Facial Recipes

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Facial Recipes

It's not only good for you, if feels great too. You can make a facial
from ordinary kitchen goods. Here are some recipes which are
inexpensive to make and you probably have the ingredients right in
your kitchen.

Honey Facial  *
1 tablespoon honey
1 egg yoke
1 teaspoon olive oil
Beat the egg yoke with a fork, add the oil and blend well. Add the honey using a spoon
that you have rinsed with hot water and blend well again. Smear it all over your face
with your fingers, except do not cover your eyes. Leave it on your face for 15 minutes,
then rinse it off.

Cucumber Facial
1 cucumber
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon witch hazel (you can buy this in any drug store)
1 egg white, beaten with an electric beater until fluffy.
Peel the cucumber and run it through a blender or a food processor.
Pour the cucumber pulp into a colander or strainer and force it through,
catching the liquid that comes out in a bowl underneath. Combine the
cucumber liquid with the lemon juice and the witch hazel. Stir it and
add the beaten egg white gently. Put it on your face and leave it on for 15 to 25 minutes,
then rinse off.

Refreshing Fruit Facials

1 Peach, ripe, peeled, pitted
1 Egg white
Whip the peach and egg white together in a blender until smooth. Gently pat the
mixture all over your face. Relax for 30 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water.


1 Apple, cored & quartered
2 T Honey
Drop the apple pieces into a food processor and chop. Add honey and refrigerate for 10
minutes. Pat the mixture onto your face with a light tapping motion, tapping until the
honey feels tacky. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse.


1/2 Cucumber
1 Egg white
1 T Lemon juice
1 tsp mint
Puree everything and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Apply the mixture to your face and
leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm, then cool wat er.


1/2 c Strawberries, very ripe
1/4 c Cornstarch
Mix strawberries and cornstarch together to make a paste and apply it to your
face, avoiding the delicate area around your eyes. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then
rinse it off with cool water.

2 cups boiling water
1 vitamin C (a preservative)
Lemon peel (zest) from 2 lemons
Dissolve the vitamin in water. In a glass bowl put the lemon zest and pour the water
over them. Let it sit over night. Remove the zest and put in a spray bottle. You can use
any type of citrus peel.


1 Tomato, ripe, chopped
1 tsp Lemon juice
1 T Instant style oatmeal or old-fashioned rolled oats
Blend everything until just combined. Apply to skin, making sure the mixture is thick
enough to stay on blemished areas: cheeks, forehead, or chin. If necessary, add a bit
more oatmeal to thicken the mask. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then scrub it off with a
clean washcloth dipped in warm water.
The all-important homemade facial
Yet another listing on home made facials. I am sure you’ll love these.

Here is a sampling of a few homemade facials that will help make your skin beautiful and vibrant. You
may treat this as the guide you could adhere to, for getting back that lost glow, making you feel younger
by the minute!

Citrus and grapefruit mask for oily skin type:

½ grapefruit
½ lemon's juice
½ cored apple
1-2 egg whites
30-40 seedless grapes

Mix ingredients together in a blender. Apply on your face and leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse off with
warm water.

Grapefruit unclogs pores and lemon is an excellent astringent and clarifier, while egg whites tighten the
skin. Expect a tingle with this mask-that means its working but if your skin is dry it could start to burn. If
this occurs, wash it off immediately.

Fruit Masque for dehydrated skin:

1 cup of mixed mashed fruit (try melon, peaches, strawberries, and bananas)
2-3 Tbsp. Double cream
3 tsp. cottage cheese
1 tsp. brown sugar
4 tsp. oatmeal powder

Blend all the ingredients together and apply on your face. Relax for ten minutes, and rinse off with warm
water. The luscious combination of cream and juicy fruits works wonders after a hot day in the sun and
helps refresh the skin.

Honey Mask
1½ tbsp. honey
1 egg white
2 tsp. glycerin
1/3 cup flour

Whisk the honey, egg white and glycerin, and then add the flour. The result should be a thick paste. Apply
to face and rinse after 15 minutes This mask effectively moisturizes and tightens the skin, making it
smooth and soft.

