CFD factFindingCommittee Report

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The report indicates that the riots in Bengaluru were pre-planned and organized, and targeted prominent Hindus in the area. It qualifies as a riot against the state with religious extremist involvement.

The report states that the riots were sparked by a derogatory social media post, but were pre-planned and organized, with the involvement of prominent individuals and organizations.

According to the report, the mob specifically targeted the residence of MLA Akhand Srinivas Murthy, the KG Halli and DJ Halli police stations, and several Hindu homes. Government and private vehicles as well as properties were destroyed.




Submitted on:
4th September, 2020
Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020


Executive Summary ………………………………………………… 2

Introduction ……………………………………………….………….. 6

Observations of the Committee ………………………………..….. 10

Analysis of the Observations ……………………………………..... 20

Recommendations of the Committee ……………………………… 40

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020


Citizens for Democracy is a platform of responsible citizens committed to

democratic values, safety and security of the citizens of India. Started in 2011,

Citizens for Democracy has conducted various seminars, campaigns on topics

of national and social importance. Campaigns to create awareness on

injustice done to the people of Jammu and Kashmir, Political killings in

Kerala, Killings of many socio-political activists in Karnataka, religious hatred

that resulted in killings of innocent people in West Bengal etc., are a few to

quote. CFD had also conducted voter awareness programs during the general

elections in 2014 and 2019.

It is unfortunate that the city of Bengaluru had to witness riots in Kaval

Bhyrasandra area (Devera Jeevana Halli Police Station limits) of

Pulakeshinagar assembly constituency. This not only has affected the local

residents but also the Congress legislator Sri Akhanda Srinivasa Murthy, who

hails from a scheduled caste community. Police stations were stoned and

torched, vehicles torched and targeted Hindu houses were looted and set on

fire. These kinds of incidents attempt to shake the solidarity of the Bengaluru

citizens. It is imperative to survey the incident neutrally without any bias or

vested political interests with a sole commitment towards truth. Citizens for

Democracy has formed a FACT FINDING COMMITTEE consisting of

prominent representatives of the society.

On the 11th of August, 2020, a group of about 15 to 20 Muslim youth

gathered outside Pulikeshi Nagar Congress MLA R Akhanda

Srinivasamurthy’s house in Kaval Bhyrasandra in Bengaluru to protest

against the derogatory post put by Naveen Kumar, nephew of Local MLA. SDPI

members like Muzammil Pasha, Fairoz etc went to the Police Station to lodge

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

a complaint against Naveen Kumar for the said post. Despite assurance from

the Police that action would be taken against him, the crowd swelled to about

3000 in a short span of time and attacked the residence of MLA Akhand

Srnivas Murthy, P Naveen Kumar, K G Halli Police Station and D.J. Halli

Police Station simultaneously. Apart from the above, they attacked several

other Hindu homes, torched Police and private vehicles, pelted stones at

windows and attacked property with rods, machetes and other weapons. The

planning was made in such a manner that the Police was forced to use tear

gas and open fire at this unruly mob.

It is estimated that nearly 36 Government vehicles, nearly 300 private

vehicles and many houses were destroyed. The damage could be estimated to

be nearly 10-15 crores.

The Committee after visiting the riot affected area, interacting with

several victims, police and prominent people and after perusing available

evidence have inferred the following.

a. That the riots were pre-planned and organised.

b. The mob has specifically targeted certain prominent Hindus in the area.

c. That the entire incident qualifies to be a riot against the state with the

motive of reducing the faith of common people in the State.

d. It could be seen from the FIRs and certain interactions with the victims,

that Local people were also involved in carrying out this riot. The

committee is of the opinion that the locals were not only involved in

execution but were also aware about it in advance.

e. Despite attempts being made to project the same as political rivalry, it

was undoubtedly communally motivated. The Committee is of the

opinion that based on the kind of houses that have been attacked and

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

people who have been targeted, the motive of the riots could also be fear

mongering so as to change the demography and turn the area into a

Muslim majority one.

f. The Committee is of the opinion that SDPI and PFI are involved in

planning and execution of this incident.

Based on the above observations, the Committee mainly recommends the


a. All the costs that have been incurred by the State and private persons

have to be recovered by attaching the property of the rioters.

b. The pattern of the riots is common with that of Delhi and Sweden.

Therefore, it is imperative for the state to investigate the incident

holistically and not consider them to be isolated and local.

c. The funding received by individuals and religious extremist

organisations who are involved in anti-social activities must be tracked

and continuously monitored by involving the NIA.

d. Potential areas that might face such communal tensions must be

identified by the Police in advance and short-term and long-term plans

must be made to curb such tensions.

e. Cyber Dome must be established so as to ensure that Social Media is

not used for hate mongering against any religion, race, class, sect etc.

f. It is recommended that drug menace be curbed with iron fists.

g. It is further recommended that intelligence generation mechanisms

have to be strengthened by the Police at various levels so as to prevent

the occurrence of any such riots.

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

h. With the abolition of Section 66A of Information Technology Act, 2000,

a mechanism has to be evolved to prevent and prosecute derogatory,

abusive and hate content targeting any religion, race, class,

organisation or sect of people.

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020


Citizens for Democracy is a platform of responsible citizens committed to

democratic values, safety and security of the citizens of India. Started in 2011,

Citizens for Democracy has conducted various seminars, campaigns on topics

of national and social importance. Campaigns to create awareness on

Injustice done to the people of Jammu and Kashmir, Political killings in

Kerala, Killings of many socio-political activists in Karnataka, Religious

hatred that resulted in killings of innocent people in West Bengal etc., are a

few to quote. CFD had also conducted voter awareness programs during the

general elections in 2014 and 2019.

It is unfortunate that the city of Bengaluru had to witness riots in Kaval

Bhyrasandra area (Devera Jeevana Halli Police Station limits) of

Pulakeshinagar assembly constituency. This not only has affected the local

residents but also the Congress legislator Sri Akhanda Srinivasa Murthy, who

hails from scheduled caste community. Police stations were stoned and

torched, vehicles torched and targeted Hindu houses were looted and set on

fire. These kinds of incidents attempt to shake the solidarity of the Bengaluru


It is imperative to survey the incident neutrally without any bias or

vested political interests with a sole commitment towards truth. In view of

this, Citizens for Democracy identified a need to look at this whole episode in

detail, uncover the plot behind it, and come up with a plan of action that can

be implemented by the society and the Government both. To address this

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

need, Citizens for Democracy has formed a FACT FINDING COMMITTEE

consisting of prominent representatives of the society. This FACT FINDING

COMMITTEE has visited the affected areas, heard from the victims, accessed

the available evidences and prepared this report with findings and

recommendations. The Committee is chaired by a Retd. Judge and consists

of retired bureaucrats, journalists, advocates, professors and social workers.

Below are the members of the committee.


