Using Mineral Chemistry To Aid Exploration: A Case Study From The Resolution Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit, Arizona
Using Mineral Chemistry To Aid Exploration: A Case Study From The Resolution Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit, Arizona
Using Mineral Chemistry To Aid Exploration: A Case Study From The Resolution Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit, Arizona
The giant, high-grade Resolution porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in the Superior district of Arizona is hosted in Pro-
terozoic and Paleozoic basement and in an overlying Cretaceous volcaniclastic breccia and sandstone package.
Resolution has a central domain of potassic alteration that extends more than 1 km outboard of the ore zone,
overlapping with a propylitic halo characterized by epidote, chlorite, and pyrite that is particularly well devel-
oped in the Laramide volcaniclastic rocks and Proterozoic dolerite sills. The potassic and propylitic assemblages
were overprinted in the upper parts of the deposit by intense phyllic and advanced argillic alteration. The
district was disrupted by Tertiary Basin and Range extension, and the fault block containing Resolution and its
Cretaceous host succession was buried under thick mid-Miocene dacitic volcanic cover, obscuring the geologic,
geophysical, and geochemical footprint of the deposit.
To test the potential of propylitic mineral chemistry analyses to aid in the detection of concealed porphyry
deposits, a blind test was conducted using a suite of epidote-chlorite ± pyrite-altered Laramide volcaniclastic
rocks and Proterozoic dolerites collected from the propylitic halo, with samples taken from two domains located
to the north and south and above the Resolution ore zone. Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass
spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) data of epidote provided indications of deposit fertility and proximity. Competition
for chalcophile elements (As, Sb, Pb) between coexisting pyrite and epidote grains led to a subdued As-Sb fer-
tility response in epidote, consistent with epidote collected between 0.7 and 1.5 km from the center of a large
porphyry deposit. Temperature-sensitive trace elements in chlorite provided coherent spatial zonation patterns,
implying a heat source centered at depth between the two sample clusters, and application of chlorite proximi-
tor calculations based on LA-ICP-MS analyses provided a precisely defined drill target in this location in three
dimensions. Drilling of this target would have resulted in the discovery of Resolution, confirming that epidote
and chlorite mineral chemistry can potentially add value to porphyry exploration under cover.
Introduction tions, society’s demand for this metal increases annually. This
Human civilization produced as much copper over the past creates a strong imperative for mineral exploration to deliver
25 years (1993–2018) as it did over the entire previous history new copper resources.
of industrial activity (Pietrzyk and Tora, 2018; U.S. Geological Most of the world’s copper, together with significant gold
Survey, 2019). With significant growth in global population, and molybdenum, is recovered from porphyry ore deposits,
technological advancement, urbanization, and copper’s grow- making them one of the most sought-after ore deposit types
ing importance as a green metal for renewable energy solu- (Sillitoe, 2010). With maturing exploration in the world’s ma-
jor porphyry copper provinces (e.g., Chile, Arizona, Papua
New Guinea), porphyry exploration has been transitioning
†Corresponding author: e-mail, [email protected] from the quest for outcropping or near-surface (open pittable)
*Current address: Freeport McMoRan Exploration Australasia, Level 4, 80 ores to more deeply buried resources. This presents consider-
Petrie Terrace, Brisbane, Queensland 4000, Australia. able challenges to exploration and requires significant inno-
**Current address: Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, vation (Holliday and Cooke, 2007). There have been several
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado 80401, USA.
***Current address: Key Laboratory of Mineralogy and Metallogeny, Guang-
significant success stories of porphyry discoveries under cover
zhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guang- in the past three decades, including Ridgeway (New South
zhou, Guangdong 510640, China. Wales), Pebble East (Alaska), Cukaru Peki (Serbia), Hugo
ISSN 0361-0128; doi:10.5382/econgeo.4735; 28 p.
Digital appendices are available in the online Supplements section. 1
Gila conglomerate
Apache Leap tuff
Early Tertiary volcanic rocks
Whitetail conglomerate
Dacite porphyry
Quartz diorite
Naco Formation
Escabrosa limestone
Martin Formation
Bolsa quartzite
Major, minor faults,
Troy quartzite major underground
Dolerite sills faults
Apache basalt Mineralization
Mescal limestone projected to surface
Dripping Spring Major, minor
quartzite epithermal vein
Pioneer shale Auriferous jasperoids
Pinal schist Past producing mine
Grandfather lead Sample location
Fig. 2. Geology of the Superior district, compiled from Peterson (1969), Spencer and Reynolds (1989), Hehnke et al. (2012),
and Phillips (2019), including the locations of past-producing mines and major undeveloped orebodies. Red dots represent
sample locations. Abbreviations: AF = Anxiety fault, CF = Concentrator fault, CSF = Conley Springs fault, DCF = Devils
Canyon fault, LSA = Lake Superior and Arizona mine, MF = Main fault, NBF = North Boundary fault, SBF = South Bound-
ary fault, WBF = West Boundary fault.
Gila conglomerate
Tertiary basalt
Picketpost Mountain volcanic rocks
Apache Leap tuff
Early Tertiary volcanic rocks
Whitetail conglomerate
Pioneer shale
Pinal schist
Fig. 3. Schematic stratigraphic column of the Superior district. Modified after D.F. Hammer (pers. commun., 1973) and
Phillips (2019). Abbreviations: Cam = Cambrian, Dev = Devonian, Miss = Mississippian, Penn = Pennsylvanian.
of Resolution (Fig. 2). Apache Group sedimentation and vol- the emplacement of a series of dolerite sills into the Apache
canism commenced with the deposition of the Pioneer shale, Group sedimentary rocks (Figs. 2, 3). The dolerites are
and continued with the Drippings Springs quartzite, Mescal composed chiefly of fine- to coarse-grained plagioclase and
limestone, and Apache basalt (Short et al., 1943; Shride, 1967; pyroxene with ophitic to subophitic textures (Fig. 4A-D).
McConnell, 1975; Wrucke, 1989). These units are overlain U-Pb dating of zircon and baddeleyite by Bright et al. (2014)
by the Mesoproterozoic Troy quartzite, which is interpreted constrained dolerite emplacement between 1110 and 1075
to be synorogenic detritus derived from the Grenville orogen Ma, coeval with the development of the North American
(Mulder et al., 2017). Midcontinent rift, which is host to Ni-Cu-platinum group
Extensive mafic magmatism affected the Superior district element (PGE) mineralization (Heaman et al., 2007; Miller
and the broader region during the Mesoproterozoic, with et al., 2013).
Fig. 4. Samples of propylitic- and potassic-altered rocks from the southern cluster of Resolution blind test samples, including
the shallowest northern sample. Images A, C, E, G, I, and K show polished ~1-cm-thick slab faces, whereas images B, D, F,
H, J, and L are the corresponding unpolished and sodium cobaltinitrite-stained back sides of each sample, respectively. The
stained samples are shown as mirror images to allow ease of comparison between each image pair. (A, B) Sample 10046363:
Medium- to coarse-grained Proterozoic dolerite with patchy epidote-calcite alteration of magmatic plagioclase and chlorite-
pyrite alteration of magmatic pyroxene. Staining has highlighted the selective moderate K-feldspar alteration of plagioclase
in image B that was not apparent in image A. (C, D) Sample 10046364: Medium- to coarse-grained Proterozoic dolerite
with patchy epidote-calcite after plagioclase and chlorite after pyroxene. Staining revealed selective moderate K-feldspar
alteration of plagioclase. This sample lacks pyrite. (E, F) Sample 10046360: Matrix-rich polymict lithic breccia with angular
to rounded clasts of quartz-hornblende-plagioclase-phyric dacite and minor andesite and mudstone clasts. Selective epidote
alteration has affected the clasts and plagioclase crystal fragments, whereas chlorite-pyrite alteration has affected the matrix.
Staining highlights intense K-feldspar alteration of the matrix, smaller clasts, and plagioclase crystals, but only the outer rind
of the outsized (9 cm diam) dacite clast on the left side of the images was altered to K-feldspar. (G, H) Sample 10046361:
Crystal-lithic-rich volcaniclastic breccia with selective epidote alteration of plagioclase crystals, chlorite-pyrite alteration of
hornblende, and intense, selective K-feldspar alteration of the matrix and smaller clasts. (I, J) Sample 10046362: Matrix-rich
polymict lithic breccia with patchy epidote-chlorite-pyrite-hematite-calcite alteration and abundant 2- to 3-mm disseminated
pyrite cubes. Intense, pervasive K-feldspar alteration has affected the matrix and many clasts. (K, L) Sample 10046353:
Pebbly crystal-lithic sandstone with weak, selective epidote-chlorite-hematite-calcite alteration of andesitic lithic clasts and
plagioclase crystals. Staining revealed only rare K-feldspar crystals (magmatic?). This sample lacks pyrite. Abbreviations: cal
= calcite, chl = chlorite, ep = epidote, Kf = K-feldspar, py = pyrite.
A sequence of Paleozoic carbonates and quartzites uncon- manto-style carbonate replacement mineralization at Magma
formably overlie the Mesoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic (Paul and Knight, 1995; Friehauf, 1998; Friehauf and Pareja,
rocks of the Superior district (Fig. 3). The Cambrian Bolsa 1998) and also host high-grade skarn mineralization at Reso-
quartzite and limestones of the Devonian Martin Formation, lution (Hehnke et al., 2012; McCarrel, 2012).
Mississippian Escabrosa limestone, and Pennsylvanian Naco Cretaceous rocks are poorly exposed in the Superior district.