Egg Mask
1 egg white
Separate the egg white from the yolk. Put the egg white on your face and relax for about 15 minutes.
Wash off with lukewarm water.
This mask leaves your skin smooth, refreshed and tightens your skin.
Egg yolk
Separate the yolk from the egg white. Mix the yolk and apply over clean skin. Let it set for about 15
minutes, then rinse with warm water.
The egg yolk acts as an ant-oxidant and does wonders for your complexion as it pulls impurities out of
your skin, leaving it soft and healthy.

Yoghurt Moisturizing Mask

Plain yoghurt

Smooth yoghurt over your face and let it set for about 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

This mask is super-simple and will add lots of moisture to your skin. Especially a treat to people having
dry skin. Plus, it's great for those of us who hate spending time in the kitchen and want something that's
quick to prepare and easy to make.

Egg and Honey Facial

1 egg yolk
1 tsp. honey
1 tsp. vitamin E oil
1 tsp. almond oil

Mix all ingredients together, stirring until smooth. To use, apply to face and rinse with warm water after 15

This easy mask is suitable for all skin types. It clarifies and moisturizes the skin, leaving it cleansed and
silken. Egg yolks contain anti-oxidants, which are very beneficial to our skin.

Vegetable Mask
1/2 tomato, mashed (remove seeds and skin)
2 tsp. curd
1 tsp. mashed cucumber
3-4 tsp. oatmeal powder
3 crushed mint leaves.

Mix ingredients together and apply on your face. Wait for ten minutes, and then wash off with warm water.

This mask works well for oily skin, since it absorbs the surplus oils. Tomatoes are excellent anti-oxidants,
and the curd prevents excessive drying.

Fruity Facials

Crush strawberry and apply on face and leave it on for 2/3 minutes and then rinse with plenty of water.

Strawberry is rich in vitamin c and is very refreshing for your skin. However some people are allergic to
strawberry so before applying test it on your skin and if there is any irritation then do not apply.

Crush papaya and apply on face and leave it on for 5 minutes. Rinse off with plenty of water.
Papayas contain an enzyme 'papain', which is useful in exfoliating the skin.
Crush watermelon and apply on the face for 5 minutes and then rinse. Watermelon cleanses the skin.

Difficulty: Moderate

Things You’ll Need:

 Strawberries
 Lemon juice
 Yogurt
 Tomato
 Papaya or apricot
 Cream
 Banana
 Cinnamon

Skin Prep

Cleanse your face with cold milk. Soak a cotton ball in cold milk and rub in a circular motion over face and
neck. Wash with lukewarm water. Milk removes dirt from deep pores and gives an instant brightness to
the skin.


Exfoliate your skin with orange peel and oatmeal to remove dead cells. Grate the skin of an orange and
dry it in the sun. Mix 1 tsp. each of oatmeal and dried powder of the orange peel with enough water to
make a paste. Rub gently over face and neck using your fingertips and wash off.


Moisturize your skin with honey, which also acts as a bleach to lighten blemishes and tiny facial hair.
Apply carefully avoiding the eyebrows and hairline. Wash after 10 minutes.


Gently steam your face over hot water to open up the pores. Boil a pot of water and let it simmer for 5
minutes. Lean over with a towel over your head to keep the steam in but not too close to scald your skin.

Fruit Masks

Chop a handful of strawberries in the blender. Add the juice of 1 lemon and 1/2 cup yogurt. Store in
refrigerator for 30 minutes and then apply on the face and neck. Leave it for 1/2 hour and then rinse with
cold water.

Blend 1 ripe tomato and add a few drops of lemon juice. Refrigerate for 20 minutes and then add one
tbsp. of honey. Apply it thick over neck and face. Wait for it to dry and then wash.


Deseed 1/2 papaya or apricot and mash it well. Add a few tablespoons of cream and whip. Apply to the
forehead, face and neck avoiding the eyes. Wash off in 1/2 hour.


Mash a ripe banana along with a pinch of cinnamon powder. Add a few drops of honey and lemon juice to
make a paste. Apply liberally over the face and wash after 20 minutes.


 Egg and Avocado Facial Mask;
1. 1 tablespoon fuller's earth,
2. 1 egg yolk,
3. 1/4 of a mashed avocado
4. Some witch hazel
Make a paste of all ingredients by mixing them well and apply on the
face. Leave it till it dry. It is best for oily skin. Fullers earth dries
excess sebum while egg yolk and avocado replenish lost moisture.
Witch hazel acts as a toner.
 Strawberries Facial Mask;
Mash 8 whole strawberries into a pulp then add 3 tablespoons of
honey. Do not over blend. Apply on your face for few minutes. Read
more on Natural skin care recipes for oily skin.
You may be interested in Strawberries Skincare.