Hon’ble Justice Sri. Srikanth Babaladi, Retd. District Judge


Sri. Madan Gopal, Retd. IAS

Sri. Dr. R Raju, Retd. IFS

Sri. Dr. Prakash, Retd. IRS

Sri. M N Krishnamurthy, Retd. DGP

Sri. R K Mattoo, Journalist

Sri. Santhosh Thammaiah, Journalist

Sri. Dr. M Jayappa, Professor

Sri. Dr. H T Aravinda, Professor

Sri. Muniraju, Social worker

Sri. Jerome Anto, Social worker

Smt. Kshama Nargund, Advocate

What happened in DJ Halli on 11th August 2020?

Below is the sequence of events that happened in DJ Halli.

1. At around 8 pm, 15-20 members of the Muslim community gathered

outside Pulakeshinagar Congress MLA R Akhanda Srinivasa Murthy’s

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

house in Kaval Bhyrasandra in Bengaluru. They were protesting

against a derogatory post on Prophet Muhammed by his nephew


2. In a matter of few minutes, the crowd started swelling and stone pelting

began. Within an hour, more than 200 rioters, armed with stones,

sticks, petrol and kerosene cans started damaging the legislator’s

residence and set his house and many vehicles on fire.

3. At around 8 pm, another group of people, including SDPI members like

Muzammil Pasha, who had been reportedly offended by the MLA’s

nephew’s Facebook post tried to file a police complaint in the DJ Halli

Police Station against him. Police sent two teams to arrest Naveen. They

requested sometime to find out the accused and arrest him. Police

returns after 1.5 hours or so, as they could not locate and arrest him.

Citing this as a reason, the group reached out to more of their

community members who started gathering outside the DJ Halli police

station. The protest against the police quickly turned violent and by 10

pm, almost 1,200 people had started rioting outside the police station.

4. The mobs locked the gate from outside and pelted stones at the police

station. With SD Sharanappa, Deputy Commissioner of Police (East)

and two other senior police officials still inside the DJ Halli police

station, the mob violence escalated. At least 10 vehicles, including

Innovas of two DCPs, were damaged in front of the station. The rioters

also set fire to the vehicles in front of the DJ Halli police station and the

vehicles parked in the basement. The rioters were seen raising slogans

like ‘Allah-hu-Akbar’ and ‘Nara-e-Taqbeer’ outside the police station.

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

5. Starting from 8.30 pm, the rioters attacked Mune Gowda’s house, Arun

Gowda’s house, one liquor shop and few more Hindu houses. They

damaged few vehicles, set vehicles on fire and damaged the buildings.

6. Another group of rioters attacked the house of Naveen, much in the

same manner as they attacked Srinivas Murthy’s house. As there was

no security at Naveen’s residence, the rioters managed to break into the

house and run amok while members of Naveen’s family had to quickly

take shelter in their neighbour’s house. They used petrol bombs,

stones, metal rods to destroy the house. Rioters used kerosene, petrol

and other inflammable chemicals to set the house on fire.

7. Another group of rioters moved to a street near to Srinivas Murthy’s

house, where predominantly Hindu families reside. They damaged

almost all the vehicles parked outside the houses. One women was

wounded as a pelted stone hit her forehead.

8. Around 11 pm, violence broke out at the KG Halli police station, which

is 1.5 km away from the DJ Halli police station. Muslim religious

leaders and politicians reached the area to dissuade the mob from

indulging in more violence. Congress leaders Zameer Ahmed Khan and

Rizwan Arshad also arrived at the site after police officials asked them

to speak to the mob.

9. Police used tear gas shells and opened fire at the mob around 11 pm.

It was after the firing that the crowd dispersed. After the crowd

dispersed, the police cleared the streets in Kaval Byrasandra and DJ

Halli and the situation was brought under control at 1 am in the night.

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020


The Committee visited the highly affected areas on 16th August 2020

and on 18th August 2020. The Committee took account of the value of damage

perpetrated to State Property and Private property, interacted with the victims

and their families, neighbours of affected families and eyewitnesses. The

Committee also visited the Police Stations to understand the incident from

the eyes of the Police who have also been injured by the rioters. Further, the

Committee also visited the houses of those families who have lost their near

ones during the shooting by the Police to disperse the crowd. The Committee

has also interacted with the prominent personalities in the area and have

interacted with the journalists who have been affected by the riots.

The Committee has taken a holistic approach to have a 360 o view of the

entire incident. The Committee has gone through print, visual and online

media reports with respect to the incident. The Committee has also accessed

the FIRs that have been suo-motu registered by the Police for damage to State

Property as well as all those FIRs which have been filed by the Public.

Attack on local MLA office.

A Muslim mob with arms and petrol bombs have attacked M.L.As

official office which is located about 50 yards in Kavalbyrasandra area. The

furniture and most of the government records being used for day to day

transactions have been totally burnt.

Attack on Naveen S/o Pavan’s house (MLA’s Nephew).

The residence of Sri. Naveen S/o Pavan Kumar (an employee from

K.C.General Hospital) aged about 30 years located on the main road about

100 meters from the Kavalbyrasandra bus stand. The neighbors of this house

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

are Muslims with one or two Hindu families. At the time of field visits by the

team on 16-08-2020 Sri. Pavan Kumar, father of Sri. Naveen was present near

the house with his wife. The committee apart from witnessing the destroyed

and burnt house interacted with Sri. Pavan Kumar and his wife. According

Sri. Pavan Kumar on 11th august, 2020 around 8:30 p.m a mass of around

200 people had gathered in front of the house and attacked the house with

stones, iron rods and petrol bombs. “Upon personally witnessing the attack

on the house me and my wife with my daughter and her children were

scared for life and moved to the first floor and from there through a back

door jumped into the neighboring house and got a shelter” . “The unruly

crowd gathering in front of the house threw petrol bombs on the house,

poured kerosene in the house on sofa and furniture, and torched the

house to burn. At the time of attack they have destroyed most of the

furniture, electronic items and important documents. They have looted

cash of around 5 lakhs, watches, gold chains belonging to me and around

15 lakhs of rupees of cash and jewels of my wife. One of the Muslim

women from the neighboring house come to the rescue of my wife and

helped her escape”.

Sri. Pavan Kumar around 61 years of age father of Sri. Naveen Kumar

around 30 years has clarified that he was aware of the Facebook posts and

communications between his son and some of Muslim friends of the locality.

He further clarified that he was not aware that the situation turned so serious

to an extent of accusing each others religion. “However I used to advice my

son not to indulge in any misleading transaction leading to any kind of

conflicts among the friends. He stated that it is unfortunate to note that

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

the situation has reached to its worst extent”. He clarified that the sitting

M.L.A. Akhanda Srinivasa Murthy is his own brother of his wife thus his son

Sri Naveen is the nephew of Sri. Akhanda Srinivasa Murthy. Sri. Pavan

Kumar has also stated that two of his cars parked in front of his house along

with 4 motor bikes were burnt down by this mob during the attack.

Attack on Arun Gowda house.

