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Herald of Life APRIL - JUNE 2002

The Price
Legal andVital Sides
is Paid! of Redemption E. W. Kenyon
When Jesus sat
down at the right
Pastor Joe McIntyre hand of the Father,
He had paid the price for our complete
T here are two phases or sides
of Redemption. One is
what God in Christ did for us,
and the other is what the
challenged the grace and love of
He had trampled under
foot God’s loving kind-
redemption. All that was necessary for
Holy Spirit through the ness and now it was
the salvation of every man woman and
Word does in us. necessary that Jesus pay the
child was provided. God was, “in Christ, When we are confused in penalty of man’s transgression.
reconciling the world unto Himself, not regard to these two ministries, our This He did.
imputing their trespasses against them” prayer life is weakened, our testi- When He carried His blood
(2 Cor. 5:19). Jesus is the propitiation (or mony loses its power and our expo- into the Heavenly Holy of Holies
satisfaction) not only for our sins, but for sitions of the scripture are ofttimes and it was accepted by God, it proves
the sins of the whole world (1 Jn. 2:2). misleading. beyond a shadow of a doubt that
God is not willing that any perish but that The whole plan of Redemption is man can stand before God as a New
all come to repentance (2 Pet. 3:9). Jesus wrapped up in those forty-nine days Creation without condemnation and
has provided a perfect redemption for all. from the time that Jesus was nailed with no charges against him.
Does this mean that all are or will be to the cross until He sat down at the The second thing He had to do was
right hand of the majesty on high. to conquer Satan. Man is a subject of
saved? No, this means that “God so loved
The entire Pauline Revelation has the devil. He must be conquered.
the world that He sent His only begotten to do with what Jesus did during that Rev. 1:18, Heb. And Col. 2:15 give
Son that whoever believes in Him should period from the crucifixion until He a summary of Jesus’ victory over the
not perish but have everlasting life” was seated, aside from the book of adversary.
(Jn.3:16). In order for what Jesus purchased Hebrews which deals with what Christ Rom. 6:14, “For Sin shall not lord
to become the personal possession of the is doing today. it over you.”
individual, he or she must come to faith Christ has a ministry today at the Sin and Satan are identical.
in Christ and His Finished Work. He must right hand of the Father. Col. 1:13-14, “Who delivered us
repent and believe the gospel. He is the High Priest, Saviour, the out of the authority of darkness and
Paul makes this clear in the 10th Mediator between God and man. As translated us into the kingdom of the
Chapter of Romans: “If you confess with the Intercessor, He is the Advocate, Son of His Love.”
the Surety of the New Covenant, and Satan has no dominion over the
your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in
He is the Lord of the New Creation. New Creation.
your heart that God raised Him from
That covers His present ministry. We are the actual sons and daugh-
the dead you will be saved”(v. 9). Every But the thing we want to think ters of God, heirs of God and joint
individual must come to faith in the about is first, what Christ did for us heirs with Jesus Christ.
resurrection of Jesus and personally receive from the time He died on the cross When He arose from the dead, He
Him as Lord. How will this be accomplish- until He sat down at the right hand arose because humanity was Justified.
ed? Paul responds, “How then shall they of God. “He was delivered up on the
call on Him in whom they have not He satisfied the claims of justice account of our trespasses and was
believed? And how shall they believe in against humanity. raised because we stood right with
Man has sinned, committed high God,” or we were declared righteous.
(continued on page 4) treason, an unpardonable sin. He had “Being declared Righteous, let us
(continued on page 4)
Herald of Life
NEWS of the Ministry
~Life ~
John 10:10, "The thief Have you in spirit,
cometh not, but that soul and body the
he may steal, and kill very life and nature
and destroy. I came of God?
that they might have life That is what makes
and have it more abun- you a real child of God.
Bonnie & Jim Dofelmier dantly." When you can say yes
What was the object of to that question, what a
Jesus' coming? glory comes into your
T o all Kenyon team members for Christ, your
generosity has been overwhelming and we are
truly grateful for your tithes. We have been able to
What is the new
See what limitless
Can there be a new power there is!
bring many to the throne room of Christ because of
your kindness. Many of you have sent your photos birth if there isn't life? You have received
and updates and it has truly lifted our spirits. Those When a man is born into your very being the
of you that haven’t can expect a reminder so we can again, he receives eternal life of the God of the
complete the Kenyon team album. So many have life into his very being. Universe.
been encouraged and given their lives to Jesus
because of the love you’ve shown for Him through
your tithes. Thank you from all of us at the Ministry,
we are truly grateful and humbled by the trust you’ve
shown in our work for the Lord.
We are excited to release two
new audio cassettes, “The New
Kind of Love” and “The Two Kinds
of Faith”. Both of these books on
cassette are a two tape series and
priced at $13.00 (plus postage and
handling). Order your copies today.
We know they will bless your lives.
Please also note that due to rising
costs in printing and postage we’ve “When you go forward in God’s service,
had to slightly increase the prices of be sure God is leading.
our smaller books and tapes.
At the start of the New Year we
announced that our goal was to “Lord, lift us and let us stand
increase our work for Christ and bring His
Word of grace to many more that are lost By faith, on Heaven’s table-land;
than we did last year. I’m humbled to tell A loftier plane than we have found,
you that we are running the race well and
many have been saved and have given
Lord set our feet on higher ground.
their life to Jesus. We give Christ all the
glory along with all of you on the
Kenyon team for without either of you it
would not be possible. Great things are
being accomplished for our Lord. Let
us not grow faint though or relax for
even a moment but continue His fight You can find us on the web at
for He wants none to perish, not one.
Bonnie and I, along with the Staff want to thank all of www.kenyons.org
you for your faithfulness. You are all worthy servants Call us toll-free at 1-866-743-4243
of our Lord & worthy to receive His best. God bless
you all. ✞