Regarding dry skin care, eggs are the most important component of home made packs for
shinner facial skin. Most of the recipes include egg white or whole egg mixed either with honey,
some oil or any other natural ingredient.
Egg and Honey Facial Mask
1. 1 egg
2. 1 teaspoon of honey
3. 1/2 tsp olive oil
4. A few drops of rose water
Mix the ingredients thoroughly and use as a mask.

Egg, honey and Oil Facial Mask #1

1. 1 tablespoon honey,
2. 1 egg yolk,
3. 1/2 teaspoon almond oil
4. 1 tablespoon yogurt.
Mix them well and apply as a mask. This is a very good homemade facial mask for dry skin. It fulfills
all the basic needs. Honey clears and smoothes facial skin; oil penetrates deep and restore the
moisture, yogurt tightens any pores, while egg yolk has a nourishing effect in this skincare
Gram flour and Turmeric Facial Mask
This is one of the oldest natural recipe for skin care. This is a mask as well as a scrub for dry skin
and can be equally used for normal skin types. For ages women have been using this homemade
mask for face and also body care. Take some gram flour, add a pinch of turmeric powder and make a
paste with water. Some milk may be added if desired (fresh cream is usually prefer as it is a good
natural skin cleanser). Apply on the face, neck and whole body, if desired. Let it dry.for half an hour.
Now remove this face and body mask by rubbing gently with your finger tips. This cleanses away any
dirt particals or other impurities and makes skin fresh and smooth.

Egg and Honey Face Mask;

Apply egg white and honey mixture for 10 minutes. It removes the tan from your face, helps to
enhance complexion and tone up the facial skin.


 Gram Flour and Orange Peel Facial Pack
1. 1 tablespoon of gram flour,
2. 1/4 teaspoon orange peel powder,
3. 1 tablespoon beaten yogurt,
4. 1 teaspoon olive oil,
Mix them well and apply this paste on face and neck. Wait till it dries, then remove by
gently rubbing with finger tips. Never be harsh; this will do more harm than any benefit.
 MIlk and Egg Facial Mask;
1. 1/2 teaspoon of milk powder,
2. 1/4 teaspoon of egg white,
3. 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice,
Mix them all and apply on your face. Leave it till it dries away, now remove it by gently
rubbing in circular movements and finally rinse with tepid water. This gives you smooth,
soft and clear skin.
Read more on Egg Facial Masks.
Carrot Juice and Gram Flour Facial Mask
Every one knows that carrot are a good source of anti oxidants and and the richest vegetable source of
the pro-vitamin A carotenes.These anti oxiadant compounds are not only good for optimum health but
also help to maintain good skin care. Beside taking them orally, you can also apply their juice direcly on
your skin to get the desired results. An easy skincare treatment is to make a paste of gram flour with
carrot juice and use it as facial peel. Leave it till it dries then wash the cold water.

Coconut Milk for Facial Skin Care

Coconut milk has a high fat contents which makes it

good skin moisturizer and softener. It is due to this
quality coconut milk is widely used in many skin care
products as one of the main ingredient. You can also
use it in your at home facial treament In fact you can
try coconut milk in multiple skin care recipes till you
find what really suits you. If you do have to buy a
commercial skin products, look for coconut milk in the
ingredient list near or at the top.
It can be applied directly to face and body then massaged well and finally washed
away to get younger looking skin.

Add almond powder to coconut milk and make a paste, you can also add some
honey and almond oil. Mask the face and neck and wait till it dries. This is a
wonderful facial skin treatment that thoroughly cleanses the skin while leaving it
silky, smooth and completely moisturized.

Make a paste of red sandal wood and coconut milk and apply on the face for to
get a glowing skin.

Beautiful Skin Care ;

For a glowing beautiful skin complexion, use rose water twice a day. You can add
lemon juice which is a natural skin whitener to get a glowing skin. This natural
skin care recipe is free from any potential side effects and works best for all skin
types except sensitive skin.

Skincare Treatment with Papaya.;

Papaya is something really really good for facial skin. You just hace to mash and
apply directly for some time til it dries. It is good for anti aging skin care. Gives a
glow and make skin soft and fair.