The team has visited the residence of Sri. Arun Gowda who is living in

his own house on the cross road which is about 50 to 60 meters from Naveen’s

residence and 50 to 60 meters from the Kavalbyrasandra bus stop. Sri. Arun

gowda is an active member of Karnataka Rakshana Vedike. On the day of

incident, he with his wife who is 8th months pregnant were at home. “It was

around 10:45 p.m some people started gathering near my house and

planned to attack us. They began to throw stones on the house and broke

the CCTV cameras fixed at the house. We suspected the attack on our

house and on us and decided to escape from the backyard of our house

to the neighboring house. I have confirmed that the miscreants who

attacked my house and property were Muslim youth of the same

locality”. One person by name Saravana was also present at the time of

interaction and claimed that he is living in the neighboring house of Sri. Arun

Gowda and confirmed the event was a planned attack on Arun gowda’s house

for old grudge. They have broken and damaged the car and two bikes parked

in front of Arun Gowda’s house by beating them with long and sickles and

then set them on fire.

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

Burning of Dileep Bar:

The team visited the burnt site of Dileep bar and observed the status of

the said burnt building. This building is a two storied built in 30×40 size site

on the main road which is around 100 meters from the bus stand. The ground

floor of the building was used for the purpose of running the Bar. The entire

building was set fire and the building interiors and furniture have been totally

burnt into ashes and the debris and remnants was still lying intact in the said

burnt building.

The proprietor of the Bar one Sri. Chandra Kumar was at the site and

he explained the whole incident which happened as follows:

“It was on 11th August, 2020 around 8 p.m. in the night a unruly mob

consisting of around 200 Muslim youths came and gathered in front of

the Bar. They had demanded to close the Bar and instantaneously started

damaging the bar furniture and other belongings trespassing into the

Bar. This unruly crowd comprised of only Muslim youth aged between 18

to 25 and carried iron rods, sickles in their hands and started beating

and damaging the Bar and its belongings. Some of the youths who had

carried the petrol bombs and kerosene in their hands threw them on the

Bar and set it on fire. It was in a fraction of few seconds due to petrol,

kerosene and the alcohol content in the stock of the shop which were

inflammable, the entire Bar was burnt into ashes. The staff of the Bar

and myself (Chandra Kumar proprietor of the Bar) miraculously escaped

from the scene and forced ourselves into a neighboring house for

protection by escaping through the back door. The approximate damages

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

caused due to this willful arson is around 5 lakhs of liquor and 25 lakhs

worth of property”.

Burning of Navaneet wines:

This Bar is located on the diagonal road to the Kaval Bairasandra bus

stand. The proprietor of the Bar is one Sri. Rajanna former president

Bengaluru Urban Zilla Panchayat.

The person found at the Bar on the day of inspection revealed to the

committee that this Bar is located at the same place for past 30 years. On the

day of incident (11th August, 2020) it was around 9pm a group of people

consisting of around hundred (100) Muslim youths arrived at the Bar by

shouting slogans in the Urdu language. This unruly mob have entered into

the building and started looting and destroying the material stored in the wine

shop and further set fire by pouring kerosene which were brought by them. It

had all happened in a span of 30 minutes and the entire building was up in

flames for at least 2 hours. The total property damaged due to this attack was

around 25 lakhs. The mob left the place after confirming the entire unit is

burnt and all the materials stored were damaged.

Attack on Civilian residences and properties:

There are large number of civilian residences and properties damaged

by this unruly mob of Muslim youths on 11th August, 2020 night. Some of the

properties identified the committee during the visit are as follows.

1. Residence of Sri. Munegowda

2. Residence of Sri. Mohan (1st cross, Munanjappa layout)

3. Residence of Sri. Gajendra (Defense official)

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

4. Residence of Sri. ShashiKumar.

5. Residence of Smt.Munilaksmi.

6. Residence of Sri. Ashwath .

7. Auto rickshaw of one Sri. Ramji.

8. Residence of Sri. Robin.

9. Residence of Sri. Ramaswamy . Sakamma layout

10. Residence of Smt. Jayanti .

Munegowda’s Residence.

The committee visited the damaged house of Sri. Munegowda which is

located in the same layout of Kaval Byrasandra.

While interacting with Sri. Munegowda present at the time of visit

confirmed that he is living there in Kaval Bairasandra area since last 30 to 40

years and further clarified that he being the President of Welfare association

of the layout actively involved in social activities of the area. Therefore he said

to have been more friendly and familiar with the localities. While interacting

with Sri.Munegowda and his family members the following facts were noted.

“On 11th August, 2020 at around 200 Muslim youths gathered in front of

my house during my absence. I had gone to the temple which is

monitored by us in the vicinity of the area and was busy in the temple

activity till 11:30 pm as there was an important pooja activity. It was

around 11 pm in the night I received call from my residence stating that

there is a big galata going on in the area and coming back home at this

time will be dangerous therefore it is advisable to stay back in the

temple. I sensed the element of danger to the life and decided to stay

back at the temple as per advice of my family”.

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

Sri. Munegowda further stated that around 25 Muslim youth aged

between 18 to 25 years had gathered in front of the house with sickles, iron

rods and started shouting against us. After few minutes second group of

around 50 Muslim youths have joined the mob which was already in front of

the house and caused to aggravate the situation and started damaging the 2

cars and motor bikes parked in front of the house and afterwards forcibly

started entering the house by breaking the main door. This unruly mob later

entered the house and started damaging furniture, T.V, laptop and photos

including many more electronic gadgets. All were speaking in Urdu language

and were under the influence of ganja, afeem, and whitener. However they

have not caused any damage on human life although his family women

members were there at the time of incident. The whole incident of this attack

happened between 11 to 11:20 pm and the local police arrived at the place

around in the morning. Sri. Munegowda further stated that in the

Kavalbyrasandra area Muslims, Hindus and Tamilians are living in a mixed

proportion. Surprisingly only selected Hindus houses were attacked and not

even single Muslims property was damaged. Therefore it can be considered as

the incident is very well pre-planned and meticulously executed.

The committee has visited the other nearby streets where the number

of Hindu houses and properties have been damaged due to this attack as

listed above.

Attack on Government Machinery

K.G Halli Police Station:

On 11-08-2020, Tuesday night a violent mob has attacked the Kadu

Gondana Halli Police station and simultaneously the Devara Jeevana Halli

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

Police Station too. As narrated by the SHO of Kadu Gondana Halli Police

station Sri. Raviprasad that, both the Police stations were at receiving end as

the attack attempt with the unruly act of arson, stone petting and even to the

extent of attacking the uniform staff who were on duty. Some of the police

personal present outside the Kadu Gondana Halli Police station were chased

by the armed mob and they took shelter nearby, even as they waited for more

personal to arrive.

Virtually the clashes between the Muslim mob and Police started

around the residence of legislator and spread to the Police station at Kadu

Gondana Halli and simultaneously to the Devara Jeevana Halli Police Station.

All the people involved in the attack were Muslim youth. When the situation

became uncontrollable resulting in injuries to over 80 police men and several

journalists and after the Kadu Gondana Halli Police station was burnt down,

the police opened fire leading to the death of 3 people.