Formation are well exposed at progressively higher eleva- A Late Cretaceous quartz diorite stock and dacite porphyry
tions in the Range Front (Fig. 2; Short et al., 1943; Friehauf crops out at the Silver King mine to the northwest of the Magma
and Pareja, 1998; Schwartz, 2007) and provide evidence for a mine (Fig. 2). An unexposed sequence of Late Cretaceous to
protracted history of shallow marine sedimentation in the Pa- early Tertiary andesitic to dacitic volcaniclastic and pyroclastic
leozoic. The Paleozoic carbonate rocks are important hosts to rocks occupy a half graben to the east of the Range Front—this
package hosts the upper part of Resolution (Fig. 5; Schott, position. Late-stage latite to rhyolite porphyry dikes cut the
1994) and was not known until intersected by underground volcaniclastic sequence.
drilling from Magma in 1959 (D.F. Hammer, pers. com- The range front to the east of Superior exposes a thick pack-
mun., 2011; Phillips, 2019). The basal quartzose sandstone is age of middle to late Tertiary volcanic rocks that unconform-
overlain by a thick package of volcanic sandstones and brec- ably overlie the Proterozoic, Paleozoic, and Cretaceous se-
cias (Fig. 6) that are mostly andesitic to rhyodacitic in com- quences and completely obscure the presence of Resolution
Fig. 6. Samples of propylitic-, potassic-, and phyllic-altered rocks from the northern drill hole (RT006). Images A, C, E, G, I,
and K show polished slabs, whereas images B, D, F, H, J, and L are the corresponding unpolished and sodium cobaltinitrite-
stained back sides of each sample, respectively. The stained samples are shown as mirror images to allow ease of comparison
between each image pair. (A, B) Sample 10046354: Matrix-rich polymict lithic breccia with epidote-chlorite-hematite-calcite
alteration of the matrix, some small clasts, and the outer rind of the outsized (7 cm diam) clast. Staining revealed intense,
pervasive K-feldspar alteration of the large clast and selective K-feldspar alteration of the matrix and some small clasts
and crystal fragments. (C, D) Sample 10046355: Plagioclase-hornblende crystal-lithic tuff cut by chalcopyrite veinlets with
biotite-K-feldspar alteration halos. Selective epidote-chlorite-pyrite alteration of clasts and some plagioclase and hornblende
crystals. (E, F) Sample 10046356: Polymict lithic breccia cut by discontinuous epidote veinlet with K-feldspar alteration
halo. Some clasts have been pervasively and intensely altered to epidote, and some have intense to moderate K-feldspar
alteration. The matrix has undergone moderate chlorite-pyrite alteration. (G, H) Sample 10046357: Intense K-feldspar and
patchy epidote-chlorite-pyrite alteration of polymict lithic crystal-rich breccia. A quartz-chalcopyrite-pyrite veinlet with a
muscovite-pyrite alteration halo dusted by late halloysite has an outer K-feldspar halo, suggesting that an early potassic vein
was reopened during phyllic alteration and then overprinted by late argillic alteration. (I, J) Sample 10046358: Crystal-rich
volcaniclastic breccia cut by quartz-pyrite ± chalcopyrite veins with intense muscovite-halloysite alteration halos. The larger
vein has an intense outer K-feldspar halo, suggesting reopening of a potassic stage vein. Away from the larger vein, the sample
has undergone intense to moderate K-feldspar-biotite alteration and patchy epidote-chlorite-pyrite alteration. (K, L) Sample
10046359: Polymict lithic breccia cut by numerous quartz-pyrite veinlets with muscovite-pyrite alteration halos dusted by
late-stage halloysite. Some of the larger quartz-pyrite veins have outer halos of K-feldspar-chalcopyrite. Larger clasts have
rinds of K-feldspar alteration, and some clasts have undergone patchy epidote-chlorite-pyrite alteration. Abbreviations: bi =
biotite, cal = calcite, chl = chlorite, ep = epidote, Kf = K-feldspar, ms = muscovite, py = pyrite.
(Figs. 2, 5). The sequence consists of the basal Whitetail con- Middle to late Tertiary Basin and Range extension disrupted
glomerate (locally >1.5 km thick), Haunted Canyon Volcanics, the Superior district significantly and influenced Tertiary vol-
Apache Leap tuff (~500 m thick; Fig. 5), Tertiary basalt, and canism and sedimentation (Fig. 2). Deposition of the Whitetail
the Gila conglomerate (Hehnke et al., 2012; Phillips, 2019). conglomerate was localized within a half graben by the Devils
The Apache Leap tuff defines most of the volcanic plateau Canyon fault. This major extensional fault is inferred to have
that crops out to the east of Superior (Fig. 2). facilitated block rotation during Tertiary Basin and Range ex-
tension, resulting in almost 2 km of down-to-the-west displace- 2001; Winant, 2010; Hehnke et al., 2012). A late-stage, high-
ment that caused the fault block hosting Resolution to rotate sulfidation-state mineral assemblage of bornite-chalcocite-di-
approximately 25° east-northeast postmineralization (Hehnke genite-pyrite associated with sericite-kaolinite caused further
et al., 2012). North- to NW-trending normal faults further hypogene upgrading of the Resolution ore zone (Hehnke et
disrupted the Superior district in the Tertiary and Quaternary al., 2012). The productivity of early- and late-stage hydrother-
(Fig. 2). The Concentrator fault, which bounds the western mal activity at Resolution was a major contributing factor to
side of the Range Front (Fig. 1), is inferred to have a vertical the size and grade of the hypogene resource (Schwartz, 2010).
displacement of almost 1.3 km (Phillips, 2019). Mineralization at Resolution is strongly protolith dependent,
with the best copper grades developed in reactive rocks (lime-
Resolution Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit stone, dolerite, volcaniclastic breccia) and lower grades in non-
The giant, high-grade Resolution porphyry Cu-Mo deposit is to weakly reactive rock types (quartzite, quartzose sandstone,
located 5 km east of Superior, Arizona, USA (Fig. 2). It was felsic intrusions; Hehnke et al., 2012). Within the ore zone,
discovered by Magma Copper Co. and BHP Billiton via un- defined by the 1% Cu shell, chalcopyrite is the dominant cop-
derground and surface drilling in an exploration campaign per sulfide (~65%). Although Cu and Mo are well correlated at
that ran from 1994 to 1998 (Manske and Paul, 2002). Between the deposit scale, they typically decouple at the outcrop scale
2001 and 2003, Kennecott Exploration Co. delineated the (Hehnke et al., 2012), with molybdenite occurring primarily
porphyry resource at a depth of more than 1,300 m below sur- on the margins of straight-sided quartz veins (B veins of Gus-
face. The project is now managed by Resolution Copper Min- tafson and Hunt, 1975). Molybdenite has an average grade of
ing LLC and is owned 55% by Resolution Copper Company 370 ppm within the ore zone (Hehnke et al., 2012).
and 45% by BHP Copper Inc. Although its size has not been
fully defined, the deposit is characterized by consistent grades Methods
of >1% Cu mineralization above an elevation of 750 m below Rio Tinto Exploration submitted 12 drill core samples of
sea level, in suitable host rocks (e.g., highly reactive dolerites propylitic-altered Cretaceous volcaniclastic rocks and Pro-
and limestones and permeable breccias). The orebody ex- terozoic dolerite to AMIRA project P765A as a blind test of
tends at least 2 km in an east-northeast direction and 1.5 km the green rock mineral chemistry techniques. These samples
in a north-northwest direction (Fig. 2) and is locally greater were provided with internally consistent sample coordinates,
than 500 m thick (Fig. 5). Significant but lower-grade miner- but the actual coordinates were changed by Rio Tinto Explo-
alization extends beyond this defined body of strong mineral- ration systematically for the blind test to obscure the location
ization. The total inferred resource is 1.787 billion tonnes at a of the ore deposit. Seven samples came from one deep drill
grade of 1.53% Cu and 0.039% Mo (Rio Tinto, 2018). hole (RT006), whereas the remaining five samples came from
Resolution had a protracted and productive history of hy- a cluster of drill holes ~2 km south of RT006 (Fig. 1). Tables
drothermal activity (Schwartz, 2010). A central domain of in- 1 and 2 report the real-world UTM coordinates and drill hole
tense, pervasive to incipient potassic alteration was estimated information for all 12 samples. Sample locations are plotted
by Hehnke et al. (2012) to have affected an area of 5 km3 (2 × on Figures 1 and 2.
2.5 × 1 km) between the northern and southern half-graben- Sample splits were submitted for whole-rock geochemical
bounding faults. Biotite is the dominant potassic alteration analysis by Rio Tinto Exploration to ACME Analytical Labo-
mineral in mafic rock units (Schwartz, 2010), but hydrother- ratories Ltd. in Vancouver, Canada. Samples were jaw crushed
mal K-feldspar is abundant in more felsic rock types (Hehnke to 70% passing 10 mesh (2 mm); a 250-g aliquot was riffle split
et al., 2012). Chalcopyrite was the dominant copper sulfide and pulverized to 95% passing 150 mesh (100 µm) in a mild-
precipitated during potassic alteration. steel, ring-and-puck mill. Then 0.2 g of powdered sample
The potassic core of the deposit is surrounded by an extensive were fused in a graphite crucible with 1.5 g of LiBO2/LiB4O7
domain of propylitic alteration (the “green rock environment”; flux at 980°C for 30 min and then dissolved in 5% HNO3.
Cooke et al., 2014) dominated by epidote and chlorite that was Major elements were determined using a Jarrel Ash Atom-
preferentially developed in the mafic to felsic volcanic, volcani- Comp Model 975/Spectro Ciros Vision ICP-emission spec-
clastic, and intrusive rocks (Phillips, 2019). The pyrite halo to trograph and are reported in Table 1. Trace elements were
the Resolution deposit extends beyond the potassic core into analyzed using a Perkin-Elmer Elan 6000 or 9000 ICP-mass
the propylitic halo, with sulfide abundances increasing strongly spectrometer and are reported in Table 2 and Appendix Table
inward toward the deposit center (Hehnke et al., 2012). A1. For both major and trace elements, calibration standards,
A late-stage phyllic (quartz-sericite-pyrite) alteration as- verification standards, and reagent blanks were included in
semblage has overprinted deep-seated potassic and peripher- the sample sequence. Reported detection limits for the major
al propylitic-altered rocks and extends for hundreds of meters elements are <0.04 wt % and <0.5 ppm for most of the trace
upward above the ore zone through the Cretaceous volcanic elements but <0.05 ppm for rare earth elements (REEs).