Natural Beauty ;
Apply mashed banana to whole face twice a week to get glowing skin. Do it for
one month surely you will get good results.

Homemade Facial Masks These are two easiest facial masks.

1. Apply egg white for 10 or 15 minutes, two times a week.
2. Apply a mixture of honey and lemon juice two times a day. Surely these are very
quick natural skin care recipes that you can easily follow and get a beautiful skin
within few days.

Natural Recipe for Skin Care ;

Apply juice of water melon two times on your face daily for fifteen or more days.
This will nourish your skin and make it beautiful.

Homemade facial mask;

Take some flour (wheat flour) add water and make a paste, u can also put some
oil like baby oil and rose water to get better results. This paste can be used very
very frequently even daily. Remove it by gently rubbing and u will get a fair skin.
Get Glowing Skin with Lemon;
Lemon juice or other citrus juices have skin whitening qualities. When u apply for
few days, they whiten your skin and make it soft and fair.

Natural Skin Care;

Soak 4 almonds at night. In the morning grind with milk and apply this over
facial skin. wait to dry...then look at you having glowing fair skin.

Cabbage Face Mask;

Boil some cabbage and drain it. Use this water as for our facial skin care. You can
also mash the boiled cabbage and add some honey, gram flour and a bit water to
make a good face mask.

Homemade Facial Masks with Egg Beat an egg yolk with honey and lemon and
make a paste. Mask your face until it dries, you can peel it off or simply wash
away. This makes you feel fresh and ur skin will be soft and beautiful.

Homemade Facial Masks with Clay ;

Take some multani mitti, add mashed papaya or banana pulp and make a mask
with water. A good natural face cleanser, for all skins especially normal to dry.

Olive oil for Natural skin care ;

Use olive oil daily before going to bed. It is a good moisturizer, will make you feel
soft and fresh. Also good for dry skin care.

Homemade Facial Mask;

Curd or yogurt is toooo goood for beautiful skin care. Mix some orange juice and
honey and make your homemade skin care product. For good results use twice a

Gram flour for facial skin ;

I saw my mother using besan or gram flour for cleansing skin, not only face skin
but also on hands and forearms. She told that her mother as well as grand mother
used to do so. I think this is the most prevelant natural skin care recipe in our

Turmeric for Natural Face Care; Use of turmeric for facial skin on daily basis.
This makes your face very clear and superb and gives you a youthfull skin.

Skincare Treatment with Carrot Juice ;

Every time you drink carrot juice apply some on your skin and rub slowly, this
works very well and u can see the difference after few days.

At Home Facial Treatment with Tomato ;

take a tomato remove all pulp and then scrub the remaing on ur skin for 15 mins
then wash with rose water to facial ur skin naturally to make ur skin glorius
(tomato is known for natural facial care)

take fresh rose petals and rub on your lips. so see change of lips colour after some
days.and for body are take hand full of rose petals and boil them in water for
some time .then remove the petals and preserve the water in abottle.just a little
amount use during bath it refreshes you whole the day with fragrance.
add sandalwood powder,multani metthi,rose water n make a paste.

Take some milk add 1/2 spoon turmeric powder,1/2 coconut powder.make a
paste apply for face and neck.remove after 15 minutes.this makes you very fair

1tsp curd ,1tsp besan ,pinch of turmeric powder n 2-4drops of lemon juice mix it n
make a paste.apply it at face for 15-20mins.a face mask for beautiful n glowing

apply aloe vera gel on face and leave it for 10-15mins then wash ur face with
ordinary water

take some uper of boiled-milk mixed with gram flour and troumeric poiwder
facial and wash mouth after 15 minute

homemade Skincare;
1. 1 egg
2. 1 teaspoon of honey
3. 1/2 tsp olive oil
4. A few drops of rose water
Mix the ingredients thoroughly and use as a mask for fifteen minutes to get
beautiful smooth facial skin.
add 2tsp of cucumber juice ,2tsp lemon juice and pich of turmeric powder...its a
natural bleach glow to ur skin..

use lemon juice everyday on ur face definitly ull have clear skin ...

2tsp masoor dal,egg white,2drops lemon juice n 1big tsp raw milk mix it n make a
paste.apply it for 10-15min n remove it.skin will glow.

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