It was confirmed, during the attack large number of SDPI and PFI

activists were involved. SDPI is an Islamic fundamentalist political outfit of


D.G. Halli Police station:

The Devara Jeevana Halli Police Station attempted to defuse the tension

earlier in the late evening/night around 8:30pm with the assistance of the

local community members. When one of the teams returned to the Kadu

Gondana Halli Police station limits without any information about the

accused (Sri. Naveen s/o Pavan Kumar, nephew of Akhanda Srinivasa

Murthy) the crowd forcefully entered into the station, vandalized it and even

set the Police vehicles on fire. It was informed that around 10:30 pm two

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

Muslim M.L.A’s of the city had arrived at Devara jeevana Halli Police Station

to mitigate the situation but by then, violence had reportedly gotten out of


Victims of Golibar:

The committee on 18-08-2020 had visited the following victims house and

consoled the bereaved family apart from hearing their version.

Yasin Pasha (21 years)

The mother of the deceased Smt.Shameen taj around 65 years widow

stated that her son was running a mutton shop and that he came home

around 9:00 pm from the work. After food he left home to watch what was

happening around and died at spot in the firing. He was a innocent boy,

unmarried and not in the habit of involving in any such disturbing events.

The residence of this deceased is located within 50 yards from Kadu Gondana

Halli Police station.

Wajid Khan (21 years).

The mother present at the house stated her son was a freelance worker

in the field of Air Condition Equipment. He came from work around evening

and went out to watch the disturbance happening around. The house of the

deceased is located within 50 yards from the police station on the main road.

She claimed that she was informed by some locals that Wajid Khan was killed

in firing and the body was at Lingarajpuarm hospital.

Mr. Sheik Siddiqui (24 years)

The mother Mrs. Shataz present at the house revealed that her son went to

see her brother who was not well and did not return home and later it was

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

confirmed that he had died in the Police firing at the Devara Jeevana Halli

Police Station limits. The deceased house is located about one km from the

Devara Jeevana Halli Police Station.

The families of those killed in the firing claimed that they were simply

bystanders and did not take part in violence.

Summary of Estimated Damage:

Public property

2 - police stations – KG Halli PS - partially damaged, DJ Halli severely


Police vehicles/ Government vehicles – 36

Approximately 233 vehicles parked in the basement completely gutted

One ATM damaged

Street lights etc.,

36 government vehicles including 2 DCPs vehicles burnt completely

68 vehicles belonging to civilians parked on streets partially damaged

(windows broken, glass shattered, severe dents)

Akhanda Srinivas Murthy – house worth 3.25 crores completely gutted

Naveen’s house worth – 1.25 crore including belongings

2 bars – worth 1.20 crores completely gutted

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020


The salient observations of the committee based on the visits and interactions

are as follows:

1. Is it rioting or mob lynching?

After careful analysis of the evidences, the committee is convinced that

the incident is more of the nature of lynching than that of rioting. It was

deposed by a witness that their houses were specifically targeted. He stated

that he was not at home on that day and had gone out for some work. His

brother, brother’s wife and his pregnant wife were at home. It was almost

10.00 pm and the mob had already started attacking near MLA Akhand

Srinvas Murthy’s house and P. Naveen Kumar’s house. His brother’s wife adds

that they were afraid when the mob had burnt Dileep Bar and restaurant

which is close to their home. It was at that time that they locked the front

door and hid in their neighbour’s hose which is behind their building. The

neighbours added that this house was specifically targeted and a local Muslim

showed the rioters this house and asked them to attack the same. The first

thing that the rioters did was to destroy the CCTV cameras so as to avoid

being captured. They stoned the windows, damaged the door and burnt bullet

two wheeler belonging to him. They also burnt a car and another bullet that

was owned by his neighbour staying in the first Floor. It is interesting to note

that other Hindu houses in the same lane were not attacked, while this house

was specifically targeted.

When the committee asked him as why his house was damaged while

the others were not, he told us about the incident that occurred on April 5 th

2020 when he had requested a Muslim family near his home to light a candle

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

as a matter of gratitude to Corona Warriors which had led to quarrel resulting

in a FIR against him.

The fact that it is mob lynching can be further substantiated by the

statements recorded by other victims who in unison stated that they were

specifically targeted. It was stated before the committee that after attacking

Arun Gowda’s house, the mob attacked RajKumar’s house. In between the

two houses, there were many Muslim houses which were not attacked. The

other area that was affected by the mob is 1st Main Road, Muni Nanjappa

Garden. There are no Muslims on this road. The mob having guided by a

local, indiscriminately stoned all the vehicles that were parked on this road.

In second main road, Muni Nanjappa Garden there are many Muslim houses.

The mob has not attacked any of them. The mob opened the covers of the

vehicles in order to check the Hindu symbols before damaging them by using

rods, matches and stones.

2. It is communally motivated

The witness have deposed that all the rioters were Muslims. It can be

seen that all the accused named in the FIR belong to Muslim community.

Further the mob has attacked only Hindu houses and destroyed vehicles

belonging to Hindus. Of the seventy FIRs that were accessed by the committee

two FIRs were filed by the Muslims. While the other complaints were lodged

by Hindus. The two complaints that were lodged by the Muslims with respect

to their two wheelers being torched can be safely inferred to be a collateral

damage. In both the complaints, the victims had parked their two wheelers

outside the police station since they had to visit the police station for some

reason. The two wheelers were also caught fire when the adjacent police

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

vehicles were torched by the mischievous mob. Therefore, it can be concluded

that the Muslim mob has specifically targeted the Hindus.

When the committee visited Mr. P Naveen Kumar’s house, the one of the

neighbors In here statement to the committee that the mob should shouted

communal slogans like Allah-Hu-Akbar. The journalist from Survana News

Channel, Mr. Ravi Kumar, (Crime Reporter) who was assaulted specifically

deposed that the mob shouted slogans like Islam Zindabad and Paigambar

Zindabad while beating him.

3. It is a pre-planned and organized attack

The genesis of the incident can be traced to a alleged comment made by

P. Naveen Kumar on Facebook that hurt the religious sentiments of Muslims.

A report from a Kannada daily accessed by the committee which quoted father

of Naveen Kumar that they were facing trouble since August 5th the day on

which celebrations were arranged by Naveen Kumar on the occasion of Sri

Rama Janma Bhoomi Shilanyas. Another report by a national daily points

towards the conflict between Wajid and the MLA Akhanda Srinivas Murthy. It

was reported that the posters stating ‘Akhanda Sirnivas Murthy Missing’ were

publicised in Pulakeshinagar constituency by Wajid from SDPI. Further on

August 9th Naveen Kumar has put up two other posts questioning weather

ones own God would be considered communal. He has even called his friends

two join him to celebrate if there were truly secular. All these incidents when

seen together indicate that the tension between the two communities had

begun prior to the day of the incident.

All the victims who interacted with the committee has stated that the

riots must have been planned atleast 15 days in advance. Arun Gowda stated

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

that initially the mob had not attacked his house. Later a local person

identified his house and got it destroyed.