sandstones and breccias (Hehnke et al., 2012). Within the Polished drill core slabs and 2.54-cm-diameter laser mounts
ore zone, phyllic alteration is characterized by a chalcopyrite- were analyzed at the University of Tasmania using a combina-
bornite-pyrite assemblage that caused hypogene upgrading tion of thin section petrography, SWIR, and K-feldspar stain-
of the early chalcopyrite mineralization associated with the ing; results are reported in Table 3. The drill core slabs were
potassic zone (Schwartz, 2010). Advanced argillic alteration polished to highlight mineralogical and textural features. The
overprinted the phyllic assemblage at the top of the Resolution unpolished back side of each slab was etched with hydroflu-
orebody, producing dickite, kaolinite, topaz, alunite, zunyite, oric acid and treated with sodium cobaltinitrite using the feld-
and pyrophyllite, together with 10 to 20% pyrite (Troutman, spar staining method of Bailey and Stevens (1960) to detect
Table 1. Major Element Data (wt %) for Drill Core Samples from Resolution
1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004
Sample 6353 6354 6355 6356 6357 6358 6359 6360 6361 6362 6363 6364
DDH RT006 RT006 RT006 RT006 RT006 RT006 RT006 MB-11 MB-11A MB-11B MB-12 MB-12A
Depth (m) 1,018 1,104 1,520 1,551 1,571 1,634 1,656 906 1,148 1,137 1,206 1,068
Easting 494086 494082 494156 494169 494176 494201 494209 494532 494532 494523 494531 494539
Northing 3684427 3684420 3684338 3684324 3684316 3684286 3684275 3682756 3682756 3682536 3682446 3682411
Elevation (m) 243 154 –237 –263 –277 –328 –345 336 105 139 45 194
Unit Kvs Kvs Kvs Kvs Kvs Kvs Kvs Kvs Kvs Kvs pC pC
Major elements (wt %)
SiO2 58.61 50.74 60.50 52.77 56.98 63.56 60.02 66.24 67.21 57.53 47.60 44.82
Al2O3 17.90 13.25 14.69 17.88 16.76 14.49 16.44 13.93 14.03 15.45 14.43 13.17
Fe2O3 6.57 7.33 7.92 8.21 8.15 5.87 7.48 5.19 3.93 6.67 11.26 14.43
MgO 2.77 3.82 2.73 3.97 3.30 2.79 3.12 1.91 1.78 1.64 6.05 5.51
CaO 4.58 10.92 2.80 4.04 4.61 3.37 1.83 1.09 2.74 5.08 6.97 7.29
Na2O 3.29 1.58 0.11 3.42 2.53 1.18 0.22 0.56 3.04 0.17 2.64 2.87
K2O 1.90 2.19 6.90 5.66 3.37 4.45 4.58 6.67 3.85 7.49 3.30 1.92
TiO2 0.75 0.73 0.83 1.14 0.98 0.61 0.65 0.53 0.53 0.85 2.12 3.42
P2O5 0.22 0.16 0.28 0.29 0.22 0.17 0.20 0.13 0.13 0.30 0.36 0.50
MnO 0.12 0.23 0.19 0.14 0.17 0.11 0.11 0.38 0.28 0.49 0.32 0.48
Cr2O3 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01
LOI 3.1 8.8 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.9 4.7 2.6 2.2 4.1 4.6 5.3
Total C 0.05 1.66 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.12 0.15 0.52 0.68 0.78
Total S <0.01 0.01 0.16 0.84 0.26 1.14 2.55 0.69 0.38 0.63 0.04 0.10
Full results are provided in Appendix Table A1; UTM coordinate system WGS 84, UTM 12N
Abbreviations: DDH = diamond drill hole, Kvs = Cretaceous volcaniclastic rock, pC = Proterozoic dolerite
whether K-feldspar alteration had affected any of the samples Each sample contained hand specimen and petrographic
(Figs. 4, 6). evidence of weak to intense, selectively pervasive propylitic
SWIR analyses were collected using the CODES PIMA- alteration, where epidote has partially to totally replaced pla-
II instrument, following the protocols outlined in Chang and gioclase, hornblende, and/or lithic clasts and chlorite has al-
Yang (2012). The bandwidth of the PIMA-II is approximately tered the matrix (Figs. 4, 6). Epidote occurs as an alteration
7 nm and the spectral sampling interval is 2 nm; spectral reso- mineral in all 12 samples, and a discontinuous vein of epidote
lution in the SWIR is closer to 8 nm. Two to six spots were was present in one sample (Fig. 6E).
analyzed from each sample (Table 3). Pyrite was observed petrographically as an alteration min-
LA-ICP-MS analyses of epidote, chlorite, and pyrite grains eral in nine samples, with four of those samples also containing
were conducted at CODES Analytical Laboratories, Univer- pyrite in quartz veins with pyrite-muscovite alteration halos
sity of Tasmania. LA-ICP-MS analytical methodologies for that also have a late-stage halloysite overprint, mostly from the
epidote are provided in Cooke et al. (2014) and Ahmed et al. bottom of drill hole RT006 (Fig. 7A). The presence of pyrite
(20XX). The chlorite analytical method used is from Wilkin- veins correlates with increasing total sulfur concentrations in
son et al. (2015) and pyrite from Large et al. (2009); also see the whole-rock geochemical analyses, which increase from
Wilkinson et al. (20XX). We obtained 58 valid LA-ICP-MS <0.01 to 2.55 wt % with increasing depth in RT006 (Fig. 7A;
analyses of pyrite from seven samples (Table 4), 168 valid LA- Table 1). Chalcopyrite was observed as an alteration mineral in
ICP-MS epidote analyses from 12 samples (Table 5), and 82 the five deepest samples of RT006 and in one sample from the
valid LA-ICP-MS analyses of chlorite from 10 samples (Table southern sample cluster. Chalcopyrite was also present as vein
6), together with three epidote, one chlorite, and four pyrite fill in four samples from the bottom of RT006, coinciding with
LA-ICP-MS maps. When conducting spot analyses, multiple Cu concentrations >0.1 wt % (Fig. 7B; Table 2). At higher el-
spots were obtained from single grains if the grains were large evations, Cu contents were mostly below 100 ppm, consistent
enough. Edges of grains were avoided to ensure no contamina- with the sparse occurrence of chalcopyrite (Fig. 7B).
tion of the analyses occurred due to accidental ablation of adja- K-feldspar staining revealed that most samples have un-
cent minerals. Full analytical results are provided in Appendix dergone moderate to intense K-feldspar alteration (Figs. 4,
Tables A2 through A4 and Appendix Figures A1 and A2. 6), which was not recognized from initial hand specimen ob-
servations. Hydrothermal biotite was observed in two of the
Results deepest samples from RT006 (Fig. 6C, K).
Geology SWIR
Most of the samples analyzed are polymict lithic volcaniclastic SWIR spot analyses confirmed the visual observations of chlo-
breccias and sandstones, characterized by rounded feldspar- rite in all samples and epidote in most samples (Table 3). Epi-
hornblende-phyric andesite, dacite, and rare hematitic mud- dote was not detected in some of the darker samples, despite
stone clasts in a crystal-rich, mud- to sand-sized matrix (Figs. its obvious presence, due to limitations of the PIMA instru-
4, 6). Two of the samples are dolerites (Fig. 4A-D). ment operating under low reflectance conditions. Conversely,
Table 2. Trace Element Data (ppm) for Drill Core Samples from Resolution
1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004
Sample 6353 6354 6355 6356 6357 6358 6359 6360 6361 6362 6363 6364
DDH RT006 RT006 RT006 RT006 RT006 RT006 RT006 MB-11 MB-11A MB-11B MB-12 MB-12A
Depth (m) 1,018 1,104 1,520 1,551 1,571 1,634 1,656 906 1,148 1,137 1,206 1,068
Easting 494086 494082 494156 494169 494176 494201 494209 494532 494532 494523 494531 494539
Northing 3684427 3684420 3684338 3684324 3684316 3684286 3684275 3682756 3682756 3682536 3682446 3682411
Elevation (m) 243 154 -237 -263 -277 -328 -345 336 105 139 45 194
Unit Kvs Kvs Kvs Kvs Kvs Kvs Kvs Kvs Kvs Kvs pC pC
Trace elements (ppm)
Ag 0.058 0.050 2.470 0.129 0.229 0.893 1.267 1.169 0.312 0.172 0.309 0.319
As 1.50 1.00 1.80 1.70 0.80 1.20 0.30 0.90 2.30 4.40 1.20 1.30
Au 0.0037 0.005 0.0272 0.0145 0.0098 0.0075 0.0125 0.006 0.0075 0.0032 <0.001 <0.001
Ba 285 384 433 435 776 575 414 853 590 981 310 194
Bi 0.03 <0.01 6.79 1.2 0.95 7.32 6.21 1.12 0.38 0.07 <0.01 <0.01
Cd 0.53 0.64 <0.02 0.06 0.06 0.16 0.12 16.52 0.47 0.13 0.04 0.29
Ce 56.7 32.3 41.4 44.0 33.8 31.7 33.8 41.6 48.2 51.9 33.9 44.3
Co 11.8 19.3 9.90 20.4 18.3 17.2 15.7 13.3 8.20 10.7 32.3 36.9
Cr 4.9 17.0 5.8 2.2 14.4 13.9 10.1 17.0 21.2 8.5 89.5 123.4
Cs 1.9 0.6 2.1 6.3 2.5 3.3 4.3 3.6 2.1 4.3 4.4 1.5
Cu 1.48 11.1 2,356 53.7 349.0 1,892 3,486 304.0 84.8 30.6 58.9 99.9
Eu 1.46 0.93 1.21 1.4 1.19 0.94 1.02 0.91 1.00 1.33 1.56 2.25
La 24.9 14.7 17.4 18.9 15.5 14.5 15.7 18.4 22.1 23.6 13.4 17.1
Li 16.1 14.7 9.3 9.4 9.3 11.1 12.1 8.0 7.2 8.6 6.7 16.4
Lu 0.40 0.27 0.29 0.36 0.27 0.20 0.23 0.24 0.24 0.29 0.45 0.53
Mn 618 1,639 1,317 943 948 666 729 2,682 1,942 3,514 987 2,085
Mo 0.21 0.26 0.23 0.26 0.31 0.39 0.18 0.66 0.69 0.38 0.67 0.60
Nb 8.5 5.4 6.0 6.4 5.2 4.6 5.6 7.7 6.9 11.4 8.9 10.6
Nd 28.1 18.3 23.0 25.3 18.3 16.0 18.6 19.5 21.9 25.4 20.9 29.4
Ni 4.7 14.3 9.9 3.7 11.4 11.6 13.2 18.5 16.4 4.9 67.2 44.8
Pb 10.0 50.7 6.42 6.01 3.64 5.32 6.84 532 33.3 40.5 3.86 15.4
Rb 77.0 63.6 167.8 239.0 102.1 148.1 175.4 191.6 106.9 212.0 93.2 48.7
Sb 0.05 0.13 0.46 0.11 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.55 0.35 1.45 0.27 0.10
Sc 13 14 13 19 17 10 11 8 7 12 25 43
Se <0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.4 1.4 0.4 0.1 <0.1 0.1 0.3
Sn 2.0 <0.2 4.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 10.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0
Sr 451.4 308.8 148.0 394.1 470.7 286.5 110.0 179.9 333.8 229.6 314.3 221.5
Te <0.05 0.02 2.77 0.62 0.43 3.61 2.80 0.70 0.48 0.07 <0.05 0.02
Tl 0.05 <0.02 0.17 0.90 0.28 0.47 0.34 0.11 0.07 0.14 0.28 <0.02
U 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.5 0.8 1.7 2.8 1.7 1.4 1.6 0.6 0.6
V 83 145 108 175 160 95 106 65 60 126 184 388
W <1 0.6 79.0 3.8 4.8 16.1 43.9 11.3 3.9 5.5 1.0 4.3
Y 28.2 20.0 19.1 26.8 18.7 15.0 15.1 13.7 15.8 19.0 30.9 38.2
Yb 2.89 2.00 2.14 2.61 1.91 1.43 1.57 1.65 1.66 1.95 3.00 3.50
Zn 141 179 381 218 174 206 381 4,094 223 107 74.5 117
Zr 164 108 117 127 106 91.2 96.8 138 127 132 183 186
Full results are provided in Appendix Table A1; UTM coordinate system WGS 84, UTM 12N
Abbreviations: DDH = diamond drill hole, Kvs = Cretaceous volcaniclastic rock, pC = Proterozoic dolerite
because of a strong hyperspectral response, montmorillonite wavelengths in the 2,180- to 2,190-nm range are character-
was reported from five samples, even though it was only ob- istic of paragonite and high Al contents but were not found
served as a weak dusting of K-feldspar petrographically. in the Resolution blind test samples. The 2,200-nm wave-
The wavelengths of the AlOH absorption features of white length feature varied across the sample suite from 2,198 to
micas near 2,200 nm are related to their octahedral Al (Alvi) 2,216 nm (Fig. 7C; Table 3), with most of the data between
contents (Post and Noble, 1993). These Alvi variations are 2,205 and 2,212 nm, suggesting predominantly muscovite
accompanied by changes in Fe and Mg in the white micas compositions. Some values >2,210 nm were detected, but
due to substitutions (Scott and Yang, 1997; Yang et al., 2011). they have an erratic distribution on the section (Fig. 7C).
