AllNightAllDay PDF
AllNightAllDay PDF
AllNightAllDay PDF
African-American Spiritual
SwingLow, SweetChariot
Swing low, cha - ri-ot, Com'in' for to car - ry me
Encouragesoloor smallgroupsingingin this call andresponsesong. The largergroupwould
alwayssingthe responsephrases. Youngerchildrenmay wish to learnonly the refrain in which
"All night, all day." To help studentsfeel the
casethe call phrasescould be on the words,
correctrhythm. havethem clap or patschthe syncopatedpattern(short-long,short long) on the
words"me, my Lord"
"Swing Low, Sweet
Older studentsmay enjoy singingtlre refrain of this songwith the refrain of
Chariot." Be surethat both songsare in the samekey.
Use resonatorbells for this threechordsongandplay the designatedchordson the beat. The F
chordis F A C. B-flat chordis B-flat D F. C7 chordis C E B-flat. Youngerstudentscould
play the melody outlining the F chord(C F A F) on half noteseachtime the wordsAII night,all
day we stxrg.
Anothertime, accompanythe songwith the autoharpon designatedchords.
Add finger cymhls or trianglesto the resonatorbell accompaniment andexperimentwith rhythm
patternsfor each. As an idea, resonatorbells could play a rhythm suchasthis, J I J in
each measure, and the finger cymbalsor trianglescould play only on the stong beat (count 1).
In measures 7 and 15,play J J j J to accommodate the C7 chordon the 4th beat.
"All nighq all
Youngerstudentsmay enjoy creatingidenticalbody movementsfor the phrases
day" which will helpthemnoticethe repetitionof the melodyaswell asthe words. Otherbody
movementscould describethe angels.
Listen to recordingsof variousspiritualsto determinehow they might havebeenusedto express
the feelingsofthe singers.Someexamplesue Battle of Jericho,Every TimeI Feel theSpirit, He's
Got the WholeWorld in His Hands,Sometimes I Feel Like a MotherlessChil{ andll'hen the
SaintsGo Marching In.