Prasanna, resident of 1st Main Road Muni Nanjappa Garden stated that

he had seen strangers lurking around his road, in a suspicious manner from

about a fortnight. He said that though he got suspicious about their behavior

and the way they were observing, but did not pay much attention and thought

that they had come to buy milk and meat from a nearby shop. He went on

state that about 15 Autos belonging to Muslims would be parked everyday in

front of HKGN Auto Consultants, situated on Kavalbairsandra Main Road in

such a manner that it would create a traffic jam. He adds that the autos would

remain there till about 1.00 am at night. Despite many appeals by the locals

to park elsewhere, the Muslims never obliged. However, on 11th august 2020,

he saw that no auto was standing there even in the evening. He was surprised

to see that, however thought that the Muslim Auto Drivers have obliged. It

was on that night that all the vehicles were attacked on their street by the

unruly Muslim mob.

The statements of Prasanna point at two aspects:

(a) The event was pre-planned and was waiting to erupt .

(b) That the local Muslims were aware of the occurance of this incident.

Mr. Munegowda’s house was inspected by the Committee on the 16 th August

2020. The Committee specifically asked them if they thought that the entire

incident was preplanned . Mr. Munegowda’s son replied that he has every

reason to believe that the incident was pre-planned. He mentioned about a

Muslim House about 4-5 buildings away from his house which generally

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

parked atleast 3 cars on the road and people would always be standing near

their house. However, on the day of the incident neither a single car was

parked , nor any person was standing near their house. Similar observations

were made by Mr. RajKumar who interacted with the Committee near Arun

Gowda’s house.

Further the police have also unravelled that Muslim mob had decided

to carry out the protests during CAA protests, Shrirammandir Shilanyas.

However, they were unable to carry out the same on that day. It has also been

the opinion of certain people the incident was waiting to explode and that

Naveen Kumar’s comment is only a catalyst and cannot be attributed to be

the sole reason for riots.

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

It cannot be ignored that MLA Akhand Srinivasa Murthy’s house, K G

Halli Police Station, D J Halli Police Station , P Naveen Kumar’s House and

all the roads that would lead to the abovementioned places were blocked


It was stated before the Committee by the MLA and Smt. Jayanti,

mother of P Naveen Kumar that the mob stoned their houses first time,

entered their house after a small gap of about 15 20 minutes for the second

time, looted all the valuables, broke the glasses, destroyed their Pooja rooms

and finally came back again for the third time after a small gap and torched

the entire building to ashes. All this while another mob prevented the Police

vehicle from entering the riot infected area. This kind of execution cannot be

made possible without detailed planning and thorough co-ordination.

The Committee visited Devera Jeevanahalli Police Station and K G Halli

Police station on 18th August. 2020. During our interactions with the Police

Personnel, the Committee was told that the Police believe that the entire

incident was pre-planned and well organized. They said that it would be

impossible for the Muslims to assemble in thousands of numbers in a span

on one hour well prepared with petrol bombs, huge stones and deadly

weapons. A Newspaper report also says that all the weapons used were stored

in a godown which is situated near the house of MLA Akhand Srinivas


Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

The Committee inspected the stones that were thrown at the vehicles.

A bare perusal at the size of the stones perse is sufficient for the Committee

to believe that this targeted riot was pre-planned.

Further, a news channel has accessed a video that shows money being

distributed to the rioters. Unless the entire incident has been orchestrated at

the behest of some anti-social element, question of distribution of money

would not arise.

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

4. Popular Front of India and SDPI are involved in inciting the


The Committee accessed all 72 FIRs that have been registered by DJ Halli

and KG Halli Police Stations. The main accused in the FIRs are :

a. Abbas (A1 in FIR no.229/2020, KG Halli Police Station)

b. Fairoz (A2 in FIR no.229/2020, KG Halli Police Station)

c. Muzamil (A3 in FIR no.229/2020, KG Halli Police Station and A2 in FIR

no. 0195/2020 in DJ Halli Police Station)

d. Habeeb (A4 in FIR no.229/2020, KG Halli Police Station)

e. Peer Pasha (A5 in FIR no.229/2020, KG Halli Police Station)

f. Ziya (A6 in FIR no.229/2020, KG Halli Police Station)

g. Afnan ( A1 in FIR no. 0195/2020 in DJ Halli Police Station)

h. Syed Masood (A3 in FIR no. 0195/2020 in DJ Halli Police Station)

i. Ayaz (A4 in FIR no. 0195/2020 in DJ Halli Police Station)

j. Allabaksh (A5 in FIR no. 0195/2020 in DJ Halli Police Station)

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

In the above mentioned names of the accused, the Committee has

accessed reports that Abbas, Fairoz, Muzammil, Habeeb and Syed Masood

belong to SDPI. Muzammil Pasha was the SDPI candidate contesting the

BBMP elections in the year 2017. It is to be noted that the FIR no.

0229/2020 of KG Halli Police Station mentions as under:

“….. After this, the person who was injured by the bullet was taken to the

hospital. The People who incited the illegal assembly are Govindapura

SDPI members Abbas, Fairoz, Muzhamil, Habeeb, Peer Pasha, Ziya,

Kaleem, Karchief Sadiq, Javeed, Majju , Sadiq, Asif from Vinoba Nagar,

Syed from Govind Pura, Farhan, Masood, Saif and others. Hence a Suo-

motu Complaint has been filed against them for necessary action.”

(16th August 2020, Vijayavani Kannada Daily)

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

Further the following newspaper reports were examined by the

Committee to infer that SDPI and PFI are involved in carrying out such

riots. The Interactions of the Committee the Police also indicates the fact

that the riots have been carried out by SDPI. It can be seen that the DCP

involved in the Rudresh Murder investigation has said that Samiuddin, a

member of PFI is likely to be involved in this incident. A newspaper report

also specifically states that meetings held in SDPI office for the purposes

of planning this riot. Further, the report also states that certain weapons

were in SDPI office.

(17th August 2020, Vijayavani Kannada Daily)

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

5. Local Muslims are also involved in executing the riots:

The statements of Munegowda, Arungowda, RajKumar and Saravanan

confirm that local Muslims were involved in executing the planned and

targeted riot. As mentioned in the earlier pages of the report, Arun Gowda

deposed that his house was not affected until a local Muslim showed the

house and directed the mob to damage his house and torch his vehicles.

Further, Rajkumar also confirmed that there were two kinds of people in the

crowd, one group which was intoxicated with drugs and alcohol which

consisted of outsiders and another group was the sober group which was

guiding the first Group. In fact, Saravanan whose car and two wheeler was

burnt volunteered that he knew the miscreant and is ready to identify him.

As mentioned earlier, the fact that Muslim vehicles which were

generally parked in the area were missing on that particular day. The local

Muslims who were generally active were missing on that day. Munegowda and

Arungowda have said that their Muslim neighbors came to console them after

the incident. It is interesting to note that Smt. Kala, sister-in-law of P. Naveen

Kumar also said that neighbors had come to console them after the incident.