Following Pontual (2010), we interpret phyllosilicates with Muscovite was detected in each sample from drill hole
AlOH wavelengths of 2,200 to 2,210 nm as muscovite and RT006 and in three of the southern samples. The 2,250-nm
wavelengths of 2,216 to 2,228 nm (lower Alvi contents) as feature (which relates to chlorite and/or epidote) ranges
phengite. Intermediate wavelengths between 2,210 and from 2,247 to 2,259 nm (Table 3) and has a more consistent
2,216 nm may represent either a mixture of muscovite and spatial distribution, with higher values at higher elevations
phengite or micas with intermediate compositions. AlOH in the south (Fig. 7D). Surprisingly, halloysite was detected
Table 3. Results of K-Feldspar Staining and SWIR Analyses of Drill Core Samples from Resolution
2,200-nm 2,250-nm
Drill hole Spot Minerals detected by feature feature
Sample DDH depth (m) Host rock K-feldspar staining number SWIR analyses position position
10046353 RES 006 1,017.91– Kvs; andesitic con- Only rare K-feldspar crystals 1 Epidote, chlorite, minor 2,216
1,018.75 glomerate stained (primary?) phengite
2 Chlorite, muscovite, phen- 2,212
gite, epidote
10046354 RES 006 1,104.20– Kvs; andesitic con- Intense K-feldspar alteration 1 Chlorite, muscovite 2,206 2,254
1,105.09 glomerate of large clast and moderate 2 Epidote, chlorite 2,250
matrix alteration 3 Montmorillonite 2,209
10046355 RES 006 1,519.67– Kvs; andesitic tuff Intense K-feldspar vein halo; 1 Chlorite, kaolinite
1,520.62 patchy selective K-feldspar 2 Epidote, trace muscovite 2,207 2,249
alteration 3 Kaolinite, chlorite 2,253
10046356 RES 006 1,551.37– Kvs; andesitic tuff Intense K-feldspar halo to 1 Montmorillonite, chlorite 2,207 2,248
1,552.48 epidote vein; selective 2 Muscovite, chlorite 2,209
K-feldspar alteration of ma- 3 Montmorillonite, epidote 2,211 2,255
trix, clasts, and clast rinds 4 Epidote, chlorite, minor 2,212
muscovite and phengite
10046357 RES 006 1,570.85– Kvs; andesitic tuff Selectively pervasive; most 1 Muscovite, chlorite 2,206 2,251
1,571.89 intensely developed K- 2 Kaolinite, chlorite
feldspar in matrix 3 Epidote
10046358 RES 006 1,634.31– Kvs; reworked an- Pervasive; most intense K- 1 Muscovite, minor chlorite 2,210 2,250
1,635.18 desitic volcanics feldspar alteration outside 2 Muscovite, chlorite 2,206
the quartz-pyrite-muscovite 3 Halloysite 2,248
vein halo
10046359 RES 006 1,656.03– Kvs; reworked an- Stockwork of K-feldspar A1 Halloysite 2,247
1,657.16 desitic volcanics stringer veins with thin K- A2 Halloysite, minor chlorite 2,251
feldspar halos; some clasts A3 Halloysite, trace chlorite
have been intensely altered B1 Halloysite, minor chlorite 2,252
to K-feldspar B2 Halloysite, minor chlorite 2,248
B3 Chlorite, halloysite 2,251
10046360 MB-11 905.84– Kvs; reworked Intense, pervasive alteration 1 Epidote, chlorite, 2,208 2,249
907.18 dacitic volcanics of matrix; also rim of large montmorillonite
clast altered to K-feldspar 2 Chlorite, montmorillonite 2,207
3 Chlorite, muscovite 2,207 2,256
10046361 MB-11A 1,147.82– Kvs; reworked an- Intense, selective K-feldspar 1 Chlorite, montmorillonite 2,207 2,259
1,149.92 desitic volcanics alteration of matrix and 2 Chlorite, montmorillonite 2,207
smaller clasts
10046362 MB-11B 1,136.99– Kvs; andesitic tuff Intense, pervasive K-feldspar 1 Muscovite, trace chlorite 2,206 2,254
1,138.00 alteration of clasts and 2 Epidote
matrix 3 Epidote, trace phengite 2,216 2,253
10046363 MB-12 1,206.19– Proterozoic dolerite Selective K-feldspar altera- 1 Muscovite, trace chlorite 2,202 2,253
1,206.83 tion of plagioclase (moder- 2 Epidote 2,256
ate intensity) 3 Low reflectance
10046364 MB-12A 1,067.62– Proterozoic dolerite Selective K-feldspar altera- 1 Chlorite, montmorillonite 2,198
1,068.23 tion of plagioclase (moder- 2 Epidote, montmorillonite 2,201 2,254
ate intensity) 3 Epidote, montmorillonite 2,250
in the two deepest samples from RT006 (Table 3), where it have been affected by moderate to intense epidote-chlorite
occurs as a weak dusting on the muscovite alteration halos to alteration (Figs. 4, 6), and some have been affected by py-
quartz-pyrite veins (Fig. 6I, K). rite-muscovite and late-stage halloysite alteration (Fig. 6I,
K). Epidote-chlorite alteration has caused significant vola-
Whole-rock geochemistry tile addition in some samples (loss on ignition [LOI] values
Tables 1 and 2 summarize whole-rock geochemical data of up to 8.8 wt %; Table 1). Most of the LOI-rich samples
from the 12 blind test samples. Despite being classified still plot as least altered basalts, andesites, and dacites on the
petrographically either as dolerites or as andesitic to dacitic alteration box plot of Large et al. (2001), although pyrite-
volcaniclastic breccias and tuffs, several of the samples have muscovite alteration produces greater alteration index val-
geochemical compositions that plot in the fields of alkalic ues in some samples (Fig. 8C). Similarly, many samples plot
rocks on Figure 8A. On immobile element classification close to primary igneous rock compositions on the K/Al ver-
diagrams the samples are subalkaline, with predominantly sus Na/Al plot despite moderate to strong epidote-chlorite
basaltic to andesitic compositions (Fig. 8B), suggesting that alteration (Fig. 8D). Two samples from the bottom of RT006
the alkali signature relates to K2O addition during moderate that contain quartz-pyrite veins with muscovite vein halos
to intense K-feldspar alteration (K2O up to 7.49 wt %; Table plot near end-member muscovite (Fig. 8D). Three samples
1). In addition to K-feldspar alteration, most of the samples that contain both intense K-feldspar and epidote-chlorite al-
Table 4. Summary of Major and Trace Element LA-ICP-MS Spot Analyses of Pyrite from Resolution
10046356 494169 3684324 –263 907 5 0.069–1.20 8.09–99.8 0.060–0.610 508–2,020 1.25–70.1 19.0–76.9
10046357 494176 3684316 –277 893 10 BDL –1.42 BDL–17.6 BDL–0.057 18.5–2,180 BDL–325 BDL–94.4
10046358 494201 3684286 –328 840 10 BDL–3.16 BDL–388 BDL–0.184 161–5,090 BDL–222 BDL–11.0
10046359 494209 3684275 –345 822 10 BDL–0.107 BDL–2.46 BDL–0.002 2.58–179 0.288–45.6 BDL–5.20
10046360 494532 3682756 336 1,241 5 0.911–473 2.41–13.9 0.007–0.404 147–757 11.7–320 BDL–104
10046361 494532 3682756 105 1,077 8 0.523–14.4 163–2,600 0.018–0.482 41.7–316 2.90–157 4.46–788
10046362 494523 3682536 139 1,271 10 0.635–32.1 12.2–93.1 0.014–0.365 71.3–4,240 5.54–402 56.6–788
Minimum and maximum values and the number of analyses from each sample are provided; calculated radial distances to the center of the porphyry deposit
are also provided; all data listed in Appendix Table A2
Abbreviations: BDL = below detection limit, PCD = porphyry copper deposit
teration have K/Al values around 0.5 and very low Na/Al val- Co, Cr, and Sc, whereas the dolerite is depleted in SiO2 rela-
ues, intermediate between the K-feldspar and epidote end tive to other rock types (Tables 1, 2).