T he following is an excerpt from

The Father and His Family, which
is Kenyon’s first book and his statement
according to the Court’s find-
ings, and he will be sent away
with the Devil, the False
have lost the power of volition
and of action and that a guard
with a gun walks up and down
of the plan of redemption. It is the Prophet, and the fallen angels into the concrete corridor before your
basis and foundation for all his other the Federal Prison of Eternity. steel-barred doors in a uniform
writings. It was originally written in The reason for Hell and the that becomes hateful to you is
1916 and later expanded in 1937. Lake of Fire is apparent to every Hell enough for any man.
thinking man. If this is to last through Eternity,
If there be a Hell, a place of confine- God help me. I want to evade it.
ment, a prison for the incorrigibly wicked, Eternal Criminals I don’t need the fumes of sulphur, nor
it matter not the nature of it, it will be a the creeping, biting, burning worms of
Man is an Eternal Being. He belongs
place of torment. Hell described in the Scripture.
to the same class as God.
Under the most humane conditions To be shut in with the incorrigibly
If he dies a criminal, then he enters
possible in this century in which we are wicked through Eternity, to be associated
Eternity as an eternal criminal.
living, a prison is a prison, and it is horrible with the blasphemers and murderers, with
There must be a prison; the criminals
even to contemplate. the whore-mongers, the liar, the thief, the
must be segregated.
What we want in this discussion is to dissolute women of all ages, never to see a
If they were permitted to roam indis-
know what the Word of God teaches in re- pure face again, never to hear a baby’s prat-
criminately through Eternity, they would
gard to the state of the wicked after death. tle, never to hear a hymn of praise or the
demoralize the New Heavens and the New
It may be interesting for us to notice folklore songs of love, to hear nothing but
this, that Hell is the jail where the wicked bitter, biting, hideous blasphemy, the gnaw-
We have jails, State Prisons, and Federal
are locked up when under indictment until ing of the tongue, the gnashing of teeth, the
Prisons for time criminals who break the
the court sits and their sentences are biting agony of long confinement is all that
laws of man.
passed on them; then they go into what is is necessary to make it Hell for me.
Who can raise a protest against God if
called in Revelation the Lake of Fire, the As for me, let me escape it; let me never
He has a prison in which are incarcerated
Gehenna of the New Testament. be in danger of it.
the men who violate the laws of Heaven,
The Lake of Fire is the Federal Prison
and who are eternal criminals?
of Eternity; Hell is simply the County Jail.
The Universal human believes in some
Who Goes to Hell
No one has yet been put into the Lake
kind of Hell and place of confinement for Every man who refuses to recognize
of Fire.
punishment after death, and this testimony the Lordship of Jesus Christ or confess Him
The wicked angels and wicked men
is not easily ruled out of court. as Savior will go to Hell.
are both locked up today in Hell, awaiting
There is no type of testimony so con- There is no distinction; “Unless a man
the resurrection of the wicked and the
vincing to a jury and judge as the testimony is born from above, he cannot enter the
Judgment, after which they go to the
of universal human consciousness. Kingdom of God; he will enter the Kingdom
Federal Prison.
There must be some basis of fact for of Satan.
You know that Heaven is not the perma-
this universal belief. There will be no educational test, no
nent abode of the Believers; it is merely a
All primitive peoples believe that the philanthropical test, no financial test; the
tentative place to which the disembodied
Good go to some kind of Heaven and that man who is not sheltered by the sacrifices
spirit goes to await the return of the Lord
the Evil go into confinement. of Jesus Christ will go to Hell as surely as
Jesus and the first resurrection when the
We may believe in a literal Lake of Fire the Devil.
Believer will receive his immortal body.
and Brimstone or that the term is only used Man does not go to Hell because of
He is then ready to enter into the New
to illustrate the torture and misery of con- what he does, but because of what he is.
Heavens and the New Earth, where he
finement and separation from God. Man goes to Hell on purely intellectual
will dwell in an immortal, physical body
grounds; he can evade it if he wishes.