However when specifically questioned if she knew any of the miscreants she

said that she did not know them. When asked if the neighbors who had come

to console them could identify the miscreants she said “ It looks like they

know the miscreants. But nobody is opening their mouths.”

Out of the 72 FIRs that were accessed by the Committee, about 120

people have been specifically accused in the FIRs. It is interesting to note that

all of them are Bangaloreans and most likely to be residents of KG Halli and

DJ Halli. Therefore, the Committee is of the opinion that idea of people being

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

brought from elsewhere to Bangalore riots was deliberately plants to delay

investigation and shelter the miscreants.

It is cannot be ignored that the three deceased in the incident as a result

of Police shooting are residents of the same area and live within one km from

the Police station. It is pertinent to mention that the committee visited the

homes of the deceased and recorded statements of families of the deceased.

All their statements commonly claimed that their children were not involved

in the riots and had been out during those late hours for some personal works.

In one case, Zameen Taj stated that her son after returning from his mutton

shop had dinner and heard some commotion . Hence he had gone to see as

to what was happening and only later at night she got the news that her child

had succumbed to police bullet. In another instance, the family claims that

he is an innocent and that he was returning in from his work when he was

shot by the police. In the third case, the family has claimed that after her son

returned from work, he had dinner and left by about 10.30 – 11.00 pm at

night to visit his brother who does not keep a good health.

The Committee, having heard all their statement made an enquiry as

to where the shooting actually took place. The police submitted that they had

shot the bullets from within the building and compound of the Police station

and no shooting took place outside the Police station and that all the deceased

have been hit by the bullets in front of the police station. It has been stated

by the deceased’s families that there were thousands of people on the streets

on that particular day. In view of the fact the shooting took place within the

compound of the police station coupled with the fact that there were

thousands of people on the streets that day, the committee is of the opinion

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

that the deceased must have been a part of rioters. Therefore, the Committee

has inferred that local Muslims were a part of executing this pre-planned riot.

6. Riot against the State?

The passing of the Citizenship Amendment Act, abrogation of Article

370, abolition of Triple Talaq, Ram Janma Bhoomi judgment and finally the

Ram Mandir Shilanyas has shaken the fundamentalists among the Muslim

Community. It cannot be ignored by the Committee that the Bangalore

equivalent of Shaheen Bagh, Delhi i.e Bilal Bagh is very close to the place of

riots. A police personnel told the Committee that minor clashes have been a

routine in their Police Stations. However, the issues would get settled by

intervention of the leaders of both communities.

The Fundamentalists in the Muslim Community have been misusing

the innocent youth by using them for their personal gains and vested

interests. This pattern of attacking the State Machinery and State property is

a common pattern followed by the fundamentalist Muslims throughout the

nation. Bengaluru had drawn nation’s attention upon itself when Muslims in

Padarayanapura, Bengaluru attacked Asha workers who were looking out for

people with Corona symptoms. State Machinery was under attack in the

recent Delhi riots also.

The complaint filed by the Police personnel who were attacked clearly

states that around 200 -300 people armed with machetes, rods and other

weapons stoned the Police station with the sole intention to cause injury to

police and to damage the police station attacked the Police. They shouted

slogans ‘Kill the Police; Don’t leave the Police” etc. while attacking the Police


Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

Further, the Committee have also gone through newspaper reports

regarding terror links to Bangalore Riots. The report of the intelligence

agencies about 200 ISIS terrorists hiding in Karnataka and Kerala, and

reading the links between the Al-Hind Terrorist Organisation and PFI, forces

the Committee to submit that there could be a terrorist angle to this entire

incident. It has also been reported in the Kannada Newspapers that Satellite

phones were found to be activated around the same time.

It is submitted that Fairoz Pasha had visited the Police Station to lodge

a complaint against P. Naveen Kumar for his comment against Prophet

Mohammad. After having lodged a complaint, a law abiding citizen would have

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

allowed the law to take its own course. However, when the committee

questioned as to why they had come to the Police station in the first place, a

policeman answered that they wanted the Police to hand over P. Naveen

Kumar to them so that they could kill him. In other words they intended to

use the state machinery to accomplish their vested illegal motives. This

statement of the Police could be corroborated with the statement given by P.

Naveen Kumar’s mother. They asked her to hand over P.Naveen Kumar to

them so that they could slit his throat. All these actions of the mob and its

leaders clearly indicate that they have least respect for law and that they have

no intention to follow the procedure established by law.

This intention of the mob was again corroborated by the Police

personnel of K.G.Halli. When questioned as to why the mob attacked KG Halli

Police station when their issue was constrained to D J Halli Police station, the

police clearly stated that they came to K G Halli station thinking that P.

Naveen Kumar was kept in this Station and wanted to kill him and anybody

who would come in their way of killing him.

It was planned in such a manner that all the roads that would lead to

the Police station were blocked by the rioters so as to ensure that the state

machinery would fail to take any action. The same strategy was followed as

mentioned in the earlier paragraphs during their simultaneous attack on MLA

Akhand Srinivas Murthy’s house and P Naveen Kumar’s House. The roads

leading to their homes were blocked and hence neither the fire engines nor

the Police force could reach in time to mitigate the damage. All these provide

prima facie evidence to show that the entire incident can be construed to be

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

a ‘riot against the state’. Therefore, the Committee has inferred that the entire

incident can be considered as ‘riot against state’.

7. Land Jihad?

Fear mongering amongst the majority community has always been the

strategy used by Fundamentalist Muslims. The committee has observed

similar patterns in the riots perpetrated in KG Halli and D J Halli. It was

surprising to note that though there were many houses adjacent to both the

Police stations, they have not been attacked. Though the rioter had issues

only with P Naveen Kumar and MLA Akhand Srinivassmurthy, Many other

Hindu Houses have been attacked in Kavalbairsandra.

The Committee then proceeded to study the antecedents of the homes

that have been attacked in Kavalbairsandra. It could be notice that all the

houses that have been looted and attacked belong to prominent people within

that locality. All houses including the house of an ex-serviceman and that of

a civil defense personnel in a particular road that did not have a single Muslim

house have been attacked. A lady living in 2nd Floor has been stoned when

her son shouted that the rioters not to damage his vehicle. The lady has

suffered a cut on her head and has developed neurological problems. Further,

it is interesting to note that the rioters have shouted “Andar jao, varna

marenge”, translating to “ Get inside, else we will hit you” before pelting stones

at vehicles and windows. Moreover, there are other roads in the same area

which have Muslims and Hindus staying . Such roads have not been affected

as much as this all Hindu Road.

The fact that other roads have not been attacked have been stated by

the residents who recorded their statements before the Committee. It has

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

already been mentioned in the report that the intention of the Mob was not to

injure the lives of the residents fatally but to only create terror in their minds.

To understand the mindset of the rioters, the committee tried to understand

the demographic details through the locals of the three areas,

Kavalbyrsandra, K G Halli and D J Halli. It can be seen that K G Halli and D

J Halli have Muslim Majority while Kavalbyrsandra has a Hindu majority. The

strategy used in Padarayanapura during the 1980s and 1990s cannot be


The fear factor in the minds of the Hindus will coerce them to give away

their homes at throw away prices and settle in another peaceful area. The

property value in such area decreases and affects the Hindus economically.