members (Fig. 8D), which is consistent with their observed Pathfinder element compositions in porphyry deposits are
alteration assemblages. typically controlled by the hydrothermal fluids (Halley et al.,
The geochemical composition of each sample for major and 2015), unless the local protolith is anomalously enriched in
some trace elements is controlled partly by the protolith and specific trace elements. Several of the trace elements that are
partly by the nature and intensity of metasomatic activity. K2O considered to be proximal pathfinders (e.g., Emmons, 1927;
contents increase with depth in RT006 (Fig. 9A), consistent Halley et al., 2015) increase in abundance with depth at Reso-
with increasing intensity of potassic alteration. Conversely, lution, including Cu (1.48–3,490 ppm; Figs. 7B, 10A), Te (be-
CaO, TiO2, and Ni are all impacted by the protolith composi- low detection limit [BDL] to 3.61 ppm; Fig. 10B), S (BDL to
tion, with high values associated with the two dolerite samples 2.55 wt %; Fig. 7A), and also Au (BDL to 27.2 ppb), Bi (BDL
and a basaltic andesite (the southernmost samples and a shal- to 7.32 ppm), Se (BDL to 1.4 ppm), Sn (BDL to 10 ppm), and
low northern sample on Fig. 9B-D, respectively). Other com- W (BDL to 79.0 ppm; Table 2). Molybdenum is normally a
ponents enriched in the dolerite include Fe2O3, MgO, P2O5, useful proximal pathfinder in porphyry deposits (e.g., Rinne
Table 5. Summary of Trace Element LA-ICP-MS Spot Analyses of Epidote from Resolution
10046353 494086 3684427 243 1,287 18 3.85–70.4 BDL BDL 0.969–25.7 153–1,780 1,045–9,636
10046354 494082 3684420 154 1,227 14 3.13–58.3 BDL–0.084 BDL 0.422–60.7 142–992 633–4,344
10046355 494156 3684338 –237 934 6 18.9–79.7 BDL BDL–4.73 0.390–10.8 695–2,410 854–3,760
10046356 494169 3684324 –263 907 16 5.75–39.5 BDL BDL–7.85 1.04–96.3 253–4,390 1,137–3,706
10046357 494176 3684316 –277 893 14 BDL–45.9 BDL BDL–3.77 0.399–54.3 76.9–606 781–3,326
10046358 494201 3684286 –328 840 19 BDL–83.0 BDL BDL–7.61 1.16–54.0 132–593 627–3,425
10046359 494209 3684275 –345 822 33 3.88–71.7 BDL–0.010 BDL–1.72 1.47–47.8 117–950 681–5,478
10046360 494532 3682756 336 1,241 7 5.52–33.4 BDL BDL–2.50 0.036–23.6 418–925 810–3,087
10046361 494532 3682756 105 1,077 11 BDL–7.00 BDL BDL–21.9 0.270–15.2 179–864 432–4,303
10046362 494523 3682536 139 1,271 6 4.13–16.8 BDL BDL–5.78 5.74–64.1 468–3,830 5,665–7,539
10046363 494531 3682446 45 1,296 3 15.4–40.7 BDL BDL–1.48 0.451–27.5 BDL–1,370 1,102–3,332
10046364 494539 3682411 194 1,405 21 BDL–8.20 BDL–0.095 BDL BDL–9.09 46.4–929 143–3,235
Sample Mo (ppm) Pb (ppm) Sb (ppm) Sr (ppm) Sn (ppm) Ti (ppm) V (ppm) Y (ppm) Zn (ppm) Zr (ppm)
10046353 BDL–0.586 2.29–899 BDL–5.21 124–2,010 BDL–4.48 8.38–443 6.06–215 1.62–22.2 2.34–15.2 0.188–57.5
10046354 BDL–0.371 11.6–284 BDL–59.8 349–1,830 BDL–4.21 26.3–684 7.85–399 0.103–43.9 2.95–20.3 BDL–25.1
10046355 BDL–0.540 22.5–81.5 0.534–6.30 202–471 BDL–2.08 69.8–212 66.5–183 0.291–21.3 9.88–285 0.315–85.3
10046356 BDL–0.236 4.48–70.8 BDL–5.23 329–1,400 BDL–6.21 65.1–622 22.5–757 0.136–123 6.13–145 BDL–7.38
10046357 BDL 7.51–130 BDL–9.40 560–2,910 BDL–9.83 4.95–1,480 14.0–1,000 0.231–143 1.92–31.1 BDL–26.3
10046358 BDL–0.317 BDL–20.4 BDL–5.56 194–1,280 BDL–144 2.90–992 0.637–590 0.097–62.8 BDL–52.3 BDL–19.0
10046359 BDL–0.288 2.84–68.8 BDL–1.26 285–2,500 BDL–5.69 15.2–384 25.0–512 0.423–33.3 1.34–70.2 BDL–21.5
10046360 BDL–0.149 10.2–26.8 1.53–19.9 487–1,300 BDL–3.50 BDL–135 42.2–300 0.074–24.7 3.74–13.1 BDL–0.810
10046361 BDL 2.98–20.1 BDL–3.68 170–1,950 0.942–4.43 13.0–812 14.9–166 0.175–15.5 3.35–13.9 BDL–5.20
10046362 BDL–2.08 19.3–39.7 5.52–17.1 643–1,090 BDL–5.07 101–584 268–735 4.67–45.1 8.51–36.5 0.154–41.9
10046363 BDL 16.5–22.0 16.8–232 859–1,280 BDL–1.87 39.4–414 138–187 1.32–30.6 5.93–17.2 0.174–2.60
10046364 BDL–0.198 1.29–17.7 BDL–13.6 471–1,950 BDL–1.30 BDL–323 8.87–338 0.051–27.5 BDL–7.07 BDL–1.56
Minimum and maximum values and the number of analyses from each sample are provided; calculated radial distances to the center of the porphyry deposit
are also provided; all data listed in Appendix Table A3
Abbreviations: BDL = below detection limit, PCD = porphyry copper deposit
Table 4. (Cont.)
Mo Ni Pb Sb Se Sn Te Tl Zn
Sample (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
10046356 BDL–0.107 1.33–6.85 3.01–53.9 0.095–1.30 BDL–20.4 BDL–0.655 35.5–162 BDL–0.049 BDL–70.5
10046357 BDL 0.946–57.8 BDL–28.6 BDL–0.122 BDL–6.00 0.244–0.423 0.900–37.8 BDL–0.121 BDL–13.2
10046358 BDL 34.5–209 0.040–759 BDL–2.86 BDL–10.9 0.074–0.409 0.532–10,100 BDL–0.139 0.428–8.34
10046359 BDL–0.121 2.39–130 BDL–4.31 BDL–0.042 6.64–71.1 0.112–0.291 BDL–29.0 BDL–0.021 BDL–0.882
10046360 BDL–0.454 79.1–612 4.92–35.7 0.062–0.409 BDL 0.218–0.601 9.87–370 BDL–0.078 0.403–11,005
10046361 BDL–0.181 121–351 4.39–201 0.057–1.65 BDL–1.12 0.107–2.70 40.0–123 BDL–0.630 2.11–128
10046362 BDL–0.410 4.63–170 24.4–889 0.770–19.1 BDL–3.59 0.207–0.959 BDL–2.76 0.027–0.798 1.12–21.1
et al., 2018), but for the Resolution blind test sample suite, Table 2; Fig. 10E). Sericitic alteration above porphyry deposits
Mo has a subdued range from 0.18 to 0.69 ppm and shows no tends to be enriched in lithium (Chaffee, 1982a, b; Halley et
significant spatial variations (Table 2). al., 2015). The blind test samples show subtle increases in lithi-
Trace elements that are considered distal pathfinder ele- um with elevation in RT006 (6.7–16.4 ppm; Fig. 10C; Table 2).
ments by Emmons (1927), Chaffee (1982a, b), and Halley et
al. (2015) are typically rich at shallower elevations in the Reso- Pyrite chemistry
lution blind test samples suite (e.g., Mn 618–3,514 ppm; Zn A total of 58 LA-ICP-MS spot analyses of pyrite were obtained
74.5–4,094 ppm; Sb 0.05–1.45 ppm; Fig. 10D-F), as are Pb from seven samples (Table 4; App. Table A2), along with four
(3.64–531.9 ppm) and As (0.3–4.4 ppm; Table 2). The shallow- LA-ICP-MS maps that highlight pyrite trace element de-
est sample from the southern sample cluster is anomalously portment (Figs. 11, 12; App. Fig. A1). There is considerable
enriched in both Zn and Pb (4.094 ppm Zn, 531.9 ppm Pb; variability in the concentrations of individual trace elements
Table 6. Summary of Major and Trace Element LA-ICP-MS Spot Analyses of Chlorite from Resolution
10046353 494086 3684427 243 1,018 11 10.1–10.9 BDL BDL–20.5 BDL–7.32 100–124 BDL–10.7
10046354 494082 3684420 154 1,104 13 10.1–10.5 BDL BDL–8.53 1.85–7.48 95.3–130 BDL–5.69
10046357 494176 3684316 –277 1,571 11 10.1–10.7 BDL–1.23 BDL–6.60 0.963–2.66 26.1–56.9 BDL–55.0
10046358 494201 3684286 –328 1,634 4 10.7–11.2 BDL BDL–5.36 1.10–6.17 6.03–10.2 14.5–43.9
10046359 494209 3684275 –345 1,656 16 10.6–11.3 BDL BDL–7.91 BDL–4.86 3.57–63.2 11.3–70.2
10046360 494532 3682756 336 906 3 10.9 BDL BDL 14.1–15.8 53.4–60.1 23.7–24.8
10046361 494532 3682756 105 1,148 6 10.2–10.5 BDL–1.33 BDL 11.9–31.9 14.9–35.3 BDL–94.1
10046363 494531 3682446 45 1,206 2 9.19 BDL BDL 3.25–5.00 138–142 3.11–3.90
10046364 494539 3682411 194 1,068 16 9.22–9.46 BDL–2.12 BDL–8.70 BDL–3.21 93.9–121 BDL–120
Cu Fe La Li Mg Mn Na Ni Pb
Sample (ppm) (wt %) (ppm) (ppm) (wt %) (wt %) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
10046353 2.26–28.4 21.1–25.3 BDL–0.229 BDL–147 12.5–15.1 0.426–0.490 70.5–438 30.1–47.7 BDL–4.11
10046354 44.7–113 21.9 –26.4 BDL–0.223 56.3–75.9 11.6–12.7 0.544–0.611 60.9–437 35.9–95.1 49.3–105
10046357 BDL–1.06 14.2–21.7 BDL 19.9–40.3 13.0–14.4 0.387–0.478 BDL–61.1 11.3–58.9 BDL–0.274
10046358 0.780–1.60 15.9–16.8 BDL–0.272 39.1–41.0 14.7–16.1 0.455–0.522 15.6–35.7 43.4–55.8 BDL–0.437
10046359 BDL–5.91 14.4–17.9 BDL–0.035 34.2–44.6 12.1–15.2 0.363–0.492 BDL–507 54.4–103 BDL–0.289
10046360 BDL–3.54 15.1–15.9 BDL–0.179 79.1–93.1 12.5–12.8 1.76–2.14 24.9–47.8 199–232 0.580–1.14
10046361 BDL–1.50 13.7–16.3 BDL–0.036 72.0–79.0 14.1–14.9 1.56–1.84 31.2–79.0 218–279 0.380–0.501
10046363 BDL 23.4–24.1 BDL 20.3–22.9 12.7–13.2 0.213–0.220 108–152 293–321 0.161–0.253
10046364 BDL–1.60 27.0–32.1 BDL–0.290 41.7–71.1 9.20–11.3 0.231–0.289 BDL–404 93.0–149 BDL–0.315
Sb Si Sn Sr Ti V Y Zn Zr
Sample (ppm) (wt %) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
10046353 BDL 13.7–16.7 BDL–2.80 BDL–32.7 BDL–233 44.7–104 BDL–0.219 922–1,740 BDL–1.18
10046354 BDL–0.204 12.9–18.4 BDL–2.14 4.06–19.4 41.4–64.2 130–217 BDL–0.408 1,900–3,130 BDL–1.95
10046357 BDL 13.6–15.6 BDL–1.45 BDL–1.72 173–272 81.3–233 BDL–0.582 805–950 BDL–0.690
10046358 BDL–0.228 14.4–16.8 BDL–2.51 BDL–7.92 BDL–517 125–148 BDL–1.52 1,040–1,140 BDL
10046359 BDL 12.5–17.7 BDL–0.812 BDL–8.79 BDL–763 130–245 BDL–0.966 895–1,320 BDL–0.307
10046360 BDL–0.208 13.6–14.7 0.810–0.833 5.10–7.87 128–151 154–168 0.915–1.31 1,770–1,970 0.224–0.357
10046361 BDL 14.3–15.8 BDL–1.33 4.19–10.2 119–215 201–229 0.819–1.33 1,740–2,020 BDL–0.354
10046363 BDL–0.287 14.9–15.6 0.707–0.802 5.84–7.62 64.7–74.5 251–269 0.162–0.279 352–359 0.136–0.453
10046364 BDL–0.312 12.9–17.1 BDL–0.881 BDL–7.43 37.1–128 398–535 BDL–1.79 375–469 BDL–0.872
Minimum and maximum values and the number of analyses from each sample are provided; calculated radial distances to the center of the porphyry deposit
are also provided; all data listed in Appendix Table A4
Abbreviations: BDL = below detection limit, PCD = porphyry copper deposit
Fig. 7. Spatial distribution of pyrite, chalcopyrite, and selected SWIR results on section 494300 E (looking west). Section
trace shown on Figure 1. (A) Pyrite occurrences in altered rocks and veins. Also shown are total sulfur contents (wt %) for
each sample (data listed in Table 1). Total sulfur increases markedly toward the bottom of RT006, coincident with an increase
in abundance of pyrite veins. (B) Spatial distribution of chalcopyrite, observed in veins and/or alteration halos, together with
copper concentrations (ppm) for each sample (data listed in Table 2). Copper concentrations increase markedly toward the
bottom of RT006, coincident with an increase in abundance of chalcopyrite-bearing veins. (C) SWIR results: 2,200-nm feature
positions for muscovite and/or phengite-bearing spot analyses (data listed in Table 3). (D) SWIR results: 2,250-nm
feature positions, highlighting variations in chlorite compositions (data listed in Table 3). Bins defined based on natural breaks.
