Part 6 Technology and Livelihood Education
Part 6 Technology and Livelihood Education
Part 6 Technology and Livelihood Education
to produce each letter. The instrument is D. Give a first aid treatment and proceed
called _____. with manipulations.
A. lettering template
B. lettering bx Situation 4-5
C. Leroy guide
D. pressure-sensitive guide Mikay noticeably has gray but she is only
11 years old and she not an albino.
20. For beginning drafters the suggested
height of letters to practice first is 6mm 24. What may the cause gray hairs at this
and then shift to a height of ____. early age?
A. 30mm A. Lack of sleep and overexposed to
B. 3mm computers
C. 1mm B. She has serious illness
D. 50mm C. She has defect in pigment formation
occurring at birth
21. How is highlight produced for D. A result of the natural aging process of
corrective make-up? A highlight is humans
produced when ________________.
A. A darker foundation than the original 25. Who is an albino? A person born with
one is applied to particular part of the _____________________ .
face A. A hypertrichosis or superfluous hair, an
B. a lighter shade than the original one is abnormal development of hair
applied to a particular part of the face B. an absence of coloring matter in the
C. a medium shade similar to the original hair shaft, which is accompanied by no
one is applied to a particular part of the marked of pigment coloring in the skin or
face irises of the eyes
D. a shadow subdues or minimize C. Androgenetic alopecia
prominent features D. a small involuntary muscle attached to
the underside of a hair follicle
22. What must one remember in giving
facial manipulations to induce relaxation? 26. What type of hair cutting is done
A. Routine when one holds the shears at an angle to
B. tempo the hair stranded other than 90 degrees?
C. pressure A. blunt cut
D. skin type B. beveled cut
C. graduated cut
23. A client comes into the salon for a D. undercutting
scalp treatment. She has home obvious
abrasions on her scalp. Which treatment 27. Which of the following safety
would be accepted? measures in hair cutting is NOT true?
A. Apply an antiseptic scalp treatment A. Always palm the shears when
with minimum massage combining the hair
B. Apply an oil treatment with heat cap B. When cutting bangs or any area close
C. Advise the client of her scalp condition to the skin
and reschedule her appointment C. Beginners should always use a guard
when razor cutting
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32. Cutting the hair for a graduated effect 38. Which one helps to moisturize the
is called _________ . face to return lost moisture and hydrate
A. tapered haircutting the skin to slow down the skin aging
B. wedge haircutting process?
C. sectioning A. Anti-aging face creams
D. barbering B. Face-toners
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39. What among the following would be If you are going to start a home
the first step in giving facial? service as a manicurist/pedicurist and
A. apply cleansing cream your parents give you P500.00 to start
B. apply treatment mask with, which equipment, implements,
C. apply moisturizer cosmetic and materials should you buy
D. apply massage cream first?
40. Which of the following statement is I. Nail cutter, nail pusher, cuticle nipper,
NOT a concern in analyzing the clients assorted nail polish, base coat and top
skin? If the_______________. coat
A. skin is dry normal or oily II. Solvent, lotion, cuticle, nail art designs
B. shape of the face III. Tray, basket, emery board,
C. lines creases exist orangewood stick, nail brush, nail file and
D. skin texture is smooth or rough nail polish remover
IV. Finger bowl, manicure pillow, hand
41. Which is the technical term for nail? towel, antiseptic solution, and nail buffer.
A. onyx
B. onychosis 45.
C. onychology A. I only
D. keratin B. I and II
C. I and III
42. Which refer to hand-held tools used in D. I and IV
manicure which are durable and must be
sanitized after use with each client? 46. In shaping the nails, what comes first?
A. cosmetics A. Hold the client’s finger between the
B. equipment thumb and two fingers of the left hand.
C. materials B. Hold the file or emery board in the
D. implements right hand and tilt it slightly so that filling
is confined mainly to the underside of the
43. Which of the term refers to a light, free edge.
continuous stroking movement applied C. Discuss with the client the nail shape
with finger and palms in a slow and best suited for him/her. File the nails at
rhythmic manner? the left starting with the little finger &
A. friction working toward the thumbs
B. vibration D. shape the nails
C. petrissage
D. effleurage Teacher F is MAPEH teacher. Sometime or
most of the times she is exposed to the
44. It is not good to apply massage when a sunlight.
person has ____________________ .
A. high blood pressure and heart 47. What type of skin protection should
condition she apply?
B. myoma and diabetic A. face toners
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49. Which part of the body is the best for 55. Which of the following is a common
the color testing of a foundation? skin disorder caused by the formation of
A. earlobe sebaceous matter within or under the
B. jawline skin?
C. nose A. black heads
D. cheek B. whiteheads
C. pimples
50. Which aids in maintaining face? D. Acne
A. Face cleansers
B. face toner 56. Which of the following facial is
C. face lotions recommended for dry, scaly skin or skin
D. face serums that is inclined to wrinkle?
A. Plain facial Packs and masks
51. Which one helps to moisturize the B. Packs and masks
face to return lost moisture and hydrate C. Facial for dry
the skin to slow down the skin aging D. hot oil mask facial
A. Anti-aging face creams Mitch has acne problem so she went to a
B. Face-toners cosmetologist for and advice though she
C. Face exfoliators is under medical care
D. Face creams
57. What would be the role of the
52. What among the following would be cosmetologist?
the first step in giving facial? A. is to work closely with the client’s
A. apply cleansing cream physician to carry out instructions as to
B. apply treatment mask kind and frequency of facial treatments
C. apply moisturizer B. advise the client to stop the medication
D. apply massage cream aside from the physician.
C. she can have her own separate
53. Which of the following statement is medication aside from the physician
NOT a concern in analyzing the client’s D. Refuse and do not give further service
skin? If the_______________.
A. skin is dry normal or oily 58. Under medical direction, the following
B. shape of the face are the measures in cosmetic treatment
C. lines creases exist for acne EXCEPT one.
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Nail brush, cuticle nipper, assorted 75. Which of these is the correct way to
colored polish, chair, finger, bowl, cuticle use nail brush? Insert the ring finger
pusher, cotton , top coat, antiseptic
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87. Orthographic projection goes farther 91. In isometric drawings the angle used
than right angle. A drafter can actually to aid in the construction of the object is
extract views for more details of the 30 degrees and all vertical lines are equal
object provided that the projection are to their actual lengths or scale but in
parallel to each other and normal to the oblique drawing the angle used is ______ .
plane projection. The additional plane is A. 40 degrees
called ______ . B. 45 degrees
A. frontal plane C. 30 degrees
B. auxiliary plane D. 60 degrees
C. profile plane
D. horizontal plane
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114. Which battery CANNOT be recharge 119. A process in joining hydrogen atoms
after its chemical energy has been which causes heat hotter than the sun is
depleted? called _______ .
A. energizer A. fusion
B. Eveready B. fission
C. Primary battery C. friction
D. secondary battery D. tension
115. Which generates direct current? 120. Which transform heat energy to
A. alternator electric energy?
B. Dynamo A. transformer
C. Battery B. battery
D. Adaptor C. generator
D. thermocouple
116. Which battery can be recharged after
each chemical energy has been depleted.
A. primary battery
B. energizer
C. Eveready
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