The Houses are purchased by other Muslims thereby changing the

demography of the Kavalbairsandra in the near future.

Therefore, the Committee is of the opinion that the primary intention of

the rioters has been to indulge in land jihad, scare the Hindus from the area

and spread their majoritarian status to the adjacent areas. The status of

Kashmiri Pandits and Hindus of Padarayanapura must not be forgotten

Padarayanapura in Bengaluru is not any different. Here is the case of

Padarayanapura, which has seen a huge demographic change over past few

decades. There is a huge difference in the demography prior to 1980s and

today. And, the result of this development does not seem to be encouraging

from law and order point of view. Also, this has made the life of religious

minorities in that locality miserable. The area is known as ‘Padarayanapura’

because there was Pada (feet) of Lord Hanuman in the area. Even today, the

small temple where the feet of Lord Hanuman was worshipped, almost

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

abandoned lies there as a proof of migration of devotee Hindus to other areas,

due to gradual increase of Muslim population in the locality. Off late, the area

is known as Arafat Nagar,Tippu Nagar, Mehaboob Nagar. The name

‘Padarayanapura’ is remained only in Government documents. The BBMP

ward still has this name.

During 1980-90, the percentage of Hindus in this locality was around

50 - 60%. People from Vokkaliga, Devanga, SC communities used to live here.

Politicians like Vatal Nagaraj, G Narayana from Kannada Chaluvali used to

contest from Binny Pete constituency that consists of Padarayanapura ward.

In 1978, P I D Salappa, who was known for his work for uplifting of

Pourakarmikas had won from the same constituency. During 1994, when

Bengaluru Doordarshan started Urdu news, there was a huge protest across

the state opposing it. This has lead to riots in many Muslim majority areas.

14 Hindus were murdered in this locality alone. Many Hindu houses were

stoned and set on fire. When Police took strict action against rioters and

arrested them, 3000 people had protested in front of the Police station

demanding the release of the culprits! In 2004, when Congress party workers

went for election campaigning, two groups said to be lead by Altaf and Arif

attacked them with weapons and kill two people. Recently, when health

workers and Police went to this area to seal this area to avoid spread of COVI-

19 cases to other areas, they were attacked by the local Muslims. Again, riots

erupted and public properties were destroyed and many people wounded. It

is reported that, criminals from many other places come here and take shelter

without any fear. Even Police think twice before entering this area is what we

understand. Even activities of religious extremists is going on in this locality


Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

Thus, what was once a peaceful area, has become a home for criminals

and religious extremists today. Illegal activities have become a common

feature of this area. After bad experience of riots in 1994 (due to Urdu news

in DD), Hindus gradually started selling their properties and relocated to other

areas. It was said that the religious leaders in mosques encouraged the locals

to buy the properties as much as possible and committed that the registration

expenses would be born by the mosque. Today, population of Hindus has

come down to less than 5 - 10% in this area just within 20 years! Those who

are living there are also living in fear and facing troubles like eve teasing, cow

slaughtering in streets, restrictions to celebrate festivals publicly. The area

that had more than 1,200 handlooms is left with only five or six of them now.

The houses that MLA Salappa had constructed for Pourakarmikas are sold to

Muslims long back. Including 14 big mosques, there are 52 mosques today in

this small area! 10 Indonesians, 9 Kazaks and many from Tablighi Jamat who

were hiding in one of these mosques were arrested during COVID-19


Padarayanapura is a classic case that clearly shows how a demographic

change can turn a peaceful area into sensitive area and make it into a hub of

criminal and illegal activities. It is imperative to recall that demography of

North East Delhi changed in the 1990’s and this change in demography made

North East Delhi vulnerable to riots.

The Committee also specifically questioned regarding the video that was

circulated where it could be seen that certain Muslims formed a Human Chain

and protected the Anjaneya Swamy Temple situated on the Kavalbyrasandra

Main Road from the Muslim Rioters. It was recorded by certain victims that

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

the entire episode of protecting the temple was more about protecting

themselves as their intention was only to create terror in the minds of the

people. They did not want to cause any fatalities since they were aware that

the situation would escalate in case of attack to the temple and any fatalities.

Infact, one of the witnesses who deposed before the committee advised the

committee to question those who were seen in the temple protecting video as

they were the ones who were directing the mob to attack certain houses.

8. Involvement of women:

It has been a pattern all over India to use Muslim women and children

as shields in any kind of agitation. After the riots, on the 16th August, 2020 a

group of Muslim women tried to enter the Police stations to force the Police to

release their near and dear ones on the grounds that they were all innocent.

It was at this time that ‘the involvement of outsiders’ and that the locals were

innocent was planted. However, all the evidences accessed by the Committee

prove otherwise.

The Riots in Delhi in February 2020, Sweden riots (Malmo) and the

Oxford Street of London have all seen Muslim Women leading the protests .

Islamic mindset is seen to be following the same pattern all around the world.

In Bengaluru, women attempted to forcefully enter the police Stations to

pressurize the State . This is a simple attempt to garner sympathy. Several

improbable explanations have circulated in the media which clearly show

that the women were being misused by some entity to further its cause in the

garb of humanitarianism.

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020


The Committee having made the above analysis wishes to make certain

recommendations. It can be seen that every stakeholder of the society is

required to deliver his/her role towards maintaining unity and peace in the

society. It is not under dispute that the discharge of responsibilities of each

stakeholder is different from the other. Therefore, the Committee thought it

to be helpful to customize recommendations to the State Government which

takes policy decisions, Department of Police, which primarily implements and

most importantly the Public, whose vigilance is imperative to avert any kind

of riots and mishaps.

Recommendations to the State Government.

1. All damages to the public and private properties, must be

recovered by the culprits. Speedy confiscation of the property of the

culprits and severe punishment to them will go a long way in preventing

such incidents in the future.

2. Since this is a clear case of atrocity on Scheduled caste families

and deliberate attack on Government men and machinery, the

Government should make all the possible efforts to ensure that the bail

is not granted to the accused. They should be made to be kept

permanently at the out stationed jails to avoid any local influence by

the miscreants.

3. A detailed investigation on how rioters were able to mobilize

weapons, petrol bombs in a short span of time and the nature training

given to them must be conducted. Raids must be conducted on other

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

such sensitive localities in the state to prevent any such riots in the

state in future.

4. PFI must be banned & close monitoring of activities of SDPI must

be continued. Not only banning, but a thorough investigation to be

conducted on funding model of these organizations, criminal activities

of the activists linked these organizations, links of these organizations

with the terrorist organizations and religious extremist organizations

across the country and outside the country.

5. Withdrawal of old cases, on criminals and activists of extremist

organizations like PFI and SDPI, by Governments must be stopped. This

withdrawal of cases emboldens criminals to indulge in further criminal

activities without fear. In such cases, where it found that the cases were

closed during the tenure of the Previous Government of the accused in

these FIRs, such cases must be reopened by the orders of the State.