with his beloved ones through Eternity. A Prison is a Prison He goes to Hell today in the face of mod-
When the sinner dies today, he, in his
The fact is: to be locked up in a Federal ern civilization with his eyes wide open, and
spiritual form, goes to Hell to remain there
prison away from your loved ones with the because he prefers Hell to Heaven.
until the Second Resurrection when his old
loss of freedom and with a consciousness He goes there, because he has served
body will be raised full of sin, disease, and
that all your mortal days are to be spent Satan, and because He prefers Satan as his
behind those walls, knowing that God’s god to the God and Father of our Jesus
He will enter it again and stand in that
great big out-of-doors is forever closed to Christ.
physical body before the great White
you, that no longer can you go where you Sin is more attractive to him, and Hell,
Throne of God, Jesus Christ will be Judge.
wish or come when you please, that you more desirable than Heaven is. ✞
Then the dread sentence will be passed
The Price is Paid ! Legal andVital Sides of Redemption
(continued from page 1)
(continued from page 1)
Him of whom they have not heard?
And how shall they hear without a have peace with God.” Creation, but He actually fitted you so
This has to do with the unsaved that the Holy Spirit could come and
preacher? And how shall they
world. dwell in your body, making it His per-
preach unless they are sent? ... Jesus’ Justification is your manent home here on earth.
So then, faith comes by hearing, Justification. The indwelling fact is the most
hearing by the Word of God” Jesus’ Righteousness is your tremendous fact connected with our life.
(vs. 14,15,17). Righteousness. He gave to us a legal right to the
What a tragedy it is to enter He had been made sin. After He had use of His Name.
eternity without receiving Christ paid the penalty He was made We are to break the power of
as Savior. Jesus has already paid Righteous. Christ bore your sin, now demons, heal the sick, deliver men who
the price for every sin men can do. by your accepting Christ you are made are in bondage to circumstances.
Except one: rejecting God’s gift of the Righteousness of God in Him. When you pray in Jesus’ Name it is
Eternal Life in His Son. When the When Jesus sat down at the right as though Jesus were praying.
hand of the Father He was as holy and To the man who knows his rights
Holy Spirit comes, Jesus said, He
as Righteous as He was when He left in Christ, the day of poverty is over.
will convict the world of sin because
the throne. The day of prosperity has come.
they do not believe in Me (Jn. There was not the taint of our sin You have a right to healing. Jesus
16:8,9). One sin sends the unbe- upon Him. He was as holy as God bore your sins and diseases.
liever to a Christless eternity: reject- was holy. He made the New Creation He put your sin and your diseases
ing God’s Son and His Finished a possibility. away. By His stripes, the Father says
Work. When you accept Jesus Christ as you are perfectly healed.
That is why we must tell them Saviour and confess Him as your Lord, Now the Master Cries, “All things
about Jesus. They can’t have faith if you receive the very nature of God. are ready.” You have a perfect
no one preaches. And it is through You become a very child of God. Redemption, a perfect New Creation,
the foolishness of the message The judgement and condemnation a perfect Righteousness, a perfect
preached that God is pleased to save that was upon you is gone. You stand fellowship, a perfect indwelling, a
complete in Him, reconciled without perfect right to use the Name of Jesus.
them that believe (1 Cor. 1:21). Paul
condemnation, as free to walk in the All this is yours and awaits you.
tells us that the god of this age Father’s presence as Jesus. All you need to do is to take what
blinds the minds of them that The Father has given you His Own belongs to you.
believe not (2 Cor. 4:4), so we must nature, this love nature. Your Redemption from Satan is
share the gospel with them so they You become His love herald, to go ready. Your redemption lets you into
can see the light of the glory of God and carry love’s message to the world. the Father’s very presence.
in the face of Jesus (2 Cor. 4:6) What an honor, what a mighty fact. The New Creation is ready. Healing
It’s called the Great Commission. Not only has He made you a New by His stripes is ready. ✞

Kenyon’s Gospel Publishing PRESORTED

P. O. Box 973 STANDARD
Lynnwood, WA 98046-0973 PA I D

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