within and between grains, but overall the most abundant were determined in epidote from Resolution, including Mn,
trace elements substituted into the pyrite crystal lattice are Sr, Mg, Ti, and V (Table 5), consistent with analyses from
Co and Ni, with concentrations typically in the ranges of tens other porphyry deposits (Cooke et al., 2014; Ahmed et al.,
to thousands of parts per million (Table 4; Figs. 11, 12). Oth- 20XX; Baker et al., 20XX; Pacey et al., 20XXa; Wilkinson et
er elements present in elevated concentrations in the pyrite al., 20XX). Important distal pathfinder elements in whole
crystal lattice include As, Se, Cu, Pb, Te, Zn, and Sb. Low rock that substitute into epidote with concentrations typi-
concentrations of Ag, Bi, Sn, Au, and Tl (<1–10 ppm) were cally in the range of 10 to 100 ppm include As, Sb, Pb, Zn,
also detectable in many spot analyses and laser maps (Table 4; and Mn. Proximal pathfinder elements in whole rock such as
Figs. 11, 12). Silicate and oxide inclusions locally contributed Au, Cu, Mo, and Sn mostly have concentrations in epidote
to high concentrations of Mg, Al, Mn, and Ti within individual below the detection limits of the LA-ICP-MS (Table 5; Figs.
pyrite grains, and small inclusions of Ag-rich sphalerite and a 13, 14). Other trace elements in epidote from Resolution
Bi-telluride were detected during single spot analyses of two that were commonly detected with concentrations of one to
pyrite grains (App. Fig. A1). Growth zones are well defined by hundreds of parts per million include K, Na, light REEs, and
Co, Ni, and As in the pyrite cube shown in Figure 11, with Au, Zr (Table 5; App. Table A3). When considered spatially, epi-
Ag, Cu, Bi, Pb, and Te relatively rich in the Co-As–rich core dote from the shallowest samples in the northern drill hole
and poor in the Ni-rich rim. RT006 are enriched in distal pathfinder elements such as
LA-ICP-MS spot analyses were conducted on cores and Mn, As, and Pb relative to epidote samples from the south-
rims of four pyrite samples from the deep northern groups of ern sample cluster and the deeper parts of drill hole RT006
samples (e.g., Fig. 12) and three from the southern domain (Fig. 13E, J, K).
(e.g., Fig. 11). Overall, pyrite grains from the southern domain
are enriched in Sn, Mn, As, Pb, Sb, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ag, Au, and Tl Chlorite chemistry
relative to the deep northern pyrite grains, which are relatively A total of 82 valid LA-ICP-MS spot analyses of chlorite were
enriched in Co and Se (Fig. 13; Table 4; App. Table A2). obtained from 10 samples (Table 6; App. Table A4), along
with one LA-ICP-MS map (App. Fig. A3). Although the com-
Epidote chemistry position of chlorite is dominated by Fe, Si, Al, and Mg, several
LA-ICP-MS spot analyses of epidote yielded 168 valid analy- trace elements are present in high concentrations (i.e., tens to
ses from 12 samples (Table 5; App. Table A3). Additionally, thousands of ppm) in the Resolution samples, specifically Mn,
three LA-ICP-MS maps were generated to illustrate trace Zn, V, Ti, Ca, K, Li, Ga, Co, Cr, Na, and Ni (Table 6). These
element deportment in epidote (App. Fig. A2). Significant results are consistent with the findings from the Batu Hijau
concentrations (tens to thousands of ppm) of trace elements porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Indonesia (Wilkinson et al., 2015),
and from El Teniente, Chile (Wilkinson et al., 20XX). Other elements that decrease systematically with distance from the
trace elements that were typically detected at concentra- porphyry deposit are divided by those that increase system-
tions <10 ppm and/or were primarily below detection limits atically with distance, reducing the signal-to-noise ratio in
at Resolution include Ag, As, B, Ba, Ce, Cu, La, Pb, Sn, Sr, the trace element data and providing a proxy for distance
U, Y, and Zr (Table 6). Laser mapping of a chlorite grain to deposit center. Figure 15G through J shows four chlo-
revealed homogeneous trace element distributions (App. rite proximitor ratios for Resolution (Ti/Sr, Ti/Li, Ti/Co, Ti/
Fig. A3), in contrast to the significant intragrain variability Mn). All four ratios increase systematically with depth in the
of some of the trace elements hosted in pyrite and epidote Resolution sample suite.
(Figs. 11, 12; App. Fig. A2).
There are strong spatial controls on the trace element Discussion
composition of chlorite at Resolution. Titanium contents The purpose of this blind test was to determine if the pres-
increase with increasing depth (Fig. 15A), whereas the con- ence and potential significance of a concealed porphyry de-
centrations of Li, Sr, Pb, and Co decrease with increasing posit could be detected from a limited, unevenly distributed
depth (Fig. 15B-E). Wilkinson et al. (2015) proposed a series sample suite of propylitic-altered rocks. As the blind test was
of trace element proximitor ratios for chlorite from the Batu conducted without the knowledge that the sample suite was
Hijau deposit, Indonesia, where the concentrations of trace collected peripheral to Resolution, this discussion addresses
Fig. 8. Whole-rock geochemistry of blind test samples from the Superior district. (A) K2O versus SiO2 plot with fields for low-,
medium-, and high-K calc-alkaline rocks and shoshonites modified from Peccerillo and Taylor (1976) and Rickwood (1989).
(B) Immobile trace element volcanic rock classification (Pearce, 1996). (C) Alteration box plot (Large et al., 2001). CCPI
= chlorite-calcite-pyrite index. (D) Feldspar Na-K general element ratio diagram (K/Al vs. Na/Al molar ratio plot) adapted
from Stanley and Madeisky (1996). Symbols on panels C and D are scaled based on loss on ignition (LOI) concentrations as
a proxy for hydrous alteration, with large symbols indicating high LOI values (maximum of 8.8 wt % LOI) and small symbols
indicative of low values (minimum of 2.2 wt %). All data listed in Tables 1 and 2.
Fig. 9. Spatial variations in whole-rock geochemical data on section 494300 E (looking west). (A) K2O (wt %). (B) CaO (wt %).
(C) TiO2 (wt %). (D) Ni (ppm). All data listed in Tables 1 and 2. Bins defined based on natural breaks. Section trace shown
on Figure 1.
Fig. 10. Spatial variations in whole-rock geochemical data (selected pathfinder elements) on section 494300 E (looking west).
(A) Cu (ppm). (B) Te (ppm). (C) Li (ppm). (D) Mn (ppm). (E) Zn (ppm). (F) Sb (ppm). All data listed in Table 2. Bins defined
based on natural breaks.
Fig. 11. LA-ICP-MS maps showing trace element deportments in a pyrite cube from an epidote-chlorite-pyrite– and K-feld-
spar–altered Cretaceous matrix-rich polymict lithic breccia (sample 10046362; Fig. 4I; Table 3). The pyrite cube is hosted in
a chlorite– and K-feldspar–altered matrix. (A) 24Mg. (B) 27Al. (C) 29Si. (D) 39K. (E) 49Ti. (F) 51V. (G) 55Mn. (H) 57Fe. (I) 59Co.
(J) 60Ni. (K) 65Cu. (L) 66Zn. (M) 75As. (N) 77Se. (O) 95Mo. (P) 107Ag. (Q) 125Te. (R) 182W. (S) 195Pt. (T) 197Au. (U) 208Pb. (V) 209Bi.
(W) 232Th. (X) 238U. Scale bars show counts per second results for each element analyzed, with high counts corresponding to
high concentrations.
the outcomes of the geologic, SWIR, whole-rock, and mineral they could come from the inner, pyrite-bearing, propylitic
geochemistry analyses on propylitic-altered rocks of unknown alteration halo to a porphyry deposit. Four of the samples
provenance from the perspective of identifying whether they contained chalcopyrite-bearing veins, mostly from the bot-
were collected proximal to a giant, high-grade porphyry Cu- tom of RT006, where anomalous Cu (up to 0.35%) and S (up
Mo deposit. This allows us to demonstrate whether mineral to 2.6%) were detected (Figs. 7A, B, 10A). These features
chemistry can potentially add value to exploration in the green are consistent with increasing proximity to a porphyry de-
rock environment. posit center at depth.