6. The Government must form a committee to study the source of

religious extremism in the state and come up with measures to curb

the same. This helps avoid Karnataka following the trends in Jammu

and Kashmir, West Bengal, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, where religious

extremism is growing in an uncontrolled manner. The committee may

include expert sociologists, security experts, retired police officers and

retired defense personnel having experience of handling such

challenges. The committee must also study on how other countries in

the world, have handled the religious extremism and suggest best

practices to handle effectively.

7. A mechanism to regulate and monitor the religious schools

should be established. The syllabus taught and activities conducted by

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

these institutions, should be regulated by the Government. Syllabus in

these schools must be adapted to include modern mainstream

education, so that the children studying there can easily mingle in the

mainstream society and become employable.

8. A committee must be formed to study the demographic changes

happened over past few decades in major cities in the state. The

committee must provide recommendations to the Government to

control the rapid demographic changes leading to demographic

imbalance, which might cause similar riots in many other cities in the


9. Role of illegal immigrants should be investigated in the rioting. It is

important to note that many locals including the MLA had repeatedly

mentioned that there were outsiders among the rioters, who were

unknown to the locals. This raises question about involvement of illegal

immigrants like Rohingyas or Bangladeshis. All such illegal immigrants

must be identified and deported to their home country.

10. Government must implement confidence building measures to

restore the lost confidence among common man in Kavalbyrasandra

locality. This helps them to continue staying there. Else, we may see an

exodus in the local residents in the years to come. Similar step needs

to be taken in other cities where many families are facing social

exclusion due to religious intolerance and living in fear.

11. Unauthorized places of prayer and public address systems

should be removed across the state.

12. It should be made mandatory for all religious places like prayer

halls and places of worships to give details of people who reside there.

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

And any person found residing permanently or temporarily, apart from

those listed, should be detained and enquired by the police.

13. Scientific measures should be followed while giving permission to

new places of worship and religious schools in any given locality. A

detailed assessment of the demography of the area, possibility of

increase in religious extremism, social and security impacts should be

made before giving permission.

14. Drug mafia in Bengaluru city to be curbed with iron hand. This

will help reduce the criminal activities and cuts the funding source of

the criminal network.

15. Political intervention in Police posting & closure of police of cases

must be stopped. Independent systems like State Security Commission

can be set up to bring independence in Police department. Police with

doubtful integrity should not be posted in sensitive zones.

16. Police must be given unhindered access to religious places and

continuous online monitoring should be done as there have been

instances where the sanctity of religious institutions has been misused

to store bombs and weapons.

17. With the abolition of Section 66A of Information Technology Act,

2000, a mechanism has to be evolved to prevent and prosecute

derogatory, abusive and hate content regarding any religion, race, class,

organization or sect of people.

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

Recommendations to Police department:

1. Police officers should carry out random check of ID cards of

people in sensitive areas and those who fail to produce valid documents

or oppose should be dealt strictly.

2. Police should start neighborhood watch committees and regular

meetings with those committees to gather info on ground realities.

3. Intelligence gathering mechanism must be upgraded in

communally sensitive places.

4. Hyper sensitive Police stations should have younger policemen to

handle situations boldly.

5. Strength (manpower) in all Metro city police station to be

enhanced. Today, very meager numbers are deployed in city stations.

6. Three shifts of duties to be implemented with adequate manpower

in all Metro city limits.

7. A tenure of two years to be fixed to PI, ACPs & DCPs in all metro


8. Metro city police should have dedicated Counter Intelligence (CI )

cells. CI teams have to be extensively deployed to track every miscreant

who indulge in communal violence particularly to track religious

extremist outfits like PFI. (Telangana Police have successfully developed

counter intelligence cell. Other Metro cities can emulate them)

9. Police must to initiate a Police Cyber Dome to monitor and control

over social media & including blocking of all such exchanges & jamming

internet facilities when required.

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

10. Striking Force (SF) at present consists mostly of aged persons. SF

should have youngsters below the age of 30 years. They should be well

equipped with Riot gears. They must also be given adequate Commando


11. This type of incidents may re-occur anytime anywhere in the

country. To handle such incidents, there should be a Standard

Operating Procedure (SOP) in sensitive Police station limits.

12. It is recommended that the Police should also look into the flow

of funds for such activities. The responsible organization, association

or individuals must be brought under continuous financial scrutiny so

as to avert such incidents.

13. The Police must also carry out a study about potential areas

where similar riots are likely to take place. A short-term and long-term

strategy has to be evolved to address the potential threat.

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

Recommendations to the General public:

1. Have phone numbers of your nearest Police station / Inspector /

Corporator or any other public representative handy at all times

2. As a responsible citizen, alert the police and administration at the

first instance of noticing trouble or illegal gathering or mischief by anti-

social elements

3. Report suspicious activities in your vicinity / houses / religious

places to the police as soon as possible

4. Keep yourself updated about national, international events and

news that can affect our lives in any manner. Educate others about the


5. Keep yourself updated about events, public speeches and rallies

in your surroundings. Report anti-national and hate speech by religious

extremists to the authorities.

6. Try to be part of RWAs / Citizen groups / forums in your locality

and keep yourself updated about the happenings there

7. Keep a watch on social media. Report inflammatory social-media

posts / content to the appropriate authorities immediately

8. Be responsible in posting content or commenting to posts on

Social Media. Avoid inflammatory and religiously hurtful content.

To sum up the entire observations and recommendations, it can be said that

the riots were a part of meticulously designed plan and were carried out

targeting the Government with the support of certain prominent individuals

and organizations. There is a likelihood that such incidents could be planned

elsewhere in the country also. It is alarming to see that the pattern that is

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

emerging all over the world with respect to riots being lead by the

fundamentalists among Muslims is similar to one another be it Bengaluru,

Delhi or Sweden. Therefore, it is necessary to further hone intelligence

generation system at various levels to monitor such activities and curb them

before they are successful in radicalizing a majority among them to stand

against universal humanitarian values of unity, peace and brotherhood.

Thanking you

Shri. Shrikant Damodar Babaladi

Retd. District Judge and
Chairman, Fact -Finding Committee
Citizens For Democracy


Shri. M. Madan Gopal

IAS (Retd) Dr. M. N. Krishnamurthy
Former Additoonal Chief Secretary, Retd. Director General of Police,
Government of Karnataka Kerala

Dr. R. Raju Dr. J. P. Prakash

IFS, (Retd) Former IRS Officer
Former Addl. PCCF
Government of Karnataka

Shri. R.K.Mattoo
Dr. M Jayappa Senior Journalist
Professor Editor, Spade A Spade

Fact Finding Committee Report on
Bengaluru Riots – August 2020

Shri. Santosh Thammaiah

Shri. H. M. Muniraju Journalist
Social Worker Editor,
Hosa Diganta Kannada Newspaper

Shri. Jerome Anto Smt. Kshama Nargund Banavathy

Social Worker Advocate

Dr. H .T. Aravind



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