step up



A#-1 C#0 D#0 F#0 G#0 A#0 C#1 D#1 F#1 G#1 A#1 C#2 D#2 F#2 G#2 A#2 C#3 D#3 F#3 G#3 A#3 C#4 D#4 F#4 G#4 A#4 C#5 D#5 F#5 G#5 A#5 C#6 D#6 F#6 G#6 A#6
A-1 B-1 C0 D0 E0 F0 G0 A0 B0 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 A1 B1 C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 A2 B2 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 A3 B3 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4 C5 D5 E5 F5 G5 A5 B5 C6 D6 E6 F6 G6 A6 B6 C7
Quick Operation Guide
While holding down the [METRONOME] button, press one of the highlighted keys shown below to select Metronome beats, or set parameters. (Refer to diagram 3 below.)
While holding down the [RHYTHM] button, press one of the highlighted keys shown below to select rhythms, or set parameters. (Refer to diagram 4 below.)
Voice confirmation of Metronome
current Tempo value Volume Metronome Tempo Metronome Beat
Default tempo
Default value




10 steps down
1 step down

10 steps up
1 step up

No beat

A#-1 C#0 D#0 F#0 G#0 A#0 C#1 D#1 F#1 G#1 A#1 C#2 D#2 F#2 G#2 A#2 C#3 D#3 F#3 G#3 A#3 C#4 D#4 F#4 G#4 A#4 C#5 D#5 F#5 G#5 A#5 C#6 D#6 F#6 G#6 A#6
A-1 B-1 C0 D0 E0 F0 G0 A0 B0 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 A1 B1 C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 A2 B2 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 A3 B3 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4 C5 D5 E5 F5 G5 A5 B5 C6 D6 E6 F6 G6 A6 B6 C7
Voice confirmation of Rhythm Intro/
current Tempo value Volume Rhythm Tempo Rhythm Bass Ending

Default tempo
Default value



Ending ON

Intro ON





10 steps down

1 step down

10 steps up

Ending OFF


Intro OFF
1 step up




A#-1 C#0 D#0 F#0 G#0 A#0 C#1 D#1 F#1 G#1 A#1 C#2 D#2 F#2 G#2 A#2 C#3 D#3 F#3 G#3 A#3 C#4 D#4 F#4 G#4 A#4 C#5 D#5 F#5 G#5 A#5 C#6 D#6 F#6 G#6 A#6

A-1 B-1 C0 D0 E0 F0 G0 A0 B0 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 A1 B1 C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 A2 B2 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 A3 B3 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4 C5 D5 E5 F5 G5 A5 B5 C6 D6 E6 F6 G6 A6 B6 C7
Quick Operation Guide

While holding down the [METRONOME] and [RHYTHM] buttons, press one of the highlighted keys shown below to set parameters. (Refer to diagram 5 below.)
Aux Out volume
Control Change Audio Loop Back
Program Change Table EQ
Local Control Sound Boost
Operation Auto
Confirmation Power MIDI Transmit MIDI Receive Built-in Speaker
Sounds Off Tuning IAC Transpose Channel Channel

Ch 1 (Default value)

Ch 1 (Default value)
Default value

Ch 1+2







0 (Original pitch)

1 step down

1 step down
1 step down

1 step up

1 step up
1 step up





A#-1 C#0 D#0 F#0 G#0 A#0 C#1 D#1 F#1 G#1 A#1 C#2 D#2 F#2 G#2 A#2 C#3 D#3 F#3 G#3 A#3 C#4 D#4 F#4 G#4 A#4 C#5 D#5 F#5 G#5 A#5 C#6 D#6 F#6 G#6 A#6
A-1 B-1 C0 D0 E0 F0 G0 A0 B0 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 A1 B1 C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 A2 B2 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 A3 B3 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4 C5 D5 E5 F5 G5 A5 B5 C6 D6 E6 F6 G6 A6 B6 C7
For details of products, please contact your nearest Yamaha representative or the authorized distributor listed below.


Yamaha Music Europe Yamaha Music Gulf FZE
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DMI23 Head Office/Manufacturer: Yamaha Corporation 10-1, Nakazawa-cho, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, 430-8650, Japan
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