The results of K-feldspar staining (Figs. 4, 6) highlighted
Insights from geology, SWIR, and whole-rock geochemistry a widespread spatial distribution of potassic alteration com-
The pyrite halo to most porphyry deposits extends laterally prising a rock volume much larger than previously recog-
from the potassic-altered core of the deposit outward 1 to nized during exploration. These results could imply either
2 km from the deposit thermal center and defines an inner that the blind test was dealing with a giant porphyry deposit
zone in the broader propylitic halo (Holliday and Cooke, with potassic alteration extending laterally over >2 km or
2007; Cooke et al., 2014, 2020). Pyrite and chalcopyrite were that there was more than one smaller magmatic-hydrother-
observed as vein-fill and/or alteration minerals in many of mal center, producing two clusters of K-feldspar alteration
the propylitically altered blind test samples, implying that separated by ~2 km.
by Jason K. Dunning
Fig. 13. Tukey box plot comparisons of pyrite and epidote LA-ICP-MS data (ppm), showing median (dot), mean (horizontal
line within the box), 25th percentile and 75th percentile results, and far outliers. Results have been grouped and color coded
based on three spatial domains: (1) southern sample cluster (blue), 48 epidote and 23 pyrite analyses; (2) deep northern clus-
ter (red), 88 epidote and 35 pyrite analyses; (3) shallow northern cluster (green), 32 epidote analyses. There is no pyrite in the
shallow northern cluster of samples. Pyrite data are presented in A-C and G-I. The epidote data are presented in panels D-F
and J-L, immediately below the corresponding pyrite graphs for comparative purposes. (A) Co in pyrite. (B) Sn in pyrite. (C)
Mn in pyrite. (D) Co in epidote. (E) Sn in epidote. (F) Mn in epidote. (G) As in pyrite. (H) Pb in pyrite. (I) Sb in pyrite. (J) As
in epidote. (K) Pb in epidote. (L) Sb in epidote. Pyrite data summarized in Table 4 and listed in Appendix Table A2. Epidote
data summarized in Table 5 and listed in Appendix Table A3. Blue = southern samples, red = deep northern samples, green
= shallow northern samples, circles = outliers, triangles = far outliers. Abbreviations: ep = epidote, py = pyrite.
Pyrite veins with muscovite halos overprinted the epidote- 7D) is consistent with the findings of Neal et al. (2018) at
chlorite–altered volcaniclastic rocks at the bottom of RT006 Batu Hijau, Indonesia. They detected higher 2,250-nm fea-
(Fig. 6G-L). Halloysite is a low-temperature clay mineral ture wavelengths from chlorite-epidote–altered samples distal
and is commonly considered a near-surface supergene alter- to Batu Hijau, with values as low as 2,243 nm characterizing
ation feature (e.g., Hedenquist et al., 1998), but it has been the center of the deposit. The spatial variations of 2,250-nm
detected at considerable depths in some porphyry systems values at Resolution imply a hydrothermal center at depth,
where it is inferred to have a hypogene origin (e.g., Kyne if the SWIR responses are behaving in the same fashion as
et al., 2013; Jansen et al., 2017). The presence of halloysite detected at Batu Hijau.
in the deepest samples from drill hole RT006 at Resolution To summarize, from the perspective of a blind test assess-
(Table 3; Fig. 6G-L), therefore, provides evidence of late- ment, collectively, the mineralogical, whole-rock geochemi-
stage low-temperature acidic fluids, presumably of magmat- cal, and SWIR data provide encouragement that the samples
ic-hydrothermal origin. Muscovite implies higher-tempera- come from the propylitic halo to a porphyry deposit. The
ture moderately acidic conditions and typically occurs in an abundance of potassic alteration and sulfides and the pres-
alteration plume above a porphyry deposit center (e.g., Hal- ence of overprinting quartz-pyrite veins with muscovite alter-
ley et al., 2015) but can also be telescoped onto the potassic ation halos imply proximity to a porphyry deposit center, and
core of a deposit (Sillitoe, 2010). if part of a single hydrothermal system, then the large spatial
Concerning the SWIR data, the pattern of decreasing extent of K-feldspar alteration provides encouragement that
2,250-nm values with increasing depth at Resolution (Fig. the system may be a giant.
Fig. 14. Spatial variations in average epidote trace element compositions on section 494300 E (looking west). (A) As (ppm).
(B) Sb (ppm). (C) Pb (ppm). (D) Mn (ppm). (E) Sn (ppm). (F) La (ppm). Epidote LA-ICP-MS data summarized in Table 5
and listed in Appendix Table A3. Bins defined based on natural breaks.
Epidote vectoring from Resolution to data sets from several porphyry systems, in-
The trace element chemistry of epidote varies with distance cluding the giant El Teniente, Rosario, Ujina, and Quebrada
from porphyry deposits (Cooke et al., 2014). Epidote from lo- Blanca Cu-Mo deposits, Chile (Baker et al, 20XX; Wilkinson
cations proximal to a porphyry deposit center is comparatively et al., 20XX); the giant Batu Hijau porphyry Cu-Au deposit,
depleted in As, Sb, and Pb relative to epidote from more distal Indonesia; and small porphyry Cu-Au deposits at Black Moun-
locations and contains traces of detectable Cu, Mo, Sn, Bi, tain, Philippines (Cooke et al., 2014), and E48 and E26, Aus-
light REEs, and Zr (Cooke et al., 2014). tralia (Pacey et al., 20XXa, b), along with data for metamorphic
Figure 16 is a compilation of epidote trace element chem- epidote from andesites of the central Chile porphyry province,
istry from several giant and small porphyry Cu deposits. The amphibolite facies orthogneisses of the Harts Range, and meta-
epidote data from Resolution are comparable to the range andesites of the greenschist facies Georgetown inlier, Australia
of trace element concentrations analyzed from epidotes col- (Baker et al., 2017). Overall, epidote from the giant porphyry
lected within 0.7 to 1.5 km of a porphyry deposit center, con- deposits is characterized by As and Sb contents that are one
sistent with the conclusion that the blind test samples are all or more orders of magnitude greater than epidote from small
relatively proximal. porphyry deposits. Baker et al. (2017) showed that metamor-
phic epidote is characterized by very low As and Sb (commonly
Epidote fertility assessment below detection limits), low Mn, and high Yb and can be read-
Cooke et al. (2014) speculated that the largest porphyry depos- ily discriminated from porphyry epidote in most cases (Fig. 17;
its flux the most metals and argued that this is recorded in the also see Wilkinson et al., 20XX).
trace element geochemistry of the distal propylitic alteration Overall, epidote from Resolution has lesser pathfinder ele-
minerals, with greater distal pathfinder metal contents detected ment contents than epidote from the giant porphyry Cu-Mo
in epidote peripheral to larger deposits, providing a potential deposits shown in Figure 17. Instead, the range of metal con-
fertility assessment tool for explorers. This relationship is high- tents in epidote is comparable to the giant Batu Hijau porphy-
lighted in Figure 17, which compares epidote LA-ICP-MS data ry Cu-Au deposit and/or to the several small porphyry Cu-Au
Fig. 15. Spatial variations in chlorite trace element compositions and proximitor ratios on section 494300 E (looking west).
(A) Ti (ppm). (B) Li (ppm). (C) Sr (ppm). (D) Pb (ppm). (E) Co (ppm). (F) Mn (ppm). (G) Ti/Sr. (H) Ti/Li. (I) Ti/Co. (J) Ti/
Mn. Chlorite LA-ICP-MS data summarized in Table 6 and listed in Appendix Table A4. Bins defined based on natural breaks.
Sb (ppm)
Pb (ppm)
U (ppm)
Distance from deposit center (km) Distance from deposit center (km)
Fig. 16. Tukey box plots showing a compilation of epidote LA-ICP-MS data from selected porphyry deposits plotted as a func-
tion of distance from the ore deposit center, with data divided into color bins based on 10 equal ranges (avg of 220 analyses per
bin). (A) As in epidote. (B) Sb in epidote. (C) Pb in epidote. (D) U in epidote. At distances greater than 1 km from the deposit
centers, there are systematic increases with distance for As, Sb, and Pb contents of epidote, whereas U increases slightly over
the first few hundred meters out from the center and then plateaus. Also shown are epidote data from the Resolution blind
site (black fill, right-hand side of each graph). The Resolution data are mostly comparable to epidote collected from between
0.7 and 1.5 km from the deposit center. Data sources: El Teniente from Wilkinson et al. (20XX; 610 analyses), Quebrada
Blanca, Ujina, and Rosario from Baker et al. (20XX; 291, 189 and 154 analyses, respectively), Batu Hijau from Wilkinson et al.
(2015; 255 analyses); Black Mountain from Cooke et al. (2014; 272 analyses); Endeavour 48 and Endeavour 26 from Pacey et
al. (20XXa; 286 and 248 analyses, respectively), metamorphic epidote from Baker et al. (2017; 75 analyses); Resolution (Table
5; App. Table A3; 374 analyses). Abbreviation: epi = epidote.
deposits shown. From a fertility assessment perspective, these As, and Pb relative to epidote, and the coexisting epidote is en-
data could be interpreted to indicate that the blind test sam- riched in Sn and Mn relative to pyrite.
ples come from a small porphyry system. Fertility assessments Figure 18 compares the As and Sb contents of epidote from
using epidote chemistry may be compromised, however, by Resolution to data from several porphyry deposits, including
limited sample coverage. Ideally, sampling needs to extend giant Cu-Mo (El Teniente, Collahuasi district), giant Cu-Au
to background, so that all geochemical domains around the (Batu Hijau), small Cu-Au (Black Mountain, E48, E26), and
porphyry system are analyzed, including the proximal sulfide- metamorphic epidote. Distal epidote samples from the giant
bearing and distal sulfide-deficient domains. The coexistence Cu-Mo systems locally have epidote with extreme As and Sb
of pyrite and epidote and the widespread occurrence of K- contents (>1,000 ppm). High As and Sb in epidote are there-
feldspar alteration in many of the Resolution samples pro- fore considered strong indicators of a district’s fertility with
vided for the blind test suggest that they are mostly proximal regards to the potential for the presence of a giant porphyry
samples. Because sampling did not extend far beyond the po- deposit (Fig. 18). Distal epidote from small porphyry depos-
tassic and pyrite halos, it is therefore unlikely to have reached its typically has As and Sb contents in the range of 10 to
the geochemical background. 100 ppm, which is the same range as proximal epidotes from
Cooke et al. (2014) noted that there are geochemical do- giant porphyry deposits (Fig. 18). Metamorphic epidote
mains in the propylitic halo to porphyry deposits where compe- plots in the bottom left corner of Figure 18, with many anal-
tition for trace elements occurs between coprecipitating min- yses not plotting, because Sb is below detection limits. The
eral phases. Chalcophile elements such as As and Sb are more Resolution blind test epidotes plot in the lower left part of
likely to be incorporated into pyrite than epidote when these the porphyry data cloud and therefore could be interpreted
minerals coprecipitate, resulting in an inner pyrite-bearing do- as epidote collected from either close to a giant porphyry
main of epidote depleted in As and Sb and a distal pyrite-absent deposit or distal to a small porphyry deposit (Fig. 18). The
domain of epidote enriched in As and Sb. Figure 13 shows that former interpretation was preferred in this case, given the
where pyrite and epidote coexist in the blind test sample suite, coexistence of epidote and pyrite in many of the samples,
pyrite is strongly enriched in chalcophile elements such as Co, the observations of widespread K-feldspar and chalcopyrite
Sb (ppm)
Pb (ppm)
Mn (wt%) LEGEND
El Teniente Black Mountain
Yb (ppm)
Ujina Endeavor 26
Rosario Metamorphic
Fig. 17. Tukey box plots comparing epidote LA-ICP-MS data from giant porphyry Cu-Mo deposits (El Teniente, Wilkinson et
al., 20XX; Quebrada Blanca, Ujina, and Rosario, Baker et al., 20XX), giant porphyry Cu-Au (Batu Hijau, Wilkinson et al., 2015),
small porphyry Cu-Au (Black Mountain from Cooke et al., 2014; Endeavour 48 and Endeavour 26 from Pacey et al., 20XXa),
metamorphic epidote (Baker et al., 2017), and Resolution (Table 5; App. Table A3). (A) As in epidote. (B) Sb in epidote. (C)
Pb in epidote. (D) Mn in epidote. (E) Yb in epidote. Abbreviations: epi = epidote, m/m = metamorphic, Res = Resolution.
alteration, and increasing Cu contents toward the bottom of source. A simple approach to portraying the results of proxim-
DDH RT006 (Fig. 7B). itor calculations in two dimensions (assuming isotropic condi-
tions) is to plot a circle surrounding the sample location, with
Chlorite vectoring the radius of the circle equating to the calculated distance to
Figure 15 illustrates that chlorite compositions at Resolution the deposit center (Fig. 19).
vary systematically with depth. Titanium substitutes into the Applying the Ti/Sr chlorite proximitor equation for Batu
chlorite crystal structure at high temperatures (Wilkinson et Hijau of Wilkinson et al. (2015) to the blind test sample suite
al., 2015), and the greatest titanium contents occur in the gave a coherent result, precisely locating Resolution at depth
deepest drill hole samples in both the northern and south- between the two sample clusters, with a target defined in an
ern clusters. Many of the distal pathfinder elements (e.g., Pb, area of approximately 400-m width, with spatial coordinates
Mn, Li), along with other trace elements such as Sr and Co, centered on 4683375 N and 494300 E (Fig. 19). After re-
are abundant in chlorite samples from the highest elevations vealing this result to Rio Tinto Exploration, they confirmed
(Fig. 15B-F) and are interpreted to have been incorporated the success of the blind test in locating the ore deposit by
into chlorite at lower temperatures and/or from less acidic and generating Figure 20, which shows the location of the blind
more reduced fluids. Chlorite proximitor ratios, developed for test target relative to the location of the ore zone on section
Batu Hijau by Wilkinson et al. (2015), all increase systemati- 494300 E.
cally with depth at Resolution (Fig. 15G-J). The chlorite proximitor of Wilkinson et al. (2015) is consid-
Chlorite proximitor calculations enable prediction of the ered to detect the center of the thermal anomaly associated
distance to the center of the thermal anomaly associated with with a porphyry ore system, and this is an important factor to
an intrusive complex (Wilkinson et al., 2015). Those distances consider when assessing why the chlorite data pinpointed a
can be in any direction, and so it is necessary to combine dis- location central to, but below, the Resolution ore zone (Fig.
tance estimates from multiple samples to pinpoint the heat 20). The center of the thermal anomaly in a porphyry system
Fig. 18. As-Sb data cloud of epidote LA-ICP-MS data from selected giant and small porphyry copper deposits (gray circles).
Also shown are epidote data from the Resolution blind test (red circles) and metamorphic epidote (blue circles). Resolution
epidote has As and Sb contents consistent with either proximity to a giant porphyry deposit or distal to a small porphyry.
Abbreviation: PCDs = porphyry copper deposits. Data sources: El Teniente from Wilkinson et al. (20XX), Quebrada Blanca,
Ujina, and Rosario from Baker et al. (20XX), Batu Hijau from Wilkinson et al. (2015), Black Mountain from Cooke et al.
(2014), Endeavour 48 and Endeavour 26 from Pacey et al. (20XXa), metamorphic epidote from Baker et al. (2017), Resolu-
tion (Table 5; App. Table A3).
Fig. 19. Calculated distances to the center of the porphyry system in the Resolution blind test based on LA-ICP-MS analyses
of chlorite and application of the Batu Hijau Ti/Sr proximitor (Wilkinson et al., 2015). X = distance to deposit center. Samples
with no chlorite data are shown with an x symbol. The calculated distances from each sample are shown as a dashed circle
with the same color as the sample point. The proximitor results converge on an area between the two sample clusters, with
spatial coordinates centered on 4683375 mN and 494300 mE, as highlighted by the large red circle—this is the predicted drill
target from the Resolution blind test.
Fig. 20. Results of the Resolution blind test plotted on section 494300 m E together with drill hole and sample locations, the
outline of the 1% Cu shell, alteration domains as mapped by Resolution Copper Mining, and the drill target from the chlorite
proximitor (large red circle) as shown in Figure 19. Cross section provided courtesy of Rio Tinto Exploration. Abbreviations:
AA = advanced argillic alteration, carb = carbonate, chl = chlorite, Epi = epidote, QSP = quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration.
should coincide with the porphyry intrusion or center of an vided a strong indication of proximity, helping to resolve any
intrusive complex and therefore would provide a valid target ambiguity in the epidote fertility assessment by providing addi-
in X-Y coordinates. However, the thermal maximum to which tional confidence in the interpretation that the subdued As-Sb
the mineral chemistry is responding is likely to be related to response of epidote was due to proximity. Together, the two
magmatic temperatures and therefore would be located be- minerals gave indications of the fertility of the system from 12
neath the ore zone, because copper sulfides precipitate pri- samples and provided a robust drill target located between the
marily in response to declining fluid temperatures, mainly two clusters of drill holes and at elevations several hundred
between 450° and 300°C (e.g., Landtwing et al., 2005, 2010). meters below the deepest analyzed sample (Fig. 19). In a real-
Other factors that can influence the successful application of world situation, drilling of this mineral chemistry target would
the chlorite proximitor are the size of the thermal anomaly, have led to the discovery of the Resolution orebody (Fig. 20).
which can be influenced both by the size and geometry of the Rio Tinto Exploration has subsequently conducted a duplicate
intrusive complex/thermal anomaly, and the orientation of the blind test of the Resolution result, using their own samples and
sample suite relative to the intrusive complex. In this case, it in-house analytical laboratories, and confirmed the blind test
appears that a similar thermal gradient characterizes Reso- result. Their testing has provided further confidence in LA-
lution and Batu Hijau (consistent with their similar resource ICP-MS mineral chemistry as a tool for detecting the subtle,
tonnages and ore zone dimensions; cf. Wilkinson et al., 2015), low-level hypogene geochemical anomalies preserved in pro-
and so the Batu Hijau proximitor is an appropriate calibration pylitic minerals distal to porphyry centers and provides further
for the Resolution blind test suite. Importantly, the Resolu- validation of their applicability to porphyry exploration.
tion blind test was fortuitously optimized by Rio Tinto Explo-
ration by providing a sample transect that passed directly over Conclusions
the ore zone (Fig. 2). A more tangential traverse would have The Resolution blind site test highlights the potential for
led to a subdued, more difficult to interpret, proximitor result. mineral chemistry analyses to augment insights gained from
The combination epidote and chlorite mineral geochemis- routine geologic and geochemical analyses in porphyry explo-
try was beneficial at Resolution because the chlorite data pro- ration in the green rock environment. As the Resolution blind
test samples were taken mostly from within the pyrite halo of Baker, M., Cooke, D.R., Hollings, P., and Piquer, J., 2017, Identification of
the porphyry deposit, the epidote data were not as effective hydrothermal alteration related to mineralisation using epidote mineral
chemistry: Society of Geology Applied to Ore Deposits SGA), Biennial
at highlighting fertility of this system as in other cases, due to Conference, 14th, Quebec, 2017, Proceedings, v. 3, p. 1069–1071.
the competition for distal pathfinder elements between pyrite Baker, M.J., Wilkinson, J.J., Wilkinson, C.C., Cooke, D.R. and Ireland, T.J., 20XX,
and epidote (Fig. 13). From a vectoring perspective, epidote Epidote trace element chemistry as an exploration tool: A case study from the
compositions were consistent with the samples located within Collahuasi district, northern Chile: Economic Geology, v. XXX, p. XX–XX.
Bailey, E.H., and Stevens, R.E., 1960, Selective staining of K-feldspar and
0.7 to 1.5 km of a porphyry center (Fig. 16). The chlorite prox- plagioclase on rock slabs and thin sections: American Mineralogist: Journal
imitor ratios of Wilkinson et al. (2015) gave strong, coherent of Earth and Planetary Materials, v. 45, p. 1020–1025.
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Kyser. K., 20XXa, Linking mineralogy to lithogeochemical changes and C
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der postmineralization cover, as well as in areas where outcrop district: Implications for porphyry Cu footprints: Economic Geology, v.
is limited and only the distal fringes of the alteration systems XXX, p. XX–XX.
are exposed, although challenges in data interpretation may Byrne, K., Lesage, G., Gleeson, S.A., Trumbull, R.B., Ryan, J., Kyser, K., and
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Bagdad). Epidote and chlorite LA-ICP-MS analyses have the v. XXX, p. XX–XX.
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screening with a broadly spaced sample distribution, which K.D., Qin, K.Z., and Li, D.F., 20XX, In situ elemental and Sr isotopic char-
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ical, and geochemical exploration methods. Mineral chemis- Chaffee, M.A., 1982a, A geochemical study of the Kalamazoo porphyry
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its, southwestern United States and northern Mexico, in Titley, S.R., ed.,
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America: Tucson, University of Arizona Press, p. 297−307.
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RA International projects since 2004—P765, P765A, P1060, 107, p. 1479–1488.
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sors and other team members of that project, in particular Alan Economic Geology, v. 106, p. 1365–1398.
Goode, Adele Seymon, Jeff Hedenquist, Nic Jansen, Gabe Condie, K.C., and De Melas, J.P., 1985, The Pinal schist: An early Proterozoic
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v. 27, p. 337–356.
Sandrin Feig, and colleagues at the Central Science Labora- Cooke, D.R., Baker, M., Hollings P., Sweet, G., Chang, Z., Danyushevsky, L.,
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chemistry analyses and imaging. Adam Schwartz and Anthony advances in detecting the distal geochemical footprints of porphyry sys-
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